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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 17, 1950)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON, THURSDAY. AUGUST If, 1950 Wom an Assists In Bible School ARC AD IA, Aug. 17— Miss W ilma Bullard returned Saturday evening from Atlanta, Idaho, where she helped Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Chand ler o f Caldwell conduct Bible school fo r a week. Mr. and Mrs. Buel Hickey and fam ily o f Ontario were dinner guests Sunday in the home of Mr. and Mrs Geonge Moeller. Afternoon visitors were Mr. and Mrs. John McKinney and Mr. and Mrs. How ard Doty and son of Boise. Miss Grace Tatrr o f Wilder is spending this week in the George Moeller home. Miss Beulah Cam o f Caldwell spent the week-end with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Pay Corn, and family. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Schoen and daughter o f Ontario were dinner guests Sunday in the Theo MaVh- etrly home. Mr. and Mrs. John Zitteroob, Mrs. Anna Dail, Mrs. Etta Johnson and M ary Johnson attended the rodeo in Caldwell Friday evening. Mrs. Etta Johnson and Mary Johnson left Monday for their home at Powell, Wyoming after spending the smmer here with Mrs. Anna Dail and other relatives. Mrs. Dail accompanied them as far as PAGE SEVEN Boise, where she will spend a few a t ? i -i •. be awarded advanced amateurs in Herd Improvement days with her daughter. Mrs. Dale Exhibit a special class. Entries in the phot Croup Is Gaining; Lakey, and family. Space Helpful ography division should be mailed to Superintendent John Estano, Box | Donald Bullard, Donald Bowers ----------- Reports of Dairy Herd Improve and V. L. Keeler left Monday with “ Use of the new national guard i 394, Ontario, by August 36 to pro Dick Wilson and Lynn Lawrence armory with the other iair build- vide time for these exhibits to be ment work in M alheur county dur ing July show further gains In o f Nyssa for Wallowa lake for a m8 facilities this year will provide assembled. Always one of the largest divis- members, herds, and cows on test. week's outing with F J ’.A. groups. for the first lime In many years i ions at the fair, the needlework de Mr. and Mrs Ben Houston and well-lighted, dust and water-proof Owners of 38 herds with 700 cows, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Houston vis- Quarters for needlework art and partment is divided into the follow are cooperating with the program. ing classifications: Crocheted work, ited Sunday afternoon at the home Photography exhibits at the Malheur of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Houston at County fair," said E. N. Hoffman, knitted articles, applique, cut work, The July summary Just released by embroidery, needlepoint, quilting Don Humble, supervisor, snows an Payette. chairman of the fair board. ___________________ | A record turnout of entries in and rug making. Some 130 prem average of 880 pounds of milk and ... n | . these divisions is expected this year iums will be awarded in this division 35.4 pounds of fat per cow. Another feature is the Cattle Purchased ;IS a direct result of the better alone. O f the 38 herds on test, 19 are of A» I pn a v i facilities and new classes added to special hand-engraved cup to be t - standard D. H. I. A. with 473 cows. warded for the crotcheted entry je r s e y 3 a l e the premium list. Recognizing the Five of the owner-sampler herds _ _ _ _ _ *---------- | increased interest of many through- adjudged best of the fair. W orx were added as new members during BEND. Aug. 17—Vem Hughes I out the county In various handi- done with mercerized crochet cotton the month. Including the following bought a registered bull and Lee crafts, classes have been added In and completed since January 1, 1950, dairymen: Orover Cooper, Nyssa: Stoker bought a registered heifer textile painting and stenciling, is eligible to compete for this trophy, L. A. Johanson and John George Saturday at the Oregon Jersey cattle leather tooling, ceramics, china and which Is sponsored by the National In Ontario Heights community: V. sale at Ontario. The bull came figurine painting and hobbies. Mrs. Needlecraft bureau of New York C. Mowreader and Les Wilcox of from Independence. Oregon. Sam Pobanz. Ontario, is superin- City. the Lincoln community. Mr. and Mrs. Pay Jackson and I tendent of this new division, Five cows completed lactations daughter of Boise were Sunday din- Drawing some of the largest Child Born In G e r m a n y - with records to qualify them for ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles crowds at last year’s fair were the Master Sergeant and Mrs. Dale R. honor roll recognition, as follows: W itty and family. Afternoon callers arts and photography displays. Mrs. Dorman, who are now living In G e r A1 Thompson and Son. Adrian, 3 were Mr and Mrs. Butcher and Robert Gross, Vale, superintendent many, are the parents of a son, Gary year old registered Jersey. No. Donald and Margaret of Notus and of the art division, today pointed Dale, born August 9. Sgt Dorman Is 1636663, 411.3 pounds fat; A1 Thom p Miss Selma Parwell of Roswell. out that additional classes in paint- a son of Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Dorman son and 3on, Adrian, 3 year old reg Bill Spears of Stronghurst, Illinois ing have been added this year. These of Nyssa. istered Jersey, No.1579985, 414.0 arrived here Friday evening. include still life, landscaping and pounds fat; Gilbert Sprout, Oregon Lawrence Miller Is running his hay portraits in oil, pastels and water Returns Fram Visit— Slope. 3 year old registered G u ern bailer in the Newell Heights com color. Classes for camera fans, both Mrs. Lester Oden and daughter sey. No. 1006065, 407.4 pounds fat; munity. In the snapshot and mounted picture returned home Friday after spending H. Bair and Sons, Nyssa. 3 year old Dale Teter threshed for BUI Ferg division are again offered, witn several months at East Alton, Illi grade Jersey, “K ate", 539 9 pounds uson Saturday. special gold and silver medals to nois. fat; and K er Crest farm, Oregon BRACKEN'S "BELL RINGER" FALL VALUES Slope, mature grade Holstein. No. 39, 540 7 pounds fat. The above records are based on a 306-day period or less for a com plete lactation record. Using the freshening dates as a basis for de termining the age when the record Is made, honor roll requirements are: Two-year-olds, 350 pounds fat; 3-year-olds, 400 pounds fat; 4-year- olds. 440 pounds fat; and 5 years and over. 465 pounds of fat In one lac tation of 305 days or less. Visit Brother— Mrs. Alyce O. Nelsen of Buhl, Idaho and Mrs. Emma W est o f S a l ine, Utah have returned to Buhl after visiting for three weeks at the home of their brother, J. C. Olsen. Go To Salem— Mrs. Chester Mills and and Mrs. Ronald Batt left day for Salem, where they Mr. and Mrs. De Rowen, of Mrs. Mills. two sons W ednes will visit relatives -SPECIAL- b r ig h t TIN PLATE MILK PAIL Regular Price $1.05 SALE PRICE .89 While They Last MARSHALL-WELLS STORE 124 Main Phone 165-W E AND W IVANHOE BACK TO CHILDREN'S SCHOOL COMFORTER LIGHT WEIGHT BOYS' SATIN Warm-Up Jackets 72 x 84 Skirts BOY'S SWEATERS LINED—School Colors Knit Cuff and Bottom Red—Green Sizes 6 to 12 Water Repellent Brown—Grey Size 2 to 8 $ 4 .9 5 Size 29 to 30 5% Wool Lined Satin and Chintz Covering $4.95 $1.98 Site 10 to COLOR MAGIC 51 GAUGE NYLON HOSE $1.50 PAIR 16 $ 5 .4 5 Cotton Training Panties DOUBLE CROTCH FULL ELASTIC BAND SNUG FITTING LEG Sizes 2-4-6-8-10-12 29c - EACH PRINTED FLANNEL, 36 inches wide, 12 Colors and Designs, Fine Quality, 49c yard GOLDEN SEAL MEN'S SUNTAN MEN'S SUNTAN RAYON Sheet Blankets Work Pants Work Shirts Ladies' Panties White Heavy weight 70x84 Sanforized Size 29 to 44 Sanforized, Flap Pockets Sizes 14% to 17 $1.89 $3.98 $2.29 Sizes 5-6-7 PINK 39c SHORT ENDS Gingham Many Colore and Plaids 36 in. wide 39c Yd. DARK STRIPED QUILTING FLANNEL 36 inchs wide, good quality, 35c yard BOYS' BIG BUCK ) Suntan Shirts Button Flap Pocket Sanforized MEN'S JANE CLAY Work Socks Wash Dresses 10 to 20 Heavy Random GIRLS' SHORT SLEEVE Pullover Sweaters WOMEN'S LONG SLEEVE Cardigan Sweaters Sizes 6 to 18 * PAIR 16% to 24% 75% Wool 25% Angora 100% Wool White, Pink, Blue and Yellow $1.98 $1.00 $2.98 $4.45 $4.45 Sizes 38 to 50 LITTLE GIRLS' W ash Dresses Sizes 1 to 6X $1.19 CORDUROY, Fine Pinwhale, 36 inches wide, blue, rust, red, golt 1, rose, green, aqua, $1.49 yard JpL BOYS' DRESS BOYS' PULL-ON LITTLE GIRLS' GIRLS' CREPE Oxfords Engineer Boots Saddle Oxfords SOLE Brown Straight Brown, Sturdy Black and White Oxford Tip, Extra wear. Strap*. Composition White Sole Tan. Brown, Green Extra Value SOLE Sizes 4 to 9 Sizes 2% to 6 Size 8% to 3 B and D Widths 8% to 3 $4.95 $8.50 $4.95 $4.95 $6.95 Double-duty beeuty In all-wool sheer garbardlne. Complete Stock Boys' And Girls Gym Shoes And Gym Clothing BOYS' SCHOOL GIRLS' SCHOOL WHITE GIRLS' 100% WOOL MEN'S HEAVY MEN'S Pullover Sweaters Sweat Shirts Dress Socks Cords Dresses Cream. Maroon Pebble Sizes 6 to 16 Fast Color Guaranteed Sizes 7 to 14 Outing Flannel $4.79 $1.98 36 inches wide Short Sleeves Red. Blue. Yellow Sizes 6 to 14 29c yd. $1.98 and USE OUR LAY AW AY PLAN ON YOUR FALL CLOTHING $2.98 So right for cold weather when you slip in the Silver Color New Fancy Sizes 36 to 44 Sizes 10 to 12 $1.49 49c and wine. Priced From $26.95 to $38.50 USE OUR LAY AW AY PLAN ON YOUR FALL OUTING FLANNEL CLOTHING LIGHT STRIPED Featuring Nationally Advertised Peter's Shoes in 36 inches wide Weatherteen, Weather-Bird. City Club, and Velvet Step 29c yd $2.98 DRY GOODS SHOES CLOTHING BRACKEN'S TELEPHONE 47-W Also in tweeds in brown, gray Colors and Designs BOYS' JACKETS 100% WOOL Zipper Front Brown and Blue Milton Cloth Sizes 2-6 100% wool liner. NYSSA. OREGON X-RAY SHOE FITTING