Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 30, 1941)
THE NYSSA QA jJjJJlTY JOURNAL THURSDAY, OCTOBER 80, 1941 Brown, who on that day threw In on a deer hunt, to the great ooncern John Vanderpool shingled his his lot with Nyssa and for the next O w yh ee his companions, Jake Fischer and house last week. tìn se of Lawrence eighteen years never for a moment B uena V ista and John Ray. The but Don Knottlngham is drilling a lost faith in its ultimate destiny to cher shop was now owned and oper well for Charles Cannon this week. Mr and Mrs. S. D. Bigelow enter become a populous and wealthy ated by Burbidge (the present Miss Ruth Gregg of Walla Wal tained at dinner Sunday for Mr and Mr. and Mrs. eLslle Topllff _ and . .. community. Butch) and Ray. la, Wash., visited with her mother Mrs Doc Pullen and Fred of Owy- Edward' Mr and Mrs Alva 0oodeU „ . . _ He was a country newspaper man. The Civic club was making plans Mrs. Annie Gregg, and family last hee and Mr and M i r v . l n and Donna Belle attended a benefit Since he had been fifteen the work for fall improvements. Time moved un week. Gregg not able to be ^ ' ^ ^ aaugnier, d h Ellen, ^ and their ' , 4-H . pinochle given at ___ the _ Har- B U Y V»t Mrs. hut mu eh is improved. . . . ,_ home __ party _ Saturday ing hours of his life had been spent on. In spite of depression and cha up yet but is 1 « much i grandson nf Ian Maw evening. U N IT E D In country newspaper work in east os, the little city grew and the paper Mr. and Mrs Walter Sweatland. i ^ ' * P*mU Mrs. C. C. Wyckoff and Mrs. E. ern Oregon. Milton, Weston, Helix, told of its development, of its births Mr and Mrs Kenneth Lorensen.1 _ ? °l*y McNaughten and Willard L. Jamison were In Ontario Friday STA TES Pendleton, Adams, The Dalles, Ba deaths, it weddings and anni Mr. and Mrs. D. P. Pullen, Fred Pul- ,"">er7on of Portland spent from S. B. Hoffman is building a barn SAV ING S and ker, Boise and points between. To versaries, the joy and the pathos of len, Mr. and Mrs George Wilson Thur^ ay until Sunday with Mr. and for Jim Mussolini. and family, Miss Viola Hlntz, the Mrs charIes Bradley. him Nyssa held a promise that not Leslie Topllff Is erecting a barn. B O N D S the town and country side. a one of the others had done. Here Leslie Ditty, John Case and Boyd Guests for Sunday dinner with Vernon Maw spent Saturday nlte Until 1937, life again was breathed AND STAMPS cast his lot, lived and worked and families were entertained at Mr and Mrs- J - B. Coulter were Mr. with Alva Goodell Jr. into its economic soul. The visit of Query Things About Ny a's Shops he got out the paper, and one day In a Guardian Service supper Mon- f^d Mrs. Lewis Skinner, Mr. and ----------4---------- the president of the United States, April of 1932 he spread the Nyssa evening by Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Mrs. O. L. McMillan and the Earl Franklin Delano Roosevelt, vied on day It was early spring. March winds ! Gate J“ 1 restaurant * the press, the front pages of the Journal with Linder of Poyette at the C. A. Dit and Frank Crocker families. Lower Bend before City him Joumal; at a little an the announcement that the Amal ty home. The dining room decora Albert Coder returned from Santa whipped coldly in from the river to cld friend run, his dog, Sandy lay US .SALKAmt1 1STOFFICK.OR BANK gamated tions were carried out in orange and Monica, Calif., Tuesday where he Sugar company would build the Union Pacific tracks where Nys at his feet, his last •'30" had been 1 ' black in keeping with the Halloween visited for several weeks with his Mr. and Mrs. Les McElraln spent a $2,500,000 sugar factory here. sa huddled up close to the iron rails the week end at Lostine, Oregon, season. The hostess was presented brother Tom and family. written for him. In due time his AMERICA ON GUARD! on the east side, and to the west many Times were good again, the new with They were accompanied by Prank friends who through the years 1 n n .u i a lovely silver Inlaid cake plat Messrs Lee Irving and T. Burch- spread out fan-wise with Main street had known bank, started in 1936, built Itself a ter. Kotch, who visited his sister and Above is a reproduction of the Win Brown came to pay 111 of Portland spent several days proud of its new brick buildings and Treasury Department’s Defense new home, new business came in, George Knottlngham, who Is In with the Wm. PeuU family while other relatives at Joseph. Its new busienss center, now several their last respects. new settlers on the land, new people Savings Poster, allowing an exact Mrs. Ralph Haworth has resigned But the newspaper carried on. The duplication of the original “Minute to town, new homes went up, a new the Holy Rosary hospital, Is much hunting In this vicinity. years old. as District 47’s upper grade teacher Improved, although not able to be Ideals that he put into it remained. Gordon Walters of Walla Walla Man” statue by famed sculptor city hail was built, a seer project The Snake had already been and has moved to Portland. Mrs. Daniel Chester French. Defense a as laid out, another deep water brought home. did Win Brown or his brother, Bonds visited with his uncle and family, Elsie bridged and the old ferry which it Never Welch of Caldwell Is taking her and Stamps, on sale at your well became a necsslty. The rainy weather has stopped Harry, who in the fall of 1914 be the Ellis Walters, Sunday. He plans or post oiiice, are a vital part At the 1938 elections the $100,000 potato picking and beet topping for to report for navy duty immediately place until another can be obtained. had replaced, all but forgotten. But came a partner with him, publish bank watering troughs were still handy anything to wilfully hurt a person of America’s defense preparations r„ad bond issue which eventually the present. Dinner guests at the Harry Rus upon his return home. for thirsty animals on the streets. or a fan lly In the days of prohlbi. sell home Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Lorensen Mrs. Martha Kllngback and son, lost to the county through a received first prize dressed as ne Fred, were dinner guests of Mr and Wtlmer Main still had the shade from old tion, names were often omitted, even going institution advertising high was Boyer and son Dale, Tommy technicality, was carried by a big trees come summer. A sewer was tho many would have been “news to giade merchandise, both food and majority, Walter Pierce went in groes at the masquerade ball at the Mrs. G. L. McMillan Wednesday ev Turnbull and Bill Shimp, all of On something to be talked of for some most editors,” they did however try clothing. A snappy ad of some of again as representative to congress Community hall Saturday night. ening. tario, and Mr. and Mrs. Howard the newest high top button shoes future date. Robinson and Mr. and Mrs. Dave Mr and Mrs. R. W. Boll tho receiv to give their readers all the news for Mr and Mrs. Ness Hatt and son ladles Intrigued our fancy. from this district. We noticed in ed second prize as gypsies. Beeson of Portland. Donald and the Lewis Skinner fam Mile after mile of saije covered that was local, feeling that their The the Western hotel was not to be those columns that Owen Price was * ily and Nell Nlckelson were dinner lands stretched out in a'l directions. town paper was most qualified to do overlooked in those from a serious Illness at days and did a a recovering guests of Mr and Mrs. Geo. Nein A few farms hugged the 'hoestring it, and the high lights of national good job of advertising distant hospital. Mr. Price came under the and world events. So have those In Oregon Trail district Sunday ev ditch to the west proving what a buck to Nyssa this year as principal of J. H. Bltner. Just of our grade schools. O re g o n Trail ening. other editors who followed, tried to management wealth lay hidden In the soil. this hostelry has been re do the same thing, remembering recently Alvin McGinnis is building a new A man, neither young nor yet old. always Time moves on. On those arid modeled and renamed “The Nyssa acres that the progress and ad Hotel" back porch on the Ellis Walters resi neither large nor yet small, let him vancement of long ago farmers living Robert D. Lytle of Vale addressed by new owners. of Nyssa in economic and self off an incoming train. His cultural growth there stop to tell us of their won the county council at the Oregon dence. was their first con Always a town to provide the new derful Mrs. O. Wlrslg and J. O’Connor black hair reached from his fore cern. raspberries measuring Trail School Saturday, October 25. from est in entertainment as we who have an inch crops, Nebraska, old friends of the head, his full upturning lips denot in diameter, hay now selling Mr. Lytle spoke on Education fram lived here since the advent of the for eight dollars delivered, small the Viewpoint of a person not con Joe Codr family, were their guests ed generosity, a sense cf humor and Harry P. Brown retired from ac New theatre can freely admit, seeds netting $100.00 per acre, fruit nected with the schools and pointed Sautrday. a gentleness of spirit. In his eyes tive wor-k in the Journal at the the Nyssa of cinema plays were and vegetables and animals and out the things he considered would Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Gordon of Vale slumbered the dreams of a visionary. death of his brother and the paper then newest display at the old Opera fowl Sunday at the parental Chas. He walked with a straightness that was edited and published by Mr. House. on This their best. The hard be lmprvoed by changes. Said Mr. spent building later burned years all of yielding Bradley home. Mr. and Mrs. Tom seemed to bow him backward and and Mrs. W. P. McLing for the next down. We have putting the land in is end Lytle. “The first point In education Lowe been told that it Saturday callers In the with the quick knee jerk of a Ger three years when the Burke brothers stood about where the Golden Rule ed, now they see the profit. The pa Is to learn how to live and the sec Bradley were A STURDY HAND home. man soldier, although he had never took over the helm. In 1937 the does now on Main, but cannot vouch per has recorded it week by week ond to learn how to make a living.'’ Mesdames T. M. Lowe, Harold TO HELP YOU experienced military service. The present owner and editor relieved for it. and year by year. Preceding Mr. Lytle's address Dar Flvecoat, Arthur Mayes, Fred Hite, man was our father, Winfield Scott them and now they too have relin In 1914 there was also a scare of It has been a pleasure to each lene Dorman sang two songs accom Chas. Nyssa Funeral Home’s Culbertson, Martha Kllng- quished their ownership and man friendly dealings with at the helm. And now a new panied by Mrs. John Young. A back, Ruth McMillan and Prank agement. After 27 years the Nyssa mad coyotes and everyone on the group many families have cre man takes over. He too, we know group of seven girls from Mrs. Joumal will have a new owner. But countryside went about, pitchfork will give all that is best in the news. Young’s music class sang several se Crocker attended the county council ated a reputation for Saturday. we are sure that he too, will leave in hand. In 1915 famine had struck He is deserving of the very best of lections accompanied by Mrs. Young. at Owyhee --------+-------- kindliness, integrity and nothing undone that should be done, Belgium and Nyssa had gone over support, both from his subscribers About 30 people enjoyed a picnic efficiency. Let us help nor do a thing that may harm a the top in raising its share for re and and counsel you In your and from those business lunch at noon. Oregln Trail P.-T. lief of those sufferers. That winter firms readers person nor the community. time of trouble. We can Read The Journal Classified Ads who with their advertisements A. served pie and coffee. H. M. Housch found ice cutting on In those first years when the for bargains. relieve you of so many and printing make it possible for Mrs. Wm. DeOrofft and Mrs. H. the Snake profitable. Into his new Brown brothers filled the sticks at d e t a i 1 a Economy Is any community to have a paper. Hutcheson were shopping In Boise the cases we see that Dr. J. J. Sara- ice house he packed the nine inch Without maintained without the this support, whole heart Thursday. zin had already become a figure in thick cakes and advised everyone to ed and 100 per cent, no one can car H. J. Holmes of Modesto, Calif., sacrifice of dignity and get their cummer needs supplied ry on in this newspaper field, either and Prank Holmes of Merced, Calif., What About The Old Folks? DR. J. C. BOWMAN the community and that W. H. while respect. ice cutting was good. And in In Nyssa or elsewhere. It is not are visiting at the F. O. Holmes When they're not so active anymore Homes ran a snappy drayage con THE HOUSE OF Veterinarian /■ cern. That a runaway of a team that year too Prank Hall and A. G. charity that the editor needs when home. and spells of constipation annoy them DIGNITY Kingman wished the people of the from the K. S. D. outfit down main calls to get an ad. He is offering H. D. Curran and R. W. Holmes with dizziness, heartburn, headaches, caused no little commotion one af community health, wealth and pros he or torturing gas pains, get ADLERIKA. a fair exchange, knowing that the made a business trip to Nampa on We have many letters from thankful ternoon, that Bud Lackey and Alvin perity as owners and managers of advertisement will more than repay Saturday. NYSSA FUNERAL Service HOME users who are far past middle-age. Hinckley met up with bad breaks the Nyssa bank. Ambulance for itself in dollars and good will. Mr. and Mrs. Torvald Olson made Your druggist has ADLERIKA. at the dance they went to out Owy All through the pages of these old We know the power of advertise a business trip to Nampa Monday. Phone 73W Nyssa hee way with Henry Fields in his files we found the cry for irrigation ments appearing in this paper for Bob Holmes went deer hunting NYSSA PHARMACY J. R. C U N D A L L ew~car. They tarried too long and for the thousands of irrigable acres responses to them in this office have near Hereford over the week end. missed their host, thinking that of rich lands lying idle because of proven them more than once. Honoring the 11th birthday of Dentist Henry Me Nee could accommodate lack of water. Then in the issue of Support your paper and it will Donald Byers Wednesday evening, March 9. 1922, one reads that the I them in his new big gas buggy, but Phone 56-J support your town, your community the following guests visited at the KNIGHT I that was already crowded to capac- bids for the construction of certain and your organization. Give it the P. S. Byers home: Sarazln Cl/ Holmes of NYSSA 'OREGON lty so the young terpsichorean ad work will be opened on June 1 of best and it will give you the best. Mercer, Calif.; Mr. Prank and Mrs. F. G. dicts started footing it in. But in that year. The gravity arch was to ----------4---------- Holmes, Roy, Bob. Gilbert and Jun measure 360 feet from base to tip. -fHat time the road to Adrian was ior. os*® * NYSSA LIBRARY not even in the state of construction Prank Morgan was by then secretary SUNSET VALLEY Miss Jean Hyde spent the week Open epch week day from of the Owyhee Orrigation office and and their shanks mares finally gave 2 p. m. to 6 p. m. and for the sum of two slmoleons was busy attending meetings about Mr. and Mrs. Lester Zurcher of end at her home in La Grande. Saturday, 2 p. u*. to 8 p. m. out apiece they prevailed in the gray the country and getting the news of visited In the parental C. AIL PATRONS WELCOME dawn of a new day upon an obliging the wonders of this new country so Homedale W. Wilson home Sunday. In the Librarian^ Mrs. S. B Davis farmer to tow them home. The soon to be available before the eyes afternoon Mr. Mitchell Butte and Mrs. Zurcher, gang at the barbershop did not let of eastern readers. He did not over Mr. and Mrs. Wilson and Mr. and them forget It. The meat market in look, however, the advantages of his Mrs. Harley Wilson motored to the Mesdames Lowe, Mayes and Flve QU'1 OPTOMETRIST those days was in the care of H Nyssa paper for big half page and Owyhee dam. coat attended P.-T. A. county coun Burbidge so his advertisement said full page ads to tell of the benefits Ole Ege hauled a load of poles cil "See MeFali and See Belter" S'» at Oregon Trail Saturday. We have learned that he was the of living on the Owyhee irrigated from the hills Monday for Cash Mr. L U M B E R ^ ^ COMPANY Elvln Marrs of this commun DR. J. A. McFALL uncle of Sidney Burbidge, our gen lands in those issues. Turner. and Lois Howard of Meridian, ial frt€nd, who still sells Nyssa buy- F. A. Banks was in charge of con Mr. and Mrs. Walter Sweatland ity 'T h e re '» a yard naar y o u " Idaho, were married Saturday at eps their meat ever the counter at struction work at the dam from its were Sunday evening supper guests Cascade, Vi*'* The couple are liv **>' Dwight Smith, M anager start to its finish and Elwood Mead In the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ken ing at the Idaho. The Nyssa Packing company. o« T. M. Lowe place. The PHONE 15 In 1914 also the R. J. Davis' directed the land settlement for the neth Lorenson. entire community wishes them much known In those days ar Professor the government. For as the Joumal Mrs. M. G. King of Calloway, Ne happiness. and Mrs. Davis, had established stated in an editorial written by H. braska, who has been visiting rela Mrs. Glenn McGinnis entertained their homestead on the shoestring P. Brown at that time all the water tives, was confined to her bed last the Pre-School Study club Tuesday EYESIGHT SPECIALIST and were well known for their hos- rin the world cannot cake a fruitful week with the flu at the Grover afternoon with eight members pres ONTARIO OREGON pltalit^anfl friendliness. So is stat country without Man to till and Cooper home. ent. The next meeting will be No plant and reap. ed. hTthat early edition. CUSTOM BUTCHERING Mr. and Mrs. Harley Wilson made 18 at the home of Mrs. H. Then we noticed a neat ad which Depression rode this nation like the purchase of a Ford last week. vember WYCKOFF R. Flvecoat. an old pall over a forgotten casket. "Ladies call at the Nyssa Can James Chadd returned to his Mrs. Shannon of Portland Is vis JEW ELRY STORE read and CUTTING dy Store and see the new fall hats." But Nyssa, those first years, was home here last week from Baker, iting at the home of her daughter, Signed E. A. Boydell. If the mem among the chosen few. No depres where he has been employed for the Mrs. Huston Official Time Ins| Dunaway, and family. IBM 0 m for ory of an ol dtimer is right the pro sion was here in those years for the past several months. Beef for the Hide Union pacific and Mrs. Cecil Benson of Boi ever increasing activity of construc Mrs. E. Hobson and Mrs. James se Mr. prietresses of that emporium were Hogs 200 lbs. $1.50 visited Saturday at the home of ONTARIO OREGON the Misses Eva and Ethelyn Boydell. tion and the steady flow of new set Langley and Rex were Nampa shop his sister, Mrs. Harold Flvecoat. He Cutting 1 cent per lb. tlers made it a boom town. Houses Wilson Brothers was by then a one day last week. They also , will leave Tuesday for Aberdeen, sprung up like mushrooms, business pers Grinding 1 cent per lb. visited Dorothy Hobson, student | Maryiand_ to take a three months was good, men and their families nurse at the Nazarene hoapltal. com** in automotive eelctrlclty. Grinding and Seasoning 2 cent per lb. happy. Contract bridge made its Mr. and Mrs. John Westfall, Jo- | p,.ench and Hoasley of Meridian, appearance in the society columns. anna and Miss Wilma Brewer of Idaho are grinding and hauling a Fo r L o t 's o f Fun We also noticed that Dr. E. D. Owyhee were Sunday dinner guests large portion of the hay In this com Norcott had established his dental of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Evans. munity to Meridian and Nampa. offices in Nyssa. Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Query and Paul Ollbert Is one of the select Then the construction was finish Sharon Mrs. George Math- ees for the November draft. He NYSSA PACKING CO. ed in 19"2, work was ended, depres ewson of visited Jackson Hole, Wyaming, will report November 4 to Portland sion moved in, those who had the at the home of friends, PHONE 6 Mr. and final examinations. money moved on. Many remained. Mrs. O. J. Thorn, In Payette Sun for John Knottlngham and Harold at Heavy was the load of relief, the Mrs. Mathewson is Mr. Query's Flvecoat returned Saturday from bank failed, business was dismal, day. aunt. the hills above Unity with a load of houses stood empty. C O R N E L L 'S Mr. and Mrs. Flanagan of Yakima, posts and an unsuccessful deer hunt, He who had stood head up in the Wash., Mrs. S. E. Flanagan vis Mr. and Mrs. Riley Darden of cold March winds 18 years before ited and and attended To'yau&ieß / business In Nyssa visited Sunday at the Ira Bow ling A lle ys still walked with the high quick Salt Lake City a few to days last week. Marrs home. stride, the black hair but a little gray, the visions he had seen that NYSSA long ago day were about to become Four Alleys W ith realities. He spread out his paper Automatic Pinsetters at the close of the day and was gone. TWO BRAND NEW BRUNSWICK The brother who had worked with him no longer wanted to carry the ALLEYS AND TWO COM You can get it this way T load alone. Younger hands and PLETELY REBUILT Drink Shelton’s Milk— minds took hold. But the ideals of One quart a day. those older owners were carried. Good news for their readers. All of Rails up resistance, keep yeur fam Free Instructions the local news and the highlights of ily free from I'lnesa by seeing that the national and state. That those they get their milk quota. SHEL who could afford only one paper TON'S Milk la pure and wholesome, Fo r Ladies might have the best. rich h LtEKg In 1932 Walter Pierce and Mrs Monday and Thursday Pierce are recorded ms talking to the Ask for members of the Malheur Pomona 1:00 to 3:00 P. M. Milk and Cream \Ñ r (renemffons^A O m it Orange, the cry for a good road over the I. O. N. was beginning to appear AènfucÂy HTusAey S h a ita n 's Dairy qtì» We read where Herbert Hoxie spent two days wandering lost in the PHONE 05J2 n Proof • Nttlooal Dntillcn Products Corp, N. T. | mountains above Prairie City while Ye Snooper’s Column I SPRING CANYON të@0gg WBWS Let us do your work! BOW L is for HEALTH Vs