Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 1, 1949)
/ THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON. THURSDAY, DECEMBER I. 1949 PAGE TWO The Gate Citv Journal Publisher KI.ASS V. PO W E LL SU BSCR IPTIO N KATES 12 00 $1 25 Single Copie* 05 <Strictly In Advance) One Year Published every Thursday Entered at the postoffice through the United States the act Guests Here— Mr and Mrs. Carl Lindsay were overnight guests at the S. P Bybee I home They had been in Portland, ---------------------- - < ommittee Meets— The L. D. 8. church finance com mittee held a meeting at the home of D O. Bybee Tuesday evening. A D V E R TIS IN G RATES Open rate, per Inch National, per inch Classifieds, per word Minimum 40c 2c Visit In Boise— Mr. and Mrs. Jack M cKee and Terry went to Boise last Wednesday to spend the Thanksgiving with Mr | and Mrs. Audrey Collins and family. A I’ rom im -iil Citizen Pusses The* death of K. G. Larson, district manager of the Amalgamated Su^ar company, is the second within the last 18 months to leave a void in the business, social and agricultural life of Malheur county. Mr. Larson’s death brings to mind the death df one of his lonj;-time friends, Frank T. Morgan, Nyssa realtor, farmer and citfic leader. These men worked hand-in- hand on many projects designed to bring prosperity and improvement to this community. Mr. Larson has been more generally identified with agriculture than with any other phase of community activitity, even as district manager of the sugar company, because of its close association with the sugar beet grow ers. Mr. Larson first won distinction in Malheur county for his outstanding accomplishments as county agent. It was during his administration as county agent that much of the land under the Owyhee project was brought under cultivation. His efforts, along with others to secure sugar beet trials, resulted in the establishment o f the Amalgamated Sugar company plant here. Mr. Larson also pioneered in the development of Malheur county as a seed-producing section. With all of his extensive agricultural and business activity, Mr. Larson found time to assist in the develop ment of other phases of the county. He served on the school board and on the board of directors of the M al heur Memorial hospital association, in addition to his service for the Nyssa chamber of commerce and the Associated Chambers of Commerce of Southwestern Idaho and Eastern Oregon. O f course, no person is indispensable, but Mr. Larson's absence w ill be sorely felt in the county and especially at Nyssa for a long time. P U B LIC F A R M SALK—Tuesday, | cattle, 7 Guernsey baby heifer calves. December 6, 1 30 p. m„ located on farm machinery and 1938 Chevrolet Ray Mickelsen ranch, 3 4 miles coupe. Ray Mickelsen. owner. Cols, southeast of Weiser or two miles Bert Anderson and Joe Chuich, auc- south Sunnyside school, 22 dairy tioneers.__________________ __________ SEE The TON Of NUCOA Plan Temple Excursion— A temple excursion to Idaho Falls will be held December 1 and 2 Many Nyssa residents are planning to at tend. O N DISPLAY FREE LUNCH, STARTING AT 10 A. M. 30c at Nyssa, Malheur County, Oregon. at Nyssa. Oregon for transmission Malls, as second class matter, under of March 3. 18711 On Hunting Trip— Dale Garrison and Bob M orfitt left last week-end for the Baker section on an elk hunting trip They expect to be gone a week. Returns From C alifornia— Mrs Ella Smith returned to her home in Nyssa last week after vis- | ttlng for a month with friends and relatives In San Francisco and other California cities. ■ SATURDAY, DECEMBER 3 Undergoes Operation— Rev Henry J. Gernhardt, former I pastor cf the local Methodist church, underwent a major operation Satur day at St. Lukes hospital In Boise. Mrs. Gernhardt has been visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C liff Main. Here From Ogden— Guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. H Stephansen for Thanks giving were their children and fam ilies of Ogden, Mr. and Mrs Gerald Stephansen and family, Mr and Mrs Wells J. Stephanson and fam ily, Mr. and Mrs H R. Heghstrom and family and Mr and Mrs. Archie Bair and family. To Montana— Mr. and Mrs. Orant lew is return ed to their home Sunday. Mr Lewis was called to Billings, Montana be cause of the serious Illness of his mother. Mrs. Lewis and children visited at Twin Falls while Mr. Lewis was in Montana. To Caldwell— Mr. and Mrs. J. L Herrlman and Dick, and Mrs Katherine Daly spent Thanksgiving in Caldwell at the home of Mr. Herrlman's mother. Ill at Nursing Home— Mrs. Vernen Beam was taken to I the Nyssa Nursing home Sunday for j treatment for pneumonia and heart trouble. To Boise— Rev and Mrs. Donald Campbell | and D orothy and Mrs. Warring, mother of Mrs. Campbell, were guests on Thanksgiving at the home of Mr and Mrs R. R W olf of Boise. | Here From Idaho Fulls— <>00«l-Siz«‘(l (i'liw il ^ W • 1*1 S Mr and Mrs' D' H Stoddard of ^ 4 *t*H N 'llio r I luy j Idaho Falls arrived In Nyssa last ? A good-sized crowd attended the presentation of the senior class play, "Just Ducky", In the gymnasium Tuesday night. The play, which was well present ed, centered about the humorous activities of an average family The scene was the living room of the Maxwell house The cast of characters was as follows Mr Maxwell. Clarence Suiter; Mrs Maxwell, Joanne Math- eny, Hetty Lou;, Angela Peterson; Bernadlne, Carole Flinders; Wilbur, BIU Church; Hercules. David Tyler; Connie, Dorothy Erwin; Craig Moore,, Leo Ismg; Mr, Moore, Nor man Day. Del Marshall. Ned Camp bell. Aunt Mary, Hetty Bullard, and Miss Ulyne. Donna Kao Mundy The directors wen* Mrs Margaret Engstrom and Dennis Patch; Jim Nicholson, stage manager; Alice Komatsu, program cover; Miss Ed- liolm and Miss Dliukley, make-up and Phyllis Galloway and Marlene Moss, ushers Collecting Auxiliary Coupons— At the meeting of the Malheur j Memorial hospital auxiliary Monday Tuesday for a visit at the home of afternoon, Mrs. Harry Miner was ap Mr and Mrs Howard Lovejoy and pointed to collect the silverware I family. coupons that have been given away at the Food Mart, and Gordans Attends Funeral— Drive-In, and send for silverware Anyone having | Jack Schenk left Tuesday morn for the hospital. ing for Wendull. Idaho to uttend these coupons and wishing to con funeral services for un uncle, Lewis tribute them for this purpose is Larson. asked to contact Mrs. Miner. WILLIAMS FOOD MARKET NO MONEY DOWN WHO'D EVER BELIEVE PRICES COULD BE SO LOW FOR CHRIST M crtini! O f l)ri*»s Makcns S< I1<1I11I<1I A preliminary lueetlng for all wo men enrolled In the cotton dress workshop will be held December 3 from 10 30 to 3 30 at the Boulevard Grange hnll according to Mrs M ir iam Colford. county extension agent ihome economical. The clothing workshop Is part of an educational program to develop leaders and help people to help themselves The pur pose of the workshop Is not only to make a dress, but much lime Is given to learning new met Inals that will help lii all future sewing, Mrs C ol ford said One project leader from each unit will make a dress under the train ing of Miss Lucy Lane. Oregon col lege clothing specialist. February 1. 10 and 17 The leaders will Instruct I heir club members in drrssmnklug That will make It possible for a far greater number of homemakers to receive the training In dressmaking MAS GIFTS LIKE THESE! o irrors Cedar Chest For the modern home. A perfect gift to keep trea sured Items llrrr Far H alids-- Guests at the home of Mr and Mr* Clyde Binder over the Thanks giving holidays «rare their son. Lee Snider. Bob Mahan of Spokane 1 Jack Williams of Twin Pall*. Wayne lo n g of Burley and Bard Forrest of l a Jolla. California, all studenta at Whitman collate al Walla Walla ; Also visiting at the Snider home was Mr* Clara Uavla of mother of Mrs Snider. Square, oval and round, all highly polished, famous make, holiday priced. Bridge Table 5-piece bridge set. Sturdy design, modem styling! 4 chairs and table, now . . . j $2.95 up $12.95 to $44.95 S27.95 $49.95 Table Radio An ultra-modern Westing- house model. Perfect for local and long-distance. Seal Sal«* Itootli lo It«* l.«tal>li»li<*il A Christmas seal booth will be located In the Lawrence Insurance agency olflee from December S to 10 and from December 11 to 17 It will be open front 3 to S p. in each day Persons who did not receive seals through the mall will be able to purchase seals at the booth accord ing to Mrs Kermlt I.lenkaemper. I Nyssa seal sale committee chair man Workers at the booth will be Mrs K K Burton Mr* W W Foster Mrs K. l> Michaelson. Mr* E H Flash man, Mrs Ted Morgan Mr* Frank Morgan. Mr* Ed Frost. Mrs Mrs C A Malley, Mrs Chet Master. Mrs Henry Hartley and Mrs Don Graham Newest Lamps Shop early for best choice of guaranteed lamps. A ll styles! Electric Iron The newest Iron. Make brighter. Choice of Desks— Platform Rocker Covered In duran plastic with hardwtxxl arms and legs. Spettai at Large drawer*, room for everything in an orderly manner. Start at . . . $26.95 design in an her Mondays S31.50 $39.50 Record Cabinet Cocktail Tables Variety of Tables A holiday display of period and modern tables priced from . . . This Is one of dooms of end table* < Ideal gifts for the home! $8.95 $2.95 to $39.50 FREE DELIVERY on Any Purchase 1 EASY TERMS! No breakage lecttng with cabinet, from or dust-col- this handsome . . Table Lamps A complete stock of beauti ful lamps Order yours now from . . . $6.95 $9.95 PETERSON FURNITURE COMPANY Your Dependable Furniture Store Nyaaa Ontario Vale Payette Infant Cribs Safe and healthful sleep, is what baby will get from these cribs. S19.95 Sewing Cabinet An item that "M om " will always appreciate! M ahog any finished. S21.95 ONTARIO, VALE. PAYETTE, AND NYSSA