Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 21, 1950)
THE N Y S S A G A TE C IT Y JO U R N A L . N Y S S A . OREGON. T H U R SD A Y . DECEM BER 21. 1950 dams that would cost $17,000.000. 1 heart of the Bonneville power grid.. Roach added that if the government If the power company is denied the does carry out its proposed Columbia right to build the five low-head * e H en -sca n -! dim s. it will be forced to develop (Continued from Page 1) ^ one steam-generated power at a higher most logical project is our low-head U mv.» »»,<>» « . ' cost or place itself at the mercy of i,th ,L gov‘ the government power supply, program between Weiser and Hell's ernment plan would ^ take the the w ater-1 canyon with the Ox Bow project as power resource from tthe hinterland the first step” . and carry It to the west coast for Women Tell O f The speaker said the high dam the benefit of that area, which al Xmas Customs will destroy not only the low-head ready enjoys many other advantages. sites, but raising of the level o f the "a t our expense and the expense of water will effectively destroy the the rest of the nation” . Mr Roach' (Continued from Page 1) great body o f valuable mineral re -1 said that during a 50-year franchise,' of January the observance o f the sources not yet uncovered. He cited the power company would pay taxes feast of the Wise Men, with life- the use o f important minerals lo equal to the original cost of the size figures of the Wise Men which cated in the area in national de project. remain in many of the churches for fense. The proposal has been made Mr. Roach said the government a month. She stated that in Prance that the Hell’s canyon project be can help down-stream areas by as in Belgium the children received built by the bureau of reclamation, building a dam below Hell’s canyon tlieir gifts on the 6th of December, although the dam would have little, to back up water to Hell's canyon, candy on Christmas and money on benefit other than as a power de There are many other areas, he said, the 6th of January. The gifts on velopment. It would have no con that could be used for storage pur- | December 6th were brought by Path- nection with reclamation. poses. The Snake river above the er Noel The cost of a government dam, in Salmon river has not been respons Mrs. Tom Nishitani then told of cluding the cost of building a trans able for floods on the coast. In 1948 Japan, where Christmas is observed mission line, is estimated at $433,- the Snake river above the Salmon only by those Christians who have 000,000. The Idaho Power company was flowing 44 second feet of water come under the influence of mission project would cost $176,000.000. Al and the Clearwater and Salmon were aries. She told how in Japan the though spending $314,000.000 for act flowing two and one-half and three association of Christmas to the Unit ual construction of the dam, the and one-half times that amount. Mr. ed States is evidenced by the fact government could produce no more Roach pointed out that at T h e 1 that many Japanese considered power from the hlghhead dam than Dalles is located one of the most Santa Claus and Uncle Sam as the the power company could develop desirable sites for a power plant at same person. Mrs. Nishitani, ac from its proposed five low-head a greatly reduced cost and in the companied by Mrs. Buchner, sang Roach Criticizes Dam Construction two songs In Japanese. The meet ing closed with “ O Come All Ye Paithful" and “ Silent N ight" by Miss Crandall. Mrs. Pisher and Mrs. Buchner. During the business meeting that preceded the program, the Judging committe for the Christmas tree lighting contest was announced, with Mrs. Wilbur Holcomb as chairman, assisted by Mrs. Don Engstrom and Mrs Ralph Lawrence The tea table was attractive with a centerpiece of Christmas orna ments and trays of holiday cookies and mints. Hostesses for the after noon were Mrs. Kenneth Kerby, Mrs. Rollle Cox. Mrs. Harry Anderson, Mrs. Dale Oarrison, Mrs Herbert Fisher and the chairman. Mrs. Snid er. The newly refinished parish hall was especially attractive with boughs and white candles in copper holders placed in the windows, and boughs and candlelabras used on the piano and in the front of the room. Firemen Called— Small damage was caused by fire occurring in the boiler room o f the Nyssa Cleaners plant on south First street last Saturday night about 9 o'clock. Firemen said the fire start ed from a stovepipe. Firemen were called Tuesday night at 8:30 to the Hancock sel-vice station after city policemen saw smoke escaping from P A G E SE v ^ N the building. The smoking of a smudgepot oil heater caused some smoke damage. Firemen broke a window and Jimmied the front door to gain entrance to the building. TOO LATE TO shape. store. C L A S S IF Y FOR RENT—40 acres, very good row FOR SALE—Beautiful, small up crop land, all seeded down, cash right Kimball piano in excellent rent. Chet Corfield. route 2. 21d2xp Turkey Shoot Held— The Adrian Lions club held a turkey shoot last Sunday at the Adrian American Legion hall. A good sized crowd attended the shoot that was arranged by Vernon Parker, Howard Hatch and Gene Pratt. The P e r f e c t Oi ft l STREET SWEEPER % « Lut true friends f cross uour path. The brooms rotate while toy Is running. Clock-spring motor with lots of power. Rubber wheels. 8Vt-inch. $2.29 Your M erry Christmas is in the bag this year . - A n d m a y none It's A Beauty I LAST MINUTE SPECIALS REDUCED Universal 8-Cup COFFEEMATIC Completely Automatic . . . Dial the Strength You Prefer S»M -4*«flag . . . I n e k Action Double Barrel POP GUN Pool Tables $4.95 Spell It Board 98c Plastic Alphabet ________$1.79 1950 fìnsi ont VELOCIPEDE Wi t h 1 2 - i n c h Front W h e e l © Wilson Bros. Dpt. Store Picture Puzzles 49c Basketball Game _________$2.59 And Many Other Toys FIRESTONE STORE W aln u t s to ck , ■teal barrels, two triggers A dandy! 5 th A N D M A IN Santa Claus Returns To Nyssa Saturday, Dec. 23 SANTA CLAUS RETURNS Treasure Hunt Continues Santa Claus will appear in Nyssa on a float with a group of carol ers Saturday, December 23 at 2 o'clock. He will go to the old gym nasium, where he will distribute treats to the little children. At 2:30, the older children will go to the Nyssa theater, where they will view the picture, "Golden Stallion", featuring Roy Rogers, and receive treats. with 100 prizes being offered this week. Merchants whose prizes have not been claimed will offer two or three prizes this week, about doubling the prizes offered last week because several of the prizes were not claim ed. You have received your lucky number in the mail. This number is on your card along with the rules. Save it. It is your number for this Saturday. If your number matches the number on any prize displayed you may claim that prize. New numbers for prizes displayed in stores will be drawn. Telephone inquiry regarding winning numbers is not permissable. Prizes can be claimed on Saturday only. NEW LUCKY NUMBERS HAVE BEEN DRAWN Continue Your Treasure Hunt to the Following Firms, Who Will Display Prizes With Lucky Numbers Eder Hardware Co. Cate City Journal Golden Rule Gordon's Drive-in Henneman Hardware Co. Interinountain Furniture Co. Bracken’ s Dept. Store Olympic Club Owyhee Truck & Imp. Co. Peterson Furniture Co. Tobler's Feed and Fuel Eder Grocery Western Stores Taylor's Market Wiison Dept, store Wilson Super-Market Marshall Wells store Nyssa Furniture Co. Food Mart Ace Pastime Firestone store Amalgamated Sugar Co. Pound's Grocery B and E cafe Bunn's Signal Service Ronald's Shoe shop Dr. Edwin W . Oldham Brownies’ cafe Beauty Nook Owyhee Beauty shop Anderson’ s lee Cream Shop G and B store Farmers Supply co-op Nyssa Food Center Owyhee Drug Co. Herriman Motor Co. Jackson Jewelry Sweet Shop Nyssa Pharmacy (Rexall) Paulus Jewelry Powell Service Koherts-Nyssa, Inc. Thompson Oil Co. Towne’ s Garage Evans studio Ideal Gas and Appliance Morris bakery Miner's Barber shop Nyssa Auto Parts Owyhee Barber shop Nyssa Lumber Co. O . K. K iihher Welders In addition to the above listed firms, the following generously contributed to bring Santa Claus to town twice, to give the kids three free shows and two Saturday treats. The Eagles Lodge and Chamber of Commerce gratefully acknowl- edge their support. Grant Rinehart Idaho Power Co. Harold Henigson Stunz Lumber Co. Mel Beck Carl's Doll House O & B 21 dtfc FOR SALE—20 tons good aifalfa hay John H. Benedict, Enterprise and Lytle boulevard. Nyssa. 21d2xp fascinating Scale Modal of Authentic Design Nyssa Elevator Reasonably priced. Clyde Snider Ken Pond Agency Dr. J. R. Cundall Pruyn garage First National hank Hollingsworths', Inc. Clover Lawn Dairy Gate City Cleaners Boise Payette Lumber Co. Brower Plumbing shop Bernard Eastman Nyssa Implement Co. Carl and Burt's Machine shop Nyssa Insurance Agency Dority Welding Service Sarazin clinic Judge Don Graham B and M Equipment Co. Boh Thompson Agency Nyssa Tavern