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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Jan. 22, 1948)
Classified THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, NYSSA, OREGON THURSDAY, JANUARY 22, 1948 RAGE THREE 15J tic. I WANTED— Farm work or common made a business trip to Boise Mon- quarters are completed on tne appeared on the hobby program. Co., phone 118-W. labor. Mervin Bennett. Wilson ap Hurst farm. Mr. Halloway which is broadcast over KDBH each FOR SAE— New Westinghouse el artment, or write general delivery. dayMr. and Mrs. Bud Mootz had is Lynn employed by D. L Hurst. Saturday morhtng. Miss Poulson ectric ranges, three models. Ostrom Nyssa. 23J2xp. at the country club Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Hall displayed her sewing, and music Bros. Appliance. Co., phone 118-W. WANTED— Custom plowing, con dinner as guests of Mike O Leary. Others 15Jtfc. tact Earl L. Leach at Towne's gar present were Betty Mootz and Lloyd ani children of Apple Valley were ability, Garry tokl of his enormous callers m the Willard and David match book collection. 22J2xp. Seuell and friend. FOR SALE— Electric wiring and age. Hall. Sr., homes Sunday. A saddle chib was organized here The program ls sponsored by three of all kinds at your Wes W ANTED- To rent 2 bedroom Tuesday evening. Members decided A potluck suppei »as served at . take RATES. Two cents per worn for each Issue. Alter one montn one supplies associations for the house or apartment. Fhone 153-W tinghouse dealer’s. Ostrom Bros. hat dues were to be $2.50 a year the William Toorr.b home Satur L D 8. primary church. are districts 15J2xp cent per word. Minimum, cash in advance, is 30c. f $5 per family, if children were day eevning honoring Mrs. Reuben yt Boise, Nampa They Appliance Co., phone Ils-W. 15Jtfc. and Welser 14 and $1 for children over Graham on her birthday. Guests Mrs. Pearl Ballantyne of stakes. Nyssa, Tailoring and alter aider hat age. Harriet Ellibce was el were Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Piercy Welser .«take primary president, FOR SALE— Used Thor washing WANTED— has ations. Mildred Phillips. 5 blocks ected secretary. The shirts are to macl-ne, late model in perfect con north Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Gra Children from her stake perform on First street, between Sec ic purple and gold. A member and dition. Phone 54-M. 15J2xp. ter Chevrolet coupe; 1 Ottowa drag- every third Saturday. Appearing on For Sale not especially have to own ham. saw, 3 miles north. 1 mile west, FOR SALE—Monarch wood and coal ond and First. Phone 261-W. 8J3xc. i oes horse Beity Jean Toomb entertained at he same program were Neil Ar as there will be various FOR SALE— Or trade for stock ••à mile north on Gem avenue, in range with colls tor hot water. Used WANTED— Farm to rent, custom "tlvities such as outdoor a party Sunday evening for a few nold, Clara Goates, Terry Ektger break- friends. and Benny Hull of Parma; and Ga tractor work. Would work by month asts and card parties. J. D. Crawler, 1947 model, used 30 basement house. Elmer Stradley. very little. Sell reasonable. Harry or year. Phone 01-R4, Tyrus Wash New officers of the Nu-Acres Mr. and Mrs William Toomb and ry Blacker of Ontario. Children hours, inquire at Hollingsworth’s. 22J2xp. Masto, five miles south of Adrian. burn. 5 miles south on Adrian high Trange were installed Thursday Di.kie were in Nampa on business vjlth outstanding ability who are 22J3xp. FOR SALE— Norge electric range, enrolled in the L.DS. ward primary 8J4xp. light at the regular meeting as Friday. 15J’2xp. way. contact Mrs. Ballantyne, if The babv daughter of Mr. and FOR SAE— 1 Holstein heifer, hea good condition, 4 burner with large FOR SALE—It’s time to order those WANTED — Plumbing. Radiant, o'lows: Allen Curtis, master: Frank Mrs. Jam i\ Peterson is quite HI. could they desire to be on the radio. vy springer, phone 013-J2, Jake aven. E. R. Brandt, North First and sturdy Christie's New Hampshire steam and hot water heating. Free N'edbalek. overseer; Frankie Curtis, Mr and Mrs Wesley Piercy at- See FTed Braun, across eoturer: Rodger Jenkins, steward; tened to business in Boise Satur Holland Youth Arrives— Groot, Alberta avenue. 22Jlxc. Beech. 22J2xp. red chicks for early fryers to help estimates. street from Nyssa Funeral home. «o Ellibee. assistant steward; Em- day. Cor Laan of Hemme province, 30Otfc. na Orcutt, Chaplin; Rowena Mar Scoutmaster Frank Pike, Assist Gelderland FARMS FOR SALE!! FOR SALE— 1940 Ford deluxe se- solve your meat problems. Orders in Holland is visiting in. treasurer; Martha Nedbalek, 235 acres, mostly bottom land, old dan, good tires, 1946 motor, phone are being taken now for early chick WANTED— To buy anything ir. ecretory: Henry Orcutt. gatekeeper; ant Scoutmaster Arlan Haroldson at the John Timmerman home in Committeeman Leslie Stoker Newell Heights. Mr. Laan ls con water right, 2 houses, flowing well, 1-J1 Parma, Ed Lamb. 22Jlxp. deliveries at the Lemon hatchery beef or veal. Also uuy uunger cow. Harriet Elllibee, Flora and EJthel and took the Owyhee ward Scouts to sidering remaining in this country. This is a good combination livestock ! — ------------------------ or will handle for hide tnd offall Ourrin^ton, lady assistant steward, in Nyssa, phone 111-J. 8Jtfc. dam for an overnight trip and row Crop farm, $10,000 down,' FOR SALE— Nesco electric roaster Phone 31M or 011J1. 22Atlc rwo other officers were not pres Owyhee Saturday, returning home Sunday Attend Concert— balance easy terms, 5 per cent in-1 and stand. E. P. Bingaman, on FOR SALE— 10 acres one mile west ent, but will be installed at the morning. Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Lawrence and terest- 22J2xp. of town. Good buy. See Frank T. MISCELLANEOUS lext meeting. Mr. and Mrs. Vern Chadwick were 80 acres, real level land, old paid i Dale Garrison place. 8Jtfc. MISCETLANFOUS— Have excellent NYSSA CHILDREN ON RADIO in Boise Friday to attend the violin up water right, fair house, hot wa FOR SALE— Help-Ur-Self laundry, Morgan. Two Nyssa children. Miss Vella concert of the Boise concert series. ter heater, nice orchard, large cow doing good business. tenant for farm. Prefers row crop PARTIES HELD BY 15Jtfc. FOR SALE— New crop of red beans, Dee Poulson, and Garry Bybee. bam, 54 acres row crop land, bal land. See Frank T. Morgan. 15Jtfc. COLUMBIA FOLK fine quality, $12 per 100 lb. bag. ance pasture. $14,000, easy terms. FOR RENT— 120-acre farm, 30 100 acres, 62 irigable, nice small acres row crop, cash rent. Call at $7.50 per bushel. One mile east of MISCELLANEOUS— Heating, in COLUMBIA AVENUE. Jan. 22—Mrs. of heating systems, coal house with electric hot water heat Help-Ur-Self laundry. E. W. PRUYN 15Jtfc. Owyhee junction. A.D.Moses. lJ5xp stallation Groot entertained at lunch Don M. Graham or oil. Also servicing and repair. Dick er, cow barn, granary. A lot of and cards Friday afternoon in ob this farm is good spud or beet FOR SALE— Two hay derricks. See FOR SALE— Very good 5-room Phone 169-W; after 6 p.m. 289-R. servance of her husband’s birth Auto Repairing 15Jtfc. day. ground. $9,000, easy terms. 15J2xp house with bath and basement. Two Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Insurance Agency 46 acres on highway, small shack, Bemaid Frost. extra rooms finished in basement. MISCELLANEOUS— Roofing: re Pieter Tensen and Dick, Mr. and Reboring, Valve Grind nice family orchard. This is a cheap FOR SALE! Bring your sacks and completely furnished with very nice pair and plaster work, guaranteed, Mrs. Jake Groot of Arcadia, Mr. place for some one, $4600. and Mrs. Gerrtt Groot of Apple Val your eating potatoes, $1.50 per fUrnjture and kitchen equipment. phone 169-W; evenings, 289-R. We have three new homes for get Fire and Automobile ing, Lathe work. Parts 15Jtfc. ley and Mr. and Mrs. John Broad. bag. L. J. Josephson and Son ware 100 by 117 comer location. Immedi sale that are very nice. Priced from house, Mr. and Mrs. Gerrit Stam and Payette, Idaho. 15Jtfc. $7,250, up. and accessories ate possession. Newly decorated. This MISCELLANEOUS— See us for and Mrs. John Timmerman of Insurance One small home, 4 rooms at $2- FOR SALE—Apples, delicious, romes is an excellent buy. See Bernard quick repair service on all makes Mr. Newell Heights were dinner guests 700. One at $3200. washing machines. We also ser Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Z David Phone 56-W and winesaps, 50c per bushel and E&stman. Real estate — Insurance. of Rentals Bonds E. L. JAMISON vice, clean and repair all makes of son of Parma. up. 1% miles east of Gay way cor Phone 64. Utfc. Real Estate 252 South 4th St. ner. Eldd Mess. oil heaters and burners. Free pick Pieter Tensen attended a meeting I 8J3xp. Office in home south of and delivery service. Phone in Ontario Thursday. FOR SALE— Good house with bath, up International Store. 162-R. Lowe's Home Appliance Re Klaas Stam of Oregon Trail and FDR SALE— Round Oak white en electric hot water tank, nice lawn, pair Phone 65-J shop. 6Ntfc. Mr, and Mrs. Dick Groot called at amel coal and wood range with 75 by 119 comer lot. Bernard East the Jake Qroot home in Arcadia reservoir. Mrs. D. L. Benedict, 2 >4 man. FOR SALE— H-IHC tractor, good miles lSDtlc. MISCELLANEOUS - Hel?-Ur-Selt. Wednesday afternoon. on Ontario highway. 15J2xp. condition. 1 6-row IHC beet cul custom and wet wash. White Swan Mr. and Mrs. Joe Stam of Nyssa tivator, nearly new; 6-row Bo FOR SALE— Jacuzzi shallow water FOR SALE— Autocrat circulator laundry. Soft water. R. M. Souther •ailed on friends in this community heatér. Inquire Malheur Home Tele wer sidedresser, new; 6-row s it-! land, prop. Phone 13-J. 7Atfc. ; C1 k beet T S thinner; v «—. / i W-Uich o system, like new, Ad- phone Company, Nyssa. Thursday afternoon. 25Dtfc. down iO-foot box 20, $75. N Robert 1W2xp. Jake van Twisk returned J. D. disc, nearly new; Leinke beat- | J_______ ;__ . ____ MISCELLANEDUS— Available now Mrs. recently from Boise, where er. All this equipment is in ex- ! FOR SAIE— SURGE milking ma- FDR SALE Large oil heater, good Electrolux cleaners and air puri- home visiting friends. lo root copper tubing fjers sales and service. Ed A. An- -he Mr. had and been cellent condition. 1939 Ford truck, ! chine, SURGE water heaters, condition, Mrs. Pieter Tensen and new tires. Will sell separately. Write I SURGE electric fencers, SURGE and fittings. Phone 10-R or 62-J. Versori, route 3, Welser, Idaho. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Groot were 188tfc. Phone 567-J4. 26Jtfc. guests at a luncheon Melvin Beck, box 183, or phone 157- f milk coolers. Davenport and Jacobs, and card par R, Kimberly, Idaho. 22J2xp. hh River St., Payette, Id alio, phone FDR SALE— I ’A acres. Close In. MISCELLANEOUS— Prompt and ty at the home of Mr. and Mrs. FDR SALE— Child’s new white 0298~J1-_____________________15J3xc. Unimproved. $1000. 214 acres on free pick-up or your dead, crlppied Jake Groot of Arcadia Sunday af majorette boots, size 814. Phone 1 f o r SALE— Player piano, call highway, close In, small house, or sick livestock. Calls received be ternoon. On Monday Mrs. Groot for Mr. and Mrs. Joe 289-R. 22J2xp.1 07-R5, or write Mrs. M. C. Zamora, $3000. Bernard Eastrman. 230tfc. fore 9 o’clock are picked up by entertained Dlrkson of Richland. Mr. and Mrs. 15J2XC. route 1, Nyssa. noon. Efficient drivers. Call col FDR SALE— Phone 144-J or write FOR SALE— Westinghouse electric 1 . _ '__ _ Van Zelf and family, Mr. and Payette 0180-J3 or 155, or Nvs- Bill range $25. Also Norge oil heater $25. FOR SALE— Used Dexter washer, Watts Motor Co., Nyssa. Ore., for lect 102-W. Mrs. John van Zelf and family, Idaho Animal Products Mrs. Clifford C. Patterson. Phone in good condition. Second house in Willys parts, motors, extra equip Company. and Mrs. Nick van Zelf and 5Jtfc. Mr. 22J3xp. Kelly row. on N. 6th street. Orant ment, jeeps, station wagons, pickup family, Mrs. Kris van Zelf and 40-R. 15J2xp. trucks, tires, tubes, batteries. 28Atfc. MISCELLANEOUS— Need money? Mrs. Vd Winkle, all of Nyssa. FOR SAIE— 1940 DS-35 two-ton Jones. on farms for refinancing, International truck, two-speed axle, FOR SALE— Large modern base FOR SALE;— 1942 Ford jeep, new, Loans building. Improvements, b u y i n g . KINGMAN COUPLE’S beet bed, good condition, $1090. ment house. Good buy. Phone 128-M permanent top. First class condi- Long term. low Interest, see Ber Owyhee Track and Implement Co- on Saturday or write Mrs. M. Con- DAUGHTER IS ILL $875. Powell Service Garage. nard Eastman, phone 64, Nyssa. phone 83-J. . 22J2XC. nelly, Nyssa. 15J2xp.. 27Ntfc. 3Atfc. KINGMAN KOLONY, Jan. 22— Mr. FOR SALE— Straw. Kenneth Mc r,?R SÜÍíE7¡ Pi,a n0 ï . . * “ ** co"~ 1 FDR SALE;— Several houses for MISCELLANEOUS— Duplicate car and Mrs. Lynn Hurst received word (I; Donald, 2 miles west, '4 mile south dition. $90. Also large kitchen cabi - 1 buys. See Frank and clylnder lock keys made. Wes FYiday that their daughter, Mrs. Owyhee Junction. 22J2xp. net. like new. Phone 128-M on Sat T. Morgan. 16Jtfc Ebriest Weeks, is improving from tern Auto Store. 250tfc. severe case of pneumonia. Mrs. urday or write Mrs. M. Connelly, FDR gALE— One team horses, Nyssa. 15J’2xp. FOR SALE— 200 feet frontage, 150 CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING a Weeks receiving medical treat smooth mouth, gentle In harness; feet deep, south of Polar Cold Stor Stock received Monday. Tuesday, ment at is the Mercy hospital in 1 two-way John Deere horse plow; FOR SALE— New Westinghouse re age, WEST FROM ONTARIO TO $2400. Bernard Eastman. llStf. Wednesday and Thursday, 8 a. m. Rose burg. 1 Oliver corn cultivator; 1 1933 Mas- frigerators. Ostrom Bros. Appliance NYSSA HIGHWAY Mr. and Mrs. David W. Hall, Sr., to 6 p. m. and Friday 8 a. m. to 12. FOR SALE— Imperial wallpaper. No stock received on Sunday. and Dennis Hall were Sunday din Guaranteed to be washable and Beef, sheep and pork. Flee delivery ner guests in tiie Bill Keever home We have two new Kiest 1948 model 2-row non-fading for three years. Good to Polar locker plant. in Ontario. stock on hand. Stunz Lumber com One Walter Pinkston and Leonard mile west on Alberta avenue pany. 26Jtfc. Smith attended the sale in Marslng Phone 05R1 Friday. ! FOR SALIC—Automobile Insurance. JAKE FISCHER Mrs. W. W. Smith was a guest Public Liability. Property Damage. in the Walter Pinkston home Wed Fire. Theft and Collision. Placed Legal Advertising nesday niglht. for sale here. One ha* the extended rinck in the best companies at lowest Miss Ardis Hurst accompanied NOTICE OF SEASONAL passible rates. Bernard Eastman. for use in heavy »oil. Mrs. Threlma Elliot and son, Don, DETERMINATION 14FtfC. Notice is hereby given that the of Adrian to Botse Saturday. Mrs. H. P. Ritter of Halfway, employer listed below has been de These machines have many improvements LOST termined to be a seasonal employer Oregon is a guest at the home of over last year’s model. Due to material short her daughter, Mrs. Henry Reuter, the meaning of Section 126- DENTISTS LOST— Man’s billfold, in business within PHYSICIANS this week ages, the Kiest Beet Harvester Co. at Hooper, 707 O.C.L.A Any interested party section. Jewel A. Brown. Leave at may request a hearing before the Mr. and Mrs. Dale Ashcraft at Utah is building these lifter-loaders by order. Nyssa Tavern. tended a card party in the Glen Commission within ten days after SARAZIN CLINIC DR. C. M. TYLER Brown home in Adrian Wednesday They also build the four-row bell topper, which final publication of this notice. LOST— Team »r roached mane The “off-season" (in calendar evening. Dr. J. J. Sarazin Wilson Building . brown mares Weight about 1500. salvages the tops, and the four and two-row weeks) of each seasonal employer Wayne Hg lloway and family mov 165-J, Nyssa Dr. K E. Kerby Office Phone Notify Dixie Kinkade, box 762, Nys in ed from Caldwell to the Kreager beaters. To insure delivery, give us your order Malheur county for The calendar hours from 9 to 5 except sa. Oregon. 15J2xp. year 1948 is as stated below : Physician and Surgeons house Saturday, Where they are Saturdays, 9 to 12. now. The Bndgford Company 27-47 and temporarily housed until permanent For Rent See these Kiest lifter loaders at L. A. Mauldin?. M. D. 14-26. Physician and Surgeon OREGON UNEMPLOYMENT J. R. CUNDALL FOR CASH RENT— 100 acres, COMPENSATION COMMISSION Phone 37 pump irrigation, house, dairy barn, Dentist Dated and first published this OR. C.W. CRAVES cows and dairy equipment includ Hours’ 10 to 12 and 1 to 5 Phone 56-J ed. A-grade set up on dairy, row 22 day of January, 1948. Daily—Except Sunday Sarazin Clinic Date of last publication 29th crop. See Dean Fife, black house, Optometri»t OREGON 1 mile north on Third street, Nyssa. day of January, 1948. JEWELRY STORES NYSSA 15J2xp. Eyes Examined FDR RENT—20 acres of land. Lloyd NU-ACRES FOLK OPTOMETRISTS PAULUS FORM SADDLE CLUB Lewis. 25Dtfc. JEWELRY STORE Phone 720 West Side of Vale Union Pacific Time Inspector DR. J. A. MCFALL FOR RENT— Polish your own NU-ACRES. Jan. 22— Mr. and Mrs. floor». Rent our high-speed pol Julius JEWEDRY — DIAMONDS DR. JOHN EASLY Field of New Plymouth have —Kiest Beet Harvester dealers— 718 Arthur St. ishing equipment. Eteslly handled W AT’HKS the Harry Wood farm and by »omen. Nyssa Lumber company. rented —Lincoln Weldealer*— Main Street »- Second »rill move about the first of the 3 A tic. month. Caldwell, Idaho Mrs. Allen Curtis spent several WYCKOFF WANTED days in Boise with her daughter, JEWELRY STORE Mildred Pettit. WANTED— General sewing to be 1 Official Time Inspector for Mr. and Mrs. Henry Orcutt and ' done at my home. Mrs. Eh’erett family Union Pacific had Sunday dinner with Shinn, between 6th and 7th streets Mr. and Mrs. Golden Leavitt of ONTARIO OREGON on Locust. 22J2xp. Nyssa. Phone 21, Ontario, Ore Mrs. Thomas Nedbalek returned WANTED— 80 acres of row «op home LODGES a three-weeks stay in land to farm. Phone 014-R1. D. At- Kansas from GRAVE MARKERS agl and Nebraska 22J3«p Nys*a Post No. 79 For grave markers and Visitors in the Dwight Durring- ton home the past week were Mr American Legion and Mrs William Butcher and R Meets lst~& 3rd°Thurs. monuments write or see Alford of Riverside, California. The Free Pick Up Dwight Dumngton family and house Project Office, 8 p. m. R* A. BENTLEY guests visited Mr and Mrs. Everett W e IHave A Few Lockers All Veterans Welcome | Haines, Oregon Of Your Hlghbarger in Star Wednesday. Better Values Mf and Mrs. Leo Ellibee were in Payette and Oaldwell Thursday on Gate City Lodge Dead and Worthless business. Lower Prices No. 214 Sunday dinner guests in the Flay HAY BUYER Animals Butcher home at Wilder were Mr I.O.O.F. A vailab le Now and Mrs. Dwight Durrirgton and Meets every Monday family. Mr and Mrs. William But Call Collect W. F. JAHN cher. Mr and Mrs Paul Butcher night, 8:30. Dealer in hay and grain Ttiere Ls a Phone Near You of Notus and R Alford. South First Street The regular pinochle party was Third at Good Ave. Nyssa 100 Parma 25 held Saturday night. New mem bers were Mr. and Mrs. Laurance Golden Rule Lodge CHIROPRACTORS Ontario 53 Hawley High score was won by No. 147, A.F. & A.M. Lavuna Orasmirk and Leo Ellibee ’’We Haul tha Day You Cair Oldh am, D. C7 and low by Ara Mae Preston and Meetings Second Mon Edwin C h iro practic P h n ie la n Bud Mootz. Refreshments were ser Ida-Ore Rendering Co. day of month, 8 p. m. Phniotherapv - Elec tro-Therapy —PHONE 124-W— ved by the haste, Mr. and Mrs. George Orastmck and Mr. and Mrs All Masons Invited i BOX 11*—TEX. 171-W—NYSSA fiy9sa, Oregon Henry Orcutt. Mr and Mrs. Lawrence H t t i l / " l . U— k/lneirin U n n n n H U7 Ico n a n . ! Advertising j j i Eagles Dance Saturday, Jan. 24 Mae Russell’s Orchestra Beet Growers Lifter Loaders H AN SEN ’S BLACKSM ITH SHOP Farmers Attention Polair Cold Storage -, JLü.jUfc* Professional And Business Directory