Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 4, 1947)
JOURNAL TAeNYSSA VO LU M E X X X X II NO. 34 Road Program Discussed At Vale Meeting NYSSA, OREGON, TH U R S D A Y, SEPTEMBER 4, 1947 TERMINAL LEAVE BURGLARS STEAL BONDS CASHED BY $500 WORTH OF NYSSA SERVICEMEN EAGLES PROPERTY Hartleys Take Area Title In Softball Game DEE COX INDICTED BY GRAND JURY ON HOMICIDE CHARGE Two More Serious Polio Cases Are Reported in Malheur Co. Dee J. C. Cox was arraigned in More than $20,000 worth of Burglars entered the Eagles club circuit court before Judge M. A. terminal leave bonds were cashed room at Third street and Bower sometime Sunday night and County Court Suggests by ex-servicemen of world war II avenue Tournament Held At Em Biggs last week after his indictment by the grand Jury on a charge of at the Nyssa branch of the First escaped with nearly *500 in mon Raising Million Dol ey, merchandise and equipment. mett August 31 And SIGN LANGUAGE IS negligent homicide. National bank of Portland Tues The thieves took *100 in mon lars By Taxation September 1 The charge developed from the USED IN WEDDING day, the first day that cashing of ey, *50 in merchandise, such as cigarettes and candy, and *300 death of Christine Katahira, who Representatives of the chambers the bonds was permissable under The Hartley Produce softball club One of the most unusual wedding worth of equipment. They jimmied of commerce and city governments a law passed by congress at Its last ,a door to gain entrance to the fur- of Nyssa won first place in the was killed when struck by an auto ceremonies to be performed in mobile on the Fourth avenue traf session. in Malheur county discussed plans inace room and broke through an- 'nake river valley softball tourna Clark county, Washington was that fic island in Ontario August 16. Originally the bonds were to be I other door to enter the club room for a proposed road Improvement ment held in Emmett August 31 Cox. who is free on bond, has which united in marriage two program at a meeting held with the cashable in five years, but tile time I Reports received here indicated >nd September 1. retained Otis Smith of Ontario mutes, Miss Freida Lucille Em that two or three places were bur- The Nyssa club fought its way as his attorney. He will probably mons, daughter oi Frank Emmons county court in Vale last Friday a f was set ahead by a special act of | glarlzed in Vale the same night, enter his plea to the charge next congress. ternoon. j Burglars stole a radio and about to the finals by defeating the Em and Mrs. Jesse Brothers of Battle Ontario. Nyssa and Vale were Tw o queues of men were lined up ' $10 in cash from the Adrian Oil mett dairy and the Weiser Lions. Tuesday. The grand jury returned 12 true Ground, and Casmier Rataezyk of In the finals Monday night the represented at the meeting. Bern in front o f tellers windows in the company plant at Adrian last F ri Nyssa club met the Emmett Mer- bills. Including the one filed against Nyssa. Father Leo Robinson of ard Frost of Nyssa attended the bank most of Tuesday. The lines day night. They gained entrance hants, the Fmmett district cham Cox. meeting. Portland, who can talk in sign to the building by prying open a pions and tournament favorites, The county court, faced with diminished Wednesday and today. rear door. language, performed the ceremony The average amount cashed was tnd won 10 to 6. Nyssa started the problems of Increased population in the Battle Ground Sacred Heart 'irst Inning with a single by Hen- and a static tax program, proposes approximately *225. The individual tricks and a double by Vaughn to that a 10 mill levy be assesed ag amounts ranged from *25 to more church. The young couple met core a single run. The Emmett ainst property each year for a peri than *500. while the bride was attending the T h e amount of the bonds. Issued lub tied the count with a home od of five years. This program state school for the deal in Van -un hi the first. In the second in couver. would raise approximately one mil after discharge, was based on the number of days of unused leave. ning Hartley walked and Child lion dollars. Funeral services for William W il Mr. and Mrs. Casmier Rataezyk irove out a home run to put Nys- lis Smith of Owyhee were held in honeymooned in Seaside, Oregon, Several proposals as to how to Fourteen riding clubs of the ¡a ahead 3 to 1. handle the program were advanced Adrian this afternoon at 2 o'clock, and visited relatives in Yakima and Snake river valley will hold an Emmett went ahead in its half of with Rev. H. J. Gernhardt o f the Pendleton. The newlyweds arrived at the meeting One was that good amateur rodeo and race meet at the second by scoring three runs roadbeds be built up with the idea Methodist church of Nyssa offici Friday in Sunset Valley, where the Nyssa rodeo grounds Sunday, on two walks and a single, making of oiling later. ating. Interment was in the Owy they will make their home. September 14. the score 4 to 3. Neither team scored hee cemetery. The people will vote on the pro The clubs, which will present 26 until the fourth inning when Em posal at a special election to be Mr. Smith, who died September events, decided at a meeting last mett picked up a single run. held in November. 1. was born in Salem, Oregon Dec Baste M. Ekanger of Parma died Sunday to rebuild 'before September In Nyssa’s half of the fifth frame in the Nyssa Nursing home Sat ember 27, 1868 and moved with his 14 the new grandstand, which was Vaughn singled, Wilson walked and urday, August 30 and was buried parents to Siskiyou City, California JOH*’ SEBURN HOUSE in partially destroyed by fire. Talbot drove out a home run to put when he was 10 years old and then the Parma cemetery following A covered dish dinner for all Nyssa ahead again, 6 to 5. DESTROYED BY FIRE services held in the Nyssa Funeral members of the Associated Westerp to Jackson City, Oregon. He moved The Nyssa club came back again to Middleton, Idaho in 1881 and home Tuesday afternoon. Considerable damage was caused Riding clubs will be served in the A residence on the farm of John Mr Ekanger was born February Nyssa city park from 11 a.m. to 1 in its half of the sixth to score to Succor creek in Malheur county by the windstorm that struck this three more runs on hits by Talbot, in 1882. Mr. Smith was united in area last Friday afternoon. Most Seburn on Gem avenue was de 9, 1886 in Hammer district of Nor p.m. Each member will provide a way and at the age of 18 he fol covered dish and his own table ser Hendricks and Skeen and came marriage to Laura Rose Pinkston of the damage was Incurred by the stroyed by fire last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Seburn had been lowed his brothers to America and vice. The Nyssa club will furnish through with a single run in the December 18, 1891. T o this union Idaho Power company. seventh on a single by Skeen and were born four children. In 1897 living in the house, but had moved resided for 22 years near Canton, Four large trees were blown down coffee and cold drinks. a double by Lewis. Mr. Smith and his family moved to on the Herman King farm west of most o f their furnture into their South Dakota. In 1926 he moved All contestants will be members The Nyssa club played exception the ranch on the Owyhee river new residence. They lost valuable west io Idaho Falls, where he en of the associated clubs. Ribbons town. The trees tore down electric papers and considerable equipment gaged in farming for 13 years. Dur only will be awarded, except in ally good ball in the infield and where he made his home until his service wires, meter and switches outfield to stop the Emmett team death. He became a member of the ing the war years he went to the in the fire. from both houses on the property. the saddle bronc and bareback Mrs. Seburn, who was canning Pacific coast, where he was employ riding. Prizes for these events will when men were on bases. Lloyd Methodist church at Owyhee in One tree fell towards the newly-re Lewis was the iron man of the 1903. fruit, went outside to get more ed in the defense industry. He en consist of donations of $10 from modeled King residence, barely Nyssa team, pitching his aggrega wood for her range when she saw gaged in farming on an 80-acre each club. A parade will be held The deceased is survived by three missing the roof and a large tion to the finals. Lewis, pitching sous. Claude, Cecil and Leonard French widow. the roof ablaze. farm near Parma for the past at 1 o'clock. A -small charge will two and one-half games. was re- three years. Electric wires were tom down at be made for admission to the rodeo. lieved only during the fifth. sixth Smith of route 1. Nyssa; a daugh ter, Mrs. Alvon McGinnis of A d the Frank Johnson place on the Mr. Ekanger became ill early in DRAWING IS HELD and seventh innings of the first rian; eight grandchildren, seven Idaho side of the river. July and was taken to a hospital game by Archibald who also baf- FOR HOMESTEADS in Nampa, where he received treat great grandchildren, and a brother, Wires burned together and fell fled the opponents with a trick George V. Smith of Unity. Oregon at the H. O. Johnson property on ment for two weeks. Soon there «•urve ball. Winners of parcels of land under after he was taken to the Nyssa highway 20 in Nyssa. Nvssa R II Aft the Vale and Owyhee projects were Nursing home. A tree falling at the Bernard 5 2 Talbot, If a 2 NEWSPAPERS OF decided at the bureau of reclama Survivors are two brothers, A n Frost residence on Third street tore Hendricks, cf 4 3 3 ONTARIO MERGED some shingles tion's veterans homstead site draw drew Ekanger of Nyssa and Carl from the side of the 2 4 Vaughn, lb 1 The Snake river valley school ing held in the Vale office of the Ekanger of Canton. South Dakota, house. 4 Glover, 2b 0 o masters decided at a meeting in bureau Wednesday o f last week. Purchase of the Eastern Oregon and four sisters, Mrs. M. Carlson 0 3 0 Wilson, &9 The three Owyhee winners were of Idaho Falls and Mrs. Breta Ontario last Friday to cancel all Observer of Ontario by Bernard 0 1 1 Hartley, rf Robrt L. Beeman of Vale, Cecil Myhr. Miss Lena Ekanger and Miss athletic events scheduled for M al Mainwarlng and Don Lynch, pub STUDENTS OF HIGH 1 1 0 heur county members of the con Beus, If H. McCormick of Denver and Ev Oleana Ekanger o f Norway. lishers of the Ontario Argus, was SCHOOL REGISTER 2 4 1 Child, c ference for September 12. The an F. Hubka of Virginia, Neb 2 2 announced last week. The Observer 4 action was taken because of the Skeen, 3b raska. Winner of the 35-acre tract was sold by Miss Jessica Longston Approximately 60 per cent of the 0 1 4 present outbreak of poliomyelitis. Lewis, p under the Vale project was Eugene WORK STARTED ON 10 34 12 and Robert Pollock, both of St. students expected to enroll in the Football games set for the foll Totals A. Beeman of Vale. Alternates for Helens. WILSON BUILDING owing Nyssa high school this year had AB II R week-end, September 19. will Emmett the Vale acreages were John W. The first issue of the merged pa signed up during the first two 3 1 1 be played in the week of Novem Radke, cf Friday of Gateway, Oregon, Ches per, to be known as the Ontario J. C. Krul, local contractor, has days of registration. Principal Den Plaster, ss 4 1 2 ter L. Collier of Myrtle Point and started construction of a drive-in ber 14 to 20. The rest of the LeDelle. 3b Argus-Observer, was published Tues nis Patch stated Wednesday ev 0 0 2 Harry D. Austin of Fort Bragg, market building for Barney Wilson schedule will remain intact, allow Heap, lb day of this week. Publication days ening. „ 0 0 3 California. Owyhee alternates were at Second street and Good avenue. ing each conference team to meet Hughes, 2b will be Mondays and Thursdays. Sixty-two freshmen registered 1 4 1 Ross Evans of Homedale, William The contract was recently awarded at least seven opponents. Tuesday and 45 sophomores Wed 4 1 1 Harbin, p The annual football Jamboree Nelson of Homedale and Ivan to Krul. nesday. The low enrollment was 3 1 1 4-H CLUB MEMBERS was definitely eliminated for this Ashley, c Brown of Adrian. The building, 90 by 80 feet, will due to the fact that many stu 1 3 0 year. All plans for Oregon schools Roberts, If GO TO STATE FAIR dents are working and cannot reg be constructed of concrete and 0 1 1 Norwood, rf Shop Under New Management— clnderblocks, with an aluminum in the conference are subject Lytle, s ister except at night and the first 0 1 0 to the ’’polio” situation. Four-H club members who were night session was held Wednesday George’s Sweet shop, owned by roof. A large amount of parking 28 6 7 Totals The tentative Nyssa schedule has county winners in their club work night. The juniors registered today Mr and Mrs. George Stettler, has space will be arranged on the east been arranged as follows: Sept left Wednesday morning for the and the seniors FYiday. been leased to Mr. and Mrs. Carson and north sides of the building. Guild W ill Meet— ember 26, Vale a t Vale; October 3, R Healy of Coalville, Utah. The The Episcopal guild will meet state fair in Salem. There they will Ontario at Nyssa; October 10, Ad meet state-wide competition for Primary Convention Held— Stettler fam ily will return to Utah, rian at Adrian; October 17. open; with Mrs. Frank Morgan W ed prizes in their fields. where Mr. Stetler will re-enter The Weiser L.D S. stake primary nesday evening, September 10 at October 24, Fruitland % at Nyssa; Those making the trip are Betty officers and teachers held a con railroad work. The store, located in 8 o’clock. United thank offering O ctobiT 31, Weiser at Nyssa; Nov Newbill and Arlene Piercy of A d the Bybee and Ray building at the vention at the Ontario L.DS. cha ember 7, open, and November 14, boxes will be turned in at the rian, who will enter the dairy food pel Thursday, the morning session " Y ” will continue to be known as Although the county library story meeting. Payette at Payette. demonstration; Mary Lou Jensen, The Sweet Shop. Mr. and Mrs. hours are no longer held at the expressly for stake board members Adrian, competing In dollar dinner, and the 2 o’clock session for the Healy, formerly in the theater busi Nyssa library, reading reports for Club W ill Meet— Discharged from Service— senior division; Darlene Smith and ness, have three children. He was the ward officers and teachers. Mrs. Parent - Teacher Association T h e Sunshine club will meet Cpl. Edward T op liff of Nyssa has Bonita Langley of Mitchell Butte, Pearl Ballantyne of Owyhee dis the first counsellor in the Coalville reading certificate awards may con returned from the Philippines and Friday, September 5 at 2 p.m. in a clothing demonstration, and trict Is stake president. General ward bishopric of the L. D. S. tinue until school opens. in the Odd Fellows hall. Hostesses church. This will give children who have Japan, where he served for one will be Mrs. Nick Rudelick, Mrs Nola Caverhlll of Vale and Arlene board members from Balt Lake City reported on one, two or three books year with the army of occupation. Florence Dlerking and Mrs Howard Piercy of Adrian, who will model present were D effle G. Boyle, dau dresses In the style show. Visit Here— ghter of the former president, Heb- an opportunity to read at least five Topliff, who was in the service for Smith The group left by car Wednesday er J. Grant, and Margaret Strom- Mr. and* Mrs. Buster Adamson in all, which will qualify the reader It months, served with the fifth morning, accompanied by Mrs. ness. Mrs. Boyle was an overnight and children o f Livingston, M on for the plain certificate. I f seven and 13th air forces T o be House Mother— Threlma Elliott, 4-H leader of Ad guest at the Ballantyne home. Mrs. tana stopped in Nyssa for a few are read, the award is a certificate Mrs. Mattie Moreland went to rian, and Mr. and Mrs. E. M. DarThel Pike has acepted the po hours to visit Mr. and Mrs. New- with a green seal. Green seals are Here from Seattle— Mrs. Albert Smith and son, Rich Boise today to become house mo Hauser of Ontario. bern Glenn. They were moving to to be used Instead of yellow as the sition as stake primary organist ther at the girls’ dormitory of the California, where Mr. Adamson will latter color is not obtainable. Those ard. of Seattle visited the past Boise Bible college (Church of and chorus director. be employed by the Uba Consoli children who started their reading week at the Waynard Talbot and Christ) for the school year. Mrs. Eaglrs Postpone Dances— The Eagles lodge has announced Visits in California— dated Dredging company. The in June or July may still win cer Bumall Brown homes. Moreland makes her home with her dredge on which he was employed tificates with a red seal if they Keith Rookstool returned home daughter, Mrs. Cora Tomlinson, in that the .dances sponsored by the group have been postponed indefi from a two-weeks’ visit at Vallejo, in Montana will be shipped to read nine books, or the highest Visit from Moscow— Nyssa. Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Brown of South America. The Adamson and award, the blue seal, for 11 books, nitely. California with his brother, Ancel Glenn families were friends in if they have already reported on Moscow. Idaho and Mr. and Mrs. Visits Parents— Rookstool. W hile in California, he Boyd Brown and son, Stephen, of Washington. some books in June or July. met Howard Flanary In the bus Mr. and Mrs. Herb Smith o f Cor Son-In-Law Dies— Mr and Mrs H H. Kingrey re One hundred eighty-three child Boise were guests last week at the vallis arrived Tuesday evening at depot and had a short visit with Several Visitors Here— ren from the Nyssa shook have re Bumall Brown home. Stephen, 20- the home of Mrs Smith’s parents, ceived word of the death of their him. son-in-law, Kenneth Stewart of Several friends and relatives of ported on at least one book, with month-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Boydell. Mr Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Dorman vis the majority already qualified for Boyd Brown has recently recovered and Mrs. Smith came by plane from Tacoma. M r Stewart had gone with To Portland— ited at te Dorman home recently. an award: 164 from the Ontario from a case of “ polio” . Mr. and Grand Coulee, where they visited his wife and friends on an outing W W. Foster and John Barnett The visitors included Mrs. P. A. schools, 40 from Vale, 33 from Mrs. Brown and their guests spent relatives. They w.ll visit in Nyssa over Labor day and was hit by a left Tuesday morning for Portland log and killed while observing log the week-end at Payette lakes. Broska and daughter of Carthage, Kingman Kolony, and five from with a truckload of new honey until Sunday and return to their Mississippi. Mr. and Mrs. D Sample Lincoln. In the Ontario group are home in Corvallis. They will be ging operations. Mr. and Mrs. K in- They expect to be gone about a grey left Tuesday for Tacoma. of Huntington Park, California. several readers from the smaller Babies Arrive— week. accompanied to Corvallis by Mr. Don Sutton and niece of Portand, schools. Babies arrived at the Nyssa Nurs and Mrs. Boydell. Mr. and Mrs. O. R. Rodrick and Visit in C orvallis— ing home during the last week as Visits in Baker— Mrs. Barney Wilson and sons, children of Independence, Kansas. Return from Trip— follows: August 30, M P and Mrs. Home* from Coast— Tom Foster is visiting this week Richard and Philip, left Wednesday Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Stack of M c Jewell Wilson. Ronald Lane and Beryl Fifer, Adrian, boy, 6 pounds, at the C. C. W yckoff home in Mrs J. J. Sarazin and Miss Eva Pherson, Kansas, M r and Mrs. Maurice Judd returned from a one ounce; August 31, Mr. and Boydell returned last Tuesday from morning for Corvallis where they Baker. T. F. Dinsmoor of Long Beach, three-day fishing trip to Berch- Mrs John Wagstaff, Parma, girl. a month’s visit in western Oregon. will visit Mr. and Mrs. Dwight California. Mr. and Mrs. R. Smith dorf. 9 pounds, 4 ounces, and Septem Mrs Sarazin visited at the home of Wyckoff and their new baby Go to Yakima— of Lucas, Kansas and Mr and Mrs ber 2, Mr and Mrs. Verl Reit- her daughter, Mrs. C. O. Peterson. Mrs Sid Flanagan and children Sid Brown of Moscow. Idaho. enbaugh, Nyssa, girl, 7 pounds. Miss Bovdell was a guest of Mrs. Petitions Filed— visited In Yakima at the home of Club Performs at Fair— Mrs W W Foster, president of Mrs Flanagan's parents The Flan The Nyssa Riding club drill team 5 ounces. E B Nedrey of Tigard. Miss Boy Visits Sister— performed at the Payette county dell enjoyed several trips to the the Nyssa Parent-Teacher aaaocia- agan children remained in Y aki tlon, has announced that the peti ma, and Mrs Flanagan returned to Mrs. Lucille Johnston spent the fair at New Pymouth Saturday ev Youth Injured— Oregon beaches. tions for the district recreational BoLse, where she is having a series week-end visiting her sister, Mrs. ening. Gerald Stephenson of Ogden suf program have been filed by At of allergy tests made. Ella Smith. Mrs. Johnston came fered a knee injury Sunday evening P. T. A. School Held— from the coast, where she visited Visits from Caldwell— when a jeep and an automobile Mrs Reid Blacker of La Grande, torney Harold Henigson. Reports Rev E J. Lawrence Is visiting collided at the ”Y " on the west end regional vice president of the 6tate on the petitions will be made at I .eaves for University— her son. Paul. She returned on Clay Morgan, son of Mr. and Monday to her home in Ontario. at the home of his daughter, Mrs of Main street Oerald and his Parent-Teacher organization, has an early meeting of the P. T. A. Mrs Frank Morgan, left Wednes Carlos Buchner. brother, who were here visiting announced that a school of Instruc day morning for Eugene to enter their father, Chester Stephenson, tion for Malheur county will be Return to Walla Walla— Here from Maine— Donna and Diane Rookstool re his second year at the university. were riding in the Jeep and Mrs. held September 23. The time and Mr and Mrs. Sam Everett of Go to Utah— Mrs. Leo Child left Aum st 28 M Peterson of Nyssa was driving place of the meeting will be an turned to their home in Walla Clay, who is vice president of his Burnham. Maine were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Henderson for Utah for a month’s visit with the automobile. The Stephenson nounced later Mrs. H. H H ar Walla Sunday after a two-weeks' fraternity. Delta Tau Delta, left Mr. Henderson and Mr Everett her sisters and also her daughter, brothers have returned to their graves. state president, will be in visit with their grandparents. Mr for school early to assist with rush and Mrs B. F Rookstool. week. attendance. were boyhood friends in Maine. and friends. home. Clubs to Give Amateur Rodeo W. W. Smith Of Owyhee Passes Baste Ekanger Taken by Death Damage Caused By Wind Storm Early Football Games Cancelled READING REPORTS STILL ACCEPTABLE Nyssa Boy Has Paralysis; Children’s Day Pro gram Cancelled With two more serious cases of poliomyelitis reported in Malheur county, including ohe in Nyssa, greater effort was made this week to stop the spread of the disease. “ Butch” Keefer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Stan Keefer o f Nyssa,' is re ceiving treatment in St. Luke's hospital in Boise. The boy, who is six years old .is suffering from a paralytic condition in his left leg, his parents reported Wednes day afternoon, but he is believed to be getting along all right. Lawrence F iler o f Vale, 22- months-old son o f Mr. and Mrs. Lester Flier, was the seventh paral ytic case reported in the county. The boy, grandson of Mrs. Naomi Buchert of Nyssa, has some degree of paralysis. Marsena Duncan of Nyssa, 16- year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Duncan, is receiving treat ment for the disease at her home. Her condition Is not expected to reach the paralysis stage. Dr. L. A. Maulding of Nyssa, county health physician, said that there are about 20 abortive cases of “ polio” to every case with paral ysis, so that he estimates there are 140 cases in Malheur county at the present time. He believes that the epidemic will reach Its peak about September 15 and run its course about November 1 The poliomyelitis team sent to Malheur county by the state board of health returned to Portland F ri day night after making arrange ments for the use of equipment to be used in fighting spread o f the disease. Members of the team met with Malheur county doctors last week. They are Dr. Lawence Noall, ortho pedic surgeon; Dr. John Benward, pediatrician; Dorothy Prlnzing, phy sical therapist, and Mrs Emil John, registered nurse. Their trip to the county was finaocad by the' M al heur county chapter of the national 'foundation. Mrs. F. W Blum, state director of the national foundation, arranged for a respirator to be sent to Ontario from La Grande. Equipment, including a polio hot pack washer and a resuacitator. was brought to Malheur county by the team. All theaters in the county were voluntarily closed by their manag ers last Saturday to assist in the fight against the spread of “ polio" and were still closed today. They are expected to be re-opened Sun day afternoon. Ministers announced that church es in Nyssa will not hold services of any kind Sunday, September 7. Only services for adults were held last Sunday. The Eagles lodge offered its hall for use as a Malheur county polio treatment center and announced that It had cancelled all dances until fUrther notice. The Nyssa chamber of commerce and the Nyssa Lions club have announced that plans for the an nual children’s day program and other features of a fall celebration set for this month have been can celled. Here from Camp Ord— Private Robert Shaw visited at the home o f his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Pete Shaw, over the week-end. Private Shaw is with the Snake river valley plaoon, now stationed at Fort Ord, California. Here from Klamath Falls— Mrs. Helmer Ostrom of Klam ath Falls is visiting at the John Ostrom home. Visit from Twin Falls— Mrs. William Day and Mrs. Solon Lewis of Tw in Falls were guests at the Bumall Brown home last week. Mr. and Mrs. L H. Tuttle and family left Tuesday for Harvard. Idaho to make their home Mr. Tut- tel has purchased the T ip-Top tav ern at Harvard. Returns from Com Bay— Mr and Mrs. Roy Barnes and children returned Tuesday from Coos Bay, Oregon. They spent two weeks In Coos Bay visiting Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Walker, parents of Mrs. Barnes. W hile on their trip. Mr. and Mrs Barnes spent some time fishing on the Rogue river. Here from Utah— Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Chugg of Providence, Utah arrived Tuesday for a visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs Lamont Fife. The couple will be entertained Friday evening at the Payette country club. Here from Halt Lake CKy— Mr. and Mrs James Nellson of Salt Lake City spent several days the post week visiting their daugh ter, Mrs Deyle Moss, and visiting the places of interest in and ar ound Nyssa.