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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (June 22, 1944)
PAGE 4 THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL THURSDAY JUNE 22, 1944 3 Qyj»| SH Eg PT »I r 191 Washington, D. C„ June 22—It may be astonishing to the sheep men, the wool grower^ oi tile lar northwest, to learn that a congress ional conwilttee has discovered that not one suit of clothing has been made by the manufacturers from domestic wool in the past two and a half years. The wool used by th em has been foreign grown and Is cheaper than the domestic because the foreign wool has come through government agencies without pay ing a tariff duty. As the making of woolen garments Is highly com petitive, it Is natural that the man ufacturers should buy the foreign wool and save the cost of the tariff. Normally, consumption in the United States exeeds the domestic clip so that a few hundred million pounds are Imported, paying duty.1 The British dominions sent 350,000,- 000 pounds to the United States which this government bought; ot her wool was purchased from Arg entina at the very time that coun try was in cahoots with the Ger mans. The committee reports that the government now owns 280,000,- 000 pounds; the domestic clip is 450,000,000 pounds; 500,000.000 po unds have been shipped in by the British, and there are 500,000,000 in the hands of the manufacturers. Total of 1,730,000 pounds. And all the while the foreign wool is being manufactured into clothing and the domestic wool Is being neglected. This la the situation confronting the sheepmen of Washington, Id aho, Oregon, Montana and Nevada who contribute to the domestic clip. The United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation administration wants clothing, but although the United States has appropriated >450.000,00(1 for 1945 fiscal year (starting July 1) to UNRRA that agency Insists that it wants foreign wool used and not the domestic. Last November com mitments were made In anticipation of UNRRA clothing needs for ten million people. That clothing will all be made from foreign wool, the committee was advised. The advan tage the foreign wool has, of course, is that it was brought in free of duty and the sustaining price of domestic wool. In the circumstances, makes the raw American wool un A M E R IC A N S ! profitable to the manufacturers. The 500,000,000 pounds of British That answer will be written in the final You in the factories. You in the offices. wool now held In warehouses in th is oountry will not be recalled by figures on the Fifth War Loan Drive. You on the farms. You in the homes. the British, for England depends upon Australian wool, together with You cannot — you must not— fail to get For this is the crucial, the all-important clips from New Zealand and South Africa. What remains of,...,e half behind your fighting man in this supreme, Drive. Never has the need for War Bond billion pounds will dumped on heroic hour.' buying been so great. the American market. How the United States can feed H e knows what’s ahead. the rest of the world, or even Eur To make the Drive a success, you—and ope. was debated on the house fl everyone else — must buy at least twice as Bloody, bitter fighting... superhuman toil oor a few cfhys ago. It is asserted that It requires 214 acres to feed a many Bonds as you bought in the last drive. ... hardship ... pain... perhaps death. person for one year. There are 343,- 000.000 acres under cultivation in If you haven’t yet bought He’s facing it. He’ll keep on the United States as of this date. There are 130.000,000 inhabitants. your full share, DO IT NOW! facing it, as long as there’s If it requires 214 acres per *person the population of this country ne The time is short! Make breath in his body and blood eds the product of 325,000,000 acres YOUR supreme effort in HIS in his veins. to feed Itself. This leaves a surplus of 20,000.000 acres for feeding the supreme hourl But he wants to know hungry In foreign lands. That sur plus would provide for less than Remember—a soldier, your what’s behind him. 15,000,000 people. Approximately 36.000 young men soldier, is waiting for his an And you have only a few being trained for pilots have been swer. transferred to the infantry. Their days left to give him the training course was Interrupted and they are now foot soldiers. Some What will it be... from you? answer. 11.000 pilots who have been inst ructors are out of Jobs because the 36.000 were mobilised into the army Instead of winning wings. Prom many towns in the northwest young men who took training courses with the expectation that they would become pilots have found themselves idle. Congress, in one Instance, made an appropriation so (hat they would receive a small ca sh compensation for their wasted time. In face of this, Oeneral ‘'Happy" Arnold Is urging that the WASPS, the women civilian fliers who re ceive $200 a month, be made regul Inter-State O il Co. Food M art T ow n e’s G arage ar fliers and their chief commiss ioned as a major. The women tr Idaho P ow er Co. G am ble Store ansport cargo. Oeneral Arnold wis- Stunz Lum ber Co. hhes to recruit girls who are sten ographers, file clerks, etc., with no N yssa Lum ber Co. W ilson Brothers A tk eson ’s C lothing Store flying experience Into the WASPS, saying that pilots are hard to get C h ad w ick ’s D rive-in « R on ald ’s Shoe Shop and, owing to the manpower shor P ow ell S ervice Station tage, the women should be used. This makes the former male stud Inland O il Co. Farm ers Supply Co-op E der H ardw are Co. ent filers bite their nails. An inquiry discloses that It exists more to teach a woman to fly than G ordon’s D rive-in Frank T. M organ M oss-N inem ire M otor Co. for a male youth, and in the train ing thus far about 40 percent have N yssa B ow lin g C enter Polar C old Storage P lant bee« washed out. It 1« asserted that T hom pson Oil Co. *!. only four members of the W A S P S can hadle a four-engine bomber BHkaBI IfB HURRY UP AMERICA! GIVE HIM YOUR ANSWER! The Fifth W ar Loan Drive Ends July 8 5 wwar loan And here are 5 MORE reasons for buying EXTRA Bonds in the 5th! 1. War Bonds are the best, the safest investment in the world 1 2. War Bonds return you $4 for every $3 in 10 years. 3. War Bonds help keep prices down. 4. War Bonds will help win the Peace by increasing purchas ing power after the War. 5. War Bonds mean education for your children, security for you, funds for retirement. 8adMeMrat/- BUY MORE THAR BEFORE A1 T hom pson and Son N yssa P ack in g Co. M ain’s C leaners N yssa Furniture Co. H ollingsw orth H dw e. & Imp. Co. N yssa E levator B oise P ayette Lum ber Co. W ray’s D im e Store