Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (July 8, 1948)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, NYSSA, OREGON O W Y H E E TO BUILD | W alla SCH OOLH OUSE a Walla, where they will spend committee was appointed to assist Ditty o f Nyssa were Monday dinner guests in the Jes e Ditty home. days visitin8 friends and j the board o f directors with plans. Mrs. Jessie Skinner received a relatives. Then Mrs. Harriet Smuck- I The committeemen are Houston letter last week from Miss Marie al will go on with them from Walla Dunaway, Jim Langley and Russell Church, who taught school here O W YH EE, July 8— Miss Gina Wageness arrived Monday evening W alla to Bay City, where the party Patton, Sr. A meeting o f directors several years ago. saying that she was teaching in Korea in a school from Minneapolis for a visit in the will visit in the Frank DeBord and committee will be held Monday with an enrollment of 7000 girls at the schoolhouse at 8 p.m. home for a week or 10 days. Martha Klingback home. Miss W a je- The O.K.K. club will meet July and likes her work very much. A meeting was held at the school- Mr. and Mrs. John Palmer had ness was a schoolmate o f Mrs. house Friday evening, at which 15 at the home of Mrs. Bob Rice Klingback. They had not seen each members decided to construct a new at a 1 o’clock picnic luncheon. as week-end tjuests over the Fourth other for 20 years. On Thursday four-room school building. T h e vote Members are asked to note the Mrs. Palm er’s three sisters from Boise, and Jim and Barbara Mur morning Muss Wageness, Mrs. K lin g ivas 30 fo r new building and 3 for ?hange in time. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Eaton and phy, also o f Boise. back and Fred Klingback left for remodeling the old one. An advisory M olly Connaughy returned Sat Gerald Barker of Ontario and Miss Lois Betts of Fruitand were Sunday urday from Corvallis, where she dinner guests in the Darrell W il attended 4-H summer school for :wo weeks. liams home. The American Legion ball game Charey Culbertson, Versal Ses sions, and Pete Wilson left Tuesday scheduled to be played In Vale v.—ning (o r Unity fo r a load of Thursday evening was postponed because of rain. Adrian will not poles. L i . e home of Mr. and Mrs. C lay play any more games this season, ton Patton was the scene of a according to Manager Kenneth Fourth of July picnic Sunday, when McDonald. Mr. and Mrs, Claude Skinner Mr. and Mrs. Rodger Orris of Nys- a, Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Derring entertained at dinner Tuesday ev ening In celebration of the birth of Eugene. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Dim - * miek, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rowe, day of their daughter. Shirley. __ and Mr. and Mrs. Russell Patton, Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Skinner, and Mr. and Mrs. Neal Sr., gathered there for dinner Mr. and Mrs. Ellis W alters en Nickolson and Dea. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Dunaway tertained Thursday evening with a demonstration dinner for Mr. and have as house guests Mrs. Doris Mrs. E. E. Crocker, Mr. and Mrs. Vice and two children of Denver Mrs. Martha Klingback and Fred Gerald Slippy and Mr. and Mrs attended a party, given a Snively’s Byrd Walters. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth McDonald hot spring Monday evening by Mrs and son were dinner guests in the Jesse G regg for her Sunday school Houston Dunaway home Monday class. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Hoke and evening. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Glen attend fam ily went to Owyhee dam fish ed a picnic at the home of L. L. ing Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Clarey and Kreaijer Sunday afternoon. Other guests were Mr. and Mrs. Roland daughter of Parma were guests Anderson and Mr. and Mrs. Guy in the Gerald Slippy home Satur day. Glenn. Mr. and Mrs. Max Mitchell and Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Ditty, Mrs. Gertrude Atkeson and Bonnie Lou, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mitchell were Mr. and Mrs. John Reeves, and dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Walter, Mr. and Mrs. Jake O root Grant Patterson Monday evening. Donald Hatt and Guy Sparks and Mr. Hewey attended a picnic spent Saturday night camping out in Nampa with friends Sunday. at Payette lakes. Mr. and Mrs. R ay Fletcher of A group o f young people enjoy Homedale were dinner guests in the Kenneth McDonald home F ri ing an outing near Untiy Sunday were Verle Patterson, Norman G ar Three new O liver tractors to fit farm power needs! A day. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Householder ner, Jarvis Mitchell, Keith Sto 2-plow, 4-cylinder "66” ! A 2-3 plow, 6-cylinder and Guyanne and Charlie Glenn, ker, Delores Bland, Lois Bybee, "77” 1 A 3-4 plow, 6-cylinder "88” . Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Schweizer, Genevieve Ballantyne, and Donna Mr. and Mrs. Lee Strickland, Mr. Gam er. Y ou r choice o f great new engines for An Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Dunaway and Mrs. George Schweizer, and " H C ” fo r gasoline, a " K D ” for tractor fuels, and a diesel Mrs. Gertrude Jackson had a picnic and their house guests. Mrs. Doris that will be available later. Vice and children of Denver, N a in the Vale park Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Patton, Jr., dine and Nate Talbot, and the are equipped with 6-forward-speed transmissions. and children were dinner guests Dunway grandchildren from Hood The remarkable new direct drive power take-off is available Sunday in the Norman Douglas River, Joan and Jackie Dunaway, for A choice o f cast iron or stamped steel wheels home. During the afternoon the had a picnic dinner at Owyhee dam to fit your traction and weight requirements— interchange group attended the air show in Monday. able among Row Crop models. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Patterson Ontario. Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Williams and her parents of Ogden, Mr. and are farm-engineered . . . incorporate the same and M ary Ellen attended a Sunday Mrs. Orson Barrett, spent Sunday advanced new features. O liver’s full line o f centrally school picnic in Apple valley Mon visiting in Nampa with friends. Mr. and Mrs. Byrd Walters and mounted and rear suspended tools are basically interchange dav afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Toyne of W ei- Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Slippy picnick able among Row Crop models. ser visited in the Kenneth Me ed at the Owyhee dam Sunday. Available in Row Crop, Standard, Row Crop with Adjust Mrs. Houston Dunaway suffered Donald home Saturday afternoon. able Front Axle, or Row Crop with Single Front W heel. K ay McDonald returned home with a painful accident Thursday when the middle finger on her right them for a two-weeks visit. See us first for facts on all the modern, valuable farm fea Mrs. Gertrude Atkeson, and E. L. hand became entangled in the tures on this versatile new tractor. keater o f an electric mixer. The finger was cut and tom in several places and the bone was completely severed at the second joint. Doctors have not yet decided whether the Insurance Real Estate finger will grow back or have to be removed. Vivian Hoke is staying in t)he Dunaway home and assisting Mrs. Dunaway with her work. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Sommers of La Grande were visitors in the W il liam Peutz home last week. OLIVER New Farm Tractor Fleet new new your new three all three! All three all three. all three A ll three all three LOCAL NEWS | and improvements. BJ2xp. cooking stove, used 6 months. Mrs. FOR SALE!— Garage house, nice Tom Godwin, 2 miles northeast lawn, garden enclosed with picket of N.vssa-Parma junction. 8J2xp. fence. 193 South Fourth street, FO R SALE— Golden canaries, st I phone 193-M. 8Jlxp. Go to Nampa— Marshall-Wells. L. Faries, phony Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Lile spent FO R SALE Crown propane gas 185-W, 8 to 6. 8J3xp. the Fourth of July with relatives at Nampa. Water Users T o Visit Parents— Mrs. Ken Renstrom left today for Spring-field, Missouri to spend 10 days with her parents. Spending Summer In Utah— Ferrell D. Jones, 11-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Desmond Jones, is spending the summer in Utah vis iting his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. EM win Spiers of Logan and Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Jones o f Lewis ton. are requested to comply with the city p Visiting in Nebraska— Mr. and Mrs. Dale Bingman left Saturday for Grand Island, Nebras ka to visit relatives for two weeks. ordinance providing that sprinkling water must 31 be turned off at the time of a fire alarm. Wins Mixer— L. N. Frost of Nyssa won the Sunbeam mixmaster given away at the Marshall-Wells store last Thurs day. Serviceman Employed— Sam Philips, who lives on the Idaho side of Snake river, has been employed as serviceman by the Idaho Power company for the Nyssa office. He has had experience with power companies in Utah and Montana. His wife and three child ren will move to Nyssa as soon as living quarters can be found. Mr. Philips succeeds Vern Farson, who has been transferred by the com pany to Vale. BY ORDER OF CITY CO UNCIL Snake River Stampede • I III M III III HI II III III III III III II1 1 II III 1,1 III III I'l IIM IIIM W M . il III I I III III HI HI l-l HI I I III IIIWIiliHlllltMl Rodeo and Carnival Evenings of B U IL D IN G P E R M IT S Fred McCarthy, Beech street, lot 17. block 77. Green’s addition, 26 by 28. frame, $3000. July 14-15-16-17 FOUR BIG NIGHTS Rodeo Grounds, Nampa, Idaho “WILDEST, FASTEST SH O W ON EARTH” And It W ill Be Bigger and Better Than Ever This Year! Too Late To Classify FO R SA LE — One M & M tom 16-inch tumble plow Plowed only 40 acres and as new. W illiam Ore»gg, west Owyhee comer. trwo-bot- for $325. as good 5 miles 8J3xp. F O R SALE— Bargain, see this. 463 North Eighth, furnished garage- house, basement. 75 by 150 tract, NEW LOW PRICES ADULTS $1.80 rrm in nun M hi in Hi iii’M run m m m in « « Tax Incl.| CHILDREN 90c « ■ > ■•• i’i m hi mm m mm 1» w m i m mum Greater Building Value B e rn a rd E a s tm a n Nyssa Implement Company Phone 64 Nvssa, Oregon IM PROVEM ENT ON H A LL IS PLA N N E D A N N O U N C IN G TH E O P E N IN G OF Arrowhead M otor Lodge Nyssa, Oregon SUNSETT V ALLE Y, July 8— Resi dents of Sunset valley will meet Saturday evening, July 10 at the Sunset valley hall to place stripping on the ceiling of the building. All persons interested in the improve ment of the hall are asked to ap pear at the hall with hammers. Mrs. Gertrude McCracken left Saturday afternoon by bus for Los Angeles. Monday evening supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. O. P. Counsil were Miss Molly Madison of Caldwell, Chet Counsil of New Plymouth, and Mr. and Mrs. E3ton Counsil and fam ily of Klam ath Falls. in ANY Farm Structure IS EASIER TO G £T . . AT T&otoC T b y e tfe GOOD farm buildings save chore tlmw and increase farm income. So. when you need new structures get the most for your building dollar . . . . consult the BIG 4-SQUARE FARM BUILDING BOOK at your local Boise Payottw yard BEFORE you build. LO C AL RESIDENTS INVITED TO N A M P A Open House IO A . M . - 5 P .M . Sunday, July II, 1948 Everyone cordially invited to visit eastern Oregon’s newest and most modern motor lodge which will feature------ * 10 COMPLETE UNITS W IT H PR IV A TE BATHS * R A D IA N T H EATIN G * AIR CO ND ITIO NING * BEAUTY PAGE FIVE THURSDAY, JULY 8, 1948 REST A N D SEALY BOX SPRINGS A N D INNER-SPRING MATTRESSES * COM PLETELY M ODERN EVERY DETAIL FURNISHINGS IN PROPRIETORS — D. W . M O NCUR and VERN L. M ONCUR A special invitation was extended this week by a caravan o f Nampa merchants of surrounding towns and communities to attend the an nual Snake River Stampede, which will open at Nampa's Rodeo park Wednesday, July 14, and will con tinue for four nights through Sat urday, July 17. W. R. i Bill i Showalter, president ol the Harvest Festival association, sponsor of the event, said today that Leo Cremer, stock contractor and area director from Big Timber, Montana, has a large amount of new stock to display this year. Including new bucking horses. Brahma bulls, aalves and steers. Preceding the show each night will be a horseman's parade In which saddle clubs from the valley, including all members of the Wes tern Riding Club6 association, will participate. Nampa will announce her rodeo queen within the next few days and she In turn will extend an in vitation to ail rodeo queens from surrounding towns ot be her guests at the stampede. In addition to the regular acts, the rodeo, which is known as one o f the fastest-moving shows in the northwest, will include Dick and Pauline Pickard, trick riders; the Gallaghers, an aerial act; John Lindsey and his trained bull, and George Mills and John Lindsey as clowns. A change in policy this year has made more seats available at lower prices than ever before. Visit Here— Dr and Mrs. Clare Peterson of Portland stopped here Sunday while en route to Sun Valley to attend an Idaho Medical society conven tion. The three Peterson children are staying in Nyssa with their grandparents. Dr. and Mrs. J. J. Sarazin. Protect Farm Machinery — against weather, wear and corrosion with — DEVOE Heavy Duty ENAMEL There you'll find scores of designs for every type of farm structure. Each one has been carefully planned by technically-trained practical men, work ing in close cooperation with successful farmers and extension specialists. Among those plans is one sure to fit your pedicular requirements . . . . a plan for a structure that's lust the right style the right size . . . . and that provides the features you need. For greater building value in any farm structurw the BIG 4 SQUARE FARM BUILDING BOOK. boo Also visit Boise Payette Lumber Company tor such farm improve ment and repair needs as Roottnq Materials . . . . Red Cedar Fence Posts . . . . Field Fence . . . . Devoe Barn Paint . . . . Truscon Cement Paints . . . . Cement. WOOD MAKES THE BEST FARM BUILDINGSI And Lumber for Farm Buildings Mobile Powered CO N CRETE MIXERS — for RENT at a nominal eb arg« Is Easier to GET . . . . at m zn O. L. G A L L O W A Y , Mgr. NYSSA, OREGON