Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (May 1, 1952)
THE NYSSA G ATT CITY JOURNAL NYSSA OREGON THURSDAY, M A Y 1 19*2 Local News Lake Citv where they vi-tt.d th? farmer ■ M Lawre, e Findling, and family. M r » a d M r * W S F i a * U n , and •Mr. and Mr«. a” K. Plinth and their daughter and aon-tn-law, Mi Mr and Mr > Stanley Jonassen all of .* I M Walter Otendorf J Boise * Cove, Oregon returned Thursday from a week's vacation trip to Salt tors at the home of M r and Mr Lym. Lawrei ce and children. The \ i-:- : - met ’ heir r w grand nephew H U' ■ n Mrs. \. H Hodrtl m u ron t bom Caklm-ll Suuday .he group to Jordan Valley for the day the Be ki St’ O C «r r. M rs lucres Bair and daugh Thursday fr m Bremerton. Waali- rh< i he r id la l tha peat month with her M.'t*r. Mr> W I. Feinen. Mr and Mrs t r U a Hareldsea i f Boise c- e week - < nd with his parents. Mr and M: s B* iben Haroldsen, her parents. M. and Mr- D K Hartley and «nth Mi and M: Vern Beesley ter «rere returned h >me from Ma.- iieur Memorial h< p;tal Sunday Mra Be* Miller ui I'arma was a Sunday d.nner g lest hei pan Mr and Mr- Ralp.i Capper Mr and Mrs Bernard Frost and Vernon visited Sunday afternoon with her -. :<■! \i Mr> John Wa :. and dauchte at New Plymouth Mr. and Mrs W. D. Ilak»m h and S 1/r Hawkins spent the Rodney were Saturday overnight week-end in Owyt e a th h. arar.u- guests of her sister and family. Mr. parents, Mr. and Mr- C I. Haw and Mrs. Clyde Schur and Linda of kins. Additional week-end guests at Kit end I M 1* l nite. Idaho. J I Hf.iwrt Itlril l’ ll a W r-lin g- hou-e service meeting m Boise Tues day Mr1- I rank F r l r r e n of Ogden » . i - c son-in-law. Mr and M i' J R. Dun- Mother’s Day 11 day Mr anil M r> \ L . kc-lrr and Mi and Mr- s I' Bybee attended the season’s first ball game at Boise S a t urday nigh: Mr and Mrs. I Knit la- i Crti-on May 11 returned Wednesday from a 10 day trip visiting in North Idaho, W ash ington and Oregon. Stretch Your Building DollarS with home-owned Nyssa Lumber Co. HELMER S SPECIAL "/Hy McCormick Baler Is Rarin’ to Co N o w ! " H B i V this week Waffle Irons — Hot Plates De-Icer — Pancake Griddle 25% off , S*nce I had an IH 5-Scar pre-season servicing Job done on my baler, my baling worries are over. Here are the points they check: Pickup • heed Mechanism • Packer l ingers • Plunger # W « ( hamber • Drive ( h.uns and Sr r ^ i e i •> • El ARAR Fo r Star P e rfo rm a n c e in tha Fie ld , S-STAR SE R V IC E J- G at IH S -S ta r S e rv ie s in O u r S h o p Order early lor delivery on Mother's Day Open All Mrs. (.onion Foueh ami daughtre Day spent the week-end as houseguests 1 of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J W. Englebert at Caldwell. May 11 Mr. ami Mrs. Andrew McGinnis were Sunday guests at the home ol her brother and sister-in-law, M. and Mrs Walter Kinkston of King- man Kolony Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Ilowell of Houseguests this week at the t ’. Here Cornu Color a washable, rubberized finish for interior walls and wood trim covers most surfaces in one uniform coat dries to a satin sheen in less than one hour twelve handsome colors all ready to use Do you need money to remodel your home or to build outbuildings or garage? We can arrange a loan W e are at Mother’s service on Her Day . . . glad to deliver at Her convenience the flower of your choice. Potted p l a n t s , bouquets, corsages . . all taste fully arranged and fresh from our own greenhouses. H Neiger home are Mr and Mrs Chris Hoffm an and Robert Schwei- zer, all ol Tilamook. Oregon. T lu Hoffmans came Monday and Mr Schweizer arrived here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Hud llolton and Judy Ann o f Ogden who returned to their home last week-end after spending one week here as house- guests o f her sister and brother-in- law. Mr. and Mrs. George S. Oxnam, arrived back in Nyssa this week to make their home. They are residing at the Bennett apartments. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Shaffer of ('aid- well were Sunday dinner guests of his granddaughter and family. M’\ and Mrs. John Goddard. for you and give you up to three years lo pay if. Owyhee Truck & Implement Co. Mrs. 1.. F. Fry. former Boise were Sunday dinner guests of Mr and Mrs O. J Mitchell. WALL-SATIN sion Device.'* You, too, will appreciate the pre-season serv- *ce we M*ve to balers, mowers, forage harvest ers and other hay machines. G R A IN H A R V E S T IN G M A C H IN E S -— combines, binders and windrowers need pre-season attention, too. Let us check these points on your combine: 1 ngine • (dutch Assembly • Power Drive and Safety Shield • Gears and Hearings • Sprockets, Chains and Uelts • Cutter Har • Cylinder Concaves • Shaker Hangers, Arms and Pitmans ______• Augers and Auger Troughs • Safety Slip Clutches, etc. Mr. and residents of Nyssa. who have lived at Corvallis the past four years, re- | turned to this area Sunday and will • make their h. me at Caldwell. They remarked that they are very glad to get back to the “ sunny side of the mountain." William llawkins left for his home at Logan. Utah Thursday after spending a week in Owvhee at the home of his brother. C L Hawkins. Phone 373-W NYSSA GREENHOUSES Mr. and Mrs. Tom Johnson were dinner guests Sunday of their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs Pat Sweeney near Caldwell. The dinner was in honor ol Mr. Sween ey's birthday. NYSSA LUMBER CO. Nyssa, Oregon 706 North 1st j mamimis; Cwy m m uifiim OUR GREATEST ANNIVERSARY STARTING MAY 1st----- ENDING MAY loth DOUBLE COURTESY NIGHT—Thursday Evening. S & H GREEN STAMPS D GREEN LI O U U U B D L L E L s & H STAMPS We will remain open Thursday and Saturday evenings for your convenience in shopping for these great values. 81-In. x TYPE 128 ' PLOVER' MEN'S — WOMEN'S SHEETS CHILDREN'S $J93 108-In. Regular $2.29 SHOES TYPE 128 ■ . PILLOW CASES 39c MEN'S CHAMBRAY WORK SHIRT 97* Reg. $1.39 Blue and Grey PRICE Nylon Specials Reg. $3.98 and $4.98 MEN'S First Quality Cinderella SPORT SHIRTS Fancy Heel Sizes 8 Vi-l 1 Full Fashioned I.on« 94£ Sleeves 51 GUAGE— 15 DENIER RAYON Full Fashioned Spring Shades DRESSES $2.86 Sizes 8 *£-11 Regular $12.95 66c 100% WOOL WHIPCORD PANTS $9.97 Rayon Crepe and Bern berg Sheers Sizes 9-15 — 12-20 Sizes 28-42 U ‘2 to 22*4 Nyssa A c __ àrJB o° m B a fS i. # * $1.99 FIRST Q U A LIT Y Regular S5.95 • Sanforized • »t Oregon ? M i st l* r * t u CvJoff