Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (June 6, 1946)
. Ä •*>Viâ 8 S a « v r/ieNYSSA V v < l . o ivi n a a a XI N u . Z i ! &*. J& ÎV *; @ITY JOURNAL in iq u a , UKEGUN, t HUKSD a Y, JUNE G, llHli School District Election To Be Staged June 17 W hipple Urges Petitions Now Available For Nomination O f Director- Memorial Day S e r v i c e s Sponsored By Veter an Groups Government For World Control GARRISON TAKES FIRST PLACE IN laue löw ell race Dale Garrison of Nvssa took first place in the Inboard motor boa i face, one of the features of the annual Lake Lowell regatta Sunda afternoon. Before an estimated crowd ot 8500 persons gathered Horn south- western ,daho and easteni oreg0,. G am ^ plun, ^ ahead oi fou e and u,ok tile r*. #bout three. i;uarter, of a mi e , e jd of rYeJ Thompson of N, mo who Wl,„ se:ond pla<.e chue B rgh t of N lm pa came ln third. Local District And Producers Improve Koads Farmers Donating Money And District Doing Work The annual election o f school A world government capable of The Nyssa road assessment dis district No. 26C will be held June maintaining peace was advocated trict and individual farmers have 17 in the grade school building be •y Hev- <-'*-r 4e wm pple of the undertaken a road improvement tween the hours of 2 and 7 p. m. P in t Chui'ch of Christ of Nyssa project we t of Nyssa and have Directors are nominated by peti- J in the Memorial day address de- tlolls signed by at least 10 qualified already Improved a few miles of livered before a .small crowd on me voters. Petition forms are available school grounds last Thursday mo. i- road. at the office of Henry H, Hartley, Farmers in the area are dona ■ airison was the only Nyssa man clerk, in the high school building. in the a Idition to the principal te entei any of the races, al- ting money for the road lmorove- The complete petition must be program held at the schoottioute, tliough many Nyssa residents at- rr.ent and the road district Is doing Hied with the clerk on or before j ■' ' onv in honor o f , i he n' f n tended the regatta as spectators, June 10 and acceptance of the nom- ' the work. Don Woods of Vale is who died at sea was held at the Several boats turned over dur ¡nation must be filed on or before , Snake river bridge. ili charge of the graveling. T h “ June 12. m e paraders, ied v>y the Owyhee lnB l *'e r j ! e ^' ®*Uiough the »a te r coun,y furnishing a patrol for repor ...... ...... ____ l _________ ...-c ; »a s reported to be perfect fo. The completed petition must be Riding club ____ members on horseback the grading. ' ! racing. filed with the clerk on or before and the color bearers, marched to I The program Includes grading and June lo and acceptance of the the bridge, with Earner Cloninger in | graveling of the roads with fine nomination must be filed on or be 1 nc Owynee Truck and Implement company will hold formal opening of its new building (shown | gravel. The district is using re- fore June 12. above) Saturday, June 8. The side and rear walls of the structure are constructed of cement blocks and In opening the program Don M. I * jected gravel ’ from the state pit a Mr. Hartley said that prepara the front wall of brick. i Graham, representing the American mile west of Enterprise avenue. tion of the budget has beert delay- I — -------- — Legion and Veterans oi Foreign The workers have completed two ed pending the results of the elect- . . . r iin r n c ’ Wars, said "W e are gathered here and one-half miles of work on ions to consolidate the Arcadia and L l U l N o IV lfc.IV lB fc.K o & t r a in s c h e d u le to pay tribute to those boys who Orand avenue and one mile on Nyssa districts. For this reason the LEAVE LUNCHEON I paid the supreme sacrifice.” Enterprise avenue and are now budget must be considered at a WITHOUT PAYING Mrs. Harry Shelton of the VFW IS CHANGED HERE The quality of exhibits Is shown working on Alberta avenue. la ter date. declared that “ I have a message of at the 4-H spring fair ln Ontario The district plans to improve R. G. Whitaker was the only As Mrs. Miller prepared to collect New train schedules became ef hope that should Inspire us at last Friday and Saturday showed three miles of road on Klamath candidate who had been nom ina-! this solemn moment and all throu for the meals of the Lions club decided Improvements over former avenue and two miles on Overstreet fective on the Union Pacific run- | ted this morning. gh life. The message is from o w years, according to Miss Helen Cow- members at a luncheon in Brownie’s road under the present program. Formal opening of the new Owy ning through Nyssa June 2. God who says: ‘I am the resurrect cafe Monday noon several of the gill, assistant state club leader, who I f more farmers desire to donate hee Truck and Implement company East bound trains. No. 18 will ar- lon and the’ life; he that believeth SECRETARY KRUG TO members dashed out the rear door, building at Main and Fourth streets, rive at Nyssa at 8:43 a. m. and [ ¡n Me, though he were dead, yet Judged the different classes. The money the district will do more leaving their checks unpaid. quality was particularly good ln work. VISIT IN BOISE one of the finest of its kind in No. 12 at 10:16 p. m. No. 16, east- ' shall he live, and whosoever liveth the upper divisions of the clothing The district Is accepting donations The remaining members voted to | eastern Oregon, will be held Satur-| bound at 10:17 a. m. will let o ff and beheveth in Me shall never project. BOISE, ID AH O —Plans for the have the missing Lions arrested i day, June 8. now only as a temporary means of | passengers from Spokane and throw j die’.” visit next week of Secretary of the for breach of contract, but were j Tbe company wm serve free re- Blue ribbon winners ln the pro raising money. The district will re mail. t - i place this wreath ln loving Interior Julius A. Krug to the Pac jects will be eligible to enter ex ceive Its first tax money late this unab e to ind the new town con- f resbment-s during the day and will I A westbound morntng train No. I tribute to our comrades. ific northwest were announced here hibits in state-wide competition at fall, too late for use in road Im stable, who apparently was elected , also award prizes. International U . will arrive here at 5:52 a. m. | Tossing a wreath of flowers onto the state fair in Salem this fall. provement this year. Money here by the regional office of the bur at the last election. 'trucks. Farm-all tractors and var- and an evening train. No. 17, will the water, Mrs. Shelton said. " I eau of reclamation. The secretary Not willing to leave the matter . arrive at 4:42 a. m. No. 15, arriving piace this wreath in loving tribute Winners ln the various contests will after is expected to be raised by also be eligible to compete at the taxation. is scheduled to visit interior de-1 in the hands o( the -B roth er", X vaH ^ T n , « ! ! ! Thl at. 5:07 p. m., will let of passengers to our comrades who live in watery state fair. partment facilities and confer with LlonSi however, Mrs. Miller checked j from Ogden, Salt Lake City or graves to prove that no greater These blue ribbon winners are: east of Cheyenne and leave mall. love hath he than one who lays G ^ n d Coldee d L ^ k a n ^ P o r t ' ,h* number of « » I * * Plates on the for "¿he Crosley electrical line, which Clothing 1-A, Jolene Hunter, down his life for his country and Maxine Pand and other ™ ile ? ° ' m e ts n ^ t w ^ k . ^ refrigerators, electric ran- Kygar, K lm iko Fujlta. flag. May this wreath follow this Charlene Hants, and Roberta Gar GRIDERS SECURE SecreUry Krug, who will be mak- w hen apprehended by the Lions 1 tyP6S ° f e <>Ct" river to the comrades who are bur dner. ing his first visit to the west since club tail-twister later in the week appliances. CHOICE JERSEYS ied at sea.” Those attending the opening are Clothing 1-B, Leora Whitsell, his appointment in March, will be the dashing young Lions said they invited to inspect the building and Mr. Graham offered prayer, Jim Peggy Officers for the coming year were Terrel, Dorothy Goodell, Mr. and Mrs. Charley Grider re accompanied by Michael W. Straus, Were answering the call of the the various equipment used in the commissioner of reclamation; Joel fire siren when they unceremon- turned Saturday aftV a four day my McDonald played taps and the Grace Furuyama, Martha Hayshl. elected at the P.T.A. county coun operation. Barbara Joseph, Pamela McBride, cil meeting, which was held In On Wolfsohn, assistant commissioner iously left the luncheon. trip to the Wr^ariette' valley, where firing squad fired a salute. The building was erected by Lu they visited several of the choice Those comprising the parade then Mary '¿ielkie, and Lois McGee tario las$ Saturday. of the general land office; CYeek- ---- :---- -~ c ____„ ther L. Fife, general contractor, for Jersey herds in the state. marched to the school grounds for Clothing 2. Lois Halnllne, Donna ore Path, C. Girard Davidson, Car Mr. Maurice L. .Judd at Adrian Ira R. Ure and is leased for 10 lton Skinner and Dr. Roy Sexton . ™ W hile there they acquired several, the remainder of the observance. Houston, Shirley Sproul, Vivian was re-ulected president. Other o f years by the Owyhee Truck and chofce Jer^ ys among them the O. R. Anderson of the L.DJS. church Hoke, Betty Jones, Rosemary Vils- ficers are: Mrs. A. P. Ackerman, of the department. The party will Implement company. The back and ,Sybil Ashburn Advancer, 5-star bull i Save the invocation and Don Gra- meyer, Dorothy Williams. make the trip In a chartered plane. Ontario, vice-president; Mrs. Carl slde walls of the building, which « j and a senior herd sire of the Dick-I ham read tihe names of Nyssa's war Clothing 3, Eunice McBride, Rase Hill, Adrian, secretary; and Mrs. J. While in the northwest. Secre 100 by 116 feet, are built of y ib ra -1 ^ herd #t shedd, Oregon. ! dead. Warner, Mary Bodewlg, Helen M c P. Brumbaeh. Big Bend, treasurer. tary Krug will meet with local Officers of the Nyssa fire de- ted cement blocks, with reinforced, Tbe Advancer will be rated a (Continued on Page 3) Bride, Phyllis Eastman, Betty Dow groups interested in various phases At the morning business meeting ers, Nola Caverhlll, Patricia Reed, each local unit president gave a of resource development ln addi partment were elected at a meet- concrete base. 1 he front wall of superjor sjre with the test of two ing held in the city hall Monday .Jhe building Is constructed of brick., more daughters. One daughter, Sy- Betty Culbertson. tion to inspecting Interior depart report of the year's actlvltte« of Clothing 4-A, Bonnie Hyde, Dar her unit. ment facilities. His visit coincides night. The floors ln the dlsPlaV room' bil Welcome of Ashburn. gained Al Kuehn was re-elected chief and Parts department and shop are of world f ame iast fan with three con- lene Robbins, Anita Barnes, Elean with the beginning of an extensive Mrs. R. B. Wilburn, Ontario, Mrs. Iseeutivc monthly tests of butter- or Reed, Wilma Jacobson. post-war program and recently an Glea Billings was re-elected as reinforced concrete. W. L. McPartland, Nyssa, Mrs. The show room and parts de- fgt ranglng from 93 t0 95 Two Clothing 4-B, Rosemary Reed, nounced plans for the coordinated sistant chief. William Wahlert was Dickerson, Ontario, Mrs Kenneth Geraldine Dickey. Vern Farson partment walls are plastered and otber dau?hters have development of land and water re elected president; awarded Oreenfleld, Vale, and Mrs. Robert Robert Henry McNee, resident of vice president: Hugh Tobler, sec- *he celling is covered with Celotex. sjjver meda]s for production and _ 5, . lone ____________________ _ Clothing Robbins, Elaine sources of the region. Hedrick, Pioneer, each gave a brief The secretary will arrive in Boise retary, and Everett Heldt, treasur-jTile wood» '° r,t ln the parts depart- a tb j,.d now on tesb wiu qUau (y the N >ssa for many years, died in the Reed. Cleone Pettet, Arlene Plercy. report on some phase of the state Nyssa Nursing home last Friday Homemaking, Shirley Sparlu, My- er. ! ment and show room is painted Advancer, as a silver medal sire. at 3:10 p. m., June 10. He will in convention, which they attended ln Through arrangements with the cream ant* ofikse walls and. Baronet Bonny of Ashburn, sil- night at 11 o’clock after an Illness rna Lang, Mayann Wroten, Nola spect Interior department offices La Grande early In May. Caverhlll of White Settlement had and hold conferences with the ex Malheur Telephone company, the Pa*,|s department counters are fin- j ver medal cow purchased by Mr. of several weeks. An Interesting feature of the af [ and Mrs Qrjder ¡s a daughter of Mr. McNee, known generally as the champion clothing exhibit in ecutive committee of the Idaho telephone operator hereafter will j ished ‘n the natural. ternoon program wax the showing State Reclamation association and not give Information about a f i r e : Contractors in addition to Mr. • the senjor superior sire, Gamboge “ Old Hank,” was born ln Middle- all classes. a group Interested ln phosphate except to firemen for a period o f , Flte were M° rrison Electric com- Ashburn Baronet and is qualifying ville, Michigan June 12, 1862 and Blue ribbon winners ln cooking of the movie, "Assignment Tomor- ow." This showed actual color phot came to Nyssa in the early days. were: development. In the evening he will five minutes after the siren Is P®ny of Nyssa, electrical work, H for ber second silver medal, ographs of some of Oregon's rural sounded. The firemen will contact J- Holmes of Nyssa. painting, and Cooking 1, Mary Knudson, Ethel On January 5, 1905 he was married attend a dinner with Qovernor The average price for the cows the operator by a code number. , Hawks Plumbing company of On- in milk at the Dickson sale was to Sarah Blance Lackey, who sur- Mecham, Eva Mecham, and Jolene schools—some in very poor condi Williams and other state leaders. tion, and some good. Traffic laws relative to fire will j fario, plumbing, Hunter. vives him. $513.00. Miss Maurlne Labor and Ben Cooking 2, Bonnie Hyde, Jean be strictly enforced. When a motor-1 Mr. McNee, who was a prize CHUTE AND CORRAL 1st hears the siren or the fire Dllle, Louise Allen, Mtrhl Hakam- Bulsman of Portland .showed the fighter of considerable note in his NYSSA MAN PLACES TO TAKE SHAPE truck he must pull his machine to youth, farmed on the Owyhee river |Ura’ p atsy Lang, Justine Kreager, pictures and told the group how IN BUCKING EVENT many conditions in Oregon rural the curb and remain there until i lor several years and later owned nnd Melba Price. Alfred Evans of Nyssa split for Members of the Owyhee Riding the j rllfk bas passed. He must not Cooking 3, Betty Newbill, Donna schools could be improved. ... . , .. . . , . . a garage in Nyssa. He engaged ln third place in the bucking contest! . * . . . , „ club started construction last S u n -1 g0 closer than 500 feet to the truck ... , , .. „ .the show business, featuring a Winnlford, Eleanor Reed, Esther day on the bucking chutes end &nd he must not park his car with_ held as a part of the Sage and 1 Burtls, Judy Bunch, Myrna Lang, TENTATIVE BUDGET Howard R. Bair of Nyssa paid Saddle clubs spring show In On- I trained bobcaJ’ fori . several livestock corrals at the rodeo f ¡n f bree biocks o f the scene of the after retiring from the garage bus- and Betty Palmer. FOR YEAR DRAFTED grounds last Sunday. fire or within one block of the the toP Prire of *525 for the sUver tario Sunday. May 26. He split ines. The champion cooking exhibit I medal, highly classified four-year j with the northwest champion, John- i Thirty members assisted ln the I uueg. was shown by Mlchl Nakamura. Two nephews, Ralph and Ivan The city budget committee met j old Jerselea Coronation Pretty at j ny Hodgen. work, with a tractor and power hole Champions ln the style reveue ! the purebred jersey cattle sale held Lester Winebcrger of Huntington McNee.*live at Pocatello and a niece contest were Geraldine Dickey of with the city council Tuesday night digger ln operation. The heavy j at the Shadilane farm near North won first place and Leo Cox and Mrs. Nettle Cooke, lives at Baker. Brogan, lone Robbins of Lincoln for the purpose of drafting the poles were tarred before they were METHODISTS PLAN I Powder by W. O. Christensen a n d . Dwight Mattox of Weiser tied for placed In the ground to prevent VACATION SCHOOL Funeral services were lield Mon- L a n c ia Thompson of Star, and tentative budget for the coming year. day afternoon at 2 o'clock ln the Nancy Qribbon of Jefferson. ---------- Isons last week. I.second. decay. The tentative budget will be pub The Methodist Community church Dale Hankins of Emmett, Idaho Mattox took first place In the Methodist Community church, with Lloyd Marshall, club president, in Arlene Plercy of Kingman Kolony bid $409 for another four-year-old bulldogglng. Joe Fanning of Nyssa , Rtv. H. J. Gernhardt officiating, placed first ln the dollar dinner lished ln the Oate City Journal vites interested persons who are plans to hold a dally vacation Bible next week. cow and $325 for an older cow. broke one of his legs ln two places | Interment was in the Nyssa ceme- contest. willing to donate their time to help school soon, Rev. H. J. Gernhardt : Heifers sold up to $285. j while bulldogging. ' tery. The Nyssa Funeral home was with the construction next Sunday, announced. The budget was Increased up to In the demonstration team con “ We will have a staff o f com- Among other Nyssa purchasers at j I in charge of burial. beginning at 10 a. m. test. Donna Medlin and Dottle Med- the six per cent limitation allowed I -------- The club members hope to give petent teachers and will conduct • the sale were E. W. Irving, James Receives Treatment— ltn of Harper, placed first In the under the law, but the. asse.sed a show at the rodeo grounds some classes for children from five to Olin, Lawrence Cleverly and Far- David Hartley, son of Mr. and ' CANNERY OPENING cooking division with L o ra in » Var, valuation of property ln Nyssa has 14 years," Mr. Gernhardt said. irel Peterson. Mrs. Henry Hartley, received treat- . i iw ir; t . i -y A H P 1A Nl time during the summer. De Water and Ethel Mecham plac increased to such an extent that In . 1,/nnllol m'nr tSn J U l l L 1 ** A t > \ L *IA Ie \ Iv The date for the school has not ! j ment ln a Boise hospital over the ing first ln clothing demonstra the levy will probably not be any Exchange Visits— j week-end. The boy, who Is believed been set. Returns From Seattle— larger than last year. The Adrian Community cannery tions. Jean Dill and Shirley Spark.* Mr. and Mrs. Dean Smith spent to have been suffering from an Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Fletcher re will be opened for business Friday, of Kingman Kolony placed first Attend Services— I last week, visiting their daughter j acute sinus condition, Is improved turned last Thursday Irom a June 14 with working hours from ln the miscellaneous division with LOSS OF $300 IS Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Flndling. in Pocatello. They returned home today. week's trip to Seattle. They were 8 a. m. to 5 p. m. A ll produce must a homemaking demonstration. ------------------------ accompanied home by Mr. Flet Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Fondling. Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. A l- The Lincoln clothing club led by CAUSED BY BLAZE be at the plant by noon. cher’s two grandchildren, Paul and and Mrs. Walter Obendorf attended ton Paris came home with them In Boise— Mrs. Clarice Ross probably made The cannery will be open W ed the best record of any Individual Loss estimated at $300 was caus Kay. En route home they visited memorial services in Payette. La- | and returned to Pocatello W ednec-! Mrs. Oscar D. Pike, Mrs. Frank ter they picnicked at the home of ¡day. |j. Pike and Mrs. D. O. Bybee vls- nesday of each week until the vol club, as none of its 11 exhibits ed at the Meredith cabins near the at EXigene, Oregon. river last Thursday when the wash Mr. and Mrs. Lee Brown ln Fruit- ------------------------ j ¡ted in Boise Saturday with Mr. ume of canning Increases enough placed in the blue ribbon class. room caught fire. land. Spend Decoration Day At Ogden— and Mrs. Harvey Johnson and i warrant a three-day run. Opera- Going T o Salem— George Fife, foreman of Stoker | family. The ladies shopped part of ting will be announced later The owners carried Insurance ot. Mrs. Artie Robertson left Wed- Here From Salm on- Construction company, and Ray j the day. Prices of cans will be the same nesday for Salem to visit her dau- To Visit Son— Miss Mona Shulenberger of Sal the building, which will have to ghter. Mrs. Richard Keeney. | John Abersold of Providence. Ut-| Child spent the week-end at Ogden as last year. mon, Idaho arrived Tuesday for a be rebuilt. The fire Is believed to ah arrived Saturday to visit his j Utah, with their families. Go T o Rupert— Everyone is Invited to use the visit with Miss Adrienne Peterson. have been caused by a defective ! son. S. W Abersold. and family. ------------------------ Mrs. Fred Mitchell and two dau- cannery. Spends Week-End Here— Miss Shulenberger accompanied Rev flue. Here From Idaho— ghters, Mrs. W lr .ifr ^ Smith and Mrs. John Olson and daughter. and Mrs. Smith to Nyssa. who Mary K.. of Huntington spent the Go To f ouler City— Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ashdown of Mrs. Lois Anderson, and Clarence Leaving Navy— were en route to Wilder to visit Lehl People Here— week-end with Airs. Olsen's par- Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Boydell left Aberdeen. Idaho have been visiting Aston and three daughters spent Laurence Low of Nyssa, route 2, friends. Mr. and Mrs. Irving Duffln had ents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Oar- Sunday for Coulee Dam to visit the past week at the home of Mr Memorial day at Rupert. seaman, first class, has been dis relatives and other visitors from charged from the navy at Bremer School To Start— rison Mrs. Olsen spent Saturday their daughter. Mrs. E. Herbert and Mrs. Tren Jones. ----------------- ------ Lehl, Utah for several day* this ton, Washington. shopping ln Boise. » Smith. ----------- ------------- Goes Overseas— The Nazarene church vacation j week. They were Mrs Durrin s ___________________ ■ .■■■— ■ ■ ■ - - Here From Texas— I Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Dorman re- Bible school «rill be started Mon- mother Mrs. Alice W. Haws, Mr. AI tends Boat Races__ Guild To Meet— Mrs. J. W Black of Mason. Tex- celved a telegram from their son. Sunday Visitor»— day at 9 a. m. Airs. Norton Ran- and Mrs Jay H Haws and three Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Barrett and dolph requests that all children i children, and Mrs. Anna Broad Mr and Mrs. Tom Llle and Mr St. Paul's guild will meet at the as, arrived Tuesday to visit her Sgt. Dale Dorman, stating he was baby of Owyhee were Sunday vis and Mrs. Oeorge attended the boat home of Mrs. Hilda Tensen Wed- two daughters. Mrs Joe Woodard leaving for overseas Sunday. Sgt planning to attend register Satur-¡bent They left Tuesday for their itors at the D. O. Bybee home. races at Lake Lowell Sunday. ; nesday, June 12 at 8 p. m. and Mrs. Letha Jeffrey. i Dorman re-enlisted for two years. day from 2 to 4 p m 4-H Exhibits In Spring Fair Are Especially Good Owvhee Truck Implement Hrm Opening Store Officers Named By County P T A Nyssa Firemen Elect Officers Hank McNee O f Nyssa Succumbs Nyssa Man Pays Top Cow Price