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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Jan. 8, 1942)
W THE NYSSA GA > £ CITY JOURNAL TH UR SD AY, JANUARY. 8, 1942 Classified Advertising The Ideal Wa-j To Buy, Sell, Rent Find, or Hl#e. Big Results at a very low cost. One trial will convince RATES: Two cents per word for esc 1 issue Minimum cash In advance Is 30c. MISCELLANEOUS f o r Sale FARM LANDS WANTED—All youi welding Jobs. We promise good work and fair prices. Pruyn Auto Repair. Phone FIVE ACRES with Improvements In 56W. Apple Valley. See Frank Morgan. . 30 O tic BRAKE WORK—Li l us put youi car or truck brake in urst ciasi condition. Special equipment uno MISCELLANEOUS trained men at your service. Pruyn For Sale Auto Repair, Phone b6W. KALSOMINE, PAINT at com petl-, tive prices. First class quality. Nyssa Lbr. Co., Goode Ave. and Highway 201, Phone 108. 16Mtfc FOR PLUMBER call J. Phone 78J. > fi 4 Smith | tic. I FOR SALE 50 Chickens, mostly White Rock. In quire : W. S. Jones, across highway from government power plant. 25D2xp! CUSTOM BUTCHERING Every MONDAY and FRIDAY Beef, Sheep and Pork Sanitary Butchering Guaranteed Phone 06-R-l One Mile West of NYSSA on Alberta Ave. JAKE FISCHER LOST CITY PROPERTY ONE RED COCKER SPANIEL pup j about eight months old. Goes by [ FOR RENT the name of Brownie. Liberal reward. , HOUSES. Bernard Eastman. 8Jtfc Return to Doctor Bov, or phone 39-W. lJ2xp FARM LANDS t * W AN TED TRUCKERS to haul manure. See Frank Morgan. 4Dtfc WE PAY HIGHEST PRICES for live fox feed horses. Phone 8 Pay ette. Ì7Ntfc PAINTING, KALSOMINING, paper cleaning. Andy McGinnis, Phone 39M. 24Atfc. CITY PROPERTY For Rent FOR RENT THE KEIZER house. Modern. See Frank D. Morgan. Utfc SMALL FURNISHED HOUSE partly modern. Inquire at 162 1st Street East, 4Dtfc STOCK AND GRAIN FOR SALE CORN. Lloyd W. Lewis, 451 Fourth street. 8Jtfe Help Wanted YOUNG MARRIED MAN WANT- ed to lease Richfield Super-Ser For Rent vice Station. Small capital required. Phone 389-R. Ontario, or write C. DAIRY AND STOCK Farm near E. Hughes, Ontario, Oregon. 8J2xp Parma, silo, artesian well, excel lent beet ground. Tractor equip / l n O S and TRAILERS ment -required. November 1. Mrs. C. Lor Sale T. Andrews, 1914 Cleveland Blvd.. 1940 V-8 pickup Box X. c-o Journal Phone 873-W, Caldwell, Idaho. 13N9xp office. 25s tie. Read The Journal Classified Ads FOR SALE New 2-wheel trailer, grain-tight box, now tires. Leno Christe:<r,en. 215 Feurth street. 8Jlxp for bargains. W . L. LANE Auctioneer Farm and Ranch Sales, Purebred Livestock 22 Years Experience in the Auction Business "For the Best Prices—Sell It At Auction” Res. Ph. 25W P. O. Box 425 Nyssa, Oregon 1> Legal Advertising x 4 IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR MALHEUR COUNTY In the Matter of the Estate of ) A. A. GOLDSMITH, Deceased ) NOTICE OF HEARING NOTICE ISL GIVEN, That Carl H. Coad, Administrator of the above estate has filed In the above enti tled Court for final settlement, his final account with petition for dis tribution, and that hearing thereon has been fixed for Jan. 10, 1941, at 10:00 o'clock A. M. at the County Courtroom in the Courthouse in Vale, Oregon, where all persons In terested in said Estate shall appear and show cause, if any why such account should not be allowed and settled and distribution of the es tate made to the persons entitled thereto. CARL H. COAD, Administrator of said Estate. Dated and first publ. Dec. 11,1941. Last publ, Jan. 8. 1942. UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR 030570 General Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, December 16, 1941. Notice Is hereby given that Henry Hintz. of Nyssa, Oregon, who, on February 12, 1937, made Original Homestead Entry, Act 6-17-02, No. 030570, for Farm Unit "E” or Lot 6, Sec. 18 and Lots 1 and 2, Sec. 19, Township 20 S., Range 46 E., Willa mette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make final Proof, to es tablish claim to the land above de scribed, before Frank T. Morgan, Notary Public, at Nyssa, Oregon, on the 30th day of January, 1942. Claimant names as witnesses: Lou McCoy, Robert Thompson, John Reffett, and Albert Nothels. all of Rt. 2, Nyssa, Oregon. KATE M. WILKINSON Acting Register. UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR 030755 General Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, December 16, 1941. Notice is hereby given that Adolph P. Schneider, of Nyssa, Oregon, who, on May 24, 1937, made Original Homestead Entry, Act 6-17-02, No. 030755, for Farm Unit “D ” or SH- SE 'i Sec. 14 and E'-xNEU. Section 23. Township 20 S., Range 45 E., Willamette Meridian, has filed no tice of Intention to make final proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before Frank T. Morgan. Notary Public, at Nyssa. Oregon, on the 23rd day of January, 1942. Claimant names as witnesses: John Hamilton, Roy Rookstoo!. John Vanderpool and Art Mace, all of Rt. 2, Nvssa, Oregon. KATE M WILKINSON Acting Register. USE JOURNAL WANT ADS l Arcadia A large crowd was present Sunday at Sunday school despite the bad weather, Electon of officers was held. Mrs. Ellis Warner was re-elec ted superintendent: Mrs. J. M. Wag ner, assistant superintendent; Miss Wilma Bullard, secretary and treas urer: Mrs. George Moeller, teachers Legal Advertisement of the adult class: Ms. Otis Bullard, intermediate teacher; Mrs. Lloyd UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT Orris, Junior teacher, and Miss Mar OF THE INTERIOR jory Orris, primary teacher. General Land Office at M. and Mrs. Amos Berthelson The Dalles, Oregon were business visitors in Nampa Sat Jan 6, 1942 urday evening. NOTICE is hereby given that Wil liam Alexander Mettlen, for the heirs cf Charles Robert Mettlen. deceased, few#*»**®:: of Sylvan Grove, Kans., Rt, No. 1, who. on April 5, 1937, made Hd. En try, Act of June 17, 1902, No. 030635, for F irm Unit “B" or the NEViSWli, FRIENDLY N W L S E 'i, Section 31, Township 20 S., Range 46 E„ Willamette Meridi an, has filed notice of Intention to make final proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before Frank T. Morgan. Notary Public, at Nyssa, Oregon, on the 13th day of February, 1942. Claimant names as witnesses: Clinton Snyder. Roy Warren, Pete Wilson and Hudson Robb, all of Nyssa, Oregon. W. F. JACKSON, Register. Mr. and Mrs. William Vanzelt and family and Mr. and Mrs Joe Dlrk- son and son wure dinner guests at the Jake Oroot home New Yew's day. Mr and Mrs Willard Lay and sons spent Sunday at the O F Oarren home. Mr. and Mrs. O. F. Garren receiv ed word of the serious Illness of her brother-in-law. Jack Purdy, of On tario. Ca'lfomla. with little hope for his recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Moeller of San Diego, California, who have been visiting at the George Moeller home, left Sunday morning for California. Miss Pauline Payne of Ogden, Utah has been visiting her sister, Mrs. Vern Butler, left Sunday for Ogden. Miss Payne Is taking nurs ing training there. Mr. and Mrs. John Zltteroob and their daughter, Evelyn, left Sunday morning for Corvallis, where Evelyn will enter college after spending the holidays here. Mr. Zlttercob will visit his mother and other relatives n Portland before returning home. Cecil Houston has been 111 the past week. Cecil Seburn has started the foun dation for a new house on his place. Carl Hlpp of Boise is having his hay chopped on the Bob Barber jlace. Dick Smith Is trucking the hopped hay to Boise for Mr. Hlpp. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Reid of Moh- ler. Idaho and Mrs. Max Deltrich of Ferdinand. Idaho left for their homes last week after a week’s visit at the Frank parks home. Miss Hazel Hickey returned Jan uary 2 from Elgin where she spent the holidays with her sister, Mrs. Charles Barnhart, and family. O F. Don has returned from, Salt lake City, where he spent Christ mas Mr. Don has his sheep on Ben Shaw’s plate and will lamb there this winter. Mrs. Thurman Englesby of Meridi an is staying at the heme of her parents while her husband Is em ployed at Atlanta, Idaho. The Arcadia Sunshine club will meet January 8 at the school audi torium. Election of officers will be held. The Sunshine sisters will ex change names. The party will be a no-host affair. 5 5 0 0 PAGE THREE Mrs. L. E. Robbins and Doris Jean and the 8am Coldwell family were 111 with the mumps last week. Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Warner and famly returned home January 1 from Powers. Oregon, where they at tended the funeral of Mrs Warner's sister, Mrs Bruce Henry. Mr Hen ry and his daughter. Katherine, and Mrs. Warner's mother. Mrs Lillie Dement, accompanied them home for a visit. They returned to Powers January 8 The men on Gem avenue had to open the roads so the mall and school busses could get through. Otis Bullard and Oeorge Moeller repaired the school house furnace Friday and Saturday. A new fur nace Is being ordered. ------------* ------------ Owyhee Louise Kllngback returned to were dinner guests New Year's at Llnk^ Biasness college and Margaret the Kllngback home. Kllngback to her work In Boise te first of the week after spending their Christmas vacation at home and In CALL FOR SCHOOL Walla Walla. WARRANTS Mr. and Mrs Kenneth McDonald Notice Is hereby given that and daughter, Kay. of Caldwell. warrants 79-88. both numbers &»- elusive, series of 1933 and 1934, and warrants 101-107, both num bers Inclusive, series of 1934 and Notice To Hog Raise» 1935, Issued by school district 46, With the Installation of a new Malheur county, and endorsed scale at “iiot paid for want of funds" are hereby called for payment on or THE RAILWAY STOCK YARDS before Thursday, January 22, we are now receiving your hogs 1942 there every m d ay, paying the Interest on the above warrants highest price the market permits will cease on Thursday, January 22, 1942. and seeking to serve you In every possible way. HARVEY BENNETT Clerk of the Board. Officers were elected for the new year In the Owyhee Sunday school. They are as follows: E. H. Strickland. superintendent; assistant superin tendent. George Gregg; secretary, Evelyn Gregg; treasurer, S. D. Bige low, and panlst. Mrs. E. H. Strick land. Mr. and Mrs.Charles Bradley at tended the birthdaj^dlnner of Wil liam Gordon in Vale Sunday. Darlene and Blanche Woods of Marslng spent the Christmas vaca tion with their mother. Mrs. Jim Liddle, at the Bradley ranch and returned to school Monday. Louise Kllngback and Jess Gregg were dinner guests Saturday even ing of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Slippy. Mr and Mrs. Ellis Walters enter tained at dinner Sunday for Mr. and Mrs. Russell Patton, Mrs. Elizabeth Parsons of Wilder and te Rex and Byrd Walters families of Boise. Mrs. Joe Codr and son, Emil, re turned Saturday night from a visit of several weeks with Mrs. Codr's son, Tom. and family In Los Ange les. Mr. and Mrs. William Peutz, Mr. and Mrs. Werner Peutz, and Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Walters were guests New Year's day of Mr. and Mrs. George Neln In the Oregon Trail district. The Owyhee P.T.A. will meet this evening at the school house. FRANK KULLANDER For Health Defense Eat More Meat N YSSA PACKING CO. Main Street Phone 6 Bonds — General Insurance — Real Estate Assistance given in obtaining birth certifi cates. Assistance given in preparing state and fed eral income tax returns. Notary Work done. Nyssa Realty & Insurance Co. v ____ Thousands ofMen, Women and Children.., . ~ ___________— .............. —- v *3* * A r_ . a elk \ Tf P — nought more than UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Geneal Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon December 30. 1941 NOTICE is hereby given that Uel E. Parker, of Nyssa, Oregon, who, on February 23, 1937, made Home stead entry, under act of June 17, 1902, No. 030585. for Farm Unit ‘‘B’’ or the SW 't, Section 11, Township 20 S.. Range 45 E.. Willamette Meri dian, has filed notice of intention to make final proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before Frank T. Morgan. Notary Public, at Nyssa, Oregon, on the 13th day of February. 1942. Claimant names as witnesses: Russell Howell, Leslie Wing. George Gabriel and Wilbur Chapin, all of Rt. No. 2. Nyssa. Oregon. W F. JACKSON. Register. ■ S O »® . M..a Front Wheel Align wear, excessive tire R * » ° We Feature Scientific **f* **ì .î »'°0*0. C*s|* , siat“ ®°°^* i «gart***18 ’ ” " ......... , «ood» »°d ...............« -on .« „« c ip » ' ®° ................ U» O“ « 8" wear, pulling to one side and hard turning. • IRC** ment will eliminate shimmy, spotty tire ï v *c\ D«c« Co« 1 Sr«*. -SS* 11,067 J î --T T -' StOCt Premi*«*’ tane“ B-0* o eal *»“ ** " « , AcceP1 Oib“ Be*! .¿biUrt ° “ 79,159^2. "jVTk*45’" fU,“ ^ttarned ........... lot*1**1 v Motor Correction ,,000,000.00 Professional Capir»! «1,742.1» A » * * -1’ Cards KCA** ••• ............ »••• 7 750 , 000.00 worth of U.S. DEFENSE BONDS $ , BttWÄ 68,7*.«9 through this bank. . . . from May 1 to December 31 , 1941 'T h is represents a considerable por tion of total bond sales in Oregon. T h is state is second in the country in per capita sale of Series E bonds. W e , and the nation, appreciate your answer to the national em ergency. W e know you’ll keep buying bonds! Y ou m ay purchase stamps or bonds at any branch throughout the state. A ll banks and sales agencies make them available without profit or com pensation to them selves. ........ L. A. Maulding, M.D. Physician and Surgeon Phone 37 Hours: 10 to 12 and 1 to 5 Dally—Except Sunday Fry Building NYSSA AERIE F. O. E. NO. 2134 Meets Wednesday Night AT EAGLES HALL Visiting Eagles Welcome HARRY MINER. Sec ROSCOE FINDLEY. Pres p«po»‘ rt For Pleasant Motor UABaVT'B .. TOrrA\ . « ing, Bring Your Car to Our Shop Pruyn Garage PHONE 56-W Second and Main Street* FIRST BANK OF PORTLAND