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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (June 30, 1949)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY .JOURNAL, NYSSA, OREGON THURSDAY, JUNE 30, 1949 PAGE TWO The Gate City Journal KLASS V. POWELL - - - - - - SUBSCRIPTION KATES Editor and Publisher ADVERTISING KATES One Year .................... $2.00 Open rate, per Inch............ 40c Six Month«..... ..... $128 National, per inch ,./...,.4#c Single Copies.......................... .05 Classifieds, per word ........ 2c Minimum 30c (Strictly in Advance) Published every Thursday at Nyssa, Malheur County, Oregon. Entered at the postoffice at Ny.«a, Oregon for transmission through the United States Mails, as second class matter, under the act of March 3, 1879 and son of Walla Walla spent two BRIDAL SHOWER IS days visiting Mr. and Mrs. Douglas GIVEN FOR COUPLE Bateman and family. NU-'ACRES, June 30—-Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Pendl and daughter, Pamela, of Salt Lake City were week-end visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Bateman. Darlene and Mary Lou Bateman returned with them for a three-weeks visit. Mr. and Mrs. David L. Adams and family of Spirit Lake, Idaho and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Plaster A bridal shower was given in honor of Richard Jenkins and Ruthele Sissle at the Nu-Acres community hall Wednesday even ing. Mary Jo Jenkins took care of tire guest book. Mary Lou Gras- mick played a selection on her ac cordion. The young couple re ceived many lovely gifts. After cutting of the wedding cake, re freshments of cake and fruit salad All Tractor And Farm Implement Tires & Tubes OÒ Cent Off O C were served by the hostesses, Mrs. M. C. Seuell, Mrs. Prank Pres ton and Jean Blakesley. Ruthele Sissel, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Sissel of Ontario and Richard Jenkins, son of Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Fry. said their marriage vows at the bride’s home Saturday. June 25. Miss Una Mae Sissel, sister of the bride, was the maid of honor and Larry Jenkins, brother of the groom, was the best man. Rev. Earl Fisher of Fruit- land performed the ceremony. Rev. Fisher was one of the couple's teachers when they attended school in Fruitland. The bride wore an afternoon dress with a corsage of oink gladiolas and the maid of honor wore a ureen afternoon dress. Those in attendance were Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Fry and family. Mr and Mrs. Allen Curtis, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Noel, and Mr. and Mrs. E. Fisher and Betty Davis all of Fruitland. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Thomson of Nu-Acres, Mrs. Isbell, Mrs. Doyle Taylor of Fruitland and Helen Nelson of Ontario. At present the couple will make their home in Fruitland. Mr. and Mrs. Pat Hostadt 'and family and Mrs. F. C. Fry and Corynne, Geraldine and Frankie Fry went on a fishing trip to Indian Valley Sunday. Mrs. Fry and Frankie continued on to Lost lake with some friends of Indian valley, Mr. and Mrs. Eli Ratcliff and Louise, Albert and Martha Sue. Mrs. Fry slipped on a pebble and broke her leg. Mrs. Ratcliff, Louise and her husband and Carl Stewart rushed Mrs. Fry home in their new Studebaker. Bob Shaw and M. C. Seuell, a- long with several other men, left home Friday and stayed until Sun day evening at Lost lake. They reported a limit catch of fish. Mrs. Merl Thomson and Mrs. M. C. Seuell attended the Malheui Memorial Hospital auxiliary meet ing Monday afternoon at Nyssa. Church Notes CHURCH OF CHRIST Don K. Maxfield, Pastor Per Take advantage of this offer while it lasts. Come in and buy your tires and tubes during this value saving sale Friday, July 1 To Friday, July 8 10 a. m., Church school for all ages. 11 a. m„ worship service. 7 p. m., Young People. 8 p. m., evenlnng worship. July 1, Friday evening, 6 p. m., young people are leaving from the church for a swimming party in Caldwell. Truck will leave at 6:30. Weiner roast in park after the swim. Intermediate, high school, and college class are invited. Sunday school. 10 a. m. Morning Worship, 11 a. m. Holy communion service at the worship hour. Sermon subject: ‘The Blood Of Jesus”. You are welcome. ST. PAUL’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH Beginning June 1 and continue- ing through August, services at St. Paul’s Episcopal church will be held on the First and Third Sun days only at 9 a. m. Personalized Hair Ribbons HIE METHODIST COMMUNITY CHURCH Donald S. Campbell, Minister Have your name stamped in gold on your Divine service at 11 o'clock. Sunday school and adult Bible class at 9:45 We urge all adult members to attend the pastor's Bible class. 9:45 a. m., church school. 11 a. m., morning worship. 7 p. in., youth fellowship. 8 p. m., evening service. FAITH lUTHEFAN CHURCH Rev. Sherwin Schmidt. Pastor favorite color of satin ribbon Happy Birthday Ribbon ASSEMBLY OF GOD Sterl D. Splesx. Pastor Sunday school, 19 a. m. Morning worship, 11 a. m. Junior church, 7 p. in. EvanglLstic, 8 p. m. Tuesday, prayer and Bible study on church doctrine, 8 p. tit. Friday, Christ Ambassadors, 8 p. m. We welcome you to all services. Ties with words “ Happy Birthday” stamped in gold add distinction to your gifts SUNSET VALLEY ASSEMBLY OF GOD Rev. Joe E. Dodson. Pastor Gold Stamping Sunday school. 10 a. m. Worship services, 11 a. m. Young People. 7 p. m. Evangelistic meeting. 8 p. m. Wednesday Bible study, 8 p. m. ALSO DONE ON Leather Goods Stationery Cards CATHOLIC CHURCH Park Avenue and Third Street Rev. P. J. Galre. Pastor TYre hour of Sunday mass will be 8:30 through the months of June, July and August. Book Matches Gate City Journal Leave For Ogden— Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Strlngfellow and son. Dennis, left Tuesday for thetr home at Ogden, after vis ititi« at the home of Mr. and Mrs Kenneth Cottle for several days. Printers and Stationers miles southwest of Nyssa on Cli mate avenue and 1 mile north. 30J1XP FOR SALE—Or trade for car, 1947 Harley Davidson motorcycle. 61. O. H. V.. in very good condition. See or write C. A. Merrick. 30Jlxp MISCELLANEOUS — Traveling to Denver, room for two passengers, share expenses. Phone 011-R4. SOjlxc FOR SALE—Colored fryers, 1 mile east, tt mile south, one eighth mile east, and eighth mile south of Nyssa Gene Honey. 30jlxp FOR RENT—7 room house (small house on lot occupied). Garden, lawn and shade trees. 499 N. 5th street, phone 162-M. 30Jlxp BUILDING PERMITS Kenneth Tucker, alteration, 11th street, Glasgow tract, $2000, frame, 10 x 24. buque, Iowa was installed as pastor of Faith Lutheran church at cere monies held in the church build ing on Park avenue last Sunday. Rev. S. C. Siefkes of Portland, president of the northwestern dis trict of the American Lutheran churches, was in charge. Go On Temple Excursion— buy ony refrigerator F\)rty-eight members of the Nyssa, Ontario and Owyhee L. D. S. wards attended a three-day temple excursion at Idaho Falls last week-end. F’rom the Nyssa second ward were Mr. and Mrs. Ersel Beus, Mr. and Mrs. William J. Beus, Mr. and Mrs. Them Baer, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Peterson and Mrs. Amasa Hammon; from Nyssa first ward Bishop and Mrs. Dean FMe, Mr. and Mrs. Wilford O. Peterson and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hansen and trom Owyhee ward Mrs. Frank Pike, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Stoker and daughter, Joyce, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Stoker, Mi. and Mrs. Dale Stoker. Bishop and Mrs. Richard Maw, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Ballantyne and Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Berrett. A movement is until you’ve seen the amazing new INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER VKIHe WATT BY ROLAND & ROY largest combined Sunset Valley Community Hall A. R. Herring. Pastor waggoner Motor Co.. NYSSA, OREGON Paper Napkins have secured a house in the Os wego district, where they will re side. Prior to their departure, a reunion was nek) at the Bumall Brown home Tuesday evening, with Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Brown and Here From Utah— Mr. and Mrs. Larley Baker and children here far the occasion. two children, Verna and Darrell, of Roy, Utah arrived in Nyssa Too Late To Classify Monday evening to spend a week FOR SALE—Victor electric adding with their daughter, Mrs. Delbert used only short time. Hooper, and family and Mr. Bak machine, Will add. multiply and subtract. er’s sister, Mrs. Mary E. Bybee, and See T. G. Jones at R. R. depot. other relatives. 30jlxp Leaves For East— half-ton Inter Mrs. Houston Wilson left Wed FOR SALE—1940 pick-up. Six miles north nesday evening by plane from national Boise for Highland Park, New east of Nyssa. Frank Olson. 30jlxp Jersey, where she will visit her FOR SALE—1908 Ford, just over parents, Mr. and Mrs. Russell hauled: 1935 Plymouth, 1946 motor. Jones. Phone 84-R. 30j2xc FOR SALE—Guernsey bull, 14 Locate In Portland— Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Brown left months old, of good producing stock. See Henry Hintz, Rt. 2, 14 Rev. Sherwin Schmidt of Du last Wednesday for Portland. They now underway to make an excurs ion to tne beautiful Cards ton temple in Canada. Those desiring to go on the proposed excursion should contact their bishops. I frozen food fresh meat bottle storage capacity of any 8-cubic-foot refrigerator Illustrated •upar dalux« «vodal 8H5 29975 i'll find we're Johnny-on-llfe spot With bargains Firecracker hot. other models as low as 224 ” low down payment 24 months to pay More space where ic counts —that’s what BIG-3 means. Room for 36 pounds of frozen food in the freezer locker. Meat keeper holds 13 Vi pounds of meat, fish or poultry. Space for 12 quart milk bottles... and more. See the BIG-3 featurewbe- fore you buy any refrigerator. Residential - Commercial W iring SERVICE CALLS P H O N E 111M H I-W A Y 20 No. NYSSA OWYHEE TRUCK Phone & 245 IMPLEMENT CO. Attention MINNEAPOLIS-MOLINE FARM EQUIPMENT OWNERS Field and Shop Service Now Available FULL STOCK OF GENUINE PARTS FOR ALL EQUIPMENT WE SELL Expert Chevrolet Repair Work; Also Wisconsin Motor* FACTORY TRAINED REPAIRMAN SEE US THE NEXT-TIME YOUR EQUIPMENT NEEDS REPAIRING B. & M. EQUIPMENT CO. Minneapolis Moline Dealer Announcing Our New Store Hours Monday through Friday Saturday Open . . 9 A. M. Open . . 9 A. M. THE NYSSA PHARMACY Your Corner Rexall Drug Store Close . . 9 P . M Close . . 10 P. M STOP IN FOR A BOX OF FRESH WHITMAN CHOCOLATES FROM OUR REFRIGERATED CANDY CASE