Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 8, 1949)
.'V fr n r v ^ } ® r fc , » TTieNYSSA VOLUME X X X X IV NO. 48 Santa Claus Is Planning Visit To Nyssa Youths Annual Christmas Party To Be Sponsored By Nyssa C Of C John Toombs' Gilt Ami Litter Take First In Oregon John Toombs of Nyssa high school won first place in the state in gilt division of the state pig litter con test sponsored by the Oregon Bank ers association. Among P. F. A. members Donnie Knowles of Nyssa won fourth in the gilt division. Toombs received $100 cash and Knowles $25 cash. Minard Hart of Nyssa won 110th in the same divis ion. Nyssa did not place in the sow division. The contest is based on the total litter weight at 35 days of age. Toombs’ sow farrowed 12 pigs with a total weight of 259.9 pounds at 35 days of age. Knowles boy’s gilt farrowed eight with total weight of 220 at 35 days. Hart boy’s farrowed nine, raised nine with total weight of 202. Were 178 entries in both divisions from 35 P. P. A. chapters. The annual Christmas party spon sored by the Nyssa chamber of com merce for the youngsters of this section will be held the afternoon of .Saturday, December 17. Amid the strains of Christmas music furnished by the Nyssa muni cipal band, Santa Claus will arrive on a float and will go directly to the high school gymnasium, where he will be interviewed by the small- children who wish to talk to him The older children will be entertain ed at a free show at the Nyssa theater. Sant Claus will be on the streets and in the business houses after he leaves the gymnasium. Treats will be given both at the gymnasium and the theater. As a novel method of giving away small prizes, the chamber of commerce The Nyssa Bulldogs were thumped will include in the bags of candy 34 to 23 by the Baker Bulldogs on and nuts slips of paper entitling the Baker floor last Saturday night, the bearers to prizes. The slips of principally because they could not paper will bear the names of bus hit the basket effectively, but they iness places where the prizes may be expect to develop their shooting eyes claimed. More than 100 of these for more accuracy when they open treat bags will contain the prize their Snake River Valley league play slips. at Parma Friday night and play Decoration of Main street with their first home game of the season Christmas lights and trees has been against Emmett next Tuesday night. completed. Added to each year by All of the games will be double- the chamber of commerce, the dec headers, with the preliminary start orations give the city a much bright ing at 7:30. er appearance at night than during The Nyssa high school Bulldog previous years. The chamber com publishers gave the following ac mittee expressed appreciation to the count of the Baker-Nyssa game: Idaho Power company and city em The Bulldogs' passing and floor ployes for helping in the erection work was sharp and effective, but of the decorations. the inability of any Bulldog player to consistently hit the basket was costly. Many set-ups were missed Tommy Holman Is and the foul shooting was below 50 percent. Playing With OSC The Baker team, returning from a Five In New York two-game invasion of the Snake River valley, was anything but im Tommy Holman, former Nyssa pressive in their ball handling and resident who still calls Baker his ‘heir shooting was as bad as Nyssa’s home, is playing with the Oregon during the first half. However, they State college basketball team in a started connecting in the third series u .imes in^ajqu. re 1 period a'ul gained a 19-point lead garden in New York. at one time. The Bulldogs narrowed Holman, who is playing wish the j this to 11 points at the finish, starting five part of the time, was ! Leading scorer for Baker was televized with the squad in Buffalo, i Music, a forward, who dropped in Each player said a few words. 12 points to pace the field. Pecka, In an article written before the Nyssa guard, hit for 6 points to top Nyssa scoring. players left for their New York en In a preliminary game the frosh- gagements, the Oregonian gave Hol man a nice write-up on his basket soph team lost to the Baker junior varsity, a team composed of soph ball record at O. S. C. The Oregoniarr said "Tommy Hol omores, juniors, and seniors, 31-24. Basketball fans will see the Bull man of Baker, a guard, who became an O. S. C. immortal by scoring dogs in their initial 8. R. V. league five points in five seconds against I start Friday at Parma. Reports in- Oregon (last year) has finally d e - ; dicate that the Panthers have a for- veloped to a point where he does j midable basketball outfit and are ex- more things well than any other pected to give the Bulldogs strong player.” | opposition. Bulldogs Will Open SRV Play Attends School— MOTHER'S TEA HELD A specialized course in scientific The mothers of the pupils at the Arcadia school was honored last Fri farm management, feeding and san day afternoon at a tea arranged by itation practices for a select group the teachers and the room moth j of men from Purina dealers’ stores ers. A program, with each room : was started this week in Pocatello. participating, was presented. The Fred Norman, feed salesman of Tob- program consistted of an arrange ler's Feed and Fuel, attended the ment of nursery rhymes by the first meeting. A certificate of mixing ac grades; some numbers explaining curacy for 1949 has been issued to safety rules by the second grades, Tobler’s by the Ralston Purina com and a quiz program on government pany of St. Louis following analysis by the third grade. Guest speaker of samples taken from a regular for the afternoon was Mrs. John mix prepared for customers of the Schenk, president of the Nyssa P. concern. T. A. Presiding at the tea tables were To La Grande— Dr. and Mrs. John Kopp and son Mrs. Teague, Mrs. Castro and Mrs. Bud Wilson. The lace-covered tea were visitors last Sunday in La table was decorated with a center- Grande, where they were guests at the home of Dr. Kopp's parents. piece of chrysanthemums. Assisting with the tea were the EASTERN 8TAR ELECTS following room mothers: Mrs. John Officers for the coming year were Stringer, Mrs. Tom Seppich, Mrs. Bud Wilson, Mrs. Carl Bumingham. elected at the meeting of the E ast Mrs. Edison Child, Mrs. E. D. Mich- ern Stars Monday evening a t the aelson. Mrs. J. Lewis, Mrs. Benedict, ! Masonic hall. Mrs. Grant R inehart and Mrs. Ed Case, chairman of the was elected as worthy maatron and Glenn Brown as worthy patron; Arcadia room mothers. Mrs. J. L. Church, associate matron, and Cecil Morrison, associate p at- EAGLES AUXILIARY MEETS The regular meeting of the lad iron; Mrs William Schtreman, sec- ies auxiliary of the Order of Eagles ! retary and Mrs. Bernard Frost, was held at the Eagles hall Tues treasurer: Mrs. Luray Trabert, con day evening. Plans were discussed ductress. and Mrs. Jesse Rigney, as for the dance to be held follow sociate conductress. ing the band concert Saturday ev January 30 is the date for the ening. December 17. Plans were also past matrons and patrons night. Refreshments were served at the made for the children's clinic to be held Tuesday, December 13. At close of the evening by Bert Lten- the next meeting of the group Dec kaenvper, Bob Brown and Bernard ember 20, a Christmas party and Frost. gift exchange will be held, with the GROUP HEARS SPEAKER gifts not to exceed *1. Hostesses Del Hanks. Boy Scout executive for the evening were Mrs. S P. of Nampa was the guest speaker at Bybee. Mrs. Grant Jones and Mrs. the Fireside hour held last Sunday Dorothy Runcorn. evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs Arvil Child, with Miss Nani JUNIOR HIGH DANCE OIVEN The annual Christmas dance Child as hostess Mr. Hanks show of the Junior high school was held ed slides of Alaska. Refreshments in the school gymnasium last Fri were served at the close of the day evening. The attractive decor meeting. ations carried out the theme of GIRLS ELECT OFFICERS candyland. A program was present ed consisting of an interpretive read Officers of Girl 8cout troop No. 5 ing by Onna Pounds, vocal solos by were elected at a meeting held Nov Norma Sears and Bonnie King, with ember 28 at the home of Mrs Orant Vel Dee Poulsen as accompanist, Rinehart The new officers are Ellen and a tap dance by Carolyn Vaugh Sager, president. Onna Pounds.vice an. accompanied by Carol Whitaker president: Kristin Rinehart, secre Refreshments were served by the tary, and Cherie Toombs, treasurer. following room mothers: Mrs Poul Mrs Rinehart explained the require sen. Mrs. Wilbur Holcomb. Mrs ments for the tenderfoot badge Re Desmond Jones. Mrs Art Servo&s freshments were served by Delores Du us. and Mrs. Van De Oord. JOURNAL THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON. THURSDAY. DECEMBER 8. 1949 S750 In Prizes Are Awarded In C Of C Drawing Mrs. Murk Hartley Wins First Prize Of Cloth es Dryer Mrs. Mark Hartley won the $230 Bendix clothes dryer given away by the Nyssa chamber of commerce as the feature of its last sales pro motion drawing of the year last Saturday afternoon. Five hundred dollars worth of other prizes were given away also, as Karen Horn drew tickets from a wire barrel and Ernest Norman read the numbers thereon. Prac tically all of the holders of the first ticket drawn for each prize was present at the drawing, which was conducted by Leon Burt, master of ceremonies. Prior to the drawings, the Nyssa municipal band entertained with several selections. Other winners were as follows: $125 worth of clothing, Mrs. Jesse Ditty; electric blanket, Mrs. John Lackey; turkey, Mrs. D. H. Christ ensen; portable radio, F. W. Brown; electric train, Mrs. Jarvis Mitchell; turkey, Mrs. Homer Brewer; set of dishes, Mrs. Sam Langford; grocer ies, Isal Pike; tricycle, Arlan Harold- son; silverware, Mrs. Forrest Car penter; groceries, Mrs. Ray Linville; wagon, Mrs. Ira Price; turkey, Rob ert Bentle; , doll, Mrs. Jack West; ham, Arlan Haroldson, and steam iron, Mrs. Harry O'Hara. City Is Erecting New Sign Posts The city has started erection of street sign posts and will install the signs as soon as they are received here within the next few weeks. The Lions club has practically fin ished its project of •Measuring the blocks in the city for new house numbers. When the list is submitted by the club to the city, officials will order the numbers. The Lions will tack the numbers to the houses, so that property own ers will be free of all responsibility. The block numbers will remain the same, but in practically all cases the last two digits of a number will be changed. Robert Reffett Of Nyssa Wins In Corn Contest State Winner in Hybrid Yield Competition Revealed Today TWO SECTIONS—TWELVE PAGES School District A grm To Take Lighting System A plan of turning the $10,000 lighting system on the Nyssa school district athletic field over to the school district has been offered to the members of the Nyssa Athletic F i e l d Improvement association. Questionnaire cards have been Is sued by the association to give mem bers an opportunity to vote on the proposal. The lights were originally pur chased with money subscribed by members of the lighting association. The original amount of the sub scription was $9,470, less the ap proximate $500 on hand, leaving the approximate figure $8,900. The school district agrees to assume this amount, but will pay no Interest. The original Intention of the as sociation was to give the lights to the school district when the sub scribers had been repaid. If the proposal Is accepted by the associ ation members, they will be reim bursed from funds derived by the school district from rentals on the lighted field. 100 Solicitors Start Work On Hospital Drive Tribute Paid To Wtirk- ers And Contributor* At Opening Dinner Robert Reffett of Nyssa route 2 Approximately 100 enthusiastic was announced today as sweepstakes solicitors preparing to start the gen winner In the state hybrid corn yield eral Malheur Memorial financial contest held recently. campaign were told at the opening In announcing the winner, Dr. R. dinner In the Masonic hall last Fri E. Fore of the farm crops depart day night by adviser L. D. Barr of ment of Oregon State college, co- Oakland, California that “You can chairman of the state com show do away with your fire department committee, said Reffett's production and replace your burned property, is an all-time record, so far as Is but no Insurance will restore the known. Reffett’s yield was 186.9 lives sacrificed on the altar of com blshels per acre, checked on a five- munity neglect.” acre plot. Carroll Locey of Ironside was e- Praising the Nyssa firemen for Samples were taken several weeks lected president, George Russell of ago and announcement of the win their splendid performances In the past, Mr. Barr said "Yes, you have Vale, vice president, and County ners was made in connection with a fire department, but you also need Agent Harry Sandqulst, secretary the opening of the state corn show, of the Malheur County Livestock which will be held in Ontario Fri a hospital." Following the dinner served by association at its third annual day and Saturday of this week. local women, Fred Bracken, general meeting in Vale last .Saturday. Don Bensel of Hermlston was run chairman of the supplemental cam Before their retirement, President ner-up with a yield of 177 bushels paign, opened the meeting and in W. W. Scott and Secretary George per acre. troduced Jake Fischer, chairman of Bain were presented with gold and Curtis Bunch of route 2, Payette, the hospital association board of silver belt buckles at the evening a Malheur county resident, won the directors and chairman of the ad banquet. state championship and the eastern vance gifts commltttee. In his annual address Saturday Oregon championship In the 4-H Mr. Fischer said "The way you afternoon, P res'en t Scott urged division with a yield of 154.5 bushels Bernard Frost of Nyssa was elect the processing of meat in the coun per acre. ed president of the Malheur Game have turned out shows you have the ty, stating that the saving h. league at the annual meeting of the right spirit. I see a lot of new faces. freight costs in marketing a finish Organization in the Boulevard The co-operation of these new men ed product would result in more in Orange hall Tuesday night. Murle makes them feel that they are a part come for livestock producers. Marcum of Nyssa was elected secre of the community”. The chairman Introduced the three group mana Mr. Scott suggested that perhaps tary. the livestock industry carries more Each year three directors are gers besides himself, Warren Farmer, Eldon Ulmer and Bernard Frost. than its share of taxes because of Approximately 115 persons took elected from each of the three towns, Speaking of the organization, the fact that apparently a more ac advantage of the opportunity of at Nyssa, Ontario and Vale. Also, of curate count is made of livestock tending the educational program ficers are rotated among the three Clyde Snider, chairman of the gen than any other type of chattle presented in the Union Pacific's towns. Marcum, Charley Newbill of eral campaign organization, said “Spirit is everything and if a man property. agriculture car at Nyssa Monday Nyssa rural route and Frost were gets the spirit he will go a long way. The opening session following re morning and night. elected as directors to represent If we had only 10 men with the right gistration Friday morning consist The morning session, from 10 to Nyssa. Other directors are A1 And kind of spirit this hospital campaign Funeral services were held Mon ed of meetings held by standing 12 o'clock, was attended by 50 high rews, Ace Gunderson and Bob Pierce would be successful. We catch the committees— Legislative, 4-H club, of Ontario and Lester Peterson, school students, and the evening day morning at 10 o’clock in the and meeting was attended by 65 veterans Hugh McConnell and Ivan Daven spirit from each other and the com Catholic church for Pete Ram disease control and rodent munity catches the spirit from us.” predatory animal. port of Vale. and interested farmers. baud, 85, of Nyssa. The services Team Managers Wilton Jackson, Speakers at the Friday afternoon The club made only one specific The principal feature of the pro were conducted by Father P. J. Everett Heldt, Dr. C. L. Hermann, E. meeting were Mayor Bdgar Dllly of gram consisted of motion pictures recommendation to the state game L. Jamison, James Savage and Gaire. Mr. Rambaud, who died at his Vale, Carroll Locey, Harold W. furnished by the railroad company. commission regarding fishing reg Finley Shuster introduced their The pictures were on hog product ulations for 1950. It was that the workers. home at First street and Ehrgood Dotoyns, assistant district agent of avenue last Friday, was born in the United States fish and wild ion, mixing of concrete, culling Owyhee reservoir be opened to trout Fred Bracken paid tribute to the poultry flocks and other general ed fishing February 15. The club rec women's hospital auxiliary and In Gap, France October 23, 1864, came life service. ommended the same bag limits and troduced Mrs. Ed Frost, president Following a ,4 * stall party, a dan ucational pictures. to the United States in 1881 and Leeds Bailey, county agent, as seasons as last year, except for the of the organization, who thanked located at Nyssa in 1904. Mr. Ram ce was held in the community hall, baud, who retired several years aigo, with the Arkansas Travelers of Boi sisted A. E. Soulier, Union Pacific February 15 stipulation. The rec the men on behalf of the other agriculture agent of the Salt Lake ommendations will be considered by members and announced that “I am was employed by sheepmen in this se furnishing the music. Saturday morning speakers and City division, who was In charge of the state game commission at its proud to be privileged to eat with vicinity for many years. hearing to be held in Portland Jan this group as a representative of Survivors are a daughter, Mrs. Ru their topics were E. R. Jackman, the unit. uary 13. the other ladies.” by Ford of Reno, Nevada and a son, farm crops specialist of Oregon Members discussed the coyote sit State college extension service, Frank Rambaud of Nyssa. Mr. Barr congratulated the solicit No Successor To uation, which is reported to be worse ors on their excellent attendance "Range Land Improvement”; M. because of an increase in the numb E. Knickerbocker, chief of the di Larson Announced er of the predators. The club because “it shows you mean bus Annual Banijuet vision of animal Industry, state de iness.” members expressed the belief that partment of agriculture, “The The adviser reviewed the history No decision as to the appointment Of Riding Club Brand Laws”, and Roy Nelson, of a successor to the late R. O. Lar the state should again hire trap of the first campaign, in which $262,000 was raised for the hospital. Is Held Friday “The New Brand Laws of 19- son as district manager of the Am pers. The club, planning another crow Speaking to the men, he said “You 50. The brand talks were followed algamated Sugar company had been shoot for next fall, allowed $75 reached by company officials today. toward the expense of dynamiting are working because you care. The annual banquet of the Owy by a general discussion. Dudley Sitton of Ontario was There Is a very small percentage who hee Riding club was held in the H. A. Bennlng of Ogden, president crows on river Islands. doesn’t care. Some give excuses home economics room of the Nyssa toastmaster at the banquet held of the Amalgamated Sugar company, Four reels of sports pictures rent high school building last Friday Saturday evening prior to a dance. announced last week-end that re ed for the occasion were shown. why they are not contributing their The Cojy Belles association, sponsibility for the work formerly time and money and are spreading night with 76 persons in attendance. Announcement was made that the propaganda to Justify their attitude. After dinner the following pro stockmen’s auxiliary, elected offi done by Mr. Larson will be carried club has its 1950 membership cards, The propagandists are always pull gram was presented: Noia Drown, cers at a meeting held Saturday temporarily by Henry Zobell, agrl- comic song; Nyssa Tapperettes, tap morning. The new officers are Mrs. c u l t u r e superintendent; Bornall which Interested persons are asked ing baqk, but you men have the to buy. vision. dance; Celia Bybee, song and dance; Sam Ross, Jordan Valley, president; Brown, factory superintendent, and Mr. Barr paid tribute to the late Kenneth Snodgrass, vocal solo, and Doris Edmundson, Westfall, vice R. O. Whitaker, cashier. president, and Mrs. Harry Sand- Frank T. Morgan, chairman of the Phyllis Hadley and Nannette Bybee, Mr. Benning visited with exe Second Ward Of quist, Ontario, secretary. original campaign organization, comedy song and dance number. cutives at the Nyssa factory for a The retiring president, Mrs. Lucy short time Wednesday. L. I). S. Will Hold "who jave of himself that others Mrs. Rolland Holmes had charge might live. He Is gone, but his of the dinner and Mrs. Phillip Mit Johnson, was presented with a Benefit Auction name and your names will be In chell had charge of the decorations. lamp. Nyssan Feted In U tah— scribed in the lobby of the hospital At a business session following Mr. and Mrs. Leo Child, Mrs. Iona The Nyssa second ward of the so people In the future will know the dinner the members discussed Bazaar Scheduled— Flinders, and Arvel Child of Nyssa The L. D. S. Relief society offi and Mr. and Mrs. Wright Child of L. D. 8. church will sponsor an auct who made this hospital possible. further plans for a new Grange-rid ing club hall, but took no action cers and teachers of the Nyssa se Vale were extensively entertained on ion sale for the benefit of the new Your names will live. This Is a pending a meeting with the stock cond ward will hold their annual their recent trip to their former chapel building fund Thursday, spiritual movement which you will holders of the building organization. bazaar Friday. December 9, with a homes In Utah. They were guests December 16, beginning at 11 a. m. carry out to the other fellow. program starting at 8 p. m. Be at the Sunday school centennial on the grounds of the new chapel You're not giving for a building, sides needlework and quilts, many part.y. Mrs. Child was honored on Alberta avenue. A hot lunch you are giving for the other fellow”. Leaves Hospital— Mrs. Vernena Beam, who has other articles will be on sale. A guest at a meeting held by her for will be served In the new building Automobiles Collide— been ill at the Nyssa Nursing home, fish pond for the children and re mer club members. They visited at noon. Hundreds of Items have been al Automobiles driven by City Judge returned to her home last Friday freshments are planned. Mrs. Ruth friends In Salt Lake City and Clin but is not yet able to have visit- Bybee, Mrs Olenn Peterson and ton. Leo Child is a former bishop ready donated by farmers and Nyssa J. C. Smith and Eugene Cleaver of merchants for the auction. The Nyssa rural route were badly dam of the Clinton L. D. S. ward. Mrs. John Schenk are in charge. on. property Includes livestock, machin aged when they collided Monday at ery, household goods, automobiles, Third street and Bower avenue. household goods, poultry, building Judge Smith and Mr. Cleaver and materials, food and wearing apparel. his family were not Injured In the Practically all of the household crash. goods and some of the other Items are new. Sale Plans Progress— Auctioneer service for the auction Plana are progressing for the will be contributed by W. L. Lane. annual sale to be given at the Ad rian Community church Saturday, Lighting Contest Planned— December 10, wtth a chicken din The annual outdoor lighting con ner, beginning at 11 a. m. Follow test sponsored by the Nyssa Civic ing the auction sale, there will be a club will be held again this year, drawing for eight turkeys that are accorlng to an announcement made to be given away. this week by Mrs John Kopp, pres ident of the club. This contest Eagles Sponsor Dance— that has been held for the past two The Eagles auxiliary will sponsor years, is to foster interest in out a semi-formal Christmas dance to door Christmas decorations, that be held at tihe Eagles hall Decemb adds to the Christmas spirit In the er 17, following the Nyssa munici residential districts. A number of pal band concert. During the dan outstanding decorations outside ce a 816 doll will be given away. homes have been shown the past Twenty-five chances on the doll are two years. being sold by Mrs. Eddie Taylor and Mrs. Sam Phillips. Food and re Ticket Sales Good— freshments will be on sale during The public response to the sale the dance. All Eagles members, of tickets to the Christmas music auxiliary members and friends are festival to be sponsored by the Nys Invited to attend. sa municipal band December 17 has been very good The success of To Give Show— the sale so far indicates a capacity The Owyhee Truck and Imple crowd will attend the festival. Funds ment company will hold Its an that have been collected through nual family party In the Nyssa the sale of tickets have been applied theater Monday. December 12, be on the purchase of new band uni ginning at 8 p m The stage show forms, which are expected to be numbers will Include banjo and ac here In time for the festival. cord is n numbers, roller skating, magic and fun and other entertain \ Go To Idaho F a lk — ment presented by professionals. The Nyssa high school band, directed by Lynn J. The students did well with their numbers In the vurted Mr. and Mrs Reed Ray and Mr. Educational, travel and comedy Lawrence, presented its annual winter concert in the program, which was an all-band affair. (Evans Photo) I and Mrs. Frank J. Pike spent last movies and other features will be ly night before a fair-sired audience. week-end at Idaho Falls. shown. Pete Rambaud Is Taken By Death Carroll Lory To Head Cattlemen Game Leaguers Elect Officers Agriculture Car Visited By 115