Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 13, 1949)
THE NYS8A GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON. PACK FOl/H II. um lrr her d ir « lion Mr» E t m I So u * wum In ch arge uI tha Ham«» Mi„ Arvlllu Hwruaeri won flr»l prlx# lor m aking Hie nuuit unique h at from in '*» |u»i u»r» M r* Klwisid H h Kllnders won flrnt prlx# lor th# word KKl.IKK HOCIKTY O l’ENINO contest Ml«» K aren Dybee «ang HOCIAL two Milo* Mr» P arrel! Peterson ■|tl* o l i l i " l i "I Hi» Second ward link u nolo, accom panied by T I, l i li lic lic l M*« w t y h eld th e ir H ntol Hybee Mr» .lotin Hi lunik, a opening mm luí. Combined wltli u counselor, wit* excused on account . ’Win* In i’. WriliWMltJf a fte rn o o n of brink »u i of town T ill» group betw een III u in inni 4 n i I' m k N'Miii will rnrdt rvrry W rilnr»day at 2 o‘- li li i ■ lím en la til luti t liill pie unti i | im k lor vurPuu lypmi of l«uum», lit n r i i i ii w»« M'rvi-il Ui 2ft luilli'ii nullinril by Ilia church. Social Nutcs Mi Arvel r l i l l 'l llilli'ilili I'll Mil n r- lull,III song t i ill I l i, I < Horion» Ui' III I Hoi Il ly " Uli'l ull III* group Munii There’s an easier way THURSDAY^JDCTOBEH 13. 1949_ M ISSIO N A R Y B A P T IS T CHURUU W. M. T u rner M issionary P asto r Sunday school, 10 a. m. M orning service, 11 a. m. Song service, i:3 0 p. m. Young People's service, 7 :30 p. m. Evening service, 8 p. m. W ednesday evening pray er se r vice. 8 p. m. Friday evening service, 8 p. m. C hurch school, 10 a m. i M ass on 8undays a t 9:30. C ate- Anthem Near My Ood Ui T h ee" by night C hurch services, 7:30 p. m„ every chism a t 10 a. m. Saturdays. Blount Sunday evening. T H E CHURCH OP TH E SU N SET VALLEY Oulld Monday. Septem ber 12 at 7 p B , Youth Peliuwahlp. NAZABCNE A SSE M B L Y OE GOD Mrs. Eva Boydell’s home. g p in . evening service I M uch * - Rev. Jo e E. Dodson. Pastor Rev. E. 1. Wilson. T»»tor •lun "(Tie Belief» of a MethodUt Sunday school, 10 a. m. 10 a. m . Sunday school. IN D EPEN D EN T B A P T IS T C hristian S h i and Salv ation " W orship services, 11 a. m. 11 a. m . congregational and M ISSIO N Monday evening a t S p m the Young People, 7 p. m. M eetings Held a t I. O. O. commission on com m unity and special singing and sermon. Evangelistic m eeting, 8 p. m. 7 p m , we have three d ifferent Temple. world nervier will m eet a t the p a r W ednesday Bible study, 8 p. group services. Sunday school. 10 a. m. sonage 8 p. m . evangelistic service Classes for all ages ■ p m . every Wednesday we have M orning worship. 11 a m. FA ITH ••’T H E * « « CHUEUH service#. Serm on th a t you will enjoy. K rv Mherwln Mehotldt. P a s te r We esten d to you • cordial In Come and we will do thee good. Sunday school, 9 4ft a m. vitation. Divine worship. 11 a. m CA TH O LIC CHURCH Park Avenue and Third Street UT PAUL’S EPIMCOPAL UHURCU AMNEMBI.V O F OOD Rev. P. J . G alre, Pastor Rev. C. L. Callahan. Hector Uteri D. H pleas. P a s te r Hunday uchool, 10 a m Morning worship. 11 a m Co A young p<»ople. 7 p m Kvanglbitlc, ft p. rn Tuesday. Bible study and prayer. H p in Friday, prayer m eeting, ft p m A welcome to all these services uwultN you. KAOLEH A I/ X II.J a IIY IN IT IA T E S T lir l.uilli'M uuxlllnry of III* My»»» P 1 1 E m rt (Ml Turnduy rvrnlnk lo r u business unil Inlllullon inerting ut tlu< P O E hull lim in g tlir In itiation five m om - liers were Inltluti'd muklng a total o l 'll m ein lirri on the ch a rter At till' next regular inerting of the Auxlllury on <* toller IH. an old fanhlimed Hallowe'en party will be lirlit foi nii'iiilM»r» following the reg- ulur bil»lneNX niri'tlng All ineinljerx C IIU B C II O P CHRIM T utlendlng nre a»ked to be In co s lion H M asftold. P a s to r tume. 10 a m , church school hour. - I - _____ 11 u III . morning worship uiul I.U N I'IIKON IIOHTRHH laird's slipper Mn Holiert I'etereon wun hostess 7 III. young people'» service ul u reunion lunclienn la»l Thurniluy ft p m . evening wur»hlp ut tIn* hom e of her m other, Mr« WrilneNday 7 10 ch oir practice; liililu Ten .i n i iiirutA Included Mr« f t p m , young people’s activity liw lglit W yckofl Mr» Teil Morgan. Ml Edward UoydeU uml M l«, lim liuni lliow n of o n lu rlii B I NGO P A R T Y ____OCTOBER 15—8 P. M.------ — ROUND UP VALUE DAYS— SPECIAL Veterans Hall PERFECTION RANGE V eterans And Guests W elcom e TW O OVEN REGULAR $279.50 COME ONE SPECIAL $ 1 6 4 .5 0 IDEAL GAS AND APPLIANCE COME ALL Sponsored By The Veterans Of Foreign Wars HKIIVIl •K n ^ l l . I l M E E T S M i 'I ii I m 'I n of III!’ Wenleyun Her vice guild of th e M ethodist ch u rch met Muiiiliiy evening ut th e hom e of Ml Donald Campbell Mm a C hadwick hail chm ge of the d e votion* uml Mr* III Nolan preMeuted the pinguini on the work of the M c II iih UM ch urch III Aluiiku Mr f n l i li i c u U were Nerved liy M in I ' liinplH'll. uv.Piled hy M in Climlil t o k e e p wa rm ST U D Y C L U B MKKTH I h«* HI TlmmtiN Ht ntl y d u i) m rt fm (h r fii il uiet'llDM of Ih r full to I m m I o Hit* ni ' ii i ‘i utmlV* M on day cvntlliH uf (he hume of Mm II I*: (follili* A sodili hour concluded (he evenliiM with refrm lu u rn U Nerv- ed by the lit» »! cnn l ’ut hei (julMley of O ntuito wun present for the ineehiiH this way with A P r o d u c t of S t a n d a r d of C al if or ni a H ow w o u ld v o u lik«» n l i m i m u m l t in i ! h u n t * u 1 1 lim it wuut«i , . . I lin t HIM»« unir«» l im i ! p o r I l i l t ' l l ? I 'h i 'i i y o u ’ l l Ilk«- S I . i n , I n n i llo rttlllM 4 ' 1 1■«’ l'li«>r«' nr«» n o I'll .Oli I, IIIIIIV «HXUIOIII ìi il In -ill i i i m o i l * o n I In- n u n i n '! I i h I iix ’ l !«'l S i m i l l . o d S i m « ' O il lo r 1 'iiv u U U iiii lio n t o m . . , u n i.m l K iirm iit» 4 'l l fm ' t\n u n i'll t> jH» h u m «»vu m ill |i«»t r i« l o t h o t ho I mo ui«» a i u o li « ' Mi INDA Y HUM HlIC Cl,U U M E E T S Mt'itibem ol Hie Mniulny a fte r - III miii lu Muc club were entertained II i I n week ut tlir lumie ol Mrs Him«- toii Wilson i luesl player» were M is liu lg lil W yekoff, M in Htuuley Newman and Mr» lle n e S tu n t l»rta- es went to M is Ktl K n eltle and Mr» I'etl Moignii I I.UTIIKHN WOMEN M E E T M em bets of the W om en’s MI nn I oii ary sm lety of the Pnlth L utheran t'lunch met lust Wetlnestlay a fle r- liiNili ul the home of Mrs Hheiwlu Hchmlill During the buxineaa ineel • lug. Willi Mi-. Alvin Kknnger p re si,ling. pinna were mmle (or tlu» eooketl tomi sale to be given Nov ember 5 » - m m HAH I t i »WEM SHOW I'lie anim al lull (lower show spon- ,u tsl by lire I 'll It' flu b will ia> beiti ut th e im itili bull Wed- nesitny iv io lte t Ik at 2 .10 p m »lie th a t!m e n Ittr the Mower sliow wilt he Mrs lini null Brown and Mi Ibid W ilson All women of the , om m nnlti a le Invited to allenti nid exhibit u display ot Ihetr tall (lowers tlie ie will lie a guest speaker and spe, iwl music. 1 BK1U OK t»l I 'l l MRUM'S Mi and M is Heure# Sallee en- . let u n teti Sunday evening lor the m em bri» of Mien budge club M is tlts'ig e He linem an held high »M ir nod I'l l A Mauldmg 'tvond high lb and M is MutiMlng were guest . platers m id Moot lo r « hmm I! W. E. Schireman I’ h on r 61 -W N i« » » . C h u rch N o te s V H i W E V H tU » l*T IV n sM I t'M M I M T I IHIKIH H. l » a y M l M in d e r i I» t m ehuis-h schivi IV a m ittonrlng ws'rshtp Ser 1 n o n lite New TYalamenl Ywilll i V c g i 'i i M /c u d S l: a Gtrr READY FOR WINTER Save On Used Oil Heaters ■■‘LiiittA gvt home Aivi tix Mom’i lunch. Things Are sure touich when «he’s «»ck.’* [It’s no cinch heuyf the nutn oi the hot»» At Aire nine. So nuuxy jicohlems.) •’M a > be 1 11 c*U h the i « t i o | m u * . And ftiSe'U tell me when Mora will he up, I’ll he late far school, too. And ¡ret h«wW*i out Afuin I with Pop w a s eCiil Abv*. Gosh. I ocRihu wseh out th«M* edd jwoU. They're Awful d irty .. work doesn’t stop. Friends like you who give up precious time to cam tss for funds, tax themselves, diminish their incomes, all to help neighbors they have never seen— anxRHis mothers, underprivileged children, sick people, folks who get less than their share of the breaks in life. Friends like you . . . . . . . £ v e ty £ d y fu r t i A friend cmn help eo much . . . Exceptional Bargains Different Biunds W ith Ox W ithout Fan s Good Larqe H eaters A* Low A i $ 2 4 .5 0 N i * m ' i Ont» ( u t k o t i m l S P A R K IV a U t NYSSA FURNITURE CO. I H kvk M « 4 K K. 1V |V I Krwnde like the cimka. And the family «e-vweA. aik ! the vMutuic nun*», and all the rneC oi the Real Feather * n kin in this community. Kneads like wk who put up the money to * * that this O R E G O N id i f MANY ca sir «IONS m CHEST ONE This community service advertisemeni is sponsored by the following firms and individuals: HENNEMAN HARDWARE CO. BERNARD EASTMAN HERRIMAN MOTOR CO . IDAHO POW ER CO. POW ELL SERVICE JAMISON AND POND BRACKEN'S NYSSA IMPLEMENT CO. INTERMOUNTAIN FURNITURE CO.