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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (July 29, 1977)
Thursday, July 29, 1977 Nyssa Gate City Journal, Nyssa, Oregon KIM ********* iMPM rç^’Hometown News pW? ♦••>Ca11 372’2233 — • .. ■ , Mr«. Mabel Piercy and Mr«. Delno Brock returned last week from a month« trip to Germany. Mr«. Piercy went to Nuremberg, Ger many where «he visited her granddaughter and husband, Mr. and Mr». Norman Batt. Mr«. Brock visited her daughter Cheryl. Mrs. Piercy was amazed at the German farms and the methods of farming. She said the scenery was very beautiful, especially the Rhine River. • • • Thursday evening Mr. and Mrs. Harold Dail joined other employees of the J. C. Watson Company at the Eastside Cafe in Ontario to celebrate the 65th birthday of the company. • • • I Mr. and Mrs. Ralph i Newberry of Jerome were weekend houseguests of their daughter and son-in-law Mr. and Mrs. Larry Black burn and family. They were joined by Larry's mother, Mr*. Marion Blackbum and all attended the Snake River Stampede in Nampa on Friday evening. The Newberry's were enroute to Alaska where , they will go on a tour. • • • • Mr. and Mrs. Frank Morgan of Paisley. Oregon are houseguests this week at the home of their cousins, Mr and Mrs. Bill Wahlert and family. • • • Mr. and Mrs. Herman Towne visited Sunday at the home of his brother and wife, Mr and Mrs. Ernest Towne in Boise and with his sister-in-law, Mr*. Helen Towne in Meridian. • • • Mr. and Mrs. Jim Crisp and family returned from a two weeks trip to Colorado. They visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arch Crisp in Walsenburg. Colorado and his brother and wife. Mr. and Mrs. David Crisp in Pueblo. Also visited were her parents Mr and Mrs. Frank Milenski and her brothers and siaters- in law. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Milenski and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Milenski all of La Junta. Colorado and her sister and husband. Mr and Mrs. Bob Burr of Walden. • • • Recent visitors in the Otis Smith home were their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Smith and famdy of Visalia. California. Everyone enjoyed several days of camping at Warm Lake. • • • Ray Bybee and daughter Shawn of Brigham City. Utah were Thursday till Sunday houseguests at the home of his mother, Mrs. Virginia Bybee. Friday dinner guest* at the Bybee home were Mr and Mrs. Owen Froerer and Sharia. Rav Bybee and Mr. and Mrs. Garry Bybee and family. Saturday night dinner guests were Mr. and Mr*. Garry Bybee and family. Ray Bybee and Shawn and Tami Bybee of Boise. -2^. , • • • Mr. George Bauer of Kennewick, Washington was a Friday overnight guest of Mrs. R. G Larson. He came to take his twin sons, Michael and Brian, home as they had spent some time with their grandmother. Friday evening dinner guests at Mrs. Lar son’s home were her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Larson and family of Nampa and the Bauers. • • • Mr. and Mrs. Reed Gyllen- skog were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Doug Gyllenskog and family in Ontario. The dinner was in honor of Doug's birthday. Doug and his family have recently moved from Eugene to Ontario. • • • Mr. and Mrs. Owen Gann were Sunday dinner guests of their daughter and husband. Mr. and Mr*. Burton Ritchie in Little Valley. • • • Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Wiley of Caldwell were Sunday callers at the Elton Clapp home. Emily Wiley is attending flag bearer com petition in Boise this week. Emily is a flag bearer for the Nyssa High School Band and Drill Team. • • • Mr. and Mr*. Harold Dail and Sharon enjoyed the weekend camping at Pine Creek. • • • Don and Becky Bates were called to Pocatello July 20 to attend his brother's funeral. Harley S. Bates, 59. passed away on July 17 in Bounti ful. Utah, from a heart condition. The Bates' re turned to Nyssa on Thursday. July 21. • • • Mr. and Mrs. Juri Peet, nee Teresa Haburchak, of Eugene were Saturday over night guests at the home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Haburchak. Katherine Haburchak is visiting at the home of her sister and brother-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. Richard (Mary) Kline in Chicago for ten days. • • • Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Garry Bybee were Mr. and Mrs. Owen Froerer and family and Mrs. Virginia Bybee. The occasion was the celebration of Todd's 9th birthday. On Monday the Garry Bybee family. Mrs. Virginia Bybee and Sharia Foerer enjoyed the evening at the Chalet in Caidwell. • • • • Bring Results! One Only of Each Size Price 4,200 CFM Coaler Coolor Save ‘209” ‘50 ‘249” ‘60 6,000 BTU Westinghouse ‘199” ‘110 10,000 BTU SMing Window ‘299” ‘140 14,000 BTU Hotpoint ‘379” ‘150 21,000 BTU Hotpoint ‘399” ‘ISO CASH & CARRY STOUT APPLIANCE & FURNITURE 3rd & Main Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Peterson of rural Nysaa and forty family members cele brated with a family reunion over the weekend. Everyone enjoyed picnicking and shar ing family fun at the Chalet in Caldwell on Friday. Saturday everyone gathered at the Peterson home. Six of the Peterson's eight children were home for the event. They were Mr. and Mrs. Farrell Peterson and family, Mr. and Mrs. Dean Peterson and son, Mr. and Mrs. Burdette Pratt and family all of Nyssa; Mr. and Mr*. Delbert Peterson and family, Tempe, Arizona; Mr. and Mr*. Dale Peterson and family of Caldwell, Idaho; Mr*. Larry Smith and family of Connell, Washington. Those unable to attend were Mr. and Mr*. Larry Vaughn of Rock Springs, Wyo. and Mr. and Mrs. John Peterson of Connell, Washington. A family potluck dinner was held Sunday at the home of Margarite McNeil and Freda Miner. Family mem bers attending were Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Baker and Jeremy of Cottonwood, Calif, and her parents Mr. and Mrs. George Miner and Donna Miner of Willow Creek, also Mr. and Mr*. Harry Miner and Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Miner and Lori. Journal Classifieds 4,400 CFM Petersons Hold Reunion 372*3196 < fir June Wedding Vows Unite Barnes-Ausman The Nyssa First Christian Church was the scene of the afternoon ceremony on June IB, 1977 that united Sharon Ann Barnes and Mike Vernon Ausman in marriage. The Rev. Erldene Johnson pre sided at the double ring ceremony. Parents of the couple are Mr. and Mrs. Carl Barnes and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Ausman all of Nyssa. The bride, escorted by her father, wore a white organza gown with a floral lace bodice, long sheer sleeves, and an A-line skirt curving into a chapel train. Her hip length veil fell from a matching floral lace head piece. The bridal bouquet was yellow, blue and white daisies and pink roses, interspersed with baby’s breath, with pink and yellow lace streamers. Marla Feik. the maid of honor wore a long sleeved pink silk gown. She wore a large brimmed pink hat and her bouquet was fashioned like the brides. Janet Conant was flower girl and Scottie Conant was the ring bearer. Ron King was best man with Jay Barnes serving as usher. Kirt Robertson sang "The Events Around Adrian ADRIAN - Mrs. Winifred Bennett was a luncheon guest of Mr*. Marie Moore on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. George DeHaven were Saturday eve ning dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Danny Skerjanec in Ontario. The dinner was in honor of George's birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Mosier and family were also dinner guests. Mrs. Mabie Piercy and Mrs. Sue Ashcraft went calling in Caldwell Sun. after noon. They first called on Mrs. Gladys Thoma*, who was a former Adrdian resi dent. Then visited Mr*. May Herriman, also Ellen Ash craft. sister-in-law of Sue Ashcraft, who has a broken hip. They later visited Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Herrison. Mrs. Herrison is also recover ing from a broken hip. She is 94 years old. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Looney visited in Eugene and Port land where they saw their son Bill Jr. who had recent back surgery and other relatives around Eugene and Portland. Mrs. Anna Long and grandson Greg Goff visited Mr. and Mrs. Herschel Thompson and Mr. and Mrs. Bert Barnes Sunday after noon. Last Monday. Mrs. Sue Ashcraft accompanied Ja- neen Ganner of Nyssa to Rigby. Idaho where she visited her nephew who was in a recent motorcycle acci dent. He was in a hospital in Idaho Falls. She stayed with her sister Mrs. Max Oakey and family in Sunnydale, and also visited her sisters. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Aillian at Rigby and Lottie Davies who was staying there. She returned home on Saturday. Mrs. Sue Ashcraft atten ded the LDS program and barbecue supper at the Owyhee LDS Ward July 24. Mrs. Hazel Schafer was a luncheon guest of Mrs. Marie Moore on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Vern Parker were Sunday dinner guests of Mr and Mrs. James Payne in Nampa. In the afternoon they went to St. Alphonsus Hos pital in Bcise and visited Mrs. Parker's sister. Mrs. Gordon Dickson. She is doing fine. Mr and Mrs. Stanley Hill visited Mr. and Mrs. Vern Parker Sundav evening Wedding Song" before the bride came down the aisle with her father. Barbara Haney and Kirt Robertson sang “Evergreen” while the bride and groom both knelt in prayer. Mr*. Bob Ure was the accompanist. The bride's mother was attired in a mint green gown while the groom’s mother chose a printed mint green gown. They wore corsages of pink roses. A reception for the newly weds followed in the church basement. The three-tiered wedding cake was high lighted with fresh flowers between the tiers. Those assisting with the reception were Toqua Linegar and Carolyn Webb at the gift table; Sherrie Fitzsimmons and Colleen Too pen were at the serving table. The bride and groom are both graduates of Nyssa High School. Following a wedding trip to several points in Idaho they are at home in Nysaa, where he is working with his father. Out-of-state guests in cluded Mr. and Mrs. Walt Ros* and Colleen Toupen from Twin Falls. Mrs. Anna Long returned home last Monday from Bellingham where she spent three weeks with her son. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Spart* and family. They have a new baby son. Nathan Gale, born June 9. 1977. Mrs. Anna Long picked up her grandson Greg Goff in Vale Saturday where he came by bus from Lakeview, Oregon. He will spend some time here visiting hi* grand mother. Mrs. Carl Begeman was guest player at the Happy Dozen Card Club Friday afternoon when it met with Dorothy Fox in Kingman Kolony. Mrs. Marie Moore was a luncheon guest of Mrs. Dale Witt in Nyssa Monday. Mrs. Mary Auker of Anchorage, Alaska was a houseguest of Mrs. Marie Moore. Wednesday and Thursday. They were picnic guests of Mr. and Mrs. Mervil Hutchinson of Nyssa on Wednesday evening. Mrs. Mary Auker was a Saturday overnight guest of Mrs. Hazel Schafer. She and Mrs. Frankie Warden and Mrs. Winifred Bennett were Sunday dinner guests of Mrs. Hazel Schafer. Mr. and Mrs. Larry DeHa ven and family of Klamath Falls came Friday night and visited his parents. Mr. and Mrs. George DeHaven. Sunday dinner guests in the George DeHaven home included Mr. and Mrs. Jim Mosier and girls and Mr. and Mrs. Danny Skerjanec and boys of Ontario. T births J Haty Raaary Haapital Jaly 20 - Mr. and Mr*. Delton Davis of Payette, a girl Mr. and Mrs. Larry Bu chanan of Payette, a girl Jaly 21 - Mr. and Mr*. Dennis Burnett of Ontario a boy July 22 - Mr. and Mrs. Miguel Chavez of Weiser, a boy July 23 ■ Mr. and Mrs. Tobe Solterbeck of Payette, a boy Jaly 24 - Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Maag of Jamieson, a girl Mr. and Mrs. Floyd McBride of Ontario, a boy. Mr. and Mrs. John Taylor of Ontario, a girl Jaly 25 - Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hathaway, Vale, a boy Jaly 26 • Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Roeales, Ontario, a JKm EA0LES ^H^ aux , l , a « y Bertha Mangin, Jennie Murphy and Caroiny Pruyn were initiated at the regular meeting July 19 of the Eagles Auxiliary No. 2134. Dates to be remembered for members are. Tuesday, July 26, 8 p.m. at the Eagles Hall there will be an officers meeting. August 2 at 8 p.m., there will be a regular meet ing. August 9, at 8 p.m. officers will meet. August 16. regular meeting, 8 p.m. August 23, officers will meet at 8 p.m. Do you have odds and ends you don't know what to do with? The Eagles and Auxi liary are having a garage sale. August 19-20 at the Eagles Hall, 222 Bower Avenue from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Contact Gretchen Jes sop. 902 Locust. Nyssa; or Fern Klein, 674-2067 about bringing your articles to be sold. Articles can be taken to the Ken Klein residence before August 19. MTNOATS July 29 - Willms A. Sta pln*, Rex Schilling, Martha Lopez Jaly 30 - Jason Esplin Jaly 31 - Mike Williams. Michelle Sad«mon Larry D. Larsson. August 1 - Ruth Pruyn August 2 - Daniel Jimeniz Margaret Toombs. August 3 - Alice Guerra. Melissa Baker August 4 > Saralee Bunn. Harold Snyder. Happy Annirrrtary August 2 - Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Fowler LOOKING For Box Springs & Mattresses? SHOP AT WESTGATE GIFTS 205 N. Main, Nyssa For Quality Merchandise AT DISCOUNT PRICES Page Three Aging Council Engagement Announced Elects Officers The Malheur Council on Aging, a private non-profit agency serving Malheur Cou nty's elderly citizens, elected new officers for the 1977-78 fiscal year. The new officer* are a* follow*: Ruth Langdon chairperson; Leroy Paulson, vice-chairperson; and Glenn D<yer, treasurer. Those re-elected to a second term a* board mem bers are Ronnie Trenkle, Betty Kunzi, Ralph Thomp son, past chairperson and Glenn Dwyer. Malheur Council on Aging 1977-78 board members are Ruth Langdon, Ontario; Le roy Paulson, Vale; Ralph Thompson. Ontario; Ronnie Trenkle, Cairo; Betty Kunzi, Ontario; Emi Hirai, Nyssa; Fred Robinson, Nyssa; Cla rence Nichols, Vale; Anna Marostica, Nyssa; Verde Steinke, Nyssa; and Glenn Dwyer, Ontario. Water Report The City’s Departmental Report provided an interest ing topic at the City Council meeting of July 12. The City now has 1,015 connections for a new all-time high. Pumping records indicate Nyssa’s average production for the month of June was 1,646,000 gallons while a year ago, daily water produc tion was 1,844,000. ‘ ..... a^ MR. AND MRS. VERNE SHELL announce the engagement of their daughter. Kathryn to Kevin Clarich. son of Mr. and Mrs. William Clarich of Nu Acres. The bride el^ct has an Associate Degree in Fashion Merchandising from Boise State University and is a graduate of Nyssa High School. Kevin is a 1975 graduate of Fruitland High School. The wedding will be held August 20 at the Church of Christ in Ontario, Oregon. The City has pumped 5.9 million gallons less this year than last June which is a considerable reduction in use. Also, conspicuous in the report was 1.963,000 gallons as June's maximum pumping day as compared to 2,679,000 last year’s date. Pumping hours also reflec ted a sizable reduction from 1,368 hours down from last June's 1.722 hours. Gratifying to housewives, should be the information that the City water hardness is 12 grains compared with last year's composite water of 30 grains. A Water Department of ficial indicated that the quality of Nyssa’s water has improved since the river water collector is not being used.