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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Jan. 25, 1945)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL THURSDAY JANUARY 25, 1945 PAGE 4 ¡the more readily available resources. Ieetlon of offficers for the coming from their farm home to Nyssa I Mrs Homemaker's No. 1 problem, iHeights has been visiting her sister I ____ ' _______ AT NEW | year was held w .... ' Cereals make a good point and Mrs Onleta Callahan the last week. Monday WAR ______ EXPENDITURES meat stretcher, and, oh yes, purse I Emma WUaon was sleeted pres- Mr and Mrs Carl Mltzel were stretcher. They supplement the an Miss Despain left last week for Ha. OH Galveston, Texas. Evidence of the demands of a ldent; Bernice Robb, vice president, Sunday geusts at the parental Otto imal protein ln meat with vegetable The Owyhee Sunday school boys vast war effort Is the fact that In and Viola Ditty secretary-treasurer. Wolfe home protein— and they’re good! Mary Query and Tressa Ditty and girls of the LDS church spon December, according to the Treas- Lydia Wolfe and Levina Howard CREOLE MEAT LOAF Prepared by OFFICt OF WAR INFORMATION uiy Department and the War Pro were appointed to act on the flower were callers at the Walker Howell to cup uncooked Cream of Wheat sored a roller skating party last L home In Ontario Monday. duction Board war expenditures committee. Thursday evening at Frultland. 1 lb. ground raw beef • Mrs Otto Wolfe attended a bridal 1 egg, slightly beaten »313,400.000 a day—a new •’Doc” Raffington and wife are ••ESSENTIAL” AND CRITICAL" round repair services on the types averaged “ i T V for , Z Namea were ior with My’ shower for Mrs Kenneth Phlefer of 3 T. minced onion moving back Into their old home high the daily outlay. The m daily | stery Pals”. The exchan*ed club will meet Adrian Monday. DRAFT GUIDES of equipment included In the ess- rat€ i^gt month as 14.» preterit Emma Wilson February 14. after spending a year ln California. to t. sage or thyme Through a mechanical error, the 2 t. prepared mustard The guides set up by the War ential list. Types of repair service higher than in November The “Out Our Way" club, and A donation of three towels, two toference ^ glven ln ftn ltem m neighbors gave William Callahan Manpower Commiasion for Selective oilier than the above are deemed CONSUMER FRONT LITTLE CH- bedspreads, six water pitchers and test week., ^iset valley news that 1 cup condensed tomato soup and wile a chanvari party last ervlce In Inducting men in the 26 “essential”. ANGED a large kett e were presented to the Mr and Mrs Charles w tty plan to lto t. salt Tuesday evening. The evening was to t. pepper, Nyssa Nursing home by members through 39 age group make a nice In „ „ »¡„ m of health and welfare The consum*r ,roni remained 11- In eie field of health and welfare move to the coast. The Item should m - ‘e “ cu or u ,e changed with continued tight spent, playing games. Mr Callahan to cup water. of the Worthwhile club recently. difference between the have referred to Mrs Hubert Sharp, Combine Cream of Wheat, beef, has served lto years ln the South Mr and Mrs Bud Chapin and who went to the coast to work Industrial employment and that services the critical classification Is rationing controls by way of fairer which Is considered as “critical" to ^PPhed to physicians, surgeons, distribution of limited wartime sup- Mrs Kenneth Lorensen were visit Mr and Mrs Ditty have not Inten egg and seasonings. Blend tomato p aclflc and was ln 11 major battles soup and water. Reserve to cup and A lunch was served. the war production program. Most demists, oculists, osteopaths, san- P*1** most consumers recognize ors in Homedale Thursday. tions of moving. add remainder to the meat mixture. Mr and Mrs Callahan was pre smaller communities (excepting ml- : itary engineers, veterlanarlans en- that 1945 will be a “tight" year for Mrs Ted Pomeroy Is visiting fr Blend lightly and pack Into small, sented with a lovely gift by the ning and specialized manufacturing gaged in farm live stock treatm ent,' most commodities retail prices iends ln Red wood, California. greased, loaf pan. Bake in moder club. towns) which are closely related to medical, dental anJ optical labor- j011 smoked porked loins and lion Revival services are progressing ate oven (350) degrees for 50 min their agricultural areas, will find atorles, pharmaceutical services, ho- ruts have been cut by OPA by one nicely at the Assembly of Ood ch utes. Baste during baking with re Visit In Apple Valley— that most of the men In the aff- spttals. nursing services, and In st-, to two cents a pound and retail urch. Meetings are held each night By Leona Anderson served to cup of tomato soup mix Mrs O. O. Anderson and Mrs A. ected age group fall ln the category itutional care. Into the “essential” ' t o w n a n d f a r m c o n . except Monday. Idaho Power Co. ¡V. Pruyn visited last Thursday at ture. of "essential“ employment when class go mortuary services, auxiliary cent-per-pound celling prices were Herbert Bergam has been help I the home of Mrs Lloyd Lomax at they work ln such fields as th e , civilian welfare services to the arm- established on both Kosher and ing Mr. Ekanger build a new house. RED RATION POINT PROBLEMS Apple Valley. Mrs Lomax’s parents, ed forces, welfare services to civil non-Kosher cooked corned beef br following:- Verla Mae Wolfe was a Sunday How to feed your family the 1st iskets.. owing to the critical man Mr and Mrs Bruntz of Oxford, Agiicultural Services : -Commer ians, church activities, accident and evening dinner guest at the Carl | class proteins they need and still power situation ln the Mansfield, Nebraska are visiting their daugh cial poultry hatcheries, seed pro fire prevention services and struct Falkmelr home ln Caldwell. come out even at the end of the cessing. animal breeding, crop dis ural pest control services. Only Ohio, area, Westinghouse Electric Mr and Mrs Henry Terra moved month on red ration points—that's Miss Fay Despain of Ontario ter for a month. ease protection services, Initial pro- educational service considered crit- and Manufacturing Co., voluntarily cesslng services of compressing, th- leal Is the United States Maritime stopped output of electric irons ln reshlng, cleaning, shelling, curing Service Training program. Most its factory there (half of an aut and the like, Irrigation services, others are listed as essential ser- horized 157,000 Irons had been com pleted) Every town, every buslnes; farm repair and maintenance ser- vices. vices, farm product assembly ser- In the forestry and lumbering district Is asked by the government vices, custom grust milling and Ice fields the only critical classiflca- to turn off advertising signs, din harvestlng. No “critical” employ- tions are those of timber tracts Illumination and use electricity sp ment Is listed under the WMC guide and logging camps, cutting of pulp- aringly to save coal for winning the for agricultural services. The pro- wood, wood for tanning extract, war. duction of packaging materials for sawmills, veneer and planing and PEARL HARBOR TODAY Pearl Harbor, T. H.—The scene shipping and preserving essential plywood mills, wood for tanning products Is also listed as an essent- extract, sawmills, veneer and plan of America’s first setback also has been the scene of the Nation’s eq ing and plywood mills. ial class of employment. Substantially, the guide system ually significant triumph-Pearl Ha In the category of "critical’’ em ployment, as It may affect the draft set up by the WMC, which is ln rbor Navy Yard, Uncle Sam’s gr status of citizens of non-industrial accordance with the directive to eatest ship repair center. It Is the smaller towhs, is listed such work Selective Service by the Directory local of Incredible accomplishments as the repair o t automobiles, busses, ot War Mobilization and Reconver ln underwater salvage, reconstruct trucks, tractors and .'arm equip sion, James F. Byrnes, reflects the ion, and refitting of war craft. It Is ment. However, It is Intended that Intensified demands on American the nerve center of the United S t ln the category of repair services resources of men and materials to ates Pacific Fleet. It is the home consideration be given only to In wage the war, and the fact that, of the city of ships, the heartbeat But If You Bought Yours From dividuals qualified to render all- the past years of war have absorbed of the mightiest nautical power in the world's history. Because the navy yard workers feel a personal obligation to en LET ITS PROVIDE A HOME MARKET FOR YOUR FAT HOGS large on the yard's many distinct Sell where there Is no commission to pay, no shrink, no un ions, they have reglstred other sp ectacular accomplishment too, the necessary expense Incurred through a great number of men Navy Department reports. They ta required to handle your hogs and where you can see and check ke pride ln the fact that for some the weight of your hogs yourself. time the Pearl Harbor Yard has We buy hogs every Friday at the stockyards ln Nyssa, Ore. averaged longer work weeks and j Because We Still Service the Merchandise and Homedale, Idaho. more overtime than any of the 10 j yards ln the United States. In add For Friday's price phone 111 R. Nyssa. between the hours of We Sell As We Have Done For the Past ition, they point out that 95 per 5 P.M. and 9 P.M. on Thursdays or 53JLJ, Homedale, on Friday. cent of the employees Invest In war bonds, with purchases averaging FRANK KULLANDER $1,000,000 a month. Pearl Harbor has had a colorful history. It began 57 years ago when OUR TRAINED REPAIRMEN King Kalakaua granted the United Can Make Your Furniture and Appliances 'States exclusive rights for Its use Like Uncle Sam, I as a coaling and repair station for American vessels. It was not until keep 'em running. 1905, however, that the site was sel ected officially as the location for F. “Lete” Sackett, a principal naval base. In 1909, workers started on a dry- Box 608, Phone 247M dock that was not completed until 1919. In that year the Navy re WHY? Because we are capable of Ontario, Oregon commended that a first class naval base, with facilities adequate en SERVICING AND REBUILDING Since 1890 ough to handle the entire fleet in time of war, should immediately be The Merchandise We Sell veloped. Within the war years, the Navy Yard construction program has bo omed to make it one of the world's largest yards. In 1941, Rear Admiral William R. Furlong was named Commandant and he has directed the vast operations since that time. Today, more than three years That Takes the First, Easy and Large Profit and Lets You Look after the sneak attack that plun ged the United States Into war. Elsewhere for Service and Upkeep. Pearl Harbor Navy Yard is serving the highly Important function of P A S T EX PER IEN C E H as P roven To You T h a t You Should keeping the ships of the Pacific Fleet fit to fight. Admiral Furlong Buy From a M erchant W ho H as G iven You reports that there remaths a need for skilled workers and again has Service! appealed to patriotic citizens on the Mainland who are not ln essential war work, but desire an opportun ity to play a vital part ln the Pac Buy Your ific War effort, to register at the nearest Civil Service office for tr ansportation to Pearl Harbor, and a war Job. TOWN and in WARTIME Victory Food Hints Cow Hollow Quality FURNITURE IS DIFFICULT TO OBTAIN PETERSON’S You Are Lucky 34 Years Last Longer _ 0 u r Motto Is Service— We Are Not Only A Selling Agency Potato and Onion Seed Early to secure the best. Blue Tag certified Minnesota Pontiac. Blue Tag certified Wyoming Triumphs. Blue Tag certified Montana Russets. Blue Tag certified Montana White Rose. Russets-One year out of certification. Certified and uncertified white and yellow Spanish onion seed. Call at our Nampa Office J. C. SEWELL Produce Company Nampa, Idaho »Phone 744 We Hope To Expand In. Sunset Valley Shoppers ln Boise recently were the Hudd Robb. Lester Kendall and Pete Wilson families. Mr and Mrs Don Mutch and daughter, Donna of Boise were Saturday evening guests ln the Otto Wolfe home. George Yasumura purchased a Bulck eight recently. Mr and Mrs Lester Kendall were Saturday evening supper guests of Mr and Mrs Howard Fingers. Several from this community attended the Britton Llmbaugh sale ln Cow hollow Thursday. Mrs Lew McCoy and Mrs Crutch field entertained at a miscellan eous shower at the hall Friday af ternoon ln honor of Mrs Harold FUllngsness. Mrs Fllllngsness was Miss Donna Dlmmiek before her marriage. Magnus Ekanger and his father moved Tuesday to the Andrew Ttt- land farm. Mr and Mrs Pete Wilson and Mr and Mrs Hudd Robb attended the cooperative meeting held at the Boulevard Grange hall near Cairo Junction Wednesday. Mrs Leslie Ditty. Mrs Robert Ditty and Mrs Charles Ditty were bus iness callers In Vale Wednesday of last week. Mary Newgen entertained 12 me mbers of the Worthwhile club at her home Thursday afternoon. El- 1945 *By A dding 65 p er cen t to O ur D isplay Space *By continuing to give you th e best possible Service. *By getting the best of the o b ta in ab le m erchandise fo r our cu st om ers. *By offering the m ost com plete display of F U R N IT U R E , FLO O R CO V ERIN G S AND A PPLIA N C ES in the S nake R iver V alley PETERSON FURNITURE AND UNDERTAKING CO. P hone 440 W Ontario