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About Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1898-1899 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 6, 1899)
1 SUPPLY OF . . I 1 t ; - PROVISIONS Thfe Subject of Rigid Investigation! Tfcfe Board Assembled at Washington Doa Made an Appeal to Ameriea, and Boast of Their Alleged Late Victory M. f ;.1 WVSniNTTONl Dec. 00.-4 a re sult of the issue-between general M lies and nerajl-r Esan. concerning the quality of iWf supplied the army, and n the writtejn request of" general Kgatv the war department tonight 5s . imed; a 'special order for the assrimbuQs f 1 jq board t cers In Was&ingtdu . t Thursday to -inquire! Into I lie gen- subject of the quality of-ieef sup- i L and ? oartlcularly . as to the re- tfanlij for the loss, . of , tJO,Oii Wodtf' -f "Vfi4ted .beef,- HJ!?t$il" PoHo-Ricb, wbe4 the expfeo'trtjT' deMlenral iMlk's was tkere, w f The ZfiOflHi pqtjndH of4lM'efferrciJ.f r 4o. was sn.P-iromw W Porto -KiriJH lKtthe'H3 i bid supplied bfrokeliirfftb Urosb beet, f tdken on 'th' is!aM.':Iw:tefrterate Mef made. -tbe. trifp ;i Porto IUt'0 &m lk-k, but iby the time It reached Hoa, tank point it is unierstooa, WBaw I 'spoiled i owing to j- the delay,' a4 ithe -Icoviiueut lack of refrigerating ; teil al. . f jf.M 1 1 1 r ( i.i -a irr.nof Kiin Tin"' :a The-: Kliliinnt luitta hH replM to ,th.reiirt of .qounsssioner tinnieu, wno -waf sei - o Me Pbilipplnes by tlie uoyeilniiK'nt fl tlw t'nit-l i;it-i report uii - n 4Jit:onskhcre prevajlin;;, The junta afk- the -AsWh -luted l'res"s to jiibHsh the . follow U V'.. sl reveaRn". -the true -. :ttiaton sunt i'U(iimnt in ; fini Phij ipfiJUieje'" . '"; I "VJd-ny that. AiruiuaMo will- l-o Tiijin-1 five native recrnientf. ufa couiti: in- d:.arui-l a nd' djibRaded.'1, We our-apial for dnr' Inspurt lal fitj qM'.ry by 'an able comln5lonei , an. Implore tlie American" pi-ople to ivfraiw from ainy hasty decision. , Tli Pill pitwj goternmeiit Tiew with olat;iiii . tJommlssiouer tlartlen iropo al to kuie in 'America" a hlirh proeciiTft. tjirift asialnst Philippine proiliu-ts. i r "IU:io furtVndepetl to tluj. liiitioiuiV arnV.' which 14 & completion of te' hipatiorf of iU Island of j Pafiajr. Then i no trulli iu the- rejoi tj'd -y-. tablNiiment of an opposition te;purtliir In ! Viwira ; All 'IHciabV. !p . held A?ilinaklo'9. Commission Tlie Vlb . Jplnos ae -yea ml f'r n iaeefhl kr tlemehti of all question- To their lirefhnn acr)M the ma. the PUipitf se bid j?ree 1 1 u awl ea rn?t pray-r t M with tlie.iu'w -yeaf will eonie tlie ut:iW)U of : new 4-Tn t ia-. prosjK Hits- a M l froott -fellowship with 'the fice ;iid Ivf ' ' bificent hwhW of the tn'-se-V Tftat TtMiiiirh but an i uta nt anions: tile tiit Hons, vet we are tronzi' .tffiHl tlw iifoKl iwill of the srreat Aiwiica awtion.;v' '"- ., :' '; : U conference! j'Aiiis i:posiition iun.iiix!s. H'a-rfclma' . MWberi ! ?if the nn :M--su;i Vi!II Xtett for fm$ulta-t iou it b- I VuriotM jStractui es 1 t CllH'AtJO, Iec. -9.-.V e-Mif !ren. ei r tim iu:iil of u . iirt-nie'ut! tiiM Pari.- exiwssttioa UnumissiOu lw.r i ;eeh ..diiu.t i.f i :iutuibs1oiurirlL nerali .if .SJ viv'' - - rn i. ml 'will be held .thU wok aft r all ihaveireuehed the city. The' tj'jnfer- er.oe is for the, purpo.-e ot on idiiv ux n ;the desiiins of U;e everjtl ui-l- in, t iw t'tw ti-kl l.y . the fomiH SiU.l nt raris, a weiW 4H arraujfing U s us ixilblef the detaiU of tbe J ut tire woik lof it$ wvieial uep.;rtmMi Ask Utaul ywiimiiwiiwr'. uern, AVMKlTK-anl will arrive thU sift.ti.or lie resuhed New 1 York ftvm I'atW lat 5atiuxlay. and Mivtjwttb lm a tl. the tktatls of the aaiinttueut o j u t hl tountrv. I I berej bave ln o Bismy clvat'sre by the jextoititiU an thorttiet rejrarauijs f iatx' m ' -virett-rthta. comntrr. that vach aK .r.miiik-i(u's hewhiuai r h m-r Tle 'dkurT wltieh ( nimnisMon.'r-t uer- 1 Woudwanl ball wilbJitm will Ko;tU . tlii. ou-tlou ail ilati' the iuiw Uon in a -jHifithja wheire it i-an w'ith little delay lieelh' the apprtiouiHeut of KiKe to exbil)itors.j Cou,4ulkuer-fcem'nit Woo?warxl " Ui alto, with him other importabt de jul'b fiiimM'tjon With the eoi-tloti.- He will pij'll.y. !le acntpni- d by fti'.ules" Ui Doddle, of -Wasjliiiu-tou. 'rekcutly :uidutel jdlie lor dt lb ' deiwrtMumt of l.nKricuitufe. ai)(a OnpebaMf Wt ral ntts depart , dlreeto'r of! tli lit nent. .Afajii" Pml I racketn. st -retay of lb. cviniissini; J. B. i Cauldwfil, di . rtt-tor of tle del kartment of Sre arts.; nnd Jilm t;et. d irector of the depart ment of tlie decoration -or bnihlings. will nrolxtbly arrive ttuot!row. It, is wWlil the. eoti fertile will las. for nt k!at a veeki , Mi." trtitstiouat. oi lark. t aiHxlflted y Mr. Pe'k chief rt-hltert in coniM tiou with the erec- tl-Mi of 'the . Ahiieil'n 1ttikHtts at Paris, iwill also lie pnent ar.di will KOimit certain plans .' which , lie! hc prauml. for the consideratiou of the ooDmt?ion. Mr. Peek eoys it 1 bis rwrpwe to appoint an Aoterican arch- Itot t, pnAlly a icajn man, a an associate or.M Oooetionx. and that tbe be probably will participate du oonference. .ITbe ljuildlngs for-which .desiut are now being submitted by architects of Ckicpsro. iNew York and other eidev ore tbe government betiding nl an annex to the i a ana fact nre rs bui'ding. It'I the irtirpose later to. provide-for the rw-epfKn of a forestry pavtion but tbi wilt mot be undenaKeu forborne time. .The govcrnniftit bull ling, i tb2 one' which is concerning ibe commis sion more than any other, for Itvis de sircd to have it -onspkflous as a mon ument, of jtbe ls-st architectural skilL ": officers cuds TLe American . Unseed Oil Comivny Ieparing for Bnsiuess. if i - -. ' : t." I- . New York, Der. 29. TLe name of the officers and directors of" the Amer ican Linxeed Oil Company, whi.h wa inrortjorateil at iTreo ton on December Sth. with aj capiat '.of - $:i3 .' .have' lust lieen I ami mi m-ed as follows: .'Directors,! Adrian I-arkiivA. H. Van Brunt, Francis Pattbn Jr., Gran: Xor n?jin. Mertdith llare.'Gecrge U. Da vidson and William X. Phoenix. President; 1 Gcorg? R. D.uHsod; vfrc-president, Arthur Van Brunt:-see f retarv. A.j Jl. Larkln. j lnuua:iy ijirge powers aie siren to the directors, who are .empowered, ' without the a vent or . vote of tbe fctGckboMet to make, alter, amend .ati rescl the bylaws of tbe eorp'ir- ation; to fix tlie amount to be reserved a a workiri: eapital: to authorize ' and to) cattse be executed mortgages itfpon tbe pronertv of the eoi-poiajion, and,- from time to time, to sell, a-sden, transfer Orj otherwise dispose' ef any or 411 of the .property 'of tbe .corporir .Uou. Tlije! clHirtjer ' Is exeeedingly Ul:ST IN.TIIE WOULD. i f' foreign !jjinHfHtttiirts Kingdom t bit year i.U .',. leflTn bTeate, U. of e Ter t jnillioll''Mtr4inif spent in f Orebai ) mau v fact n res, every iHnny, of ' wl i.b niiffht bavle jroae into the pockets of. Knslih r"nufa-torer! and' workerj. ,sj4nar"tlt!ijt all the, -omruQdifies 'eoiiv iprie. in" jibe list are in couipHtiihm with bom production. It Ktilii be notejl,, lsj, lhat the in- crease, in jthe imports this jvar i reivllv sreater than the I iisntttH iinJi csite foivtjhe' xc-exixH'ts have declihV'l bv "55.W.;' Now - let its oonssHej" t he reiy ,a nd srowipe disparity tetveei ' iilrrt. cud eA.ijrt.s. In the old days of fnyy land's nlotjrntins: grejittM'Ss 'tlw, TiaV' since of tirade was always- ot 'Jto otljef siilei T That 1m t. 5ay, tli eXv. oort abrupt Invariably (there .vcSls "no e.xi--puoiis, in ITS.".) jjtft-ded iitflm-' lhthftli!TLi he'-' the; I 'nttetf-V t!. wlyJec)fiit the ri?he?t?f; i n rceent'v veW t h? imports into Enjr- if latvl have exceeled" her exports, an 1. the niiiTMii-jty: tncwir-ih already M-e-tiedaus, "fs still growing.' raking toe comobre; year. .1'J7, you find that the total imports. les the reex.rorts. atinmntl (to CM1.074t, ', while the Xlorta oflhome- produce . were Only worth. 5SM19,TOSr--a disparity of t;;.vS.4.!Ml. The tilspnrity lu 1sm; W:i! .f 45.4j.1.. Tlje dispirit y win.-. le yet greater. . Already during tlie nine ninths .it has Incrrtixed, in. coiniwifojli with the nine months of last j ear, by 18.72iMfl. S , ' In coiwbision. I would point out to my readeri. as I iiilntel out n yeaij niri. that, vhile Husrland is mjirchina; leckari, her. rii ils arc niarchliijr fprwaul. For the lirst seren month'. 6f this ,year (Jprnwaiy's exports ari to . per cent creator thau last year; hH- iii.woifs art" onlr aliout S per cent greater. But the irot clamant rase 1 that of the United States, Thlr1 'XHr3?; for the. H'veu inonths wer worth wli72t!.o7l. 'ns asiaiiirst 54ii, lijjl..Vrf last year;. where-Ls tt'ielr im iiorts tin prattli-al t'Onfittation. of tle jtee trad r's tbery of an uutonatic balaim i anve. dwlntPed fpnn $"(;, S1.172, to- ,7.225.111 4j : The Ufilted Stiitos are keepiiiK the rest of the world 'out of their great bonne mar ket, fs well as forcing tbr own way rlttorioulyP into the world -market. Kini'a.t 11 Williams in Loudon MaiL liev. sint SmaJl'is now an armv clianLiiii. Has" 1 ecu. one a few days, a id be tlniiiks arfny clutplains do iiu uiiod. F loin bis OW'ti'Tlew piiut, this i. no doulrt iimect Alo from the view point ;of otlters. looking at mN Staall as a sanipb. Bat be is tlie only Siim .Sixkill Lwfm Has ever broken Into the.armv. lAa.scqn as he ge4sout he is going tolry itt)i have the station of ctMVoialn mr tne- army atmufiiea No doubt he will go t'.irotigb 'ttte eoutiry and lctnre on the sniijex t. Anil this e got to be an ormy cluiplain nl's Jieiitenant 1 lobsoh- is t, vb'ttnurf a VU4i Iterate conspin?yv: the xw i come to ksill hin-dpA7n. ler !! he is not to !Wa!uiel .-of losing bis Tbewpapprsad maga zines, as wei:is-jtbe silly gb-Is.wetv InHneiatelf. .-'rVsponibi -Jr .t?mt. Nevertheless hi''re-;Ji ; jerf:rtfi-lim-e., if not-g'rolymUrepresenteil, are n;tbinj Jnrt:- f asinine. Hob son was a hrlght' young offlccr wh- was s4gLeda diigeroiiH dntyrand irfonned it with great-jfalbi.try. He was entitled to JUfhe praise he received, thougbao one doubed tiy anr other officer in the nary,' Uncalled niioo, wxhiIiI, have sbcyBnf similar c-ourasre. Very' likely he was alsd en titled to the proiaotlon be received, but that did not rifcike bim.tbe great est naval constructor In the navy, tlie only pebble on the beach. The Nksirasna canal will place airr reou forests within reach of tlie market. It will bring ti many great wood working plants. But, after all, a larre part of the product win. CO te Batern markets by raL .The canal will juake the railroads oanbUe to give, pri n?s that wiH allow of tlus. . I I is wbi.ul. WE VIES III UTAH Congressman -Elect Roberta. Has it i Warm Fight on Hand. A MORMON OF MORMONS 1 " His Election I Reopens tlie Old Contest Over Polygamy. Efforts Beinsr Made to Prevent Robprt 9 ' from 'taken 5eat in Contrress. ' The case of BrUham II. Hoi erts. conCTVHKinan-eletft frm l.'talf, prot.i N1 to .becoioej eibrjtted. In jtbe his tory of tbe fifty-sixth citi;;reJ!. . lirlaham-U. loterts W a jlnnnon. He has three Wive, and jie liyei -wit a all of'tlieni ThK is asiliiist the l.ivt of every state in the anion, inciudiu tba Mate of Utah. NevertbeCesi- Mr ltolierts Tva .elected'! by thej demo cratic party of ; ibis district rIn Utah., and tleeliires tltat be ill take Ida? seat. Conressn!anrfoer? ":-iltobsrrta t la in'.s to have' married all tb ret' of bis wires before, the law 'p-OMliting DOlyearar- was passed. s He ; dclareK that it v.ould certainly be itid"fensr loie anu nnmansy .to :ieeix,- j any. f - tbese wonen in order to lexme.t congressman aed be iiniitoli-:itei. 'I made thesje tacrrJages"; lW Mr, ' "twenty years ig, tkefore - the ! makK'ujf of them was declan'd a;crtne.7v-UJ ' Mr.'.'ltolKtis and hl supriorlts cnju- nd that the territorial !-n.Ktp.f Jt i i i ...... . . : . . , . tioiMl' convention in l.sS,rti:l;t:l'' plural: marriages.' for themtl,lbut legalized lliosel which Ua-i b-n ; con-' tract ed in tbe past. ihhes. Wom en's tuissioinary isot-ietistipd relik-ioits organizations all ovejhe country are taking the jma.rjeu and urging that congress refiisfef s at Mr. Itob-ri-ts. There isf aprtfjfdcnjt for this, wt twenty yearjpsrf.Jlu. tl'aj-tiou t congiess with , jri-g: X to ;eorge I. Cannon, a liofj -grist; Mr. Carnoa va.s elected fitAr I te" to c-oAgres, t ut was not renvoi by that lody. y-rri.e OKbu'c; ,f 'gregatiojaal unioa" .rltii'-W-j- stroifg "r'S(Iut:ons '.iugllr. itomrts course and K'rtCwndiug'tbutjVougri ief!ie to sic eewt iiim as a tuen!el , Tiiis can I c -doncs, lurdonbtediy. -I ns: " loth the hotfte 'and vena te arc . tin? olc judges of the eligibility of tlN?!r meu -tiers. The vrronget--' protest", aii-pir-ntlv conies front.' the Prt-sby terian Whttrcb through the iiyml of I'tali and through tle WoufihV Hont" Missionary society. The Presbyter- ian sj'nod, of J'tah lias adopted the folbwinar "resolution: , ' "'For Amendment to Felernl Consti tution The; synod of Utah has taken the following actjon: : ' 'Whereas, It i known to -the monitors of thfct syno-1 fttHl to the general public tliat- polyg atny, xtun thegiilse. ifc 'celestial or plural ma rriasre.' is not .only bing taught as a fundamental tbtrine Ur ihe young pople anong tliie' letter Dav Saints, but is being oiniy prac ticed by tire Mormon, lijnclers in vio . lation of the constitution andj laws of Utah, and of thei mojst o!e Jin pr-m-.Kes Trad' to the pcop'e of thv-f-e i"nitel States by aiI leaders! There fore. 1k it resolved, fl) Ttot the'syn cd of Utah." c-OQiprisicg as It (does to' Pvate of Uiali. the latger part of lda' bo.". Jnd the western jwrtion of Wj -oming. ent'netiy urges that all peo;e every where- in ottr Qiiniry who fa yor tw. orler.i and morality at pnee !esln thei ne-esary agitatiou and ntdte lb a titeniorial to Coignns. petitioning that'; body to propose an a metnlment , to the federal constitu tion, and submit the same to the leg blatnres of tlie i. various j states, dfln hur kspal marriage as nouogamv an I forblikling polygatry mider whjatt'ver eutse It mav exist, as vnlawfol co balttation. polyandry. jxlyganiy, and. CJetial or iriural nwirriaue. Resolv ed. (2) Tlnrt tbelsyno! of Utah hereby tfiPTH'als to every prestytery in ott chnivb to overt'ure tbe next fjeneruf Ai-somblv in harmony with tbe dbove.t j. v . -ixnptr. .ioieraior. j. n, par ton. stated Clerk.f -'. , j I 1 The Mof-tm chtm-h of Ftah In this crisis remajris discretely s' Its buders are taking no, part In politics, thev say. - further than j that 'they bernJtted; Fk'er ltoberts to run foil' cofigfess, voted j for ihftted to rttni fpr j congress, voted for him. and elected him. But if the Mormon cbruch is silent the gen til dnd Mormon press of , t tab is it. Theylare going at each other hammer and tones In the Brigbam II. lurf erts tontrocTsy. Tbr gentile paper claim; that polygamy is growing tncmaerx every lay instead of dying out. and that tbe enureft is teaching andr practlttog polygamy , jnst as U did twenty years ago.. Tliey ,axmt tba t tbe eleetion of Robert i was a preconcerted plan to find out wbrtber an opeijf profession of tbe practlc? mav tie n.a'Ie asaln with Impbnlty. The Mormon papivsdy yebeniientlv that binril inarriagea are Itelnjt tiacbd nowand say rothing at all atoiiulhJ'eid'rs who cling to the nu nTdtw wives they -married ; bi'fore tlie Edminds-TtK-ker bill becEbae ' a 5'be Iresbyteriiin wmins tard of home jirfsSlons. ! with headquarters in gi&r xorK,. uas . tiegun a -: vt.orons crusade against the seating tf Mr. Itoliexts, and has sent our the fbllow JBi letter: j- ' j;Tr Friends r The Presbyterian woman's ". hoard t ' home ' imissjm earnestly calls sipoh .women of sijiid'.ar organizations y, other denoimintioiis t4jco-operae in persistent effort to ffiye information of the' danxierous grow th of . ' Mormonlsrm; - to circulate literature for this i pnrpoee; atdtn v'ew ot the specific cause foractioa at'thh ianctnre. to taiite In secorlng their personal letters- to eongresamm lof their districts, protestina: agniost the seating f Brlgham H. Boberu. tlte congressman-elect from Utah, an atowed polygan bit. whose ehiction plainly shows the defiant attitude of toe Mormons. ith the hope that earnest P ar pose ami .prompt, coucened action wi'.l aronse pnh'Jc fentim -nt. siuce ely venrs. Woar-an's Board cf Home Ml-s-k.ns Of the Pi-esltyterlan Obuicb; No. Ira; Fifth Avenue, New Ycok, Dec. I, jsvir - .. . ..-..:, A bli nvetlnjr was bkl inder ihelr direct ian in" New York c!ty iecent!y tiiid was aldreS4Hl in Tl3raus lan tftiaire Iit Kujr-ne Voting. Euttie Ybnng is a ?randoa of Brijhatn Y unsr. tt be uikes as tiery spt ecbe j.iraJaM MprnnLin as his :ranlfarh er xoade in defence of It. Mr. Yonnij niatTe ton , rather startling reyela tiohs as to the attitude tf the Mor- irh-'ii chtmh vat the present Amone othervtbinj!s be sail: tin.- -In drajrins nolyjraujy i into" th-i house of "representatives Briliara .11. . - - . . .1. .. 1 A3 . . I jioiKrt4-reireieiiis me utuiui sh?uii jnent of tte' wNde Mormpn ptpple, MoriWbhlsiu win say there,, bav lieen no plural teatriatrts siijcef iCKi,rani. that the system i dying iut. Why. 'then, did president Snow say in. ''Sep tember, 'I beliere In. the; reyelktloa to .Joseph Sniith on celestial U'ar-; fiaircs. and that iiud-r - firtaia I c r-ctimsttanc-s Iatter Day S-iiiits will b doin no, moral or reliyiou wroii lu I ra tt k-i ujf pbun t inarri a gei Y f W by dkl AiHistleW.oiilrnff iay j in : .une: :'l he lielief in lojycan-y mii'-b a pnrt of. the ilt,ru faith as it ever was?v ". t i-,. : ;l; t- "Sinl.,? .t-i H- lie; seated it would be4ifli' l;tvthias. a tiiu'mph; Sb xv ' i r u juation wnicu iuli do fn4c? ffrrkot ten bow to .bf Jihi f tu bf t hi- uatioik may one Ihiir . ! if-vorted to step oyer tlie f Juj- c X""W"'lan stjtte, j revoke its f j rr '"r;idtor.ouy. and cru-b tb j - jtViait. r bdt .11. Hobcrts was 1 irn in1 V, uies, -hni! -ii me. to this eotirttry Witbl, l -iKtlenta wbeti a small k-hil He 1 .:'!! ween id and ,"it y-ars old. a1 y3ort.' Tieavv-set man. w ith h brisfllusr mn.uiacb.. He ta:Mls . limn in tpe Mormon cmnii. Is o.e of lis preaeli crs and leaders, and has a grt'at dtal to b with managing the. property 'of the church: Bereft e BoVerts IxAiih i Mormon elder he wti.s a 1 ack mltii. ITe Iid a tttru' for i.litJifs. Was a gool .'i'ker. -and som l-eg4u 1o loal his, ehnrtdi and his p l;ticai party. Mr. KolK-rts Was a eaueb'date ( for jMisitss to years. ag and was! de-fesned- by church intlrenct. He ) ac cepted the. deniocratie' .liiom-Patioi without first constU.tlug thej lread.4 of tlie church, and thy vot-a again-it him to'-a num. and' beat--hrn.. - Sines tben the Mormon chnrcb- has nide a regulation to the effect thtit lefore entering politics- a memlier niusti ob tain iiermisslon.'cif the i-Luf'ii author ities. Mr. JUolH'i'ts n'.ide :in abject ,ijilogy to the' ck'fs for his itiub ordin-ttioh. was forgiven, atd elct te I in the last contest. i . This election of. Itobetisj.opei.s up the wli!e oleytiriu if MonooaisiuJ As th'f state -iistiuitioti of J'tabx boi staridsi the pricti-.e of jio!ygamy is .1 fc16u. When ('tab Inn-nine a Mate in 1S!H; tle iiroyisious of tbe terri loriiil c-oiistitnthm with' regard' to were aloited in tbe slate .constitution. These eatact inputs ag;insf plural marriises were made uuicT ldurcs. and were forxsed njion tiiej Mormons ly the ritiU'imls-Tiicker bill whldh risseI congress two year liefore and h'lai-ed poIygan".y unlaw. I fid fat Untied States territories. TJlw artkie with reference to polygamy in .Utah's state constitution reads; "Big amy and polygamy being considered incompatible with a republican form of ' irevemment; esich of tjustn is h r.' ly. forliidden and declared a misiie ifeawir. Anr person wlo shall jTio late this section shall, on eonvtctioi thereof, 4e punl.-hed by a tine of biot mwre than f l.itm ami iipils: nment; for a tit-tn of n b'ss than i-ix months or nV're tluin three years.-, at- tbe ,0i.-: cretion of the court." - " j : . By insertiiig this da use in" the Con? ftilutiorf Iftali eoniplied itb the: "en aliin sict.'V and was aclmbtel as ft ista tc Jan. 4. i. AOW is a sc v c n-litiins -re;sn t ite are :(ltit'rei. Ftah and she ca ri c-liange her cs.isitutln to suit -herself. aeh" tate is u"'-ir-4l t make It own inarriisre latTs. There is nothing in .the constitution of 4jf Fnited States 'nyhlch prbhSbits jsilygiMny, and there' ts -a distinct iriuraiitee of reliirloiU freedom to tall therjhabifants of the t"nlul States. Senator Hdmiunds f ,VM-nout is ?er Isnps one f the liest authorii'ies In the, country':s s-ibjict.. He f'--Iai-es that congress has no powc-r tb stvppres tbe' practice, of -p. d.vga my in Utah. becane." as beiv iudicateil. Utah is now a static omjietc-ti't j to draft a new conslitltion. .'-Three courses appear 'to lie left open: - ' :. ' First Utah miglit I deprived .of statehood. ". Sefnd--Her represent a tivosH?!eut might le Ignored by c ingress, piae--'tlcslly reducing it to the ntnk' if- a territory, aixl foreins a.-public: stnti-rai-nt in that state against plural war riaces. . -: - ; i Third The iihtitntion of the United States n ight W amend,d" by a clause prohibiting pidyaamy. : j lhW latter oouise Would Iwing up the old vexel quest bin c that otlier constitutional provlslou which jrtfar ameea freedoro of reUglc. '! PBISX DISC1PUIXE. Mr. A. X. GUliert. sipntenlent lof thi tregoa ' fenitetlary, makes j a statement In regard to prisoa' dl-c1-pline In the institution of wiilcfi bes tlie head- that b at oat troperate anil- decided. IHson discipline must tie nxUntained, first of all. says Mr. GUliert, "for tsb iTotectlon of tbe prisouer hinelf.T This statement ap ocnls so directly ; 'to cotiuiKin sense kiLl rpnton lairaanhy tit-at Jt carries nrxiof with ' it. aii-I will lie accepte K witliout' argumctiu Tlmti there are criraitKils wilio are Imliies w!eh tern 'P Mixed with for Wie sake of ptce. btit w ho owtc-kly yield to' physical forev J tway also be conceded ! without qaes thai. Thewe faxis 1m lug 8citrd, to gether witl. the c-ontroHipg faict that tbe smierintecrtent of a prison is f re-' pcntbte, and 1 so held by the jmhlk for ; the . mairtenancv I of disdplkie among tbe ootuicta juuder his ebarge. It only leonalna to be said ttiati mah who fj known , in private life ns a conux-tent- rtutable and lnteJlnt tltizni becomes ih Ws cap.uity of su- nerinlrendnt of n prison tetter cap able of Juh:iiitf of the .meam neces raiy to secure csisc-lpline in in stitution than .a the " public cettaluly belier than those who are subject to priion rules. Th s is not raying that the snptriut enJet jt of the ieidteutlary fhouM be allowtfd .the nnipiestiontsl exerefce of-artHtrary powers, sinie-dt' lelsjature-to inves tigate his n'tlbddk ami n'poTt Its liu l brcsj In the prenases, with a view t counniend or corrf-et, as oc-casiou may reqnbre; Such iavestlgatlon Sjiperin tecdeot G ilbert fourts, ajid such t he bostltotion over w hich be jiresldes-' will In dit tlire reee lv. ,Tn "the mean- time, it enouot be empltizcd too best prison disci Strotolv that thil pline (within liues .of common human ity) is "that wbicli makes the peniten- tuiry a place to be dreaded and disciision of : the shtmnrd.' If th penitentiary : shall lead to more con- intious perforiuance of t the tradi tionally iperrtmctpry inspection by a legislative eonrailitee. It will apt iiaye been in vain. -We .Wish to 'ipgonian; . Wednesda y. notice the, statenn-tvt that the ''saperiu tenlcn t of a j irion 0i) better cap.ib! e of judging of the mc oils necessary to secure discipline in that institution than the pub!Ic- certainly tietter eulvject to prison ban those wiio are rules.? Tills is .idmitteJi as a general state ment. But there lis no lotelligeut nta.n who ims even served a. sentence In the ueulteiitlarv Iiede- at ; Salejn- and sotue inteUlgent en bavesenl au.l otlt-r bateillisent iien are perving srn- tenc-es. w 1j "W ill not say 'strict lisci- p!ine is a ntHvufcity to good tiristtr goveifament; and not one in p)u who fwill ut. Mtfree t ;iat CJriKiral iHtRislt- faieait, as a tiieaiis of securttig jaficb tuiscipiiim, as a j aieceity-rratw eii idoveil In a retributive or ivvengt'fu' or w himsh'al uisi uer, I nit in a-oorre;- 'live and reforn itory ; sjdiitj I'll C-re' liitelliireni'eonvbfs are probably not tpe ant capilIc to jutlge. jbut they ajre very capable. ii ud a mong ,'the tsiosl pa Pie. m tlie Minnesota jerii.teu- tuirj" -there wa.s ckntiued a few yars azo land prolmbl former wud out he is there, yetj n aw. lie nail U'e t si hiiOil : h trn i iMt' I a lie tJuilg'.it. ::il(d U grievously." Bilt in hd si lined:, ai ost prison lie l(rcanic tractal4e and ikii n- bie to the rub"?, anil he came to have a great Intluente oer tbe otlwr cou- Ylib. One xl.iv clesiei"ateCjnan re filled io lsy a reasonable order of a prison oMIoial. 11 was again o:d r.vl a. - 1 . .. . - I - : - " . I liOlllEKiiin LARGEST CIRCULATION OF ALL . POLITICAL PAPERS IN THE WEST t Always Amcrican- THE WEEKLY INTER TH NEWS AND BEST Every Column is Bright, The Literature of its columns Is equal to that ' of the best maga zines, ft Is Interesting to I the children as well as the parents. Tpm intr ocean u a western Newspaper, and . -while it 1 fcringttolthe family THE NEWS OF THE WORLD and rives it a f readers tae best and ablest descusnons of all questions of the day, it is In full sympathy with the ideas ar.d asp'rations of Western people and diauses J bterature and fiobtics from the Western $J.0f--FRICE ONE LX3LLAR PER YEAR $ I .COr e THE DAILY AND SUNCAV EDITIONS OF THE INTER OCF Alt I AR THE BEST EVER JJTH? INTER,OCEAN5 nill " Rrfcf Dally ty mil . L " Prlos Af Dolly fcjr nisil . i. fVtc ol fwmJay by raall ... "..,.... .. 2 OO Liaity and Snaaayby mall....... JAQO !- : i - t ' i - : The Wefekly St. Louis-Globe PRICE $i A YEAR, - - i Hsued In Sern I fl Up jtE 1 HEMX3 Hie WEKK1.V is nlnsisj equal to a daily, at ti.e price week give the com of that selected tshd arrangrd as to ircserv iue. i ne pn-parsiticn or mo fws txmount pf bttsir jjnd ex)iense, and Iwoensiyeews service, or any doi States. If not in th4 ;wv.rld. ' : i THE; W EEKU1I GIXBtl DEMOCRAT; is eocaliy as pre-ndnent. I is tnorally clean, rind may 1 read or any .ramim it contains tba tae nest JFor W eech of plete In picionai pi'istranons. it omen" "Agricultural News. tl-e blcbest irradel and Its every detail. . - r. - . .. -''h- IN A WiHU me-WLEKLT GLOHI paper, prepa red and printed for Intelligent and tboogbtful people; . We1 have confident in Its ability to, spenk SAMPLE COPY, frft-e-of charge, rron rtY 3 i I--.. The DAILY GLOBE DEMOCRAT" ana stsno at tbe very Tront among tke'-WWkl.. ; . ..if I f ,,: : ;X UAlLi. IndUdlBZ SundaTi . One $1X0. I 1 ' ;;' ' . DAILY, .without Sumlar: One .oo. , . i- :s! - :; SUNDAY EDITION: .23 to 00 THE GLOBE PRINTING CO., St. Louis, Ho. BY MAIL POST tx otier. r.hen be drew an. ugly knife. tnd st 111 , refused.' He wa.s given time to dUt';flpd, still refusing, was Sio- ki'.vn.. The outlaw was a Wt- ness, and his tesilnr-fly was tjinti .it, dfs je n,t nil n ncc-esviiy p wlHiboine.) s- clpllnt. But de Not a pleasant 1 thing, i erate d ben sn require j des 'MUdies.' , ': ' j : ". :" r- iM'mte ri! If there is .to, lie a' legislitlve inves- t'.atioa itlier than a proverbially pc1 fmiciory one of the ienltentlary,j we 'n taklngf of tlie testimony of nrtre the intelligent cmnvict and eimvicts autoiur the !est.wajs lo arrive at jiwi and reaonible iconcloloiis. Xot pejt- , ty lar.nv lars:' not thievtv and fl.siy burg Isatf jaibtnrJs; but accl- . .. deinal crmijiuCda cif we are' pal'.wveAi the use f . tlie jernil. l-iug or-ibav'ng . Isvn punished for acta cknie in tbe . heat of juisskm w tin tus-o tint f com binations of circim2tan,esithat mlgat make many. tit 'man. liancHtt at beiTt iatwl ordinarily law-aWliiga vrtnittzat .V large lierceuutge jof tlie proisset bills for the coi slderatSoii of thv lcc-l-Litute at the regular seslon are; for the pun of , providing some' tnan or .meu with a job. lt.lsa wise7 p J- lejr to ; let well enough alone;' Tha ptiople voted at .the; last election, aiict at the ebvnlon before . t tat ,?ne. to kill -alT tbe useless Jobs. Ami tjiey ; 4ouhl :t lie ivlensei to have othertVatd to' tali? the places of the -tyres atiol- . Isijiedl AVhejre ; remedial bfHatim la rlly'-neede.. 'let it be provtdcjd with " a view to economy latid honety, nnl .'lot. Tot the ibno!-e f ' giting some . oiije a gol,; plate "at the l.nl4io ! 'x- othse. under t be cloak of rewrm and benefit to the -service. . ';,.;i! v lylWift ougtit -to yj'ake. HM-oice, LANDS. PATENTS. PENSIONS AND j "l-. , Jl CLAIMS. . . .;.: -I ' ,; , ' . Washington' ltw and Claims! Gom-T pahy." RiXtfna '6 arid 7, . 47J , Louisiana "1 ayenue. N. y,,' W'aMhlngton, wl4t. on j yetr reasonable terms f pi oflecutel I clrdma, biciuding mineral landsj ' and j miiea. spplfcatkwia for patents ana pen- : slons. -snl att other" c'Alms before con- g-rww, ,' ths District of Columbia J courts, j thai .several ! ayexnmerft depau-lmpnts. i tbe coctrt s of claims, and ttos suprems cobrt of the United States. ' v "i j ; . ' . .The conipaViiy will also aid lawyers,, a,t a distance, la' prepartng their cissies ; for- the . subreme court : cf the United . States, and for a - small. consideration, will furnish corespondpnta I p forma tic '1 concerning matters to Washl ng-ton' that they may desire to know, ' Serd -fpr jpir cnlars." In .':' . ,:i "Ut. ! . . j ,? . JOHN O. SLATEnrpresJdenL i fin' wrltlna please mention this peper.l . -Always Rcpub hcan : OCEAN SUPPLIES ALL CURRENT LITERATURE , a s Clean and Packed with News m standpoint. JyJJJJJjSJJ SEEN la THE WEST. - NEWS IS EXCLUSIVE. 4i 4 co per yeer, ".... Lv.i . L . 4 00 per y eer, - fl) per year per year ' 1 : 1 1 - ) - - I A Great Seml Weekly Paper. Republican in Pohtit -Weekly Section. BAXi Isn-d .In cmi-Weekly of a weekly. Trie two naners each wk front a!l tuta of the world, sd the thread of .events from Issue to in tals form Involve an 1 comprisca the most ccmiplete and cotn lar - a - yenr pobllcntloh in the Unit v :j .- i -'-;r-' f; . . i ,-,'! without contamination by all jbd raew very crtm of ttmeut llterature ani Knaranenis devoted .to TTbe Home. The Fa rd.' Garden and rjalry- sre Market Beoorts ar enrr.4 and cjom4 . .1 -. t ,r ; . DESflTllAT b 11 mmhVlAlnow for Itself. oiidS will xrbrerfirily1 mail receipt of requtt. Address- . . I . . 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