Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (April 1, 1948)
✓ THURSDAY, APRIL 1. 1918 THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. N Y S S A , OREGON PAGE EIGHT were so thick they crowded one Mrs. Wallace Gregg, visited at the another to tne banks. No fishing William Oregg home last week. license is required. Tiie law per Lorraine Farr and Kennlth Chard mits anyone to catch 20 pounds per i went to Winnemucca. Nevada Fri- SUNSET VALLEY, April 1— Mr. person. A dip net or hands may | .lay afternoon to take their mar- and Mrs. John Reffett returned1 be used. However, from Thursday from a seven-day trip visiting | evening until Saturday evening, I riage vows. Larraine Farr is a 1947 friends at Hood River and Kelso. | no one is permitted to fish or mol Nyssa high school graduate, who Is employed at the First National Washington. The highlight of their | est the smelt as they go upstream bank in Nyasa. Chard is the son trip was the smelt-run where the ' to their spawning beds. The smelt- of Mr. and Mrs. Ewen Chard of Clatsop river is only 300 feet wide, run generally continues for three Sunset valley. the water deep and swift. The smelt I weeks. Mr. ant Mrs. Elton Counsll, who Daniel Oregg, son of Mr. and were married at Klamath Falls last Thursday were honor guests at a supper party at the O. P. Counsll Friday night. Other guests ROUGH DIMENSION home were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Smith and daughter, Karen, Lyle Miner, LUMBER Optometrist and Chet Counsll of New Plymouth. The newlyweds visited Elton Coun- $30 to $40 a 1000 sil's relatives Saturday and Easter Eyes Examined with Mrs. Flton Counsil’s parents S4S to 60 to 65 at Alturas, California. Elton Coun Phone 720 cil is attending business school in 4 miles east of Klamath Falls and his wife Is at New Plymouth, Idaho tending a beauty school. 718 Arthur St. A pink and blue shower honor on Hi-Way 30 ing Mrs. Thomas Nishitanl was Caldwell, Idaho riven Wednesday afternoon at Mrs. Nishitant's home by Mrs. Grover Cooper and Mrs. Lyman Pomerov. The traditional stork reigned over the games, nursery tunes, and a bassinet loaded with gifts. A light lessert, cookies, coffee and punch were served to 20 guests. Mrs. David Evans returned to Seattle Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Srhwetzer, after visiting her sister, Mrs. Neil Dimmick several days. A group of young people gave a surprise birthday party for £harles Chapin last Sunday evening. Corn popping, taffy-pulling, cake and ice cream were enjoyed. Those pre sent were JoAnn Price, Bob Al britton, Shirley Price, Marian Price, Dwayne Wilson, Vera Faye Conn - sil, Betty Culbertson, Beth Chapin and Tom Crow. Beth, Shirley, Bob and Tom left Monday for La # % i rny Day Is the day every American can set aside Grande to continue their college to salute the men in uniform. And this year, par studies. ticularly, It Is a day for every young man in the The first large herd of cattle nation to consider the contribution h e can make to be taken out to the hills this spring, was taken through the val to World Peace. ley Friday by Hite. Kygar, Culbert Eight now you have the finest 100% volunteer son and Peutz. Army of any nation in the history of the world. Those In Ontario Friday on busi But It is still below the strength authorized by ness were Mr. and Mrs. Robb Congress. Able men are needed for the Infantry, Thompson, Edwin Bergam. Mrs. Sid Artillery and Armored Cavalry. Flanagan, Mr. and Mrs. Elver Niel- ;en. and Mrs. Nell Dimmick. You can make a contribution to World Peace by Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Garner and joining the National Guard or the Organized Re Mr. and Mrs. George Folkman were serve Corps. These splendid civilian components Boise visitors Thursday. have been credited by top military leaders for Mrs. Wayne Berrett was hostess much of the success In quick mobilization and it a pink and blue shower for Mrs. actual winning of the last war. Today they are Hulda Callahan Friday evening In Important factors In backing up the strength of her home. the Regular Army. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Young and Chuck and Bob spent Monday in Both Veterans and non-Veterans who meet re Boise on business. quirements are eligible to enlist in the Organized Mr. and Mrs. Richard McGinnis Reserve Corps. Veterans retain the grade and rating moved into the little house on Al earned in the Army. bert Notheis’ farm last Saturday. In many high schools and most colleges, you can McGinnis will help Notheis farm. Friday Caldwell shoppers were Mr. Join the R.O.T.C. and get your military training and Mrs. Lewis Mitchell, Mrs. Wal and credit toward a Reserve commission along with ter Hillis and Mr. and Mrs. Jim your education. Robb. Any one of these steps that you can take on Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Vinsonhaler Army Day will help toward making America strong. of Nyssa were Sunday callers in And It has never been truer than right now that the Albert Notheis home. Mrs. Elmer Scott and two chil A S trong A merica I s a P eaceful A merica . dren of Payette were afternoon Make a point, on April 6, of stopping in at your and supper guests at the home of U. S. Army and U. S. Air Force Recruiting Station Mr. and Mrs. William Orr Friday. and getting the Information about the part you Mr. and Mrs. Otto Wolfe and can play toward World Peace. Kathleen of Nampa visited Friday at the Wolfe ranch. Phyllis Wolfe accompanied the family, but spent the day visiting the Adrian high school. ON A R M Y DA Y Mr and Mrs. Irvin Wolfe and son, Ronnie, visited Mrs. Wolfe's O rgan ized R eserv e Corps A D i s p l a y y o u r A m e r i c a n Hag sister. Edna Hamilton, in Boise o r R .O .T .C . A W e a r y o u r V e t e r a n '. la p e l Wednesday. ★ A s k f o r lite r a tu r e a t y o u r b u tt o n Mr. and Mrs. Grover Cooper at lo c a l r e c r u itin g s ta tio n . tended to business in Vale Monday. A F in d o u t h a w y o u c a n m a k e Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hobson and a c o n tr ib u tio n to W o r ld Sandra shopped in Boise Monday, P e a c e in t h e R e g u la r A r m y , A STRONG Mr. and Mrs. Devon Larson and th e N a tio n a l G u a r d , th e Kathleen accompanied Mrs. Lila A M ER ICA IS Mitchell and Val to the Welser CAREERS WITH A FUTURE' A PEA C EFU L L.D.S. conference last Sunday. Mrs. Mitchell and Val are driving a AM ERICA DeSoto four-door sedan. The upper grades o f the Owyhee school were privileged to go to Boise Monday to visit the freedom train. The school bus was used to transport them. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Robb were hosts at a waffle supper last Wed SUNSET V A L L E Y COUPLES MARRIED DR. C .W . G R A VES ON ARMY DAY, APRIL 6, there’s something you con do for WORLD PEACE nesday evening. Guests were Dar daughter, and Mrs. Larry Dimmick lene Robb, Harry Hathaway, El were Sunday dinner guests at the aine Jones of Caldwell, Homer Dtd- Neil Dimmick home. Harold Fyl eiickson, Mr. Iind Mrs. Eddie Sharp lingness and Larry Dimmick drove to Idaho Falls with Harold Peter and Mr. and Mrs. Dave Hall. Gabriel and Louie Astoreca at son’s machinery. Mr. and Mrs. Jay Howard and tended the Basque dance at Em two children of Bates arrived Fri mett last Saturday night. Darlene Robb, who has been day to spend the Easter week-end attending Oregon State college at ' with Mr. and Mrs. Cash Turner. Corvallis, spent over a week visit They visited at the F. L. Howard, ing her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hud Sr.,'home in Boise, and also bought son Robb, who are driving Darlene a Chevrolet car Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Chapin and back to Corvallis Easter Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Reffett visited Charles were dinner guests at the the Grover Douglas home at Eagle Kenneth Lorensen home Easter Sunday. :reek while on their trip. Oliver Everett of Idaho Falls has Don McCoy returned last Monday after spending a week at Pasco, been visiting his cousin, Magnus Ekanger, the past week. Washington. Glenn Knottingham went to On Mr. and Mrs. Cash Turner made a business trip to Weiser Monday. tario Friday to visit Mr. Bryan, Lois Garner and Reva Rookstool who interviews applicants for state were hostesses at a farewell party vocational rehabilitation training. for Bonnie King Monday afternoon He also visited Mr. and Mrs. Con- at the Vem Gamer home. Mrs. nlev Davis at Fruitland. Mrs. Ira Price attended the bri King is moving to Payette. Mr. and Mrs. Hud Robb, Mrs. dal shower honoring Mrs. Gene Jim Robb and Darlene Robb shop Stevens, at the home of Mrs. John Strickland Wednesday afternoon, ped in Caldwell Thursday. Gabriel and Louie Astoreca went Donald Bergam returned to col lege at La Grande Sunday evening to Boise Saturday evening to meet ! their sister, Mrs. H. K. Leon, ar- on the streamliner. Olaf Fyllingness set out 30 pear I riving from Twin Falls. Mr. and trees besides apple and cherry trees • Mrs. H K. Lenon and son visited I Sunday at the farm. this week in his new orchard. Mr. and Mrs. William Orr at Mr. and Mrs. Ewen Chard and Earl, Pattie and Jack Chard were tended the L.D.S. conference at dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Weiser, Idaho last Sunday. Elver Nielsen Friday evening, cele brating Billie Lee Nielsen’s birth Spends Week-end— Miss Dorothy Wadren and John day. Mrs. Harold Fyllingness and Gernhardt, students at the Eastern i iM ¡J ri m i niiiiiiiii i : i : iii linn mil l i t.i:t ri 111 Oregon College o f Education, vis tario. Everett John Faw of Vale and ited at the home of Rev. and Mrs. H. J. Gernhard over the week-end. Lois Mae Jordan of Ontario. Raymond Charles Hild, Jr., and Tempy G. Ham, both of Parma. N E W S OF RECORD Wyatt C. Smith and Haziel Ev elyn Kressly, both of Nyssa. MARttlAUE l i c e n s e s COMPLAINTS, CIRCUIT COURT John Korenlan vs. Roy L. Nolen. Evan Grant Hammer of Payette and Vlvianne Marie Weber of Vale. Damage to property and recovery on lease. $1,435.50. James Carl Richardson and Eve Clarence C. Thiessen vs. G. E. lyn RhodelL Folger, both of On Stanfield. Recovery on note. $1.500. SM OKE BUT D AM AG E NO FIRE? That is the kind of damage taken care of by an “ Extended Coverage Endorsement” Frank T. Morgan il mi h ¡ui I il hi I h im I iiiumi un I mum: See Us For Your To The Voters Of Malheur County. Requirements Of Robert L. ‘Bob’ Davis H U B A M CLOVER ALFALFA Unopposed Candidate on the Democratic Ticket for the office of RED CLOVER PASTU RE M ALH EU R C O U N TY SHERIFF FRIDAY, M A Y 21 L A W N SEED I have had several years of law enforcement experience. I promise, if elected, to devote my undivided attention to the administration of the office. I will serve the county faithfully and well. I will extend courtesy to all and partiality to none. nri" i mrwrwui n inwntwww m m hwith h h rr«i rrw rrn ni'i h hi mti iiti 1 uï un GRASSES LAD1NO Dessert Seed Company Nyssa, Oregon Phone 132 m i tm n mu ii f U. S. A rm y and U. S. A ir Force WILSON BUILDING ONTARIO, OREGON W e Have Been Appointed Dealers For General Electric Appliances The Man Who Robs Himself. “ POOR PAY” -Costs The Man Who Does Not Pay-The Most The man who takes on a $10 or $10,000 obligation today— pays promptly when due— can enjoy credit convenience— again and again. And his good name extends his credit— multiplies it. His emergencies are taken care of— before they happen. But the man who does not pay—shackles himself— weakens his self-respect— kills his big chance when he needs it most. Even for purely selfish reasons— pay up and keep your credit g o o d ! Pioneer Service County Credit Board The Merchants’ Own Organization in Nyssa and surrounding territory. The Nyssa Elevator Signal Service Gordon’s Drive-In line of General Electric appliances, including refrigerators, Tobler’s Feed and Fuel Hollingsworths’, Inc. Stunz Lumber Co. ranges, water heaters, home laundry equipment, dish washers, Golden Rule Store Gate City Journal Nyssa Lumber Co. disposalls, kitchen cabinets, home freezers and radios as well as Wilson Bros. Dept. Store Brown’s Mercantile, Adrian Nyssa Packing Co. As merchandise becomes available, we will have the complete G eneral Electric Farm Supplies Our Firm Name Will Be Known As Henneman’s OREGON-inAHO-UTAH-NEVADA DIVISION State and Divis. O ffice: I.O.O.F. Bldg.. Bon 471, Eugene. Or. “the beM and cheapest rallretion service in America’* Watch far the green and black handbills with accounts for sale! Listen to Radio Station K3RV days, Fridays and Saturdays at 10:15 a m.; Tuesdays. Thursdays and Sundays at 12:30 p.m. Pioneer Service Credit information Is most valuable. Oregon and Idaho since 1926. Mondays. Wednes 1 1