Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (July 4, 1946)
-,---- r/ieNYSSA No. 25 JOURNAl lì ‘NYSSA,_OREGON,_THURSDAY, JULY 4, Federal Houses About Ready For Nyssa shipment 1 94G_ N YSSA W IN S ATTEND ANCE A W A R D A T ER! M ETT Potato Shipping Is Started Here On Red Varities! City Laying Pipes And Sidewalks On King Avenue Five Concerns Expected To Be Shipping 30 Cars Daily City Manager, E. K. Burton re Potato shipping was started in ceived information Monday by Ny » a this week, with shipments ' from four sheds averaging 10 car- long distance teiepnone from Se ' loads a day. attle that the government houses The Sim plot Produce company, scheduled to be set up in Nyssa J. C Watson and company. Max are ready for shipment. Lutz and Owyhee Produce started The government officials were snipping Monday and the Eastern awaiting the arrival of papers, Oregon Produce company is ex whicli were sent from Nyssa F ri II m HB p K pected to start shipping Friday. day of last week. The pre-fabri- | By next week shipments are ex cated houses will be sent here fr o m , Members of the Owyhee Riding club of ^yssa are shown above a ; they appeared before the ow ning of the horse show held In connec Ion with the annual Cherry fes pected to reach 30 to 40 carloads Vancouver, Washington. tival at Emmett. The Nyssa club won a trophy for attendance and seieral members won individual awards. < Photo by Ida. Statesman) 1 a day. The produce concerns start Wick and Daulgren, contractors ---------------------------------------- ed on Bliss Triumph and Pontiacs. who are erecting the government | . . > , LIST OF MALHEUR BAILEY APPEAL IS The Pontiacs are a new variety ol apartment houses in Ontario, art f U F l t T i i l I l C l U CASUALTIES GIVEN red potato, having been grown here expected to handle the work here, j REJECTED BY COURT for the first time last year. Each of the six apartment build-j l 1 O F • L , ( j f^ V The first list of Oregon’s war I Shipments during the busy sea- ings will contain four apartments. | _______ " As a result of a state supreme I son will be continued until Sep- dead and missing was released by The city will be required to lay Funeral services were held in the'cou rt decision handed down last The Owyhee Riding elub of Nyssa i tem ber and will then be made on the army last week. “ Na-arene enuren In Nyssa Mon- , week at Salem, Kenneth W. Bailey, won the bronze trophy Thursday a reduced scale until October. Forty-five o f Oregon's 2835 cas ol g .r Ve. L w elw ^ y s and al^ut the 2 P- >»• * « L. Gray, who ¡convicted Malheur county slayer. Idaho Men Are Erecting ualties came from Malheur county. at the horse show held at Emm g i . f ih ... t n r x t died in tile Nyssa Nursing home I will not escape death in the state's Building at Second None from Malheur county was ett by having the largest repres 4775 GIVEN TESTS crete S on Kmg ^ n u e FTUUy of last week. | lethal gas chamber. The court up- reported missing, all deaths having entation of any club at tlie show. And Bower | Services were conducted by D r.! held the first decree murder con- AND ARE IMMUNIZED President Lloyd Marshall received been determined definitely. _ Mangum of Nampa and Rev. E. J. i viction and death sentence set the award that evening at 7:30 The war department's list Is as Albert McKimmy and Wayne SUGAR RATIONING A total of 4775 individuals were Wilson of Nyssa. Music was fur-1 by Circuit Judge M. A. Biggs from Mrs. Bills, Emmett club pres given immunizations and skin tests ' nished by Mr. and Mrs. Clyde court at the time of the trial a Lewis of Canyon county, Idaho follows: IS STILL IN EFFECT ident. Adams, Robert F.; Benson, Gor have starteli construction of a cir.- in Malheur county schools from — ----- Dilly o f Caldwell, Mrs.' Inez Seward year ago. Records show that there were January 1 to .July 1, according to Sugar rationing is still in full and Arlene Seward of Parma. I Bailey was convicted of the ' Jerblock building that will be used don, J.: Betzer. Ralph L.; Bridge- 42 ot the Nyssa club members att effect and has been in force in Interment was In Rosedale Mem- slaying of State Police Sergeant as an automobile body repair and man, Patnck K . Biodle, Jack H^. figures released from the office of ending They were awarder 21 rib the county nurse. spite of the interruption of price orial park at Payette, with the Theodore R. Chambers of Ontario Palnt I Browne, Robert W.; Carlco, Hugh bons. Winners of ribbons are as control, emphasizes w T. Lockwood, Nyssa Funeral home in charge. |during a gun battle in the base-1 ^ le building, under constiucllon a re, in ., ec , eorge O f the total number, 921 were follows: pre-school children. 2725 were Id ah o OP A district director. James Losson Gray was bom In nient of the Annex schoolhouse in on Bower avenue between First H.; Corta, James; Crocker, Leslie In the Morgan stallion class, Spare stamp 10 In ration book Niles, Iowa February 17. 1869 and Malheur county ne*r Weiser. The I an<* Second streets, will be 30 by B., Deffenbaugh, Joseph E., Ed- grade school children, 649 were Donna Fylllngness on her horse ur became good lor the pur- when a boy of 17 he moved with murder occurred April 29, 1945. 60 feet- with a concrete floor. The mondson. John D.; Eyins. Harold high school students and 580 were four chase of five pounds of canning his parents to Missouri, where he Bailey's partner. Ronald W. Dully owners h°P e to have the Structure E.; Farnsworth, Robert; F illin g-,H eel Fly, albino class. Ora Clark adults. ready for occupancy by July 15 or ness, Oliver A.; Gilbert, Paul E.; Vale, a member of the Nyssa O f the same number, 4140 were sugar on July 1. Lockwood urged resided for about six years. He was killed in the battle. 20. ¡Harris. Richard I.; Higginbotham, 'club; family group pin toes, Peggy vaccinated against smallpox, 969 that consumers take special care moved to Oklahoma, where he The pair had ben hiding in the Thg business will be conducted O- D.; Hillis, Olendon W. Holland i Wyatt, Leonard Marshall, and Oce, diphtheria, and 1261 were given of sugar rationing coupons and married Mary Amnie Dawkins ' basement when Chambers and oth- o l^ T e n T ^ tU r the * » « * “ ° f the Nyssa Auto j Dale L.; Hoffman. El wood M.; |Bud and Bob S c ^ e iz e r . sorrell the Schick test to determine their book four since this rationing pro July 22, 1894." T iT T h il urn o n "" 2 Body shop. The men. who have had Jenkins, Clifton C.; Kenedy, John pinto cla.*», Nellie Bason and O il- Immunity to diphtheria. gram will probably renaln In e f f children were born. His wife and The two men were being sought several years of experience, will R.; Ketchum, Lyle W ; Kimball bert Holmes: matched palomino Twenty-three and one-half per ect for many months three children preceded him in for other crimes, class, Mr. and Mrs. Neil Dimmtck, Fred V.; Kurtz, Edwin L.; Long. cent of the 1261 who took the The slaughter control program death. He married Miss Amanda I Judge Biggs will fix the date repair and paint car bodies. Bob Toombs, Bettee Dominico, and The owners, both of whom served Harry W.; Marostlca, Louie B.; Schick test had positive reaction will continue as usual since the Stewart of Ontario, Oregon May for the execution. Bailey was orig- Mr. and Mrs. Roy Holmes; work to the test. Sixteen hundred and authority for this program arises 23, 1917. They made their home inally sentenced to die August 10, in the air forces during the war, Matheny, Thomas F.; McMillan, class horses, Alonzo Knowles and thirty-five of the 4775 were given from the secoad war powers act at Prague. Oklahoma and later 1945, but the case was appealed and expt it to build a large garage build- i Harold R.; Moore, Vern C.; Nae- ing or adjc iing lots at Second mura, Roy I.; Soroggin. William F.; Lynn Snodgrass; hackimore class, the tuberculin test One hundred instead of the price control acc. moved to Ontario. In the years the sentence delayed. '* nnr Bo. er. Tile strut* «re v. o »»■ ¡Scott, Layton, W.; Smit, Peter G.; Merlyn Fagan; bridle class, Alva and one persons of six per cent that followed Mr Gray and Ha.j k---- -—- ---------- — Luck wood said. . «0 by luo feet. Work will not fe J a A tn ,’ Richard V.: Snyder. Will- Ooodell; Shetland pomes, NannetM plus of the 1035 who took t « f Lockwood added that there will family lived in Nampa nicer men started on the garage building un-jlam H., Jr.; Swarm, Marion W.; Bybee and Sharoll Fagan. Mr. tuberculin test reacted pusltlely be no lapse in the activities In the Nyssa til materials become plentiful. ¡Taylor. Ortha F.; Udlck, William; | Fagan also won the pie race for to the test. All of those who had operation and enforcement of the Mr. Gray united with the Meth- McKimmy and Lewis have made Ulrey, Wayne L.; Weesc, Paul W; which no award was given a positive reaction to the tuber slaughter control program. odist church early in life and tentative arrangements to secure White, Alvin G., and White, K en- culin test had chest X-rays. ---------------------— became a member of the Church the Buick automobile agency. ineth C. MORFITT HONORED of the Nazarene in 1924 Funeral servies wfcre held W ed He is survived by his widow. BY DISABLED VETS 'o x it a Amanda: three sons, Ellis and nesday in Vale for Mrs John G ir- WHITE GOPHER IS Earl of Nyssa and Herrell of vin of Vale who died at the om- CAUGHT BY SUITERS o l O r y H o U T S A r e Julian Morfltt of Ontario, M al * * , Homedale; six daughters, Mrs. Alta ario hospital Monday morning as heur county service officer, was a result of injuries sustained when ... , ¡Summers, Mrs. Clara Seaman and elected Golden Rodent, state head The first white gopher reported Diana Maulding. four-year-old Mrs Bernice Delhm, all of Nampa, she was struck by an automobile of the Cats and Rats, fun organ seen in the Nyssa heights area The Nyssa Clowns softball team daughter of Dr. and Mrs. L. A. Mr*. Henry Moore of Ontario, Mrs. on highway 20 seven miles west was lound at the Glen Suiter farm The story hours, which were ization of th« Disabled American defeated the Fruitland nine on the Mauldin«, narrowly escaped drown- Bertha Hurn of Jerome and Mrs of Vale. conducted at the Nyssa library Veterans, at the convention o f the Fruitland diamond last Frlnay h.g when her fathers outboard Audra Q{ okIahoma Clt The driver of the car, Harold Mr. and Mrs. Suiter saw the during May and June by Miss D AV and affiliated organizations evening by a score of 10 to 3. boat ^overturned In Snake okIahoma> 22 grandchildren and Carpenter of Harper, was cleared gophe: about the place and set Daisy Secoy, county children’s 11b- in Pendleton last week-end. Mor Nyssa scored its first runs in the river near the Nyssa bridge Sun 16 great grandchildren, two sis of negligence by police, who re a trap for it. They were successful rarian, met with enthusiastic res- fltt also was appointed chief of second Inning and continued the day. | ported that Mrs. Girvin stopped ters, Ada Dalton and Annie Frogge in catching the albino rodent. ponse by the youngest library staff of Don V. Walker, national lead throughout the contest. Tom Other occupants of the boat were of Oklahoma, and a brother, Lee her vehicle on the side of the D AV commander. patrons. my Holman of Nyssa drove out a Dr. Maulding, Leonard Marshall ¿VayTf' Oklahoma road, walked around behind It and Mrs. Virginia Scroggins of Ont home-run In the third Inning with At times the groups were as large and Bert Lienkaemper. COYOTES REDUCING then walked straight into the path ario was elected state junior vice as 68 and even the first one was Bellon and Russell on base. Prac The boat, equipped with a new p n [ o n ,-»,— of Carpenter’s machine. ANTELOPE HERDS attended by 33. Miss Lillian Nls- commander of the DAV auxiliary. tically every man on the Nyssa 50-horsepower motor, was traveling r D U I \ i l 1 orfc,lN 1 The police did pot attempt to bet, the county librarian, announ- She and the other officers were team scored. upstream at slow speed, when it QUIETLY IN NYSSA explain Mrs G irvin s strange ac Obsrvations to date by state CM the will meet onl Installed by Beatrice Hogan, nat The Clowns will play their first apparently struck a log or other j tion, but discounted the idea of game commission biologists lndi- other Tuesday at 2 30 Jul 9 and ional commander, whose home Is home game of the season Wednes ob ect. The boat overturned and With many Nyssa residents att- suicide. cate hat the antelope population ;23 and A 6 , nd 20 MLss Ella in Oregon. Ann Weber, national day, July 10, when they will meet Dlana came up under the b oat.' ending celebrations In neighboring Mrs. Girvin was born M ay 27, n scutheastern Oregon Is very Hallb()ld who ta dolng .special adjutant of the auxiliary, conduct the Payette outfit on the Nyssa Dr. Maulding dived under the boat communities, comparatively few 1895 at Journey, Nebraska and low Uhough a high percentage worl[ al the county library thu ed a school of Instruction for post field. The game will be called at 7 and extricated the girl, who was persons remained at home here ov- had resided with her family in the o f the does drop,Kid twin kids this aum wlu teU the storles dur_ officers. o'clock. The seven-inning game weuring a life-belt. When the doc- er the Fourth of July Vale community for the past nine season and no evidence of disease ,llg Ju,y and ML|S ^ . „ y wlll be T h e Malheur coiy^ty unit of the can be finished before dark. tor and girl did not immediately Public offices and business hous- years. has b*en found, the loss by pred- ,n charge agaln August auxiliary won the membership cup The game scheduled with Ontario ai pear, Mr. Lienkaemper dived es were closed and several mer- Survivors include her husband atlon of coyotes has been quite At Ontario the schedule will i for a second straight year with a for Tuesday of this week was can under the boat, but found they chants and employes are spending l and seven children, all of Vale heavy remain the same with stories f o r 1100 Pe> cent membership gain and celled, because some of the players had emerged. ¡the week-end in larger cities or __________________ younger children on Wednesdays i W*B retain It permanently If It had to work The quartet clung to the boat in the mountains Relatives Visit__ Leave On Visit— at 2:30 and the reading circle for wins a third time. Players in the Fruitland game until other persons on the river j — _________ _______ Outof-town relatives who visited Mis: Betty Lomax and Miss the older boys and girls on Thurs were Holman, p; Hendricks, c; arrived to assist. The Maulding Operated On— at the Emil A. Stunz home Sunday Peggv Pounds left Sunday for an Vsits Son Here— R. Wilson, lb; B Hendricks, 2b; boat was lashed to the other boats | Miss Delor.e Smith, 16 year-old and attended the wedding of Miss extenied visit with relatives and day at 2:30. Miss Jean Penning Mrs. Susan Williams of Salt Russell, ss; C. Wilson, 3b; Cottle, ton Is In charge of the county and was towed to shore The hot daughter of Mrs. Clarence Aston, Helen Sallee and Emil O. Stunz friend! in Nebraska, library children's room during Miss Lake City Is visiting at the home If; Heldt. cf; Bellon, rf, and Tob- motor was badly damaged by Its underwent an appendix oiieratlon were Mr. and Mrs. Roy House, Mrs. 1 of her son, Pat Williams, and ler, substitute. Secoy's vacation. immersion In the water. this week. Alice Tarleton and sons. Jack and Herr From Salt la k e — The story hours at the Vale lib fam ily. She Intends to stay sev- Don, Miss Clairelaine Swanholm, I Mrs Lois H. Shafer, nurse of rary will be on Monday at 2:30, aral months. Brush Fires Reported— I Visiting V I. W ill Locate Here— Here— Mrs. R. A. Stunz and Miss G r e ta ! Salt lake City, arrived here Wed- Firemen were called Monday R. R. Buneo and family and Mr. and Mrs. Tim Pond of Lew Stunz of Boise. Mrs. B. A. Stunz ot nesdaf for a visit with her daugh- July 8 and 22 and August 5 and 19. Move Residenre— afternoon to extinguish a brush Ruby Montoia arrived Sunday from lston. Utah are visiting at the home Horseshoe Bend, Mrs, R. T. Muir ter Mrs. Oscar D Pike and 1am- Mr. and Mrs. Lester Oden have fire on No. Sixth and again Mon JOHN THOMSON OF Montana. The visitors who are of Mr. and Mrs. Burnall Brown.'and son, Bob. and Miss Blanche ily. moved from First street to the day evening to extinguish a brush vlsiting at the home of John Lu They arrived in Nyssa last Friday. Slater of Weiser and Mrs. Gretchen ¡ NYSSA FEELS QUAKE residence that they recently pur fire on north Third street. No cero, plan to locate In Nyssa. Squires of Riverside. California. Go Tt Challiv chased from J. K. Griffiths on damage was caused by the fires. Go to Ogden— , Mr and Mrs. Lloyd Marshall left John Thomson of Nyssa has re Sixth street. Return From Trip— Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Whitaker and Go to T%in Falls— ! Saturday morning for a week's turned from Vancouver, B. C., Visit Relatives— M r and Mrs. Lemon and family two daughters spent from Friday J. L. Church left last Thursday i vacation at Challis, Idaho, where he experienced the shock Here From Ogden__ Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Carskadon returned Saturday from a five- until Monday In Ogden. Utah. for a visit with his brother, P. L. \ ------------------------ of an earthquake June 23. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Hadley, Jr., and son. Philip, of Wilcox. Nebra weeks trip by car. They toured Church of Twin Falls. He was ac- Return From LosAngrlrs— Mr. Thomson, experiencing the of Taylor, Utah, were here Tues ska, Mr. and Mrs. Oordon Rons back down the coast of California to companied home, the first of t h e ; Mr and Mrs. Randall Stathopu-1 temblors in the house in which he day visiting their cousin, Mrs. Del o f Roberts, Idaho and Mrs. Mary Old Mexico. Nursing Home Notes— week, by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. i los returned Monday from a week's was visiting, said the noise sound- bert G am er and family. Yorty of Bellingham, Washington Mr and Mrs C. E. Sweaney are J. C. Church of Rockford. Colorado, visit at Los Angeles, where th e y , ed like the rumble of a heavy truck were visitors Monday night at the Visits Son— parents of a girl, born June 25. The | who also visited at Twin Falls. took Mrs. Stathopulos. They are or train The main temblor lasted Return From Trip— C. H. Carskadon. Sr., home on J. E. Wheeler, Sr., of New M ex baby weighed 7 pounds, 11 ounces. I ------------------------ practically the first ones In Nyssa I about 30 seconds, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Stoker and route 2, Nyssa. The Carskadon ico visited three days recently with Mr and Mrs. William Oarran are | Here from l'tah— I to witness a showing of the new I Mr Thomson went to Medford fam ily returned Wednesday from brothers, S. E. and C. H , had not his son, J. E. 'Wheeler, Jr. Mr. parents of a boy bom June 27. the I Mr. and Mrs. Willard P. Stephens Kaiser—Frazer cars, which were to attend an I. O. O. F. state con a trip to Ogden and vicinity, where seen each other for more than 36 Wheeler, who wlll be 90 years old In child weighed 8 pounds, 9'4 ounces. I of Sandy. Utah are visiting at the on display at «he Muntz Motor vention. spent a week at Oswego they visited relatives and attended years. August, left to visit his other chil Mr and Mrs. William Blngman ‘ home of Mr. and Mrs. Chester company plant there, and a week at Portland, and went to business. dren ir. California. are parents o f a boy born June 29 Stephens. The two men are broth to Vancouver, where he visited for Discharged From Navy— The baby weighed 10 pounds, a ers. Joins Husband In Salt Lake — a month. Go T o Utah— Arnold C. Oarren, MoM M 2/C, ounces. Undergoes Operation— Mrs. Harold Burgess and son. M r and Mrs. Leo Child and son of Mr. and Mrs. O. F .Oarren Mrs. Durlin Hammon underwent Policemen Resign— Jerry, left Monday for Salt Lake Seed Man Here— Bishop Arvel Child and hla sister. of Nyssa route 2, was honorably a major operation at the Holy Called to Colorado— Chief of Police J. R. Dolan and City to join their husband and R. B. Dessert of El Centro, Cal Mrs. Iona Flinders, left Saturday discharged from the navy at the Rosary hospital this morning. Miss Mrs. Olea Billings and son, O fficer Vlrl Rettenbaugh have re-¡father, who has been at Orand ifornia was In Nyssa several days morning for Utah on account ol navy personnel separation center Beverly Swansen of Parma. Is at George, were called to Greeley. Col- signed their positions. Orville j Junction, Colorado the past four last week on business. the Illness of their brother and at New Orleans June 24 Oarren the Hammon home caring for the orado last Thursday because of the : Maze, former Nyssa officer, has weeks uncle. Persy Child. joined the navy December 28, 1943 children. death of Mrs Billings' father, Geo- been appointed as acting chief of 1 __________________ - Goes To Separation Center— and served aboard the U. S. 8.— rge N. Oreen. police. Here On Furlough— First Lt. Ted Morgan, son of Attend Utah Funeral— I2BT 728 from December 12, 1944 On Business Trip— Pvt Kenneth Seward, son of i Mr and Mrs. Frank Morgan, spent Mr. and Mrs. Douglass Bateman to June 24, 1946 The youth, who Kenneth Cottle and Burnall Ge T o Portland— Visits Daughter— Mr and Mrs. Al Seward, Is here on | several days here this week en were In Utah the past week be- served overseas for 16 months, Brawn flew to Denver. Colorado Mr and Mrs. Tom Rust and son. Mrs. Laura Lacey of Fast Al- a furlugh. He haa been In the'route to the separation center at cause of the serious lili and Tuesday on a busines trip In the Benny, spent from Thursday until toons. Illinois arrived here Sunday irmy a year, being Instructor at Seattle He spent the past one and death of M r Bateman'a mother holds the American campaign rib Amalgamated Sugar company pl- Tuesday in Portland and Seaside night to visit her daughter. Mrs. J a field artillery school. He wlll re- one-half years In the Aleutian is- They are expected to return here bon. the Asiatic Pacific ribbon and one aUr, Philippine liberation visiting relatives. Lester Oden, for an indefinite. port to Port Sill, Oklahoma. ar.ds with the air forces Thursday. ribbon and the victory ribbon. Construction Is Started On New Nyssa Body Shop J er^ ilce Nyssa Club Wins Emmett Honors ta ' Mrs. John Girvin Dies o f Injuries Maulding Boat Upset in River J Well Attended i* Clowns Defeat Fruitland Nine