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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Feb. 23, 1950)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA.. OREGON THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 23. 1950 PAGE TWO munism and socialism deliberately sold th eir liberties and their principles for a mess of pottage and that is just exactly what the people of this country are doing. They can’t see that supporting the government-in-business program and helping to m ake big corporations bigger by buying their goods and services hundreds of miles away is going to some day affect them directly. Or, if they can see it, they are m ore interested in saving a ruckle now than preventing their own fall and th at of their children into socialism. The Gat e Citv J o u r n a l Publisher KLASS V. POWELL SUBSCRIPTION RATES O ne Y ear 12 00 »125 Kix m onth* Kingle Conies 06 i S trictly In Advance • P ublished every T h u rsd a y E ntered a t th e postofftce th ro u g h th e U nited S ta te s th e a ct So ADVERTISING RATES 40c 49c 2c O pen ra te , per Inch N ational, per inch Classifieds, per word M inim um W«* W a u l O u r ( ¿ o v p r n iiip iit In H u h í i i p h h ? When we w ere reaching a boiling point thinking about the governm ent-in-business situation, we stum b led onto a laugh created by the dem ocratic pan kidding th e republican pot about being black. The grand old party is so dead you can hardly find an audible republican, but the dem ocrats have very little to boast of since the new deal appropriated the dem ocratic p arty ’s name and coat of arm s in a scalping operation about 20 years ago. The new deal, lately call ed the fair deal, is no more the dem ocratic party than a Chinese coolie is u social climber. Well, w h at’s the connection? It appears from this corner th at the whole movement is a part of the socia lization and centralization underway in this country. The governm ent is in the printing business and the power business and if the present trend continues it will be operating departm ent stores, grocery stores, service stations and the whole caboodle on Main street. And people say “so w hat?”, he’s just sore because the post office departm ent picked off Some more of his business”. Maybe w e’ll tell you some day about the unethical com petition that the governm ent provides for the printers. Maybe you’ll be sore when the governm ent sells groceries and gasoline below cost, charges the dif ference up to the taxpayers and howls about operating “ in the red ”. The G erm ans, the English and all the rest of the people in Europe who are under the thum b of com- It Taken The Carpenter To Make The Home (General ( o n trait in* And Building l ' j miles n o rth of N yssn-Parm a Ju n c tio n Johnson Cabinet Shop Highway 95 Uncial 3\rntes I 30c a t Nyssa, M alheur C ounty, Oregon. a t Nyssa, O regon for transm ission Malls, as second class m atter, under of M arch 3, 1879 There's an easier way song service.. 8, evening worship service and j L ord's supper. P hone 023-J1 1 f i HAULING ASSEMBLI OF GOD 2nd and Reece Steri D. Spiesz. Pastor S u n d ay school, 10 a. m. M orning worship, 11 a. m. Y oung people, 7 p. m. E vanglistlc. 8 p. m. T uesday. Bible study a n d p rayer service, 8 p. m. - 8 - I ASSOCIATED CLUB TO MEET M arch 25 has been set as the d a te of the m eeting of th e M alheur I C ounty Associated Clubs T he m eet ing tills year will be held a t th e A drian high school with the club | of the Owyhee com m unity as h a s t es* club. Plans were m ade for the m eeting by a group th a t m et last T h u rsd ay a t the hom e of Mrs. Rob- | e rt M orfitt. VIISSUIN'Al{V BAPTIST U H U R tll W. M. Turner M issionary P a sto r Sunday school. 10 a. m. M orning service. 11 a. m. Song service, y:30 p. m. Young People's service, 7:30 p m Evening service, 8 p. in. W ednesday evening p rayer se r vice. 8 p. m. F riday evening service. 8 p. m CHURCH OF CHRIST Don R. Maxfleld, Pastor 10, Sunday Bible school hour. 11, m orning w orship a n d L ord's supper. 7:30, young people's service a n d ? * W ill Handle Baled Or Loose Hay ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS Nysaa Group Meeting Sunday evenings, 8 p. m. GLENN I. SHORT 407 Main Street Phone 2-M Box 118 O w yhee Corner Phone 010R-1 Finest W a llp a p e rs! Patterns designed by nationally-known decorators imprinted on best quality papers. MACHINERY CONDITIONED For Spring PLOWING and PLANTING Church Notes priced from 3 5 * Work Done By Factory Trained Mechanic B o il speeds up to A4 mph. Id les down to gentle fish e m u n 's t r o l l Clogproof, sillproof, cooling system functions under any oper ating conditions. E n g i neered for smooth, silk y performance at any speed. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Telephone 270-W fILl lEWElfI m i l - • l o l l and ■ollar B e a rlo « , Throughout Large Selection of Washable Brands 0 THE OASIS Also Outstanding Buys in Oil and Kem-Tone Paints! NYSSA FURNITURE CO. B & M Equipment Co. , 1 Per Roll 1 Block West of R. R. Depot Nyssa, Oregon OWYHEE JUNCTION ------------- OSTROM OROS. APPLIANCE . 3 METHODIST C O M M U N I T K CHURCH Donald S. Campbell, Minister 9:45 a. m.. ch u rch school. 7 p. m.. Y outh Fellowship. 11 a. m.. m orning worship. 8 p. m , evening service. CHOPPING EXTENSION O R O U P MEETS T h e "A King H eight*" extension group m et a t th e hom e of Mrs. M onty Spellm an of A drian T h u rs day afternoon, w ith nine m em bers ST. PAUL’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH present. Mrs. S tanley Hill and Mrs Rev. C. L. Callahan,* Rector Spellm an were in charge of the C h u rc h school, 10 a. m. j program on clothes closets. T he C h u rc h services, 7:30 p. m.. every next m eeting of (lie group will be S unday evening. INDEPENDENT BAPTIST held M arch 16 a t th e hom e of Mrs. MISSION H enry Day in A drian. T he g a th e r- CATHOLIC CHURCH Sunday school, 10 a. m. Classes [ ing will be a n all-d ay m eeting with for all ages. Park Avenue and Third Street a potluck luncheon a t noon Mrs. Rev. P. J. Galre, Pastor M orning worship, 11 a. m. S e r M iriam Colford will be present to m on, “A Believer's Passport to the M ass on Sundays a t 9:30. C a te d em o n strate the use of sewing m a L and o f Prom ise". chism a t 10 a. m. S aturdays. chine a ttach m en ts. T h e sewing FAITH LUTHERAN CHURCH divLsion of the extension group m et THE CHURCH OF THE Rev. Sher-vln Schmidt, Pastor a t th e hom e of Mrs. Don Fox T ues NAZARENE S u n d ay school. 10 a. m. day. T hey will finish th e "b etter Rev. E. J. Wilson. Pastor M orning service. 11 a. m. cotton dresses" project a t th e next 10 a m , Sunday school. | m eeting a t the C laude Day hom e 11 a m„ m orning worship service. F ebruary 23 7 p. m „ th re e group services. - 5 - 8 p. m.. evangelistic service. BRID O E HO STESS 8 p. m . every W ednesday we have Mrs. E. H F leshm an e n te rta in ed services. a t a bridge p arty a t her hom e T ues day afternoon High score was held by Mrs. Eddie Powell and low score by Mrs. T hom as Jones. ----------- -------- - to keep engines cleaner HE You a re cordially Invited to any Adult Instruction, 8 p. m . Sunday p. m . sa c ra m en t m eeting. T hursday, 2 p. m . relief society. or all of our services. evening. 4 p. m . prim ary. 7:30 p. m , M. I. A. L enten service, 8 p. m , W ednes SUNSET VALLEY day. ASSEMBLY OF GOU C onfirm ation class. 10 a. m . S a t Rev. Joe E Dodson, Pastor urday. CUSTOM HAY Sunday school, 10 a. m. L. D S. 1st WARD Worship services, H a m . Dean Fife, Bishop AND Y oung People, 7 p. m. Sunday, 9 a. m , Sunday school. Evangelistic m eeting. 8 p. m. 10:30 a. m„ priesthood m eeting. 6:30 W ednesday Bible study, 8 p. m. N ew Large Equipment * $ 159.95 SAVE ONE DOLLAR on EVERY IOO CHICKS Ordered or Purchased Between February 15 and March 15 BABY CHI CKS Order the number you are going to need and save per chick They’re Bred Rig . to Lay Right! on orders of 100 or more H D n C D Everybody wants good chicks this yaay W lm lr C I m - — so sew us today to placa your order, r u m AM Our chicks are strong and vigorous. , , bred to live, lay and pay. L r\ K L T YOUR A Product of Standard of California Carbon trouble? l'om>- akm? Not when you use RPM Motor Oil! For RPM in 8)iecuiUy com pounded . . . to stick to en g in e hot sp o ts that ordinary oil* leave hare, to fight oiidation and mo IctM important) tv rust proof in te rn a l enitine p a rts as it lubricates! Westinghouse fâcuuA o ELECTRIC RANGE Here'» H1Ü range capacity at low cost— smartly deaigned to lit the modem kitchen! New "Tuck Awav" space for etticient living ... 4 ‘‘f o a o x ’’tkirface Units, extra -large True- T’emp Oven. Storage Drawer' Klevtric Timer and light available at extra coat. STORE P h o n e 61 -W N yssa, O re g o n y o u cam i E S U K E o . i f it s CHECKERBOARD SIGN Don t reduce your laying flock because others are doing it. Be smart. Let the other fellow quit. Buy plenty of good chicks this year. Empty hen houses can't make you any money. — Buy Quality Chicks of Your Favorite B r e e d - Quality chicks need quality feed and good equipment. W e have them all at the Checkerboard store—Chick Startena checkerettes or m ash brood ers, thermometers, feeders, founts, peat moss. Check-R-Tabs, growing feeds. Make a one-stop trip for all of your baby chick needs. This offer good also at Lemon's Hatchery on Nyssa-Ontario Highway Westinghouse OSTROM BROS. APPLIANCE CO. THE — BUY EARLY CHICKS— There should be a profit over feed cost in 1950. Egg prices are a lw ays lowest in the spring. The pay-off is in early fall egg prices. ' f l h . »M O M * UHlodo Id lh M Hoof. W. E. Schirema n WITH TOBLER'S FEED & FUEL Phone 26 N yssa