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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (May 30, 1946)
The NYSSA VUL.UJ.VlCi A A A X I ÍNO. '¿0 Consolidation O f Two School Units Approved TW O ARE INJURED IN ACCCIDENTS IN NYSSA VICINITY Two persons were injured in accidents in the Nyssa vicinity last Arcadia Votes 32 to 26 week-end. Joseph Grijalva, 18 months old, And Nyssa 36 To 8 sustained a fracture of the right For Merger leg Thursday when a wheel of an automobile driven by his father, Consolidation of school district | Joe Grijalva, ran over him. Un- 36, Arcadia, and school district | known to the father, the boy 26C. Nyssa, was approved by resi-1 crawled under the car and when dents of the two districts at spec- he started to back the machine ial elections held Monday. the left front wheel broke the The vot^ in Nyssa was 36 to 8 baby's leg. The boy was taken to in favor of the consolidation and the Nyssa Nursing home for treat in Arcadia the vote was 32 to 26. ment. Darrel Cartwright received treat The Nyssa polls were open In the grade school building from 2 to ment at the nursing home Mon 8 p. m. The Arcadia voting was da and Tuesday after being thrown done at a meeting held In the from a horse. He received a slight concussion of the brain. rchoolhouse at 8 o’clock. The ballots were sent to the boundary board, which will can vas the votes and declare the dis tricts consolidated. Henry H. Hartley, superintendent of the Nyssa schools, said it will be necessary to continue operation The Pomona Grange, meeting In of the Arcadia school until the the Oregon Trail Grange hall last Nyssa building program is com Saturday, passed a resolution call pleted. ing o n ‘ the county court to enforce JOURNAL NYSSA, 0FEG O Ñ , TH U RSD AY, MAY~307l946~ ( l r p I t o W il i , n I MAIL GIVEN FIRST ure. ue.egaucn lPLACE during rail Working Hard on s t r i k e l a s t w e e k Feed Situation Oregon Men Trying To Get Feed For Livestock And Poultry One of Nyssa’s merchants. F. W. Bracken, was involuntaril involved in the railroad strike while in St. Louis last week. Mr. Bracken, who was in the middle west on a buying trip, de scribed tile milling crowd that he saw at one of the St. Louis depots and told about people sleeping in nil sorts of available places. Mr. Bracken, making the trip by airplane, was "bumped" in Den ver to make space for mall and was required to wait for six hours to board another plane. Only three passengers were accommodated in the main, line plane. The remaind er of the seats were used for mall bags. Malheur Bucket * Allotted 24 Apartments That « f ’45-46 To Be Provided By Government I ( )v p r ¡ * $223, 516 Proposed; Mal STORAGE SHED OF heur Memorial Pro L. L. BOOTH BURNS posal Tabled Six Pre-Fabricated Build ings To Be Set Up On King Avenue The tentative 1946-47 budget of Fire destroyed a storage and coal Senator Wayne M. Morse of Ore Malheur county, drafted at a meet shed and Its contents at the L. L. The city of Nyssa has been allot gon has telegraphed the Gate City ing of the county court and bud Booth residence on K ing avenue ted six apartment buildings, con Journal that the entire Oregon de get committee last week in Vale, Monday. taining 24 apartments, by the fed legation in congress is taking all shows an increase of slightly more Property l.i the building included eral housing administration. possible steps to find some solution than $19,000 over the budget for a new oil stove that was still crat The allotment was made as a to Oregon’s feed problem in order the current year. ed. Fire Chief Al Kuehn estimated result of requests presented to the to avoid "tremendous losses to poul The grand total of the proposed the loss at between $100 and $150. housing administration in Seattle try and livestock producers.” budget Is $317,487.61 and the esti jy Frank Morgan and Jesse Thom Following a long address by Sen mated receipts and cash on hand pson. representing the city of Nyssa ator Morse in the senate on behalf are $93.971.23. leaving a balance of and the chamber of commerce. of the Oregon delegation, the Ore $223.516.38 to be raised by taxa The pre-fabricated houses will gon men met with President Tru tion. This year’s levy was $204,362- be erected where the city had man. who advised that he would in 57, or $19,153.81 less than the pro planned to place government trail struct the secretary of agriculture posed 1946-47 budget. er houses on K ing avenue, but, of Four hungry Oerman prisoners to see what he could do about pro The increase includes an Increase curse, they will require considerably of war were returned to the Nyssa viding relief. of $5600 in office expenses, an morq ground. The equivalent of a camp last Friday after four days The telegram said in part: item of $5000 for tuberculosis In city block will be required for the of freedom. demnity and Bang's disease con buildings. The trailer houses that "W ithin our presence he called Plans for the observance of Mem The four men, only one of whom were allotted to Nyssa have been agriculture secretary and asked him orial day in Nyssa have been com- trol and $1500 for a Malheur county could speak English, appeared on sent to Albany. to see Eivin Peterson, Oiegon State I p]ete{j and have been announced home agent. The Malheur county public heal the Lammers farm near Harper, Department of Agriculture and re-1 by Generai chairman Elmer L. Each apartment contains two bed where they were found by Mr. rooms, a bathroom, kitchen and presentative from our delegation,, cioninger and Assistant Chairman th department's request for $4600 Lammers, Apparently desiring some for a sanitarian was rejected. for further confirmation on prub- I M Graham, living room. Each of the six build thing more nourishing that the the roden control law, which was lem. We asked Ellsworth to go with ' The proposed appropriation of ings. 100 by 21 feet, will contain The time of the parade has been „„„ . . _____ nettles they were cooking for food, NEPHEW OF MRS. ED discussed rather extensively by the Peterson to agriculture secretary $25,000 for a Malheur county mem- . „ . . J . „ four apartments. The houses will changed from 2 p. m. to 11 a. m. Grangers. ----------- - the "Prisoners" demanded that Mr. HENDERSON DROWNS The Grange voted to send the and I wish to assure the farmers Thursday, May 30. The Owyhee orlal to the members of the armed Lammers return them to the Nyssa be sent to Nyssa as soon as the of Oregon that Ellsworth and Pet forces of world war I I was laid city can complete arrangements for Riding club, which will lead the 1945 c hampion Malheur county gar camp. The farmer started to Vale erson presented every possible ar water and sewer service. on the table until such time as Mrs. Ed Henderson received a parade, will gather on First street dener to the 4-H summer school to with the Germans and Intended to gument and fact which I think money Is available. County officials In renting the apartments, the telegram Tuesday telling of the south of Main and veterans organ- leave them there, but they Insisted be held at Corvallis, and to h e lp , _____________ ........ — — , . .. . , clearly supports our claim for as- . . . . .. _ said the money could not be ap city will give preference to ex-ser death of her nephew. Donald Slack. . . on being taken to Nyssa. defray the expenses of the dele- I . ,___ ,, ____ ____ . _ j izations and other groups will form ' sistance from the government in re- _. . .__ . .. .. vicemen and their families. Quar propriated without exceeding the 19 year-old college student, who . . . .. . . . 1 on First street on the north side gates to the state Juvenile Grange The Germans are now reconsid mtdying great injustice being done . . six per cent limitation. ters not rented to veterans will be drowned near M ill City, Oregon ering their action In the camp Jail. | meeting to be held in Baker In to poultry and livestock producers, f ° a n s r e . rented to other persons needing Monday. Nyssa had asked (or the $25,000 June. who need substitute feed to save | 11116 or<*er of parade will be for use in construction of the pro They are Willie Asimus, 22; Werner housing. / Search of the Santiam river 12 Angne, 31; Franz Ulbrlght, 21, and Charles W. Smith of Corvallis, themselves from great financial loss ! Owyhee Riding club, color bearers The city will receive title to the posed Malheur Memorial hospital Helz Koskowskl, 22. miles north of Mill City has failed assistant director of the Oregon as well as to save food in form ant* color guards, firing squad, houses by providing the ground and to recover his body. He was a State All of the Germans at the camp college extension service, of needed produce which otherwise Spanish war veterans, post corn- and Vale and Ontario had asked for facilities. it for other purposes. student at Northwest Christian spoke on the history of the ex are expected to leave about the will be wasted. However, Peterson muiiders, post vice commanders, college at Eugene, where he was tension service and Its aims. Char middle of June for their homes In and Ellsworth were unable to get i>0,s^ chaplains, post adjutants, post studying for the ministry. He les Wlcklander of La Grande, for Oermany. Some persons expressed any definite commitments from colors' membership of all veterans drowned after capsizing of a small mer state Grange deputy, also de the opinion that the men escaped department other than that depart- j organizations and servicemen and brat in which he was riding witn livered a talk. from the camp because they did ment officials would endeavor to women, auxiliaries of all veterans other students from the college. r.ot want to return home. Other A business meeting was held at see what could be done about buy- organizations and civic ar.d frater- His companions swam safely to 11 a. m. with Art Antrim of Bro opinions as to the motive of the ing substitute feeds in middle west nal 8rol|Ps- shore. escape have also been advanced. gan, Pomona master, presiding. An order has been placed with and shipping them at once into j The paraders will march to the Funeral services were held in the surviving are his parents. Mr. The Oregon Trail Grange under the Pacific northwest. When it became Snake river bridge, where the ladles the surplus assests administration Nazarene church Sunday at 2; 30 and Mrs. Lester F. Slack of Bur direction of Mrs. Roy Holmes ser evident no progress was being made of the auxiliaries will conduct the at Seattle by the Nyssa hospital p. m. for Mrs. Mary E. Coulter, COMMENCEMENT IS ley, formerly of Twin Falls; his ved dinner at noon to 60 persons. committee for a considerable quan with problem, Senator Cordon in ceremony of "casting flowers upon who died in the Nyssa Nursing HELD AT ADRIAN sister-in-law, Mrs. Betsy Slack and Mrs. Blaine Gervin of Vale had tity of hospital equipment to be behalf of entire Oregon delegation the water” in memory of comrades home May 25. her little son. besides several aunts charge of the public program, which sent President Truman a letter set- of all wars who gave their lives placed hi the Malheur Memorial Rev. E. J. Wilson conducted the Commencement exercises for the end uncles. Last summer, the only was given in the afternoon. ting forth In great detail additional ( at sea. services. Interment was in the seniors of Adrian union high school hospital when It Is erected. other child, S/Sgt. Robert Slack, The order was placed now be facts concerning prohlems, pointing 1 The naval ceremony will be fol- Nyssa cemetery with the Nyssa were held Friday evening. May 24. was killed in action while ei. -ft cause of the great savings made out that it affects not only Oregon lowed by the memorial day ■p»’» - Fuueral hon,e -in charge The auditorium of the high school mission with the army air forces but several other states. As yet we gram, which will be held at the Mrs. Coulter was born August was crowded with relatives and possible by the sale of surplus gov over Germany. ernment property. have received no response from school grounds. The program will 28, 1874 in Missouri. Mrs. Coulter, friends of the graduating class. Jesse Thompson and Frank Mor white house to this last présenta- consist of the invocation, memorial who had been ill at the nursing R. O. Larson of Nyssa was the gan, authorized by the Nyssa Lions ADRIAN CHURCHES tlon of facts. This morning I talk- : address, firing, of a salute to the home for three weeks, was united ln speaker for the evening. club to make the purchase, bought marriage in 1890 to John B. Coul Chris N. Kolbeck, who is with ed to Under-Secretary of Agriculture dead and benediction, Bernice Chaney was valedictorian CONDUCT SCHOOL the Avoset corporation as super- ; Godd, who as you know is a fel- J After the progiam at the school ter, who died at Nyssa August I, and Beth Chapin salutorlan o f the mostly small articles. Larger equip ment will be purchased later as It grounds the veterans and auxili 1943. 18 graduating this year. (Continued on Page 4) The Free Methodist and the viibr of field men and quality con- . becomes available. aries will decorate graves of ser Survivors are three daughters. Eighth grade graduation exer Community United Presbyterian trol, has arrived here to conduct | ------------------------ vicemen at the cemetery. Mrs. Jennie Albin of Follet, Texas, cises were held the same evening churches are conducting a Jotr.t a survey of available mijk a n d 1 DR. F. F. BODMER Nyssa stores and public offices Mrs. Lillie Crocker of Nyssa and for Kingman Kolony and a few DITCH RIDERS TO daily Vacation Bible school for the milk that might be available in the OPENING OFFICE will be closed In observance of the Mrs. Ellen Melton of Pueblo, Colo surrounding communities. Adrian community for two weeks. future. He also expects to deter HELP FIGHT WEEDS day. rado; two sons, Charles Coulter of mine the number of farmers who May 27 to June 7. Dr. F. F. Bodmer has opend a ------------------------ Hoxie. Kansas and Jack Coulter The ditch riders of Succor creek, On the first day 62 boys and might be interested in starting dental office Jn the dental quarters of Amarillo, Texas, 24 grandchild Mitchell butte, Dead Ox flat, and girls registered and started classes. new dairies. ren; 18 great grandchildren; a sis A Mr. Kolbeck, who will be here formerly occupied by Dr. E. D. the Vale Irrigation district have The school meets In the Adrian Norcott in the Wilson building. U o C l a / \ »IV T U ltC ter, Mrs. Pearl ¿Coons of Enid. volunteered to cooperate with the high school building. The teachers for a least 60 days, said the Infor Oklahoma and a brother, Elmer Dr. Bodmer, who left here in extension service and the bureau of are: Beginners, Miss Esther Fogle- mation gained in the survey will Riley of Anadarko, Oklahoma. A n reclamation ln a weed control pro man and Mrs. Walter Pinkston; determine the size of the plant to 1941, was graduated from Fort Hays - Members of the Malheur Game other daughter, Minnie Rose of primary class, Mrs. P. H. Reiman be built at Nyssa. He said the Kansas college and received his Discussion held at a meeting of Campo, Colorado, died a year ago. league, meeting ln the Boulevard gram, according to George W. Bain, assistant county agent. and Mrs. C. Nelson; Juniors, Mr. company should have a supply of doctor’s degree at North Pacific the Owyhee Water Users associa All of the five children were with Orange hall Monday night, adopt In a series of meetings with the Nevin and Mr Reiman; Intermedi not less than 200,000 pounds of Dental college, now the University tion recently that the water users ed a recommendation that the state her during her Illness and death. ol Oregon Dental school. He ser superintendents, water masters, and ates, Mrs. Ralph Haworth and Mrs. milk daily. are insisting "on recognition in game commission close the season As soon as the survey Is completed ved In the United States navy for the formulation of any contract riders of the irrigation districts, Nevin. Each pupil paid a registra on Hungarian partridge because a plan was adopted for the control tion fee of 10 cents to help pay work will be finished on the con one year as a lieutenant, Junior that the bureau of reclamation may NYSSA NOT BADLY of alleged scarcity of the birds. grade. the cost of his work-book. An o f struction plans. draw up for their signature.’’ AFFECTED BY STRIKE The sportsmen suggested that the and eradication of noxious weeds along the irrigation right-of-way. Dr. and Mrs. Bodmer, now living fering will be taken on June 7 to After members of the different same bag limits on other birds and in Payette, will move to Nyssa as boards were introduced a general be given to some worthy cause Dlscarged From Navy The two-day national railroad game prevail this year as during The plan consists of a survey and overseas. Gordon L. Toombs, EM 3/c of Nys- soon as they can secure living discussion was held in order for strike caused little inconvenience mapping of Infested areas, the pre 1945. The Malheur league will send ' sa. as received his discharge from quarters. each member to express his views. In Nyssa, although local residents a representative to the July meet vention of their going to seed, and the navy at Shoemaker, California. Mr. Robinson of the Gem district were preparing for the time when ing of the game commission to the treatment of the areas with LOCAL NAZARENES HEAVIEST RAINFALL gave a brief review of the contract the emergency would begin to present the recommendations. The sodium chlorate this fall. HOLD BIBLE SCHOOL In Seattle— Examples o f the four main nox "pinch" representative was not selected at made new ln j9 36 and also a**“ Mr and Mrs. A. L. Fletcher left OF YEAR FALLS HERE the ious weeds, white top, morning temporary contract. He The greatest Inconvenience was this west's meeting. The First Church of the Nazarene Friday for Seattle on a week’s bus glory. Russian knapweed, and Can said that payments on construction caused ln sending and receiving Announcment was made at the has announced plans for a dally iness and pleasure trip. The heaviest rainfall of the year have been paid under protest. mail, although some mail was re meeting that Paul R. Needham o f , adian thistle were displayed to vacation Bible school to be held ln Nyssa fell during the last week Frank Morgan reported that the ceived and dispatched at the Nys the Oregon state game commission further acquaint all present with next month. Here From Nampa— end. reclamation bureau is making a sa post office by trucks, which would arrive here Wednesday of i their characteristics. The school will be started June Mrs. H. B. Williams of Nampa, A total of .77 of an inch o f rain survey of the project and would in were rented by the government.' The plan adopted by the Irriga this week to look for a possible fish ' 10 and will run through June 21. formerly of Nyssa, visited at the fell between 8 a. m. Sunday and form the water users as to its I f the strike lasted two or three hatchery site on the Owyhee river, tion districts Is one equally well All children between the ages of home of Mrs. D. L. Anderson Wed 8 a. m. Monday Five hundreths recommendat Ions. days longer, the theatre manage and to Inspect the Owyhee reser- | fitted for farmers' use, states Bain. 4 and 14 are invited to attend. nesday. fell from F’rlday to Saturday morn After the meeting the secretary, ment planned to receive films by voir with a view of possibly stock All means available will be used to "W e have classes for all of these ing and a trace fell betweetn Mon J. C. Sproul Issued the following private airplane and automobile assist the Individual land owners ing It with additional fish. Includ ages and will be glad to have all Visit In Boise— In z program to parallel that of the day and Tuesday. statement: from Salt Lake City. ing kamloop fish. who wish to attend," Rev. E. J. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Miner and districts. "In a recent report by Regional The strike ended before mer Lunch was served to a good- Wilson said. Mrs. E. G. Kreisel and her son, E. Go To Ogden— Director R. J. Newell, he stated chants felt any additional shortage sized crowd. Including several Nyssa R. McCurdy, spent Sunday in Boise. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Cottle and that a study Is being made of the of merchandise. RECLAMATION ERA men. Nursing Home Notes— sons, Reed and Lyle, left Saturday project and that farmers" under PUBLISHED AGAIN Mr. and Mrs. Pat Sweaney are Return From Coast— for Ogden to visit relatives. Mrs. standing and cooperation is nec Home On Furlough— Going To Washington— The bureau of reclamation re parents of a boy bom May 24. The Mr and Mrs. Thomas Holman Cottle and Lyle will remain for essary to determine a report that Is Pvt. Mario Anderson is home on Mrs. Lucille Buxton of T aft, sumed publication of Its official baby weighed 9 pounds and 5 returned home Sunday after a an Indefinite visit. equitable to all. Why Is Mr. Newell furlough from his station ln Texas. California, who is visiting at the monthly magazine. "T h e Reclama- ounces, and will be named Richard week's honeymoon spent at Port so opposed to consulting the water He attended the funeral of his home of her slater, Mrs Barney tlon Era" this month. This month’s land and Corvallis. Mrs. Holman Plodged To Fraternity— James. users association ln gathering ary grandmother ln Utah and came to Wilson, left Wednesday for Port | magazine Is the first published Mr. and Dwain Hatch of Adrian Is the former Lots Anderson. Emil G. Stunz, son of Mr. and data. If he expects same ln re Nyssa to visit his parents. Mr. and Angeles, Washington to visit a t 1 since April, 1942, when publication are parents of a son bom May 27. Mrs. E. A. Stunz of Nyssa. has turn. Surely If the 1500 farmers Mrs. D. L. Anderson, for a few the home of Brainn and Mrs. D. O. j was suspended as a war-time mea- He weighed 8 pounds and 2 ounces Visits Parents— been elected to Beta Oamma Sigma, are capable of operating the respur- days. He has signed for radar Wyckoff. She will be accompanied 1 sure. and was named Charley Dwain. Mr. and Mrs. John Olsen and national economics and business ces of the 102.000 acre project-then | training with the army in Florida, by Mrs. Barney Wilson and two The Reclamation Era contains in small daughter. Mary K „ of Hunt honorary at the University of they must be capable of having sons, who will visit Mrs. Wilson's formation on reclamation projects ington spent the week-end with Washington, where he Is enrolled ln some voice in the formation of any Discharged From Navy— Leaves For Baker— daughter. Mrs. Wyckoff. Mrs. H. and stories about what Is happen Mrs. Harriet Holman left Wed Mrs. Olsen’s parents. Mr. and Mrs. the naval reserve officers training contract between the reclamation Abdul H. Keck, seaman. 1/c, has H. Klngrey will go with the party ing In Irrigated areas o f the west. corps. nesday for her home In Baker a f Charles Garrison. and themselves who are more able been discharged from the navy at as far as Tacoma, «there she will Copies of the magazine may be ter a visit with her daughters. to determine one’s ability to repay Bremerton. Washington. visit her daughter. secured from reclamation bureau Goes To Portland— Here From Nampa— Mrs. Lloyd le w is and Mrs. Robert these construction casts than the ditch riders or at the reclamation Miss Lorraine Fischer, daughter Mr. and Mrs. Russell Jordan of farmers themselves. Little does the Daughter Arrives— Wilson, and her son, Robert Hol Visits In Nampa— office In Nyssa. of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Fischer, Nampa were here Monday visiting reclamation know what it means man. A daughter was born May 15 to Mr. and Mrs. 8 W Abersold and left Thursday for a two-week's va relatives. for 1500 farmers to clear and de Mr. and Mrs. Lervo Christensen ln children visited friends in Nampa To Install Officers— cation ln Portland. She will visit Here From Denver— velop 102.000 acres of land at the Wymore. Nebraska. Mr. and Mrs. Sunday. The American Legion auxiliary M r and Mrs. Leonard Keger ar.d her grandmother. Mrs. Mary Fisch Returns From Amertran Fork— same time build and maintain Christensen expect to move to Nys will hold installation of officers at er: and Mrs. Paul Baldwin at Hills Mrs. Mary E. Bybee returned to Mrs. Haze) Harris of Denver ar homes for their families." sa as soon as they find living quar Go On Visit — * a meeting to be held Thursday rived here Wednesday for a weeks boro. Lorraine will also wlttness her home here Monday after spend ters. Mr. Christensen, who ha* been Mr. and Mrs Max Ooldman left night, June 6. The district presi visit at the home o f Mr and Mrs. the rose show and Ice follies there. ing te past several months in In Boise— I serving ln the navy, is on leave Wednesday for Butte. Montana dent. Mrs. Marie Wilkins of La- Carl F Hansen. The visitors plan She was accompanied by Miss American Fork with her daugh Mr and Mrs Oordon Ray speki from hts position as agriculture ln- and Yellowstone park They will be Grande. will be the Installing o f ter. Mrs. Leonard Howes. to go to Pamei. Alaska from here. Paula Baker. Friday ln Boise shopping | stiuctor ln the Nyssa high school, away from Nyssa for three weeks. ficer. Grange Meeting Attended By 60 4 German P. W .’s Are Re-captured Memorial Day Plans Outlined Equipment For Hospital Bought Mary E. Coulter Succumbs Here Avoset Conducts Dairying Survey |TTo/yf«c In New Contract Nimrods Suggest 1946 Game Laws