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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 8, 1949)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON. THURSDAY. DECEMBER 8. 1949 PAGE TWO J o u rn a l Ihe Gate Ci tv KI.ASS V. POW ELL E ditor a n d Published every T h u rsd a y E ntered a t th e postofflce through th e U nited S ta te s the a ct Publisher A D V E R TISIN G RATES SI US« R IP T IO N R A T E S »2 00 One Year *1 25 Six m onth« 0 - Mingle Copies (S trictly in Advance) O pen ra te . |>cr In c h N ational, per Inch C lassifieds, per word M inim um 40c 49c 2c 30c a t Nys a. M alh eu r C ounty. O regon. a t, O regon (or tran sm issio n Mall«, an second class m a tte r, u n d e r of M arch 3, 1879 Coffee “Shortage" Disappears The so-called shortage of coffee has been partially explained. Someone started a rum or that th ere would be a shortage of coffee on the plantations of Brazil, the w orld’s chief coffee producer, in 1950 because of a draught. Who started the rum or is not known. In reaction to the rum or, m any A m ericans started buying coffee in great quantities, millions of pounds over the norm al am ount, creating an actual shortage for others. Now reports indicate that Brazil will have a bigger coffee crop in 1950 than this year, showing how frantic Am ericans will become over rum ors, and how easily m arkets are affected by propaganda, eith er false, true, good or bad. Tin* Diirnldi* Mr. CARD O F THANKS ' a n average conception ra te of 87.4 W e wish to express our a p p rec i per cent. Following th e show ing of a m o a tio n for th e kindness a n d th o u g h t vie o n dairy in g a t th e m orning fulness of those who h a rv este d our PU BLIC DAIRY SALE—E ast end session, a potluck lu n ch w as served of M arsing. Id a h o bridge, on Bob crops a n d helped us In a n y way. I a t noon. Monsey d airy ra n c h , W ednesday. M r. a n d Mrs. G len H. Salter. Decem ber 14. Sale s ta rts a t 12:30 A ttend Stake Meet— noon, free coffee, lu n c h ' served on M I. A. stak e leaders of th e Nyssa, BU ILD IN G PE R M IT S P arm a and Ow yhee w ards, a tte n d ed M ain a n d Holcomb, construction. grounds. C attle, hay, m achinery. a p re p ara tio n m eeting T uesday T erm s: cash. M onsey & L. H. night in O n tario , w here th e C h rist T h ird stre et, lots 11 a n d 12, block F ritts, owners. Cols. B e rt A nderson m as program was planned. I t will 10, original tow nslte, add itio n to city a n d Joe C hurch, auctioneers. L. H. B en Sim onson, general m anager be held for all M I. A. officers and hall, 32 x 36. two story, *9,398.49. F ritts, clerk. of th e O regon D airy B reeders a s teachers S unday, D ecem ber I t . sociation. told m em bers of th e Mai- j h e u r county association a t th e ir a n nual m eetin g in the Boulevard G range h a ll la st week th a t "In the I fu tu re M alheur county will rig h t fully become th e leading dairy county in th e s ta te ”. Mr. Sim onson, principal speaker | a t th e m eeting, praised the M alheur association for its steady increase in m em bership since its o rganiza tion in 1947 Rosel H. H u n ter, M alheur asso ciatio n president, said, "T he fu tu re of th e association looks very pro th e Land Bank Way m ising and I am sure th a t its m em bers h ave h a d enough eviden U n restricted P R E-p ay m e n t ce to convince anyone th a t the p riv ile g e s e n a b le m em b er- breeders p rogram will continue to b o rro w e rs to a p p ly e x c e ss progress". funds a n d thus red u ce the T h e m em bers voted alm ost u n a nim ous approval of the operation JU S T NO RTH O F ONTARIO A IR PO R T n u m b er o f low of th e breeders' program . 4 % in te re st p a y m e n ts C. C. Betz of W illowcrek and Joe •The Land Bank Way Fulw yler of Vale were elected as is the Farm er’s Way. new m ebers of th e association. W endell R ichm ond of C airo Junc . Iltu tion was re-elected to th e board. O th e r m em bers of the board are R jse! H u n te r and G len Peterson. Royce R oberts, m an a g er-te ch n ici SPONSORED BY TH E ONTARIO LIONS CLUB a n of th e association, reported th a t since 1947, 3147 artificial insem i n a tio n s h a v e been perform ed w ith a cat ever hoped for. T here’ll alw ays be somebody w ant ing to give aw ay something, even if it belongs to other people, and over the objections of th e lucky recipients. Shooting Santa Claus hasn’t got anything to do with the C hristm as spirit but it’s a handy and seasonable term . L I uiih Salem (Ore.) Statesm an It's no wonder youngsters regard the approaching Yule season with certain misgivings. T here’s been a veritable m assacre of Santa Claus. Ju st the o ther day there was an item about John L. Lewis shooting Santa Claus when lie called th at sh o rt lived walkout. Then came word th at the New Z ealand ers disposed of Good Saint Nicholas when they kicked out th eir socialist government. F arm ers knocked off the benign gent when the G range objected to the Bran- nan plan. Doctors anesthetized the jolly gift-giver when they carved up the national health insurance hill. And economizers arc forever holding him off with th eir bad reports on the w elfare state. But don’t worry, children; S anta has been around for u good many years and he m ust have more lives than SALE CALENDAR I,oca I Ki-hiilcntH M a lh e u r C o u n t y Asked To Support F u t u r i Sighted Wood Hank Again ___ Local resident« a re being asked to ag ain support th e local blood bank I which will be held a t the M etho d ist c h u rc h M onday, Decem ber 12, j from 11 a. m. u n til 3 p. m. According to Dr. E 6. Eesero. d irecto r of th e regional Red Cross blood bank a t Boise, 83 p ints of Red Cross blood was supplied for th e needs of residents of Nyssa d uring th e la st six m onths. T his does not Include A drian or o th er nearby towns. T h is inform ation was received from th e laboratory w here th e blood is typed a n d cross m atched. T h ere ts no charge for the blood except for th e laboratory typing and m atch in g . T h e am ount h a t has been needed during th e p ast six m o n th s exceeds 54 p in ts th a t were c o n trib u ted a t the local blood bank la st July. Any person who h a s not m ade an app o in tm en t to d o n ate to th is n e cessary public service is asked to report a t th e M ethodist ch u rch next M onday. Again those who are d o n a tin g olood are urged not to e a t any foods c o n ta in in g fa ts for seve ral hours p rio r’ to th e ir a p p o in t m ent. In ch arg e of a rra n g e m e n ts for the Nyssa blood bank are O lean Wells, Mrs. H ouston Wilson and Mrs. Ted M organ. TRAP S H O O T TURKEYS—MERCHANDISE HAMS—BACONS •. if YOU PRE-y S U N D A Y , D E C E M B E R 11 ONTARIO, OREGON Bring The F am ily—Fun For All E ducators Visit— Heveral high officials of th e U ni versity of O regon, including P re si d e n t H K. Newborn, visited w ith school a d m in istrato rs In Ny.ssa F ri day. a n d appeared a t a n assem bly a t th e high school. T h e visitors a t tended a luncheon in the Moore hotel in O n ta rio a n d a n Oregon alum ni m eeting in Boise. M embers of th e p a rty besides Dr. Newburn were D ean T heodore K ra tt of the school of m usic; D r R aym ond T. Ellickson, associate dean of the grad u ate school and head of th e d e p a rtm e n t of physics; Dr. Ja m es D. G ilbert, professor em eritus of ec onomics. a n d l.eo A. H arris, uthletic director. ut J)tu r DRUGSTORE CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS $1.79 Xmas Tree Light Sets 8 in series 49c $2.98 $3.49 Bubble Light Sets 79c $1.25 Electric Wreaths Santa Glo Tree Top For Tree Top Or Centerpiece $1.49 CHRISTMAS CARDS U 25c 12 Religious Cards 59c \y& 20 Assorted Cards 98c VI E W- MAST E R STEREOSCOPIC PICTURES 18 Assorted Cards 75c _ fict 'em ua A c I c S M MILS — 15c each y “ ““ ’ F W r tk Li henry I m - ( I . I ) IN T E R M O U N T A IN 1 W c 500 "°"k'y cum fu r n itu r e c o m p a n y FO R T O U R HOME I Name M agic Auto Speedw ay 79c Dolls Bingo 35c Lincoln Logs 98c Dishes 39c Embroidery Sets 98c Ironing Boards iip 1 7 (> -^ 83c Christmas Stockings 10c and 15c Idaho Power Bldg. I OM A cceunl Tinker Toys S2.49 O W Y H E E DRUG CO. l Address IM i o In handmade stoneware jug. Only S | 0 0 TOYS AND GAMES STtRIOSCOft—$2 00 Kindly send the Smoke- I m aster at $6 95 I ai;reo to pay I Lotion and enjoy the bracing air of the Scotch Highlands—thecool crisp ness of heather and fern I Soaforth Lotion soothes and cools . . . smells fresh, not fragrant. Start your d ays—and dates—with That Wonderful Seaforth Feeling! LET US DEMONSTRATE NEW VIEWMASTER JUNIOR PROJECTER—ONLY $9.95 ) fee $1 00 t&c<f «A S H A V IN G LO TIO N 8 Jolly Santa Kiddie Every member of the family — from Junior to Granddad— will be thrilled to see stereoscopic pictures "come to life" with amarine full-color Kodachrome, three dim ensional re a lism . View-Master pictures are enter taining, educational, and eco nomical. Keels interchangeable for View-Master Stereoscopes and Projectors. Over 2100 full- color pictures on 7-scene Reels now available— world-famous scenic aitractkma. Fairy Tales, Animals, Flowers. > Top off your shavo with Seatorth New A re e e n t G. H. PEIRSOL PHONE 255-W 4 <