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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Feb. 23, 1950)
THE NYSSA (SATE CITY JOURNAL NYSSA. OREGON THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 23. 1950 POR BALE— IMS Ford tractor, used W A N TE D Conference Held very little, good as new, 1949 John W A N TE D — Female h e l p wanted. At Adrian Church Deere automatic wire tying hay baler, used one season. See R ob e rt. Extra earnings! Show everyday ! AD RIAN, Feb. 23—Seven Free Cannon or Walter Cannon at Dese greeting cards. 15-card »1 assort Methodists churches of eastern ment sells on sight, pays you up ret Sheep Co. ranch. 26J6xp to 50c. Metallics. plastic, many i Oregon and Idaho held a confer more. Free Imprint samples, as ence at the Adrian church Saturday PO R BALE—New and used pianos. sortments on approval. Stylart, and Sunday. Rev. Donald Allgor. We sell Baldwin pianos exclusively. 1310 Santee. Dept. 83. Los Angeles superintendent from Spokane was R ATE: Two cents per word for each issue. Minimum, cash in I in charge. Ongg Bros, and Butler. Soitfc 55, Calif. 23flxp j Patricia Smith was an over-night advance. Is 30c. W ANTED — Married man, reliable guest Sunday of Fern Price in Sun- G R IG G BHOS. AND BUTLER j and experienced for irrigation and set valley. Vale Nyssa Ontario tractor work. Phone 017-R3. Harold Mr. and Mrs. George Smith of 788-head cattle ranch has both Sisson. 23f2xp Unity visited at the Alvon MvGinnis FOR SALE— Acre o f ground at home Tuesday and Wednesday. high and low altitude range, lots of FOR SALE Owyhee com er for business. Inquire W ANTE D — T o care for children, I Mr. and Mrs. Dick Knauots and springs and streams over the range, day or evening, phone 63-J 23f2xp son of Boise were weck-uld guests FO R SALE—White fam ily rotary Mary Dodson at Ditty ranch. Sun- can be cash rented with the rent of Mr. and Mrs. Oayle Martin. tredle sewing machine, phone 252-R. set valley. 23f3xc to apply on the purchase price. W A N TE D — T o rent 40 to 80 acre Miss Elizabeth Haskett of Seattle farm, write Ivan Atwood, Ontario, 75-head cattle ranch, new two- 2312xp FOR SALE—Wheat, »3.28 per hund- was a week-end guest of Miss Elin Oregon route 2, Box 222-E. 23flxp bedroom modem home, would De or Edwards. a .,,, red, three miles east of Adrian. FO R SALE—Baby chicks. Now is phone Parma 24F-12, O. O. Qoode- nice summer home, well located to Mrs. Loraine Olennen and Nellie W A N TE D —Tu rent row crop land the time to order Thompson's Il0W 23f2xp an oiled highway. Sanford of Emmett visited Mrs. A. Chek-R-Chix for delivery ev ery _______________________________________ .1 MO acres of perfect-laying top row suitable for potatoes and beets. Sig C. Henderson. Mrs. Bill Looney and Wednesday and Saturday. For [ FOR SALE— Mailing tubes for 1 crop land. five-room home with Murakami, Rt. 1, Ontario. Ore. ldtfc Mrs. Elmer Sparks Sunday after breeds and prices, inquire Thomp- maps, valuable papers, etc. Station-’I two-room tenant house. »29.800. W ANTE D — Holstein and Guernsey noon. son's Ontario hatchery. 23f 12xc.' ery Dept.. Oate City Journal. 23ftfc. ' with 1% down. Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Wieck and springer cows. C. Clyde Smith and ----------------------------------------------- - i 1 gg acres with 60 acres irrigated, daughter and Mr. and Mrs. Boo FO R SALE— One 1946 S. C. model FOR SALE Hay In stack. D, Atagi. four-room home machine shed and Noel Gwartney. Phone 306. Ontario. Eastman of Caldwell were Sunday Across from the Ontario sales yard. case tractor, beet, potato and corn phone 014J11, Nyssa. 12J7xp fam liy orchard, »10.500, with »6.000 12.ttfc dinner guests in the Olenn Brown cultivator attachment. One Oliver j ------------------------------------------------i down home. 70, beet bar. corn and potato cultl- SALE—Sows due to farrow , 120 acres top row crop land, all Mrs. Junior Matthews assisted by of any kind. vator, side dressing attachment, from February 20 to March 20, Irrigated In one direction, six-room W A N T E D —Work Have own Mrs. Olen Brown, gave a pink and beet lifter and mowing machine, i Phone 018-J5, Norveile Robbins. modern home with full basement, Trucking preferred. truck or drive yours. Experienced blue shower Thursday for Mrs. Ed 16f2xc C. L. Hawkins at Owyhee Junction.! ° em avenue. 36 x 68 cow bam, V* down. with heavy rigs. Phone 154-W.22dtic Freel. 23f l x p . FQR 8ALE_ xhree acres ground 5 acres close to Nyssa. new two- Mrs. James McGinnis and Joyce FO R SALE—40 tons alfalfa hay. 3ti ¡with new two-bedroom house, close bedroom modem home. »1500 down, W A N T E D — To ouy anything in shopped in Caldwell Monday. beef or veal. Also custom killed Mr. and Mrs. Elbert Hatch were miles west on Grand avenue, George t0 town, good terms. Bernard East- with »50 per month. 100 acres, the best dairy set-up In and delivered to Polar Cold Stor dinner guests Thursday of Mr. and T. Gregg 23f2xp man, phone 64. 16ftfc the lower Snake River valley, *35,- age. Phone 31-M or 0U-J1. 12Ptfc. Mrs. Bill Willis. F O R SALE—One of the nicest two- f ° R SALE—Fairbanks-Morse re 000 worth of Improvements, the Mrs. Charles West and Mrs. Ada bedroom homes in town. Stoker, | frlgerator, »35. 422 No. Fifth St., home a mansion, cheap water, *47,- W A N TE D T O R E N T —Potato and Scott and son visited Monday at the beet ground. Phone 018-J3, On 000, with V s down. double garage, large lot on paved j Phone 267-J evenings. 16f2xp home of Mr. and Mrs. Payne hi Big 24ntfc Bend. 80 acres, two sets of buildings, tario, Oregon street. Very nice yard, shade i 40 acres. % mile o ff pavement small dairy barn, good dairy and Mrs. Betty Korman and Kristine. Beautiful back yard, outdoor fire- LOST row crop land, very well located In n lare Bernard real estate, estate ! 24 ° d level acres' modern Mrs. Olen Brown and Mrs. Bob place. Bernard Eastman Eastman, real ful] g° basement. excellent small home, barn. the Nyssa area. Buyer will have Brown were in Nyssa Thursday on 16ftfc granary chicken house, fruit trees. insurance. 16ftfc the privilege of renting an extra 40 LO ST—Lady's black billfold on business. Leave at Owyhee FO R SALE- -75 tons of good long All go for government appraised acres on crop rental basis. »18,000. Main street. Mrs. Bill Looney and David and 500-head cattle ranch, all fenced, Truck and Implement office. 23flxc Mrs. A. C. Henderson visited in alfalfa hay. Phone 018J-2. 16f2xp price, about »8.000. 40 acres under Shoestring ditch, located on oiled highway, good Notus Thursday at the Jim Coon FOR RENT FO R SALE—Maytag washer with two-bedroom modern house. »12.000, buildings and corrals, open range home. pump and two tubs, practically new, terms. for 175 head, terms. Mr. and Mrs. C liff Looney and FOR R E N T—Furnished three-room »85. Phone 74 R. 16ftfc Small home, very attractive, liv 80 acres good row crop land, son of Caldwell visited In the E. E. ing room carpeted, modern, good three-bedroom semi-modern home. apartment with bath, »35 per month, phone 63-J. 23f2xp Parker home Tuesday evening. FO R SALE—7 Li acies with modern neighborhood, nice garage. »14.000. with »7.000 down and »500 Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Smith were four-room house, five acres in culti 80 acres on pavement. 4-room per year on the balance. FOR R E N T —Apartment furnished In Vale Monday on business. vation, barn and outbuildings, lo house, 12000 terms. 35 acres, row crop land, with a with electric stove and refrigerator, Barbara Hatch spent Thursday in cated in Apple valley district. Price 40 acres, good soil, barn, house, new modern two-bed room home in Stunz apartment, phone 110-R Parma with her aunt, Mrs. Dick $7.350. Don Lackland, Parma. »7,000, terms. worth »8.000, »12.000, terms can be or 110-W. 23ftfc Wight. Idaho. 9f3xp 40 acres on pavement. 35 Irrigable, arranged. Mr. and Mrs. W illie McGinnis now 20 acres hay, 11 acres pasture, 40 acres under the old Owyhee F O R R E N T —S m a l l furnished and Nellie of Nyssa visited Mr. und FO R SALE White Rose seed pota small house, deep well, bam, »4.500, water right, productive soil. 11-head house. Bernard Frost. 23f2xp Mrs. Alvon McGinnis Saturday. toes grown from purple tag foun $1,200 down cow bam. garage, granary, chicken dation stock. Jake Fischer, phone Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hlnneinun and FOR R E N T—Furnished apartment, 1 3/4 acres, modern nearly-new coop, two - bedroom semi - modem 05R-1. 2Ftfc. Linda and Mrs. Thatcher Wagner two-bedroom house, on oiled road, home, one mile o ff the oil, »7,000, for couple; household and baby furniture. Phone 148-J. 23f2xp of Parma were Sunday dinner F O R SALE!— Bulova wrist watch, garage, nice shrubs and yard, fruit »3,500 down. guests of Mr. and Mrs. Howard phone, O. P. Council. 2‘ftfc. trees, new large chicken bouse with We have sold so many ranches FOR R E N T —Three-room furnished Hatch. brooder room and all equipment, the past month we are greatly in Mr. and Mrs. Bill Willis and fam F O R S A L E — Potatoes, Summy household furniture, all for only nead of new listings on farms. List modern house, garden space. Phone 022-R1. 23f2xp ily and Mr. and Mrs. James Mc- orchard, Apple vallev, phone Parma »6.700. wlpi Mel Beck at Grigg Bros, and Oinnis and family were Sunday 22M2. 26Jtfc 80 acre dairy farm, 5 miles SW of Butler now. FOR R E N T— Duplex. 107 Ennis. dinner guests In the Alvon M c Nyssa, 5-room basement house, »11,- HOMES »30 month, furnished, electric stove. Ginnis home. The occasion marked FO R SALE— Creto, the guaran 000; »6,000 down, terms on balance. Pour-room semi-modern home, Frigidalre, oil heater, bed, etc. Mr. WIlUs’ and Mr. McGinnis’ teed waterproof paint, Creto water 80 acres, 11 miles SW of Nyssa. 38 located on paved street, »4,200 with Water, sewer paid. Dale Pomperien, birthdays. proofs concrete, brick, cement, stuc acres under cultivation, nearly new small down payment. phone 3035 Vale, Oregon, route 1, Mrs. Howard Hatch. Mrs. Art co, plaster, mortar and terrazzo. 4-room house, tractor and all equip Attractive three-ledroom modern box 2. 16f2xp Sparks and Mrs. Stanley H ill are Waterproofs by application and ment goes, $8,900. home, spacious throughout, top lo attending a textile painting class permanently waterproofs walls and 160 acres, 83 acres cultivated, 70 cation In Nyssa, terms. F O R R E N T — N e w three-room in Parma Thursdays. floors, Inside or outside, wet or acres hay, 40 acres good row crop, 4-room modem home, spacious apartment, automatic oil heat, close The Adrian grade school P. T. A. dry, new or old, painted or un range permit, large basement home, In. Bernard Eastman, phone 64. met Thursday evening yard, all fenced, »4,800, Vi down. at the painted. Nyssa Lumber Co. 17Nt?c nice yard. 16ftfc One acre with two-bedroom mod Phone 97 ern hama. »4.000. M ISCELLANEOUS— Announcing to FOR- SAI,F Robert F. Thompson Two complete business blocks for FOR R E N T—Well furnished three- farmers, new reduced rates In auto Several small homes with small room apartment, with private bath. F R A N K T. M O RG AN AGENCY sale. mobile liability Insurance. You can down payment. 11 Long drive, phone 72-R. 16ftfc. now Insure for less In the best of BUSINESS O P P O R T U N ITIE S Two-bedroom modern home, »3,500 F O R S A L E — New two-bedroom General merchandising, grocery with easy terms F O R R E N T —Three-room apart companies. See Uils special plan home, stoker heat, fireplace, hard Two-bedroom home with base wood floors, full basement, »10.500 store and service station In an ex ment, with bath. Inquire J. B. Mc before you buy. Nyssa Insurance ment. like new, modern, insulated, Ed Knettle, telephone 148-J. 2f4xp clusive good irrigated, farming area, Kinney. W i l s o n ’ s Super-market. agency, Ralph O. Lawrence, agent, busy highway por.ier, a good money 2ftic extra large lot, set up with state 9f3xp 105 Main street. loan, easy paqments, 441 Ennis. FOR SALE—Outside white paint. maker, modern apartment. M ISCELLANEOUS — We can ar G H lGG BROS. & B U TLER FOR R E NT—Two-bedroom mod NYSSA INSURANCE AG E N CY National Titanium. 5 gallon lots, ern home, East Second street. »45 range loans for you to rebuUd or Ralph G. Lawrence Nyssa, Oregon »3.50 per gallon, Nyssa Lumber month. Nyssa Insurance agency. remodel your home, barn, garage, Phone 17i-J Nyssa, Oregon company. 12mtfc 2ftfc. or other outbuildings, Nyssa Lumb er Co. 29stfc FOR SALE—Have rarms and houses for sale. Need more, list with Ken FOR R E N T -- Pollan your owu M ISCELLANEOUS—Do you need Renstrom. Phone 264-W. 29jtfc floors. Rent our hlgh-si)eed pol ishing equlpmenv. Easily handled money to remodel your home or to F O R ’* SALE— Two city lots. 76 foot by women. Nyssa Lumber company. build outbuildings or garage? We front/ four-room House. »2500, terms. SAtfc. can arrange a loan for you and give jrou up to three years to pay It. Phone 166, Teresa Byrd. ldtfc 29stfc F O R R E N T — Two-room cabin. Nyssa Lumber Co. FARM S AND HOMES FOR SALE Chadwick's camp. 20otfc M ISCELLANEOUS — Prompt and by free pick-up of your dead, crippled K E N POND AG E N CY H ELP W A N TE D or sick livestock. Calls received be 120 acres, * plenty of water. This The best fore 9 o'clock are picked up by Is an Ideal stock farm, a fine buy W ANTED —Male help one-man business In this area can noon. Efficient drivers. Call col at *12.000. 100 acres, 50 irrigable, very nice be yours without capital investment. lect Payette 0180-J3 or 156, or Nys- LODGES PH YS IC IA N S 2-bedroom home, other good build I f you are over 21 and under 55. sa 102-W. Idaho Animal Products 6Jtfc. have car. and enjoy good credit rat Company. ings, *16.800. Nyssa Post No. 79 84 acres near oiled road, 51 acres ing. write J. R. Watkins Co., 137 Dead animal* picked up free. S A K A Z IN CLINIC 2f6xc Irrigable, real good home, large Dexter Ave.. Seattle, Wn. American Legion For prompt service call collect. barn, water piped to all buildings Dr. J. J. Sarazln Ontario—Ontario Ora In Co. 63 M ISC ELLAN EO U S and corra is ,»16.000, easy terms. Meets 1st & 3rd Thurs. Parana— Parma Seed Oo. 26 Dr. K E. Kerby 80 acres, a good dairy setup. Veteran’s Hall— 8 P. M. M ISCELLANEOUS—Did you know Nyssa—M ain plant 100 *7.500. Dr. L. W. Scott that approximately 14 per cent of Idaho-Oregon Rendering Ce. A ll Veterans Welcome 80 acres with good 3-bedroom the gasoline you use is bottled gas? Physician and Surgeons home. This Is a steal for only *10.- MISCELLANEOUS— Available now. Ideal Oas and Appliance. 23flxc —I" '—J _ - JL._____J L - " ..■!>■ 000, good terms. Gate City Lodge Electrolux cleaners and air puri 80 acres, 5-room home, pressure CUSTOM SLAU G H TER ING fiers. Sales and service. Ed A. L. A. Maulding, M. D. No. 214 system, cost of water only *53 per Stock received Monday, Tuesday, Anderson, route 3, Welaer, Idaho, Physician and Burgeon year, for quick sale. *7,360 cash. I.O.O.F. Wednesday and Thursday, 8 a .m. phone 0287J4. 14Jtfc Phone 37 60 acres. 40 of this Is tops, rest to 6 p. m. and Friday 8 a. m. to 12. Meets every Monday Hours: 10 to 12 and 2 to 5 orchard, garden and pasture. *16.- MiaOHLiLANBOUS - W e m ake No stock received on Sunday Daily except Saturday and 800, some terms. night, 8:30. Beef, sheep and pork. Free de loans on the new Owyhee project Sunday. Saturday 10 to 12 52 acres stock farm, cheap water land, business, homes and farms. livery to Polar locker plant. South First Street from new »2100 pump. Price only Grigg Bros, and Butler. 15dtfc One mile west on Alberta Ave. *7,500, easy terms. Phone 05R-1 C. J. Kopp, M. D. DENTISTS 40 acres, fine sandy loam, good L E G A L ADVERTISING JAKE FISCHER buildings, easy terms. »9.000. Physician and Surgeon IN THE C O U N TY C O U R T O P TH E 40 acres, all In hay and pasture, M ISCELLANEOUS — Outdoor toil DR. C. M. TYLER Fry Building STA TE O F OREOON FO R T H E good four-room house, has good ets. cesspools, septic tanks cleaned, Wilson Building Office hours C O U N T Y OF M ALHEUR dairy barn, chicken house and deodorized with amazing new pro Phene 1S5-J. Nywn 10 to 12; and 2 to 5 NOTICE OF F IN A L ACCOUNT brooder house. A good place for duct. Just mix dry powder with Office hours from 9 to 5 except Dally except Saturday and In the Matter of the Estate of either stock or row crop, priced at water; pour into toilet. Safe, no Sunday. Saturday 10 to 12 Saturdays, 9 to 12. polsins. Save digging and pump F R A N K R H A R T R A N F T , Deceased only »9.500, terms. N O TICE IS HEREBY O IV EN ing costs Postcard or letter brings HOMES Oood small home on paved street, free details. H 8c H Distributing that the undersigned, Harold Henlg- J. R. CUNDALL j e w e l r y S to res - »2950. H down, balance very easy company. P. O. Box 22. Nampa. son. Administrator of the estate of Dentist terms Idaho. For sale by Farmers Supply Frank R Hartranft. Deceased, has Phone 56-J at Nyssa and Ontario. filed his Final Account as said Two-bedroom l a r g e attractive Co-op PAULUS Sarann Clinic home, all modern, M.800. small Adrian Oil Co., Adrian. Ore. 26Jtfc Executor in the County Court of Malheur County. Oregon, and that JEWELRY STORE down payment. NYSSA ORBOON One-bedroom home, nice shade, M ISCELLANEOUS— No muss, no said Court has appointed Tuesday, Onion Pacific Tim e inspector lawn, choice location. »4.935, low fuas, call ui. rockwool insulation. the 21st day of March. 1950, at JEW ELRY — DIAM ONDS We have our own insulation blow 10:00 o'clock In the forenoon of said OPTOMETRISTS down payment, easy terms. W ATCHES Three-bed room home on east side ing machine. Stunz Lumber comp day, for the hearing of objections to 28m tie said Final Account and the settle Main Street at Second of tracks. This is a geed home for any. DR. C. L. H ERM AN N ment thereof. only *3.000 M ISCELLANEOUS— For your fire Visual Specialist NOW. THEREFORE, all persons A very well located business lot on and automobile Insurance see Mel Room 4. Pry Building W YCKOFF main street. *2 500 I f you have a Beck. Orlgg Bros and Butler 22dtfc Interested in the estate of Frank R Nyssa. Oregon Phone 1T1-J Hartranft. deceased, are notified choice building lot and very small Office hours 9 to 12; 2 to 5 JEWELRY STORE amount of money, we can make you j MISCELLANEOUS — Dig Alcate car and required to appear at the O fficial Tim e Inspector tor a Prudential FH A loan to build a and cylinder lock keys r..adr Hen- County Court Room In the Court House at Vale. Malheur County. DR. J. A. MCFALL home n «man's. 250*fc Union Pacific Oregon, at said time, to then and Three nice lots on Park avenue O N TA R IO ORBOON DR. JOHN EASLY W e have lots of prospects for good M ISCELLANEOUS— Need money? there show cause. If any there be. ! row crop farms List yours with Loan* on farm* for refinancing, why said Account should not be us, and we «rill get you the top building. Improvement*, b u y i n g . settled, allowed and approved and VETERINARIANS market price Long term, low interest, *ee B«c- said estate distributed and said Administrator discharged. nard Eastman, phone 64. Nyssa. DR. H A L D. W H IT E Dated and first published Febru SAtfc. ary 16. 1950 Date of last publication, Formerly Jamison and Pond Veterinarian RE AL ESTATE AND INSURANCE M ISCELLANEOUS—Highest price* March 16. 1960 Phone N y s s a 27S Phone Ontario, H ARO LD H ENIOSON Clyde 16 North Third Phone 276-W paid for slaughter horses Administrator of the Estate of Smith, phone 306. Ontario Aerosa, from Ontario Sales yard 6otfc Frank R Hartranft. Deceased For evening appointments Phone 54-M Classified Advertising » , professional and Business Directory ; KEN POND AGENCY 21, Ore I PAGE THREE A Pounder's Day pro gram was given. Dr. Shupe of Ros well was the guest speaker. Mr. and Mrs. F. F. Cummings of Boise visited in the Bob Brown home Sunday. Quests in the Bill Ashcraft home Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Bob Hamilton and Johnnie of Arock, Mr. and Mrs. J. Nelson and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Long of Nampa. Mr. and Mrs. Forest Hamilton of Wilder and Mr. and Mrs. Dale Ashcraft. The party was held to celebrate Bill's and Dale's birthdays. Mrs. Betty Korman and Kristine spent the week-end at the Bob Ball home in Boise. Those from Adrian attending the Bosque dance Saturday night near Ontario were Mr. and Mrs. Jess Norris, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Looney, Mr and Mrs. Fred Warren. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Willis, Mr. and Mrs. George Cartwright, Mr. and Mrs. Olen Brown. Mr. and Mrs. George Stephenson. Mr and Mrs. Cecil Smith and Pat. Don Elliott and Bet ty Hansen. Mrs. Herb Thomas. Mrs. Lam bert Deirking. Mrs. Bill Ashcraft and Mrs. Olen Brown attended the regular meeting of their pinochle club at the Wesly Piercy home F ri day. Bill Looney's grandfather, W. W. Looney, passed away Thursday in Caldwell. The funeral was held Saturday morning. Those attend ing from here were Dan Hally, E. E. Parker, Mr. Cummings. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Johns and Bill Looney. Entertainment Planned— The first entertainment In the new L. D. 8. 2nd ward church is being planned for the first week in March. The plans Include enter tainment for the entire family. Further details will be given at a later date. To California— Mr and Mrs. W. W. Foster left Tuesday for California. They will deliver a truckload of honey In San Francisco and visit with Mr. and Mrs. Howard Foster at Scramento. and with their daughter. Miss Frau d s Foster at Los Angeles. INTERIOR AN D EXTERIOR DECORATOR Spray or Brush Free Estimate By Hour Or Job a n d y m c g in n is 532 No. First Phone 273-W KAISER-FRAZER _ APPROVED ^ Sales & Service S ervice ❖ If you are driving a Kaiser or Frazer car we are equipped with the latest testing equipment and factory trained mechan ics to put your car in the best o f condition. BRING YOUR TROUBLES TO US Free Pick-Up And Delivery From Nyssa MUTCH OIL CO. Highway 30— East of Town Ontario, Oregon Phone 287 PUBLIC FARM SALE 4 miles west of Nyssa. Oregon on Alberta avenus. Having rented my ranch. I will sell all personal property at public auction. Wednesday, March 1 SALE STARTS 1 O 'C L O C K Ford Ferguson tractor with over-drive. Ford Ferguson 2-bottom plow, 14 inch. A. C. combine, 5-foot cut. V alley Mound 5-row corrugator, practically • new. Ford Ferguson 3- row corrugator, practic ally new. Champion twin potato digger, rubber tires, practically new. Vermont 10-foot fertilizer spreader, new. 13-foot Cultipacker. 2-row potato duster. 1 Horsepower electric motor. 1 Ford tandem disc, 8-foot. 1 All-steel w a go n and box, rubber tired. Ford Ferguson corn cultivator, 8 foot. Ferguson beet and b e a n cultivator. Ferguson tractor mower, almost new. 10-foot steel harrow. Ford tractor ditcher. O ne dump rake. Peter Shutler w ago n with h ay rack. 1 Spring-tooth harrow. 1 Hand Sprayer. 500 capacity electric chick brooder. 1 M ow er swather. Viking cream separator. Large Round O ak table. Farm land leveler, 24-feet long and feet wide. Power W illo w sprayer, cost new $400. 7 Miscellaneous articles too numerous to mention. TERMS CASH F. J. CAHILL, Owner Aucts. Col. Bert Anderson. Col. Joe Church L. H. Frills, Clerk