Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (June 13, 1946)
V f\ THF NVPSA GATE CITY .TOURNAT i ; L "Sieg Heil!” I he Gate City Journal Kl.ASS V. POWELL Editor und P ub lw h rr SL BSC K 11* TI ON KATES •2.00 $1 (Strictly in Advance) THURSDAY, JUNE 13, 1946 A11 VERTI SI NO RAT-A Open rate, per inch .......36o .‘Ó9C Classifieds, per word ...2 Minimum 30c Published every Thursday at Nyssa, Malheur County, Oregon Entered at the postotflces at ¿-lyssa, Oregon for transmission through the United States Malts, as second class mutter, under the art ol March 3, 1879. OW YHEE OR HAW AII The derivation and meaning of two of the most prominent names in this vicinity, Nyssa and Owyhee, are little understood by the re sidents of the community. The derivation of the name Owyhee was brought to public attention by Fred Lockley o the Oregon Journal. A clipping of the article taken from a Honolulu paper was sent to tlu Gate City Journal by Mrs. Elmer Cloninger former Nyssa resident who is visiting in Hawaii. The article as clipped from the Oregon Jour nal by the Honolulu publisher reads as follows: “When Dr. John McLoughlin ruled, with a firm but kindly hand, the Oregon country from his headquarters at Fort Vancouver, he had working for him, as boatmen, scores of kana kas from the Sandwich islands. “Two of these kanakas, serving as boatmen for a party of Hudson’s Bay trappers, were kill ed in 1819 by Indians on an unnamed river which thereafter was referred to as Sandwich Island river, and later as Owyhee river, for the island of Hawaii, then spelled Owyhee. “From the death of these two Sandwich is landers, Owyhee county in Idaho, the Owyhee river and, indirectly, the Owyhee rapids of the Columbia river are named. “Owyhee rapids takes its name from the steamer Owyhee, built at Celilo in 1864.“ Likewise, the name of Nyssa is misunder stood. It is derived from the bush of the same name, which is described in the dictionary a “a small but scattered species of dog-wood wit' greenish flowers.” Mr. .nd Mrs. Clayton Jensen of Mr and Mrs Nias Halt and family Nyssa visited Mrs Beranek Friday 1 Mr. and Mrs. Oordon Dickson and C. M. Tensen was In Summit family. Prairie last week attending to bus- Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Parker and family. In ess. and Mrs. George Toombs and Mr. and Mrs. Dick Oroot were In Mr. family. Fruit land and Ontario Tuesday Mr. and Mrs. WUliam Toombs and afternoon. Farmers In this community are . Mr family. and Mrs Toombs and busy haying. Several are chopping family the hay In the field. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Toombs and family. BUILDING PERMITS W K. Wahlert, construction, Pine NEW S OF RECORD street. 20 by 25, frame, $2500. CIRCUIT COURT Ma r i e Thomas, construction. COMPLAINTS, F. Ritchie vs Nellie Ritch Third street, lot 13, block 72, Green ie. Floyd 6/4/46. Divorce. addition, 6325, frame, 16 by 20. R. C. Keller et al vs Dick Smith. Douglas Flippence. construction, 6/5/46. Damages. $4,814 00 Second street, frame, 28 by 24. Ben E. Smith vs Nancy A. John son 6/5/46. Cancellation of con tract. CARD OF THANKS Betty Baker vs Robert Carl Ba We wish to thank our friends for ker. 6/6/ 6. Divorce. their kindness shown us during our recent bereavement and for the PETITIONS, PROBATE COURT beautiful floral offerings. We es Estate of Elizabeth J. Prossei. pecially wish to thank those who deceased. 6/4/46. assisted with the music at the MARRIAGE LICENCES funeral. Robert Toombs. William Nelson Whitmore, of On- Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Toombs. Don M. Graham Insurance Agency tario. Ore., and Lois Jean Barton. of payette> Ida. 6/«/ 46. Ray William Strickland, of Nys sa, Ore., and Eleanor Ruth Hop per, of Huntington, Ore. 6/7/4«. Eidred Elsworth Folwell and Pat ricia Ann Clarkson, both oi Horse Shoe Bend, Ida. 6/8/46. BILL LANE Auctioneer Phone 116.1______ Nyssa Serving 5 Counties From the Largest Stock of Genulue Parts Orders Shipped Immediately Manser, Inc. Phone 49 Payette, Idaho BROWER PLUMBING SHOP G. I. Priorities Filled First W. Pease, now with the branch of 1 The Kingman Grange met Mon- project planning in Boise, will be day night with 17 members and Fire and Automobile appointed to replace Nelson on the two visitors present. Mr. and Mrs. Electric Water Heaters Yakima construction job. Pease Is Howse were In attendance. Mr. Insurance well known in the Yakima region, Howse is state Grange deputy. Phone 95—J having served the bureau there fur Mrs. Joe Brumbach was given Rentals Bonds the Grange obligation. The mem a number of years. bers voted to hold only one meet ing per month through June, July, and August. The meetings will be held the second Monday in each Dally vacation Bible school month. and Mrs. Virgil Viers closed here Sunday with a pro reported Mr. on the state Grange meet gram Sunday morning. Twenty-six ing. Refreshments were served by children were enrolled. Fern Hatch and Francs Hurst. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Wagner left Bach of John Day, Oregon last week for Eugene, where they has Mrs. been a visitor in the J. G. Lane will spend the summer. Mr. and the past week. Mrs. Bach Is Mrs. Ben McConnell, who purchas a home sister-in-law Mrs. Lane. ed the Wagner farm, moved to It Delora Hurst of returned Monday last week. morning after a two weeks vLslt Miss Maxine Hershey of Boise with relatives In Myrtle Creek, Ore- spent the week-end here with her gon. sister, Mrs. George Husk, and fam The Home Economics club will ily. with Edna DeHaven Tues Miss Wilma Bullard Is conduct meet day, June 18. ing Bible school in Idaho this ASSISTANT BUREAU bureau's activities. He will deal week. particularly with the fields of fin Mr. and Mrs. Glen Dowers and DIRECTORS NAMED ance, personnel, supply, informa- family spent Sunday In Caldwell. COLUM BIA AVENUE i BOISE, IDAHO—Appointment pi tlon- hmd acquisition, and progress Mrs. Doner of Nampa returned to Mr. and Mrs. Jake Van Twlsk, Lyle Cunningham of Boise and Har- i co?. Mr. f° Nelson, . who . . has . been con- her home last week after a visit Dave Hawkins, Mr. and Mrs. Dick with her daughter. Mrs. Pay Groot. Miss Ruth Larson, Mr. and old T. Nelson of Yakima as assist- I struct lor engineer of the bureau’; lere and family. Mrs. Oerrit Stam and Mr. and ant regional directors In the north- highly successful Rom division o! 2orn, Wagner of Boise visited \ Mrs. Johnny Lackey attended the west office of the bureau of re- the Yakima project In south cen ills Lealand parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M.1 funeral of Mrs. Robert Toombs, Sr clamntlon here was announced to- tral Washington, will come to tin Wagner, before they left for the Monday afternoon. Before moving day by R. J. Newell, regional dir- ¡ regional office this month. He wll to Nyssa Mr. and Mrs. Toombs llv- ector. I l:e responsible for ull technical coas^- Loulse Behymer and son and e(j jn this community for severa Mr. Cunningham, who has been phases of the bureau's activities In Dorothy and son returned years. serving as an assistant to the dlr- the fields of construction, project to Portland Hanks last week after a visit. c M. Tensen was a business vis- ector, moves up to his new poní-1 planning, operation und mainten- here. Miss Pearl Orris and Miss ¡tor In Vale and Ontario Monday. tion where he will take over duties anee, and power. IIlpp accompanied them j Guests at the Dick Groot home In connection with administration In announcing Mr. Nelson's ap- Oenevie Portland. Wednesday were Mr and Mrs. Peti and organization phases of the pointment, Mr. Newell said that H. to Gene Kipp was a business visitor Tensen, Mr. and Mrs. Z. Davidson in McDermmit last week. 0f Parma. Mrs. Dick Stam ol Oregon Trail. Mr and Mrs. Gerrlt Groot of Apple valley and Mr. ana M rs. Brodie OW YHEE Mrs. John Timmerman of Newell Heights. Community club( Mrs. Jake Van Twlsk was In Arrange for your GI or FHA loan through will The meet Owyhee with Mrs. Lynn Kygar Apple Valley Sunday, the First National bank, Nyssa branch. with Mrs. Jess Kygar as co-hosted I Mr. and Mrs. Don Toombs at- Insure your new home with your local agent. Thursday, June 20. j tended the funeral of Mr. Toombs' Mr. and Mrs. G. L. McMillan and grandmother, Mrs. Robert Tooinb We will be pleased to help you. daughter, Kathy, of Boise were Sr., of Nyssa Monday. week-end guests at the Louis Skin ner home. the budget Fred Klingback returned Sunday of F.F.A. boys from NYSSA INSURANCE PHONE 64 a with trip a to group the Eastern Oregon Live It Pays To Trade In Nyssa stock show at Union, where he sold the calf he had been raising. Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Bigelow spent “You have to be a trained seal to balance a budget these days!” com Mednesday as guests of Mr. and USE IT AS A TRUCK plains Mrs. Brodie. Mrs. D. P. Pullen In Meridian. The annual school meeting will be held at the Owyhee schoolhouse, “Everything costs so much! Take clothing—when you can get it,” says Monday evening, June 17. All school Mrs. Brodie, “and look at the price tags! And food—that’s simply Optometrist patrons are invited to attend. A well has just been completed on skyrocketed! Housefumishings—if you can find a house to furnish— the school grounds. Now at his new modern offices Mr. and Mrs. Charles Culbertson are way up! 718 Arthur St. Phone 720 entertained USE IT AS A TRACTOR at a birthday dinner Sunday for Mrs. Arnold Slippy Caldwell, Idaho “But not electricity!” says Mrs. Brodie. “No, indeed!” says Mrs. Brodie. and for their son, Larry. Other (Directly across from the American theater) guests were Arnold lippy and child “Electricity ren, and Mr. and Mrs. Mearl Mc has been. Clure and two sons. Mrs. Elizabeth Silvernail and coming down son. Don. are visiting at the home steadily of her sister. Mrs. Mearl McClure USE IT AS A RUNABOUT Miss Kay McDonald was a guest for years! of Shirley Skinner at supper Sun- I day. “Electricity,” says MrsT Brodie* “is just about the easiest thing in my Arcadia PLANNING TO BUILD? BERNARD EASTMAN Dr. G. W. Graves Potato Harvest Is Not Far Away Insecticides Get your potato picking belt while the supply is available. Ample supply of D. D. T. available. A pack age for every purpose. Nyssa Implement Co, At Stunz Lumber Yard I Kingman K o ’ony L. L. Kreager, local 4-H Beef club leader, met with his club members at the home of Darlene Robb In the Owyhee Community Tuesday evening. Jerry Wright has been quite 111 with an ear Infection lately. He spent several days in the hospital. Mrs. Wrights mother. Mrs. Stone, of Utah, has been visiting In the Wright home. A group of young people enjoy ed a theatre party In Nampa Mon day evening Those from the Kol- iony attending were Ilea Kreager. j Ardls Hurst. Delores and Lee Salt- i era, Joyce and Nell Stoker and two brothers and Mrs Striker Mr I and Mrs. Besendorfer accompanied 1 the group. budget to balance!” ’ USE IT AS A MOBILE POWER UNIT • The of __________ the WillytOver. land ower _ Engine __ _ ead (elective 2," ,n.^ 4-wheeT tl i“ drive make the * vehicle of amazing verta- »Ufty, performance and economy. SETA Jeep See These At Watts Motor Co. Nyssa. Oregon East of Post Office * * * If you have a budget to balance—and who hasn’t?—you’ll appreciate that the low cost of electricity is no accident. It took plenty o f practi cal planning and experience on the part of the folks in this company who—like Mrs. Brodie—have budgets to balance, too. (Don’t take Mrs. Brodie’s word for the rise in living costs. The U. 3. Department of Labor will furnish you the figures, if you’re interested.) • " n u m s m s m oss * a n s a « i i • ■ < • » .« » M IE D S T . CSS. I D A_ A H O V POWER C li U L ig WHEREVER IT ^ b v c c