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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 7, 1971)
Thursday, October 7, 1971 NEWELL HEIGHTS ITEMS ■ fl ■ BY DALE WITT ■ ■ ■ PHONE 372-2183 ■ ■ ■ NEWELL HEIGHTS - Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Simpson and son of Gresham arrived Friday and spent the week end hunting deer at Castle Rock. Ray Simpson, David Wynn, and son Douglas'1went deer hunting at Castle Rock over the weekend. They returned Sunday evening. They did not see any deer. Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Eason and son John of Homedale, were Sunday dinner guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Simpson. Bill Webb. Vern Parker, Geo rge Cartwright and Bob Webb went deer hunting at Ironsides this weekend. Don Payne of Klamath Falls was an overnight guest of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Webb September 20 and went on to Ontario to visit other relatives. ADRIAN NEWS Mrs. George DeHaven Phone 372-2042 George Smith of California came Friday to visit Mrs. Rollo Fenn and other friends and re latives and to do some deer hunting. Mr. and Mrs. Gene Simpson, Mrs. Ida Fenn, Donald Fenn, Mrs. Alfred Simpson and Karen York and baby were Friday evening visitors at the home of Mrs. Rollo Fenn. Mrs. Rollo Fenn visited Mrs. News About SERVICEMEN Pvt. Ralph J. Carter Pvt. Roy T. Carter FT. KNOX, KY. - Privates Ralph J. and Roger D. Carter, sons of Mr. and Mrs. Roy T. Carter, Nyssa, recently com pleted eight weeks of basic training at the U.S. Army Train ing Center, Armor, Ft. Knox, Ky. They received instruction in drill and ceremonies, weapons, map reading, combat tactics, military courtesy, military jus tice, first aid, and Army his tory and traditions. Both men received their Ba chelor of Science Degrees from Oregon State University, Cor vallis, in 1971. ADRIAN - Mrs. Robert Long, superintendent of Presbyterian Sunday Church school held a meeting of teachers at her home Tuesday evening. Materials for next quarter were discussed and ordered. Those attending from Adrian were Mrs. Bill Looney, Mrs. Dick Stam, and Mrs. George DeHaven, Mr. and SN Stove Ross Mrs. Benny Witty and Mrs. Joe SAN DIEGO, CALIF. - Navy Witty from Big Bend, Mrs. Marie Moore of Newell Heights, Mrs. Seaman Steve Ross, son of Dr. Larry DeHaven o f Kingman Ko- and Mrs. Bert E. Ross of Nyssa, lony, and Rev. Raymond Wilson has graduated from recruit of the Roswell and Adrian training at the Naval Training churches. Delicious refresh Center, San Diego. ments were served at the close of the evening by Mr. and Mrs. Sgt. Alan Zikmund Robert Long. Sgt. Alan Zikmund, arrived Visiting over the weekend in home Sept. 30 after serving for the George DeHaven home were one year with the Army in Viet their son and daughter, Mr. and nam. Alan will be stationed at Mrs. Donnie DeHaven, and Greta the Mountain Home Air Force of Baker and Mr. and Mrs. Danny Base following a one month Skerjanec and Tracy and Stacy leave. He is the son of Mr. of near Ontario. They hunted and Mrs. Gregory Thiel of in the hills back of Adrian with Nyssa. poor luck, only afewchukar and one large rattle snake. On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Larry De Mr. Ward’s parents, Mr. and Haven and family joined them. Mrs. George Ward of Middleton. Mr. and Mrs. Danny Skerjanec Mrs. Mabel Piercy and Mrs. Clara Halley fished at Antelope and boys of Ontario and Mr. and Mrs. George DeHaven and Mr. reservoir Tuesday. Saturday afternoon Mrs. and Mrs. Franols-Deffgr called Mabel Piercy visited her friend on Mr. and Mrs. Joe Wiggins Mrs. May Harriman and Julia and daughters, Friday evening. We welcome Mr. and Mrs. McKane in Caldwell. Mrs. Bernice Toomb and Mrs. Joe Wiggins, Michele and Tami Piercy visited Sunday afternoon as new residents In the Adrian with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Meacham community. They moved on the W.C. Scott farm (better known and family in Nyssa. Mrs. Edna Cowling and Mrs. as the Ausman place) this past K.I. Peterson were callers in week. Among the hunters of Adrian the Lydia Worden and Tina Scheimer homes in Newell who went huntingover the week end were Vernon Parker, Heights Monday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Mervil Hut George Cartwright, Bob Webb, chinson of Nyssa entertained at and W.W. Webb, Newell Heights, a birthday dinner for her and Paul Parker of Ontario. mother, Mrs. K.I. Peterson Sun Each coming back with their day. Guests included Mrs. Edna buck. Cowling and Mr. and Mrs. Ray mond Wilson of Roswell. COMING EVENTS Mrs. Mabel Piercy and Mrs. Bernice Toombs called in the TODAY, OCT. 7 - TVUAC K.I. Peterson home Thursday executive meeting - Japanese afternoon. American Hall 8 p.m. While Glen Ward and Stuart FRIDAY, OCT. 8 - Legion were gone hunting over the Auxiliary cooked food sale, weekend Mrs. Glen Ward visited Idaho Power, starting at 9 a.m. her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Child Care Development Denver Glen at Notus. Saturday Center - Japanese-American they visited her brother in Hall, 8 p.m. Boise. Sunday she called on SATURDAY, OCT. 9 - Den 3 Pack 450 - 3 p.m. Mrs. Howard Imada’s home. Recovery Inc. - First Chris CRADLE tian Church, 8 p.m. Chrysanthemum Show - West ROLL Park Plaza - 2 - 8 p.m. SUNDAY, OCT. 10 - Dorothy Word was received that Mr. Warenskjold’s Musical Theatre and Mrs. Dale Laurence of Ontario High Auditorium, 3:15 Lawrence, Kansas are the proud p.m. Chrysanthmum Show - West parents of a baby girl, Brandy Nicole, bornSeptember21,1971. Park Plaza - 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. MONDAY, OCT. 11 - OES She weighed seven pounds four ounces and joins a sister Ca- District Meeting - Masonic Hall thrine Megan, two years of age. Ontario 8 p.m. - No host dinner Grandparents of the new ar at Eastside preceding meeting. Sugar Beat TOPS - Room 1 rival are Mr. and Mrs. Rolland Laurence of Nyssa and Mr. and high school weigh-in, 7;30 p.m. TUESDAY, OCT. 12 - Dis Mrs. William Dolmyer of Al bany, Oregon. Great grand trict Recognition Day for TOPS parents are Mr. and Mrs. H.O. Nyssa High School Cafetorium 8 p.m. Hopkins of Nyssa. Second Ward Relief Society MALHEUR MEMORIAL 10 a.m. and 7 p.m. HOSPITAL Yellow Rose Rebekah Lodge - IOOF Hall 8 p.m. October 2 - Mr. and Mrs. WEDNESDAY, OCT. 13 - Gerald Hiatt, Parma, a girl. ANK Garden Club - Mrs. Mau October 4 - Mr. and Mrs. rice Judd 1:30 p.m. Juan Trevino, Nyssa, boy Golden Rule Chapter *131 October 5 - Mr. and Mrs. Masonic Hall 8 p.m. Jose Ramos, Nyssa, boy. St. Paul’s Guild - May Schi- reman 8 p.m. HOLY ROSARV THURSDAY, OCT. 14 - HOSPITAL Toastmistress - Library Meet ing Room - 8 p.m. September 30 - Mr. and Mrs. Town and Country Garden Charles Dodge, Fruitland, boy. Club - 2 p.m. October 1 - Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Ramirez,. Ontario, girl. BETTER EDUCATED. October 3 - Mr. and Mrs. Mark Wishard, Prairie City, girl. BETTER MOTIVATED. October 4 - Mr. and Mrs. Howard Micheli, Payette, boy. HIRE THE VETERAN! October 5 - Mr. and Mrs. Tom Buckles of Vale, boy. Pag« Five Th« Nyssa Gat« City Journal, Nyssa, Oregon Ray Simpson Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Carl Fenn wenttoQuln- cey, Wash., September 24 where she attended the wedding of her grandson, Douglas Fenn and Linda Harsh. Douglas is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Fenn, who are former Newell Heights residents. It was held at 2:30 in the afternoon at the Family of God Church. Mrs. Carl Fenn returned home Wed nesday. Donald Fenn of Milwaukie, Oregon arrived Friday to visit with his mother, Mrs. Carl Fenn and do some deer hunting. DiAnne Fife of Nyssa was a Sunday dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs. Leon Chamberlain and fa mily. Mrs. Dale Witt and cousin, Mrs. Tommy McDonald of Tu- scon, Ariz., accompanied Mr. and Mrs. W.C. Van DeWater and son Kent of Big Bend to Boise Tuesday evening where they were dinner guests of Mrs. Mc Donald at the King's Table. La ter in the evening Mrs. McDon ald left Boise by plane for Tuc son where she and her husband are managers of the Spar ton Arms Apartments. Mrs. Tina Schiemer, Mrs. K.I. Peterson and Mrs. Edna Cowling visited Mrs. Lydia Worden Monday afternoon. x¿x.X x X x X X X x xijxj* X X » • » 11M 1 Mr. and Mrs. Hanry Wenka of Redmond arrived Friday to spend the weekend with his bro ther, Mr. and Mrs. HerbWenke and family. Mr. and Mrs. Russell McKin ley were Saturday afternoon vi sitors and dinner guests of his brother, Mr. and Mrs. R.D. McKinley. They were accom panied by their daughter, Mrs. Jerry Terlistner of Boise. Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Topliff attended the open house for the silver wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Boehlke of Nampa Sunday, Sept. 26. They later attended a buffet supper in their honor at the grange hall. Mrs. Irvin Top liff was one of the attendants at their wedding 25 years ago. Chuck Topliff of Hazelton, Idaho spent from Thursday until Monday visiting his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Topliff. Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Topliff of Burns came and were afternoon and Sunday evening dinner guest in the Irvin Top liff home and also were over night guests. Mrs. Edith Suter of Parma was also a dinner guest Sunday. C.B. Hill was a Sunday din ner guest of Mr. and Mrs. Hardy Fine in Caldwell. TODAY, OCTOBER 7 - U.S. Navy Representing N R OTC, 9 a.m. National School Assembly, 11 a.m. 7 4 8 State Honor Band in Portland FRIDAY, OCTOBER 8 - Jr. High football - Vale, here 1 p.m. High school football Bishop Kelly here, 8 p.m. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 15 - Football at John Day 8 p.m. PST 1 5« »5 ’ *. X 2400 Journal Classifieds Bring Results! »Ä« »Ä« e FREE GOLD STRIKE STAMPS BY CHRISTMAS AT WILSON’S MARKET YOU RECEIVE 100 BONUS STAMPS FOR EVERY #10.00 PURCHASE If you spend $20.00 a week in our store you will receive your regular 200 stamps plus 200 Bonus stamps or a X MONDAY, OCT. 11 - Girls Hockey, Caldwell, here, 4 p.m. THURSDAY, OCT. 14 - Girls Hockey, Nampa, there, 4 p.m. FFA Soil Judging contest at Baker. 7 4 8 grade football, Notus, here, 1 p.m. FRIDAY, OCT. 15 - Home- coming game, Melba, here, 8 p.m. 5% I > SPECIALI AHS CALENDAR NHS CALENDAR total of 4800 stamps by Christmas. PORK STEAK FRESH, LEA USDA CHOICE LEAN A JUICY GROUND BEEF l 5 ,«. X X WELLS & DAVIES BEEF LIVER PORK ROAST * <410 Zbqiy WIENERS MEDIUM CALIFORNIA ..TURNIPS ADATES X- S parsnips FRESH GOLDEN ZAHIDI RUTABAGAS- l'A lb. BAG CARROTS FRESH OCEAN SPRAY 2 lb. PKG. CRANBERRIES WESTERN FAMILY 16 oz. CANS JIFFY 8 oz. PKG. APPLESAUCE DOLE PINEAPPLE-GRAPEFRUIT JUICE DRINK 46 oz. CANS WHITE KING 112 oz. PKG. WATER SOFTENER 3 '« 89c 89c _ _ CAKE & FROSTING MIXES 11 oz. BOTTLE A-l STEAK SAUCE FROZEN FOODS AUNT JEMIMA^ 9 oz. PKG. HYAffLESj Waffles GOLD STRIKE STAMPS WITH $10.00 PURCHASE w« w«lcom« FOOD STAMP SHOPPERS SALE DATES- October 7, 8, 9 GOODLFOOOlt»SB|lßS;iW » X. X