Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Jan. 18, 1945)
» 1 - ■’< . 7 •>> ^ /W ^ r r r ^ y ? g e. <;. x > Jtes«x ^ = = ms »¿ ¿ ‘ The NYSSA VOLUMETxXX- No. I E. M. Cole And 2 (C o n t r i b u t i o n s t o / w , / f r o 1U * ¡ m a r c h o f d i m e s t o Others Oi Sugar ¡ b e a s k e d a t g a m e Basketball fans attending the Company Killed Nyssa-Emmett game Friday night JOURNAL NYSSA, OREÜUÑ~THU r SDAY JANÜARY~1rH. 1945 Local Students featured on cover page of magazine Confirmation of the death of Captain Carl Dunaway in the In- dia-China theater of war has been i received by his parents, Mr and Mrs J. P, Dunaway of Nyssa rural route, from the war department. He had been missing since August 28. Captain Dimaway, serving in the United States air forces, entered ,he service in 1940. He received the distinguished flying cross in India last July and received a medal for mer.torious flying in Alaska and the North Atlantic in 1912 He also received a presidential citation. Captain Dunaway was born in Chadwick, Dorothy King and How- Vale, Oregon in 1918. He was a gr- ard Flanary. In front of ta b le - aduate of the B«1“ h‘*h *^ool and Bobby Krul, James Heldt, Deane the College of Idaho. Hunter, Billy Sayles, Neva Malloy and Esther Kinkenberg. will march to the strains of "You Might As Well Give It Away as Pay it in Taxes", played by the Nyssa high school band directed by The holies of E. M Cole of Og Irshal Davis. School officials and other inter den, general superintendent of the Amalgamated Sugar company and ested parties will conduct a “march two other men, killed Saturday In of dimes” for the benefit of Nyssa's an airplane accident near Burley, infantile paralysis fund, which will be raised as part of a nation wide were removed from the scene of the | campaign. crash Wednesday. j As last year, persons attending Other occupants of the company the game will march around the plane wefe B. F. Woodruff, pilot, hall and place their contributions and Lee Eddy, public relations re in a bowl, as the band plays. Staff picture of the Nyssa Siren: Trabert. Janice Frost, Marita Tal Probably the march of dimes will presentative of the sugar company. When the men did not appear at be the only local organized effort Back of table left to right--Jane bot, Lola Weeks, Harry Carpenter, Parr, Genevie Ballantyne, Leo To- Joye Gann, Hubert Parker, Joan Ogden Saturday afternoon a search to raise money for the fund. ombs, Donald Jensen, Val De Child, Hibbert. Donna Cheldelin, Mable was started. Nova Ulrey, Marion Brown, Vivian Toombs and C. C. Harvey, faculty The plane apparently crashed Earnest, Dean Irving Donna Claire adviser. At end of table--Royce against the side of Black mountain near Melba Saturday afternoon wh ile the men were en route from SGT. JAMES CHADD Burley to Ogden. The plane was WINS AIR MEDAL destroyed by fire after the crash. The Nyssa chamber of commerce The company airplane was first An eighth air force bomber stat seen early Wednesday from the air voted at its weekly luncheon Wed ion, England—Sergeant James K. by a Twin f alls flier, Lionel Dean. nesday noon to authorize the sec Sheriff Saul Clark and a party of retary to accept contributions for Chadd of l Nyssa, Ore., 22-year-old men returned to Burley late Wed an airport fund. waist gunner on the crew of a B-17 B u l l d o g s W i l l P l a y R eeC . Alan A. Smith Of Port Bernard Frost, a member of the nesday night with the bodies. flying fortress, has recently been - - -- And Company Here land To Deliver Prin Mr Cole, who had been employed airport committee, said considerable awarded the air medal. He won the by the sugar company since he was work should be done preparatory decoration for "meritorious achieve Friday Night cipal Talk a young man. was in charge o! o establishment of an airport for ment" while participating in heavy construction of the Nyssa factory Nyssa on the J. P. Lane property I Plans have been virtually comp- bombardment missions in the eig The Nyssa high school Bulldogs across Snake river. Several persons have already offered to donate ! ^or the annual banquet of the hth air force offensive against the extended their string of basketball enemy over continental Europe. EIGHT APPLY FOR i victories Tuesday night by defeat money for the work. Use of heavy Nyssa chamber of commerce, which Before entering the army air equipment has also been offered to will be held in the high school CITY MANAGER JOB forces in July, 1913, he was em ploy-, ing Payette on the Payette floor by ;et the land in shape. building Friday night, January 26 ed on his father's farm as a farm j a score of 46 to 35. The city council, holding a sp Persons having money to donate hand. Sgt. Chadd is the son of Mr | The Bulldogs, who have lost only ecial meeting Monday night, inter to the fund may leave it with Fr at 7 p.m. Alan A. Smith, Portland attorney, and Mrs Ira Chadd of Nyssa. ! 0ne conference game, will meet viewed one applicant for the posit ank Morgan. The gunner won his wings at Emmett here night of this ion of city manager of Nyssa. Senior Inspector Reynolds of the will deliver the principal address Kingman Field, Ariz., in May, 1944. i . ... . . . . . . The council has applications from civil aeronautics authority with on the subject of “Valley Author He is now a member of the 486th \ week and wil1 reach the half-way eight men who apparently have the headquarters in Boise will be in ities”, which wil be a discussion o f ____ the federalization of watersheds ol bomb group, a unit of the third I mark in their schedule Tuesday qualifications for the position. The Nyssa today to attend to business the large rivers in the United S t bombardment division, which was I night, January 23, when they tangle officers have adopted a uniform relating to the proposed airport. cited by Jthe president for its Eng- , with the Vale Vikings on the local ates. application or questionnaire for use The entertainment program will land-Afriea shuttle bombing of the court. They will play Adrian here in employing a city manager. Boiler Damaged— consist of three musical numbers Messersctomitt plant at Regensburg. January 25 for the start of the Representatives of the ministerial A tube in one of the boilers at second half. association met with the council to the Amalgamated Sugar company to be presented by high school st Germany. In the Payette contest, the Bull udents. Carlos W. Buchner, cham discuss the intended operation of a factory in Nyssa blew out shortly dogs led all the way, but the game ber of commerce president, will local night club and the present after the campaign was completed was fairly even. It was not parti and Frank T. Morgan, vet operation of the . pool halls. j last week. Some of the other tubes preside cularly interesting to watch. Mor eran chamber secretary, will act as The bureau of reclamation asked | may be affected, but the extent of gan was high point player with 10 the city to vacate a street between the damage has not been determin toastmaster. points. Other Nyssa players were The dinner will be prepared and First street and the railroad tracks ed. Moore 9, Church 2. Billings 5, Bell- served by the home economics girls south of the Nyssa Furniture com Tlfc* staff picture of the Nyssa on 5, Willson 6, Steinke 5, Toombs ot the high school under the dir pany store. Nursing Home Notes— ection of Miss Virginia VanSlyke, Siren, student paper of the local 4, and Lewis. A son was bom January 11 to Nyssa won the Junior varsity grade and junior high school, was Goes East— (Mr and Mrs W. A. Mitchell pf Ny- home economics instructor. printed on the cover page of school game by a count of 30 to 13. Herren Approximately 50 guests, includ W. J. Beus left Sunday on a bus- 1 ssa. The baby weighed 7 pounds. 13 if Nyssa was high with 11 points. ing residents of nearby cities and Activity recently. iness trip to the east. Enroute, he ounces. School Activity is a magazine wh Nyssa defeated Fruitland last towns, will be issued special invit visited his nephew at Ogden, who f Ray Keller of Nyssa was admitted ich specializes in projects carried Friday night 66 to 29 on the Nyssa ations. All business and professional has been in action in the South for treatment Monday night. on by schools outside the formal floor to hand the visitors probably Mrs Herbert Nelson was dismiss rien of Nyssa are asked to attend. curriculum. It is published at Top their worst defeat of the season. Pacific and is now home on fur lough. ed Monday night. On the other hand, Adrian, who eka. Kansas. SEAL SALE LETTERS The Nyssa Siren was started at nosed out Nyssa by two points in Smith. WILL BE SENT OUT the beginning of the school year of an overtime period earlier in the 1943-44. Eight issues were published season, bowed to Fruitland at Fr LaMarr Patterson enlisted in the The executive board of the Malh during the year, the last of which uitland Tuesday night by a count seabees and expects to report to eur County Public Health associat was in honor of the eighth grade of 26 to 15. Fort Douglas, Utah for duty Jan ion met in the Nyssa high school class when they were promoted into In the Nyssa-Frultland game, uary 25. He was formerly employed building Monday afternoon with 15 high school. Six issues of the paper eight of the 12 Bulldogs used by as caterpillar operator for Bybee persons from Vale, Ontario and have been published up to the pre Coach Howard Lovejoy scored four brothers. Nyssa in attendance. sent time during this school year. points or more. Willson was high The board decided to issue fol Students who have served as ed- with 13 points, followed by Bellon Keith Bybee. A-S has qualified low-up letters to those whose con itors-in-chief during the present j with 12. for a position on the navy basket tributions for Christmas seals have school year are: First issue; Don-1 Nyssa also won the preliminary ball team. He likes being in the not been received. aid Jensen and Nova Ulrey; second | game 30 to 16. Dean Sutherland was navy very much and reports "the Committee reports were made at issue; Marian Brown and Vale Dee j high point player with 12 points. barracks are very clean, having the meeting, which was conducted Child; third issue. Leo Toombs and tile floors. Grounds attractive with by Frank Parr of Nyssa, president j Esther Klinkenberg; fourth issue, FARM LEADERS TO lawn and shrubbery." of the association. Tentative plans Howard Flanary and Dorothy King; for the annual meeting to be held fifth issue, Jane Parr and James HOLD GATHERING James A. Aston enlisted in the in the Moore hotel in Ontario were Heldt; and, sixth issue, Neva Mal Chaplain Wallace Jamison, who Malheur county's 1945 farm pro navy and left Thursday for San discussed. loy and Deane Irving. was student paster in the Adrian Diego. He is the son of Mr and Mrs ruction goals conference will be United Presbyterian church one Clarence Aston, former Nyssa resid held In Ontario January 23, Glen NEW RUBBER SOLES Hutchinson, chairman of the county summer, has now been assigned to ents. AAA committee, announced. ARE NON-MARKING an LCI Flotilla. He has been stat Recommendations for maintain 15th AAF in Italy—Staff Sergeant ioned in northern Africa for about James F. Phifer, Son of Mrs Char New non-marking synthetic rub ing continued high levels of pro a year. ber soles are expected to be on the duction from county farms and les Bowers, who resides in Nyssa, Mrs E. S. Gahan of Nyssa died market soon, according to word ranches in keeping with state goals Ore., was recently awarded the air Bill Kurtz received the commiss medal for meritorious achievement this morning at 6 o’clock at her received by the emergency assist and the nation’s need for food will ant, Mrs Geraldine Hall, from the be made by county farm leaders ion of a captain. He writes besides while participating in aerial com home after a lingering illness. Mrs Gahan was born in Manha- bureau of home economics in Wa and farm agency representatives at his office duties and flying he is bat, at this heavy bombardment coach of his squadron's basketball1 base, where he serves as ball turret tten, Kansas December 17, 1872. She shington D. C. Most rubber soles the all-day meeting. Plans will be came to Nyssa eight years ago from and heels made after Pearl harbor developed for acquainting each far team, plays some and referees a ' gunner on a B-24 liberator, game most every evening. I Sgt. Phifer is flying combat miss- Alberta, Canada, where she lived were found to leave marks on fl mer in the county with National oors, but this will be eliminated requirements so he may make any _____ I ions throughout northern Italy, for 17 years. Survivors are her husband; two with the new non-marking synthe- desired adjustments in his 1945 Lt. Harold Kurtz is in England)The Balkans, Austria and Southern operations. and has been assigned to a troop Germany. He flew his first mission daughters, Mrs Ross McDonald of i tic soles. Those attending the meeting will carrier command. He flies a C-47.: in October, 1944 when the 15th Seattle and Mrs K. C. Bales of j The new price ceilings to be used _____ j'AAF liberators bombed an airdrome Tacoma; two sons. E. Scott Gahan by manufactures of these items ha- include all county and community of Los Angeles and Harry Gahan : ve been released and they are app- . committeemen, commodity group Dud Kurtz, S 1-c, was assigned to j in Greece, |roximately 20 per cent higher than presidents, county farm organizat- a mine sweeper as signal man a s , A graduate of Callaway high j of Nyssa and two sisters. Funeral arrangements have not the 1941 prices for comparable hon- jon heads, FSA committeemen and soon as he reached Shoemaker. He school. Neb.. Sgt. Phifer received was sent to San Pedro and since his wings after completion of the been made. The body is in the Ny- marking heels and soles that were county war board members. made from natural and reclaimed Representatives of the OSC ex his boat is bing repaired he h a s ! Tyndall field gunnery school at ssa Funeral home. rubber. The increased price was ne- tension service and the state AAA i Panama City. Fla. liberty every other day. cessary to cover the estimated man office will discuss state and nation Mrs Greenlee Visits— al goals and food requirements, pr Mrs M. H. Greenlee of Kimberly, ufacturing costs. Pfc. Bob Kurtz is with the fir st. Sgt. Lowell Christoffer of Camp ice support provisions and the out ------------------------ army in Germany. The last letter Polk. Louisiana is visiting his mot- Idaho, former Nyssa resident, vis-[. look for farm labor, transportation, was written Dec. 28 but no men- her, Mrs Vida Christoffer, and his ited friends here part of this week. Former Residents Visit— tion was made of the German off- sister. Mrs James Olin of Nyssa, She conducted a special officers j Mr and Mrs Keith Bailey of Og- supplies, equipment and other fac ensjve i and his sister, Mrs Joe Harkins of meeting for the WSCS of the Meth- ¡den, former Nyssa residents, are ilities needed for the farm pro _____ I Ontario. He will leave for his camp odist church in Ontario and in the j spending a few days in Nyssa and duction job. afternoon spoke to the Mary Mar- | Nampa Mr Bailey, an Amalgama- Lt and Mrs Kenneth L. Farner Monday, tha Society. i ted Sugar company engineer, is Picture* Taken— of Nampa visited at the home of — — ------------------------- employed temporarily in Nampa. The seniors of the Nyssa high Mr and Mrs J. C. Smith Monday. Mr and Mrs Bruce Pett have ' Mrs Bailey was a guest of Mrs i school went to Ontario today to Lt. Farner has been home on rest 1 1 eceived word that their son, Bruce, Recovering From Illness— have their pictures taken for the Lloyd Lomax is recuperating a t ; John Bishop Tuesday. ____ = __ few weeks Jr., has arrived in North Africa leave ____ during the past school yearbook, The Tupelo. E. R. after having completed 50 missions Pett, an engineer on a bomber, has ■ his home in Apple valley from pne- Baldwin of Boise is at the school with the 7th U S. air crops in the been in the service since July, 1943. umonia, which he contracted while j Visiting H ere- Central Pacific Lt Farner will re- He said “We need a basket to carry | working in Portland. Mr and Mrs I Mrs Stan Keifer and children of today taking piotures of the under port to Santa Monica. California,' our money in wHen pay day com es: W W Foster and son. Tom, were Idaho Falls are here visiting relat- classmen. Weldon Niles and Roy Thursday for further assignment, around because the money is dlff- Sunday dinner guests at the Lomax | Ives, including Mrs Keifer’s brother, Benedict are taking the group pict ures. Mrs Farner is a daughter of Mrs i (Continued On Page 5) I home. .who will enter the service soon. Bodies Removed From Airplane Wreckage In Idaho Donations For Airport Asked Plans Outlined For Banquet Of Nyssa Chamber Nyssa Trounces Payette 46-35 In League Game Recognition Is Gained By Staff Our Boys In T h e Service Mrs. E. S. Gahan Of Nyssa Dies WAR DEPARTMENT CONFIRMS DEATH OF CAPT. DUNAWAY Scout Council Plans Meeting Remodeling Of Courthouse Plan Of County Court i Officials Reject Proposal Of Grand Jury For New Building The county court at its meeting last week discussed the recommen dation made by the recent grand jury relative to planning the post war construction of a new court house and turned thumbs down on the idea. The court pointed out that this year will see 820,000 in a sinking fund for remodeling of the present structure and that with an addit ional $20,000 the courthouse can be enlarged and modernized to an ex tent that will make it adequate for an indefinite period; and that this can be done at small cost to the taxpayer and at a fraction of the cost of a new building. Tentative plans call for the Inclusion of a third floor elevator in a remodeling scheme. The court disagreed with the grand Jury that the building was a fire trap, pointing out that the walls are of stone Including even the partitions. Vault room is inadequate but all present vaults are fireproof and remodeling plans call for the addition of plenty of vault room. Members of the grand Jury who made the report included Elroy McDole, Ontario, foreman; Mrs Nellie B. Blackaby and Mrs Eth el Bartlett, Ontario; C. C. Orace, Oregon Slope; Wm. E. Ashcraft, Adrian; Mrs Ida Gordon and S t anley Dentlnger, Vale. The annual meeting of the Ore- Ida Boy Scout council will be held January 21 at the Dairymen’s hall at Caldwell. H. C. Mugar, deputy regional ex ecutive of Portland, will meet with ihe executive board of the council for the purpose of reviewing pro gress of the council during the past year and discussing plans for the coming year. New council officers will be elec ted under the direction of the re tiring president, Earl Brookman, Caldwell. Edson Deal, Nampa, will preside as toastmaster at the din ner meeting, which will be follow ed by the progress report for the council by Mr. Brookman. New officers will be installed by Mr. SPORTSMEN’S GROUP Mugar. The silver beaver award, WILL BE ORGANIZED given annually for distinguished service to boyhood, will be presen A Malheur county sportsmen's ted under the direction of John organization will be organized with Hanigan, Payette council vlce-pre- in the next few days. slent. The directors will meet tonight Speaker of the evening will be in the Gate City cafe in Nyssa with Byron Hunt, executive of the Sea representatives present from Vale, ttle area council, who has a long Ontario and Nyssa. They will draft ecord of Scouting. tentative by-laws and make other Closing the meeting will be the arrangements for organization. repeating of the Scout oath by all A general meeting will be held to scouts and scouters present, led by incorporate and eleet officers. The the recipient of the silver beaver. organization will conduct a county The silver Beaver is the highest wide campaign for memberships. award given by the Boy Scouts of Nyssa men attending a meeting in America on a Local Council basis. the Moore hotel in Ontario last It’ is made annually to some man Thursday night were Herschel Th for “distinguished service to boy- j ompson, Artie Robertson, Bernard hood" in the loeal council area.! Frost and Aden Wilson. 3uch service does not necessarily | nave to be as a registered scouter.' Names are submitted by each dist- ict of the council and the record of each man thoroughly investigat- e(j The final selection is made by a Oscar Pinkston of Big Bend died committee, usually made up of for mer recipients of the award. The Sunday night at 10 o’clock at the selection is made by secret ballot home of his sister, Mrs Andy Mc and not announced until the ann Ginnis, after an Illness of only two ual meeting of the council and weeks. Mr. Pinkston was bom at Faye usually comes as a surprise to the tteville, Arkansas September 5, 1881 recipient himself. Mr. Hunt, a veteran of world war He came to the Nyssa section in I, is the father of two Eagle Scout 1884 and spent the remainder ot his sons, now serving in the armed for life here. Mr. Pinkston, who had ces. He is an active member of lived at Big Bend for the last nine Rotary in Seattle. Previous to his years, engaged in farming and employment in scouting, Mr. Hunt dairying for many years. He was a was a business man and banker at member of the Baptist church at Roswell. St. Joseph, Mo. Survivors are his widow, Anna; two daughters, Mrs Pearl Ritchie GREATER SUPPORT of Homedale and Mrs Hoyt Nash of OF SCHOOLS ASKED Homedale; four grandchildren; two sisters, Mrs McGinnis and Mrs W. The Board of school ristrlct No. W. Smith of Nyssa rural route, and 26C. meeting last Thursday night, a brother, Walter Pinkston of Nyssa passed a resolution requesting that rural route. “a committee be appointed by the Services were held today at 2:30 governor to study educational needs in the Owyhee schoolhouse. Inter throughout the state for now and ment was in the Owyhee cemetery in the future, and a subsequent with the Nyssa Funeral home in recommendation be made for tax charge. based upon the responsibility of every citizen to support education, to provide sufficient revenue to MALUHEUR MEN PUT supply these needs”. ON COMMITTEES Similar resolutions have been As the 1945 legislature organized passed by other school boards in for a busy session last week in the state. The school men pointed out that Salem, Malheur county received re “peacetime competition demands cognition through the appointment that America employ the very best of Representative V. B. Staples as in educational accomplishment and chairman of the house committee technical skill to emerge from the whose work will likely be of great destructive results following this est Importance here, the committee war. Oregon, compared with adj on irrigation and drainage. Sen acent states is behind in per cap ator J. N. Jones was appointed vice- ita contributions for education, chairman of the similar committee thereby handicapping our state by in the senate. Senator Jones was made chair not having available funds needed man of the banking committee and for educational Improvements”. will also serve on the allpowerful ways and means committee. Re Go To Boise— Claude Willson, city water mas presentative Staples was named on ter, went to Boise Monday to buy the livestock, game, and food and a gate valve shut-off for Nyssa's dairy products committees. No. 2 well. The shut-off will be in stalled this week. Willson’s son., Here Frem S alt Lake— Dale, while in Boise passed his j Clifford E. Young, LDS church physical examination for entrance! authority, was a Saturday dinner into the navy. He will leave to e n - , guest at the home of Mr and Mrs ter the service Saturday. Mr Will- l u ’her Fife. He also attended sp son was also accompanied to Boise ecial church meeting at Ontario and Welser Saturday and Sunday. by Darrel Steinke. Oscar Pinkston, Big Bend, Dies