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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (June 1, 1950)
^ r ^ f —r - r - ' r ~ r * ' ^' T-Ç- , * 77>e NYSSA VOLUME XXXXV NO. 21 JOURNAL THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON. THURSDAY. JUNE 1. 1950 Chamber Favors Churches Sponsor Record Number Best Memorial Vaculion Schools Proposed Levy Beginning Monday Teaching Youth Of Jerseys Are At its weekly luncheon Wednes Daily vacation Bible schools will the Nyssa chamber of commerce Taken To Show day. . About Morality voted in favor of the proposed I be conducted by at least three of Charles Huffman, Nyssa, Drowned In Irrigation Ditch Girl Killed In Strand States Truck Accident Mid-Century Is The inquest into the accidental death of Ruth Elaine Barker, killed Time To Think under the wheels of a cream truck Charles Michael Huffman, 19- months-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Huffman, was drowned Wed May 27. was continued Monday by special levy of $81,219.57 over the j the Nyssa churches beginning Mon nesday morning on the C. E. Ben Coroner R. A. Tucke to await the Valedictorian* Give New b r g e Crowd Sees Ani regular budget of school district No. day. June 5. Clyde Snider Delivers At the ChrLstian church at 5th nett farm on Highland drive in an convenience of District Attorney 26c for the 1950-51 school year. mals Judged On Memorial Day Address irrigation ditch rtuining close to the Charles Idea* At Commence and Ennis avenues, Mrs. Jesse Rig- W. Swan, who was in Port Speaking about the proposed levy. School («rounds ney will be in charge as dean of the land the first of the week. house occupied by the Huffman At Cemetery ment Program Superintendent Henry Hartley told The inquest was opened in the school. The classes will begin at family. With a record namber of cattle members of the chumber that "I 9 a. m. and convene each morning Nyssa Funeral home Monday morn The baby’s body was found by Clyde Snider, Nyssa attorney, told Dr. A. L. Strand, president of Ore exhibited at the fifth annual spring do not know of any first class dis 11:15 except on Saturdays, a crowd of 250 persons gathered In Mr. Huffman after a considerable ing. when Dr. K. E. Kerby testified gon State college, told a large crowd, Jersey show spoil? ored by the Mal trict in the state that does not have until that death of the little girl was search of the premises. The boy through June 16. heur Jersey Cattle club in Nyssa to exceed the six per cent limitation A varied program is being pre the Nyssa cemetery Tuesday morn had been carried quite a distance in caused by a compound fracture of including 50 graduates, at the com Saturday, Lee Stoker of Adrian was to raise necessary money". mencement program held in the pared, including Bible instruction, ing for Memorial day services that the ditch, according to Ute father, the skull. Mr. Hartley explained the chapter awarded the trophy for exhibiting The jury is expected to return a new school auditorium last Thurs handwork and recreation. who is employed on the farm by "The best memorial we can create of Oregon law pertaining to the six the grand champion bull and How verdict after it is called into ses day night that "The world was At the Methodist school. Rev. Harry Masto. ard Bair of Nyssa the trophy for per cent limitation, which, he said, Donald S. Campbell will act as dean. for our dead is to pass onto our never so crowded, so that we are sion by the district attorney. The baby was born at Newberg, ueals in dollars and not mills. Re showing the grand champion female. Ruth Elaine, two-year-old daugh going to have to learn how to live Assisting in the kindergarten de children the national morality that Oregon October 17, 1948 gardless of assessed valuation or The estimated attendance of from partment will be Mrs. James Leslie, we received from our ancestors.” Besides his parents, Charles is ter of Mr. and Mrs. Earnest H. together". 900 to 1000 persons included 615 who millage, electors must vote on the Mrs. Leo Oonyer, Mrs. L. A. Mauld- After sketching briefly the vari "In any cemetery", Mr. Snider survived by a brother. Kenneth, aged Barker, was killed instantly when were actually registered and many six per cent limitation if more ing and Mrs. Lloyd Tobler. In the said, "we think of those things that 314; his maternal grandm other, I run over by the truck driven by ous stages through which the world , D A U a . who were not. They included resi money is needed. department will be Mrs. K. are changeable as well as those that Mrs. Nellie Baker Ohresst of Glenns B. A. Henggler of Fruitland at the has passed, such as the Industrial "To all intents and purposes", primary dents of 44 cities in eight states, E. Keveren, Mrs. Bill Wilson and are unchangeable. Thomas Jeffer Ferry, and his paternal grandfather, family home on Morgan avenue age, the scientific agricultural peri Canada and Mexico. As the attend Mr. Hartley said, "th e base now Mrs. F. A. Johnson. Mrs. Donald S. son north of Nyssa. Officers said Heng- od and the atomic age, Dr. Strand said ‘nothing is unchangeable Charles Huffman of Caldwell. ance set a new record, so did the 94 used by the school district was Campbell. Mrs. Stan Newman and but the gler apparently did not know the girl said “ This mid-century point marks inalienable rights of man', The date for the funeral has not exhibits. The increase in the junior established in 1945, when the base Mrs. Carlos Buchner will teach in which in the declaration, he de been set. Services will be held in was near the truck. a good time to do a little thinking then used was allowed to lapse. the junior department. Tlie pro division was especially noticeable. Ruth Elaine was born In Nyssa about our affairs." clared, included ‘life, liberty and the L. D. S. church, with Bishop The nine-months-old registered Since that time the enrollment in gram will consist of study, worship, the pursuit of happiness’. The scientific discoveries and the D. H. Christensen officiating. In April 10. 1948. Jersey heifer given by the club was the Nyssa schools has increased 54 handicraft and recreation. The baby is survived, besides her technological advances are not real “These rights are not free, but terment will be in the Nyssa ceme- won by Thurman Hill of the Rich per cent. The costs have increased The Nazarene school will be held parents, by eight brothers and two ly so important as what happened to a great deal and the assessed val each morning from 9 until 11:30 a. are secured by work of centuries in tary. land district. sisters, Gerald and Mrs. Helen Se the world, the speaker said. Hugh Tobler of Tobler’s Peed and uation has increased greatly, but m. Mrs. Dwight Seward is super building up our sense of Justice. “In 1800 in the whole world about ward of Nyssa. and Eldon. William, Fuel presented the “Jersey queen" the base is in dollars, not in mills visor for the school and will be as Justice thrives in the atmosphere of Concert Will Be Robert. Ralph, Carolyn, Ronald. 750 million persons had been pro principles recently described by trophy to Mr. and Mrs. Howard Bair or needs. sisted by 10 teachers. The theme for General Douglas MacArthur: ’There duced. Many factors limited the Donald and Tommy of Ontario, and Given For Church “ We have erected buildings to the kindergarten classes will be and Ralph Brooks, on behalf of the her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. B. growth of the population, but in the are two great principles in the Ontario Qrain company, presented handle the enrollment we now "Happy Times at Church", and for H. Barker of Oannett, Idaho and next 150 years the population in the Fund For Organ I H. the "Jersey princess" trophy to Mr. have”. Mr. Hartley said, "but the the primary and Junior classes “ The world—one is Christianity, not just world has tripled, reaching a total of Brewer of Nyssa. Christian doctrine, but the basic and Mrs. Charley Grider. Rosel new building will be full next year, i Blood Line". Outdoor recreational Funeral services were held Mon 2300 million. Out of that I want to principles of right and wrong, of A benefit concert, sponsored by the Hunter, president of the Malheur We will be able to close the Oregon classes, handcraft and Bible study clean living and of kindness to one’s Nyssa Stake Relief society will be day in the Nazarene church, with point to some of the things that will club, presented several trophies to Trail school. To fix it up would will be arranged. Rev E. J. Wilson officiating. Inter doubtless be more important in the other winners on behalf of spon cast from $10.000 to $15.000: or we These vacation Bible schools are neighbors; the other great principle held June 9 in the new Nyssa stake ment was in the Ontario cemetery. last half of the century.’’ sors. could sell it. We will add eight fac open to all children of Nyssa and has many names—freedom, liberty, house The concert will feature Mrs. The Nyssa Funeral home was in "We are going to have to do The women of the club served ulty members and two custodians afford an excellent opportunity of democracy. Whatever called its es Loren Basler of Boise, well-known charge. something about our human rela lunch to a large group of visitors. next year. Our fuel, electricity and study and play for all children from sence is the rights and dignity of In music circles throughout the tions. The world was never so Snake River valley, who will play Those in attendance included the insurance bills will be larger next four years through the 6th grade, the individual'. crowded, and we are going to have “This all means morality. We on the new Baldwin electronic organ President and secretary of the Ore year. We are also adding a new sponsors said. to learn how to live together. This can’t escape the Importance of re which is being installed this week gon Jersey Cattle club. Marlin Pox school bus. We also have an item situation Is emphasized for young ligion merely by admitting that in the church. The concert will of Mollala and Jens Svinth of of $32,000 in the budget to finish people graduating from our high morality is the cornerstone of the begin at 8 p. m. All proceeds will Grants Pass. the building and furnish it. You schools and colleges. You will find nation". be used for the organ fund. Approximately 20 business firms recall, that we stated we would need in minority groups, each Plans are proceeding rapidly for yourselves for Mr. Snider then quoted George The program will include: "Lift sponsored commercial exhibits at additional money this year for the its own success. What Washington's farewell address us Thine Eyes", by Mendelssohn, the Oregon State Grange meeting struggling the show. building. The $32.000 will be elim minority groups do is im follows: “and let us with caution “ Wanting You”, by Romberg; and to be held in Ontario June 12 to 17, these The trophies included one given inated next year. We will probably portant to America. One of the The chambers of commerce of by the Nyssa elevator fob the grand pay 41 mills as compared to 36 mills Adrian. Nyssa, Ontario and Vale indulge the supposition that mor "The Year's at the Spring", by Cain. according to reports given at the great purposes of America is to make champion bull. Others who gave this year. If the millage does go up have made arrangements to hold a ality can be maintained without re Nyssa singing mothers chorus;" Play quarterly meeting of the Malheur men free and I think that is the trophies were the Idaho Power to 41, the Nyssa district will be the meeting for consideration of the ligion. Reason and experience for Gypsies", Dance Gypsies" by Kal- County Pomona Grange in Adrian purpose of education. If it Is to be company, "Harbor of Lost Soles", 35th from the top among the 62 proposed special county levy of $87,- bid us to exipect national morality aman. a violin trio by Angela Peter last Saturday. most important thing to us, we The Clackamas county team will the Farra's saddlery. Farmers’ Co-op school districts in the state. This 500 and have Issued a request for to prevail in exclusion of religious son. Nani Childs and Laura Schenk, are going to have to take in some confer the third and fourth degrees principles”. with Mary Lou Schenk, as accomp creamery. Ideal Gas and Appliance. district ranks 23rd in the state in a special election to vote on the the principles of freedom. It is Mr. Snider pointed out the per anist; “ Song of Songs” by Maya Tuesday night, the Malheur County of Ontario chamber of commerce, relation to size. It is much larger proposal. all right to be a member of a min Pomona team will confer the fifth sonal responsibility each person has and "U ntil” by Sanderson, Roulon United States National bank of On than the size of Nyssa would indi The chambers of commerce, the ority group, but If you accept one. tario. Nyssa chamber of bommeree. cate. being almost even with The Pomona Grange and other interest to teach the principles of morality Huntington, tenor and Lacey Fitz degree Wednesday night and the you have to accept all of them”. state officers will confer the sixth to children, tout- j*dded that “We gerald accompanist; “ Am Meer" Vale 't f i i r and Feed, Adrian Oil Dalles. ed residents of the county have re Mr. Strand then outlined four (Continued on Page 2) (By the Sea") by ScHubert, "Im degree Wednesday. company, Eder Hardware company "The budget calLs for employment quested the county court to call a in his discussion of freedom. At the afternoon session Saturday, points promptu in D. Major” by Batiste, and Van Petten Lumber company. of 66 full-time employes and nine special election in the county, giv "No. I—Freedom is not exclusive. “ Echoes of Spring” by Friml, organ County Judge Irwin Troxell explain If It Is good for me, it is good for Brown’s Mercantile of Adrian, and part-time employes for a total of ing the people a chance to vote numbers by Mrs. Loren Basler: ed the proposed special county levy you; for employers and employes; Adrian Feed company. aporoxlmately $201.000. Profesional again on the 3 1/2 mill special levy "When Day is Done" by Katcher, of $87.500, which, if approved, would for white men and black men. The following firms and organ salaries are about $300 less a year for the general fund of the county, Leon Anderson, 10, "Your Land and My Land" by be raised outside the so-called six izations were also cited for having than in the rest of the state. as set up by the budget board. "No. 2—Political freedom is not Drowned In Canal Romberg, quartet. Charles Taylor, per cent limitation. The Orange enough. There must be some speci given financial and moral support The notice said "The commercial I doubt if we can go through Hugh Tobler, Blaine Holladay and voted to ask the county court to fied economic freedom if political to the show: Nyssa branch. The the year without a deficit because clubs of Malheur county are calling Near Ole’s Corner Charles Peterson; “ At the Well" separate the $87.500 Item Into two freedom is to survive. First National Bank of Portland, the the budget board and school board a special meeting of all represent by Hageman and “ Aria", by Puccini, funds, $20.000 for the courthouse atives of all organizations, Oranges, United States National banks at held the items to a minimum”. ‘No. 3—Apparently it is anta The Iasi of three violent death« Dorothy GlichrLst, soprano, accomp sinking fund and the remainder of gonistic to No. 2, but only appar churches, and civic clubs and the Ontario and Vale, the chambers of involving children during the anied by Claire Ollchrest; "T hais" $67,500 in another fund. general public to meet at the Boule commerce of Adrian and Vale, the ently. No. 2 and No. 3 are ones that The Grange passed a resolution divide last week occurred this after by Massinet and “ Romance" from vard Orange hall at Cairo Junction Vale Consumers co-op. The Mal America. No. 3 says that if noon about 2:30, when icon An 2nd concerto by Wienlawski, Lynn recommending that state institu there is to be freedom, there must Tuesday, June 6 at 2 p. m. to dis heur Drug company of Vale, radio tions and persons handling school Lawrence, violin soloLxt, accompan derson was drowned in a canal cuss this important question and stations KSRV and KWEI. the be rewards for risk. If not, initiative ied by Mrs. Carlos Buchner; luncheon programs use butter in will sort of fade out. Some believe make recommendations to the coun in the vicinity of Ole’s corner. Nyssa Gate City Journlal, the On stead of oleomargarine. "Dawn”, by Curran, "I'll Walk Be ty court. The general public is The 10-year-old boy was a son tario Argus-Observer and the Mal In 100 per cent security, but there is The Nyssa town team defeated urgently requested to attend". Charles Smith, assistant state no such thing. If we had 100 per of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Ander side You", by Murray, and “ My heur Enterprise at Vale. Persons opposing or favoring the son, who live on the Roy Holmes Own America" by Wrubel, the sing director of the extension service, was cent security, there would be no The owners of winning cattle in Emmett in a Border league game the principal speaker at the session. freedom. These two principles must ing mothers chorus. farm. the various first, second and third Sunday on the Emmett field to proposal will be given an opportun The concert will be under the Harry Sandquist, county agent, work together. No other drtails were available places, classes, were announced as register its fourth consecutive vict ity to express their opinions. direction of Mrs. Mary Oilchrlst, spoke briefly on items of interest A court official said Wednesday this afternoon. follows: Bull dropped before May 1. ory of the season. The score was “ No. 4—Freedom Is not a license: stake relief chorister. Mrs. Jean to farmers. He said that persons it Involves discipline. Look at the “Four years ago we never had en 194«, Lee Stoker of Adrian, Charles 18 to 8. Nyssa led until the seventh frame, Erlcson, slake organist, will accomp wanting seed certification must file labor minority. I believe In unions, ough to put money into a sinking Orider of Nyssa and Fred Burgess by July 1. any the chorus. of Vale: bull dropped November I, when Emmett scored six runs to tie fund or into a reserve fund; we there has to be some discipline. Mrs. Harry Sandquist, chairman but 1948 to May 1, 1949, Beaumont and the count. The Sackers cinched the about broke even each year Then Agriculture is a large and powerful game In the ninth inning when they of the housing committee for the the Broadhurst case cost up $10,000. Toombs of Adrian and Hope and minority group. It can get from S<*liolar*hip I* state Orange sessions, stressed the congress Charles Orider of Nyssa: bull drop drove in eight runs. The seventh In 1948, three per cent discount on about everything It wants. inning hits included a home run need for listing of houses for del taxes amounted to $14,000 more than ped after May 1, 1949, Fred Burgess Given By Grunge egates. The group needs rooms in Agriculture needs to understand the and Lewis Johnson of Vale; cow each by Floyd Hale and Jack Bowen we estimated the rebate would be. of freedom because by At a meeting held last Friday af The victory gave Nyssa the top T h a i the state legislature advanced Nyssa and Vale as well as Ontario. principles dropped before May 1, 1945, Howard forcing their demands too far they At Its regular meeting last week, ternoon in the city hall, represent After the morning session, the might find their freedoms destroyed Bair, Beaumont and Toombs and spot in the league standings. Nyssa all of the salaries in the courthouse. atives of civic and church groups the Oregon Trail Grange donated Lewis Johnson; cow dropped May 1, will play Homedale at Homedale Court expenses, determined by the discussed plans for proposed child money for a 4-H summer school women of the Granges of Big Bend, by economic gains. Freedom involv Ridgevlew and Kingman Kolony es doing some things; it Involves type and number of cases have run 1945 to May 1. 1946. Hope and Charl Sunday. June 4. served lunch. Nyssa’s entry in the Border league far ahead of preceding years; prison rens recreational projects to be car scholarship. es Grider and Lee Stoker; cow. May not making some demands even Frank Parr was elected as an al ried on during the summer months will play the Ontario team of the expenses and ocher expenses have 1. 1946 to May 1. 1947, Hope and though we could get them”. ternate delegate to the Oregon State at the Nyssa labor camp. Idaho-Oregon circuit in an exhibit run higher than usual. Charles Grider, Lewis Johnson sec Donna Trabert. co-valedlctorlan, Orange sessions to be held in On Tobler’* Softball The meeting was called under the ion game on the Nyssa field to- "Four years ago we budgeted $33,- auspicees of the Nyssa Ministerial tario June 12 to 17. ond and third; cow, May 1, 1947 to (Continued On Page Five) night, beginning at 8 o'clock. 000 for welfare and now this year association, with Rev. Donald Camp May 1, 1948, Lewis Johnson, Lee Team Win* Fir*t Clifford Wright was Plected to Sunday short score; we are budgeting $65.000. This wel Stoker and Sons of Adrian and Hope membership and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph H R A fare increase is required by the state. bell presiding at the meeting. Contest Of Season Five Are Injured and Charles Grider; heifer. May 1. Johnson reported there Chenauit were admitted by dlmit Emmett 10 8 5 Under the estimated valuation in are Mrs. at F A. (C o n tinued on P age 4) from Blue Mountain Grange present many migrant In Auto Accident Nyssa 23 18 5 Che county, the six per cent increase Tobler's Feed and Fuel defeated Much discussion was held follow LaDelle. Ballenger and Courier; allowed by state law will permit an families with from two to six child Waggoner Motor company 5 to 1 Mrs. O. E. Butler ing the reading of an article by ren in each family living in the 75 Five persons were taken to the Steinke, Cleaver and Takami. increase of $15,000 in the budget over wooden buildings and 42 tent hous Loyd Adams on the government in Wednesday night in the first league Holy Rosary hospital In Ontario the preceding year. The increase in es Of Lower Bend farming. Robert Holmes spoke on game played this season in the City Wednesday night suffering from in at the camp. The majority of the welfare funds this year will take these families are Mexican, with diseases in seed potatoes. The leg Softball league. juries sustained in an automobile Passes At Home Park Recreation $12,000 of the $15,000. Lloyd Buettzenbarh pitched for accident some negro and white families also islative chairman. Frank Parr, gave near Adrian. Tobler’s and Bob Wilson for Wag Propram Scheduled a report on the proposed Owyhee located in the camp. The five were injured when an Mrs. O. E Butler died at her home goner’s. park and how it would help the Possible plans for a nursery, story Officer* Named automobile driven by Joe Ayala of in the Lower Bend section near Starting in about three weeks, the Ban Francisco plunged from the The recreation program sponsored D I • n Ul hour, and sewing supervision for the community. A general discussion Adrian May 26 She had been in city’s men and women teams will highway at a railroad crossing north by the school district, city of Nyssa B y 1,1011* 1 - I U l) mothers under volunteer workers on the plan was held. poor heealth for five years. Thirty-seven dollars was turned play two nights a week—Tuesday of Adrian. The automobile was de » were discussed A committee com- " Mrs. Butler was born in Ohio Sep and other organizations w ill' be started in the city park June 19. Dennis W. Patch was elected , posed of Rev Don Maxfield. pastor to the Grange from sales slips. The and Thursday. Each league will molished In the accident, occurring tember 17, 1887. The program will be started rather president of the Nyssa Lions club of the Christian church; Mrs. E. H. Orange receives 87 for every $2000 of play one game a night. The women about 10:15. Funeral services were held in the will meet tonight to complete ar Ayala was accompanied by An Nyssa Funeral home chapel Sunday late so as not to conflict with the at a luncheon held in the Doll House Fleshman. president of the Ameri sales slips collected through mer rangements for playing. tonio Oonzales, Mr. and Mrs. Dale can Legion auxiliary, and Mrs. F A. chants advertising in the Orange at 2:30 p. m . with Rev. Donald S. daily vacation Bible schools., How Monday noon. For the next two or three weeks, Mays of Nyssa and Lupe Enriquez. The other officers are Richard V. Johnson. Methodist church school Bulletin. Campbell of the Methodist church ard Love Joy, Nyssa high school Refreshments were served by Mr the men will play a twilight game Ayala Is suffering from a neck In officiating The body was sent to coach, will be in charge of the I Wilson, first vice president: Houston superintendent were appointed to Tuesday and Thursday nights, start Sidney. Montana, where services program and Miss Clarice Nothels Wilson, second vice president; Clyde make a survey of families and con and Mrs. David Beers and Arthur ing at 7 o'clock. The teams entered jury. possibly a fracture. Oonzales has a broken back. The others of the grade school faculty will | Snider, director; Everett Heldt. .sec- ditions and contact the camp man and Delbert Rouse. were held Wednesday. in the league are Adrian, Eastern sustained cuts and bruises. | retary-treasurer. and Edward Boy- agement and report back to a com Besides her husband. Mrs. Butler assist him. Oregon Produce. Waggoner Motor The program will be continued dell and Elmer Cruson, talltwlsters. mittee that Is being formed of rep Here From Pittsburgh— Is survived by two brothers. Perry j _______________ Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kurtz and company and Tobler’s Feed and Here From Nevada— resentatives of all church and civic and Rodney H atter of Sidney. Mon until the middle of August. Mr and Mrs R. L. Sanders and daughter, Caroline Joyce, of Pitts Fuel. organizations Honored At School— tana. Next week's games will be played daughters of Wlnnemucca vLsited burg arrived in the Marion Kurtz neth Ray and Oordon Ray are Marian Brown, daughter of Mr. home test week for a short visit as follows; Tuesday — Waggoner Monday at the home of Mr. and shown in their bakery department and Mrs Burnall Brown of Ogden, To Missouri— Book Is Published— Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Renstrom left via before going to Portland, where Mr Motor versus Eastern Oregon Pro Mrs. Leslie Hathaway Announcement was made this in Gordon's Drive-in market in former Nyssa residents, is one of 30 week of the publication on June 15 Nyssa in Vitality News, a commercial freshmen women who were tapped plane from Boise Saturday for Kurtz will serve as supply minMer duce and Thursday. Tobler’s versus Mrs. Sanders formerly lived In Adrian. Nyssa. membership _ In Kwama. sopho- Springfield. Missouri. At Spring- in the Kenton United Presbyterian of a new and complete history of publication published monthly _ _ by _ _ for _ _________ Malheur county and eastern O re -: Oeneral Mills. Inc. of Minneapolis, j more women’s'service honorary on field she will visit her mother and church. Here From Couer d’Alene— Visit In Newell Height»— gon The new book. "Pioneer Days Mlnnei the University of Oregon campus attend summer school classes Mr and Mrs M J O ’Neil and Mr. and Mrs Robert Overstreet Plrturr In Magailnr— In Malheur County", Is authored by She is a freshman major In liberal A picture of Mr and Mrs Ken- j Oreg and I^Anne O’Neil visited over and son. Bobby, and Stewart Rob Attend (’Mifrrem Jacob R. Oregg. pioneer newspaper Babies j arts. Memorial day at the home of Mr. I ertson of Boise visited over the publisher and former postmaster of At the Holy Rosary hospital a Rev. Donald Campbell and John Disorderly Charge Filed— Wilbur Hiatt was fined $100 and and Mrs. H E. Collins. Mr. and Memorial day holidays a t the home Ontario. The book covers the daughter was born May 29 to Mr To Malad— Wulf left Tuesday for Caldwell to history of the oountv. eastern and Mrs. Carl Burning ham. and on Mr and Mrs. Taft Pett and fam attend the Idaho conference of the sentenced to 30 days In Jail by City Mrs John Penzein of Nampa were of Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Judd of Oregon, the Snake River valley May 21. a son was bom to Mr and ily were week-end visitors at Mated, Methodist church being held there Judge J. C Smith in city police Sunday visitors at the Collins home Newell heights. Bobby Overstreet remained at the Judd home for a court Monday on a charge of dls- I ----------------------- and the Old Oregon Trail from the Mrs Howard Lovejoy. this week. Idaho. few days. orderly conduct Hiatt was accused Here From Salem— days when white men first traversed ----------------------- - Mr and Mrs. Ted Ulako of Salem, of fighting city officers. Here From Tacoma— the country until 1950 It contains Ta Eagene— To Wallowa lake«— who have been visiting aat the home Take Trip— Mr and Mrs Lionel Mess of Ta more than 450 pages and 25 half- Mrs Jesse Rigney left Wednex- Mr a t# Mrs Orant Rinehart and of Mr. and Mrs Orland Cheldelln. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Storm and tone illustrations. The publisher is day morning for Eugene, where she Mr. and Mrs Finley Shuster and coma were week-end visitors at the Return Te Ogden— left for their home Monday. Mrs son. Bob, left Friday for a week’s Mr and Mrs C. A. Mally return L o « t in L. Morrison. 1915 Southwest- will attend a conference of special families left Saturday for Wallowa home of Mr and Mr* Oeorge Mc era avenue. Los Angeles 18. Calif- education teachers, sponsored bv Lakes They returned to Nyssa Kee Mrs Mess Is a niece of Mrs ed to Nyssa Tuesday after spending Ulako and Mrs Cheldelln were col trip to points of Interest in western Oregon. tile week-end in Ogden, Utah lege classmates McKee orals I the state education department I Tuesday Grange Session Plans Outlined Court Will Seek Opinion On Levy Nyssa Chalks Up Fourth Victory Help For I«ahoi* Families Asked