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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (April 20, 1950)
PAGE TWO THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON. THURSDAY. APRIL 20. 1950 V isito rs T e ll O f T r ip T o M exico B IO BEND April 20 Mr and Mr, Charles Reno and Roberta attend ed the funeral of John Fickle Wed nesday afternoon La Dawn Woolley has been ill at her home the past week Sunday visitors of Mr and M r,. Arlhur «loll were Mr. and Mrs. Albert Clifford and family of Nys-.t Mr and Mrs Lawrence Blurnen- stein of Tacoma were visitors of Charles Witty and pupils of Wade school, while on their way home from a trip to Mexico Mr Blum- erulein told the pupils some Inter esting things about the Mexican children Mrs Blumenstein showed them baskets, pottery and leather hand work that she had purchased Mrs Blumenstein Is Mr Wltty'a sister The home of Mr and Mrs. Elmer Prosser was the scene of a family reunion Sunday Those attending were Mr and Mrs. Lester Swige-t of Medford Mr and Mrs Wifford Rwlgert Mr and Mrs Ed Maurer and family. Mr and Mrs Dallas Swigert and family. Mrs. Flora Rwlgert, Mrs Betty Dunbar and daughter of Wilder. Mr and Mrs Otis Rwlgert and Mr and Mrs Dr lino Brock and daughter of Big Bend. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Bell and son of Ordinance. Oregon. Mr and Mrs Charles Swigert and fam ily and Mrs Vera Pollard of Cakl- .well Mrs Mary Brumback attended the meeting of Malheur County council of P. T A at Ontario S a t urday. She was a guest of honor as a past president Mrs. Hars.-y Bennett. Mrs. Jack Jones Mrs John Auker and Mr., Dyre Roberts attended the Idaho presbyterial Friday at the Ontario church. I ioliiniliia Farmer*« I 'h i i t i i i " Potato** Squar»* Dancer** Meet Al Weitter Song service. 7 30 p. m Evening service. I p. m Wednesday evening prayer vice. S p. m Christ ambassadors 7 p. m E v a n g U s tic . 8 p. m . Tuesday, prayer and praise. 8 p. m. 7:30 p. m . youth meeting and singspiration. 8 p. m , evening worship. By Bingham “W ART”, The Speed Cop W EISER < Special ' — T h e .square CATHOLIC CHURCH L. D . 8 . 1st W A R D Park Avenue and Third SIIM I dance spotlight, with a bright beam Dean Fife. BisiMp Rev. F. J . G aire Pastor directed upon spectator interest, Sunday. 9 a. m . Sunday school. Mass on Sundays at 9 30 Cate will shine here Saturday night at 10 :30 a. m . priesthood meeting 8:20 chism at 10 a. m Saturdays. the second annual Weiser Spring p m , sacrament meeting Square Dance festival Thursday. 2 p. m relief society BIB LE BA PTIST CHI RCJI Dancing from 8 JO to 11 p. m will 4 p. m . primary 7:20 p m , M. I. A. 213 Second St. South be preceded by a half-hour of stage Sunday school. 10 a. m. entertainment and interspersed with FAITH LUTHERAN CHURCH specialty acts Rev Sberwta Schmidt. Paster Toe stage program will start at Sunday school. 10 a m For Screen Doors and Re 8 o'clock and four specialty num- j Morning service. 11 a m. tiers will be presented before the | Adult instruction. 9 p. m . Sunday pairing of Screens. Rose grand march. Highlighting special- evening, Trellises. O t h e r Repair ty acta during the dance will be a roller skating team from Nampa, THE CHURCH OF T H I Work. Cabinet Work and directed by Marvin Tiegs Twenty- NAZARENE five square and round dances will Construction Call Rev. L J . Wilson. Pastor be held with the m ike" to be hand 10 a. m . Sunday school. Russell led by many of the best callers of Music S m ilh ' superintendent. Lower Snake river valley will be furnished by Lipkas Quad- 1 Dr Lewis T. Corlett president of rillers of Boise and sound by Charl Northwest Naxarene college will l ' i Miles North Nysam- Parma »peak at the 11 o'clock service. Dr. es White of Weiser Junction On Highway 95 Corlett is a great preacher and a Phone 023-J1 COLUMBIA AVE. April 20—Carl Beranek left last week for Boise where he Is employed. Parmers of this community are planting potatoes. Jake Groot. who recently moved to Coulee Dam Washington spent a few days here looking after bus iness Mr and Mrs. Pete de Leeuw have returned from a trip to the coast, where they visited relatives and i » m i n i E v e n t s - I fr le n d f o u n * * * *> * , , friends M ,nday. April 24-H o sp .u l aux- 7 •> m youn« P * '* 1' Juntor meetings Mrs. T M Beranek of Ny&sa was illary meeting at parish hall All 8 p. m . evangelistic service. a dinner guest at the C M Tense, i women Invited to attend. 7 30 p. Services every Wednesday at 8 p. home recently m . Ruth and Naomi circle of Meth m. Mr and Mrs. Jak e Groot of Ar odist church potluck supper at the cad la spent Sunday afternoon it home of Mrs. Dennis Patch ASSEM BLY OF C O D the Dick Groot home. Wednesday. April 26—8 p. m . 2nd and Reece Fred Koopman of Vale called on Junior high spring program at S te r l D. g p te si. Faster friends In this community last week ! school gym Sunday school. 10 a m. Thursday, April 27—Mary and Martha circle at the home of Mrs. ; Morning worship. 11 a. m E H Fleshman 8 p m Masonic and Eastern S tar pot luck dinner at Masonic hall. Morning Worship. 11 a - B Y. P M , 7 p m. Evening service. 8 p. m. \ m o -- T H E V 'Q E A U ^ 1 S U 6 £ - . f V £ a v a œ v H E * COO. w h v -5 t h e g o o o g e s ------------ — CL - O - S - E , O C P U S £ r/ yfjr -- ts rh/ s a / n v o p y j f e t c bphkquot ^ BjMsdt Johnson Cabinet Shop WHOLESALE- RETAIL WASHING. POLISHING LUBRICATING PHONE / 1 7 — £ Ù / C / ^ ^ J î A X ^ / THE NYSSA PHARMACY YOUR CORNER AEXALL DRUG STORE Here From Boise— Mrs William Oramkow and Linda and Nell Gramkow visited Sunday at the home of Mr and Mm Wilbur Holcomb and family. Church Notes THE METHODIST COMM1 NIT» < III HUH Donald S. Campbell. Minister 9 45 a. m . church school. 1 1 a m . morning worship. Theme: , "Come. Let Us Worship” Anthem ¡"W h a t Ood Hath Promised". 2 30 p in . the Youth of the 1 church »-ill meet at the church ! where transportation will be pro vided for the trip to Emmett, where they will participate in a sub- district youth rally There will be no evening service in the church thLs week CEDAR CHEST SUNSET V A I.I.E Y ASSEM BLY O F G OD H iv Joe K. D odson. Pastor Sunday school. 10 a. m. W irg-.i.p services, 11 a. m. Young People. 7 p. m Evangelistic meeting. 8 p m. Wednesday Bible study. 8 p. m. C H U R C H O F C H R IS T lio n K. M axfield , Pastor fk » W o rld , flo o d — ,Ko W orld1, O N i Y P ro u u ro T o H o d A R O M A TIGHT O u t i l • W uh Lan e's « iclu ttv * q u ali'* and me,ih pro- Irciton fraiurc? a Beautiful Mj i i ri al l d ie si li e « » '. I W i 2 2 V tue! I .....e i u ' i s Ideal gift b n sweetheart, a d r , sister, daughter, PETERSON FURNITURE CO. Nyua 9 im Ontario c u jiH Valr F u yN e w - rev 10 a. m . Bible school hour. | The Reds are forging ahead In the contest. 11 a. m . Morning worship. ST. P A U L S E P IS C O P A L C H U R C H Rev. C. L. C allah an. R ector Church school. 10 a m Church services. 7 30 p. m , every Sunday evening. M IH H ION A R Y B A P T IS T C H U R C H W. M. T urner. Pastor Sunday school. 10 a m Morning service. 11 a. m I’ayrO- t Just the everyday act of flipping an electric switch' That's all it takes to put to work the savings of thou sands of people, possibly your own or your next door neighbor s. For customers of Idaho Power Company make up a large part of the nearly 11,000 individual owners of the company. pur toUAC Ut a This is an unusual record of local customer-owner ship More than 3 1 % of all shareholders and 7 0 % of the preferred stockholders live in the area we serve in Idaho and Oregon, Idaho Power employees too share in this pride of local ownership of the company' Their investments total more than a quarter of a m il lion dollars ntac/ajiftC The dollars of these local stockholders— along with others throughout the country— are helping to finance the company s $80,000,000 program to expand Snake River Valley s electric supplies This means you can proceed with your own expansion plans, secure in the knowledge that all your low-cost electric power needs will be met now and in the future. Yev here ic iv right in the front of the late-tt issue. Before and »fter pictures ...the lompletc treatment Ever u n it Dave anti I bought the old houve, we d pored over home magaiinev «lipping and saving remodeling ideav ..ami hoping. Hut hardly dreaming our pla»e tould he vo pretty tb i, «»•■...with a Home tmpmvenienr loan from the Firvt National Hank. NX hv. if it hadn’t been for thiv pay-av vou go kind of loan, the magarine wouldn't have had our remodeling vtorv for yrart vet! Í, w iB H At Your Service Still MORE Power Mora low-coal electricity for antic ipatad growth of farms, homes. buainaaa and industry in tha IMS. i - . i »*•' •**< V » d I Snaka River Vallay alraady has baan provided Ibis yaar by Idaho Powar'a axpanaion program. H a l f H o r d o d Ni a i Ity a * 0*1 o l Im to m o . N YSSA BRANCH Yaf atapa to Improva your alec trie aupplioa ahead FIR ST of your future needs still go oa— a 34-year un NATIONAL BANK OP P O R T L A N D broken record our company pledgee to maintain. I D A H O V POWER A C I T I Z EN WHEREVER IT SERVES