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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 23, 1945)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL PAGE TWO ihe Gate City Journal KLA88 V P O W E L L .............................. Edl.or and Publisher AUVfc.KTI.ING SU BSCRIPTIO N RATES One Year______ Six Months.____ 06 Single Copies.. (Strictly In Advance) Published every Thursday Entered at the postofUce th’ ough the ('• itted States the act R A IE S Open rate, per Inch..... — 16c National, per Inch......... ...35e Classified^, per word ----- 'ir Minimum ..... 30c at Nysaa. Malheur County, Oregon at Nyssa, Oregon for uansmlaslon Malls, as second class matter, under of March 3. 1879 Buena Vista Mr and Mrs. Willis Bertram were among those from this district who attended the Weiser rodeo Wednes day evening. Mr and Mrs. Leslie Topliil were in Ontario Tuesday. Mrs. E. L. Jamison of , spent Wednesday at the THURSDAY, AUG. 23, 1945 D im a IXBIU£ n Nyssa Willis CHURCH or THE NAZAKLNB 10 a. m . Sunday school. | Bertram home. 11 a. in., song service and ser I Mrs. Lester Cleaver and Pfc. and mon. i Mrs. Loyd Cleaver and Linda were There will be no night services I In Ontario Friday. on the 26th because of the closing night of our district camp meeting at Nampa. Kingman Kolony Mr. and Mis. Frank Cummins and C liff Beaumont were callers at the Fred Burgess place in Vale LEADERS ARE SOMETIMES W RONG Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Llmbaugh The recommendation of Joseph C. Grew, and children and Mrs. Limbaugh's former ambassador to Japan that the united father picnicked at Owyhee dam nations use Emperor Hirohito as a punpet Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Kreager and through which to gain their purposes in the family attended the rodeo In Weis post-war control of Japan has already develop er Sunday. ed a kick-back. Jim Wood returned to his home in Portland Monday after spending The Japanese war lords certainly are not very the summer ae the Lynn Hurst pleasant in carrying out the orders of the emper farm. or the people are becoming rather ugly. O f Rachel Shaw accompanied friends to the camp meeting in Nampa course, it is too early to know whether the policy Sunday. of working with the mikado will gain the desir Delores Salter has returned from ed results, but the program so far leads one to a visit in Sandy, Utah, where she had been visiting at the home of believe that rougher methods might have prov her aunt and uncle Mr. and Mrs. ed to be more effective. It also leads one to Frank C. Orton. Mr. and Mrs. recall that Joseph Grew was encouraging the Orton accompanied Delores here and will visit at the Salter home. United States government to continue to send Marjorie Salter was sick Monday scrap iron and other materials to Japan during of this week. the time that the Japs were plotting the attack Clarence Ricks is sick this week. on Pearl harbor. Mrs. Clifford Wright Is conval escing at Che home of her mother The attitude of the Japanese since their em in Wyoming after receiving treat peror “ capitulated” proves conclusively that ment in a hospital. many years o f control and training will be Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McConnell and son. Wayne, Don Fox and dau required if Japan is to be prevented from start ghter. and ‘Doc’ Douglas and fam ing another world conflagration. Maybe we ily went to the mountains on a will have to start developing more psychologists fishing trip Sunday. Mrs. Lucille Possert left for her and not so many bombardiers. Certainly with home ln Richmond, California Sat development of the atomic bomb calls for some urday after visiting at the home thing more than the use of armed force if the of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Deffenbaugh. world is to be saved from total destruction. The small child of Mr. and Mrs. Haney was taken to Portland Sun Mrs. Gribble returned to her day following a serious illness. Mr. home in Meridian Sunday after a and Mrs. Haney recently bought There were 21 at Sunday school visit with her daughter. Mrs. Ted ¡the Thrasher place from the Ricks brothers. Sunday. Rev. McConlee gave a i Bates. Mr. and Mrs. Melton Johnson "Grandpa” Lay of Okanogan, message before classes. The Owyhee, and two daughters are here from Oregon Trail and Lincoln Sunday Washington arrived last week to i Houston, Texas to visit at the schools will meet at Arcadia at visit his son. Olen Lay and family, Defefnbaugh home. They will go 11 a. m. next Sunday for Sunday including his three grandsons, who from here to Yakima, where they school and a potluck dinner at m C ‘ m tnree * randsons will visit Mr. Johnson's parents. noon. Sgt. Faulkner of Oowen field have been ln the arm* d forces, Porestine Wilson and Delora will be the afternoon speaker. Rev. Carroll Garren, who entered the Hurst have returned from Seabeck, Chandler o f Caldwell will also be •merchant marines ln July, has Washington, where they were em present. The public is Invited to written to his parents, Mr. and Mrs. ployed. attend. O. F. Garren. that he has gone Word has been received by Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Stradley and ! and Mrs. J. G. Lane that their son, fam ily went to Big Bend Sunday to sea. Keith, who Is ln the navy, under to take home Mr. Stradley's moth Giles Lay left Saturday night er, who had been visiting them. for Nevada, where he will visit be went an appendix operation last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Sabin and family fore returning to duty with the Ronald Lane has written that he of Parma were dinner guests Sun armed forces. expects to fly home when he re day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Miss Virginia Corn visited her Otis Bullard. ------------- ¡grandparents near Nampa last ceives his furlough from the navy. Arcadia troop 36 meets at the high school. Tuesday, 8 p. m„ young people's executive committee meets at the parsonage. Wednesday, 8 p. m.. choir practice at Hurst's. Friday, 10 a. m., prayer group meets at Pinkston’s. C H R IS T IA N CHURCH George Whipple, Pastor. FREfct METHODIST Bible school, 10 a. m. Bring your CHURCH llbles. Adrian. Oregon Morning worship, 11 a. m. Com- Rev. P. H. Reiman. Pastor nunion and sermon. Sunday school, 10 a. m. Evening services, 8 p. m. Adult Preaching, 11 a. m and Christian Evening young people’s service, discussion group Endeavor for juniors and seniors. 7:30. 8:30, preaching and song service. Come help us spread scriptural holiness throughout the world. L D. 8. CHURCH Sunday 9:15 a.m. Priesthood t’HE M ETH O D IST COMM UNITY meeting C hU R C Il Sunday 10:30 a m. 8unday school H. J. Gernhardt. Pastor. Sunday 7:30 p. m Sacrament Sunday school. 10 a. m. meeting. Worship and sermon. 11 a. m. Tuesday 2:00 p.m. Relief society Fellowship meetings, 7:30. meeting. Prayer meeting announced. First Tuesday of each montn at 4 pm. Primary for children bet ST. PAU L’S EPISCOPAL ween ages of 4 and 12. MISSION The Rev. Burton Salter, vicar. B A P T IS T CHURCH Morning prayer and sermon, 9:30 Second Street Hol> •ommunlon and sermon each E. T. Larson. Missionary Pastor second Sunday of the month. Sunday school, 10 a. m. Church school at 10:30 a. m. Morning worship. 11 a. m. Women's Guild second Wednesday Training union, 7:45. >f each month. Evening service, 8:00. THE C O M M U N ITY UNITED Mid-week prayer service Thurs P R E S B Y TE R IAN CHURCH day at 8 o’clock. Kingman Memorial ASSEM BLY OF GOD J. C. Nevtn. Pastor. C. L. Snider, pastor 10 a. m„ Bible school. Sunday school, 10 a.m. 11 a. m„ morning worship. Sac Sermon, 11 a.m. Evangelistic ser rament of the Lord’s supper Message vice 8 p.m “Let the Redeemed Say So” . Thursday, 8 pm., prayer for boys 8 p. m , evening worship with ln armed forces. Come, worship song service and discussions: Adults. with us and pray with us for your "Should the Rural Churches Be boy and some other mother’s boy. Consolidated", led by Mrs. M. L. T R IN IT Y LUTHERAN Kurtz; young people. "The Parables Parma, Idaho of Jesus” , led by Emily Otis. (Read Rev. John E. Simon, Pastor Matt. 13. Mk. 4. Lk. 8) Church School: 11 a.m. Monday, 8 p. m.. Boy Scout Service: 10 a.m. AD R IAN man, acompanied by Lt. Howard Smith, who operates a fighter plane took several persons for rides at the airport. With Meadows were his sister, Mrs. George Stettler ol Guests At Ray Home— Utah and Mr. and Mrs. Russell Mr. and Mrs. Grant Jones and Jordon and family of Nampa. daughter and Mrs. i/.mer Jones, | al o f Utaih, arrived Wedesday for \ Here From Boise— a visit of several weeks in Nyssa. | V. P. Brooks and daughter, Ber- They are guests at the home of nice, of Boise spent the week-end in Nyssa with Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Mr. and Mrs. Goftion Ray. Fisher. Mr. Brooks Is Mrs. Fisher's unole. The visitors returned home Makes More Records— T. Carol Bybee was in Boise Sat- j Tuesday. urday at radio station K ID O l n ------------------------ the Hotel Boise, where she made j Cafe To Be Re-opened— four recordings of original songs I Brownie’s cafe will be re-opened written by Rachel Wertz of Nyssa. | Monday, August 27 by Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Bybee was a dinner guest of William C. Brown and will be open Mr. and Mrs. Edwin C. W ertz at from 6 a. m. to 9 p. m. dally ex- Mr. and Mrs. Truman Wagner week, Boise ln the afternoon. cept Thursday, which will be ob and Leo Wagner returned to the j Mrs. Vernon Butler and children 37 SCH O LARSH IPS served as a holiday. The cafe has coast last week after a visit here returned Sunday from McCall, FOR NURSES OPEN been closed slightly more than two Leave For Idaho— with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. where they spent a week. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Baker of months. Mr. and Mrs. Brown have J M. Wagner. Thirty-seven cadet nurse schol Lava Hot Springs, Idaho are visiting returned from a vacation spent ln Nine members of the Arcadia COLUM BIA AVENUE arships are now open to qualified at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Luther 1 Portland. Idaho and Montana. club met at the home o f Mrs. young women of Oregon ln classes Fife. They plan to locate here If While ln Portland they witnessed the Ellis Warner August 16. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Mowerson opening in schools of nursing ln they can secure a suitable place. launching of a ship at the Oregon Mrs. Lily Dement has gone to and son. Dale, and Mrs. Grace September, according to Miss Elnora Mrs. Baker is Mrs. F ife’s slster-ln- shipyards. They went through the Myrtle Point, Oregon, where she Petty and Carol shopped in Caldwell E. Thomson, state recruitment o ff naval training station at Farragut, law. will visit. Saturday afternoon. icer for the U. S. cadet nurse Idaho and visited friends in Troy, Mrs. Marjorie Fields of Boise spent corps who was in Malheur county Montana. Here From Utah— Saturday and Sunday with her bills week to meet with the local Bishop and Mrs. Leslie Stoker and parents. committee headed by Mrs. Edna family of Roy, Utah arrived in To Attend Reception— Dave Hawkins visited relatives in Farris, chairamn. Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Ballantyne Nyssa for a visit o f several weeks Payette Sunday. Dr. Parran. surgeon general of with friends and relatives. They are left this week for Ogden, where Real Estate ”7 ^; Insurance Visitors at Payette Monday even the U. S. publnc health service, has guests at the home o f Mrs. Stok they will attend the wedding re ing Included Mr. and Mrs Edwin pointed out that cadet nurses ad ception of Mrs. Ballantyne’s sister, er's sister, Mrs. W llford A. Bybee. Phone 64 Mowerson and son. Dale, and Mrs. mitted 90 days prior to the ter Alice, who was married recently to Orace Petty and Carol. Nyssa, Oregon mination of hostilities may com Visit In Emmett— Editor Lamont Johnson. The bride, plete their nurse education under Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Ray and well known in Utah as an art the federal scholarship plan." Miss ; family. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Jones teacher, plans to make her home rhomson stated. "Although the re- ■ 0 f Ogden and daughter and Mrs, in Denver. quirements of the army and navy , Mary E. Bybee were In Emmett are taken care of for the present, j Sunday visiting at the G am er Examinations Restricted— ecrultment of student nurses must home, Until further notice, the United ontinue at a high level if we are States civil service commission will o meet the needs of the hard-press Corporal Visits Here— not receive any applications for 'd civilian services which have Corporal James Meadows, son of employment in the federal service upplied nursing personnel to the Mr. and Mrs. Russell Jordon of except from those veterans who nllltary.” Nampa, was In Nyssa Monday vis have the right to have examinations With classes filling rapidly, young iting relatives prior to leaving for re-opened for them. The commission (omen are urged to apply immed- flight duty overseas.. The army has taken this step, according to ately for the scholarships offered this fall. Eligible to wear the gray and scarlet uniform of the U. S cadet nurse corps are high school graduates and college girls, with good scholastic and health records. They must also meet the entrance l •qulrements of the school they wish Applications are now being received for em to attend. The age range is from 17 ployment at the Sugar Factory for the coming to 35. In return for the nurse aducatlon beet campaign. The work week will consist of Right now, when your truck scholarship, which Includes main (7 ) seven 8-hour shifts (56 hours per weelQ. must keep going, RPM Heavy tenance. tuition, fees, uniforms and with time and one-half to be paid after lu a mothly allowance cadet nurses Duty Motor Oil u your best bet! For blended with its se pledge to remain In essential civilian straight time hours have been worked. lected base oil are special, patented compounds, These pre nursing for the duration of the war. If you are interested in work, please make vent ring-sticking . . . keep oil passages open . . . make for Qualified young women are asked application in person at the factory office any long, repair-free motor life. (By government directive, RPM to get further Information from the time from Monday through Saturday. The cam U. S. cadet nurse corps 206 Stevens Heavy Duty Motor Oil is not available for cars and trucks paign will start about September 25 and will building. Portland 5, Oregon. LOCAL NEWS Bernard Eastman How to keep trucking along under Vs ton.) Y o u r lo c a l r e p r e s e n t a t i v e for S T A N D A R D OF C A L I F O R N I A ing her sister, Mrs. R. O. Applegate NEWELL HEIGHTS A fam ily dinner honoring 2nd Lieut. Harold Kurtz, Pfc. Bob Kurtz o f Newell Heights and Pvt. Art Church of Banks. Idaho was served at the M. L. Kurtz home Sunday. Other guests at the affair were Mrs. Nova Church and son. Gene. Mrs. E. Hanby and three children of Banks, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Heavrln and Clinton and Vera, and Harry Church o f Sweet. Mrs. B. Hanby and three children of Stlb- nite, Mrs. A. Yenson and two chil dren oi Idaho City and Otis Kurtz of Middleton. A birthday dinner honoring Earl Parker and Arthur Cartwright was held In the Parker home Sunday. The guests included Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Wood and sons of Caldwell and the Arthur Cartwright family. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Pratt and Anetta and Frankie made a busi- ness and pleasure trip to Unity Friday. Mrs. Harry Slippy went to Pasco, Washington the latter part of the week to visit in the Don Linville home. Stanley Hill and son. Carl Lee. and Arthur Cartwright fished near Ironside Thursday. The young people of this com munity were guests of the Nampa young people at a swimming party held in Nampa Tuesday evening. Pfc. Bob Kurtz was a Saturday evening dinner guest in the Lester Goulet home. Mrs. C. M. Morris and daughter. Linda, visited in the Carl Hill home Wednesday and Thursday. Mrs. Morris is employed in Nampa. Newell Heights women attending the garden club meeting at the home of Mrs. E. C. Crandall of FOR J for a visit this week. Mr. Applegate died recently ln Phoenix. Arizona. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sweaney, accompanied by their daughter, are visiting at the home of another daughter, Mrs. Johnnie Timmerman. Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Overstreet and Bobby and Mr. and Mrs. Stew art of Boise were Saturday dinner guests ln the R. R. Oversteet home, while en route to Portland. Mrs. Arthur Norcott of Seattle has been a guest of 'her parents. Mr. and Mrs. George Kaylor, the past month. While here she visited Mrs. Lucille Norcott and daughter, Merry Norcott of Nyssa and her sisiter ln aldwell. Mrs. Arthur Cartwright and chil dren were overnight guests W ed nesday In the Wayne Wood home in Caldwell. The 4-H Canning club m et with Miss Arlene Ptercy Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Parker and Lester were ln Boise on business Saturday. BILL LANE Auctioneer Phone 116J Nyssa Don M. Graham Insurance Agency Fire and Automobile Insurance Rentals PLUM BING Bonds AND PIPE FITTIN G C A L L J.E. Brower Phone Parma 6J2 Phone Nyssa 95J Furniture Hardware Tools ED CASE’S Hl-WAY MERCHANDISE MART North of Nyssa Y, Phone 74J WALLPAPER NOTICE RPM W. E. “ Bill” Schireman Phono 61 Nysaa Tuesday were Mrs. Carl Hill. Mrs. Hugh Lamb. Mis. Charles Newbill and Mrs. Maurice Judd. Mrs. R. R. Overstreet Is expect a statement Issued this week, ln order to make sure that any vac ancies which develop ln the federal service will be filled either by re turning veterans or by persons who are about to be or have been sep arated from other positions ln the federal service. Emmett Men Speak Here----- Irvin Davis and William T. Borah o f the high council of Emmett were Sunday evening speakers at i the L. D. S. church here. Special musical numbers were given. 3yd- j ney Campbell sang a solo. "Just a | Wearying For You" and Mildred Williams and Ruth Larson sang a duet. "Sweet Story of Old". | 1 t ast approximately 120 days. The Amalgamated Sugar Company Bumall Brown, Supt. Be your own interior decorator! Pick exciting wall paper from our top collec tion. There are styles to suit every color scheme, any type furniture. Cost: $6 a Room. NYSSA FURNITURE CU. One Block South of the Underpass