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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (May 21, 1953)
. !>► \ % -‘ * ♦'__! — • ' t ’ C. ------ - * 4 j . 1 ~ r~ r - / - r - 4 ~ r - * - > »V * ' - v !_ _ _ _I » * 1 * * % *»■ . JOURNAL NYSSA volume xxxxviiin o . 19 THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYS 5 A, OREGON THURSDAY, M A Y 21. 1953 T W E N T Y PAGES Stage All Set For Malheur County's Eigth Annual Spring Jersey Show In Nyssa Saturday; 50 Awards Scheduled School Board Polls Students' Parents New PTA ° fficers For Opinion on Cafeteria, Music Room, iOsta,!led' i1“ 8* Shop With Explanation of Total Costs ■** ^ 9 0 Mrs. Leslie Ballantyne was in stalled as president of the Nyssa All plans have been completed for Parent-Teachers association last Parents of the 1.070 students en Malheur county’s eighth annual Thursday night following a program rolled in the Nyssa schools are being Spring Jersey Show to be held .-Sat and this year's final meeting Other pclled this wees by the school beard urday on the school lawn near the officers installed were Mrs. Paul to get an opinion on the addition of "Y" on Nyssa'.* West Main treet House, first vice president: Mrs. Sid a cafeteria to the school system. A Charley Grider, general shot- Flanagan, second vice president; detailed explanation of probable chairman, stated that reports from Mr- Rosel Hunter, third vice pre.-i- costs of co n d u ction of a building, Rain, which was a boon to garden.^ A district jamboree for Malheur dent: Mrs. Roy Barnes, secretary, e.ther to include a shop and mu*ic and farm crop*, washed out the various committees indicated tint county Boy Scouts will be held Fri and Cliff Main, treasurer Mrs. Wil room, or for cnly a cafeteria, and double-header opening of the Ny. -a this year's show will be the mo-t outstanding ever held with cham the costs o f operation together with day and Saturday at the Big Bend bur Foster, past president, was t:ie Softball league Tuesday night. bers of commerce cf Nyssa, Adi un, means of financing, was given in a park east of Adrian, Don Benson, installing officer Make-up games will be scheduled Ontario and Vale, as well as num A general report of the recent Ontario, Malheur district camping circular letter sent to the parents. by the Softball commission for a erous individual business firms, giv state PTA convention at Medford "* Postal cards to be mailed back to chairman announced. later date. Teams involved ate Wag ing their usual support. Flag raising will be at 4 p. m. Fri was given by Mrs Ballantvne. Mrs. Henry Hartley, clerk of the school goner Motors, scheduled to play Hoi- About 50 trophies and prize- ua.e board, contained three statements, day and the district court of honor O. E Cheldelin and Mrs. j ’ W Rig- ling *worth.--’ at 7:30 p m , and M. v ney, who represented this organiza been obtained by the trophy com one of which was to be checked by around the campfire will be at 8 Trucking, matched with Uerrett'. mittee to be presented by sponsnr- the parents to gain an overall opin- o'clock the same evening. All parents tion. They reported that »51 delegates Hope and Charley Grider. Nyssa, Malheur county spring show. First Service for the second game ing business firms of the valley, l i e Ion. The three statements were: “ I ___, . ,__ . , . . .. . Nyssa LDS 2nd Ward will play were registered and 11 came from county extension office at Ontario showing their registered cow Sybil cow known in Malheur county to think we should consider building f outl? g T,¡bier's Feed in the first game. 7:30 Malheur county, which was one of Troops will be judged by patrols Gamboge Pretty Polly which has have received the "ton of gold” a- ha- pledged support in doing much only a cafeteria. I think we ought only a cafeteria. I think we should with A and B award ribbons to be two counties in the state to recive been chosen by the production rom- ward, from the American Jersey Cat- p .m , Friday. Hollingsworths' is of the paper work and providing per scheduled in a second game, but ha- sonnel to clerk at the .-how. consider building, a shop, music given by judges. All patrols scoring recognition for work in pre-school mittee to he the queen cow at the tie association. not announced an opponent. The Nyssa Lion- club will ike room and cafeteria. I think we ought less than 600 points will receive a physical examinations. It was re ported that Malheur county partici- j Next Tuesday will see May Truck care of the noon-day lunch on the to drop the subject." participating award. An investitute pated '100 percent in the program ing playing against Hollingsworths' grounds and will distribute free ice Riggs Among Top The letter from the school board service will be held for tenderfoot and much of the credit was given in the first game of a double-header o Id Jersey milk to all who attend. to parents stated that approximately Scouts. Berrett's Service will taken on LDS The milk will come from the Lee local PTA units and the help of 650 youngsers carry their lunches t o __________________ ! Public Health Nurse Edna Farris, 2nd Ward in the second game. Stoker S t Son farm at Adrian. school and eat on the premises and _ _ _ Nys-a's high school valedictorian, i Special musical numbers were pre Herman Hilficker, Ada county that there has been considerable dis- L e g i o n A u x i l i a r y L. Kay Riggs, was named one of the sented by Janice Williams, Wayne agent, Boise, has been named judge cussion recently about the desirabil- _ .. 1 Students Attend four winners Saturday in the sev Chesnut, Stanley Thompson and* to make the placing.* of the animals ity of a school lunch program. Installs Officers Dick Herriman. a- approximately 100 head of the Grand opening of the M & W enth annual Oregon State Federa Youth Legislature tion of Labor college scholarship The school board has estimated The Nyssa American Legion auxil Market, formerly Gordon s Drive-In, be-t dairy cattle of the valley parade the cost of a cafeteria, completely iary held joint installation of o ffi- J Kay Riggs and Daryl William-, in front of the grandstand Henry will be held Friday, Saturday and contest. It was announced last week that Riggs was one of seven students furnished, at $55.000. while a struc cers with Vale and Ontario at a Polio Meeting Set president and vice president of the Reuter. Adrian, is the expeditor md Sunday, it was announced this week ture to house the cafeteria, com meeting last Thursday evening at by Lloyd Wickrill, manager of the in the state winning top place in a Nyssa Hi-Y club attended the an Marie Bailey. Leeds Bailey and Don For Thursday Eve. written contest and from this group nual youth legislative conierence Anderson are the clerk* pletely furnished, and additional the Nyssa Legion hall. Mrs. Una new grocery. the four were chosen following in held at Salem May 8 and 9 space for a general shop and music Pope, district president of Mt. Ver- I A special polio meeting has been Larger and better classes of 4-H The store was purchased March terviews last Friday. room would cost considerably more. non, Ore. presided as installing o ffi called for 8 o ’clock Thursday even They presented the local Hi-Y and Future Farmer cattle are in Estimates of contractors received cer. ing at the Malheur Memorial hos 15 from Oscar Elliott and James club's bill which dealt with increas prospects as boys and girls complete Other winners were Janet Knee- when the junior high school was pital with the general public urged Millard by Lou Mendiola and Fred land, Portland; Salome Kaskinen, ing punishment for dope peddlers in built for the cafeteria only, were ! Local auxiliary officers installed to attend, it was announced by Mrs. Wisner of Boise where they operate Astoria, and Dale Metcalf, Pendle Oregon. The bill was tabled in one of their plans to enter animals for com petition. two other stores of the same name. $44 657 $47.455 and $48.432 from wer? Frances Laurance. president; W. W. Poster ton. Each of the four winners re the committee meetings. The dele- j Ijueen Princess Named three bidders. Bids on the larger Janlne Lytle, first vice president; Since purchase of the establish Word was received Tuesday that ceived a $500 cash scholarship at an gates met Gov. Paul Patterson and Sybil Gamboge Pretty Polly, own- structure to house three units bids Clella Jamieson, second vice presi- Gene Malacki, Portland, head of the ment. extensive remodeling and re- in^tituûon'o'f jTk'orliër"choice‘ many legislators before returning by Hope and Charley Grider, ha. were $70 307 $75 282 and $»0.052 dent; Nora B Graham, secretary: „ , Oregon National Foundation for In- decorating has been under way, in been chosen Queen to reign over the Riggs announced that he will at home May 10. The latter bids did not include Ef^en Tobler, treasurer, Elaine j fantije p araiyS|Si wm be present to addition to installation of all new The club's yearly picnic for old show, and victory Sybil OcotUla tend the College of Idaho at Cald equipment for the shop estimated at Lienkaemper, chaplain; Eli^ibeth glve reports on various phases of equipment A room formerly occu- ! and prospective members will be own«,d by Mr and Mrs Fred E Bur- pied by Mel Beck’s Real Estate and well and major in physics courses. an additional cost of $5,000. Burton, sergeant at arms and Secret efforts ^ combat polio. held at Boise May 29 Officers re-1 Kess Vale, wiU be in the royal box i • j .v. . Mink, historian. a portion of a stockroom have been j cently elected to head the club for stall as princess, according to Rosel It was explained that annual ope- ’ , , I --------------------------- included to make additional floor rating cost of the cafeteria would be Refreshments were served at the m r O the coming year are Kenneth Cot j H Hunter, publicity chairman. space for the retail area with the tle, president; Ronald Buchner, vice approximately $25,000. the m a jor close of the evening. All members I > | y S S a r i O C e S L Pretty Polly won her right to rule removal of partitions. president; Stan Thompson, secre by outproducing any other Jersey portion of which would be recovered are reminded to attend a meeting tary; Mickey Coate, treasurer, and j cow in the county. She produced through sale of meals. The board Thursday evening. May 21 to discuss, T -, C fe * * * * Eleven new refrigeration units and pointed out that there probbaly the annual poppy sale. 414 X two produce racks have been instal- i Joe Martinez. 22, is being held in Larry Bauman, reporter. [ 1,738.4 pounds of butterfat in three, would be a deficit of $2 to $3 thous- i --------------------------- Nyssa high school placed two of led along with all new display islands the county jail in Vale in lieu of j 305-day lactation periods. Ocotilla was chosen princess by her outstand- its trackmen in the state track meet and T-type check stand near the en- I payment of $1000 bond set by Justice at Corvallis last Friday and Satur trance of the store. The building has of the Peace Don M Graham follow- j ing single 305-day production record The school district at the present: been completely redecorated inside ing his arrest on a charge of assault of 678 4 pounds of butterfat, Hunter day to gain eight points. time has a bonding capacity of ap- \ said. Placing were Les Hiatt, third in and out and a new neon sign in- with a deadly weapon Martinez is proximately $400,000 which would P i , , * « « . , P _ i . being held for a grand Jury on the 1 The trophy for the 1953 Jersey the javelin throw, and Bob Amble, stalled. take care of either plan, if parents t j | | iJ C lI C A frame building just north of the recommendation of District Attorney J Queen is being provided by Tobler’s fifth in the discus throw. ask the board to bring it to a votej ! Feeo-.t* Fuel and the Nyssa Chamber R od Hartley, a favorite to place store has been removed to make Charles Swan, Graham said, and the patrons of tl.i J. trict in Martinez was arrested Saturday ! of Commerce is furnishing the tro- in the 440-yard dash, was disquali room for an additional parking area turn approved either plan. _ : phy for the Princess. Other trophies fied in the preliminaries when he to accomodate 250 cars at one time evening by City Police Officer How- [ The cost to amortize the bonds for ard Crawford who stated that he at- j Malheur county's tax levy for the are being given by the Nyssa Eleva- scattered other runners in attempt around the market. the entire project on a 20-year serial | State Police Sgt. Wayne Huffman, basis would be about one and one- . Ontario district office, was the guest ing to extricate himself from a box , During the three-day grand open- ' tempted to lead the man from a tav- coming fiscal year is expected to be tor, Idaho Power Co.. Farmers Co- I ing event, all ohildren accompanied ern and when they arrived at the aboul half that of the current levy, operative Creamery, Ontario Cham- fourth mills and it would cost more speaker before the Nyssa Lions club formed by running mates. by adults will „ be ______ treated with Others attending the meet with j py _____ free __ P°Uce car. Martinez pulled a knife d was announced this week by Coun- ber, Vale Grain Ac Feed. U. S N.i- per year if the bonds were repaid in Monday noon, using as his subject Coach Kinsey Keveren were Junius ¡ce cream cones, coffee and donuts on him He was 1,ei|ig taken to the ty Clerk Harry Saekett. The new tional Bank. Wilson Bros. Depart- a shorter time, but a lessor amount Highway Safety. — police station to be booked on a pub budget for 1953-54 fiscal year a- ment Store, Adrian Oil Co., Martin's over the entire period. In elaborating upon his theme,! Tanner, Teddy Keck, ,, r_ Harry , Bum- ! will be served to all visitors and 100 lic intoxication charge. Crawford ni unis to $578,301, a figure approxi- General Store, Adrian, Adrian Feed, ba kets of groceries will be given J. L Herriman, chairman of the "Highway Safety,” Sgt. Huffman laid 8a[*ier and Kenneth Toomb. said. mately $20.000 less than the amount Eders Hardware and Van Petten free. board, stated that the poll is an at- down some sane rules for drivers of Ontario high school capturea iz On Sunday, Acting Chief of Po requested Lumber Co., Adrian, and four ad- tempt to discover the wishes of the 1 automobiles to follow in planning on the strength of Sam Tay- lice David Gray arrested Johnnie M. The budget will be met by $305.101 ditional trophies by the ccmmunity. Parents are asked to sign and taking vacation trips. ‘or's Place ' n ^ broad Jump, Thomas on a disorderly conduct to be rai.ed by taxes—an amount Chamber. the cards in order that the board The sensible way to go about it, j dlm Beem placed firth in the same charge. Giay said that Thomas star $17 52 le>s than the tax revenue for The Amalgamated Sugar Co. is will know what responsible people the law enforcement officer said, i* event. ted to cur.-e him. grabbed his cloth the current year—and 273,200 from providing medals for all junior ex are voting. The opinions will be held for the vacationist to plan his trip ! T^e 27th annual state meet was ing and reached to his hip pocket other -ources, such as taxes collect hibitor* in the 4-H and FFA divis in confidence and only the tota l, before-hand. This planning would1 won convincingly by Medford high where a knife was later found. Gray ed by the state and apportioned back ions and special prize* are being g*v- Saturday will be Poppy Day in votes will be publicised, he said. take into consideration such factors j school s Black Tornadoes with a total said that he hit Thomas in the face Ph in various divisions by Bill.* Food as condition of car, miles to be driv of 69 points. Gresham was in second Nyssa when member-; of the Ameri and in the stomach, resulting in in to the counties. The budget board, composed of the Market, Adrian, Ny a Feed Mills can Legion Auxiliary *ell the symbols en each day, hours of the day for place with 32 points. juries that made hospitalization nec- county court and Grant Rinehart, and Vale Supply. of the first World War, made by dis | driving, speed and number of stops. cessary. Thomas was released from Hunter commented that for four | In addition to these considerations Sunday's Jalopy Race abled veterans, to raise funds for the hospital the folic whig day and Nys.*a; Hilton Clark. Vale, and O. T. years, this show has been judged the Connor, Ontario, met last week to veterans' benefits. Mrs. Kermit Lien Sgt. Huffman admonished his listen kaemper said that all poppies sold appeared in police court where he approve lhe proposed budget. The best of its kind in Oregon and pre- ers to show courtesy on the highway, Last Until June 10 here are made by veterans in Oregon was fined $75 with $25 suspended b))ard pared au departments except dieted that the 1953 exhibit prem- Nyssa high school's baseball team to watch for children now that the Sunday will mark the end of day hospitals and that every cent re and orders given that he leave town the county library and extension ises to top them all. will not go to the state tournament summer vacation is approaching and Gray said that he believed Thomas at Albany this weekend as result of to be on the alert for cattle on the time jalopy races at the Nyssa rodeo mains in Oregon. One half the a- was still in Nyssa Tuesday evening. service for a total of nearly $18,000 Rinehart said. grounds, it was announced Monday mount raised remains in Nyssa for highway. losing a hectic game to Pendleton The county clerk said that the new | Referring to this latter hazard, by Lynn Snodgrass, president of the work in this community and the here last Saturday night, in a game tax levy will be about 10 mills as other half goes to the state auxiliary Fine Paid After the sergeant said the least a driver sponsoring Owyhee Riding club. that went into extra innings. compared with 21 mills for the cur- j Races will be suspended, Snodgrass for work on a state-wide basis. After securing a 5-0 lead on two could do is to slow down when ap rent year. A 10-mill county-wide j Members of the local Auxiliary 3 Months Lapse runs in the first inning and three proaching a herd of cattle—“ thus said following this Sunday’s races A promise to pay a fine was made road levy was defeated at two dif- , Nyssa chapter No. 938, National in the third the Bulldogs were mas admitting you have as much brains until Wednesday night, June 10. Af have completed planes for their sales ter that date the goggle and gas and will be on the streets early Sat good last Friday after a three- ferent elections by voters of Malheur The-plan society, was guest Tuesday ters of the game until the top of the as the cow.” I night of the Nyssa high school boys will do their stuff every Wed urday morning. Above all. Sgt. Huffman cautioned, months lap*e of time. Justice of the county. fifth when Metcalf. Pendleton Cat Ail original estimate of $100,000 Speech club at a "goodbye” party, Peace Don M. Graham announced. cher started a rally with a two-on drivers should give their strictest at nesday night. In last Sunday's races Bud Hozel tention to their driving when on the Gilbert A. Granillo was fined $100 for road purposes, all of it from an- 1 held in the high -.chrol library, homer. ticipated receipts from the state, Other guest.-, were members of .the won the trophy dash, after setting and given 30 days in Jail last Feb- Scoring two in the seventh to tie state highways. He said that the five the fastest time, 20.06, in the quali Nevadan Satisfied motor vehicle license fund, will be Ny--a Toastmasters club, who ap- center or six highway fatalities in Malheur I ruary on a charge of drunken driv- up the game, Pendleton's fying heats. With Fishing Here I ing. Unable to pay the fine, Granillo increased considerably with a large pearpd cn the program as speakers. fielder, Guyle, tallied the winning county thus far this year were the Miss Doris Rigney, Speech club carry-over, it was reported. Rine The B-main event was taken by result of the driver losing control of Lured here by reports of good fish was committed to the county jail in hart said that approximately $200 - pre.-ident, presided over the short run with a 6-5 score. John Gipe, Meridian, and the A- The Bulldogs were held to one his vehicle and running o ff the road. main event by Eldon Thomas, Notus. ing in Owyhee reservoir, D. H. Pet : Vale where he served the Jail sen- 000 will be available for county roads program which included induction The driver must remember, Sgt. erson of Elko, Nev., had the satis | tence and an additional four days in to paint a brighter picture in that of understudies into the Thespian hit. a double by Savage, after Phelps replaced Minthorne on the Pendle Huffman added, that he holds other GIRL SCOUTS MAKE faction last week of confirming lieu of payment of the fine. group, talk by Nyssa Toastmasters Sheriff John Elfering asked that department, but a fund inadequate those reports. ton mound in the top of the fourth lives as well as his own in the hands C ORSAGES FOR MOTHERS club members and games, followed for all road needs. he places on the steering wheel.” Granillo be released so that he could inning. hi* fir I vt .-k here lie had, . , , The county budget not only stays by refreshments. The speaker was introduced by Members of Girl Scout troop No. a During Bulldog score producers were good catch from the reservoir, the \ 10 W ‘ he fine. Graham within the six percent limitation, jt j Don Bowers and Avon Peterson, Tom Jones, program chairman. 7 recently made six corsages which . u .,nn „ „„v, we, «Hot said that Granillo obtained work and Vaughn and Snider in the first were taken by Mrs. Clifford Fox, largest being a 16-inch bass that last Friday the -urn of $96.50 wa i- approximately $18.000 lower than president and secretary, respectively, inning and Vaughan, Lotejoy and weighed over five pounds when dres the total amount that could be of the Thespian group, inducted troop leader, to mothers at Malheur DANCE RECITAL NETS $103.55 Cox in the third. sed. He used silver minnows for bait. paid in full. rai.-ed within the limits, Saekett said Larry Bauman and Ruth Herrman Memorial hospital on Mother's Day. A total of $103.55 was turned over Nyssa executed the only double into the society. Peterson, accompanied here by his SOCIETY EDITOR ILL The troop Also met at the home of nlav of the game—Savage to Snider, j to Malheur Memorial hospital from Mr. and Mrs. J. L. S h erm an o f wife, operates a wholesale automo Mrs. Marvin Wilson, Gate City Mrs. Fox on May 11, at which time --------------Betty Wilson’s fourth annual danc- pm* . - Marcum and Savage combined to the members made plans for the tive parts business in Elko. He was Journal society editor and book Ogden and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Carver | strike out nine Pendleton batsmen, ing display held May 9. it was an nounced last week. The funds will be Girl Scout camp. A question and informed of Nyssa's excellent fish keeper, was confined to her home and family of Boise were Sunday i while issuing seven bases on balls. used to purchase a Polaroid camera | answer session took up part of the ing by a factory representative in Tue-day and Wednesday with a dinner guests at the John Carver! home. sinus infection and the flu. Boise. for the hospital. * meeting time. Softball Opening Set for Friday Scout Jamboree At Big Bend Grand Opening at M & W Market on Fri., S a t., Sun. Four In Con,est Police Jail One, Hospitalize One Sgt. Huffman County Expenses, Taxes Reduced For Coming Year Driving Plan Legion Auxiliary Poppy Day Sale Bulldogs Bow to Pendleton 6-5 Thespians Guests Of Speech Club Jaycee Delegates Go to Convention Official delegates from the Nyssa Junior chamber of commerce who will attend the state convention at Salem Friday through Sunday are Glenn Burton, state director; Aug ust Giraud and George Oxnam, members of the board of directors, and Jim Nicholson. Headquarters for the convention will be the Senator hotel at the state capitol with the Salem Jaycees as Adrian Seniors Receive Diplomas Nyssa Goes All Oul In Backing Variety of Events For General Public This Week End Adrian—The Rev. Hatzell Cobbs, pastor of the Boise First Christian church, was commencement speaker last Thursday tVening for the grad uating class of the Adrian high school. Mary Ellen Williams gave the valedictory address and Patricia Smith gave the salutatory speech. Two musical numbers were given by the high school band, two vocal numbers were presented, one by Mrs. June Hartley and one by Faye Mane Hopkins. The Rev. Henry Moore of Adrian gave the invocation. Lee Stoker, chairman o f the school board, presented the diplomas to the graduating seniors. This week will see another of Nys- j than the routine promotions that Implement and Carl Si Burt's Ma- son, Buick and Willys Overland sold prices advertised in larger cities. There are feed stores, insurance sa’s promotions that have been high- have been taking place in America chine Shop. These firms are able to j by Herriman Motors, Nyssa Motors, supply all parts and repairs for the Waggoner Motor Co., Western Cor- and real estate dealers, gas and elec ly successful in the past, only this for generations, equipment they handle. rugator and Roberts, Nyssa. There tric service, home furnishing stores, time there are innumerable themes Impl<.m4.nt t>nt* r for the event Practically every busi Very few, if any farmers confine are Ford, Chevrolet, International a theatre with oomplete listings of ness firm in Nyssa is featuring from Nyssft has B*lned recognition Implements to one make. If a farmer and Federal trucks handled by Her- coming shows, gift shops, special one to hundreds of items at reduced throughout this part of eastern Ore- needs a replacement part for his riman, Nyssa Motors, Owyhee Truck produce and meat dealers, locker prices or with special services and *on and " « t « ™ Idaho as a one- tractor, he can come to Nyssa and and Implement and Western Corru- services—in fact, every available type quality that is unmatched anywhere. stop imP‘ement and parts center buy it and then go to another dealer gator. Like the implement dealers, of business and service to be found First of all, Saturday is Jersey Day The druggist, the clothier and the and pick up a part for a mowing motor vehicle dealers maintain out- anywhere. in Malheur county That’s the an- Professional men long ago became machine of an entirely different standing service and repair depa't- ^M n^nd^M r*. Nicholson left Sun Residents of this community will day on a week's vacation to Portland nual event that has gained increased conscious of one of the town's big- make. Nyssa implement dealers ments. find this Issue of the Oate City Jour and into Washington and will return recognition each year through the gest drawin* maintain stock valued at hundreds Shoppers here have numerous nal filled with advertisements that Farmers are able to come here to through Salem to attend the con efforts of the Malheur County Jer- of thousands of dollars with service stores where they can select their can t* studied and checked for bet- O S T S C H O L A R S H IP vention. Mrs. Oxnam plans to ac sey Cattle club, Tieing with the big inspect and buy tractors and other Dan Lovejoy, son of Mr. and Mrs. company her husband for the week event this year, are the implement implements made by Minneapolis-j and repair departments unequaled | everyday needs in foods and cloth- ter buying values and "where to get How ard Lovejoy, is one of 91 Oregon ; ing with prices and quality unmttch- „ I S S ET „” S S S end at Salem. and automobile dealers, who for the Moline, Allis Chalmers, Ferguson,! Choice of Car. ed anywhere else In the lower Snake in Nys,a thu week-end and every college next year it has been an- first time will display cars and farm Massey-Harrls. John Deere, M cC or-1 KFTURNS TO ARMY ( AMP Unu'ual for a town the size of river valley. Food prices at Nyssa's day that they find it necessary to'nounced. implements. mlck, International Harvester. Oliver! Kt R Koslfr, left Wednesday Is the selection of automo- modern grocery stores have been 'come to town ’— they will discover1 The scholarship covers tuition and Pvt. C Probably the biggest motivating and J. I. Case. Dealers handling * y*sa for Camp Stoneman. Calif, for as-1 biles. All popular makes—each of compared, item for item, with tho*e that Nyssa business firms can back' fee' and was awarded on the force is the fact that Nyssa business lines are B St M Equipment ,ftpr a week's furlough ati basis of scholarship. signment »rents, Mr and and are Bauman’ Farm EquipmenT w’ ^ teVn; th*m having a wide ranf?e o t mod* of targe chain *tores from Wciser * “P their claims of friendlier service, firms “ like to do something the home of his Inc., «1«—can be -een here. There's Ford, 8 ° ^ on innumerable occasions and ^ lower prices, better quality and com- Mrs Clarence Ke 1 er. pvt. Kesler! filled with enough ingenuity o be Corrugator, Hollingsworth«', Mr*. J * h a R rlrh l U h7d juncom pleted hi* basic training j ^ plan something d.fferent Owyhee Truck At Implement, Nyiaaj Chevrolet, Plymouth, Chrysler, Hud-| found to be actually lower than plete stock* of merchandise. th« hospital as a technician. to at Camp Rcber , Caul.