Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 28, 1947)
TH E NYSSA G ATE C IT Y JO U RN AL. NYSSA. OREGON PAG E T W O The Gate City Journal ■CLASS V. P O W K L L ............................ K*IK>' and SUBSCRIPTION Fubltaher AD VE R TISIN G R ATbS RATHS $2.00 $1.25 Single Copta. - ....... ....... ....... M (Strictly In Advance* Open rate, per Inch...... « C National, per inch.......... 40c Claeslfieds. tier word — ...Ja Minimum...... . 30c PuMlatied every Thursday at Nyssa, Malheur County. Oregon Bntered at the postotflcee at Nyssa, Oregon (or transmission rhi-fnigsi the United States Malls, as second class matter, under the act oi March 3. 1879. M A IN STREET IS G REAT — BU T DANGEROUS The advantages that we gain in developing a new community are many times accompanied by disadvantages that must be overcome by intelligent planning. Nyssa has a newly surfaced Main street through the courtesy and co-operation of the state highway department and everyone agrees it is a great improvement over the street o f a year ago. As tourists and Nyssa motorists hit the smooth surface the urge to speed surges through their being. Cars and trucks spring forward in a parade o f speed, increasing the natural haz ards o f automobile traffic. We Have Opened A Fruit Stand in connection with bur filling station and cottage camp on highway 20. W e will buy and sell berries, fruits and vegetables Open >even day* a week Red Herren’s Service Main street is a really fine thoroughfare for a small town, but the danger is terrific, with an especially dangerous traffic hazard at each end of the street. Some method will have to be developed to slow down traffic on Main street and educate the people to cross only at inter sections. Pedestrian lanes should be painted across the street, not only at the schoolhouse, but the full length of the street. Caution signs should be installed both on the Ontario and Adrian sides of the “ Y ” near the grade school building and on the east side of the underpass. Especially tourists do not realize the danger- that they face as they emerge on the west side pf the underpass. A sensible speed law must be enforced and pedestrians required to 'walk in designated places. Church Notes ,day 2:30 p.m. ASSEMBLY OF GOD Sterl D. Spies/, Pastor FAITH LUTHERAN CHURCH 10 a.m., Sunday school. Roland G. Wuest, Pastor 11 a.m., worship. 10 a. m„ Sunday school. Clashes 7 p.m, Christ ambassadors. for all age groups. 8 p.m., Evangelistic. Tuesday, Prayer and Bible study 11 a m., Worship service. Sermon theme: "Is There A Way to True at 8 p.m. 7: 45, Open-air street service. Freedom?’’. %ased on St. John 8:j 31-36. ) The fourth lecture on “Christian Faith and L ife" will be given Tues- lay evening, September 2, instead *f Wednesday evening as is cus tomary. The Faith Mission society will neet Wednesday evening, Septem ber 3, at 8 o’clock at the home of Mrs. John H. Burton, who lives in the new Bennett .apartments, By Clarence Nlrcum Third street and Bower avenue. W e have had a little excitement CATHOLIC CHURCH SERVICES right here at hpme this past week. AT EPISCOPAL CHURCH John has a registered white faced PARISH HALL heifer 14 months old. He is very Rev. P. J. Gaire, Pastor i proud of her. A short time ago his Mass at 8 a.m. until further F FA instructor was out to see her notice. and said se was a very fine animul and bean to make arrangements THE METHODIST COMM UNITY for im to show her at our coming CHURCH county fair. John has been very Rev.. H. J. Gernhardt, Pastor 'busy during the school vacation and Sunday school, 9:45 a.m. getting considerbal FFA experience Worship and sermon, 11 a.m. and has not taken much time for Intermediate fellowship, 7 p.m. training his heifer Youth fellowship, 7 p.m. Well, she must be taught all Evening Bible study, 8 p.m. those tricks in order to win at the Mid-week service, Wednesday, 8 fair. He put her in the bam for to p.m. give her the works. She was tied up so as to leam when she comes THE CHURCH OF THE to the end of the rope. The next day her instructions Incuded being NAZARENE led to the pond for water. Its sur E. J. Wilson, Pastor prising how dumb and stubborn one 10 a.m., Sunday school. 11 a.m., Morning worship service of those big beautiful hunks of 7:15 p.m., Young people, teen age beef can be. When one is tied to a manger the end of the rope and junior services. comes right along too and when 8 p.m., Evangelistic. 8 p.m., Wednesday, Prayer and one develops enough seed John falls behind and still the end of the praise service. rope comes along. Oh, she learns FIRST MISSIONARY BAPTIST and John and Dad fina'.lv got her beck in the barn. She was a nice CHURCH piece of beef and John and Dad M. J. Duncan, pastor was not so cold so all tried it again. Sunday school, 10 a.m. Sometimes "Strike while the iron is Morning worship, 11 a.m. hot” is a good motto. Young people's Bible study, 7 p.m. This time Dad had a hold on Preaching, 8 p.m. the end of the rope too. The end Cottage prayer meeting Tuesday of the rope did not come along so 8 p.m. good this time so the thing to do Mid-week prayer meeting, Wed was balk. With John at her head nesday, 8 p.m. and Dad at her tall all progressed Special service In the park Sun- a little by spurts In the general direction of the pond most of the time. Finally in what mind she might have had she developed a new plan. Suddenly she shifted her -iViE LONESOMEST course, jumped the rope between John and Dad and took off across FEELING \N 1 H ' WORLD the pasture the other way. The IS TO BE LOOKING DOWN rope made a neat half-hitch around -THE W RONG END OF John's legs ust above his shoetops. He quite suddenly sat down, rolled A GUN over on his tummy and followed after. Dad brung up the rear along with the end of the rope. John gained some FFA along with two hand fulls of grass. Slogan: "Never walk ahead of your show calf. Make it walk up beside you and always turn away from you nevei toward you.’ By the time they had neared the pond John and Dad had learned more than the beef had. On her last spurt she jumped In the air and came down on her head and Oh! Oh! She had broken off one We can’t afford to make a wrong of those beautiful horns on the move now. With our reputation to edge of the pond dam. Its hard to think of, with our desire to render tel which it hurt worse, her or you the best service possible— we John. Neither one bawled but they will continue to give attention to both sure looked awful sad. There will be no showing that small details that safeguard vour car— the NYSSA AUTO BODY beautiful but dumb piece of beef this year. And next year if her SHOP. beauty and dumbness increase with her size and strength, John and Dad will just have to wait and show her first calf. The Happy Farmer U N K L E H A N K SEZ As Complex as Designing A Skyscraper*.• As Exacting as Planning Each Detail off a Giant Plane... •T h a t’* the kind of job that confronts telephone engineers when they plan the manufacture of telephone equipment to fit a certain town. COMPUTE BODY t PAINT SHOP W R IC K C R S ER V IC E You see, no two towns are exactly alike equipment is added— and a lot is being added these days— it has to be "tailor m ade" to f i t p e r fe c tly in to existin g systems. Throughout the entire Bell System telephone men are busy installing more equipm ent and extending wire and cable facilities, bringing us closer to the day when everyone can have the kind of service he wants, when he wants it. MALHEUR HOME TEL CO. block 10, original townsite, $22,000, C ARD OF T H A N K S W e wish to express sincere thanks 80 by 90, one story, masonry. W illie J. Bales, construction, N. to everyone for the understanding Upon request of a county adver sympathy and assistance during Second street, lot 13, block 81, Green’s addition, $800, 14 by 24, tising committee composed of Frank our recent bereavement. frame. J. W. Hunting Morgan of Nyssa, Malheur County Ouy rv"'ers, alteration, N. Sec. Cora Hunting Agent Harry Sandqulst of Ontario or-a street, lot 14, block 81, Green's addition, *400, 12 by 16, frame. and H Logue, secretary of main B UILD IN G PERMITS William C. Brown, removal, 5th taining displays at the state fair Barney Wilson, construction, street, lot 11, block 30, Teutsch’s in Salem, September 1 and at the Good avenue, lots 16, 17 and 18, addition. $1000, 14 by 16, frame. Pacific International Lhestock Ex hibition, which will Include a land products and manufactures show at Portland In October. Emerson Wheeler ol Portland, manager of the land products di vision, was in Ontario recently ad- rising officials on the best way to lisplay Malheur land products m the booth. Leeds Bailey, assistant county agent, and M. E. Bain wil be In (E C . U. S. f AT. O f f . :harge of the county booth In Sal em. George Bain, H. Logue and M. E. Bain will be in charge of the Mal- neur county display In Portland. M ALH E U R TO H AV E STA TE EXHIBITS \t Payette Lakes— Mr. and Mrs. George Henneman and Jill spent from Wednesday un til Sunday at Payette lakes. They were joined on Friday by M i, and Mrs. Joe Sutherland. Both fami lies returned home Sunday. COOKER For All Canning' Purposes Legal Advertising NOTICE TO CONTRATORS WATER WORKS IMPROVEMENT Sealed proposals will be received at the office of the City Manager, Nyssa, Oregon until 7:30 o'clock p.m., September 9, 1&47 for furnish ing all materials, equipment and labor and performing all the work in the manufacture and erection of a one hundred thousand gallon elevated steel tank in connection with the proposed water works im provement for the City. The proposals will be publicly opened and read aloud at 7:30 o’ clock p.m. on the date first above written. No proposal will be considered unless it is prepared and submitted on the form furnished by the City Manager, and unless the bidder has submitted a prequalifioation state ment ten days before the date of opening the bids. Each proposal shall be accompan ied by a deposit of five per cent of the amount of the bid either in bidder’s bond or certified check on some well known solvent bank, or In cash. The deposits will be returned following the signing of the contract by the successful bid der. Specifications and contract docu ments may be obtained from the City Manager or from the con sulting engineer, C. E. Stockman, Rand Bldg., Baker, Oregon. The right is reserved to reject any and/or all proposals or to accept such proposal or proposals as are to the best Interest of the City. B Y ORDER OF TH E C IT Y CO UNCIL E. K Burton, City Manager. Pub. Aug. 28 and Sept. 4. Get Yours From Nyssa Furniture Co* 1 Block West R. R. Depot Here’s Modern Heat • i ' . • ' for Modern Homes Attention There’s nothing more m od ern than P a y n e gas heating. N o work, no d irt. . . and practically no upkeep expense, so soundly are P a y n e F u r naces d e sig n e d a n d c o n structed. For life-time satis faction, let us plan a P a y n e installation for y o u r new or remodeled home. Garages A u to Repair M en FOR Request FREE BO O K LET on P a y n e Z o n e .C o n d it io n in g , me- cesaor to old-fashioned central heat* ing. Controlled by zones or rooms. W illys Motors Accessories Also Dealer JEEPS CARS TRUCKS Phone 144-J or Mail Your Order ' Parts W a tts M o to r Co. PflVIlEHERT ove» 30 YEARS O F LEADERSHIP . 'A '- , cm run (Ml) fvtivTHinc IDEAL GAS & A P P LIA N C E CO. Nyssa, Oregon P yS^A/toBodqShop CLASS DE P T . in their telephone requirements, so when TH U R SD AY, AU G U ST 28, 1947 — ^ <$5a&l0TV* Going to Sun Valley— Mr and Mrs. Ken Renstrom will spend the week-end at Sun Valley, Idaho. SEEDS For Fall Planting W e can save you money on the following: RED CLOVERS ALFALFA W H IT E CLOVER PASTU RE GRASSES L A D IN O CLOVER PASTURE MIXES BEANS FOR E ATIN G -4 W ith painters and homemakers alike, it’s Imperial Texolite* for Quality, for Color. Th ey know that Im perial Texolite colors are fresh, smart, m odern . . so attractive that they are endorsed by leading interior decorators. T h ey know too that washable Im perial W e are now in the market and are cash buyers of new crop seeds. Watts Seed Company Phone 144-J Phone 74 Nyiia, Oregon Parma, Idaho Texolite goes on fast— covers most surfaces in one coat — dries in about an hour to a satin-smooth finish Why not drop in soon and get your free copv o f the T e x o lite Color Selector? See how much Imperial Texolite can add to your house $3.49 Per Gallon Stunz Lumber Co.