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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 13, 1947)
PAfîR RIGHT TH E N YSSA G ATE C IT Y JOURNAL, NYSSA, OREGON Sonai Hôtes TH U R S D A Y , NO VEM BER 13, 1947 ■ and U a! present president of the idem, told of the local parent-teach- Mrs. Mauldlng visited relative*, by. Montana «pent th « week-end turned from Portland, where she ! Olen^r Girls association. Mr. Tur- er organization and program. Mrs , They returned to Nyssa the first ' at th t George N. Bear home The received a diploma from the Oliver iner attendeed Ontario schools, and Alvin Nye, recreational director of of the week. men are brothers. and Thompson Behoof o f Floral 'spent 3'* years in the U. S. navy, the Nyssa summer playground, Designing. 8— ' mast his time being spent on the Here from Baker— spake on "Recreational Programs". N YSSA Y O U T H WEDS Idestio.ver UoS Brown. He took part Mr. and Mrs. Jess Thompson of Visiting Relatives— T h e mothers met following the Baker spent several days at the Mrs. Joy Ray o f Provo, Utah Attend Utah Funeral— Dale M. Olenn and Elaine Cruze »“ 12 major battles. A fter a recep- Mr. and Mrs. W ilford Bybee and of Ja ksonvllle, Florida were mar- 0 cn which will be held in their tea hour to make plans for a hot home o f Mr. and Mrs. George la visiting her sister, Mrs. Albert Coleman, and other relatives here Mr. and Mrs. Leslie W. Stoker and ried in Waycrass, Georgia October honor at the L.D.3. church here lunch program. Mrs Levi Hammon Mitchell. They returned to Baker their families returned Monday 31 . the ctuple will make their home was appointed chairman of the hot Tuesday evening. Receives Floral Diploma— ! from Utah, where they attended the Mrs. Glenn, who graduated from in Nyssa. lunch program. Mrs. Opal King of the Ritzie funeral of Arthur Weston, father Jacksonville Junior college In 1945, —S— _____ House Condemned— The room mothers entertaining is the daughter of Clarence Cruze G AR D E N CLUB M EETS A one-room house owned by S. B. Dress and Floral shoppe has re- I o f Mrs. Bybee and Mrs. Stoker. were Mis. Vaughn Stringer, Mrs. of Ocala, Florida. The A.N.K. Garden club members Pappy" Davis caught fire three Merlin Sorenson, Mrs. Levi Hamm- Dale Olenn Is the son of Mr. and were entertained Tuesday at the lines Saturday because o f a faulty on, Mrs. Parley Fiek, Mrs. Gilber Mrs. Hugh Glenn of Nyssa. He was home of Mrs. J. P Duniway. Dur- ,ue. It was condemned by the city Kiinkenbe: g and Mrs. Vem But gractuated from Adrian high school i lng the business meeting, a dis is a dwelling place. ler. Mrs. Arthur Cook assisted U in 1946 He served three years In the cussion was held on roadside beau- serving refreshments. U.S. navy before his discharge, Oc- j tification. Mrs. Dennis Patch had ham ben To Meet— tober 9. I charge of the program on "W here __________ - 8 - The regular bi-monthly meeting N A N N E T T E BYBEE HONORED Mr. and Mrs. Olenn plan on mak- ! Did Your Garden Grow?” , giving t the Associated Chambers of Miss Nannette Bybee, daughta lng their home here. ' the history of gardens, and the 'otnmerce of Eastern Oregon and of Mr. and Mrs. Q O. Bybeee, wa. - . ori gi nal home o f present garden Southwestern Idaho will be held honored Monday afternoon when 3t ENG AGEM ENT T O LD I flowers n the Hotel Owyhee In Boise Nov- of her friends met at her home U. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Bair a n - ; Mrs. Duniway served lunch fol- •mber 17 at 7 p. m. T h e speaker celebration of her 13th birthday nounce the engagement of their lowing the meeting. The tables will be Robert L. Hammersley of Mrs. Myrtle Bartholoma o f Nyssa Moves were taken of the group Jolse, who will speak on phases of daughter, Joyce Nell, to John L. i were centered with an arrangement Various competitive games were announces the engagement o f her of red and white carnations. Red, Turner of Nyssa. son of Mrs. Mable :ommercial and Industrial research Brooks of Moravia, New York. The white, and blue cloths were used daughter, Dorothy June, to Don played. Also a talent scout pro and planning as it affects the* gram was given. The cake was Hardinbrook of Boise. Mr. Hardin- on the tables. marriage will take place in the Salt lower Snake river valley. The December meeting will be jrook is a son of Rev. and Mrs. three-tier, with blue candles on Lake temple November 19 In the pink and white frost foam. N ann Orin Hardinbrook o f the First held at 4he home of Mrs. M. L. presence erf many of the brides Go on Trip— relatives. Joyce Is the first grand Judd of Newell Heights. A g ill Church o f Christ of Boise. They ette received many lovely gifts. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Herriman are to be married in January. exchange will be held. —« - child of Mrs. Mary Jane Parklus eft Wednesday for Tw in Falls to L 'L L IA N N E W B Y HONORED to be married. Joyce attended - 8 - attend the funeral o f a relative, Mrs. Lillian Newby, former Nyssa 200 A T T E N D S O C IA L schools In Davis county, Utah prior The hall was decorated with ih e y returned to Boise, where Mr. resident, was honored on her birth The amusement hall o f the L.D.S. arious Hallowe’en cut-outs. Large to coming to Nyssa, where she has Herriman Is attending a Ford meet- day when 12 Of her trends me second ward, was the scene of fun been active In tlie student body and baskets o f apples and popcorn balls ng today. Girls league. She has been the and gaiety recently when 200 per were served as refreshments. The Friday at the home of Mrs. Arvllla owenson, fo r the occasion. T h e lad sons attended the "m isfit” costume secretary of the L.D.S. Sunday activity counselors, LeRoy Bair and E & W Q U AD RIG A ies sewed and visited Refreshments Ontario Man In Accident— school here for the past three years, • social sponsored by the Mutuals Mrs. Lamont Fife, were in charge. Howard Bybee, Ontario farmer, were served by Arvllla Swensen Don Fife, dressed in a large clow lad eight stitches taken in his left and Selam Poulsen Mrs. Newby, ,ult, was master o f ceremonies. an honorary member o f the Nyssa hand, resulting from an accident Community singing under the di Women’s Birthday club, receved a caused by a truck side-swiping his rection of Mr. Sherman was enjoyed rar Sunday morning. He was re lovely gift. by the group. You bought Quadriga by eased from the hospital after treat — S— ______ Program numbers were as follows: ment. the yard— now buy S T U D Y CLUB MEETS Vocal solos, Mrs. Laurence Cleverly; T h e St. Thomas Study club met pantomime songs and comedy, Car- Quadriga in a shirt. Go to Portland— M onoay night at the home o f M r :ene Jones and Betty Lorraine F ife; Mr. and Mrs. Gordon R ay and and Mrs. Herman Towne. The group rowboy trio, two numbers with gui Mr. and Mrs. Grant Jones returned will meet Monday evening at the tar accompaniment, C liff Wright, Wednesday from a trip to Portland, Eddie Powell home. Sisters o f the James and Charles Petterson, and where they attended a growers 1946 Plymouth 5-passenger club coupe. St-Francis academy of Baker are reading by Carol Flinders. Various convention at the Multnomah hotel. expected to meet with the group. contest games such as a couple 1938 Chevrolet four-door sedan. - - eating a string to see who could Has Guest— 1935 Plymouth coupe. get the marshmallow In the m id E N T E R T A IN S W IT H SH O W ER Mrs. Lillian Newby o f Homed a 1« Mrs. Charles Steffens entertained 1940 Dodge pick-up. dle: doughnut eating, and debate was a house guest for the past at a surprse bridal shower fo r Mrs. on long and short skirts. week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T h e climax of the evening was John M iller (Valm a Fox) in her George Poulson. apartment Wednesday evening. The the grand march, led by Bishop and Mrs. Dean F ife o f the first ward, evening was spent In hemming Attends Utah Funeral— and Bishop and Mrs. rfArvel Child towels fo r the guest o f honor. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Larson, of the second ward. The judges Refreshments were served by the Mrs. Florence Larson and Mrs. Ray hostess, follow ing the opening of chose as most courageous costumes, Weatherspoon have returned from "Peewee", Freddie Mitchell; Gary gilts by Mrs. Miller. Utah, where they attended the “ 3— Bybee as a Scottish lass, and "Miss funeral of their grandmother, who H A V E D IN N E R G UESTS Bybee the Flapper" by W ilford was 91 years old. Mr. and Mrs. Viibert Kessler were Bybee. Other outtanding costumes Sunday dinner guests at the home were pirate and his lady, displayed Nursing Home Notes— by Dennis F ife and partner, and of Mr. and Mrs. Sherman P. Bybee. Children were bam at the Nyssa V IS IT TH E F A N C Y W O R K AN D Popeye, Wimpy ,and Olive Oil dis Places were laid fo r 11. Nursing home recently as follows: - - played by Mrs. Afton M itchell and Mr. and Mrs. Albert G ifford, Nys IN F O R M A L CLUB P L A Y S company. There were many lovely Mrs. John Ostrom was hostess to sa, November 6, girl 7 pounds, 9 "Daisy Maes” , gypsies, "L il Abners” , ounces; Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Louens, and many misfits. Dancing was the members o f the Inform al Bridge Parma, November 9, girl, 7 pounds, enjoyed with music from an electric group at her home last Wednesday. 14 ounces; Mr. and Mrs. James phonograph and with old-time Honors went to Mrs. Lyle Fulmer Gahan, Nyssa, November 9, girl , — AT— dancing, played by Mrs. D. O. B y and Mrs. C. H. Bennett, and the 7 pounds, 13 ounces, and Mr. and traveling prize to Mrs. Walter Fox. bee. Mrs. Herman Lard, Parma, N ov fr - 3 - ember 11, girl, 10 pounds. M R. A N D M RS. C LU B MEETS TE M PLE E X C U R S IO N PLA N N E D Th e members o f- the Sunday The L.D S . peple are planning Goes T o California— an ecurslon to the Idaho Fall: ligh t "M r. and M rs." club were temple, ■ leaving the morning ol guests this w e e k -o f: Mr. and Mrs. L M r? M/^ f e t ( T err? * * day i ° f ' " her<; she will November 19 and returning Novem George Henneman. Mr. and Mrs. spend Beginning at 10:00 A. M. the winter w ljh relatives. ber 21. Those desiring to go should Ron Whitaker held the high scores contact their bishop for recommen for the evening. Here From Montana— dations prior to that date. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Printz o f Dar- D IN N E R G U ESTS — 8— Mr. and Mrs. Charles Garrison E N T E R T A IN S A T B R ID G E Nyssa, Oregon Mrs. Herbert Fisher was a recent were dinner guests Sunday at the PORTLAND hostess to her Wednesday evening Charles Newbill home in Newell bridge group. Honors went to Mrs. Heights. Tom Burningham and Mrs. Ed - ~ LEBRARY M E E T IN G SETT Frost. Mrs. Ted Ross was a guest player. Th e annual fa ll civic club meet See Them!! ing under the direction o f the - 8 ~ Men’s— W O M E N ’S S O C IE T Y T O M EET Nyssa library board will be held The W omen’s society of the M e at 2:30 Wednesday, November 19 Women’s— thodist church will meet Thursday, at the Elpiscopal parish hall. The Children’s— November 20 at 2 p.m. at the home guest speaker will be Rev. C. L. o f Mrs. David Beers. Mrs. Walter Callahan o f Ontario. A ll Prices— McPartland will have charge of the - 8 - __________ — A ll Styles program. B R ID G E G R O U P M EETS Mrs. Kenneth Cottle entertained - - M O TH E R S E N T E R T A IN members of her Tuesday afternoon The room mothers o f the Arcadia bridge club this week. Mrs. C. A. Lionel Barrymore, James Craig and Lucille school entertained the parents o f M ally held the high score and Mrs. Pacific Trail ways . . . No Finer Fit at Any Price the school children at a tea at the A. C. Sallee second high. Mrs. COttle Bremer in Westbound Arcadia schoolhouse Monday after Invited Mrs. R ay Larson, Mrs. O. L. (Regular Schedules) noon. An armistice day program on Galloway and Mrs. C. A. Mally- to "Democracy” was given under the play with the group. 5:20 A M 10:20 AM Here is another “ Dr. Gillespie” picture that direction o f Mrs. Bates, Mrs. T a y •2:20 PM 3:45 PM ____ — 8— you have enjoyed to much in the past. lor and Mrs. Bumgarner, teachers ♦6:35 PM 11:45 PM E N T E R T A IN A T D IN N E R Mat., Sat., 2:30; Adm. 25c-5c. Inc. Tax in the Arcadia school. W alter M c Dr. and Mrs. K . E. Kerby enter- Eastbound DRY GOODS — SHOES — CLOTHING l A l Evening*. Me-9c, Including Tax Partland. principal of the Nyssa talned the office s taff o f the Saru- (Regular Schedules) grade school, spoke on the relation zin clinic at a dinner at their 3:05 A M 8:15 AM X-Ray Shoe Fitting ship o f the P. T. A. to the schools. home Friday evening. An Informal •1:20 P M 3:45 PM & NYSSA, _ OREGON Mrs. W. W. Foster, P. T. A. pres- evening followed the dinner. •6:15 P M 11 PM Love and Laughter! Fun and Music! It’s the Phone 196-W — 8— L. D. S. B A Z A A R OIVE3N happiest thing that ever happened to yo u ! T h e tw o wards o f the L. D. S. ¿Yank Sinatra, Katheryn Grayson, Peter church at Nyssa gave a bazaar Lawford and Jimmy Durante in last Saturday evening, netting <300 from the sale o f beautiful needle work, quilts crochet work and other Color Cartoon articles furnished by the women. Mat., Sun., 2:30; Adm. 30c-9c. Inc. Tax The program was under the direc tion of President A rvllla Bwensen. Adm. Evenings, 40c-9c, Inc. Tax. A fter community singing, led by Mrs. Evans a reading, "T h e Wed- din’,’’ was given by Mrs. Vlbert Kessler. Bishop Dean F ife and Bis hop Arvel Child gave talks. A com Roy Rogers and Dale Evans in ic song was composed by Fae Duf- fin and T . Carol Bybee about mem MOTOR REBUILDING bers of the ward. Mrs. Amasa Ham Philip Reed and Hillary Brooke in BRAKE OVERH AU L mon and Loretta Mundy were sew ing directors. The officers and tea MOTOR TUNE-UP ______________ Adm. Evening*. 25c-9c, Including Tax chers o f the two organizations ae- siated in selling the articles. HEADLIGHT TESTING DOES YOUR IN S U R A N C E COVER INCREASED VALUES? -S E E -- Frank T. Morgan SHIRTS BYBEE M O T O R 6- E Q U IP M E N T CO. GOOD USED CARS 8 Do Your Christmas § Needle Finished § Color Fast § Fully Cut § Sizes 14 to 17 $ 2.69 E& W WHITE SHIRTS Shopping Early 8 Sanforized White Combed and Mercerized Dobby Weave Cotton Broadcloth Shirts. Regular Collar Attached Sizes 14 to 17 F O O D SA LE E and W 100% Wool EDER’S HARDWARE STORE PLAID SHIRT $ 5.95 Saturday, Nov. 15 Sponsored by the Mission Society of FAITH LUTHERAN CHURCH -s - 8 NYSSA $ 3.45 HOUSE SLIPPERS PROGRAM Phone IOÔ THEATRE 8 FRIDAY & SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 14-15 BESTEORM "DARK DELUSION” B R A C K E N ’S SUNDAY MONDAY, NOV. 16-17 “IT HAPPENED IN BROOKLYN” TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 18 BARGAIN NIGHT “BELLS OF SAN ANGELO” “BIG TOWN” WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 19 “ Butch” Jenkins and Frances G ifford “LITTLE MR. JIM” S train Here from St. Louis— Dr. and Mrs. K. E. Kertjy have had as their guest Mrs. Lois Smo- therman of St. Louis Missouri. Mrs Smotherman is an aunt o f Dr. Kerby. in Cartoon and Sports Adm. Evenings, 40c-9c, Inc. Tax THURSDAY & FRIDAY, NOV. 20-21 It’s the musical o f musicals . . . with a story as big as its stars. Bing Crosby, Bob Hope, G aiy Cooper, Ray Milland, Alan Ladd, Dorothy Lamour and Many, many others in “VARIETY GIRL” Cartoon and Sports Ada. Evening*, 40e-9c, In«. Tax. Herriman’s One Stop Service 7 M Tggi KEN RENSTROM tor AC R I A L E STATE PHONE 4 7 J ì AN D IN SU RA N C E NYSSA. OREGON Son Arri A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Harold (Joe) Corfleld November 1 In the H»)ly Rosary hospital In Ontario. The baby, named Harold Lee. weighed 8 pounds. 10 ounces. Attend Portland Dr and Mrs. L. A. Mauldlng and Mr and Mrs. Orant Rinehart a t tended the U C L A - O r e g o n State football game In Portland Saturday. Mr. and Mr. Rinehart visited at the Allen Rinehart home, and Dr. and. IGNITION & CARBURETOR REPAIRING COMPLETE PARTS STOCK GENUINE FORD BATTERIES (to fit most makes of cars) A N T IF R E E Z E TEXACO PETROLEUM PRODUCTS GATES TIRES— Insured Against Accidents — The Only “ One-Stop” Garage and Service Station in Nyssa— Herriman Motor Co. Your Ford Dealer