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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (June 8, 1950)
PAGE SIX THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON. THURSDAY. JUNE 8. 1950 ert Toomb and Johnnie Riuuseli vice president*. Ward Tyler and Ruth Collnu. chaplain*. I Ac* Udii- nea and Nora Graham trustee' Jjt Belton and Oladyt Newbill -t~ _____ EAGLES AUXILIARY INSTALL secretaries Kenneth Renstrom and treasurer- Don The Fraternal Order of Eagle« and Mar> Thomas; of their daughter Frances, to Clay -W A R T ” , The Speed Cop By Bingham ton Barnes. June 22 is the date set B ib le .Schools for the wedding Mi*t Land is a < M » f OM u u , n I n a i S -O o M l 1 1 1950 Adrian high school graduate. L5f» ]3SA !U *. SiSY itroTÏ0" Mr Barnes, formerly of A us ton. W O Q V *, jjs fU I ^ Attendance at the Bible schools I Texas, is now employed on the H. has been exceptionally good, accord- j A Wilson farm mg to those in charge of the work . *• “ “ « - ■ » ' » * - * » ■ » » S a ls ______ — I— ____ at the Christian. Nazarene and held a joint public installation of Tyler, inside guard). W B Holmes ENTERTAIN AT DINNER officers Wednesday night in the and Grace Dirkaen and outside Dinner guests last Sunday at the MethodL-t churches. The largest attendance reported ‘ Eagle* hall guards Harry Oahan and Margery home of Mr and M.-- W F Find- was at the Nazarene church, with j Bernard Froat was the installing Standerfer ling were Mr and Mrs. Eugene 105 Mrs Dwight Seward is sup- j officer, with Kay Peterson acting a* The drill team of the auxiliary Chaplin and Mrs J. W McDowell ermtendent of the school, including Installing conductor The follow- exemplified the floor w <rlt Mem- of Twin Falls. Mrs Bessie Brown, seven different class groups. On | Ing officer* were installed Junior ber-. taking part were Plortne Mr and Mrs Bernard Frost and M. Friday morning. Rev Glenn Abla i past presidents Bernard Frost and Toomb. Virginia Brandt, Thelma and Mrs. Laurence Findling. well give a special evangelistic ser- i Mildred Renstrom presidents Rob- Mefford, Fern Patterson Barbara _( __ mon for the children of the school, j TUESDAY CLUB PLAYS A program will be given Friday j Mrs Clyde Snider was hostess to evening, June 16 at the close j f the members of her Tuesday after the session. noon bridge club with an extra table Mrs. Jesse Rigney. dean of the in play Guests A WHALE OF A . , for the afternoon. , . , J . Bible school at the Christian church, Mrs wer* Snider s si-ter, Mrs. J rt.p0rts 54 ^ attendance and invites ! WHOLESALE-RETAIL PHOHB I I A. Weatherly of Denver, and her others who wish to join the group mother Mrs. Clara Davis of Boise for the ciosing weelt of school, WASHING. POLISHING. LUBRICATING \Sr 5 Wilton Jicluor. Mrs DwlRil. Tbp ?F 01 )n Will havp a nifnip r»r» fV o Miss Grrda Price was united in smith and Mrs Ar.,e Robertson FndaV June 16 P th marriage to flifford fate* Saturday The prize for high score went to j Rtv ' j>jnaid CamDbell of the Matched Color* In Nile. Mellon. Aqua. Yellow morning. May 21 at a ceremony per- M r , Weatherly and traveling prize MethodLst dailv vSeatton “ n feif formed by Justice of Peace Jack to Mrv A C Sallee aally vacation Bible If.,sard in Winnemuca Nevada. C' _ ______________ sch ^ l h ^ announced an enroltaent s 'o f 65 this week. On the closing Alt ending th#* coupl* were Mr. and HONORED ON BIRTHDAY day, June 16, a program will be Mrs. Ed Price of Sunset valley, par Mr . and Mrs J. L Church enter- ; . . . . , n given a at t 7:30, i . oki , x so i that u i a l DarenLS parents ni of ents of the bride. Miss Price was te of of N’yssa high school ** * birthday dinner Sun- [he chiidren may share in the work a graduate l “ o Nyssa m i M, c t £ j d* y ln «bse'-vance of the birthday that hM ^ conducted for the with the V of Nam Da anniversaries of Tom and Bob , past two weeks. Much ot the hand. is formerly y of ol Nampa Nampa Church Guests were Mr and Mrs. worlc done b [he ils wU] on Jack Church. Mr and Mrs Tom i display ■ Evelyn Thompson, Greta Church. Bob Church and La Rue Jaque- The Faith Lutheran church will begin its daily vacation Bible school Broad, Sadie Butcher. Arlene Dick. Franklin. Monday. June 12. with Rev and Mrs. Ruth Whitaker. Bertha RudeHck. j FAREWELL PARTY GIVEN Shermin Schmidt in charge of the Blanch Dolan Alberta Bowen. Lar- Mrs Thomas Lile was honored school. The program for the two 100 PAIR LADIES' SHOES If you are driving a Kaiser or Frazer car ene Beck-stead. Goldie Pleuard, and at a farewell party given by Mrs. weeks classes will be built around Odd* and End*—While They Last Dorothy Runcorn Ethel Mary Wayne McPheeter- and Mrs^ Glenn of "O^d-sTaws” .'a id will we are equipped with the latest testing Beckham wa, the pianist Cooper at a lawn party Monday af- , feature Blb|e stories mlv, ion stori equipment and factory trained mechan Eayh of the incoming and out- temoon Mrs. Lile was presented . , h_ . 'V ' . . going officers of the auxiliary were with handkerchief- from the 15 wlB ^ h(,ld h d y f 9 '. ics to put your car in the best o f condition MEN'S NYLON SHORTS presented corsages by the drill team guests present. Punch and cookies 12 (rom June 12 through June 23 100% Nylon- White Only Special recognition for the work were served at the close of the af- ! lrora June 12 Inrou8n June 23 done during the past year was given temoon r.uaal« At Ilinn, r to Joe Bellon and Evelyn Thompson — 8 — vtr anri n Following the Installation and HONORED AT PARTY S iin L ! « » , J?' ®f iVi ,5 BRING YOUR TROUBLES TO US dancing, a midnight supper was Mrs Ron Whitaker was honor M 0y L. 8 tS f Mr and , Dry Good* __ ___ X-Rav Free Pick-Up And Delivery From Nyssa served, with Orlene Keefer and guest at a party given last Wednes- Jeanette Burningham on the serv- I day afternoon by Mrs Dean Smith r A R n rip n m r i r s ing committee. at her home. Two tables of bridge We wish t0 thank our friends and — j — were in play, with honors going to ; neighbors who befriended us during Telephone 105 Nyssa, Oregon ATTEND DISTRICT MEETING Mrs George Hennamen for high o u f m 'ent tereavement caused hv Members of the local Royal score and Mrs. Whitaker for low ^ ieaTh of mfr ^ onH Highway 30- -East of Tov/n Neighbors lodge attended the dist- Mrs. Whitaker was presented with Leon Anderson. We also extend our rict meeting held last Friday In On- j a guest prize Ontario, Oregon appreciation for the floral tributes. Phone 287 tarlo. Special guests at the meet- | —J— Mr and Mr«. Wilbur Anderson ing were Mr Mae Loggan of Port- ENTERTAIN MR AND MRS CLUB and family. land late supervisor, and the Idaho The Wednesday evening Mr. and state supervisor. Mrs Celia Gros- j Mrs. club met last Wednesday even- j venor of Roswell. ing at the home of Mr and Mrs. j The morning and afternoon ses- Qlea Billings. High score was held ion were held at the Conklin grade by Warren Farmer and second high school A business meeting was held by Grant Lewis. during the morning and a special --------------------------- , hool of Instruction during the af- ** vj , c , ON ALL PAINTS AND ACCESSORIES , group gave two * » “ LU i » i »*** i .~«T of the numbers for the school of F o r J il lit* 1 5 - 1 ' instruction. • ________ A banquet was held in the even- | _ , . inn at the East Side cafe in Ontario. ^??e,.,an? ui . race, me* 1 w' followed by a public program of ^,*at BY LEW HERRIMAN June 15, 16 and 17. with seven j fancy drills and stunts. Those attending from Nyssa were d‘i1 .ly b* * in £'in8 at 8 P- m- ........ „ is „ a song which says mad There SMOKED LABELS Mr , Edith Recce. Mrs. Ed Pruyn, I According to Roy Brewer, race i dogs and Englishmen go out in the Mr- John Reeves. Mrs Walter Fox. fnA ''aKer- this year s meet promises n 0 0 n d a y sun But witb vacation Mr- Ix>e Miller, Mrs Harry Collins J * outstanding as far asentries days on us many jocai folks are Mr Leo Oonyer Mrs Cecil Morri- a . L* concerned The reg- going ^ be rushing out for a quick 'on and Mrs Hudson Robb Four urtratlon of stalls, Mr Brewer stated, personai fricasee. ThLs is sillier play patty. cake with of the group were chosen as dist Ls the heaviest of any of the previ- , than trying rict officers. Mrs Cecil Morrison aof /i°Ur r? ee,tS Th»rL . S every m ‘ , an octopus, and as dangerous as Ls vice oracle: Mrs Ed Pruyn. mod nf ^ e 0 ,^ l £ . rncb,0de ^ 1st CLASS LINE OF WALLPAPER h* htii18 Trying a match gas-filled to tan in too a fast usual esty; Mrs Walter Fox. sentinel, and of the entries include those of Carl | Mrs Hudson Robb, flag bearer ly makes you wind up resembling a j Charles Knowles of Phoenix and first cousin to a blushing lobster the Sageacre tracks of Boise The This may look funny on someone DELPHI A N 8 MEET Mrs. Oerrlt Rtam was hostess to paramutuel windows will be handled eke. On you it's about as hum- the members of the Delphian society by the Ontario American Legion orus as a cry for help. So take j at her home May 23, with Mrs The -Sage and Saddle club will your tan easy When friends ask. I Orant Rhlnehart as discussion lead handle the ticket sale and the On "What's cooking?". . . make sure it er Taking part in the discussion. tario Lions club the concessions. | Lsn't you. Man's Place in the Living World", A Litchfield, Minn., taxpayer COMPLETE LINE OF APPLIANCES dom in g Events were Mrs Frank Morgan. Mrs Wes pinned a note on his tax return . .. i ley Browne. Mrs. Bernard Eastman "The cannibals had a way of solv and Mrs J J Sarazln | Friday. June 9—Concert at L. D ing high taxes; they ate the tax 1 LIBERAL TRADE-INS Tlie last meeting of the spring , 8 . church. 8:30 p. m. collector " That's one way of getting will be held at the home of Mrs Friday. June 9—Delphian potluck 1 around the tax collector You don't _ 1 Frank Morgan Friday. June 9 with luncheon at the home of Mrs Frank have to worry about getting around a i»<t tuck kmchaon Morgan the high cost of auto repairs and Monday. June 12— 8 t. Paul's Epis- service Just bring your car to us. ïm u ri.U B WOMEN MEET I copal guild at the home of Mrs. Our skilled mechanics will give you The Home Economic club of the I Vernon Duu-s a thorough checkup and overhaul. Oregon Trail Orange met at the Thursday. June 15—Cub Scout And it'll cost you less at HERRI Your Westinghouse Dealer Square MAN MOTOR CO. Phone 77 home of Mrs Oarnt Siam June 1. family picnic at park. with 10 member's and one visitor Dance club 14 North 3rd St. Friday. June 16—Bible school pro H eldt n id i' answerelng roll call with "Your Summer Outing Plans." grams. OWYHEE TRUCK AND Mrs Orma Ooodell won the door IMPLEMENT CO. ) HI Will meet at the Story Hour Program Begins— home of Mrs Howard Sisson at 2:30 In spite of blustery weather. 47 j Phone 245 NYSSA. OREGON p in June 11 to put tile crochet children attended the opening meet- J ^ ■ W B T i m « l i l i r k ii |i i ir , i i a,,ik on col , dtoptay- mg of the story hour held Tuesday j ' ed at the state Grange meeting In afternoon in the Nyssa library In the j City Mall Miss Jean Pennington of ' Plans were made for the two meals ! the county library conducted the the club will servp at the state hour on Tuesday. Miss Daisy Secoy Orange convention Tuesday. June will be In charge of the next week's 13 at tlie high school cafeteria in program. This summer program Ontario Is conducted by the Nyssa Parent- Mrs Elsie Riven, a former club Teacher association In conjunction I member now living In Caldwell, was with the local and county library an honored guest and was given a 1 on Tuesday afternoons at 2 30 at I F R ID A Y A N D SA TU R D A Y. JUNE 9-10 handkerchief shower at the close of j the city hall Reports on sum- \ ¿K the meeting There will be no club mer reading are turned In oy "W a k e Island" meeting In July the children of the vicinity. I Refreshments were served by the Reports on five books earn a ! (A re-issue) hostess, assisted by the co-hostess, plain certificate, seven books, a with ok t £ e Mr, l.»N»na WintiT certificate with a green seal; nine Brian Donlevy—Robert Prealon books, a certificate with a red seal s ___ M itlnrf Saturday t:M ; Arimluton llr-9r and for eleven books, a certificate CLUB ELECTS OFFICERS Mrs Bud Wilson was elected with a gold seal These awards will president of the A N K Oarden be made at the school this fall dur See the Rreat cities of the East SU N D A Y AND M ONDAY. JUNK 11-12 chib at tlie meeting of the club ing National Book week . . . visit the nation's many historic held Tuesday afternoon at the home "Bride For S a le " shrines. of Mrs Oarri! Sum Other officers Concert Presented— with Take your choice of several fine elected were Mrs Stam. vice presi The public Is Invited to attend Claudette Colbert—Robert Young dent. Mrs George Schwetzer. sec the benefit concert to be given Fri trains and accommodations. retary: Mrs Dale Ashcraft, treasurer day evening at the new Nyssa L. D George Brent Go Pullman — variety o f room and Mrs Oarl Hill, retiring presi S stake house. The program will It'» Colbert v». Young Don’t miss the maddest or berth accommodations; Club dent Mrs Maurtre Judd and Mrs feature Mrs Loren Bosler of Boise Lounge Car. moments o f laughter and romance. Albert Pfetler will represent the as guest orgon soloist Proceed, t ir - Matinee Sunday 2:30, Admlinlon SOe-ik* garden club at the annual convent- from the ticket sale will be for the Go Coach — reclining reserved Ion of the state federation of gard- ! orgon fund seats; economy fares; Lounge Car. cn clubs to be held at Klamath -------------------------- - TU E SD A Y, JUNE 13 Dining Cars serving meals Fall* June 13. 14 and 15 Here From Twin Fall»— that appeal. "R en egades Of The S a g e " Mrs Frank Morgan was In charge Miss Mable Oourley of Twin Falk of the program on "Rose Culture" Is visiting this week at the home of A trip on a Union Pacific train is a with followed by a discussion by the her niece. Mrs. Orant Lewis and vacation in itseif. Charlee Starreti—Smiley Burnette members of their experiences In family rose growing | ■ ■ - — also Mrs Lucy Johnson of Ontario was Return From Trip— 7<>* VefienJK tU ta tù » .. 2 V S/UcC^c. S a t, "A b a n d o n ed " * guest for the afternoon Refresh- Mr and Mrs Harry Miner return- I ments were served by the hostess ed Monday from a three-weeks trip with , The July meeting will be In the that took them to their former [ Dennl* O'Keefe—Gale Storm form of a picnic In the Nyssa park homes In North and South Dakota. 1 July 9. where they visited relatives and ! —|— ! friends From North Dakota they | W ED N ESD AY AND THURSDAY. JUNE 14-15 For reservations see FAMILY HAS REUNION went to Canada. En route to the Mr and Mrs Bernard Frost en- «rest, they visited the Orand Coulee "Enchantm ent" your nearest Union tertalned at a family reunion at dam. with Mr and Mrs Joe Suth- with Pacific ticket agent. their home on Memorial day Fifty- erland at Wlnthrop. Washington David Niven—Teresa Wright two relatives attended a picnic din- and at Walla Walla Evelyn Keye* ner served on the Frost lawn -------------------------- - Visit Friends— Out o f dreams, out o f yearning, out o f tenderness comes ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED Mr and Mrs Oeorge N Bear vls- an entrancing love story. Mr and Mrs Frank Land of Sun- ited friends at the veteran's hospital, set valley announce the engagement at Boise Sunday. ! b u r ia l l o t i 's Well Attended th e CANNON TOWEL SALE Bath Towel, 20 x40' Hand Towel, 16 x24' Wash Cloth, 12x12' o m 4 7 j 39c 29c KAISER-FRA2ER Sales & Service ^ 1 0 c S1.49 S1.98 ■ S W BR A C K EN ’S “ s L , CLOSING OUT SALE PAINT 40% OFF ' MUTCH OIL CO. ¿%oose facer 7r?cfor NEWS VIEWS from rfie Zfore/s S ed t- BRUSHES 25% OFF 10c A Roll And Up 1 < ^ '-'W 2 Z U < 5 i^eA/ Ostrom Bros. Appliance Co. FA R M A L L - F I R S T IN THE FIELD Herriman Motor Company N Y S S A ; PRO G RAM Telephone 108 T H E A T R E AIR-CONDITIONED COMFORT UNION PACIFIC U N ION p a c i f i c