Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Jan. 8, 1942)
PACE TWO THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL THURSDAY, JANUARY 8, 1942 night gue-.t at the B P-. Overstreet ' -;:.e Weunaaday. Mr. West has been confined to his bed again this New Year season due to an accident occurring while he was chopping hay. In the letter received from Bob Kurtz, written Christmas day, the »Idlers were stationed at Camp Roberts. California, but were con fined to their barracks and slept with their clothes on awaiting orders to move to the coast Frank Ray’s outfit Is chopping hay for the Goulet brothers. The Adrian high school basketball teams will play Parma Friday night here. They won last week when they played Huntington, 19 to 43. ----------- 4 ----------- Mr. and Mrs. James Ritchie and Garnet Belle are visiting at the 8 During Thi* Treach- B Hoffman home Dean Wyckoff returned home erous Driving Period from California last week He has been working in California for sev K iAáS V. POWELL - - - - - - Editor And Publisher eral months. PUBLIC Mr and Mrs. Alva Geodell and Alva, Jr . and Donna Belle were in LIABILITY Ontario Saturday. ADVERTISING BATES SUBSCRIPTION BATES INSURANCE Open rate, per Inch ___ ,.3Sc Edward and Irwin Topliff and Mr. and Mrs Conrad Martin en National, per In ch ........... 36c Dwight. Dean and Burl Wyckoft at Six Month* z :: tertained at a New Year s eve party Classified*, per word 3c is especially neces Single Copici . tended a New Year's party at Nys .08 Wednesday evening with thre ta Minimum 30c (Strictly u> Advane«) sa New Year's eve. bles of pinochle for Mr and Mrs El ------- --------— sary. mer Dutton, Mr and Mrs Wesely Ptercy, Mr and Mrs William Tooir.b, Published every Thursday at Nyssa Malheur County, Oregon. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Ashcraft, Cliff Entered at the postoffice at Nyssa, Oregon for transmission Mr and Mrs. Claude Page and Beaumont and Miss May Beaumont through the United States Malls, as second class matter, under Frances returned to their home Mrs Wesley Ptercy received high the act of March S. 1879. score for the women and William Monday, havng spent the Christmas Toorr.b for the men. Miss May Beau holidays with relatives and friends Insurance mont received consolation prize for near Salem. George Schelmer home. Friday ev NEWELL HEIGHTS the ladles and Wesl“y Plercy for the Mr. and Mrs. Orla Bishop and j Bob Gibson, who Is working In ening Miss Idamary Prouty was a Phone 04 dinner guest of Carolyn Schelmer. Portland, enjoyed a three-day vaca men. The hosts served refreshments. daughters visited at the Vern Smith , Tuesday evening the young people home Sunday evening. The Oeorge Schelmer family spent tion visiting his parents. Mr. and M. L. Kurtz and Harold spent Fri OREGON New Year’s day as guests In the in Mrs. Will Gibson, during the holi of the Christian Endeavor of the NYSSA Rev and Mrs. R L. Kruner and Adrian Community church went sons of Payette visited at the Veni j fer home In Big Bend. The M. L. day In Middleton doing some repair days. work on the Otis Kurtz house. Mrs. Judd family also were guests In Big R. L. Haworth spent the holidays from home to home Tuesday even Smith heme Flday. Bend at the home of the Frank Mil Kurtz spent the day In Ten Davis visiting his wife and daughters In ing in the Kolony and Adrian sing A good sized crowd attended Sun - 1 with her mother and other relatives. ler family. Mer'e Kurtz boarded Corvallis. Christmas was spent with ing Christmas carols. They ended day school and church services at j Carrie Joyce returned home with her their fun by going to the home of the train for LaGrande that even folks after a week's vacation spent friends at Klamath Falls. Mrs. Ha Mrs. Mary Nichols, who served co the Lincoln school January 4, de ing hut had a three hour wait. worth's health is gaining steadily. spite the bad condition of the roads in Ten Davis and Boise. coa and cookies to the young peo Mr. and Mrs. Hardman returned Rev. Harold Daniels of the Nazarene Mr. and Mrs. Voght and family Mrs. Jess Sugg Is recovering nice Tu day of last week from an ex- ly fr, m a tonsil operation, which who were guests In the DeOss home, ple. church of Ontaria delivered the ser Mr. andMrs.Charles Wilson were tei led visit, having visited relatives she underwent Friday In Ontario mon. Sunday school will be held left for their home In Albany Mon In Nyssa Monday. in Washington, California and west January 11 at 10:30 a. m. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Ooulet and day. Tuesday evening callers at the ern Ore ;on. A grandson returned children are visiting In Yakima un Frozen cars were quite common Mr and Mrs. Allen Reed of Cal Jack Corn home were Mr and Mrs. with them. til their house Is ready for occu around here the past week and ga Ray Thrasher and daughter, Jean, ifornia were called here because of j rage men were kept quite busy. fir. 8nd Mrs. Max Schelmer of pation. the illness of Mr. Reed's mother, j of Adrian. Mil* Meridian were Friday visitors at the Miss Idatrary Prouty was an over Mr. and Mrs. Matt Schelmer of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Shaw and Mrs. Eugene Reed, who has been Bend are guests in the Elfers heme. girls were In Caldwell shopping confined in a hospital at Caldwell Mr. and Mrs. Levi Johnson enter Mr. and Mrs. Everett Ulmer have Tuesday. rented the Millsnp r"nch from John The Kolony Grange members tained a number of friends at a Timmerman. were guests of the Ridgeview Grange Now Year's watch party. Tanks and bombers Mr. and Mrs. Jess-> Higgins were Mr. and Mrs. Albert Coleman anil cn Neighbor night Friday evening business visitors in Caldwell Friday. family spent Sunday with relative! are useless in a de in the Legion hall in Adrian. Mr and Mrs Clyde St elrran and no* m ¡ Mrs. Mary Nichols. Leonard Ni ut Enurett. fense program with Donna rf Adrian were New Year's chols and Nadine Nichols v ere in Miss Ruth Branom returned to out sturdy, able men callers 111 the Walter Bishop home. her heme Saturday after aweeks Nvssa Monday. Mr. and Mrs. George ScliMmer to manipulate them, Mr. and Mrs William Toomb en visit in Ogden. Utah with Mr. and and children of Newell Heights tertained at dinner Sunday for the Mrs. B. G. Bybee and family. .•uilii a tuong Amer ; pent New Year's as guests in the f:!'ow in» persons: Mr. and Mrs. ica with strong Amer- Elfers home. Conrad Martin, Miss Jeanette Mar Mr and Mrs F A Miller and Vir eans — serve milk tin, Mr and Mrs. W? ley Pirrcy and Quick ginia and Jim entertained friends family. Miss May Beaumont and C regularly for health Mrs. Walt Raft mg ton spent sever from Adrian and Bend at an infor Starting M. Beaumont. and energy. al days at the home of her brother. mal open house New Year's day. Long Charles Wilson cf Eugene spent Mr. R berts, near Vale helping care (JUM BI (COMPANY Buddy Holly of Adrian played sev turning New Year's with his parents. Mr. f-r the children while Mrs. Roberts GATE CITY eral selections that were greatly en and Mrs. Charley Wilson. He left Link joyed. Mrs. arover Lee presided at to return lo Eugene on Saturday as was in the hospital. DAIRY The hay chopping crew is chop Dwight Smith, Manager the ccffee urn. A lunch was served his school was re-opened Monday. ping hay at the Adolph Schneider Mrs. L. Eachus entertained mem Phone 15 Miss Jeanette Martin of Cald Nyssa bers of her family and friends at home. Mr. Mittleider is hauling. well has been spending the week end Tlie Young People's dancing club dinner New Year's day. with lrer parents. Mr and Mrs Con met at the hail New Year's eve. Due Ben Taylor of Hammett, Idaho rad Martin. t J extremely cold weather the crowd has rented the Phelan ranch for the REFUEL WHEN NECESSARY . . . wit» small. coming year. Mr. and Mrs. Raffington are en Mr. and Mrs Walter Hickman of H p*i joying a visit iron: their nephew, Arena Valley were Sunday guests in Jack Brodie and Dean and who lives at Vale. the Brumbach home. Don Tcsch and Howard Schneider Miss Virginia Miller returned to Dwght Wyckol'f left for school Sun the Eastern Oregon College of Edu day after spending the holidays with are attending night school at Adri- cation Monday after spending the their parents. Jack and Dwight are un. Some of the windows in the base holiday vacation at her home here. attending school at Corvallis and ment at the hall were installed last Mrs. M. E. Rogers received a let Dean at Weiser Mr. and Mrs. Olen Thompson and week. ter Saturday from her son, Basil R o ÍD V Mr. and Mrs. George Schweiaer and gers, who was employed at Honolulu son of Washington are visiting at the H. L. Day home. Mrs. Thomp Sadie Parker were winners of the on defense Work, reporting that he son is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. prizes given at the Grange meeting was safe. Saturday night. Pupils with perfect attendance Day. during the past month were Don Every car owner knows that his running efficien DeOss. Lyle DeOss. Emery Cameron cy is no better than the quality ofgasoline he Donald Gibson, Joyce Higgins. Eu uses. Our customers gave money on every dol dora Higgins, George Elfers, George Gale, Alfred Kandler, Carmen Sil lar’s worth of gasoline. louis, Leona Kandler, Cecilia Slllouis. Billie Van de Water. Loretta Van de Water, Margaret Bennett and Wayne Roberts. Earl Gray, Mgr. Phone 117 Membership fees were sent Into the junior Red Cross, making all the pupils and teacher members of the organizaton The Christmas program was given Tuesday evening, December 23. Af »V N ... ter singing several Christmas songs the pupils presented thetr play "Christmas at Punkin Holler.” San ta Claus appeared and presented gifts from the beautifully decorated Christmas tree, the P.T.A treat to ... the children and candy to all pres ent. Mrs. Erven Chard Is sick Mr. and Mrs. Lou Pearce of La Grande brought Miss Dorothy Pearce home Sunday. Miss Jean Hyde returned Sunday from LaGrande. where she spent the holidays. Kingman Kolony Garments Knitted— The Red Cross of Nyssa has sent to Ontario over 108 hosptal and knitted garments for refugees Nys sa has reached the »400 mark for the disaster fund. Leave for Seattle— Kenneth Langton and Charles Leuck left Wednesday for Seattle to enter the employ cf the Boeing Air craft corporation. Lincoln Heights Bernard Eastman Big Bend NYSSA LIBRARY Open each week day from 2 p. m. to 8 p. m. Saturday, 2 p. m. to 8 p. m. ILL PATRONS WELCOME Librarian___ Mrs. 8. B. Daria OPTOMETRIST See McFall and See Better” t 4 DR. J. A. McFALL ~rriioomr ] mhard . N hqt N CLEAN Upper Sunset BIQ’IS E Bred-to-Lay We have installed a new supply of lockers and are now in a position to take care of any and all who desire to take advantage of our service. W e have a very good buy on home butcher ing set of three knives, only $1.50. SAVI Throogh Scientific Refrigeration Mr and Mrs. William DeGrofft and Hollis and Junior spent the hoi I idays with Mr. DeGrofft’s parents in Riverside. California. Mrs. F. B. Rookstool left recently to visit her son. Ansel, and other | relatives in California. Mr. and Mrs Omer Dorman mov I ed from the Wyatt Smith farm to | one of the houses on the Highsmith place. Hollis and Junior DeGrofft left Saturday for Corvallis, were they are attending Oregon State college FOUR-PIECE ■*äf In Every Department You W ill Find Real January Clearance Values I BIG LOT 1 rfjr Mean PROFITS Take the gamble out o f your poultry flo ck ! Buy Chicks that are BRED -TO -LAY — Chicks that are from good-laying, healthy stock — then you will know there is profit in poultry and we guar antee — 100% D ELIVER Y FROM LEE OR DUNLOP Hatcheries BROODER STARTED n Y oar Table All Winter Our Started Chicks are all Purina-Fed BEEF By The Quarter P O R K By HALF or Whole $60 and up First chicks will arrive January 29. Give us your orders early. Polar Cold Storage Cr Locker Plant Nordale Furniture Co. 3 Blocks North of “Y ” •> M tX tm ttG PRICED TO CICA Oregon Trail AL THOMPSON andliT Phone 26 \ Rummage CHICKS BEDROOM SUITES PHONE 124 official Time Inspector for Union Pacific ONTARIO OREGON Clea i Now Is the Time To Have Your Pork Hams, Shoulders and Bacon Cured 3c Per Pound WYCKOFF .iEWELRY STORE JANUARY Buena Vista Inter-state Oil Company BYESIGHT SPECIALIST ONTARIO OREGON COAL— GRAIN— FEED 2nd and Good Ave. Ladies Tailored and Fur Trimmed Ladies Dresses Coats Here is your Chance. Silk-Wool and Velour Dresses. Values up to $ 3 5.00 You will have to see them to appreciate the Great Values. Do not overlook this one opportunity f o r a good coat at a Janu ary Clearance Price. Rummage Sale of Sweaters for all the family in every style Odd Lots— in most cases you save more than half. Come soon and make your selec tion. $ 2.98 and up Ladies’ All-W ool Skirts Solid Colors and Plaids Values up to $3.69. Your Choice at this January Clearance Sale $1 each Men’s and Boys’ Underwear There is still a lot of men who wear Under wear and this Winter Weather you should look over our W on derful Values. BOYER BROS. CO. DEPARTMENT STORE Ontario, Oregon 4