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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (May 14, 1953)
t J OURNAL NYSSA _____________________________________________ 9 VOLUME XXXXVilTNO. 13 TV Promotion Rules Endorsed By Merchants Bicycle Training Program Starts At Grade School A total of 143 students ¡n the first -ix grades cf the Ny.'sa school have registered for a bicycle training pro gram which g t underway this week. Elvir. Bailcu announced Ballou, ele mentary teacher in charge of the program, said Fifth street in front of th: Epi.-ccpal church has teen blocked if and the street marked l HE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, NYSSA. OREGON, THURSDAY, MAY 14, 195J Vandals Use New Destruction Angle The perverted -ense cf humcr of an unkrvown persor : . day night re>ulte<d in damage to the hood of a 1953 .lute mobile owned by Rcy Hoff. t wner rep^ r:ed that he car had been -ir.i- hed in by m me one who had walked the lengih of tiie vehi the rear. The Lngil \ c i tl* .< d va' ma-hed but the was undamaged, .vere vi>a A ib irl Heidi io Take Legion Helra Held By Faiher Nyssa. Adrian Men End Army Training T ( N.V'.-a area mer. c mpltitd their ba-:c infantry training last i r < at Cam.* R ber: Calif after a 16- veeks ccurse n learn the dun. - t infantrymen in c ' according to information from the camp head- Nyssa s Largest Senior Class Will Take Spotlight In Three Programs Scheduled For May 24, 26 and 28 Albert P Held:, m i ; ! : i. Rule?, simple and short, were an The large A L Held:. \.i' elect d c nounced this week by the TV pr - f th n Ami: Legion pa.-: Pvt. Delw.n L H -Icenib, son of ni< :.on c mm;t;ee ■ f the Ny.-sa Bu-;- la-t Thursday night . . \ . graduation week program that will > Me:;'.' a . . n g> veri.;:*. ,t D ue B..'. 2 in a. .ncan.U:: ;..:i..i::- W D H lr rnb of Ny a and Pvt be climaxed with c mmencement L;R.y H Churchill. Adrian, sen cf giving ax a y cf a pi: pular make tele exerci-e' Thursday. May 28 Dipl - Mi . nd Mrs Hollo Fern . : ute 1, May 21. ma will go t< 63 graduating sen.ors, set next *.viECri. M C Seue11 of Nt who will be privileged to Dr. This i? the f:r-t time :n the h.-- N. a. w re members of Battery C. named man oi tn mpoi In anncuncir.g the rules Wayne AAA- aw butiul;- n : the 7th Paul M Pitman, pre-ident of the • ..., Nj sea p Students are d.v.dcd into three A p m ! l 13 of dirt eriT' elee :ed board Chesm;t, ccmmit .ee clbairman, sa.d Arm- red division. C. liege of Idaho, Caldwell, this the - p -: forme by me Irubers of the Far m et' tickets would be giverl the balance group-.; the first and second grader church Tuesday night and had left filled The twi men were trained in the C. ope:■alive ; o bring ab< . A sf p. H>iy year ' commencement speaker. va- rep. c c . rece.ving their training from 12:20 h*: car pa; ked in fr. r.t ,-f thechur h held by his father. of this week and all of next by mer to 12:40 p m„ the th:rd and fourth The first of the series of programs II' d:d net discover the damage u i- by Adjutant Kermi: Lier.kaemp. r u-e cf ba-.e infantry weapons, ma t.on ol the >Jy--a and (.>ntuino u A L Heldt, a veteran , i the ; neuvers involving actual -mall arms of the Co-op At a meet mg : chants participa: mg iili the promo- grader- from 8 to 8:30 a m. and the til Wcdne -da;, m. rn.r.g Fri- i. scheduled for Sunday, May 24, at \v r. Was. .va.- c,. iiiio.aiiiter .'. t:t and cverhead artillery fire. d ly evening. the group named O> E 8:15 p. m. when baccalaureate ser tion tc> all their cust-c mers making fif.h and .':xth graders from 4 to 1341 and 1942 and Leer com Cheldelin vu e chairma n an -, ! ,oyd vices will be held. The Rev. Austin purchases of cne dollar or more. 4:30 p.m. J Hollingsworth, pastor of the First mander of this di.'tr:. He had L ur Lewis. secretary and tr*‘asurer. One ticket, he sa;d, would be given The training program will be con ens .-erv.iig in World War II anu Seue 11 announced tli.i,t arlicit'-' of Church of Christ, will deliver the for each even dollar value of pur tinued each day through May 20 and initiated all of them into the Ny- a chase. i-K'orpi'ration for the inev C‘0-opI. to erm >n. Principal R V. Wilson an certificates of award will be pre- Legion post. be kno ■vn as the N \- a Cooperative nounced that others on the program ented to students on May 23. Ball u I Tickets may be given for both Other otficers elected last Thurs . have been prepiired a nd are are the Rev. John L Briehl, pastor Supply .n and credit purchases, although said. day night are Donald Lytle, fir -1 prepatory :to i 1ing vnth of the Lutheran church, who will bring 'igned, " e merchant reserves the right to Acting Chief of Police David Gray vice commander; Frank Rambaud, the seicretar; of state. An elec tion give the invocation: Hubert withhold giving of tickets on credit talked at a meeting cf the entire • x>nd ward L. D. S. The first of a e: :e - if Mexican second vice commander; Kerin.t bf■ called within the next few • - n bl !(• sales until accounts have been paid. group Tuesday afternoon, explain N\"a's city council Tuesday night will church scripture reading; the Rev. Lienkaemper, adjutant and finance dances to be held in the old high week' to seclire consent of pa- the ing city bicycle regulations and saf Owner' and managers of business Robert O Jack n, pastor of N.iza- school gym through the summer officer; Dr. George Cobern. chap voted to erect "yield right of way” irons to divide the two uni ts. firms participating, and their fami ety measures. signs on all streets intersecting Good rene church, prayer, and Father lain; Don M. Graham, historian, months, was given Tuesday evening night's mewring At Friday it was The Nyssa Junior Chamber is as- lies, have been declared ineligible to avenue and Park avenue from First Rembert Allies. Si. Hubert's Catholic sisting with the program by furn of la-t week by the Guadalupana John Reffett, service oflicer. and street west u> the highways except decided to present the proposit ion to ; church, benediction. Music will be receive TV tickets, Chesnut said. Henry Storm, sergeant at arms E J club and declared highly successful trons on the ba. >1S o f ac tua! the pa The TV set, which is now on dis ishing paint for the training area. P .veil, H. O. Hopkiii- and Clifford at those corners where stop signs C O St.s l T fixed assets al Ny SSA and provided by the high school orches by the ccmm.ttee- in charge. play in the Idaho Power company's Mink were elected to the executive are in w located Signs limiting the Out ari j . and the amount o:f inv en- tra, group singing and the high An estimated 500 people attended window, will be given away at 5:30 speed of traffic to 15 miles per hour committee. tory at the tune of the proposed di- school mixed chorus. the affair from an area extending p.m. Saturday. May 23. at the con will be erected on all streets around vision. Tiie following Tuesday evening, Dr. Cobern and Graham were ap from Jamieson to Nampa. The large clusion of the annual Jersey Cattle, the city park and speed on Good and beginning at 8 p m , special awards crowd danced to boleros, guarachas, pointed a.- a committee to arrange Park will be limited to 20 miles an Farm Implement-Automobile show. will be presented to scholarship win- mambos, polkas, bop and swing mur- a Memorial day service to be held hour in the business area and 25 Holder of the winning ticket need ntrs and other outstanding students. at Hillcrest cemetery. On Wednesday sic. The guarachas and mabos were not be present for the drawing, ac miles an hour in the residential area Others on the commencement pro- the most interesting to the specta evening of this week a delegation cording to a ruling of the Business The action followed a report by giam Thursday evening are the Rev. from the Nyssa post placed head- tors, but with the dancers he polkas Men's association, but the winner Councilman Clifford Mink who sta H G McCallister, pastor cf the ¿ on veterans' graves and boleros were the favorites. must claim his prize within 48 hours, ted that this special committee had Methodist church, invocation and or by 5:30 p. m. Monday, May 18. For the occasion, since May 5 is a inspected streets and alleys for pos National Music week. May 10-16, benediction; student speeches oy The winning ticket will be posted will be observed in Nyssa with an Mexican national holiday, the hah sible action to better regulate traffic Mi's Amy Lewis, salutatorian, and in the Power company window, if it appropriate program at 8:15 p m. was decorated with the colors of the - The committee suggested that the K. R i g g s , valedictorian; Supt. has not been redeemed early Satur Mexican flag -red, white and green two blocks of alleys, south and north Henry H Hartley, presentation of Friday in the high school gym, fea Plans are being completed for the day evening. Mexican blanket- formed a backdrop of Main street from First street to speaker; Dr. Pitman, principal ad The TV set to be given away May turing instrumental and vocal solo for the music booth and above it Third street, be limited to one-way Malheur county Farm Bureau’s dress; Dale Bingman, Legion com “Grass-man of the year" project, it 23 is a Philco console model, with a ists and singing groups, under spon all, a huge flag of the United States raffic from east to west No action mander, presentation of Legion citi 245-square inch screen and direc sorship of the Nyssa Civic club. was announced Tuesday evening of zenship award; Principal Wilson, was displayed Club members wore was taken on alley restrictions. Announcement of the program ribbons bearing the name of the A 1000-gallon tanker truck recent tional finder and is the first of sev A long-pending action suit against last week at a monthly board meet presentation of class, and J. L. Her- eral the Business Men’s association was made by Mrs. William E. Schire- club and the girls wore light-colored ly purchased by the Nyssa rural fire the city and individual officials as j ing in Ontario by Ted Morgan, chair riman, school board chairman, pre department will soon be put int-o the result of an alleged accident, was man of the project committee. plans to give away during the sum- [ man, chairman of the Civic club’s, formals. sentation of diplomas. mer. It was made available to the music week committee, who said to supplement the 500-gallon settled out of court with tire plain Music will be provided by the high Among special guests were Mr and service Morgan said that business firms committee by Wilson Bros. Depart there would be four out-of-town per Mrs. Henry Hartley and Mr. and tank on the regular rural fire truck. tiff, H E. Collins, being awarded school orchestra and a violin duet and organizations in the county will was announced this week The ment store. damages, it was reported at be asked by the Farm Bureau to help by Amy Lewis and Doris Rigney ac Mrs. George Sallee of Nyssa. Mr It tanker will be used on all rural calls $2,350 In order to simplfy the procedure, formers. companied by Vela Dee Poulson. the meeting. and Mrs. Jack Johnson of Ontario to Clarence Kemble, Payette, will enable firemen, in most cases, to purchasers are requested to do these The 68 graduating seniors are El- and several faculty members. Newly appointed members of the boost the project with publicity and keep a constant supply of water in financial support. Anyone interested two things: look for the sign "We play his 271-year-old violin, with vin Alexander, Robert Baker. Ramon city budget board are Carlos Buch Special members for the dance Give TV Tickets” displayed by the \ which he won third place recently were Oralia Vendrell, decorations; the pumping machine. ner, Paul House and Orin Sumner. in the grass-man contest is eligible Bergam, Kent Beus, Olive Beus, The city of Nyssa is enlarging the They will serve with Jed Lewis, War to enter and business firms and or Donald Bowers and Pati Brown. merchant, ask for TV tickets when in the Northwest Mountain Fidler’s Raquel Jaramillo, refreshments; making purchases and sign tickets contest. Jerry Browne, Donald Bullard, Sacramento Jaramillo, publicity, and fire hall to house the new tanker. ren Farmer, Walker Lowe and John ganizations can sponsor a candidate The same agreement exists between Palmer, holdover members. and drop them in a receptacle pro The Misses Janice and Carolyn Licha Apodaca, music. Harry C Bumgarner, Betty Jean if they choose. vided by the merchant. Stettler, Notus, will give a tap dance The councilmen voted to have Members of the club have issued the city and the rural board pertain A total of 1000 points Is the basis Uurbidge, Merle Burningham, Alice There are not stubs to be bothered and baton twirling exhibition, as a standing invitation for all who ing to joint use of the new tanker. hydrants installed in the city park Butler and Nannette Bybee. for scoring in the contest. Four hun The city houses the tanker and in with by the purchaser. Betty Byers, Snenll Chadd, June for the convenience of those who use well as a duet rendering of Hawaiian wish, to attend the Thursday night | auxiliary- the park for picn-ics. dred points will be given on land C< !»*iar, James Corfield, Walter Many Nyssa merchants began giv hula dances. dances to be held through the sum exchange may use it as machine on fires within the city. management. 350 on grass usage, 150 Dillon, Sylvia Dolan and Jo Ann ing TV tickets to their customers last Karl Winn, Adrian violinist, will mer. There will be a small admission Frank Parr, secretary of the rural Saturday Customers not receiving for livestock and 100 on the individ Drown. charge and refreshments will be ser fire department board of directors, the tickets are requested to present play Czardas tMonte' and the Sec ved. ual. The winner will be named by Violet Drydale, Barbara Duncan, announced that figures compiled by their purchase slips to merchants ond Movement from the Concerto, Aug. 1 and awards presented at the Carol Fife, Emeline Findling, Lor the Nyssa volunteer department who will redeem them with TV tick by Mendelssohn. raine Fischer, Sherman P’lake and Malheur county fair. show that the rural truck answered ets. Local artists on the program in -; Carol Polkman. The Farm Bureau committee will 22 calls during the past year. This elude Mrs. Mark Hartley, singing Richard Gustavson, Janell Haney, Daryl William- was elected to the not attempt to give technical advice involved 239 fire-fighters, or an ave When You Are Away From Me (H er-; presidency of the Associated Stu on pasture production, and a tech Dick Hart, Robert Hartley, Leslie rage of ten men for each run. For Hiatt, Betty Hill and Larry Holmes. berti and April in Paris (Duke); rural fires alone, this amounted to dent Body of Nyssa high school in nical committee has been named for Blaine Hooper, Ann House, Jolene Mrs. Dwight Wyckoff and Mrs. Tom The Rev. Carl Gross of Langell 8,624 hours of labor, Parr reported. a special election last Friday, win that purpose They are County Agent Hunter, Lorraine Jamieson, V. L. Harry Sandquist, Neil Hi ffman, ! Nishitani, singing the Flower DuPt Valley, near Klamath Falls, Ore., ning the post over Junius Tanner, The total value of property in With Wayne Cheuiut making hi I from the opera. Madam Butterfly has been named pastor of the Ny.-.-a who was tad with Williams a remit George Ru ell and a representative Ke-ler, Bill Leseberg and Amy debut as toastmaster, members of j , Puccini i, and Mrs. Louie Attebery, and Vale Episcopal churches, it was volved in rural fires was $635,350 of balloting at the regular election of the Farm Home administration. Lewis. Ot this amount the -ugar factory Dan Lovejoy, Marilyn Lytle, Del- Nyssa Toastmasters club will hear pianist, playing Le Plus que Lente rt vealf d Tuesday. He will conduct fire a year ago constituted the larg ;he week before. The committee will aid grassmen in vin Mace, Glen Marcum, Kathryn problems of pasture management Don Engstr m, Cliff Main and Emil i Debussy i and Polonai. e in A Flat his first service here Sunday begin est items, the warehouse in Kris Rinehart was victorious over McAlister, Roberta Morfit and Bill Stunz deliver five-minute talk- Fri (Chopin*. ning at 11 am. a field of four male candidates for and will serve as a judging commit Morrison. volved was valued at $550,000. tee for ihe program. The new pa.-tor, Mrs. Gross and day morning. Fire loss -u .lined during 1952 a- he office of vice president. The 30-piece Nyssa Municipal Glenda Mess, Marvin Ntccum, A nominating committee for coun Paul House will introduce the band, under direction of Leon Burt, their son expect to move to Nyssa meunted to $149.780 with the sugar Others elected were Joretta Moel ty board officers for the coming Lawrence Oden, Avon Peterson. Del soon. table topic for discussion by all will play four numbers, Barnum and company fire contributing the great secretary; Ruth Herrman, treas bert Peterson, Elzie Pierce and Kay The pastorate has been vacant est -hare of this loss with $110.000 ler, members. Criticism will be handled Bailey's Favorite, Mosquito Parade, urer; Mary Ann Alford, interclass year was named and is composed of Riggs. since Feb 1 when the Rev. Claire T. One large loss of $28.000 was the by Paul Penrod, speech evaluator, Them Bas.'es, Dull Razor Blues and chairman, and Phyllis Chel- L. L Kreager, Adrian; Warner Maag Doris Rigney, Mary Joar. Russell, Crenshaw resigned to accept duties result of a building and its contents rivalry and Hugh McConnell, Willowcreek Dave Savage, Edward Smith, Stan ielin, public relations chairman. and Dwight Wyckoff, grammarian. Valencia. as pastor of the Bend Episcopal being destroyed before the fire de Valley, and Norbert Sarazln, Nys.-a ley Strasbaugh, Kenneth Snodgrass The program for May 15 will in Five girls were elected from among I A mixed chorus, under direction church. partment arrived, Parr said. clude Bill Wahlert, toastmaster; of Mrs. Wyckoff, will sing "Sere eight candidates to be cheer leaders They will choise candidates for the and Thelma Takami. Members of the congregation and Stephen Talbot, Jack Teague, They were Irene and Sylvia Jnyo, board offices and report at the June George Cobern, topicmaster; Tom nade,” from the Student Prince friends will greet the new pastor Larry Vaughn, Marjory Wood and Betty Week-, Lois Oarnei and Bettj 2 meeting. Jones, general critic; Mark Purcell, i Romberg), Cowboy Fantasy (Rhea- next Wednesday evening at 6:30 with A repair and general clean-up pro Pat-y Yoneyama. Jean Strickland. grammarian, and Earl Alexander, Jonest and Tales From the Vienna a covered dish dinner at the parish ject at the Cairo property May 2 by hall. Henry Hartley and Ted Morgan, Woods (Straus*. Farm Bureau members was reported five-minute speakers. Mr>. Attebery will accompany the Ed Boydell was elected president high'y successful and more work chorus, compo.'fd cf Keith Herrman, of Nyssa Lions club at the club’s an will have to be done later. The next D.vight Wyckoff, Carlos Buchner, nual election Monday noon. In win board meeting will be held at the Evan Tobler and Orville Olsen, bass; ning a close race from Candidate Miss Doris Rigney, N> -a high building cn the new property, it w.i- Hugh Tobler. Dan Penney, Larry City Manager E. K. Burton re John Amble in ucceed- Ward Wien- j school senior and daughter of M: announced by Irene Bt nnett. Vale, Bauman, Jack Church and Gerit turned from the St. Luke's hospital eke. and Mi s. J. W. Rigney, ha Other.- to win the favor of their! named alternate to reccivcthe Mai-i evunty publicity chairman. L Kay Ri::-. Ny a high school Siam, tenor; Miss Kathryn Crandall, in Doi.-e where he has been under valed.ct. lor l :<53. tanked among I Mr.'. Tom Nishitani, Miss Irene Jayo.l observation since the previous Wed- fellow-member.- lor office were Muri Cou i larsl ne-day. The city manager suffered Lanc.r - r, 1st Vice president; Finley the top even students in the state A delegation of city councilmen Mr . Carles Buchner and Mr-. Frank a severe virus infection earlier thi.- Shuster, 2nd vice president; K. Cot award for m xt year, i Loren Sevty. who competed in a written examina Pike. .' prar.o. and Mr-. O E. Chel- Ontario high school -tudent b dy and official.' as well a.' heads of civic year and had not fully recovered tle, 3rd vice president: Everett Heldt. tion in the seventh annual college delin, Mi" Phyllis Cheldelin, Mr organizations are planning to at when he returned to his duties at secretary-treasurer, re-elected; Ray president and first choice of the Mr. and Mr William Wahlert and scnolarship contest of the Oregon tend a regional meeting of the Lea William Stringer, Mrs. Lloyd Le vi the city hall a month ago. Larson, tailtwister, and Ron Camp scholarship committee, does not u-e family returned late Tuesday from a State Federation of Labor. The an gue of Oregon Cities in Ontario and Fred Guthrie, alto. Mrs. Burton said Wednesday that bell, Lion tamer. it. five-day trip to Ashland, Ore., where nouncement was made Friday by J. Tuesday, Mayor Thomas G Jones Under the direction of Richard he will be able to work for a short Elected to serve on the board of Bessie B Hester, Vale, chairman they attended the golden wedding T Marr, executive secretary of the announced. Representatives of other LoSasso. high school supervisor of periods, beginning Thursday, but he directors were Dick Forbess, Roy- of the scholarship committee, stated anniversary of Mrs Wahlert’s par -tate AFL, who reported that four cities in the area will be present to instrumental music, a male chorus is still under the care of a doctor. Wild and Dick Tensen. that the award is made each year ents, Mr. and Mrs. M. P. Barry, on winners will be selected from the discuss common municipal problems will sing Annie Laurie, Stout-hearted -even Friday of this week for a $500 to a deserving Malheur county sen Mother's Day, May 10 A report on League activities and Men and The Whiffenpoof song. Eight-two persons signed the guest scholarship for each. The selection ior who plans to train to become a current municipal developments will The program is complementary to teacher. It entitles the winner to one book, Mrs. Wahlert said, stating that will be made by an interviewing be given by Mayor V. Edwin Johnson composed of educator* the public. Other members of the year's tuition at the state-owned there were 50 offspring from the committee of Eugene, League president. Ray who are connected with the AFL, Barry marriage college or university of his choice In mond C. Coulter, field consultant committee are Mrs. J. L. Church, More than 500 senior high school Mrs. Wahlert is the youngest of Oregon. and legislative representative, will Mrs. Wyckoff, Mrs. Nishitani. Mrs. nine children, four boys and five students in 75 Oregon high schools Plans were nearing completion this vision committee. outline enactments of the 1953 legis Henry Hartley and Mrs. C. A. Mal- Miss Rigney would like to attend girls, all of whom are living except entered this year’s contest, Marr week for the eighth annual Jersey Feed dealers, represented on the Eastern Oregon College of Education one brother who died 15 years ago. lature of direct interest to city gov ley. .said. Winners choose their own ac ernment. Arnold W. Westling. of the Cattle show, with which will be com general committee by Hugh Tobler, and train to become a grade school The Wahlerts left for Ashland credited college and select their own bureau of municipal research and courses. bined this year for the first time a will make use of the space between teacher as her mother, Mrs. Jose early last Friday. service, University of Oregon, will The written examination consisted farm implement and automobile ex the grade school and the old gym phine Rigney, is before her, Mrs advise the group on planning and of numerous questions, divided into Hester said. hibit. public works developments. for their displays. eight parts, pertaining to Industry The combined Jersey Cattle, Farm Other organizations offering their The dinner meeting will start at and labor and their connection with 6:30 p m.. Mayor Jones said. Charges of contributing to the de Implement-Auto show will be staged support of the combined show are economic conditions. the chambers of commerce of Nyssa. on the grade school grounds Satur linquency of a minor against Bill Open hou-e Tuesday at the Mal- PARENTS OF SON PVT SPARKS SPENDS Dean Cooper were dropped Monday day, May 23. according to joint Adrian. Vale and Ontario; the coun h> ir Memorial hospital was declared 14-DAY LEAVE AT HOME for insufficient evidence and a bond chairmen Charlie Grider for the ty agent - office, the Nys.-a Lion- Mr. aiad Mrs. Harold Wilson are highly -ucc«'">ful by members of the Pvt. Ouye A Sparks, son of Mr of $500 was exonerated, following a Jer-ey cl ib and John Palmer for the club and the Ny a Buslne Men' parents of a son born May 6 at the The Ny ,i high school band ha H i-pital auxiliary, who ponsored Holy R-os auto and implement dealers. end Mr-. A E Sparks. Rte. 1, Ny.vsa. ary he>spital In OntaLfio, the affair Quest from eastern Ore- tend a graduate f Adrian hich This is the Wil- on’s tnird child. Ichool, ha' b,en a signed to Ala-ka ne \. ¡t.'i* f: 'm Indiana, were taken 1 ADI KlrioEs s i KGEIÏY i the U. 8. army si Le w H ( Robins, un- Hew Co-op Board N am es Officers Colorful Mexican Affair Entertains Dancers, Audience Good, Park Made Through Streets By Council Vote Music Program Features Local, Guest Artists County Grass Man Will Be Chosen By Farm Bureau New Fire Tanker Ready for Use; 1952 Calls Told Williams Prexy Of Student Body Pastor Named For Episcopal Church TM Club Schedules 2 Weeks' Programs Boydell Elected Lions President City M anager Home From Hospital Nyssa Group Will Attend Regional City League Meet Honor Student Is Contender For AFL Scholarship Doris Rigney Wins Alternate Award Wahlerts Visit With Relatives at Ashland Jersey Cattle, Auto-Implement Show Set Next Week; Plans nearing Finish Charges Against Cooper Dropped School Band In Spring Practise Hospital Visit Day Successful Tentative Practise Set for Jr. Legion i 1 I I A d i t 1; L M ’ r ;o w h ,l dama ttd or.a BREAKS FOOT i>t KING P.E. Garry DeR k, n of Mr. and which >quad will come out on top. Twirling candidate'» arc also work- in:, oil affair and many new idea- B broke big foot at ion’.- five home } game.-» s to thi ■ rear of the the Ju. have been sugge-ted for use in the •eh< ■ I Tut day during a physical rade nd the oId gym. Glenn are no w on saile and may Iae pur- in« oiit and they, too, will comp* future. education class. at a hiter date. Iurte*n will he ad the t implement di-j chased from ariy Leg.on men