Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (April 1, 1948)
TH £ NYSSA GATE C ITY JO URNAL, NYSSA, OREGON STUDENTS ARE HOME A T N E W E L L H EIG H T5 from co^ege for spring vacation. TH U RSD AY, A P R IL 1, 1918 I ter on Succor creek. Melvin Pendarvis and Lewis Mitch- children attended a fam ily reunion Mri and L£onard Smith and Shirley Smith visited In Boise [ «11 with the grain drilling. dinner Sunday in Payette at the ---- — and Mrs. Cecil Easter Sunday. j Clark Rookstool has been visiting J. R. Parley home. T h e occasion Smith and family spent Easter o n 1 Mr. and Mrs W E Piercy and his grandmother. Mrs. Lila Mltoh- was honoring Mrs. Garner's newly- N E W E LL H E IG H TS, April 1— Mr. Succor creek and at Nampa. wed sister and her husband. Mr. Arlene spent Easter at the Carl ell, for several days. and Mrs. B ill Kurtz of North Puw- Joyce Kurtz was a dinner guest Piercy home. A surprise birthday party was and Mrs. Mark L. Fahrion o f Los der aie visiting at the M. L. Kurtz Mr. and Mrs. John Chamberlain given for Mrs. I'reel Bennett at Angeles. The newlyweds were hav- at the Moore home in Adrian Sun- home. day. T t i 'T L eKu” u g h ^ er tfuests her Home Thursday afternoon. The jin * a delayed noneymoon, as Fah- Ellen and Maurice-Judd are home Selma and Dick Stam spent Eas- Mr. ana Mrs Lee Saxton and ' 11011 ■ » 0.1. is attending school in family visited at the Jack Ohristof- Los Angeles. ?er home in Nvssa Sundav after Bob ialbot, Mrs. Jea^e Mr. and Mrs. Fred Babcock and noon. W ounday a lt e r - , charU( and Mrs. Marian Chard, w lk> presented a set of dishes to Mr. and Mrs. Pete Wilson were a f Don Saxton, who is attending Mrs. Bennett. A light lunch was ternoon visitors at the W alter H ll- chool at Oregon state, is visiting is home. served. at the home of his parents. Mr and Mrs. Harry Rataezyk en Anything You Need In Line of Plumbing Tela Okano, son of Hiroto Okano, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Stoker and who has been attending Oregon tertained Easter Sunday. Dinner family are visiting in Utah. — Contact— State college at Corvallis, returned guests were, Mr. and Mrs. Coral Delbert Stevens is absent from home last Friday. Okano, who has Symees of Fruitland, Mr. and Mrs. school because of illness. been taking a pre-med course as Frank Rataezyk. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Roy Mecham was a Monday ev training for a pharmacist, will re Rataezyk and Mr. and Mrs. M. A. ening dinner guest at the home turn to college this fall when fur Rataezyk and Wallace. of Shirley Smith. NYSSA, OREGON ther courses will be available. Carroll Matthews has gone to Word has been received that Mr. GIRL IS HONORED W e Guarantee Our Work For One Year Gooding, Kansas to continue his and Mrs. Neal Holmes o f Caldwell work with the C.A.A. He will later A T B IR T H D A Y P A R T Y Free Estimates— Phene 196-J are parents of a 10-pound boy, go to Hills City, Kansas, Robert, born March 23. Mrs. H ol Elaine Glenn of Boise visited at U PPE R SUNSET, April 1— Mr. the Cecil Smith home the past mes, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. Oeorge Fulkam and Mr. Otto, W olfe, was a former resident week. and Mrs. Deb G arner were Boise , Mrs. Dorothy Slippy is home from o f the valley j>arts stay bright » ■ Filiti Sticks tight Mr. and Mrs. Phil M itchell were hoppers Thursday. Portland, where her daughter, Car Mr. and Mrs. Ray Porter and ol, Is taking treatment at a hos hosts at the annual Easter dinned .■hildren shopped in Payette T h u n - , and egg hunt for the Mitchell, pital. day Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Smith were Douglas and Knowles families. Reva Rookstool attended a birth Cilnt Snyder, Clarence Reed, and in Boise on business Friday. day party at the home of Carol Pete W ilson have their carrots Mrs. W W. Smith has returned Whitaker in honor o f Bonnie King's home after a visit with her grand planted. Mrs. Burrel Landreth and her birthday Friday evening. Dancing daughter and sister in Nyssa, a-as enjoyed. Mrs. Wayne Berrett A den meeting was held by the * ° n ' Lloyd Landreth, both of Ma entertained at a pink and blue Cub Scouts Tuesday night in A d dras, arrived last Wednesday in shower honoring Mrs. Harold C al rian. Many cubs and their parents Nyssa. Mrs. Landreth, who has lahan Friday evening. Ten guests been visiting at the Charles Lan attended. were present. dreth home. Mrs. Landreth was a Mr. and Mrs. Ray Porter and dinner guest Thursday at the home TAXPAYERS T A LK o f her brother, Grover Cooper. children spent Easter at New Plym outh. SCHOOL PROBLEMS Mr. and Mrs. Landreth are former Mr. and Mrs. R oy Rookstool and A cleansing agent in RPM residents of the valley "RPM” clings to hot upper Motor Oil scrubs carbon, gum Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ohrltton fam ily attended a dinner at the SUNSET V A LLE Y , April 1—A sec J. C. Rookstool home near Parma and son, and Miss Betty Cannon cylinder walls, prptects against — keeps engine insides shiny. ond meeting of all taxpayers Is to Easter. and Robert Cannon drove to Moun be held Friday evening, at 8 p.m. Lois G am er and R eva Rookstool ! excessive wear. April 2 at the Owyhee schoolhouse tain Home, Idaho for Easter, were hostesses at a party at the Mrs. Veva Castle o f Ontario ♦ Wear kept slight for the purpose o f deciding on the Vem G am er home Monday evening new program necessary to conform .-pent Sunday at the home of her in honor of Bonnie K ing, who is daughter, Mrs. Clifford Wolfe. Takes Better Care to hte new state standards, and moving from Nyssa soon. Games Jesse G regg made a trip to Y ak i also to discuss consolidation. The were played. A t the close o f the . o f Your Car chool b:ard met with Lee R. ma, returning Friday. tarty a lunch o f cheese sandwich- I Mr. and Mrs. Vern G am er at Coeke, Nampa architect, and will is, cake, ice cream and punch was •eport on that meeting also. Every tended a turkey supper given by erved to 13 guests. T h e guests were one is invited to attend this meet the L.D.S. first ward. Proceeds are Carol Young. Bonnie Mitchell. C ar to go to the fund for curbing in ing. 'd Whitaker, Gene Servoss, Jimmy Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and front of the church. Williams, Junnius Tanner, K ay and Mr. and Mrs. Elver Nielsen, Mr Mrs. Orover Cooper were Mr. and , ___ _ _ Melvin Ballantyne, Betty Jean Mrs. Harold Snyder and Helen Kay, and Mrs- w d lif Berchum, Mr. and trickland and Sylvia Jayo ana Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Pline and ' Mrs- W ilson Winter, Mr. and Mr», the honor guest, Bonnie King. hildren of Melba, Idaho, and Mr. I C lifford Nielsen and Mr. and Mrs Bonnie was presented with two nd Mrs. E. H. Tolm an o f Boise, Clifton Nielsen were guests of Mr "RPM” is "rust-proofed” to ovely gifts from her friends. and Mrs. Emerson Blngaman last who were week-end guests. prevent damage from moisture Saturday night at a pinochle party Jacqueline W ilson was a week Doctor Leaves— that corrodes engines. end guest of Donna McDonald at High prizes were given to Mrs. Doctor EM ward McNamara, who C lifford Nielsen and W illis Ber- arma. has been associated with Dr. L. A. cham. Robert Schweizer, son of Mr. and Maulding since last October, left i Mr. and Mrs. Jack R effett moved Irs. Oce Schweizer, flew from San A S t a n d a r d of C a l i f o r n i a P r o d u c t Wednesday with his fam ily far | to Ontario Wednesday. R effett is Francisco, arriving at Boise last Hanna, Wyoming, where he w ill be rhursday. Schweizer has just -e- taking advanced flying lessons. :n charge of a 15-bed hospital for Mrs. Lila Mitchell was an all-day iurnei after spending one year visitor at the home o f her daugh n Korea, with the army. Mrs. Albert Nothels visited Mrs. ter, Mrs. Harold Rookstool, Thurs * More and more ~ **m George M cKee of Nyssa Thurs day. VV E. SCHIREMAN Mr. and Mrs. Ira G am er and day. people in this area Mr. and Mrs. Neil Dimmick and PHONE 61 are discovering this Mr. and Mrs. Roy Holmes made a trip to Baker Thursday. — SEE— helpful fact! The Owyhee L.D.S. R elief society meeting Tuesday was an all-day FRED B R A U N luilting meeting held at the A d rian Legion hall. For Your Virgil and Lawrence Sheppard ar rived Thursday from Wapato, W i- shington. T hey visited their sister, Plumbing & Heating Mrs. Sid Flanagan, then returned to Washington with Lawrence She Phone 266-W Nyssa ppard’s household goods Saturday. The L.DJS. Gleanor Girls and Free Estimates M Men met with the M.I.A. lead ers Thursday evening at Welser. All Work Guaranteed Plans were made for the new year's work. Mr. and Mrs. Elver Nielsen and sons, and Mr, and Mrs. Clifton Nielsen were dinner guests at the Clifford Nielsen home last Sunday. E. W . PR U Y N The occasion marked the birthday of Clifton Nielsen's daughter, Jill Auto Repairing Marie. Mrs. Mae Bagwell o f Hillsburg, California, is visiting her brothel, Reboring, Valve Grind T A N K PATTER'S FO LLY. II it hot Ora Newgen. . . . it is cold. You nev*r quite Nine 4-H “ Just S o” girls met ing, Lathe work. Parts know. But it gives you hot water, at Caroll Young's home. Although IF you keep it goin g. Hot water both leaders were absent, Ann and accessories this w ay may be very expensive, for House demonstrated the croohet Complete chain stitch, which was the new you always heat too much or too Phone 56-W assignment for the week. Refresh- i little. And it keeps you hopping, H O M E B U IL D IN G ments were served. turning it O N and OFF. W alt H lllis has finished h e lp in g ' SERVICE • PAGE SEVEN a mining company. Dr. McNamara to Nyssaa. He will be assisted in had been associated with the has- the management of the hospital by pltal for a year prior to coming Mrs. McNamara, ^ Prescriptions PRECISION FILLED Owyhee Drug Company PLUMPING G. H. Peirsol Idaho Power Bldg. Brower Plumbing Shop Phone 29-W O u tsid e fo r P ro te c tio n .... In sid e fo r ch eerfu ln ess! N o matter what kind of paint, enamel or varnish you need to brighten up your home — for outside, inside, floors, woodwork or furniture — Pittsburgh Paints will give you the best-looking, langest-lasting and most economical results. am "P1IISR Pittsburgh Paints are enriched with V it a l ized O i l s " to keep paint film live, tough and elastic. In many respects they are better than pre-war quality. C o v e rs Eve ry Surface! | F lo r h id e F o r F lo o rs! Nyssa Lumber Company * |||M While your local Boiao Payette yard is a part of your community. It is also part of a wide-spread organization which hem access to many sources of supply. As a consequence. It is often able to bring you materials and services not always available everywhere: and. thus, fill your requirements more readily and satisfactorily. That’s why so many people have come to realise: " 1 ft Easier Service w hich provides nat only We Have Been Appointed A B U C K IT A DAY. Join the bucket brigade with this model. Lots o f tripe to the basement to keep It goin g, Agents For The and you always have to ge t rid o f the ashes. You'll use as much as a quarter-ton o f coal a month, and Newest Boon To Building all th e needed m aterials but plans and specifications— even the fi n an cin g! Furtherm ore, in coopera tion with local contractors and tradesmen, we are able to expe dite actual construction. T h a t's why COM PLETE h o m e -b u ild in g service is easier to get at Boise Payette f still NOT have constant hot water. You know how many times you've wanted hot water and couldn't get it . . • how many times you've needed hot water and had to wait fo r it . . . G IT Color Kreet Tile These pressed and baked concrete blocks are 7»y/H&vr,SMi A HO/HZ COSTS’ WATER HEATER available in several colors. They can be purch ased by the block or by the foot laid in the wall. N O W 11 ALL th . HOT WATER YOU NEED These blocks are tapered so as to allow the mortar to seal the cracks. Each block is 3'/^ by 8 ' More Than Just A Lumber Yard! Although Boise Payette Lumber Com pany is what its name Implies — and its major function Is the retail distribution of building materials and paint — It serves your community In many other ways. For Instance, w e have helped literally thousands of folks In the Intermountain region to build— and finance— homes of their own. Chances are that one, or more, of your neighbors built his home with the counsel and aid of Boise Payette. Then, too, Boise Payette yards are equipped to provide other valuable serv ices, sudh as: Devoe Paints, Truscon Prod ucts, 4-Square Farm Building Service, Budget-Building Terms, Rental Powered Concrete Mixers and M any Other Farm and Home Needs. A G E N E R A L ^ E L E C T R IC AUTOMATIC a ----- - to GET at Boise Payettel" Remember .... It's Easier to GET . . . . at by 12 inches. fo r EVERY HOUSEHOLD USE. T W . ' « a m od.l lo fit your rtoodi ond your budget. SEE THEM A T O U R PLAN T Id e al G a s £r A p p lian ce North Fir»t Street O. L. G A L L O W A Y , Mgr. NYSSA. OREGON |