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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (June 6, 1946)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL THURSDAY. JUNE 6, 1946 "They have given their lives be that all might have life, liberty jthe period Juna 9 to 15 (inclusive) impresses upon registrants the .Bi lieving that we would receive the and the pursuit of happiness. Unity as OREGON TOURIST WEEK. The parlance of matters of cou: vesy purpose of the week is to prepare and service to visdors, covet.» the W n r M r 'n n t r n l torch irom their ,a!Ung hands- T h e !of government is possible. fT U I 1 U V j U I I U U 1 lives of these dead can be perfect- ••Governments of the w world say Oregon citizens to assist visitors state’s tourist attractions an j fac- ed only as these hands of ours. I we must have world government, ilities a n i explains tlie advantages (Continued Prom Page 1) the e minds of outs, this strengtii, Armed forces of the world say we in enjoying Oiegon to the fullest, of coopeiating with other commun In the principal address Rev. of the living is dedicated to the J must have it. Science with its a- an i to acquaint them further, with ities. Whipple said "It is altogether fit- moulding of the world for which j tomic energy says we must have the economic importance of the Classes are designed to be es ting in the sight of Ood that we they died. it. But the cries of the dead coming tourist industry. pecially helpful to persons who It is planned that all Oregon tome in direct contact with the should remember our dead on Mem- “Oeorge Washington, in his fare- forth from their graves are heard orlal day. In the concluding verses well address, emphasized three out- above all others on this Memorial communities, organizations, busi tourist—the operators and employ nesses and individuals interested in ees of hotels, motor courts, restaur of chapter of Hebrews, ^ standing necessities for _ the , . eleventh „ . .. J the perpet- . day as they tell the message of Paul tells us that the lives of the tuation of the good government their experientel U1 one fieeting organizing the state to do a better ants service stations, garages and job of handling tourists and build- retail establishments; policemen; dead are perfected in the living.” , which he had fathered: . After quoting from the poem Unity of government, obedience t o ' momenl pas5^n* irom thls wolld to ing the tourist trade will partiel- guides. representatives of various "Flanders Pleld,” Mr. Whipple said its laws, and religion and morality. the next—They saw the folly of pate. state and federal agencies, and per The FIRST OBJECTIVE Of sonnel from chambers of commerce "Among the many answers to the! “ Abraham Lincoln at the crisis the hatred; and the strength ol the program will be to create in poem was the following by Mr. Lll- j of the civil war in these United ] iove. They saw the littleness of and travel information offices. lard, that appeared in the New States pointed out that the con- party and creed and provincialism terest which will lead to the organ ization of TOURIST HOST SCH York Evening Post: 'Rest ye in filet should decide whether 'Any and the nobility of world unity un- peace, ye Flanders dead; the fight nation so conceived and so dedica-|(jer God in service to mankind. Ir. OOLS in all communities which that ye so bravely led we've taken ted could long endure.' I dying, they fellowshippeg with all have not already held them, or up’. | "For the past several years we men alike and realized that man- which do not have them planned. “The lives our dead have given have been facing the crises. Can a ; ^ essentially and of necessity (A ruggested and successful plan | Oregon forest and range lands for a complete TOURIST HOST j may become silhouetted against have been given to win the battle world government so conceived and one but more to insure the peace. Force so dedicated long endure. "This demanded unity and peace SCHOOL course is available upon the background of smoke and flam- has its place and God has used it. j “Our world government is built can be had by the same formula request from the Oregon Adver-1 es any time from now to the end j of what may well be our most But more, the greatest example of on three eternal principles and which guaranteed our own Amer Using club'. The SECOND OBJECTIVE is to dangerous fire season in two de- the world’s memorial dead is the presented by Washington, unity. ica, religious morality. Son of Ood. Jesus Christ, whose obedience and religious morality, "When Japan was first opened encourage a one week (June 9-15) ¡cades. This is the message sent life is found in the scriptures un - 1 "These boy’s have given their for trade, the emperor sent to the public information campaign in ev- to Klass V. Powell, Malheur county mistakably the great climax of lives that we might have unity of United States government and ask ery community designed to edu- chairman of the Keep Oregon Green God’s forceful dealings with men: .world government. The nations of ed for 1000 missionaries to be sent cate all citizens as tJ the import committee, by Dean Paul Dunn, ance of the tourist industry as it state head of the fire prevention Jesus Christ, who gave his life the world have pledged obedience to Japan. We sent 26. sacrificially for mankind "that they (to that government. It now remains "Wendle Wilkie, Henry Wallace, relates to the stale, each commun- I organization. | Calling upon the local county might live and live more abund- for us, the living, to establish re- Franklin Roosevelt, foreign diplo- ity and each individual. Survey indicates a greatly in- j leader to 'get his house in order antly. I am convinced that in the ligious morality and thus insure i mats and governments without ex noble footsteps of Christ fusing the longevity of that government. |Ceptlon, witness that Chrlstair. mls- creased interest in the west and and be prepared for any emergency’, force and sacrifice, have these, our “ Unity of the peoples of the earth Sj0ns have, can and must save the Pacific northwest this year. Indexes Chairman Dunn pointed out that sons of democracy, followed. |in one government is necessary world from chaos. If we had sent indicate that, birring unforeseen an unseasonal lack of rain during j the 1000 missionaries to Japan and circumstances, the facilities of Ore- April had created a bad fire slt- ' continued in that spirit we should gon end other western regions may uatton over most of Oregon. be taxed bevond their ability to Governor Earl Snell, working never have gone to war. closely with Keep Oregon Green "We say "Remember Pearl Har accommodate travels this year. The state's travel information de organizations in every county, has bor." Let us say as well, “ Rcmem- partment has made a spot survey further strengthened the local ber the thousand." At this time we wish to extend our sincere ‘It is high-time to quit thinking and estimates that Oregon’s hous groups by naming a strong group of Christ in terms of the panty- ing. eating and other facilities have of newspaper and radio leaders In thanks and appreciation to waist Christain and think of Christ j been increased by less than 10 per Oregon to Insure a coordinated as the God of men who dared to | cent because of limited supplies of public information drive all sum give his life that you and I and materials and labor shortages since mer and until fall rains come. Likewise at Eugent May 3, loggers the rest of mankind might live and pre-war travel days. Authorities have estimated that from western Oregon at their an that more abundantly. “Therefore let us also, seeing vacationists may pay as much as nual gathering, recognizing the we are compassed about with so 10 billion dollars for recreational critical state of extreme danger great a cloud of witnesses, lay aside pleasures during 1946. This com- exislting in our forests, agreed to every weight, and the sin which pares with an estimated pre-war have one of their boss loggers In doth so easily beset us, and let us figure of 5 billion to $6 billion each of the 18 western Oregon coun- run with patience the race that dollars. This anticipated Increase ties serve on the county Keep Ore for the fine cooperation and courtesy extended is set before us, looking unto Jesus In tourist busines volume and the gon Qreen committee to organize all ' the author and perfector of our i increase in interest in the west. logging operations on an alert bas us while operating there. | faith, who for the Joy that was | (Indicated in numerous surveys) is. "With increased tourist travel | set before him endured the cross! serves as a barometer to warn I despising shame, and hath sat dowu j Oregon and other western regions certain to pour thousands of city at the right hand of the throne . to prepare to handle visitors with folk and others not familiar with efficiency, coutesy and utmost in fire danger into our woods,” Chair of God.” telligence this year. man Dunn pointed offt to the local Tourist schools are organized and county head of KOG, "we can ex arranged by chamber of commerce pect an increase in man-caused and similar groups, with or with- forest and range fires, unless we Nyssa Phone 83 J out the assistance of local Oregon]see that these strangers understand Oovernor Snell has proclaimed Ad club committees. Each school our problems and we get their co- Whipple Urges I CAUTION URGED ON RANGE, IN FOREST A VOTE OF THANKS Freeman’s Machine Shop OWYHEE TRUCK AND IMPLEMENT COMPANY OREGON TOURIST WEEK OBSERVED tev»*, sF , PAGE THREE operation." Sunitt V«II«y Mr. and Mr». EJ Corfle'.d here rented their place and plan on taking a trip through the miaale west this summer. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Flvecoat spent Decoration day in Caldwell. Mr. and Mrs. James M Ditty spent Tuesday and Wednesday m the Charles Ditty home. Mr. and Mrs Melvin PendarvL have moved into the Manon Hillls property. Mr. and Mrs. Loren Hite of Newell Heights are planning on moving soon to Haines, where he has employment. Mr and Mrs. E. J. Hobson at tended the Nazarene Assembly a' Nampa last week. Mona Mitchell Is employed in the Don Parker home. Mr and Mrs. Lester Adams were guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Mordon, who Uvea near Cald well. Mr. and Mrs. Connie Kissmer and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Davis and family motored to Lake Low ell Sunday to watch the boat races. Mr. and Mrs. E. Steiner have moved into the house formerly oc cupied by the Jay Howard family. Mr. and Mrs. Dee Hillls of Boise visited their son, Walter Hillls, and family last week. Mrs. Jay Howard and children of Bates came Saturday evening for a visit of several days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cash Turner. While here Mrs. Howard will undergo a tonsllectomy. Harry Turner has gone to the hills to cut posts and poles. Olaf Ekanger Is confined to hla bed because of illness. Fannie Kollen participated in the parade at Nyssa Thursday morn ing. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Pendarvis and Margery Hillls left Saturday tor a visit in Wallowa. They plan to return the first of the week. NU-ACRES Mrs. Cecil Evans accompanied her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Ira TLsh. Myrtle Tlsh of Oreenleaf and Mrr. Mable Nichols of Boise to Portland Friday to attend the graduation of Miss Anna Tlsh. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Beck of Cald well were dinner guests May 26 at the Paul Thomson home. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Evans and family attended a bridal shower in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Coker Thursday night. May 23 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ira T i'h of Oreenleaf. Mrs. Coker is the former Miss Elsie Tlsh of this vicinity. Elder and Mrs. Harold Payton of Parma were callers Tuesday af ternoon at the Harry Wood home. The T. A. Johnson family has been quite sick the past week with Influenza. Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Hedges of Parma and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Le Orande enjoyed a fishing trip to the liills Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. Ell Ratcliff and children of New Plymouth were callers in this neighborhood Monday fore noon. Miss Helen Riddle and Miss Alice Tnwln, who recently graduated from Frultland high school, are employ ed at the bank in Payette. Congratulations OWYHEE TRUCK AND IMPLEMENT CO. On the completion o f your new building. HERRIMAN MOTOR COMPANY Ford Sales and Service a. GRAND OPENING Saturday, June 8 Main and Fourth Streets IT is with GREAT PLEASURE that we announce the OPENING of our NEW place of business on SATURDAY, JUNE 8TH. This is YOUR invitation to attend our grand opening on this date and look ove? our new building. W e’ll be glad to show you our large, modem PARTS DEPARTMENT and SERVICE SHOP, to have you look around the display floor and any part o the building that may interest you. i, Our new “ Base o f Operations” was built with one aim—to give better service to our friends and customers in this community. The INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER e- quipment we handle is designed solely fo ’ this purpose. Our NEW BUILDING and ALL our personnel are pledged to aid you in every possible way. > ’ n'l BEET LOADERS We have been assured delivery by July 1 o f several RASSMANN beet loaders. Place your order for one o f these loaders on this opening day. They are recommended as the BEST by your local sugar company. W E W IL L H A V E ON DISPLAY INTERNATIONAL Trucks FARMALL Tractors McCORMICK-DEERING Farm Machines JENKINS Buck Rakes and Stackers CROSLEY RADIOS, Refrigerators, and Electrical Appliances. FREE i* REFRESHMENTS The New Home o f the Owyhee Truck and Implement Co. It is our sincere wish that you will find it convenient to be our guest SATURD/XY, JUNE 8. We will look forward to seeing you. Various prizes given away, a few o f which are: One— burner electric hot plate, electric toaster, wheelbarrow, pressure hand grease gun, etc. OWYHEE TRUCK & IMPLEMENT CO. Nyssa, Oregon C Eiden J. Yergensen, Manager Phone 83J