Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (July 8, 1948)
PA PAGE RE srx ÎITF C A T E CITY .JOURNAL. N YSSA . OREGON couple, Mr. and Mrs. Lavern Clea- | ver. At Twin Falls the foursome enjoyed a wedding supper at the Park hotel. They both attended Nyssa school, with Donald gradust ir ■{ in 1917. He is employed as manager of the fresh fruit and vegetable department at Gordon’s Irive-in. She is receptionist at the affices of Dr. Tyler in Nyssa. The couple are located in their1 tome on the Ny.ssa-Ontario high way. — j ~ MRS. JAY BYBEE HONORED Mrs. Jay Bybee was honored Fri day afternoon at the home of her nother-in-law, Mrs. S. P. Bybee, with a pink and blue shower, at whizh 40 guests were present. Mrs. D. O. Bybee was in charge of games for which prizes were awarded to Mrs. Gordon Ray, Mrs. Emma Kesler, Mrs. Howard Bybee and Mrs. Ersel Beus. The gifts were presented In a lovely baby buggy, wheeled into the room by Mrs. Bybee. Tne color scheme was pink and white and was carried out in the refresh ments and favors. Each lady received a tiny pink baby doll tied with a blue satin ribbon, as a favor. Out- of-town quests were Mrs. Russell Jordon and her daughter, Mrs. Betty Lou Loveland of Nampa. Mrs. Howard Bybee, Mrs. B. G. Bybee, Mrs. Ellen King and Mrs. Courtney, all of Ontario. Uncial ¿N'nti's su i Ore wltl Ow; wer wh< wee of Mrs Mr. ter, Mr chi Or. am aid. 1 Th th< MABEL ROBERTS AND JAMES SHAW MARRIED Mibol Roberts, daughter of Mr and Mrs. A. R. Roberts of Nyssa, and James Shaw, son of Mr. and JMrs. H. M. Shaw of Jamison, were united in marriage at the home of the bride June 26. Rev E. J. Wilson j of the Nyssa Nazarene church o f ficiated before a background of trees and fowers. Tiie attendants were Mrs. W. S. Orcutt, who wore a blue gown and white accessories, and the best man, Sam Shaw of Jamison. The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a white gown with a crown of white carnations and a bridal bouquet of pink rosebuds. A reception, arranged by the bride’s mother. Mrs. A. R. Roberts, was held irt the home of the bride following the ceremony. The cake was cut by Mrs. Ruth McConneil and punch was poured by Mrs. Evan P Oheen, Jr., Mrs. A. R. Roberts, Jr., was in charge of the guest book. The gift table was decorated with pink roses and white baby breath. About 50 per sons atended the wedding and re ception. For a going-away suit the bride »hose an aqua dress suit with white accessories. The couple will reside In Jamison, Oregon, where Mr. Shaw Is engaged In ranching. Out-of-town guests were Mrs. Jim Meeks, Mrs. Dow Jones, Mrs. C. O. Minor and son, Robert, and Mr. and Mrs. Elmet Skiver of Jerome, Jdaho, Mr. and Mrs W 8. OTCUtt and sons, Ralph and Danny, of Seattle, Roy Knudsen and daughter. Nun, of Seattle and Mrs. Merle Ifillin of Riverside, California. - V HERREN-KINQ RITES HELD Dorothy Erma King, daughter of Mr. and Mrs Herman King of Ny.s- sa, and Donald Herren, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Herren of Soap Lake. Washington, were Joined in marriage nt Winnemuccu, Nevaua Sunday. The bride wore a sheer and green frock with white accessories, and pink rose and white carnation fll SÊ Buyers More PHONE 2(54 O N TA R IO , OREGON Call us for transportation for your livestock or market information. Is] § S] & 3] N YS S A :SJ ;s) I i Phone 106 PROGRAM IHEATRES FRIDAY, JULY 9 Adele Mara, Hill Kennedy in “ WEB OF DANGER” Jimmy VYakely and Virginia Belmont in “ OKLAHOMA BLUES” Adm. Evenings, 40c-9c. Inc. Ta*. SATURDAY, JULY 10 Randolph Scott, Gene Tierney in “ FRONTIER MARSHAL” A Re-Issue Mat., Sat.. 2:30; Adm. 25c-5c. Inc. Tax ______ Adm. Evenings, 4Ur-9c. Inc. Ta* SUNDAY & MONDAY. JULY 11-12 Lana rumer, Van Heflin, Donna Rued ami Richard Hart in “ GREEN DOLPHIN STREET” A story of love, fiery and tempestuous: you’ll see earthquake, tidal wave and savage warfare. — Shows Each Evening at 7 :0 0 and 9 :8 0 Mat., S u n . 2:3»; Adm. 30c-9c. Inc. Tax ________________ Adm. Evenings. 4»r-9r. Inc. Ta*. TUESDAY, JULY 13 Bargain Night Double Feature Hugh Beaumont and Chervl W alker in "THREE ON A TICKET” Eddie Dean and Roscoe Ates in "SHADOW VALLEY” Adm. 25-9r, Inc. Tax_____ WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY. JULY 14-15 Here’s the charming, witty talc of a girl who played at love. A triumphant film version of one of the era’s best-known plays. “ THE VOICE OF THE TURTLE” With Ronald Regan. Eleanor Parker, Eve Arden and Wayne Morris Cartoon News Admission Evrnlnr*. 4®r-9r. Inc. Ta*. ENTERTAIN AT DINNER Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Frost en tertained at a family dinner Mon day on their lawn for the follow ing guests: Mr. and Mrs. Henry Crowley. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Find- ling. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Find- ling and son, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Obendorf and son of Parma ana Mrs. Stella Butler. —t — DINNER PARTY GIVEN A dinner party was given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Findl- Ing Thursday evening honoring Mr. and Mrs. Dale Friday and two children of Conrad, Iowa. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Dale Friday and children, Mr and Mrs. Will Findllng, Mr. and Mis. Law- II hi R [y R] Cs) ft i of Boise. .Man Injured— Martin Tuttle, who lives across ; Snake river from Nyssa, sustained a fratzure of the arm when a hay derrick fell on him Monday. A TTENT10N | j Alfalfa And Clover Seed Growers Protect you crop and increase seed yield by ^ exterminating injurious insects. For information without obligation call 1 GEM AIRCRAFT PAYETTE, IDAHO PHONE 0191-J3 5 - Orders ONTARIO LIVESTOCK COMMISSION COMPANY SpeiiUing .Summer io Calif.— Miss Donna Lee Wilson has gone to San Diego to spend the summer in tiie new home of her aunt and ni. le, Mr. und Mrs. John E. Hughes and will study violin with Mrs. Hughes, the former Pauline Baker HQSTS AT SUPPER Mr. and Mrs. Wyatt Smith were hosts at a fried chicken supper at. their home Monday evening. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Vyrrl Duval, Dick and Dannie Duval of Cincin- r.atti, Mr. and Mrs. Vance Webster and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. LaVar Hawkins, and Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge Webster. Both Mr. and Mrs. George Webster and Wendall Webster ac companied the Duval and Vance Webster families, who left Tuesday touring the west coast through California, Colorado and on to Kansas. • The former Billie Gooing t above i CELEBRATES BIRTHDAY was married to Donald Hunt at Mrs. Hugh Tobler invited 14 little tiie J. D. Gooing home in Apple tots to her house Tuesday afternoon valley June 22. < Photo by Evans) to help Sharon celebrate her third birthday. The youngsters enjoyed games and refreshments which con corsage. Tiiey were accomponed on their sisted of a large birthday cake hone)moon through Idaho and Ne and ice cream. vada by another newly married GIVE DINNER Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Tobler en- 'ertained at dinner Saturday even ing for Mr. and Mrs. Leo Beers and ton of Sausalito, California, who are visiting at the home of Mr. MORE NET PROCEEDS FOR YOUR and Mrs. David Beers. Other quests were Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Holmes and Mr. and Mrs. David Beers and LIVESTOCK daughter, Doris. —I — Market Report for July (I, 1048 WOMEN HONORED A double pink and blue shower Pat lui mbs $22 to $26.20. Grass fat steers *28 to *31. was given last Wednesday after Ewes *2 75 to *12. Pe i heifers *27.50 to *30. noon at the home of Mrs. Bud Grass ifat cows $22 to $26. Feeder steers *24 to $28 Wt’son, assisted by Mrs. Houston Cutter cows *17 to $1U. Feeder rows *215 to *220. j Wilson, honoring Mrs. Dwight Wy- Canner cows $14.50 to *17. Weauer calves *20 to $27.50. koff and Mrs. Gene Stunz. Many Beef bulls *24 to $25.50. Pat hogs $30.70 j ovely gifts were presented to the Veal calves *17 to *:I0. Sows *16 50 to $24. I honorees. Bridge was the diversion Feeder pigs $29 to $31. of the afternoon, with prizes going to Mrs. A. C. Sallee, Mrs. George Sallee and Mrs. George Mitchell. Miss Margaret Sarazin received the traveling prize. Guest prizes were given Mrs. Wyckoff and Mrs. Stunz. More T H U R SD A Y , JU L Y 8. 1948 NEWS VIEWS at the Old Nyssa Livestock Commission Company Salesyards Mr. and Mrs. Bill Wilson of Methodist church. Mrs. Wilson is Nyssa are show above following ihe former Dorothy Lucille Coff- their marriage June 27 in the man. (Photo by Evans» •enee Findling and Larry, Mr. a n d , old folks committee. Mrs. Alton Mrs. Walter Obendorf and Garry Miichell was appointed as chair Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Findling man of the L.D.S. girls committee, tnd family and Mr. and Mrs. Le with Mrs. Lavon Peterson and Mrs. wis Findling and Kenneth. Howard Bair as her assistants. Ain- —S— asa Hammon, chairman of the COLLECTING PARTY MONEY genealogical society, Rosel Mrs. Edward Boydell, ehairmr.i Anderw Jr., and Elwood Flinders >t the bridge division of the bene as his assistants. Mrs. Ersel Beus fit round robin parties sponsored was installed as the new Relief ay the Nyssa Civic club, announced society president, with Mrs. Wilford oday that all money collected b) Bybee and Mrs. John Schenk as the hostesses should be turned to her counselors. her after each party. A testimony was held, during — 4 — which all the new officers gave a FRIFNDS ENTERTAINED talk. Dr. and Mrs. L. A. Maulding en tertained Mr. and Mrs. Grant Rine PINOCHLE HOSTS hart. Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Whitaker Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kingrey were md Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Buchner hosts at a pinochle parly Saturday and their families at a picnic sup evening. High prizes were won by per on their lawn Monday evening. Walter Fox and Mrs. Kingrey. The —9 - traveling prizes were awarded to HONORED AT SHOWER Mrs. Fox and Bill Schoen. Mrs. Ed Frost and Mrs. W. R. § Campbell entertained Friday after BOARD MEETS noon at the home of Mrs. J. L. A stake M.I.A. board meeting Church at a pink and blue shower was held Tuesday evening in On for Mrs. Jack Church. tario for all M.I.A. stake leaders - 8 - to plan the activities for the com HAVE REUNION ing year. Mr. and Mr Henry Borgman and family attended a reunion of Mis. WEINER ROAST HELD Bergman's family at Heath, Idaho A weiner roast was given Friday the Fourth of July. evening in honor of Bill Steimle -9 — of Pomona, California at the home PI,AY BRIDGE of D. O. Byoee, with 10 guests Members of the Thursday after present. The smaller children en noon bridge club were guests of joyed rilling in a little red cart Mrs. George Mitchell last week. drawn by Smoky, pinto Shetland High scores were won by Mrs. Tom mare, and other activities. They El fridge and Mrs. Ray Larson. retired to the patio in the evening Guests for the afternoon were Mrs. to roast Weiners over a large fire- Oeorge Henneman, Mrs. W. R. place. The Mi. s Nancy Grohnert Campbell and Miss Eva Boydell. and Lyna Lee of Laguna Beach. - Î - California were out-of-town guests. OIVES PARTY Mrs. Silvia Fix. Mrs. Susie Cot- Returns from Spokane— ton and Mrs. Alma Kingrey were Mrs. Ed Warren and Mr. and Mrs. hostesses at a round robin and Porter Willis return.'J home Mon- D.W.T. pinochle |>arty at the home | day from > '.. no. here they stent of Mrs. Suse Coton June 30. Scores i the Fourth of July it the home of were made by Mi’s. Madeline Webb Mrs. War en’s dan on r. Mrs. Jim and Mrs. Josie Goldman. Traveling Peachy. Me. Warren, who also made prizes were given to Mrs. Hilma he trip. le.mained in Spokane to Ostrom and Mrs. Oraee Barnett. recuperate fi m an operation per- —8— formed while there. OFFTCERS INSTALLED Nine new officers were installed Go (o Mountains— in Ihe various organizations of the Mr. and Mrs. Mur.. Burwell and Nyssa second L D S . ward Sunday Ralph M e pent tiie ! of veiling. Ruth Anderson was cho- ! July in the mountains near Iron- sen to assist Mrs. Ia>o Child on the side. Wednesday, July IA YVe will be open for our big sale Wednesday, July 21 at our new UNION LIVESTOCK YARDS north of Nyssa Our New Phone No. is 019-R3 JULY BLANKET EVENT ENDS JULY 14 LA Y YOUIl BLANKETS A WA Y For WINTER ALL W O O L BLANKETS PENDLETON And WOOL OF THE WEST Plain and Pattern PART WOOL And RAYON & COTTON BY LEW IIEKRIM AN It seems we’re at fault for mast of our troubles. Take forest fires, for example. Every year hundreds | of fires are started by campers and | vacationists who drop burning mat- | ches or cigarettes in the woods S with tile careless abandon of toss- ? ing rice at a wedding. Forests and f! fields are destroyed. That drives | animals and birds away and makes | floods easier, because when the | rains come, there are no plant f roots to hold the water. So let’s | put out our campfires and be care- ful about tossing matches and | “ smokes from our cars. It’s easier to prevent a fire than to put one I out. A Los Angeles burglar broke into j a taxidermy shop and stole only 11 line thing . . a wet trout skin That's really burglary on a small hf scale And for big values on a small- price scale, come to HERRIM AN > MOTOR COMPANY Otve your cari t tie kind of diet It would like to get accustomed to—Texaco gasoline and oil. And remember your car lasts lotxter and gives better per formance If you protect it with Sj | regular Marfax lubrication and oil 9 changes Phone 77. “ Ride in the 1 New 1949 Ford ’ f HERRIMAN M O TO R CO. Single Blankets We Now Have I)ow General Contact Weed Killer 1 quart in 30 gallons of fuel oil to 100 gallons of water covers an acre. This kills grasses as well as broad-leaf plants. Used on ditch banks, fence rows, road-sides, etc. Does not hint soil nor does it kill grass roots. “ The House of Oliver” Nyssa Implement Co. Double Blankets Part Wool And All Cotton Plaid Patterns W HITE SHEET BLANKETS Single and Double Bed Size USE OUR LAYAW AY PLAN h a v e YOUR BLANKETS READY FOR FALL sj ■