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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (July 11, 1946)
THE N VSR a GATE (TTY TOURNA!. THURSDAY, JULY 11, 1946 Harold Sele family attended the Fourth at a family gathering GUEST SPEAKER a the family gathering at the Owyhee at the home of Mr and Mrs Ra; PAGE TWO Mr. and Mrs. John Timmerman of ten, Dirk and Gretchen accom Newell heights, Mr and Mrs. Dick panied Mr. and Mrs. Dick Groot day on the Fourth. There were 60 Groot and Mrs. Dick Slam of Ore- to Frultland Tuesday. In the group. j gon Trail. I The afternoon was spent playing Exam iner Coming— COLUMBIA AVENUE j | cards. license examiner will Mr. and Mrs. Lou Buck and fam be A on drivers duty In the Nyssa city hall ily of Ontario and Mr. and Mrs. Dave Hawkins spent the Fourth E. C. Larson and family spent the Friday, July 12 from 9 a m. to 2 p.m of July In Payette. Fred Koopman of Nyssa was a Fourth in Vale. dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs. John Callers at the home of Mrs. T. H. Beranek were Mr. and Mrs. Lackey Thursday. BILL LANE Mr. and Mrs. Joe Stam of Oregon Clayton Jensen of Nyssa. Ttail, Mr. and Mrs. Disk Groot and Mr. and Mrs. Jake Van Twlsk Auctioneer Mr. and Mrs. Gerrit Stam were and family spent the Fourth In luncheon guests of Mr and Mrs. Caldwell. Phone 116J______Nyssa Gerrit Groot of Apple Valley on the Mrs. Grant Rinehart and Kris Fourth of July. Mr. and Mrs. Roset Anderson ar.d Mr. and Mrs. Darwin Jensen spent from Thursday until Friday at Casade. Callers at the George Smlt home ARE YOU IN NEED OF TRACTOR at Nu-Acres Friday were Mr. and OR OTHER POWER UNIT? Mrs. Dick Groot. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Cook and son With harvesting time at hand do you have of Ontario, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Wolf of Roswell and Mr. and Mrs. Don the necessary power unit to pull and drive that Toornhs and baby spent the Fourth power driven machine. of July in Garden Valley. Business visitors in Ontario last Don’t overlook that “Civilian Jeep” which week were Mr. and Mrs. Edwin is packed with as much power “on the draw Mowerson and Dale. bar’’ and in the “power take-off” as most farm Mr. and Mrs. Pete Tensen enter tained Sunday for Mr. and Mrs. size tractors. Z. Davidson of Parma, Mr. and Mrs. Gerrit Groot of Apple Valley, HERE ARE A FEW OF THE JEEP’S MANY I he Gate City Journal Marks near Meridian. Idaho. Mrs. Gloria Mitchell left for her home In K tnw . City, Missouri Editor and Publisher KLASS V. POWEL1. Ft ¡day after visiting her sister. Mrs Bob Webster, and laml.y for several Week, ADVERTISING RATt-A SUBSCRIPTION KATES Mr and Mrs R E. Dllle and Jean $2.00 Op< ii rate, per inch........ 35c and Mr and Mrs George De $1.20 National, per inch........... 35c Haven and family spent July 4 and ......... 0Ò Cla.iltifds, per word.......... 24* 5 fishing near Hereford. Mr and Mrs. Herbert Thomas Minimum ... 30c (Strictly in Advance» and Mr and Mrs. R. E. Dllle and Jean went to Parma and helped Published every Thursday at Nyssa, Malheur County, Oregon Virgil Raney celebrate his birthday. Entered at the postofllces at Nyssa, Oregon lor transmission Mrs. Thomas and Mr. Raney are through the United States Malts, <n, second class matter, under brother and sister. Mr. ar.d Mrs. Jack Raney and the art ot March 3, 1879. ... Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Raney and family and Mrs. Beot, all of Parma, spent the Fourth with Mr. and BREADED HIGHWAYS Mrs. Herbert Thomas in Adrian. In the evening they attended the REV. F. HAEDICKS CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR rodeo in Payette. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Steelman Just because 48 loaves of bread are whirling and Donna Lee spent Saturday The Rev. F. Haedicks of Oakland, Sunday fishing near Unity and California will be the principle around on the axles of your automobile is no and at a Luther day rally to Hereford. reason for you to boast of your stock of hard- Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Deffer a-d speaker be held in Caldwell’s high school to-gets. Furthermore, you are advised not to children spent Sunday on a fishing auditorium, 12th and Dearborn, July 14. Rev. Haedicks is search your tires for the approximately 12 loa trip.Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Parker ami Sunday, serving a large church in Oakland ves that each tire is said to contain. As a mat children and Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Special will be provided. ter of fact, you would be greatly disappointed Parker and granddaughter, Claudia, After music a covered dish dinner, a picture “Youth for the when nothing but air is found inside, not even i spent the Fourth of July fishing motion Kingdom”, will be shown. Bates. frankfurter roll appearing to compensate you near William Is taking his vac PRACTICAL USES: for your search. But the 48 loaves of bread are ation from Toomb Eder's store this week. 1. Pull grain binder. RICHLAND QUIK-BANDS nevertheless in the four tires, to say nothing of He is helping with the building of Mr. and Mrs. George Knowles 2. Drive and pull power driven mower. W oin Wayne Plercy's new house. the 12 loaves in the spare and maybe a few rolls Mr. and Mrs. Bob Webster art and family spent the Fourth in 8. Pull hay slips and wagons. lying around in other undiscovered parts of enjoying a visit with a brother, Vale. 4. Pull 5 ton load trailer. Mr. and Mrs. V. V. Grider went your automobile. Vance Webster, and family of Day- to Ontario and Payette Wednesday. 5. Drive large size feed grinder. Ohio, and a sister, Mrs, Vyrle Mr. and Mrs. Verne La Plante, It all lies in the fact that wheat goes into ton, 6. Drive grain and seed threshing machine. Duval and two sons, Dan and Disk Mr. and Mrs. George Knowles, Mrs. ^ÎYSSA PHARM a l ï making alcohol for those synthetic tires that of Cincinnati. 7. Run hay chopper. Kenneth Thompson and Connie, have been developed in a remarkable degree Mr. and Mrs. William Toomb and Mr. and Mrs. Charley Grider, Mrs. There are many other uses. Come in and let son, Dickie, the Rueben Graham Lloyd Adams, Mildred Adams and Bernard Eastman during the war years. us show you more about them. family, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Pier- Now that one of the leading tire manufact cy and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Piercy Miss Ruth Campbell were Ontario Tuesday, urers has confessed they have been hiding away held a picnic at Vale or, the shoppers Insurance Mrs. Golden Leavitt and son were Real Estate " Ì and attended the rodeo. bread in their tires, and therefore have some Fourth in Ontario Monday Betty Jean Toomb attended a V. V. Grider severly Injured his what cut their output in order to aid in the pres picnic the Schweizer family hand Monday while doing carpen East of Post Office Phone 64 ent shortage, perhaps manufacturers of other at Vale with on the Fourth. NYSSA, Phone 144J OREGON ter work. Nyssa, Oregon Mrs. Bill Toomb and Betty Jean products far removed from the bakeries will and Dickie were Parma shoppers Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Adams, Miss confess that they, too, have been encroaching Wednesday. Mildred Adams and Thruman Hill attended the Marsing rodeo last upon the wheat output for an ingredient of their Mrs. Don Boren and daughter, week. [ Donna, of Nampa spent the week Mr. and Mrs. Harlan Diven, products. end visiting her sister, Mrs. Gayle and Margret Ann, Mr, and Mrs. THIRTY YEARS OF and Brownie troops are Invited to i Martin. Chuck Landreth went to the Fourtli Mr. and Mrs. Elbert Hatch, Mr. of July celebration at Vale Thurs attend. and Mrs. Dwain Hatch, Mr. and RURAL ELECTRIFICATION night. Earlier in the day Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Korman and Mrs. Bill Willis, Barbara Hatcll day A Olrl Scout court of honor will A. Mr. and Mrs. Diven honored Mrs. Lan E. Korman and daughters, Mar and Betty Lou Jarvis attended the be held at the Adrian union high and Marian, attended the rodeo at Payette on the Fourth. dreth with a birthday dinner. school building Saturday afternoon. garet rodeo at Payette on the Fourth. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin McGinnis July 13 at 2 o’clock. Mothers, fath Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Steelman and Mr. and Mrs. James McGinnis OWYHEE ers and friends of the Girl Scout and daughter, Donna Lee, spent and Joyce and Junior vacationed A meeting will be held Monday the past week at Anthony lakes evening, July 15 at the Owyhee school house for the purpose of and near Unity fishing. Wilbur Jackson has returned to attending to business pertaining IRRIGATION Adrian after visiting his parents the the improvement which has and other relatives in New York been started at the Owyhee ceme tery. Everyone In the community state. Mrs. Don Robert Patrick arrived is invited to attend. A cemetery in Boise FYiduy for a surprise visit board will be elected. Sizes: 9” 14” 18” her paient,, Mr. and Mrs. The Owyhee Community club will Cement blocks for foundations meet with Mrs. Lem Wilson, Jr., Glen Brown, In Adrian. A. E. Korman and daughters, in Nyssa on the regular date, Cinder blocks for buildings Margaret and Marian, spent Mon- Thursday, July 18. Mrs. Blanche Hite wiT be co-hostess. uay In Boise. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hatch and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth McDon Barbara were visitors In Parma ald had as guests from Bremerton several days last week Mr. and Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Harold Sele and three dau ghters, LoLs, Delaine and Barbara, son, Deward. ■ i I and Mrs. Harriet Smuckel and Mrs. W W W W W W i V i Flora Mackin returned to their I home at Walla Walla Saturday T 'after a 10-day visit with their sister. Mrs. Martha Klingback. Fied Klingback is spending sev ;J eral days this week visiting his You Could Circle the State of Idaho A Statement O f Price Policy On cousins, Jimmie and Donald Dun can, in Payette. The Mearl McClure, Charles PU R IN A C H O W S F o u r Ti me s With Idaho P o wer Culbertson and Earl Crocker fam ilies were among those who spent It is true that our prices on Purina Chows have increased since the Fourth in Vale. Company’s Rural Electrification Lines the end of OPA ceilings on July 1.... Kay McDonald Is spending the week with her aunt, Mrs. Robert Toyne, in Payette. JÊ Denny and Betty Lou Mcklm of Along the country roads of the rate among these household users of Seattle are visiting at the home Snake River Valley are 5547 miles of electricity is over a third less than of their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. ...These new higher prices are due entirely to the increase in Earl Crocker. electric distribution lines reaching our the national average. the cost of feed ingredients. All ingredients have risen sharply... Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth McDonald 21 thousand farm customers. Alto and family and their house guests, some as much as $87.50 a ton. In addition, these 5547 miles of ATTEN TIO N FARMERS! or mercurochrom#. waterproof. 39c M O O U C I WATTS MOTOR COMPANY Adrian C H E C K G A TES Nyssa Tile g rM r €r j Pipe Co. m m m m m m To Our Customers: BUT m k ...This increase in the price of Purina Chows is not as large as the increase in ingredient costs. New prices reflect only a part of the out-of-pocket increase to Purina. ...The new prices on Purina Chows do not include a single cent per bag or per ton more profit for Purina. The profit margins on Purina Chows have never been up to the full amount allowed under OPA and will not be raised now to margins previously permitted. We Are Proud To Follow P U R IN A ’S P O L IC Y As authorized Purina dealers we are pledging ourselves ti follow the manufacturer’s lead. We know that our first responsi bility is to our customers—we want to keep feed prices down as much as possible. We are not increasing our margins—we will not be short-sighted and take advantage of the present situation at your expense. True, feed prices will go up or down as prices of ingredient.- vary—but we promise as always to do our best to supply all the Purina Chows we can get at the best price possible. HEAR YOUR FAVORITES The latest recordings of the nonntor singers have lusl arr ived. Think of the fun you’d have listening to them over and over again. ON COLUMBIA RECORDS rural electric lines are a substantial source of tax income that supports schools and government—local, state and federal. Idaho Pftwer is a Leader in Farm Electrification Al Thompson & Son W J W W V L V A W im gether these lines reach over 90 per cent of the farms within our service area. These miles of copper wire result from a program of farm electrification begun by Idaho Power Company thirty years ago when we assumed the responsibility of providing all the electric needs of people in our terri tory. Over the years the Snake River Valley has been ahead of most other sections of the nation in the progress of farm electrification, and today it is one of the most highly electrified. Idaho Power Company electric rates are uniform on its intercon nected system serving southern Idaho and Eastern Oregon for both farm and town customers, and its average Nordale-Newsom Furniture Store I DAHO V P O W B g A CITH IW W H 1M V B A A T B M V I «