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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 6, 1941)
7V»?NYSSA GA3 Published at Nyssa, Oregon, VOLUME X X X V I, Nyssa Will Get $656 For Repair Of City Streets GATEWAY TO THE OWYHEE AND BLACK CANYON IRRIGATION PROJECTS IN THE HEART OF OREGON S SUGAR EMPIRE JOURNAL Fastest Growing City In Oregon NO. 44 $1.50 PER YEAR NYSSA GIRL IS PLEDGED IN COLLEGE HONORARY Barbara Larson of Nyssa has been pledged to the Browser's club, hon orary library association, at Colo rado Woman’s college in Denver, where she is a freshman. She was one of four girls who made 80 or above on the entrance examinations given by the club. The girls were formally initiated last week at a dinner given by the group. ---------- +---------- City Receipts Reported Good — 4 — FLAG FLOWN IN HONOR OF W. E. BORAH EXHIBITED AGAIN — + — College of Idaho. Caldwell, (Spe cial) Nov. • — Exhibition of the flag that flew over the capitol build ing In Washington, D. C„ at the death of Senator William E. Borah was made Wednesday at chapel per iod when the Hon. James F. Allshle, chief Justice of the Idaho supreme court, gave a short talk on the life of Idaho’s famed senator. Nyssa To Meet Tigers Tuesday Experiment Station In Malheur Co. Is Assured A badly battered bunch of Nyssa Receipts for licenses, liquor fund Bulldogs will attempt to salvage a and a special levy had exceeded on The city council, holding its reg consolation prize in the 1941 grid November 1 the estimated receipts ular monthly meeting in the city iron season at Ontario on Armistice for those items, according to a re Transaction It Completed day, Tuesday, when they face their hall Monday night, voted to accept port submitted to the City council for Harry McCarty traditional rivals, the Ontario Ti $656 from the state highway com by City Recorder Solomon. Property gers, In the annual battle royal be mission for repair of city streets The estimates at the first of the tween the two squads. during 1942 or thereafter. year were as follows: Licenses, $600; — ------ 4.---------- A deal providing for the estab A total of $150,000 will be allocat The game Is scheduled to begin at As only one candidate has been liquor, $100. and special levy, $15,- ed by the state for expenditure dur 2 p. m. Although the game Is a nominated for the position of direct lishment of an experimental area In 269.36. The actual receipts up to ing 1942 among cities and towns of Snake River Valley league contest— or of the Owyhee irrigation district, Malheur county was completed Sat November 1 were $874.50 for Ucen- | Oregon, ranging in population from the final one for both teams—nei no election will be necessary this urday by state and county officials, ses, $238.31 for liquor and $15,555.88 the experimental station committee 250 to 50,000, according to informa ther Nyssa nor Ontario will be un year. for the special fund. of Malheur county and Harry Mc der the pressure of a final pennant tion received from th Highway En The board of directors is compos Receipts for water amount to 4* gineer R. H. Baltic k. The work drive for both are hopelessly out ed of J. J. Sarazin of Nyssa, M. L. Carty. Funeral services were held Novem $1093.68. as compared to an estimat Funeral services for Mrs. O» Jay of the race. The Bulldogs have won Judd of Adrian and Edward W. Ker Frank Morgan of Nyssa, chair will be performed either by contract ber 1 for James Burns, who died at ed income from tnls source of $10,- or by state highway forces under his heme west of Nyssa October 28. 150. With two mouths still remain Hanchett of Nyssa were held Tues one and lost four conference games, of the Dead Ox flat division. Each man of the experimental area com day in the L. D. S. church. Rev. while the Tigers have won three and director is elected for a term of mittee of the county, said the action the direction of the ( unmission. Rev. Milton H. Greenlee read the ing in this year, only $41.40 remains three years, but only one director’s assures establishment of the sta In some o f' the smaller towns services In the Nyssa Funeral Home. to be collected to reach the $10,150 M. H. Greenlee of the Methodist lost two. church officiated. Interment was term expires each year. Mr. Ker is tion. For Ontario, Dyson and Garner, where the amount allocated is cor estimate. Mr. Bums had lived in this vicin In the Nyssa cemetery with the Nys fullback and halfback, respectively, completing his term so it was nec The last legislature appropriated respondingly small, the allocation ity for the last 21 years. Little was ---------- * ---------- sa Funeral Home in charge. will handle ball-packing duties. Dy essary to elect a director to succeed $19.500 to operate an experimental will be accumulated until there is a learned about his life as he left no Eunice Viola Bennett was born son has been outstanding on the him January 1, 1942. station in Malheur county for the sufficient amount tc do a satisfac near relatives. August 18. 1914 at Pauls Valley, team this year as a hard-hitting tory job. The law provides that a candidate next two years, providing the coun ---------- +---------- Oklahoma, a daughter of Mr. and fullback who has speed enough to must be nominated a t least 10 days ty furnished the land. District At The mayor and city r. ’order were Mrs. C. H. Bennett. She died In outrun the opposition once he gains before election. Any land owner torney Max Taggart ruled th a t the authorized by the councilmen to Bend November 2. —4*— a broken field. may be nominated who owns land county could not buy a farm unless sign an agreement accepting the Mrs. Hanchett spent most of her The Lions club, meeting in Besides having the edge on Nyssa within the district and who secures the proposal were submitted to a money from the highway commis vote of the people. Consequently Brownie’s cafe Monday noon, voted life In Colorado, where she was edu In the league standing, Coach Del signatures of 10 land owners. sion. to sponsor a dance to be held Mon cated and Joined the Friends church. bert Scott’s Tigers have a 80-0 Mr. Ker Is the only legal candid contributions, both large and small, The council passed a motion au —•>— She came to Oregon with her par slaughter over Payette in a game ate and therefor it is not necessary were solicited from the residents of thorizing the city attorney to draw Eastern Oregon College of Educa day night, November 10. The dance will be held In the ents In 1935 and was married to Mr. last Friday to point out as an indi to hold an election, which would Malheur county. up an ordinance making the speed tion, La Grande, November 3 (Spe Many farms were recommended limit in Nyssa conform to the state cial) — The annual high school stu school gymnasium with Shane's Hanchett at her parents' home near cation of late-season power. Nyssa have been held November 11. Nyssa June 6, 1937. to the state extension service, which defeated the Payette squad early In law. The state law provides for a dent body officers conference held orchestra furnishing the music. Survivors are her husband, an In the season by a score of 13 to 6. would select the site. Representa Plans for a football banquet to be speed limit of 25 miles per hour in Saturday at the Eastern Oregon Col tives of the extension service, here Local fans have learned, however, residential sections, 20 miles in the lege of Education was considered held this month for the Nyssa foot fant son, Jay, Jr., her parents, and during the summer, viewed all farms to discount comparative scores and business section and 15 In school most successful, with 137 delegates ball team were outlined at the meet a brother, Fred Bennett. ---------- 4*---------- available and selected the Harry previous records when Ontario and areas. representing high schools of seven ing. The date of the banquet will McCarty farm as their first choice. Nyssa meet on a football field. A The officials voted to buy a siren eastern Oregon counties in attend probably be announced next week. miserable season can suddenly be for the automobile of A. V. Cook ance. Ray Johnson, Ontario high An outside speaker is expected to be Klass V. Powell, formerly of Bak The farm, comprising 120 acres of come highly successful for a team er, started publication of the Nyssa land, is situated one-half mile chief of police, and allocated money school student body president, was secured for the occasion. south and one-half mile west of the Bernard Frost gave a talk on pa that Is victorious In this encounter Gate City Journal with this issue. to repair the city hall floors and chairman of the conference. Coach John Young will turn to steps. Unicn high school was selected to triotism and Dr. Cundall discussed Mr. and Mrs. Powell and son, Cairo junction. Sufficient contributions were rais Keith Russell and Blaine Devlin to head the group for the coming year various phases of Lionism. Twenty-three arrests were made carry the ball for the Bulldogs. With Keith Victor, moved to Nyssa last ed last week to buy the farm, which Anyone having Christmas toys for and will be in charge of the confer week and are now occupying the Ed in Nyssa during October, according ence which will be held at the col distribution to poor children is ask to a report given to the city council Don Eldredge. signal caller and Pruyn residence at 421 Ennis Ave was deeded to the county. The county In turn has given a 10-year ed to contact Bob McCurdy or Ron southpaw passing ace, these men nue. lege in the fall of 1942. by Chief of Police A. V. Cook. lease to the state. The plan is to are about all the first string back- Student body officers from Mal Whittaker, who will call for the toys. Mr. Powell entered the newspaper Twelve of those arrested were tak field men that the coaches have left. submit the question to a vote of Henry Hartley, vice president of heur county who attended the con field In January. 1924, when he took en on charges of drunkenness. the people in the' fall of 1942. I t Is Watching the game from the Join in World Prayer— ference were Ray Johnson, chair the club, presided at the luncheon. Clarence Sanders, a transient, was bench will be a sizeable portion of a position In the circulation depart anticipated th a t the voters will ap ---------- 4.---------- St. Paul's Episcopal chu: ;'i is man of the meeting, and the follow arrested on a charge of larceny from the Blue and White lineup who now, ment of the Morning Democrat, prove the proposal, Mr. Morgan said. sponsoring the day of prayer tc be ing other officers from Ontario high an automobile and was bound over beset with injuries, form "hospital then published by I. B. Bowen, Sr. The state will spend $100,000 dur school: Jim Tyler, sophomore pres held throughout the world betwi. l to the grand Jury under $500 bail. row." Eight members of the squad and Will H. Evans. He became ing the next 10 years operating the the hours of 10 a. m. and 2 p. m. ident: Victor Domby, junior boys He was placed In the county Jail In either are on crutches, have crack night editor in 1927 and served In farm and a one and one-half mill cn Armistice day. The parish hall representative. Kay Ackerscn, bus Vale In lieu of the bail. A local man ed bones or are nursing dislocated that capacity until 1929, when the tax wlU raise sufficient funds to pay will be open between those hours iness manager; Bethann Walker, ed Morning Democrat was merged with arrested on th • same charge was arms. > mid it Is planned that some one will itor: Margaret Andrews, secretary- the Baker Herald. He accepted a for the farm. Every grange and released. Adrian. Nov. 6 "fspecial) — Union Those Injured are Bob Browne, be at the prayer rail every fifteen treasurer; Dorothy Rusk, yell lead position as city news editor on the chamber of comme: ce In the county Eleven arrests were made for traf sprained ankle; Jay Bybee. broken Democrat-Herald staff at the time has gone on record as favoring the minutes during that period. Anyone er; Bill Wayt, senior vice president; high school district No. 4 will hold fic violations. Jaw; Eugene Cleaver, dislocated of the consolidation and was pro experimental station. wishing to take part in this service Gerald Bull, vice president student a bond election at the high school A coat owned by Mrs. Gordon It Is believed that the experimen is invited to do so. Arrangements body; Patt Kline, Dee Moore, Bill building in Adrian November 15. Smith, a tent belonging to Bert arm; Warren Heldt, knee Injury; moted to the position of managing- are under the direction of Rev. Bingher, O'Neill Holloway, Mary The polls will be open from 2 to 7 Llenkaemper and two blankets own Bob Yost, cracked ribs; Harold Wil editor in 1937, when the editor, Ber tal farm will go a tong ways toward son. dislocated arm; Alvfinn Ekan- nard Malnwarlng, moved to Nampa making Malheur county the best ag Stanley Moore and Mrs. William E. Stewart, representatives; and Miss o'clock. If the proposal Is approved the ed by Mrs. Musllini were recovered ger, knee Injury; and Elton Jen to take charge of the Idaho Free ricultural area In the state of Ore F.vmces Picard, sponsor. Schireman. after they had been stolen from au nings, knee Injury. gon," Mr. Morgan said. Nyssa high school was represent bonds will be sold to refund warrant tomobiles. Opening Is Postponed— Press. The area will be operated by the Hopes for a victory over Ontario ---------- 4---------- Formal opening of the new Meth ed by Winona Henderson, secretary; indebtedness in the sum of $17,465. Chief Cook reported that a truck extension service, of which William The purpose of the plan is to save are pinned on Russell. Devlin and odist church has been postponed Dein a Ward, annual editor; Twila operated by C. R. Wallace and a H. Schoenfeld Is director. The ex because of shortage of materials and Latham, newspaper editor; Don El- money by paying a lower Interest on Nebraska automobile driven by Rob Eldredge In the backfield and the tension service will conduct experi labor. The date tentatively set for dredge, president, and Jack Mar the bonds than the Interest now paid ert Smeaton collided at the west en Bulldogs’ two lanky and versatile ments on many new crops, experi on the warrants. ends, Captain Frank Wilson and the opening formerly scheduled for shall, vice president. trance to the railroad underpass at Ray Larson. ---------- 4.---------- ment on the use of commercial fer Adrian high school sent the fol- November 9, is JJanuary 11. Pishop Main and First streets. No one was tilizer, and conduct livestock feed Little can be expected from the Bruce Baxter 1’, expected to deliver treasurer; Lois Patton, secretary; injured, but the automobile was Salem, Nov. 8 (Special) — Several ing experiments, particularly to de light team in line bucks, but a trick lowing delegates: Margery Hillis, the formal opening message. quite badly damaged. running and passing attack may reports of what last year was vari termine the feeding value of the Betty Eachus. president: Mavis Mother Leaves-- ------- 4 ------- bring victory to the local team. Sev ously called brisket disease and sugar factory by-products. Mrs. May Chandler, who has vis Gale, yell leader; Gene Davis, vice RED CROSS MEMBERSHIP More buildings end also some eral dangerous passing combinations chest abcess disease have been re ited at the home of her daughter, president, and F. A. deLespanasse, DRIVE TO OPEN — + — are left on the Nyssa squad and ceived by the animal division of the feeding sheds will be built on the Mrs. Burnall Bi\.wn for the past advisor. state department of agriculture, The United States bureau of re farm. sesofhlyftlnngnruarm;sald fcB ---------- 4 ---------- two weeks, left for a visit with an The call for members for the an some shifty running is looked for reports Dr. W. H. Lytle, division ------- 4 ------- clamation is moving the north canal other daughter in Rupert Friday. chief. of the Owyhee project at milepost nual Red Cross drive is out and the from Blaine Devlin. Mr* Brown and Mrs. LaVere Brown Nyssa chapter under the leadership Most reports received this year 17% at the head of Cow Hollow. ------- 4 ------- drove her to Boise where Mrs of Mrs. Dick Tensen, Nyssa chair have come from Malheur county, A crew of four men is moving the Chandler took the bus. with a few from Grant and scatter canal 20 feet Into the hill for a dis man. has already completed plans To Attend Meeting— fer registering members In this ing areas. tance of 400 feet, according to Wa- Mrs. M. H. Greenlee left Tuesday community. "We frankly don't know too much tenr.aster George A. Haycock. The A motion picture on traffic safety, morning fer Denver to attend the about this disease, as it Is not a SALEM, Nov 6 (Special) — With Mrs. J. L. Church is In charge of first annual meeting of the western distributed through the office of workmen are using a dragline and the committee on the membership great problem here, and the same is the approval of Governor Charles A. 4 jurisdiction. Woman's 8ociety of Earl Snell, secretary of state, will two caterpillar tractors. Bernard Eastman was elected pres Indicated In reports from neighbor Bprague. State Director of Civilian The work is expected to be com drive and has appointed leaders for Christian Service of the Methodist be shown to school children and to Defense Walter W R. May of Port each community to assist her. In ident of the Nyssa chamber of com- ing states,” Dr. Lytle says. the public Friday morning at 9 pleted next week. church. She expects to retur nto Some reports are that cattle show land has announced the appoint Nyssa Mesdames W W. Fester, Har mrree at a meeting held In Brown ------- 4 -------- o’clock in the public school gymna Nyssa Saturday or Sunday. ing these enlargements, which are ment of a state-wide committee on old Hershey, Douglas MacDonald. ie's cafe Wednesday noon. sium, according to Henry Hartley, From Baker— Herschel Thompson was elected found In the chest region, do not recreation, of which he is chairman. Kenneth Cottle, Joe Trent. Gilbert superintendent of schools. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Jackson of The committee will deal with re Allsebrook, Charles Grider, E. J. as a director In the place of Art seem to be inconvenienced and go on The picture, which is approxi Baker were among the visiting mem Powell, G rant Lewis and Bert B. Norcott, resigned. Oeorge Mitchell to an uneventful recovery. Horses creation and morale problems, par bers of the Eastern Star at their mately 30 minutes in length, will be Llenkaemper will assist. In the rur was chosen vice president In place are apt to be Incapacitated for work. ticularly as affecting areas where district meeting Monday evening, shown a second time at about 9:40 al districts Mrs. Pete Wilson, Mrs. of Mr. Eastman, who was advanced Animals do not show definite symp there are concentrations of defense if the size of the crowd makes it and remained as guests of Mr. An- Maurice Judd. Mrs. H. R. Sherwood. to the presidency because of the res toms of sickness and apparently workers or troops and will coordin Salem. Nov. 6 (Special) — Ore necessary. Mr. Hartley said. Mrs. Frank Hall until Wednesday ate activities of the recreation com there is no fever. gon’s state employment offices with Mrs. Walter Thompson and Mrs. ignation of Dr. K. E. Kerby. Stanley Church, representative of afternoon. A1 Thompson was appointed The treatment recommended last mittees of county defense councils. Notheis will help. In accordance 11.900 complete Job placements In the secretary of state, will be in Get First Elk— James Potter of Ontario is a mem with the national order the quota chairman of a committee named to year by the Montana livestock san Cliff Fox, who was first to get his charge of the program. Arrange September stood 13th among the 48 for this area has been doubled over arrange for Christmas street decor itary board has been followed so far ber of the state recreation commit deer this season, also came in in the ments for the showing were made staUs, while the $77,600 paid in un that of previous years and instead ations. by the Oregon department, pending tee. lead on the elk hunt and returned by the county Parent-Teachers as employment benefits was 36th, ac of a husband and wife taking out a Henry Hartley and Rev. M. H. outcome of studies at the state col District eight is composed of Bak cording to reports received from the sociation under the direction of Mrs. home Tuesday evening with a cow Joint membership card, each person Greenlee were placed on a commit lege. This treatment suggests a er. Malheur. Union and Wallowa federal security agency of the social Newblll, president. elk. With him was Olen Whitman la asked this year to become an In tee to confer with local organiza deep incision at the lower limit of counties. David C. Sllven of Baker security board this week. ---------- ♦ — _____ who also had bagged his elk. They tions relative to providing Christ the abcess and then syringing out is the chairman. dividual member. Only California. Texas and Mis- SERVICES CONNECTED WITH hunted in the mountains above La ---------- 4 ---------- mas treats for Nyssa children. with tincture of iodine diluted 50 ouri among the western and south MOTORING HAVE INSIGNIAS Grande. ----------4---------- per cent. Pine tar may be used to LUCKY HUNTERS RETURN MANY NOTABLES TO ATTEND ern states ranked ahead of Oregon P. T. A. Entertainment— Portland. Nov 6 (Special)—Three repel Insects, which are thought to COLLEGE OF IDAHO SERVICES QUESTIONNAIRE CARDS FOR At the Hallowe'en entertainment service groups definitely connect in job-placing, while many other VEHICLES TO BE RETURNED carry the Infection. — + — A group of happy hunters return states with less population, such as sponsored by the Kingman Kolony ed with the motorist's defense prob Montana, are paying out more bene —1-~ • Dr. Lytle reports that the state ed to Nyssa on Wednesday after College of Idaho, Caldwell, (Spe P. T. A. the children of the first six lems have announced their insignia, investigating fibrinous noon from a successful elk hunt. Immediate return of all truck and college. cial) November 6 — Many notables gardes gave a clever program. A accordlr« to the Oregon State Mo fits. For the first nine months of the iwlll attend the fiftieth anniversary bus defense inventory questionnaire pneumonia in sh^ep several years Seven hunters returned with seven masquerade followed, after which tor association. These groups oper celebration and dedicatory exercise« cards was called for today in a ago. found the same organism. In elk. Those In the party were Ro refreshments and a social hour were ate through the office of civilian year Oregon’s unemployed received at the College of Idaho November statement Issued by Earl 8nell. sec sheep as Is found In the so-called bert Long of Jordan Valley, E. D. benefits of $2.114. 800. a decrease defense and motorists should recog of 39 per cent from the same period 7. Dr William W. Hall, president of retary of state and member of the brisket disease enjoyed. Norcott, Herb Fisher. Charles New- A party for the sexenth and nize these insigna v ---------- 4 ---------- blll, Ed Dilly of Huntington. Dr. last year. Washington has paid out the college has announced Chief national highway traffic advisory eighth grades was held on Thursday The three red white and blue In $4,807.000 for a decrease of 40 per among them will be president Wil committee to the war department. Here on Far lough— Glen Ken as ton of San Mateo. Calif., signias of direct interest to car own cent, while California paid $42.221 - liam M Jeffers of the Union Pacific evening. Questionnaire cards still In the Donald Buell, who Is stationed and Artie Robertson. ers are those for auxiliary police, 800. a drop of 18 per cent from the railroad, who will give the address hands of truck or bus owners must with the United States Marines at Returns from Hospital— ----------4---------- A. L Fletcher returned from the drivers corps and road repair crews, first three-quarters of 1940 be returned at once In order to per at the exercises Friday evening. Chicago, arrived here Sunday after CLINIC AT ADRIAN hospital at Boise on Thursday last said the A.A.A. club official, and Included in the party with Mr Jef mit federal agencies to complete noon to spend a 15-day furlough ---------- 4 ---------- and is much improved and is In his while all are similar In makeup the fers will be P. H. Knickerbocker, assembly of data needed to formu with his parents. Mr and Mrs. Wil On Wednesday morning a clinic From Emmett— units can be Identified asafollows: offices each day again. late plans for the mobilization of was held at the Adrian high school Mr and Mrs. Charles Thompson executive assistant to Mr Jeffers at the nation's transportation facilities liam Buell, and other relatives. auxiliary police, red shield; drivers In Boise— Salt Lake City; E C. Schmidt, as ---------- 4---------- by Dr. L. A. Mauldlng at which 93 Mrs. W. Parker Stowe and Mr corps, red steering wheel; and road of Emmett spent Sunday at the R. sistant to Jeffers: Joel Priest, for in the event of a national emergen children of school and pre-school A. Thompson home and Mrs. Louis P. Thomas spent repair crews, red shovel. cy. Snell declared. merly general agent of Boise, who age received Immunisation for small ---------- 4 ---------- Monday in Boise. Mrs. Jesse Thompson Better— ---------- ♦ ---------- ta making the trip especially to a t pox and diphtheria. Assisting Dr. Re-Opens Of flee— Attend M eeting- Mrs. Jesse Thompson has been tend College af Idaho’s ceremonies; From Salem— The Rebekah Sunshine club will Mauldlng were Mrs. Robert Clark. Dr. C. A. Abbott, chiropractor, Mayor J. C. Olsen and Mrs Olsen Improving rapidly from a recent 111- D O Churchill, secretary to Jeffers, Dr J E. Long is enjoying some meet at > o’clock Friday In the I. O Mrs. H. R. Otto, and Mrs. Maurice has returned from Myrtle Point and spent Wednesday In Baker where enss and spent one day the past and Joel iSlest. Jr., publicity agent pheasant shooting and is a guest at O F hall with Mrs Graham, Mrs. Judd. Several Ochick tests weer al has reopened his office in the old they attended the meeting of the 1 week at the home of her daughter, for the Utnon Pacific railroad lo the home of his parents. Mr and Hunter and Mrs. Johnson as host- so given. The clinic to under the Oregon League of Voters. j Mrs. Dell Taylor. In Vale Journal building on Main street. cated at Balt Lake City Mrs J. T Long P T. A. activity. Funeral Is Held For James Burns Malheur Pupils Attend Meeting Election Will Not Be Staged Mrs.O. Hanchett Of Nyssa Dies Lions Sponsor Dance, Banquet Powell Assumes Paper Control 23 Arrests Are Made In October LOCAL NEWS School District Voting On Bonds New Disease Of Animals Probed Bureau Moving Project Canal Safety Picture Will Be Shown Defense Group In Ore. Chosen Eastman Chosen Chamber Prexy 11.900 Get Jobs Through Service Meetings