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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (July 5, 1945)
PAGE 4 THE NYSSA G ATE C IT Y J O U R N A L TH U RSD AY, J U L Y 5, 1945 Florian. The horse toured with ran tea a few weeks ago to work on | [hands to test their skill St stlck- STAM PEDE TO BE a construction project, returned j ! ing Center's bucking horses, and IttngUng Brothers circus In 1943 STAGED A T N A M P A that calf roping and bulldogglng and 1944 and has just completed Mrs. W.U Stradley went to Parma FVlday U. the h ^ ^ hls parents. Mi and Mrs. O. P Counsil. The Snake River stampede, more [ time was the beat ever seen here, an important role In a motion pic- Friday evening to visit Mrs. M. /eta oounsll fpent spectacular than last year and These features are promised to be lure starring Robert Young. Bradney while Mr. and Mrs. Char- week-end visiting in Nyssa. Georg* Mills and Jaabo Fulker again billed as ''the wildest, fast- better than ever this time with les Johnson are on a fishing trip. cash Turner, who has been 111,! Elnier Prosser. Leroy Bennett, for some time, was taken to Ont- ! filoBEOT C.NEWKAN, est show on e a rth ", will be present- even more blg-name cowboys than son. clowns and bull fighters, who Verl Bishop, Boyce Van de Water ari0 0ne day la t week for treat-! are old friends of local rodeo add- 5 r LOUI 4 EMBARKED ed In Nampa July 13, 13 and 14 1 before. and Harvey Bennett left Saturday ment. He Is improving in h -a lth .1 by Leo J. Cremer of Montana. Tick- | Mexican steer«, never before lets, a special group of riders to per- O N A CAREER morning on a fishing trip to the Mrs. Lillian Holmes of Burley. | ets are available in Nyssa at the bulldogged. will be shipped directly forjn the cowboy Quadrille on INSURANCE Owyhee reservoir. They returned Idaho, who had been visiting her Olympic club. to Nampa from old Mexico and ^ ^ ( j a c k . and trick ropers and Sunday evening. mother, Mrs. Martin in the Manon 3 0 YEARS The rodeo will be an evening af- new brahma bulb will be on hand. ^ other rodeo features, Mr. and Mrs. Parrott of Rich- m ills home for the past three AGO. fair on all three dates as It was as well as Barrel Head and Jasbo, r . rnrnival mond, California were guests In weeks, left for her home Saturday, a year ago. Fans will recall that 'favorites of last year's show. The ».b r a n d Brothers carnival the Packwood home last week. Sam Nishi, who is stationed at last year In Nampa they saw a | A new horse act has bein planned and circus will »8® The Jolly Janes met last Tues- port gm, Oklahoma, artived here dozen o f the nation’s top buck- ! for this year's show, featuring Dr. pa during the day afternoon with Mrs. Darrell Friday for a visit of a few days ! aroce vie with the best Idaho cow- Albert Ostermaier and his horse show. _____________ English. with relatives and friends before | Several Bend frineds attended returning to camp, a farewell party given for Mr. and r * v e . j . Wilson pastor o f the \ Mrs. D. W. Patch ait Adrian high Nazarene church of Ny.s-n, visited j school last Wednesday evening, friends in the valley over the week- | Mr. and Mrs. Patch made many end, In accordance with the provisions o f the Local Budget Law (Sections 110-1201 to 110-1215, O . Cl L^ A . friends In this community while Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Hobson att- I as amended) notice Is hereby given that the budget committee of the City of Nyssa, Oregon, pliance with said law, prepared and adopted on May 28. 1945, the budget *M A in*te*tor_tne y Mr. Patch was superintendent of ended tire camp meeting conducted J Nyssa. Oregon for the ensuing year July 1, 19-5 to June 30. 1946. as set forth In the lonowing the Adrian high school. , py the Church of the Nazarene illations. All persons are hereby notified that on Tuesday the 10th day of July, 1945 at 8 p. Mrs. Tom Ferguson and children a t star, Idaho, Common Council Chamber in Nyssa, Oregon, said budget estimates may be discussed with tne c of Apple valley were Sunday guests J Hugh Benedict and fam ily and Council, the levying board for the City o f Nyssa, Oregon, and any person subject to the proposeu In the Hatch home. Clara Howard of Caldwell and Mr. levies will be heard In favor o f or against said proposed tax levies or any part thereof. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Miller and jand Mrs. Carl Mitzel and family SU M M A R Y O F E STIM ATE D EXPEND ITURES. RE CE IPTS AND T A X LEJVTBS FISCAL YEA R , i Mrs. Ous Sillonls were Ontario Nvssa visited In the O tto Wolfe Together with actual expenditures for the fiscal years 1942-43 and 1943-44, and budget estimates o visitors last Wednesday. j— , home Sunday. fiscal year 1944-45. IH INSURANCE Mrs. Thomas, who came here to -- ^ Mrs. Lorin Hite was hostess at A YEAR. r* attend the graduation exercises at a pink and blue shower in honor General Funds / lie H t IS AN EXAMPLE Adrian high school and has been of Mrs. Stanley Reffett, who receiv E XPEN D ITURES OF THE BEST AMERICAN a guest of her daughter, Mrs. Vlrl ed many nice gifts. PERSONAL SETRVICE 45-46 Bishop, and fam ily left Monday SALESMANSHIP WHICH, 1943-44 1944-45 ITE M 1942-43 2.400 00 for her home in Osage, Kansas. 2,160.00 3.600.00» REPRESENTING BL/S!NES$\ Police Chief 3.242.00) 1 800.00 Gerald Hickman, who spent four ) 138.00 > OR INDUSTRY, SERVES 1 , 200.00 years In the army, has been dis 660.00 808.00 City Manager-Recorder 1.800.00 THE PEOPLE WELL. 400.00 charged and has returned home. | The Parent-Teacher associations 101.00 100.00 O ffice Clerk ............................. 217.00 225.00 Hickman, a paratrooper, was of the five districts o f the Adrian 225 00 225.00 Librarian .................. ............. . .... . 225.00 wounded In action In Germany, and union high school sponsored a 120.00 120.00 120.00 City Health Officer ................... 120.00 has been in hospitals in England farewell party for Mr. and Mrs. 400.00 400.00 400.00 Oity Attorney .................._ ..... 400.00 and Denver, Colorado. .Dennis Patch and family John Jarvis and Betty Lou and Shop in Caldwell— 900.00 702.00 900.00 Janitor ..... 540.00 Mr. and Mrs. Joe Brumbach day evening, 1.080.00 1080.00 1,080.00 1.080.00 Mrs. Joe White and daughters. Mrs. Roy Darnes and Mrs. K yle City Grounds and Streets were guests in the Ah earn home In ! After a program of musical num- 200.00 200.00 200.00 Auditor ................. 200.00 Mr. and Mrs. James McGinnis Waite shopped In Caldwell Monday. Caldwell Sunday. bers Claud Eachus presented the $ 8.725.00 $ 7,425 00 Totals $ 5.786.00 $ 7,824.00 Ms. N. S. Phelan and Mrs. Orov- gift of a dozen goblets >to Mr. and and family left for their home in er Lee o f Ontario were dinner Mrs. Patch. Fairfield, California Monday even Other guests 1n the Miller home last i Sandwiches, cookies and punch ing. 300.00) | were served by the social comm 350.00) Thursday. 323.57) Printing and Advertising 222.42 ’ Mr. and Mrs. Glen Brown and > ittee. ) > Office and Supplies 209 95 1,500.00 The Adrian chamber of commerce family and Mr. and Mrs. James 1.500.00 Fire Department .................. 282 57 139 06 G EO RGE S. BENSON 500.00) sponsored a memorial fund dance Attebery spent Sunday fishing at 650.00) 358.17 Fuel and Lights .................. 356 78 Pmldeal— Matilaf CalUft _____ at the Legion hall Saturday night. the Owyhee dam. ) ) 267.54 City Hall .............................. 232 98 Stareg. J r la mas Miss Tressa Ditty and Mrs. Mary A lurgp crowd attended. 2.600.00 2,650 00 Street Lights ......................... 2,541.00 2 522 95 Duane Hatch has come here from Query and daughter, Sharon Kaye ( M an<i Mrs. w illiam Vander- 1,000 00 1000.00 515.94 Emergency ........................... 51975 left Sunday afternoon for Brooks, wal|cer and Mrs M Auker Grants Montana, where he was employed, e .o o o .Q o Mental Hazard 7,64100 2.000.00 Bonded Indebtedness 2.000 00 Oregon to attend a two-week camp pass and M r and Mrs. Harry to spend the Fourth of July with 564.00 794/42 780.54 Driving a golf ball over a pond re Interest on Bonds .............. 994 96 meeting sponsored by the As.sem- j^ose 0f Bedford were Thursday his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Howard quires a type of skill altogether 7,000.00 9,588.58 1,387.42 Street Fund ........................... 1.458.52 blies of God church. An estimated night guests 0f Mr. and Mrs. John 150.00 different from lifting it across a like- 175.00 126 53 SIAC ...................................... 146)6 Hatch. 2500 persons attended the camp Auker 150.00 size patch of green grass. I don’t 200.00 Prison Meals ................... 150.00 10115 Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Wymer of meeting last year. I Mr and M rs. John Anderson and 120.00 know golf but men who play well 120.00 Telephones ............................ »4 25 82 30 Charles and Robert Ditty made family of Caldwell were Sunday Parma spent Sunday with their have made me understand the dif 600.00 920.00 City Grounds ....................... 212.54 378.52 three trips to Baker last week to dlnner gueste of Mr and Mrs K . j, daughter, Mrs. Howard Hatch. ference. They call it a mental haz 325.00 130 00 Police Department ......... ..... 126.75 92.57 haul seed potatoes. Mrs. Hugh Skinner and children ard, and life is full of them. A men Peterson. Mr. Anderson delivered 200 00 100.00 Cemetery ....................... .... 00.00 00 00 Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Lomax of the message in the Community of central Oregon were week-end tal hazard seems to be something 100.00 100.00 Library ............ ............... 00.00 00 00 Parma were callers in the O. P. Presbyterian church. that offers a threat but presents no guests at the John Holly hom. 2500.00 2,500 00 State Gas Tax Street Fund 00.00 0000 Couhsil home Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Bott and actual hindrance. Mr. and Ms. Dennis Patch spent 3,000.00 00 00 Nyssa Airport ........................ 00.00 0000 Harry Counsil, who went to Neb- Thursday and Friday with relatives daughter, Mrs. Meideigner of Letha, Observation makes me believe $26 609.00 $28319.00 Totals ............... ..... ....... $ 9312.34 $ 9.518 05 in Weiser. On Friday evening they Idaho were Sunday guests at the that the maynifude of many world $35.334 00 $35,744.00 $15,088.34 $17.342 05 were dinner guests o f Mr. and Mrs. homes of W. W. Looney and E. problems, currently discussed in Grand Totals print and on the air, creates a men Francis Deffer and on Saturday M. Sparks. I will be RECEIPTS Utter bigness causes , morning were breakfast guests of ] Mr. and Mrs. Ray Goin and tal hazard. 1,700.00 Licenses .................. .......... 1000 00 people to turn their thoughts away Mr. and Mrs. George de Haven j daughter and son-in-law, Radio- GRINDING G RAIN • 900.00 500.00 Fines ...........- .................... from facts that concern them vital- 1 before leaving for their new hom e'm an Third Class and Mrs. James 400.00 Road Fund ............... ........ 300.00 ly. Postwar planning is a good il in Burns. Oasselman of Boise were visitors for ch'icken feed all 1,264.00 Liquor ................................ 1000.00 lustration. It is something thRt needs On Sunday evening Mr. and Mrs. at the C. G. Brown home Sunday 2.600.00 State Gas Tax Fluid 2300.00 the serious attention of millions of this month. Bring your Alvon McGinnis were hosts at a afternoon. Anticipated Surplus From thinking Americans. picnic supper In honor of their i Mr. and Mrs. James Attebery, 10.000.00 General Fund .............. 15,000.00 Like Seeing Ghosts grain. son, James, and family. Guests Mrs. Betty Korman and Mrs. C. 2,220 00 Bonds ............................... 00.00 I have heard several intelligent were Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Hatch a . Brown were Boise visitors people recently talk as If postwar ......... 13,686.00 15.444.00 'Inside 6% Limitation and Helen of Big Bend, Mr. and Thursday. 2.564.00 planning might be something outside ) 'Outside 6% Limitation Mrs. Tom Ferguson and family i Mrs. Mabel Hart of Vale was a of their world; a job for some mys $35.334.00 «35.744 00 P. M. Warren Totals of Apple valley, Mrs. Howard visitor at the Glen Pounds home terious committee of mental giants Hatch and Barbara, Mr. and M rs from Sunday until Wednesday. Miss or supernatural beings. Actually, STATE M E NT OF INDEBTEDNESS JUNE 38, 1945. Babe Hart of Vale was a week-end only a small part of postwar plan $ 8 .000.00 guest at the Pounds home. $ ....................................... Outstanding Refunding Water Bonds 6% ning needs to be central planning. 11 , 000.00 Sewage System Bonds 4% .......... It is a job for us all and the sooner 2.500.00 Refunding Improvement Bonds 6% we start it the more promptly pros PA YM E N TS TO BE 680.32 Sidewalk Improvement Bonds 6% . perity will follow peace. 313.77 Sewer Improvement Dlst. No. 1 Bonds. 6% MADE TO FEEDERS People who imagine they see 4.500.00 City Hall Bonds 5% ghosts are harmed as much by them 18.000.00 Sewer Construction Bonds 4% ..................... A payment of 50 cents a hun as if they really existed. People who 2,497.73 Funding Bonds 3 3|4% ............ dredweight will be made to feeders get alarmed at a big undertaking 17,000.00 Water Works Improvement Bonds 2 1(2-2 114 for sales of good and choice cattle and run away from their part of it. $647481 82 Total ........................................................ weighing 800 pounds or more, are in much the same class. Plan County Agent R. E. Brooke said. ning is for everybody with a Job. Water Department Forty million dollars is authorized every firm with a business, every EXPENDITURES for payments. The feeder Is re family with a farm. Things are going 1,200.00 660 00 800 00 00.00 City Manager-Recorder ............... ... quired to own the cattle for at to be different soon, and we will 1.200.00 1200 00 980.00 Water Superintendent ..... ............. 840.00 least 30 days and sell them to a need to be ready. 400.00 00.00 00 00 Office Clerk ..................................... 00 00 legally authorized slaughterer at Millions Unemployed 3,000.00 3,000.00 Power 2.979.44 . 2.018.27 Spectres of unemployment shaped not less than the minimum stab 19,717.50) Repair & Supplies 17,032.50) 1.912.20 4.552.89) ilization price o f his zone. The in the smoke of war are scary Improvements ___ ______ ___________ 169.48 ) ) ) minimum price for good cattle, enough to frighten even the wizard Bonds 2,000 00 1.000.00 2.000.00 1.000.00 statisticians who know how to tame Chicago b'-sls, Is $14.25. 967 50 882 50 1070 00 1.070.00 T h e purpose of the prflgram is: wild figures. That street corner es Interest on Bonds 00.00 Emergency 00 00 0000 1.090.00 1. T o encourage greater beef timate: “ 20 million without jobs," is production by giving the feeder probably 25% high. America has 40 Totals ......... ........ ....... ....... 7.009.95 $25.000 00 12.322 13 $28.400 00 higher returns from feeding more million people working now at jobs RECEIPTS cattle and feeding to better finish. they can keep after the war. After | 2. T o avoid higher prices to the war, however, 55 million will Water Rentals .......................... 12.000 00 14000.00 consumers which might cause dis have to work if the nation prospers. Negotiable Bonds ...................... 00.00 7.400.00 The difference is 15 million. This astrous inflation along the entire Loan—Fire Department ........... 00.00 1.000.00 many will come from our armed price front. Estimated Surplus Water F ind 13.000 00 6 .000.00 forces and from war baby indus 3. T o promote better distribution tries; too many to be idle. Fewer Total ..... ..................... ........ $25 000 00 $28.400 00 by directing more cattle to auth job hunters than that made 1932 a orized slaughterers who sell through very bad year. But (not counting Sewer Department regular trade channels. the jobs that will die with the war) EXPENDITURES The reason is that current meat our industries are using 40 million City Manager-Recorder 00 00 680 00 800.00 1.200.00 supplies are down from a year people now and should use 55 mil Sewer Superintendent ... »40.00 980 00 1,200 00 1,200 00 ago due largely to a decline in hog lion in peacetime It does not di O ffice Clerk ................... 00.00 00.00 00.00 400.00 produotlon. Although cattle slaugh vide exactly even, but call it a gain Repairs Si Replacements 63 38 50104 5,86220) 5332.00) ter already has increased above a of one man in four. Miscellaneous ................ 7.10 9.08 ) > year ago, a further increase in beef Intelligent Guessing Power ............................... 378.86 328.19 420.00) 400.00) production Is needed to meet in Men who won the war, men from LI gluts ............... .............. 20 96 17.00 ) > creasingly heavy demands. The uniform and men from munition Inspection ...................... 900 12.00 20 00 20.00 number of unfinished cattle on the plants, are returning to peacetime Bonds ............................... 1.500.00X 1.500 00 1 500 00 1,500 00 ranges and on farms Is still far pursuits and we must have work for Bond Interest ................. 1.450.00 1.»10.00 1.190 00 1.130.00 over normal. H ie beef payments them. Anybody can plan on a one- Printing .................. ......... 00.00 00 00 20.09 00.00 are part of a general program to man scale. The first step is for 5.85 00 00 00 00 00 00 increase the produotlon o f all each of us in his own shop or of Cleaning .......................... Chlorine .......................... 23.43 00.00 fice to figure out about three things 150.00 00.00 meats. Water ............................... 37 80 37 90 that might happen to his business 37 80 38.00 I Sinking Fund ................ 1.053.00 when peace comes. Then line up 00 00 00.00 00.00 H EARIN G IS SET these "could be" postwar changes Totals ______________ $ 5.369.18 6 5.35511 $ 11.000 00 811220 00 in 1-2-3 order, the most likely one ON H U N TIN G L A W S first. RECEIPTS Step No. 2: Plan what's best to The hearing of the Oregon state Service Charges ............... ......... 6.000 00 6 000 00 game commission in regard to the do in each of the three cases. Negotiable Bonds ..... 00 90 2220 00 1945 hunting regulations will start Try to make plans Justify four work Estimated Surplus Sewer Fund 5.000 00 3.000 00 at 10 o'clock, Saturday morning, ers where three work now. Nobody Totals .... .................... ......... $ 11.000 00 j July 14 ait Its offices. 616 Oregon can plan for you. Nobody knows $11 220 00 your business like you do. When building. Portland. MEMBERS OF EUD O FT C O M M ITTEE THREE N IG H T SHOW S Seasons, bag limits and other war ends, every man should have regulations governing the taking quick access to his own deliberate R. O. Larson. Chairman R O. Whitaker Harry Miner Tickets on Sale in Nyssa at o f game birds, game animals and thinking, and be ready to welcome A. Chadwick, Secretary Etnil A. Stunz BurnaU Brown peace. It is an idea for small busi fur-bearing animals will be con George M. Sallee Bernard Frost Orant Rinehart ness. but small firms normally em TH E O LY M PIC CLUB sidered. The hearing will be open CUff Main George C. Henrieman Heractiel Thompson ploy 85% of America’s workers. to the public. C. W Buchner Aden Wilson Big ______ Bend Notice of I9 4 5 -4 6 Budget Meeting 1 B Adrian j H - I i LOOKING AXLAD Sunset Valley NYSSA FLOUR MILL Hay Insurance INSURE IN SURE INSURANCE Frank T. Morgan “Wildest, Fastest Show on Earth” Snake River Stampede RODEO AND CARNIVAL NAMPA July 12,13 & 14