Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (July 7, 1949)
VOLUME X XX XIV NO. 26 Potato Packers Plan To Start Work Next Week F i r m s Installing New Equipment; Picking Rates Set V ery modern potato sorting equipment has been installed by the Eastern Oregon Produce com p any and the Hartley Poduce comp any in preparation for the open ing of the potato harvest. Both firms have installed the same equipment, made by the Paramount Manufacturing comp any o f California. Th e equipment will handle a car of potatoes in 40 minutes, as compared to an ap proximate one hour and 15 minutes with the older type equipment By eliminating the washer, the operators can handle onions on the grader. So far as is possible, the potatoes will be handled automat ically. The 2’s culls and B's will come o ff the grader at different places, according to Sam Hartley of the H artley Produce company and Tom Burningham of the East ern Oregon Produce. T h e new equipment in the East ern Oregon Produce company plant will be housed in an entirely new building, which replaced the struct ure destroyed by fire last Sep tember. Six other packing sheds are also expected to handle potatoes this year, making the total one more than was opeated last year. The other firms are Sim plot’s W est ern Produce, J. C. Watson comp any, L. J. Josephson and Son, Lutz Produce company, Rex D. Mathews and Bybee Produce comp any. The only car o f potatoes loaded this week was reported to have been packed by Josephson and Son at Payette. All packing sheds are expected to be in operation next week Farmers are reported to be receiving $1.50 net, which is con sidered a good price. A wage scale set-up to standard ize the potato-picking rates in this area was adopted in Ontario last Thursday. A group o f potato grow ers, processors and picker-contract ors met with directors of the M al heur County Potato and Onion Oroa-.i'S association to simplify th# scale. The new scale, says Klass Ten- sen, president of the association, calls for a rate o f 10 cents per 100 pound sack for potatoes yield ing over 200 sacks per acre and 12 cents for yields under 200. This differs from last year’s rate system, which had a number o f different picking rates depending on yield. As a result, pickers boosted the price to top levels in many cases where they should have been lower. "W e feel that the two-rate system will standardize the picking price at a price which will be fair to both the pickers and farmers,” Ten sen said. The group also recommended that pickers be paid on a "weigh-out” basis with a five percent deduction for sacks and dirt and that field loading be set a t 3 cents per sack ________ THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, NYSSA, OREGON, THURSDAY, JU LY 7, 1949 EMIL JOHN BURNED WHEN FLAMES TAKE HOUSE ON OWYHEE Emil John, who was seriously burned when the house on his farm located on the Owyhee river was destroyed by fire last Thursday night, has been moved from the Nyssa Nursing home to the Holy Rosary hospital in Ontario. Awakened by the fire after it had gained considerable headway, the rather elderly man was un able to give a detailed description j f the situation. Apparently the stove that caused the blaze was 'ocated near the door and Mr. John was sleeping at the far side A the room. W hen he awoke, he ipparently wrapped a mattress around his legs and the lower part >f his body and plunged through the flames. O nly his back and arms were burned. Without clothing, John was found wandering about the embers >f his home by Houston Dunaway, who was reported to have been the last man to quit fishing that day at the Owyhee dam. Two States To Erect Bridges An Associated Press story issued from Salem this week relative to the bridges over the Snake river in the lower Snake river valley indicated that a widening or re placement project is in prospect for the Nyssa and Ontario bridges. The Oregon state highway de partment reached an agreement with Idaho Tuesday for construct ion of new bridges a t Weiser and Payette. In the meantime, the load limit on the two bridges was reported to have been raised from six to 10 tons as a temporary measure to relieve farm ing and packing shed interests. Aside from federal aid money to be used on the bridges, the costs will be divided equally between the two states. State Highway Engineer R. H. Baldock said the condition o f the bridges at Weiser and Payette is much more serious than the con dition of the Ontario and Nyssa bridges. DEPOSITS OF BANK SHOWING DECREASE Concern Builds Queen Selection Coal Conveyor Postponed Until The Amalgamated Sugar comp Sunday At 7:30 any has started construction of a system uf conveyors, hoppers and elevators for transferring coai from railroad cars and coal silo directly to bunkers above the fur naces in the Nyssa plant. The new equipment, width will handle 50 tons o f coal an hour, will replace a steam shovel with clam shell buckets in handling coal direct from the railroad cars to the bunkers. The shovel will still be used, however, in trans- fering coal from storage piles to the new conveyor system. Coal arriveing by railroad train will be dumped into hoppers be tween the railroad rails from bot tom-dump cars and travel on a conveyor belt through a concrete tunnel fo r a distance of 260 feet and will then be lifted to the bunk ers to be located in an enclosure on top of the boiler house. The concrete tunnel will be six feet wide and six feet, 10 inches high. The elevator house above the furn aces will be constructed of steel and concrete. Burnall Brown, factory superin tendent, who is in charge o f the construction, said the project will require another 60 days for com pletion. Regular sugar company employes are doing the work. Crops Field Day Set For July 14 A crops field day program will be held at the Malheur branch experiment station Thursday, Juiy 14, beginning at 1:30 p. m. Dr. D. Hill, head o f the farm crops department at Oregon State college, and Neal Hoffman, station superintendent, will discuss the nature o f some o f the work con ducted r t the station. T o be reviewed will be irrigation studies, pasture trials, creeping al falfa pasture plots, sugar beet and field corn fertilizer plots, barley and oat nurseries, com varietal trials, alfalfa variety yield trials, alfalfa-grass mixtures and fruit and berry varietal tests. Numerous weed control experi ments that are toeing conducted co operatively with the station by George Bain, assistant county agent, will toe shown. O f interest to grain growers, will be field plantings promising new varieties of oats and barley, which will probably be released for com mercial production within the next year or two. In answer to the June 30 call of the comptroller of the currency, the Nyssa branch o f the First National bank o f Portland reports deposits o f $2,901,031.52 and loans of $2,007,195.07, according to the local manager, G. J. Mitchell. A year ago the figures were: Donate T o Blood Bank— Members o f the Nyssa chamber Deposits. $3,401,508.07, and loans, of commerce, the Nyssa Lions club, $1,450,810.59, Mitchell said. President F. IN. Belgrano, Jr. volunteer fireman and Eagles lodge stated that for the First National are signing up th i' week to con group of 61 banking offices, as a tribute to the national blood bank, whole, the June 30 statement according to Olean Wells, general shows loans o f $181,397,739.97, and chairman for the Nyssa blood bank program. Any person in Nyssa deposits o f $654.856.546.94. A year ago, with 56 banking o f and vicinity who wishes to aid in fices in the group, the figures this program is asked to call Mrs. were, deposits, $572,979,049.71, and Dale Garrison or Mrs. Grant Rine hart. loans, $163,875.390.13. President Belgrano pointed out that the decrease in deposits since Here From The Dalles— JUNIORS TO PLAY Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fry have June 30, 1948 reflects the read ON BOISE DIAMOND justment o f business to more nor had as their guests the past week, mal level and the slackening of Mrs. Cora Hovey and daughters, The Vale American Legion junior the post-war surge of consumer and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hovey and baseball team, consisting of selected buying, and are in line with a fam ily all of T h e Dalles. players from Malheur county base- nation-wide trend. Texas Visitors Here— bali aggregations, will go to Boise W ayne Fannin of El Paso, Texas Saturday to play an evening prac Enlists In Navy— tice game against the Junior team Roger Glenn, son o f Mr. and was a visitor last Saturday at the sponsored by the Capital Am eri Mrs. Newburn Glenn, will leave home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe M aug next Monday for Salt Lake City, han. can Legion post. T h e boys will be taken to Boise where he has enlisted in the navy. by Robert Talbot, manager of the He returned Tuesday from M ont T o Klam ath Falls— Maurice Judd and Jewell W il Nyssa Legion team, who lost the pelier, where he visited his grand parents and other relatives and son left Friday night for Klam ath title to Vale recently. Falls, where they will visit at the The team, including four Nyssa friends. Charles Wilson home. They will boys, has already defeated one also go on a fishing trip. Boise outfit, the Regan post Jun Return From Visit— iors. twice. Capital post has been Mr. and Mrs. Tom Eldredge have defeated only once, having lost to returned from Meacham, where Goes T o Walla Walla— Mrs. Gladys Rice, former sec they spent the week-end visiting Nampa. their son. Don and family, who retary in the Frank T. Morgan went to Meacham from their home agency office, has gone to Walla Locate In Valley— W alla to make her home. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Burton and in Camas for the week-end. fam ily left Tuesday fo r the W ill Studies Music In Utah— amette valley, where Mr. Burton Visit Relatives— Mrs. Edris Jones, Nyssa piano will be employed by the state high Mr. and Mrs. R. L. M axfield and way department. M r. and Mrs. Clifton o f Eugene, parents and teacher, recently returned from Burton and daughters visited over brother o f Rev. Don R. M axfield, Ogden, where she took an advanc the week-end at the home o f his pastor o f the First Church of ed course in piano teaching, com parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. K . Bur Christ, were week-end guests in bined with her vacation. ton. Th ey have been living in the M axfield home. Other visitors were Mr. and Mrs. Bishop of Return T o Imbler— Baker. Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Wilson and Seattle and Mr. and Mrs. A . T. daughter, Janice, returned to their Bishop of Payette. F A M IL Y R E U IO N HELD home in Imbler 8unday after vis A fam ily reunion was held at the iting for several days with their home of Mr. and Mrs. John A. Return From Coast— Low of Ontario, former Nyssa resi Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Boydell, Mr. son and daughter-in-law and new dents, last Sunday The 16 guests and Mrs. Edward Boydell and son granddaughter, Caroline. Included Mr. and Mrs. Lester and Mrs. John Beckham and child Oden and fam ily of Nyssa. Mr. and ren returned Monday evening from Here For Funeral— Mr. and Mrs. Roderick Hamilton Mrs. James Oden of Seattle, Mr. the Willam ette valley, where they and Mrs. Laurance Oden of had visited relatives in Corvallis o f O lid, Oklahoma and M r and Mrs. John Hamilton o f Wallowa Phoenix, Arizona and Mr. and Mrs and Monmouth. have arrived here to attend the Laurance Low o f Ontario. The funeral of their aunt, Mrs. John reunion marked the first time that Here From Chicago— The Mr Oden and his three children Mr. and Mrs. W illiam O. Mally C. Barney, 8r. of Nyssa. had all been together for 36 years. and son o f Chicago arrived last services w ill be held Friday at Mrs Low is a sister of Lester and week for a two weeks visit at the 10:30 a. m. in the Nyssa Funeral home o f M r and Mrs. C. A. Mally. home chapel. James Oden. Miss Mary Alice M ally o f Beattie spent the week-end at the M ally Attend Conference— C LU B G ATH E R S Michael Eastman, Dee Shuster The Chatter Box club met at the home visiting her parents, and her and Dirk and Kristin Rinehart are home of Mrs. Scott Hiatt Friday brother and family. attending the episcopal church afternoon, with the 10 ladles pres young people's conference at Cove. ent answering roll call with "M is T o Wallowa L a k e - Joe Maughan and Leo Wynn Oregon. They were taken to Cove takes I made as a bride” . R e freshments o f ice cream and punch spent the week-end fishing at Monday by Mr. and Mrs. Grant Rinehart. Wallowa lake. were served. GRANGERS, OWYHEE RIDING CLUB PLAN TO ERECT BUILDING Tiie executive committees and the building committees o f the Rodeo Committees Ann Oregon Trail Grange and the O w y hee Riding club met at the Qeorge ounced By Chairman Cleaver home Thursday evening, Lynn Snodgrass and made plans to build a hall on the rodeo grounds in Nyssa. Selection o f a queen fo r the A ll plans await the approval of Nyssa N igh t rodeo will be made at the Oregon T ra il G ratae, which the rodeo grounds Sunday night. will meet in July. Plans include the formation of July 10 at 7:30 instead o f in the A board afternoon as previously announced x separate corporation. >t directors would consist o f three to avoid interference with the men from each of the two organ Nyssa Boat club regatta to 'be held izations. It would be called the on Snake river at the Nyssa bridge Oregon-Trail Hall, Inc. T h e site has not been definitely luly 10. All young women Interested in settled so that the decision will iequire another meeting. becoming queen of the rodeo are nvited to meet at the rodeo PLANS COMPLETED grounds in cowgirl regalia Sunday evening. Selection will be based FOR BOAT REGATTA on horsemanship, personality and appearance. Plans have been completed for In addition to appearing at var the boat regatta to be conducted ious public functions during the by the Nyssa Boat club on Snake month, the queen will reign at the river at the Nyssa bridge Sunday, rodeo to be held July 21, 22 and July 10. 13. T h e program will be started at Committees that will function in 2 o’clock with a boat drill par behalf o f the rodeo were announced ticipated in by members of the this week by Lynn Snodgrass, clUb. The drill w ill be followed rodeo committee chairman. by boat races and skiing and surf The committees will include the board riding. following: Tickets—Chet Sage, Fred Boat rides w ill be given follow Savage, Sue Marshall, Peg Dim- ing the races. mick, Iva Adams, Ada Schweizer, Ann Tensen, Opal Holmes and M argaret Sage: dragging broncs, Floyd Eason and Merlin Fagan; bucking chutes, Bernard Ingles, Phil M itchell and Lewis Mitchell; calf chutes, G ib Holmes, H ap N or man, Don Collins and Ted Pom e The Nyssa oity baseball team, roy; north end unsaddling, Roland which partly disbanded several Holmes and Bob Williamson; south end unsaddling. Curt Ingles, Charl days ago, has been re-organized with a view o f finishing the es Culbertson and Lonnie Knowles: big south gate, Ike Mitchell; east season in the Idaho-Oregon league. A1 Chadwick, who has been gate, Bruce Pett: race track gate, Pete Domenico; north gate, Henry prominent in baseball circles for Mitchell, and new gate by the many years, will manage the team. ramps, Earl Williams; patrolling He expects to have about the same fences, Loyd Adams, "D oc" M ar players as started the season, with shall, "Skinny" Tensen and A. P. some additions. Nyssa defeated Vale 8 to 6 last Ooodell; parking, D. O. Bybee, Nor- bert Sarazin, Jim Reed and Loyd Sunday on the Vale diamond in a Adams, and care and watering of contest played to make up a Syme did the grounds, W illis Bertram, Adams, rained-out game. pitching chores for Nyssa. aoodell, P ett rfi. J G ib Holmes. T h e Nyssa townies will meet the The hay committee, R oy Holmes and Neil Dimmlck, have already league-leading Nampa Clippers on completed the purchase, hauling the Nyssa field Flday night a t 8:30 and insuring o f the hay fo r the in the second contest between the two teams this season. rodeo. Chadwick announced late last Ushers for the three-day event will be Chairman Eris Bertram, night that a new pitcher and Betty Domenico, Bonnie Kressley, catcher will .be here or the game Sonya Smith, Betty Parker, Peggy with Nampa. Jerry Bishop of Oak land, California, well recommended W yatt and Marzene Garner. Orma Goodell and L a Vonne as a pitcher, is expected to arrive Culbertson will foe in charge of here today. Reece Shaffer of Cald distribution o f programs. Nora well, who caught for the College Snodgrass, secretary, will do the of Idaho last season, has agreed clerking, assisted by M arie Holmes. to play with the Nyssa team. The Owyhee R iding club mem bers spent all o f Thursday, Friday Firemen Extinguish Blaze— Nyssa firemen were called M on and Saturday working on the er ection of feed racks, corrals, and day night to extinguish a trash mangers at the Nyssa rodeo fire at the rear of the Nyssa Pack grounds. The members deemed it ing company market on Main Firemen said the trash advisable to increase the number street. of corraLs in order to better ac was fired by sparks from the B and commodate the large amount of E cafe chimney. T h e fire, burn stock to be handled fo r this year’s ing close to the packing company building, damaged only a coal bln. rodeo. The Nyssa rodeo grounds and rodeo, represent one o f the finest Called By Father's Death— M r. and Mrs. E. H. Fleshman examples of civic accomplishment, local leaders said. T h e project left late Saturday evening for has involved long and arduous W alla Walla, where they had been days, weeks, and months o f plan called 'because of the death o f Mr. ning, preparation, forethought, and Fleshman's father, R. L. Fleshman hard work on the part o f all con Attend Pollinization Conference— cerned. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Faster and son. Tommy, left Thursday for Seattle, where they will attend a pollinization conference. Th ey ex pect to be gone about 10 days vis iting en route at points in Wash ington. Tdbler’s Feed and Fuel won the championship of the first half of the city softball schedule last Thursday night by defeating the Ontario Tractor company 16 to 4 In a special p lay-off contest after the two teams finished the first half o f play in a tie. Tom my Holman allowed the losers only five hits and with three hits paced the winner’s attack. Ron Sm ith o f the Feeders made two hits. In two practice games, the W a g goner Motor company defeated Western Corrugator company 12 to 4 and Adrian Lions defeated the M I. A. 11 to 10. The second half o f the schedule will be started this evening. The games will be played as follows: 7 p m.. Adrian Lions versus W ag goner Motor company; 8 20, W est ern Corrugator company versus M. I. A., and 940. Tobler’s Peed and Fuel versus Ontario Tractor comp any. Visit In Idaho— Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Burbank and children spent the Fourth in Montpelier, where they visited with Mrs. Burbank's parents, Mr. and Mrs H O Bagley. Monty and Ruth Burbank remained w ith their parents for a visit. Visits Sister— Mrs Joseph Hamilton o f Can ton. Oklahoma arrived In Nyssa June 28 to be with her sister, the late Mrs. John C. Barney. Sr., at the Holy Rosary hospital In O n tario. Mrs. Barney died July J. Practically All Merchants COUNCIL TO NAME Participate; Prizes MUNICIPAL JUDGE W ill Be Given The Nyssa city council Is ex A sales promotion program, de pected to select a new municipal judge at its egular meeting next signed as Round-up Value Days, Tuesday night to succeed Judge will be started by Nyssa merchants Felton Duncan, who resigned July this week w ith a view o f giving ’red hot specials" for the bene I. Justice of the Pease Don M. fit of customers o f the community. The specials are listed in a sec Graham has been temporarily handling the affairs o f the office. tion of this newspaper this week Pour applications fo r the pos and others will be listed during The ition have been received by the the following two weeks. city council. The applicants are specials for this week will be good Ralph Lawrence, J. C. Smith, Ever for Fridays and Saturdays. ett Heldt and Mrs. Ruby Moore. From July 9 to 30, merchants participating in the program will give a ticket for euch $1 purchase, made any time during the week. These tickets will be purlhased by the business firms from the Nyssa chamber of commerce, sponsor of the sales promotion. T h e tickets Mrs. Georgia Josephine Barney will constitute chances on prizes of Nyssa, teacher in the Ridgeview to be given away by the chamber school near Homedale, died July ol commerce. The two weekly dawings will be 3 in the Holy Rosary hospital in Ontario, where she underwent a held July 16 and July 23 at 4 p. m. major operation three weeks ago. on Main street and the grand Georgia Roberts, daughter of prize drawing will be held July Captain and Mrs. James B. Rob 30, also at 4 p. m. Just prior to erts, was bum in Longton, Kansas the drawings. Mr. and Mrs. Don in 1886. She attended Southwest Anderson o f New Plymouth, fo r ern Teachers college at W eather mer San Francisco entertainers, ford, Oklahoma and the Univer will present a musical program, sity o f New Mexico. She was mar which committee members said will be “ high class entertainment” , ried to John C. Barney in Canton, scheduled for 3 p. m. Oklahoma in 1915 and Immediately The prizes for July 16 will be a the couple left for the Philippine i Remington automatic, 16 gauge islands, where they taught school shotgun valued at $99.95, $50 worth for five years. oi assorted groceries and a blonde After returning to the United waterfall style cedar chest valued States, Mr. and Mrs. Barney lived at $64.50 on their farm near Canton, O kla The July 23 prizes will consist of homa for five years. In 1922 Mr. a $139.95 Hotpolnt washing m a and Mrs. Barney resumed teaching chine with pump, $50 worth of in the Indian service in Arizona. groceries and a $64.95 bicycle. They remained in the service for The grand prize, retailing at 25 years until M r. Barney’s death. $319.95, will be a nine cubic foot After her husband’s death, Mrs. Kelvinator deep freeze unit. Barney entered the postal service Owners and managers o f busin in Tohatchi, New Mexico and ser esses and their families will not ved there until she came to Oregon be permitted to participate in the two years ago. diajvlngs. The , winning tickets Mrs. Barney was a member of must, be peresenlvd at tie. draw the Christian churcli and the Order ings by some person not neces of the Eastern Star. sarily the owner. Survivors are a son, Lt. Col. John Through the purchase o f tickets, C. Barney, Jr., United States army, practically every business firm In stationed in Washington, D. C.; Nyssa has indicated willingness to an adopted daughter, Roberta participate in the sales promotion Tom as Barney o f Nyssa; five campaign. brothers, John D. and Amos Members o f the committee are Morgan of Adrian, James M . of Hamilton Chodderdon, W illiam Crane, Montana, George E. of Sun- Lemon, Carlos Buchner, Oordon nyside, Washington, and Verne K. Ray. C liff Mink and Ed Knettle. of Harper, and three sisters, Mrs. Joseph Hamilton of Canton, Mrs. New Arrivals At Nursing Home— W. T . Rafifington of Nyssa and Born to Mr. and Mrs. Ira Oarner Mrs. Sarah E. Starr o f Detroit. of Nyssa, June 24, a son, weighing Funeral services will toe held at 10 pounds, 6 Mi ounces. 10:30 a. m. Friday in the Nyssa Born to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Funeral home chapel, with Rev. Rataezyk o f Nyssa, June 28, a Don M axfield of the Christian daughter, weighing 7 pounds. church officiating. Interment will Born to Mr. and Mrs. Tony Raya, be in the Owyhee cemetery. i daughter, June 30, weighing 6 “founds, 111 ounces. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Burl STAMPEDE WILL BE Lyman of Parma, July 2, a daugh STAGED AT NAMPA ter, weighing 7 pounds, IS ounces. Born to Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Nampa's 34th annual Snake Jennings of Nyssa, July 2, a daugh River Stampede will open at Rodeo ter, weighing 8 pounds, 3 ounces. park July 13 for a four-night show, which will feature the high-spir Return From Portland— ited stock oi Leo J. Cremer, Shaw- Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Lewis and mut, Montana, who will also act as family returned Tuesday from arena director. Portland, where they attended a Bronc riding, calf roping, steer reunion o f the Lewis family and wrestling and Brahma bull rid visited for a week. Mr. Lewis’ ing are among the events that brother, who is private secretary are expected to attract the nation's to General Douglas McArthur, had top cowboys to Nampa. oome from Japan to attend the Preceding the show each evening reunion. the colorful horseman's parade will be held with approximately 22 Visit At Rexburg— saddle clubs from this area par Here From Nampa— Mrs. Eldon Ulmer and children Mr. and Mrs. Jack Church and ticipating. returned Tuesday from Rexfburg, fam ily of Nampa were guests over . Prizes will be awarded to the where they visited for two weeks the week-end at the home of Mr. winning clubs. with Mrs. Ulmer's mother. and Mrs. J. L. Church. Stolen Car Recovered— Return From East— A stolen automobile, owned by Go T o Portland— Mr. and Mrs. L. <L. Tobler re Lester Stoker o f the Stoker Con Lloyd Stoner of Ontario, was re turned last week from Minnesota struction company left Sunday on covered Sunday night In Nyssa by and Wisconsin, where they visited a business trip to Portland. Ac Nyssa police officers, who arrest for a month. T h e y were called companying him were his daughter. ed Augustine Vasquez o f Nampa east in M ay by the critical illness Joyce, his mother-in-law, Mrs. In connection with the case. O f of Mrs. T obler’s mother. Arthur Weston, and Mr. and Mrs. ficers said Vasquez was driving the car at the time of his arrest on On Outing— Lee Stoker. a charge o f car theft. The Dale Bingman, Wilbur H ol Here From Idaho— comb and Jack M cKee families Mr. and Mrs. Oran Jackson of Return From Colorado— enjoyed a fishing trip and out Mrs. Blanche Dolan and daugh ing near Prairie C ity over the Midvale, Idaho were guests o f Mr. and Mrs. Homer Jackson Sun ters, Shirley and Sylvia, returned week-end. day, June 26. T h e two couples Monday from a vacation trip to T o Visit In Ht. Louis— spent the day at the Owyhee dam. Colorado. Mrs. Clyde Snider and Lee and Teaches In School— Ned Snider will leave Sunday on a Return From Portland— Mrs. Donald Campbell returned motor trip to St. Louis, where they Mr. and Mrs. Ed Case have re turned from Portland, where they last Saturday from Eugene, where will visit friends and relatives in she had been teaching In the M eth their former home for a month. purchased merchandise for their odist conference laboratory school store. o f children's work. T h e school Return From McCall— was conducted at the First M eth Mr. and Mrs. Ted Morgan were Here From Jerome— week-end visitors at McCall. 'Mrs. W illiam Smith and daugh odist church in Eugene. ters. MLss O all and Ruth Ellen Visit In W allowa»— Smith of Jerome, and Mrs. William Leave On Vacation— Mr. and Mrs. Harold Sisson left Mr. and Mrs. Ham ilton Chad- Brandt o f Boise were week-end visitors at the home of Mr. and Wednesday on a two-weeks va derdon and son spent third TTiey will visit relatives and fourth o f July at Enterprise Mrs. A. C. Sallee. Mrs. Smith and cation. Mrs. Brandt are staters of A. C in Tw in Falls and Yellowstone visiting relatives. National park. and Qeorge Sallee. Win Softball Game— Return From Vacation— Tobler's Feed and Fuel softball Return From Lakes— M r and Mrs Cecil Florea return team of Nyssa defeated the West M r and Mrs. Dale Oarrtson and Joanne, and Carlene Jones re ed from a vacation this week ern Auto Supply company o f Vale turned Monday from a vacation T hey visited relatives In Lewiston, on the Vale diamond Tuesday eve ning by a score o f 16 to 1. Idaho. spent at Payette lakes. Nyssa Will Play Clippers Friday Tobler Sluggers Win First Half Chamber Of Commerce Will Hold Sales Campaign For Three Weeks Georgia Harney Teacher Passes