Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 10, 1950)
\ »>v '~'>-r-<~f-*^‘r S e i ^ gg-/C . ,V V Ä 5 a « v rfteNYSSA JOURNAL THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON. THURSDAY. AUGUST 10. 1950 VOLUME XXXXV NO. 30 Firestone Store Trophies W ill Be Mail And Express Amateur Magician Gty Asks Bids Chamber Names All Faculties Operators W ill Given At Fair For Trains Are A dded; States The Great Erect Building Five Field Crops On Improvement Committees For Timetable Changed Virgil Among Best Are Ready For Of Two Streets 2 Nyssa Events School Opening oraham 1 O Seventh And Eighth Anti Some Third Graders In New Section All faculties have been completed for the Nyssa school system In prep aration for the opening of school September 5 at 8:50 a. m., Sup erintendent Henry H. Hartley an nounced Wednesday. The instructors will Include sev eral teachers new to the Nyssa system. They are Jean Tidwell of Olenns Ferry, Florence Herriot of Emmett, Mildred Hite o f La Orande, Marie N. Rawlings of Twin Falls and Joyce Goodman of Twin Falls in the elementary school, Harry McGinley o f Fruitland in the junior high school, R. K. Cox, a recent graduate of Drake university of Des Moines, Iowa, David E. Mortimore of Mapleton, Oregon, and Guy Poorman, a recent graduate of Pea body college of Nashville, Tennessee, and Lois E. White, a recent grad uate of Washington State college. One of the positions in the high school was created by the resigna tion of Mrs. Margaret Engstrom. The teachers and their positions will be as follows: Elementary school—principal and supervisor of elementary education, Walter McPartland: first grade, Emma S. Zwemke, Viola M. Pother- gill, Jean Tidwell and Florence Her riot; second grade, Muriel E. Judd, Clarice L. Nothels, Florence Roth and Mildred Hite; third grade, G. Eva Boydell, Pearl Ballantyne, Veta E. Fraser and Marie N. Rawlings; fourth grade, Eva Chadwick, K ath ryn Crandall, Thereasa Gehnert and Joyce Goodman: fifth grade, Hazel Lane, June McKinney and Virginia Voigt: sixth, Zette Bumgarner, Georgia Nichol and Dorothy T. N ol en; Arcadia elementary—first grade, Patricia Castro and Maudest Teague; second grade. Bernice T ay lor and principal and third grade teacher, Frances W. Bates. Junior high school—principal and social science, Murl Lancaster: English, Viola N. Dunckley; social science and crafts, Mildred Ren- strom , m a t h e m a t i c s . Victoria Schweizer; English and music, Ray mond J. Weatherspoon; science and health, Frank C. Parr, and mathe matics, P. E„ and coaching, Harry McGinley. High school—principal, D. W. Patch; vice principal and science, Charles Steffens; English, Marie Coate; English, R. K. Cox; social science and visual aids, M. S. Inge- britsen; social science and coaching, Kinsey Keveren; physical education and coaching, Howard Lovejoy; English and journalism, David E. Mortimore; commerce and art, M ar gery Nihart; mathematics, science and coaching, Dale L. Overstake; mathematics, Ouy Poorman; home making. Virginia Steffens and vo cational agriculture, Richard V. Wilson. Special teachers—girls physical education in Junior and senior high school, Lois E. White; Junior and senior high school library, Harriet Brurnbach; music supervisor, Lynn J Lawrence; special education, Jose phine Rigney and veterans instruct or, Rosel Hunter. The new addition to the high school building. Including the gym nasium. will be fully utilized this fall. One or two rooms were used last spring. Partly as a result of the construction of the new building, the Nyssa school system will be set up on a 6-2-4 plan of education, with a six-year elementary school, a two-year Junior high school and a four-year high school. The new section will house the Junior high school, the seventh and eighth grad es; a few high school classes and two third grade classes. The third grade classes will be placed In the new building because school officials feel the arrangement will be more practical and less confusing than placing some of the other grades there. Receiving Degrees Two Nyssa residents will receive degrees at the annual summer com mencement to be held In the East ern Oregon College of Education in La Orande August 11 at 10:30 Mrs. Mildred G. Hite of Nyssa will re ceive a bachelor of science degree in elementaary education and Mrs. June E. M cKinney will receive a three-year teacher education di ploma. Receives Orchid— Mrs H R. Sherwood said she was thrilled last week to receive an orchid for her birthday, a gift from Mr. and Mrs. Roy Brady o f Hono lulu. Mrs. Brady was formerly M ao’ Rust of Nyssa. Going To Idaho— W illiam Bolitho was scheduled to leave this morning for Knox. Idaho to spend a few days with relatives and do some fishing. To Visit Grandparent.«— Barbara and Lorena Bolitho left Monday night by train for Vancouv er. Washington, where they will visit their grandparents. M r and Mrs i. P M offett for 10 days. Trophy cups for grand champion Don B. Moss and Marv Jefferies, Effective Sunday, August 13, operators of the local Firestone exhibits of onions, potatoes, sugar chanties will be made by the Union dealer store, expset to be operating beets, corn and red clover are again Pacific company in the times o f . their, business sometime this fall in being awarded this year by Malheur three trains pussing through Nyssa Kids DaV And Associated a new building to be erected at Fifth county businessmen at the 1950 M al to provide for the addition of two ,■' — heur county fair, August 30 and 31 (.hamher Banquet Are and Main streets. mail and express trains. Now operating the Firestone bus and September 1 and 2. said E. N. No. 18. Portland Rose, eastbound, iness in the Bybee building at the Hoffman, chairman of the fair Planned now leaving at 10:49 a. m „ has been " Y ” , the owners announced this board. moved to 9:52 a. m.; No. 17, west Committees for the Kids day pro week that they will erect a 40 by 80 Adjudged as one of the outstand bound Portand Rose, now due at foot building to be constructed with 5:14 p. m„ will leave at 4:35 p. m. gram to be held just prior to the a front wall of brick and sidewalls ing features of the land products show, competition for these trophies and No. 11, westbound, due now at re-opening of school and the ban and rear wall of cinderblocks. was given much of the credit for the 5:50 a. m., wil leave at 5:42 a. m. quet to be held by the Associated Moss and Jefferies expect to add noticeable increase of entries in Each of the new mail and express Chambers of Commerce of South new lines of hardware to their pres trains will carry one coach for pas- western Idaho and Eastern Oregon ent stock after they move their these divisions last year. Cups are sponsored this year as follows: Best engers, but no sleepers or diner. in Nyssa September 18 were an quarters. 20 pounds of onions, Muir-Roberts No. 25, westbound, is scheduled for nounced by President James W. C. K. Olson. Nyssa contractor, has and Burningham, Nyssa; best 12 8:37 a. m. and No. 26, eastbound. is Leslie at the weekly luncheon of been awarded the contract to erect potatoes. Hartley Produce company, the Nyssa chamber Wednesday noon. the building. scheduled for 1:01 p. m. Nyssa. best 10 ears of field com. Members of the Kids day commit Beal Seed company, Ontario; best tee are William Lemon. Bernard pound of red clover, common or Eastman, Jack Burger, Fred Brack certified. Pacific Supply Co-oper en, Robert Thompson, Ralph Law ative, seed division, Ontario; and rence, Kenneth Renstrom and Jam best three sugar beets. Amalgamated es Leslie. The chamber banquet Sugar company, Nyssa. committe consists of Thomas G. Winners in these divisions last The recreation progtam, includ Livestockmen who plan to exhibit Jones, Bernard Frost and Wilton year were Bob Sunamoto, Ontario, ing the baseball season, provided for their animals at the 1950 Malheur Jaekson. best 20 pounds of Onions; Oeorge Kenneth Renstrom discussed costs youngsters of Nyssa and vicinity fair are advised to get them tested Schiemer, Jr., Adrian, best 12 po of sending a girl to a nurses train through the co-operation of local for tuberculosis and bang’s disease ing school with understanding that organizations, will be concluded tatoes; George Moeller, Nyssa. best at once. the nurse would return to Nyssa with a baseball Jamboree on the 10 ears of corn: Oeorge Moeller, Nyssa, best red clover exhibit, and "Requests for such testing must to work in the Malheur Memorial high school field Friday night, be be made before August 20,” said Dr. hospital. Earl Heeb, Oregon slope, best three ginning at 6:30. Robert F. Mowrer, federal veterin sugar beets. " I t looks like it would cost us Eight teams will participate in C IT Y LEAGUE STAN D ING arian. "This is necessary to assure about $150 per scholarship", Ren Fair officials again plan to dis the Jamboree. Bracken's team and health certificates being received in strom said. play these cups at Nyssa, Vale and 2nd Half the Eagles will play the first game, time for entry day. Any accredit w L Pet ed K ay Peterson suggested that the Firemen and Adrian Thumpers Ontario sometime in the near fut veterinarian in the county is a boy might be sent to a school ure. Tobler’s Feed & Fuel 2 0 1.000 authorized the second game, the Golden Rule to make these tests.” Muir, Roberts, & to become a hospital technician on and Panthers the third game and Indications are that the livestock the same plan. Burningham 1 1 .500 Herriman’s and Adrian the fourth Waggoner Motor Co. 0 1 .000 part of the show will again be as Dr. K. E. Kerby expressed the op contest. Eaoh team will play two large as last year’s when all facil Adrian Lions 0 1 .000 inion that loans rather than schol innings. No admission will be Tobler’s Feed and Fuel Co. soft- ities were filled to capacity and extra arships would be more practical. charged for the event. space added by the use of canvas- ball team took another step towards Decision on the proposals is ex Howard Lovejoy. who is in charge Plans have been practically com the city softball title Tuesday night, covered frame-type barns. Inquiries pected to be reached by a co-ord of the recreation program said the August 8 by beating the Muir, Rob are already being received from out- inated group representing several three-way league play ended in a pleted for the Nyssa Interstate erts and Burningham crew 11 to 0 of-county breeders who are inter organizations In the city, with Kay tie between the three teams. The Ouernsey sale to be held here Sat behind Jerry Barker’s four-hit ested in bringing their animals to Peterson to represent the chamber Flanagan Panthers, the Golden urday. September 16 under the aus pitching. Tom Moore led Tobler's the fair. Members of the Malheur of commerce. Rule and Herriman’s each registered pices of the Payette Valley Guern hitting with two hits, one of which Jersey Cattle club and the Malheur Mr. Leslie announced that Den three wins and three losses. In the sey Breeders association. A sale preview will be held at was a home run with two men a- Hereford Breeders association have nis W. Patch, high school principal last three games, the Golden Rule board. Jay Bybee made two hits for already indicated that they plan to is gathering and compiling material defeated the Panthers 10 to 3, the 10:30 a. m., lunch will be available be well represented, and it is ex for a handbook to be published soon. Panthers beat Herriman’s 10 to 3 on the grounds at noon and the sale the losers. In the first game of the evening pected that the newly-organized The handbook will contain an ath and Herriman’s nosed out the G old will be started at 1 p. m „ with Joe Malheur Holstein Breeders associ letic history of the schools partici en Rule 14 to 11. In the two-way Church of New Plymouth as auc the Satineetes downed the Nyssaette pating in the Snake River Valley league, Herriman’s won eight and tioneer. girls team 12 to 10 in a close excit ation will also take part. Twenty-five yearlings, bred heifers T o assure all prospective exhib conference. The project is to be lost two games and Golden Rule won ing game. In the final contest of and cows will be sold. the evening the Nyssa M. I. A. team itors o f livestock adequate stall partially financed by contributions two games and lost eight. Members of the sale committee In the Thumper league, the F ire downed the Owyhee M. I. A. team space, pre-registration on or before from chambers of commerce and August 26 is necessary. Due to lim other interested groups. Decision men took first place, the Eagles are Charles J. Prltzl and Ebtiei 5 to 3 in a church-playoff game. H uff of New Plymouth, L. G Hawley In Thursday night games, August ited barn facilities, stall space will on a contribution was postponed second and Bracken's third. The swimming course given by of Parmer, Homer Htght of Nyssa 3 the Muir, Roberts and Burning- be allocated in advance of fair time, until Mr. Patch can further explain the Red Cross in Ontario for two and Ray Olson of Payette. Lance ham team upset the Adrian Lions and anyone who does not request the plan. Harold Henlgson, local attorney weeks was concluded last Friday. Jensen of New Plymouth is secre 14 to 4 to win their first game in space before entry time, will have league play this season. Dareld to take his chances, said E. N. H o ff and secretary of the chamber of O f the 135 Nyssa youngsters reg tary. Chairman Pritzl said "Outstand commerce, gave a humorous report istered for the course, 84 attended Stelnke was the big gun for the man, chairman of the fair board. winners with four hits. Dale Moss A fat stock sale will be held F ri on his recent trip to New York C ity .! the last day’s session. The Nyssa ing animals will be offered for sale. “ New York is a wonderful place” , | children attended the swimming The Ouernsey breeders are holding limited the Lions to five hits for day evening, September 1 at the fairgrounds. Prime F FA and 4-H said the former resident of that course as a part o f the local rec the sale at Nyssa to make available the win. good cattle to the farmers of the city’, believe it or not, It has a lot reation program. Fanners Daughters scored another steers, hogs and lambs will be auct territory. The cattle have been sel of things Nyssa doesn’t have.. victory by winning 15 to 0 in the ioned o ff at that time. The sale ected by a committee of respon “ There is a 45-mile speed limit second game of the evening over the will be sponsored by the Malheur sible breeders". for automobile, but you can't go Peterson Furniture company girls Livestock association under the Art Teller of Salt Lake City, field over 15 miles an hour because of softball team. The Nyssaettes won direction of George Fergus of Vale, representative of the American the traffic Jams. Most of the auto 20 to 5 over the employment office secretary of this group. At least Guernsey Cattle club, will be in at 85 head of livestock will be auctioned mobiles are taxicabs. girls team in the last contest. tendance. “ At the beach people have given With Vale, Emmett and Burns Games for the coming week are o ff to the highest bidder. The list of consignors includes up softball and other games. They tied for first place and Nyssa In as follows: Thursday night. August spend their time trying to figure \ fourth place at the end of the reg Wilbur F. Boehlke, Lewis C. Freer 10, under the lights, starting at 7:00, out what holds up the women’s bath ular season of play in the Boarder and Davis and Hendrix of Meridian, M. I. A. versus Waggoners; 8:30 ing suits. After considerable re league, the four top teams will start Homer Hight o f Nyssa, Leon and Farmers Daughters versus Satin search, I found the women have a play-off for the title next Sun Ethel Fairbanks of Boise, Joe Pritzl ettes; 10:00 Peterson Furniture com and Ray V. Olsen of Payette, L. W. strings around their necks. day. pany versus Blue Mountain mills Potter, John Otten and C. J. Pritzl “ Nyssa is a good place to get back Vale and Emmett will play at 2:30 girls team of Ontario; Tuesdoy of New Plymouth. John W. Fosnot In addition to increasing their to. I don’t see why anybody stays Sunday. August 13 on the Vale field nlgh.t, August 15, under the lights, of Caldwell, Robert S. Davis of back there". and Nyssa and Burns will play on starting at 7:00, Nyssaettes versus shipments of potatoes, Nyssa ship Mr. Henlgson drove home in a the same field at 8 o'clock that Kuna, Domingo Asumendi of Nampa pers are loading out from four to Peterson Furniture company; 8:30 and Verno D. Thornock of Emmett. new Oldsmobile sedan. night under the lights. Team rep Muir, Roberts and Burningham five carloads of bulk wheat daily, resentatives decided that the win a railroad official said. versus M. I. A.; 10:00, Waggoner ners will play the following Sun Primary Festival Twenty-nine cars of wheat have Nyssa Reserves Motor company versus outside men's day. but have not named the place. team: Thursday night, August 17, been shipped since the first of the Planned Bv Church Receive Orders Fruitland defeated Nyssa 13 to 12 under the lights, starting at 7:00, month, mostly to western coast on the local field Wednesday night Adrian versus Toblers; 8:30, August points, or an average of almost five T h e Nyssa stake primary board Two Nyssa reserves in the armed in a freak game. In the fifth in 17 under the lights, starting at 7:00, a day. Union Pacific Agent Thomas Adrian versus Tobler's; 8:30. Farm Jones said grain shipments have forces have received orders to report ning, Nyssa’s only regular catcher will meet Friday night at 8 o’clock left in town. Jim Takami, was hurt in the Nyssa L. D. 8 stake house ers Daughters versus Nyssaettes; been heavier the last two years. for active duty with the air force. _______ totaled 74 Kenneth Hazzard, a staff sergeant, on the hand and the Nyssa umpire. to make final plans for the stake Last _____ year ____ the ____ shipments 10:00, Satinettes versus outside girls ____ and this year they are expected to ordered to report at Portland Hugh Tobler relieved him behind summer fesltval The date has not team. reach 85. August 16. Hazzard. a mechanic for the plate. Fruitland took a big lead, been set but the festival will be held Potato shipping is well underway. the Amalgamated Sugar company. 12 to 2, at one point in the contest some time next week. It will cli One hundred and fifty-fou r cars was a bomber mechanic during and led all of the way. Nyssa scored max the summer activities for the School Directors have been shipped this month and world war II. He was the first six runs after two were out in the six wards o f the stake, including Accept Building 243 were shipped last month, mak- Nyssa reserve ordered into active ninth frame, but failed by one run Vale. Owyhee, Nyssa 1 and 2, Parma to tie the count. and Ontario. lng a total of 397 for the season up "ervice. Vale defeated Nyssa 11 to 5 Aug The festival will be an outstand Graham B. Smith, architect on to Tuesday of this week. Fifty-one Robert Talbot. Jr., a first lieuten- the new Nysa school building, has cars were to have been loaded Wed- :int in the air force, will leave Nyasa ust 4 on the local diamond in a con ing event with over 250 children test featured by Nyssa errors, which taking part. One of the main I August 15 and report for duty at recommended to the directors that nesday, they accept the structure as sub At the peak of the season last Long Beach, California August 18. accounted for several of the runs. features will be a minature parade. Nyssa made 11 hits o ff Patrick and T h e program will be held in the year, between 50 and 65 cars were He was a communications officer stantially completed. Vale registered 10 hits o ff Stelnke. new L. D. S. chapel on Alberta ave However, a few non-essential odds shipped daily. during world war n. Wilson scored four hits in five nue. The public is invited to at ___________________ Talbot and Hazzard are not in the and ends remain to be completed. active reserves, but are among the times at bat and Pounds registered tend. T h e date and time will be Mr. Smith and his assistant, Jim Old Folks To Be Honored— announced later. The Church of Jesus Christ of specialists wanted by the air forces three for four. Rhynel, were here Tuesday and The scores were made by Pounds2, Wednesday to inspect the building. Latter Day Saints will honor all at the present time. Dick Wilson, Jack Bowen and Tri-County Picnic Set— | their old folks at an outing to be ------------------------ A tri-county picnic will be held by Stelnke. Potato Truck Overturned— held August 18, featuring a dinner Here From Iowa and Missouri— the Oranges of Baker. Malheur and Visitors at the home of Mr and Mrs. Ersel Beus and small son, and program, which will be held in Orant counties on Camp creek be Members of the Mrs. Dixie Kinkade last week were Appointed District President— Leo, narrowly escaped serious injury ’ the Vale park. Oeorge Poulson was appointed as tween Unity and Ironside Sunday. when the potato truck driven by church will donate the food and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kinkade of August 13. Any Orange member is district president of the Nyssa L. D Mrs. Beus overturned on a hill west furnish transportation. Any mem- Missouri, Mrs Lelah Macabee of La of Nyssa, due to loose gravel. Both ber over 65 years old is invited to Orande. Mrs Crystal Scott of Bewal. 8. mission for the first and second invited to attend. A softball game, have recovered from shock, but sus attend. He should contact his bLsh- Iowa and Mrs Ethel Klllen of Car- wards Monday evening at a meeting horseshoe pitching and other sports lisle, Iowa. The brothers had not held under the direction of Stake will be held in the morning and a tained bruises. The potatoes had op for further information. ___________________ *een each other for seven years. President L. Richard Grlgg of Vale. dinner will be served at 1 p m.. with been delivered to the produce shed Here From Tacoma— The kinkade family held a reunion Joseph Flake was released because coffee and ice cream provided by and the truck bed was empty. A program Mr and Mrs Jesse Callahan. L. and picnic at Payette park Sunday ; his business takes him out of town. the Orange committee Offices Moved— D 8 missionaries of the Tacoma afternoon. The visitors started on Flake has served as district presi will be given in the afternoon, ac dent over 11 missionaries for the cording to Loyd Adams o f Nyssa, a The office of the Nyssa school stake, are visiting friends and rel- their homeward Journey Monday. delegate representing the Malheur past five months. superintendent. Henry Hartley, was atives here. Mrs. Callahan spent the ------------------------ Orange. moved today from the elementary week-end with her parents, Mr and To Vale— To McCall— Mrs. J R. Child and Kay, Mrs. building to the new Junior high Mrs. Isaac Cooper and Mr. Callahan Mr and Mrs Carl Burningham Fish In Canada— school section. The new quarters spent Sunday with his folks in Owy- I-eon Child and Karen, Mrs. Elwood Mr. and Mrs Roy Pounds and Flinders and Oall and Mrs. Leo W. and M r and Mrs Charles Mann will provide a private office for the hee ___________________ Child spent Thursday in Vale They ' spent last week-end in McCall Mr son. Dick, and Richard Wilson re superintendent, a private office for were the dinner guests of Mrs. J. and Mrs Mann went on to Spokane turned home last Thursday from a Murl Lancaster. Junior high school To Canada— trip to British Columbia and west from McCall. Judge and Mrs. Don Oraham will Wright Child, principal, and a general office. The ern Oregon. They fished in Canada superintendent’s office has been lo go on a vacation trip to Canada — — ~ and at Newport on their three- Attend Picnic— cated in the present quarters for next week Judge Oraham ’s office To Prineviile— will be closed from August 14 to 28 Mr. and Mrs Irl Nolan, and Shir- | Mr and Mrs H E Collins at weeks vacation. two and one-half years ______________ ■___ ley and Donald were In Prlnvllle, tended the Minnesota picnic at Here From Morgan, U t a h - Oregon last week. Mr. Nolan is ^ Lakevtew park in Nampa Sunday. Mexican« Arrested— Constable Named— Jose Oonzales and O. R. Alvarez A house guest at the home of building a duplex there. Orval W Raymond was sworn in pleaded guilty In city court Monday Visiting On Conat— as constable of Nyssa by Justice of Mr and Mrs Leo Child is Leo Oor- ------------------------ Mr and Mrs Dennis W Patch to a charge of disorderly conduct Leo Returns From Visit— the Peace Don M. Oraham today. don Olsen of Morgan. Utah C. M. Caldwell of Nyssa has re- and two sons left Saturday to spend and were fined $50 each by Judge J. He succeeda W illiam Mayden. who Oordon a grandson of Mr. and They were arrested by Child, plans to stay two turned home from a visit in Call- I several days in Portland. Salem and C. 8mlth resigned because of moving to Neb Mrs e^koo o e o a ia l a I 11 A c city police officers Saturday night. raska. months fornla B. Smith of Eugene, the Nyssa school dis architect for 1 trict in the construction of the new school building and an amateur magician, told members of the chamber of commerce at their week ly luncheon Wednesday noon that "you should not miss the Great Virgil magician show", which will be sponsored by the chamber of com merce, the Eagles lodge, L. D. S. groups and Lions club the night of August 18. "Virgil is one of the four or five best magicians in the nation” , Mr. Smith said. "H e is a professional that gives a wonderful show. I f you miss it you will be sorry. He has everything any of them has and more than most of them. He is so good that even though you know what he is doing you can’t see him do it” . The local proceeds from the show will be placed in a fund that will be used to construct a cinder track on the high school grounds. Testing Of Fair Animals Urgent Ball Jamboree Set For Friday Tobler Driving For City Title Guernsey Sale Plans Outlined J Border Leaguers To Hold Play-off Wheat And “Spud” Shipments Heavy State-aid Project Plan ned; Defense Set-up Underway Following a hearing held in the city hall Tuesday night, the city council passed a resolution calling for bids on an improvement project for King avenue from First street to the highway and Park avenue from the highway to 11th street. Sealed proposals for the work will be received at the office of the city manager until 7:30 p. m „ August 29. The improvement will Include grad ing, furnishing and placing base rock and concrete curbing. The total cost of the state-aid job is estimated at $34,975. The state will do the surfacing up to a cost of $15,000, the city will pay $5,375 for Intersection improvements and own ers of adjacent property will pay $14,600. T h e city will do the grading, con struct the curbing, provide the drainage and lay the base rock this fall. The state will lay the surface next spring. W ith no one appearing at a hear ing, the council ordered the d raft ing of an ordinance to vacate Eighth street between Ehrgood ave nue and the highway. The council considered the pos sibility of adopting an ordinance re quiring tavern owners to keep the rear doors of their buildings locked after 6 p. m. However, the tavern owners will be given an opportunity to keep the doors locked as an aid to city police officers in maintaining order. The council passed an ordinance conforming to the civil defense act of 1949, accepting the provisions of the civil defense act of 1949, accept ing the provisions of the act. author izing mutual aid agreements with other cities and counties and auth orizing appointment of a director of civil defense. Announcement was made at the council meeting that the fire chiefs of Vale, Ontario and Nyssa met in Ontario last Wednesday to set up a mutual aid agreement between the Uutte cities h. the aveoi of em ergencies. Bob Prahl, Ontario fire chief, was elected as co-ordinator. The cities have signed the agree ment and will await further Infor mation from the state before pro ceeding with the mutual aid pro gram. Queen Contest For Fair Is Announced Two or more candidates are ex pected to represent Nyssa In a con test to be sponsored by the Exchange club of Ontario for selection of a queen of the Malheur County fair. Roy Holmes, president of the Owyhee Riding club, has Indicated the club will sponsor two or three girls In the contest. The Nyssa Lions club will be asked to sponsor a girl. Exchange club officers said they want as many single girls between the ages o f 16 and 20 years as pos sible to enter the contest. In which previous queens are not eligible. The Judging will be done by resi dents of Caldwell, Nampa and Boise at a date to be announced later. It will be based on riding ability and appearance of the candidates. The queen will be crowned at a dance to be held In the American Legion hall in Ontario August 30. Merchandise prizes will be given to the queen and her two princesses. The princesses will be second and third place winners in the contest. Truck Body Works To Be Established A. R. Rue and Jesse Douglas of Montana have purchased the Marlon Chard property on highway 20 north of Nyssa and will erect a new build ing on the land for a truck body works. Mr. and Mrs. Rue and daughter. Sue, of Billings have moved to Nyssa and Mr. and Mrs. Douglas, who live at Mtooula, will move here next week. Four-Stake Banquet Planned— A four-stake banquet and open air dance will be held at Emmett Saturday, August 12, beginning at 8 P M , in honor of all the Gleaner girls and “ M ” men o f the L. D. S. church in this and surrounding areas, including the Boise, Nampa. Caldwell, Nyssa and Weiser Stakes. Mrs Olsen o f the second ward has tickets for sale for this district. To Portland— Mr. and Mrs Bernard Frost will go to Portland this week-end. Mr Frost will attend a general meeting of state and federal game officials of the western states and Canada as a representative of the Malheur Oame league While in Partland they will visit Mr Frosts cousins. Mr and Mrs. Oerald Page. Guests At Baer Home— Guests at the Campbell Baer home are Mr and Mrs. D. D. Hyer o f Lew iston. Idaho, who are en route to Seattle.