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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 23, 1945)
* •~'mr~r HfT<i • »> r*eNYSSA Nü. 32~ JOURNA ;/J "NYSSÄTOHEGON, THÜRSDAY~AUG. 2371945' AUTOMOBILE USED I ISLAND RESIDENCE Zoning im o p a r DS o v SUGGESTED e m e n t s on PUD Petitions iTO Committee is # j u u i i i k 1 Proposal lu p o a a i r KILL COYOTE LOST IN FLAMES Are Now Ready j Is Accepted by . . . . Keady for Fair, _ r » A rood improvement program will I Amunitlon is still scarce so Ed " I The Sam Selts residence Case of Nyssa uses his automobile Citv Councilmen be dis ussed at a meeting of the The sponsors of the proposed' hxmtiag The Malheur county fair board. , Brid*e island south of " _____ Practically All Nyssa’s Faculty on ! Nyssa was Positions | Filled Wednesday [ [Oregon Trail Orange at the Ore- Malheur county peoples utility dis- ; Whi:e returning from a trip to meeting „ , Monday „ . , night „ in the , c ity , , destroyed by fire last trlct announced last night that the rort'rnd and Seattle last Sunday hal 111 <^>ntaI j0 I1,ude fa*al aIT~ . evening, agemets for the fair and rodeo. | M ~ ~ wa„ visitln« at the ^ Will Be Opened O f B u s in e s s D is c u s s - night. August 28 . petitions for signatures are now in , night, the Nyssa merchant came which will be held at the fair- ! M visiting at the | A u g u s t 2 7 J R e g lS t l'a - ' 1 ' u *“ c u s i^ The possible improvement of the the hands of circulators in the var- 1 uP°n " crossing the road grounds September 1 2 and 3. j • neighbor and Mr Setts. [ ^ pj G iv e n ect A t M e e t i n g i local roads in general and the ious piecincts within the parcel of rPar Ironside. He did not react to Alva Goodell of Nyssa. president '»‘Iking his cows, did not discover i ° ------- I proper placing of an oil route will territory to be included in the dis- ibility of securing a coyote of the fair board, presided at the the fire until the house was envel- Following a hearing in the city be discussed. A panel of eight men All of the teaching positions in trict and which rnay be described when the next one app- hall Tuesday night, the city council has been selected to discuss and briefiy and generally as only the eared a few miles down the road .meetin. which was attended by all °i)ed in flame«. All of the contents the Nyssa grade school have been members and several committee that he was able to save was a accepted the report of a special answer questions on the proposed ““ ‘ countv served by CaEe was r,'ady for it. As the animal chairmen. fi.led and all but two positions in small amount of bedding. imnmvwnpnis Thu program will ____________— , ... m- tarted across the highway, Case Idaho „ Power company and commktee studying a city zoning; mdude^hum oro^T numbers and the The general repair work on the The loss was not covered by in the high school have been filled , ,, .. , . . . . . . . peeded up his automobile and preparatory to the opening of . eluding the incorporated cities of proposal and ordered an ordinance I musjcai selections stands and arena will be finished sura nee. Mu.y. Ontario and Vale sounded the horn to cause the this week. A new water line laid school Monday, August 27, Super ------------------------ drawn. Neighboring Grangers are invited NyThe afea ,he proposed I coyote to look into the glare of the intendent Henry H. Hartley ann to the grounds assures the manage- _ _ _ _ _ After tile ordinance is drafted! to attend the meeting. ounced this week. people's utility district does not headlights. The animal was hit i ment of plenty of water for the M o t t l C F 0 1 M T S . anothcr hearing will be held. The high school still has a vacan ; include any territory in the vicinity by the right front wheel and was stock and for other purposes. cy in English and social science, j of Ironside, Juntura or Westfall thrown into the middle of the W. E. Schireman, Prank Morgan Roy Brewer, racing committee K l l / m n o P i D U f i P i ! for the reason that they were elim highway. chairman, stated there were 16 O U C I I I H J r i a S S C t . but the position is expected to be and A. C. Sallee asked that the Case threw the carcass onto the fil ed by the opening day or soon inated from the proposed PUD head of good racers already In the proposed boundary of the business Fueral services were held In Cald thereafter. The music position will district by the hydro-electric com car and came on home, reaching barns with nearly 50 more booked district be changed. The committ mission in its final report filed with here about 3 a. m. to make their appearance. He pre well Tuesday afternoon for Mrs. E. 1 be filled on either a temporary or ee report proposed that the bus sponscjjgs committee dated Funeral services were held Thurs the dicts the best racing program ever P. Lawrence of Caldwell, mother permanent basis when school opens, The high school teachers are iness district between Third and day afternoon at 3 o'clock in the April 5, 1941, with the following presented to a Malheur county of Mrs. C. W. Buchner of Nyssa fair audience. The track, the fast Dr. H. H. Hayman and Dr. Robert Miss Virginia Van Slyke. home- Sixth streets extend only half a Peckham-Dakan funeral chapel in statement: "These three parcels are small outlying areas, separated est in this section, will be In ex C. Shupe were in charge. Inter- | making and girls physical educa- block on each side of Main street. Caldwell for Mrs. R. W. Adams of Caldwell, former Nyssa resident. from each other by comparatively cellent shape and some thrilling ment was in the Canyon Hill cem- |tlon; Miss Margery Nihart, commer- The council agreed that the business j clal and mathematics; Mrs. Ada Mrs. Adams' body was found in wide expanses of uninhabited or finishes are in prospect for the 36th etery. Mrs. Lawrence, wife of the Rev. i Haworth, English; Miss Pae Ped- district should be extended to a her automobile at her home Aug very thinly inhabited territory. The Clarence Requa, C. A. A. flight annual event. block on each side of Main street, ust 15 with a garden hose extand- argest of the outlying parcels, The entire program is scheduled E. P. Lawrence, retired Presbyter rick, English, biology and library; inspector, was here Friday to give ian minister, died Sunday in a Melvin Spitze, science and book so that the district as now proposed ing from the exhaust pipe to the which includes Ironside and Mai- private flight tests to Melvin Jen as follows: covers two blocks from First street inside of the machine. heur City, has the service over the sen of Nyssa, Patrick Dooley of 1. Grand entry; 2, bareback rid Caldwell hospital. Rev. Lawrence keeping; Howard Lovejoy, mathe to the highway and extends along Margaret Schoettltn, daughter of lines of the Malheur Co-operative Payette and Raymond Tacke of ing; 3, first section of calf roping; was pastor of tnc Caldwell Presby matics, boys physical education and athletics; Kinsey E. Keveran, soc the highway for a short distance Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schoettlin, was Electric association, operating an Ontario, all students of Ralph 4. first section of bronc riding; 5. terian church from 1929 to 1937. Mrs. Lawrence was bom Septem ial science and athletics, and Prank south of the "Y" and to the city born at Lander. Wyoming Sept- REA project. All three of the iso- Winebrenner of Nyssa. and J. W. mens sadle horse race; 6, two-year- limits along highway, 20 north of ember 12, 1909 and grew to woman- . la ted parcels which it was intended Cudd of Ontario. All of the men old colt race; 7, kid's race; 8, lad ber 28, 1877 at South Boston Mass Parr, principal and social science. The grade school teachers are the “Y \ hood in that state. She was grad- ' in 1941 to include in the PUD, the passed the test and received their ies musical race; 9, V4 mile race; achusetts. She was a member of as follows: First, Miss Mamie L. The council ordered Ninth street uated from the Lander high school commission said, are too thinly flight licenses. 10, second section of calf roping; the Presbyterian church, chapter P of the P. E. O sisterhood and the Bostrack and Mrs. Iva Kuehn; from the highway to the baseball and a busine s college in Denver, settled and at too great distances Mr. Requa also gave several stu- i 11 ladies race; 12, 4% furlong race; Presbyterian Women's Missionary second, Mrs. Nelda Schenk, Mrs. diamond raveled. The work will sh e was united in mariage to R. from the main i»ircel proposed to dent certificates and private writt -1 second section of bronc riding: society. Eulah F. McConnel and Mrs. Lillie be included to be served economi en examinations. Now that the war i 14’ men’s stake race; 15 derby race; be d ine soon. w . Adams October 10. 1929. Mrs. Lawrence is survived by her May Creeling; third, Miss O. Eva I'inley Ehusier of LaGrande made Mr. and Mrs. Adairs lived in cally as a part of the people's is over, the method of securing | 16' mu8 and mllk contest, and 17, husband, three daughters. Mrs. Al Boydell and Mrs. Julia McDonald; application for an exclusive garbage Lander for a few years and then utility district”. student certificates will be simplifi relay race. ma K. Scheuerman of Portland. fourth. Mrs. Eva Chadwick and The sponsors have requested the ed. franchise. The matter was taken moved to the Owyhee dam, where Mrs. Buohr“'- and Mrs. Mildred Miss Theresa Gehnert; fifth, Mrs. under advisement. ! they resided until the completion petition circulators to make every William DeGroft, Jr., soloed last DAVIS TO TEACH IN Pasley of Caldwell; two sons. Don Hazel D. Lane and Miss June Rev. C. L. Snider of the Assembly 0f the project. In 1937 they moved effort to obtain the required number week. ald O. Lawrence of Medford and Wlldman; sixth. Miss Eloise Herold of signatures of registered voters of God church was granted per- to Caldwell. The city has just finished re KANSAS SCHOOLS L. Wendell Lawrence of Portland and Mrs. Josephine Rigney, and mission to hold religious services For the past three years Mrs. by August 29. They hope to file grading tile run-way, making it seventh and eighth, Mrs. Victoria Irshal Davis, former music sup- and 10 grandchildren. in the b\ ‘"p-s section. Adams was secretary to J. R. Sim- the petitions with the hydro-elec an excellent landing strip. Mr Schwelzer, Miss Harriet Cole, C. C. ,. , ^ , ervisor of the Nyssa schools, left I ------------------------- I.arry fcucl.on asked that a milk plot at the dehydrating plant at tric commission by September 10. _ Harvey and Walter McPartland. t „t f„ !‘rl?0.r t7 ° ne,0f 7 e Monday for Port Scott. Kansas I n The filing of the petitions by nicest ! small orc’irv’nre to control the distribution Caldwell. landing fields in the where he will fill the position of J w l i e C i ,»*Q J l Q f l l ] Children entering school for the of milk in the city be adopted. Survivors are her husband and that date is for the purpose of hav district. first time must be 6 years old on director of the Junior college high # # Chairman R. G. Whitaker appoint- a sister, Mrs C. C. Barnes of ing the commission make a ... prellm- , , Remodeling of the manager's school and junior high school or-j or before November 15. inm r toyertigatlon as to the ad- ^ hu ^ compleUxl. ^ rk < d Councilmen Emil Sttmz, Bernard Riverton Wyoming. Registration of high school stu v J v l / O a. U S I U U l l Frost and George Henneman a s ' Among those attending the fun- visability o ffo r m in g the p r o p o s e d ,^ been , tartld on anot^ er bulld_ chestras and bands. The city has] dents is underway this week in the ----------- and a population of 10.000. During th e ; ■members of a committee to work eral were Mrs. Lucille Norcott, peoples utility district according jin whlch wU1 h()Use the sh K for past two years much was accom- ' The appointment of Miss Kath- high school building, with regis with City Manager E. K Burton Mrs. A. II. Boydell, Mr and Mrs. to the laws of Oregon at the pn - 1 office and individual hangars plished in Nysta In the line of ryn A' Crandall of Nyssa as a Red tration somewhat above normal ln on. an investigation. Jess Thompson and Mr. and Mrs. mary election in May, 1946. six airplanes. music. The band membership grew Cros8 hospital worker assigned to the first two days. Principal Prank Fire Chief A1 Kuehn presented George Mitchell and son. Captain irom 30 to 58 and was called upon **** ^ naval hospital at Corona, Parr said. So far only the freshmen the bv-laws of the newly-formed Fete Mitchell. ANNUAL MEETING many times to provide entertain- California was announced thi* week and MA^nmares have completed volunteer fire department for the ________________ OF CO-OP HELD ent for public functions. The band ln San Eranctsco *>y Verne Sunm- the registration schedule. The fresh council's approval and asked that Visit In Melba— gave concerts at the city hall on ons' pacific area manager of the men have enrolled 47, the sopho an ordinance be drawn regulating Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Collins spent A small group compared with the mores 38. the juniors 11 and the i Friday evenings during the summer. American Red Cross. the pc wers and duties of the fire Sunday visiting Mr. Collins’ son, large crowd that attended last seniors five, for a total of 102. Thi The twirling team and little mas- Immediately prior to this assign- department. Floyd Collins, at Melba, Idaho. year's annual meeting of the Mal cots attracted much attention and ment Miss Crandall completed sev- Juniors are supposed to register to Out of the three major early Japs on New Guinea. He faced heur Cooperative Electric associa potato producing areas of the west— and created much interest in their era* weeks °f specialized training day and the seniors Friday. met at Riverside park Tuesday High school will be opened with colorful blue and white costumes. Washington. D. C. In her new | them again on Biak. Leyte, Luzon. tion for" the ” co-op's 'annual picnic“ and «astern Washington, eastern Ore Two new organizations, a boys glee work ^ wiU assist the Professional a general assembly Monday, foll gon and Idaho—some 5000 more Eataan and Mindanao. , _ , business meeting. William J. Jacob- club and an orchestra, were dev- a00*“! case workers in carrying out owed by short class periods for Ausman is a son of Mrs. Ralph, son chairman of the board of dlr_ cars have been shipped to date eloped the last year in the music the Red Cross program of counsel all six classes. The program. Which than during the same period of | Ausman of Adrian. Oregon and, €ctors made hls rt to the ing, emergency financial aid and will be completed about 11 o'clock, department of the high school. 1944. The result is a continuing I formerly lived at Meridian. Idaho, j mpmbers on the year.s actlvlUes, comuntcations with patients' fam- will conclude the school day for To provide more music and ex- supply in excess of commercial mar I .. . .. . . which included building several alt except those who have neglected ket demand. This situation prevails perience for new band members, l!1«s through chapters. Assistance Mrs. Mildred Hite of the Owyhee mi!es Q{ new ,lne the seventh and eighth grades i is “lao offered the serviceman about to register. They will be permitted district has received notice from, In the absence of the secretary_ nationally, according to the Comm music students were made part of , t0 *** discharged in filing his pen- to register Monday afternoon. the navy department that her son, I treasurer> & nest Metcalf, ^ ta odity Credit corporation. on and in advising him “The difficulty lies in the fact the band. In thi* way a student s* Donald E. Hite. F l/c. formerly of the hospltal recovering from an regarding Insurance, hospitalization Cadet Nurse Here— ~ ’r that these eary potatoes are semi- may receive six years of band in and other veterans benefits. Okinawa, is now in Parragut. Idaho appendectomy- E. j . w l;iiams. Jean Snader. cadet nurse re prepara’ory to taking a V-12 op manager, read the financial re- j’eri' h“Wte and sulted °nly for fairly struction before graduating from In adttion to 1660 hospital staff ceiving training at the Eastern 5 7V high school. ^ /À port, which, he explained, was lmmedJat* consumption.” the cor workers there is an urgent need Oregon College of Education at for 750 positions for men and wom LaOrande, visited friends here one unofficial since they were still wait- poration said. "They will store for Wiliiam E^ Lewis. RT5 son of , for a government auditor o a relatively short time in cooler en workers both ln hospitals ana day this week. She was graduated Mrs. J. C. Smith, arrived on the arrlye and verlf their fi s The storage which for potatoes is prac ln Red Cross chapters throughout from the Nyssa high school with tically unavailable because of prior east coast from Germany last week, the country. Information is avail the class of 1945. Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Short of the ,tncj arrived in Nvssa Monday for report showed assest of $.21,185.1/ demand of the army and fresh able from the local Red Cross chap Eastern Oreeon Lagnt Liaht ana and Power! , f. with 7 his " mother ' 7 7 oth . 7 er; and labilities of $265.168.17. t-astein Oregon power | a vislt and „ ,w, u„,f leaving fruit canners. Due to high moisture ter or the personnel department, a deficit of $13,000. Half of the company with headquarters at j relatives. With him is his wife, who content they are not well suited to i deficit, however, was covered, he The Nyssa chamber of commerce Pacific area office. Granite, have received word that has been living at Payette with Miss Crandall attended the Coll toy the $20.000 reserve dehydration. Lack of refrigerator voted at its weekly luncheon in the their son, Charles B. Short, AOMT, . her parents during his absence. explained, fund on hand for maintenance ships eliminates export for relief second class, former Nyssa resident, Lewis served overseas for one year and depreclatlon costs. The rest feeding in any quantity. Congress Gate City cafe Wednesday noon to ege of Idaho in Caldwell; Nebraska extend an Invitation to the county Wesleyan university ln Lincoln. Al expects to be home to hunt birds as a radio operator with the ninth accrued and dt,ferm l interest, has committed the government to courts of eastern Oregon to attend bion State Normal school at Albion, and big game. He is stationed with army^ He has three campaign stars. Alth h bhe was behind in support potato prices when returns a luncheon in Nyssa sometime ln Idaho and Denver university at tile navy ln the Aleutian islands, the bronze star and a citation for | lnterest paynu.nts, Mr. Williams to producers fall below 90 per cent Edited by October. Denver. Her majors were education where he has good food and sleep heroic achievement in action. He of parity. If we are forced to ac id ^ had alread u The eastern Oregon section of and music. T. CAROL BYBEE ing quarters. expects to be here for a m onth! 606 44 of the principal in loans quire potatoes through purchase the Oregon Association of Counties Miss Crandall has taught school the utilization of such government will hold a meeting in Vale this in Shoshone and Nampa. Idaho and before returning to duty in the from R. E. A. IP I WERE A BOY Keith D. Bybee sent two war states. By Shirley Dolan, 11 years old At the board meeting on the fol- owned stocks is limited also by these fall. The officials, Including the in Nyssa. She is a member of the bonds home from Okinawa. He Girl Scout of Troop 3 „ ... . _ _ . lowing evening, the board re-organ- factors. In other words. Increased county judges and commissioners Order of the Eastern Star. Her witnessed the gun firing celebra Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Parley, former izpd but re_elected tho ^ me offlcers. domestic consumption now is the and a few other men, will be in parents. Mr. and Mrs. Earl C. Cran- If I were a boy tion on victory day there. He said Lincoln residents now living at most efficient solution. I'd romp and run vited to attend the Nyssa luncheon dall are residents of Nyi "A1‘hough the war is over we still Oregon slope, have received word "To this end this agency is spon and visit the sugar factory during If I were a boy work 12 hours per day”. Bybee has that their sop, Allan, who is stat- SIMPLOT PRAISES soring a national drive asking their stay in the county. I’d have lots of fun. AUGUST 31 TO BE been promoted to seaman, first ¡oned at Charleston, Rhode Island, LOCAL PRODUCE home-makers, restaurants, institu I wouldn't have to wear The exact date for the meeting class. tions and others to serve more po has not been set. has been promoted to lieutenant. PAYMENT DEADLINE An old sissy dress, tatoes during the rest of August. Praising the high quality of veg Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Sayers of Or have to worry With the 24th Infantry (Victory) Lincoln Heights received a telegram etables grown in the Snake river "We. of course, are aware that August 31 is the deadline date About clothes to press. Division on Mindanao Aug. 23— from their son Pfc. Martin Sayers, valley. J. R. Simplot of the J. R. urging increased use of potatoes [ SAMUEL MILLER OF for awo current production pay To be sitting on a truckload of stating that he had arrived in Simplot Dehydrating company of during this time when meat, butter, ’ UNITY SUCCUMBS ments--beef cattle and dairy. It I'd run up the pasture ammunition when it hits a 500 New Jersey from Prance and that Caldwell told members of the Ont eggs and sugar are What the public will be the final date for filing And around the farm pound land mine isn't exactly a he expects to be home soon. ario Lions club at their luncheon wants may give rise to comment Funeral services were held in the applications at the county AAA And tearing my clothes comfortable position, according to meeting in the Moore hotel last r.hich could ridicule our efforts Methodist church in Nyssa Monday office for mllk and butterfat sold Would not do any harm. Pfc. Elmer V. Ausman of Adrian, Mr. and Mrs. Homer L. Earnest week that vegetables produced loc into ineffectiveness. for Samuel B. Miller of Unity, Who during the months of April, May I would not skip rope Oregon. have received word from the gov ally were of higher vitamin con 'The fact remains, we have pota died in Ontario last Friday. Rev. and June and also the last day for Or play with no dolls, The xplosion lifted the truck two ernment stating that their son, tent than those grown in other toes— and in greater supply than Newby of Ontario officiated. Inter making application for the 50 cents I'd have lots of scars feet into the air and set it down First Lieut. Loren E. Earnest of can be absorbed at current rates of ment was in the Ontario cemetery a hundredweight payment on beef Because of my falls. sections of the nation. at a crazy angle, and only some army air forces has been awarded Simplot urged more local process consumption. An increase in con- with the Nyssa Funeral home in cattle sold ln the period May 19 to fancy manipulation by the driver the purple heart. Lieut. Earnest ing, such as quick-freezing, c o m -! sumption nationally of only one charge. June 30. The beef payment la made I’d catch great big wtggly kept it upright. None of the 12 men was wounded diu-ing a bombing blned with an advertising and s e ll-1 pound per week per person will Mr. Miller. 44 years old. was a son on animals owned for at least 30 Snakes every day; riding atop the load was injured. attack on Tokyo May 26. 1945. ing program to stimulate wide sales j move some 3000 to 4000 cars more of Wiliam (Bill) Miller of Unity. days and sold to a licensed slaught And scare all the girls A Jap squatting in the under of these superior produots. I per week for the next few weeks erer for not leas than $14.95 a hun Away from their play. brush just off the road detonated Corporal Howard Boor of Nyssa "We have the best vegetables in | and eliminate the possibility of Here From Glenns Ferry— dred. I’d be as naughty the well-camouflaged mine but was has been discharged from the army the world.” the speaker said, "and waste of any portion of this ess- Mrs. Fred Ohresst of Glenns As I could be a little late in jerking the trip wire. and has arrived home from Europe, all we have to do is to put them | ential crop.” Perry. Idaho visited this week ln Leave For California— And that would not be It exploded as the rear of the He spent many months in Europe in the proper form for human con-1 ---------------- -------- Nyssa with friends and relatives. Rev. and Mrs. H. J, Oemhardt Very hard for me. truck passed over, and the battered as a military policeman. sumption, and let the world know I Here For Visit— left this week for California on a tail gate was the only part of the about them. Quality merchandise | Miss Verna Greenlee spent 8un- Go To Lakes— three-weeks vacation. They will A boy can run truck that was damaged. Don Snader who was wounded properly packaged and advertised. day and Monday visiting friends Mr. and Mrs. John Ostrom and visit their son and daughter-in-law, Or climb a tree. Ausman is a battle-tested veter- while fighting with the army in creates a permanent demand." j in Nyssa. Miss Orenlee. daughter of ] daughter. Mrs. Adolph Boe of Mr and Mrs. Prank Oernhardt of And a boy has many and with six rugged campaigns, the Philippines, is home on a 60- Simplot urged farmers to take Rev. and Mrs. M. H. Greenlee, for- Boise went to Payette lakes Satur- Lancaster and their daughter. Mrs. Things to see. to his credit in his 24 months over- day furlough. He visited friends care of their soil by proper fertlli- 1 merly of Nyssa. was en route from \ day. Mr Ostrom returned home Kenneth Obiter, and family of So if you're a boy seas. He joined the 34th infantry ! here this week. His parents. Mr. and zatlon and dlverstf leaf ion. so that Portland where she spent the sum- | Monday, but Mrs. Ostrom and dau- Long Beach. They also expect to You are lucky. Id say, of this victory division before Its Mrs. W. E. Snader. former Nyssa, the quality of our vegetables would mer. to Kimberly, Idaho to vls> ghter will remain at the lakes for vlait Mku Kathryn Crandall of For you do many things initial mission against the die-hard, residents, live in Ontario. j remain at the present high level, i her parents. la week’s vacation. Corona, former Nyssa resident. I The girls can't, today. Several Other Matters *on Trail schoo!hou« Tuesday Funeral is Held For Mrs. Adams Nyssa Airport Activity Noted Over-Supply of Potatoes Cited Our Boys In The Service f io ? T^>/ Courts Invited To Visit Nyssa T >