Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 28, 1941)
THE NYSSA GATE C ITY JOURNAL THURSDAY, AUGUST 28, 1941 Apple Valley Classified Advertising The Ideal Way To Euy, Sell, Rent. Find, or Hire. Big Results at a very low cost. One trial will convince. RATES: One cent per word for eac i issue Minimum cash in advance is 25c. MISCELLANEOUS WANTED Ail your welding Job*. We promise good work and fair prices. Pruyn Auto Repair. Phone 56W BRAKE WORK—Let us put your car or truck brakes In first class condition. Special equipment and trained men at your service. Pruyn Auto Repair. Phone 56W. KALSOMINE, PAINT at competl- tive prices. First For Sale FARM PRODUCE CITY PROPERTY For Rent TOR RENT—FURNISHED HOUSE- I.EEPING Rooms with bath. Hot end cold water, sink and built-ins I. iwn and Trees. 1H blocks north cf factory. 16 East First St. 28 A tfc FOR RENT—Two modern houses. Bernard Eastman. Phone 64. NICELY FURNISHED room In modern private home, separate entrance. Just the thing for one working nights. Mrs Elsie Jordan, corner Third and Locus, after five P M. 24J tfc. Three room nicely furnished modern home, lawn, garage, elec tric stove and refrigeration, very clean and comfortable, call Jour nal, 24 J tfc. Two rooms, bath and large clothes closet, completely furnish ed except refrigeration. Electric stove, daveno. Newly decorated. Just the thing for a bride and groom or bachelor girls. Fenced yard with lawn. Call Journal. 24 J tfc SIX ROOM house, modern. Shade and lawn. See Frank T. Morgan. 17J tfc. THREE ROOM HOUSE, clean and newly kalsomined. Room for chickens or cow. Water, sink and stove in kitchen. Call Journal. 17J tfc. TWO HINSCH houses. See Frank T. Morgan. WANTED PAINTING, KALSOMINING, paper cleaning. Andy McGinnis, Phone 39M. 24Atfc. WANTED TO BUY—Clean cotton rags, must be of fair size, no ov eralls, lace curtains nor other harsh materials. Journal office. 31 0 tfc. WANTED—Highest prices paid for hides, wools, pelts, metals, fur niture. The Nyssa Trader, main hi- way north. MACHINERY For Sale FOR SALE—USED BEET Puller. Pump and Jack. Large Centrifugal pump. Inquire Rust Ranch, on Owyhee, Route One, Nyssa, Oregon 14 A tfc. Cow Hollow By The Happy Fanner Cow Hollow's population has stepped up some. Tuesday morning Dale Llmbaughs wife presented him ith a pair of twin boys. They have named them Hubert and Herbert ing alleys, complete with balls. and the doctor says they are as iden Ready to load. Mrs. R. Cornell. tical as two peas in a pod. Dale was out Sunday looking for 21 A tfc. a hay crew. He has his hay down now. Some day Dale won’t have to hunt for a hay crew. He is 25 years old and they now have a girl and 3 boys. Mr. Nugent, over in Sunset Valley has an automatic hay loader. It loads hay out of the wlnrow onto the wagon. It is a great machine but when the wagon is loaded with that, the problem of unloading with a Jackson-fork is to keep from get ting too big a bite. Sometimes the beys take off the whole load in two forkfulls. The sagebrush-grass fire we had a while back burned off the home e will cooperate with yon for Dude Parkers cows. Dude W gladly in planning an in range left them on It for a while but most I surance program to fit of It was gone and made poor feed. | your exact needs . . . and your so now he has moved them farther | south. There is worlds of feed there purse. 4-et's ta'k it over. Of course it is rather dry now but cattle will stay fat on it. But Bernard Eastman beef the oows yearn for home once in awhile. INSURANCE Sam Cates is sure proud of his Phone 64 com fields, three years ago Sam had Real Estate com on built-in bottom land but it was new land and he thought it As Close As Your Telephone the best com he ever saw. Now he has com on the same kind of land JUST A FEW CENTS MORE THAN A DOLLAR ip«r pim) buys a great KENTUCKY Bourbon! • Check the proof fit*» th«t good 93 proof) . . . the «nperior fUvor (only Kentucky-distilled bourbon has il) ... the age (4 year» of mellowinato your taste.) OLD S unny B rook KENTUCKY STRAIGHT BOURBON WHISKEY Thi. whiskey is 4 Y E A R S OLD • »3 Proof National Distillers Products Corporation, N. Y. SALE—Bring your orders In for canning tomatoes. Vanderwln- kle_ the Vegetable Dealer. Rt. 1, 1 mile south west cf Nyssa. 14 A3xp PASTURE GRASS seed, orchard grass, meadow fescue, whiteDut- ch clover. F. A. Powell, Cloverdale at Jefferson, six miles west Nyssa. 31Jtfc FOR For Sale FARM LANDS FOR SALE 15 ACRES IRRIGATE Land adjoining (west) Nyssa. Easy Terms. Carl H. Coad. 21 A tfc. CITY PROPERTY For Sale FOR SALE Already one of our mod ern three room, houses has been sold. Just one look and the buyer was convinced he had a good thing. That is not the last one. We still have a few more. But they will not last long as others are already look ing at them and realize the bargains they are. Call Bernard Eastman. 64 aoO D HOMESITES on First and Park, Cash or terms, Frank D. Hall. 13Mtfc MODERN HOME, four rooms and bath, 4 lots, plenty shade and lawn. Priced for quick sale. Lon Root. 31J8xp. FOR SALE—Why pay rent when modem and comfortable homes can be purchased so easily at the East man company. We have 5, three room homes all strictly modern but one. This has sink and water in kitchen, all with nice yards, some fenced, cellars and garages and on gravel streets. All in good repair, recently redecorated and ready to live in. Some furnished if desired. Also have some good Investment property. Bernard Eastman, your realtor. 14 A tfc. only it has been in alfalfa for three years and he sure is excited about his com prospects. I think he is wondering where he is going to put it when he gets it gathered. Roy Mannley seems to be getting the lions share of Cow Hollows hard luck this summer. Last spring s bull gored his most valuable horse and killed it, A while back he was completely laid up with boils for two weeks. Then his wife got in fection in a boil and had to go to a hospital for a while and isstill not able to do her work. Last week when mowing hay a horse came in at night sick. Next morning it was dead and a morning of so later he got up and found another horse in a ditch on its back dead. He has only one more horse left. Looks like he is about done looseing horses. Fred La Shonse is getting rather nervous. He went out Sunday morn ing and found an old sow had built a nest under a sagebrush and had nine little pigs in it. Threshing, sorting anions and har vesting the local peach crop is keep ing most of our folks here busy this week. Peaches are mostly either sold or promised. Hales are not ready to pick although they are highly col ored and Elbertas are not ripening so fast maybe on account of the cool nights. Mrs. Bert Hubbard and Irene re turned to New Meadows with the Carlock brothers, .Monday to visit a few days with Mrs. Hubbards par ents. Miss Norma 8tout spent part of her vacatiion in end Oregon and returned to Boise. Sunday after a day or so at home. Mrs. Emil Vertrees entertained Mrs. B. T. Osborne and daugrters at dinner, Sunday. Mrs. Osborne is taking Mr. Osbornes place while he is employed at Hermlston. The Erick Petersons sold one hun dred roosters last week. At the Pox orchard, Mr. and Mrs. Fox have been working overtime picking peaches. They sold their entire crop at a fair price and will make delivery as the buyer wishes Mrs. Ura Robinson’s sister and husbands left early Monday morn ing after a very pleasant visit at the Rcbinson home. Miss Betty Cornell spent the week-end 1th Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Cor re1' Mr. and Mrs. Alex Wagner and family and Mrs. Eason and son and Leonard Wood took Betty Lar son back to her home near Emmett. Sunday. Miss Larson has been stay ing at the Eason home. Mr. and Mrs. Eldor Rush and family of Elgin spent a few days last week at the parental Wm. Leter home, returning to Elgin on Sat urday a. m. The Miles Leter fam ily, also visited from Friday until Sunday in Vale. The Cecil Case family, visited relatives in Weiser Sunday. Mrs. Joe King, attended Jolly Jones Club at Helen Hatche’s, Thur sday afternoon. Next meeting at Mrs. Robert Olp’s at her home on the Owyhee Septembeer 4th. Ray Rumiser, celebrated his 17th birthday at a birthday dinner given by his mother Thursday evening. Chas Trembly, left Friday for Burns where he’ll visit Mr. and Mrs. Dick Case and look for work. Mrs. Trembly and son remained here at the home of her parents Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Case. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Cartwright were in Caldwell Saturday. Ed Dillon and Frank Wilbur, have been trucking their sweet corn to ilder Cannery the past week. Owyhee The Reception for the Owyhee teachers will be held at the school house Friday evening Sept. 5th at 8 o’clock. Every body come. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Huffman were dinner guests of the Lynn Ky- gar family Saturday. The Huffmans were recently married at Racine Wisconsin and were enroute to Her- miston where Mr. Huffman has work. Grace Kygar went with them for a weeks visit with relatives there. Mr. and Mrs. Chas Culbertson and children were dinner guests of Mr and Mrs. Arnold Slippy Sunday. Mrs. and Mrs. Mack Tilley and baby son of Tlnto, Nevada were BREAD A favorite among thrifty housewives because of the EXTRA VALUE in every slice. Extra sugar, milk and shortening PLUS extra vitamins B-l and O. combine to make Pan Dandy the thriftiest, tastleat loaf on the market. § I A DR. J. C. BOWMAN Veterinarian Arthur’s Greater American Circus Phone 39W Dancing at Gayway—Saturday & Monday Horsemen’s Parade—Aug. 30, 12:30 p.m. Lower Bend ^¿Enriched Pan Dandy ■ I ^ guests last eek of the Lynn Kygars. Leaves For San Francisco— ited with Mr. and Mrs. Louis P. Tho- Mrs. Tilley was formerly Hazel Mrs W. Parker Stowe who has vis mas the past month left for San Huffman. Francisco on Wednesday. Mrs. S. D. Bigelow was hostess to the Owyhee Community Club Thursday furnished en tertainment after the business meet ing. Refreshments of fruit salad, sandwiches, cookies and punch were served at the close to about 28. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Patton Sr. were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs O. L. McMillan Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. O. L. McMillan. Mr and Mrs. Russell Patton Jr. and 1 Leslie Crocker were dinner guests. Sunday of the Lewis Skinners. Mr and Mrs. Earl Patterson and family who have been visiting at the Lynn Kygar home left for their home at Salt Lake City Saturday. A. V. Pruyn is kalsomlnlng the Owyhee school house this week. In Mrs. Lillian Newby is visiting with her son’s families in Boise this week Save Real money for other Purposes By buying your Insurance ai G RAHA M S INSURANCE Agency Save from 20% to 48% on every policy Both Stock and Mutual Companiea— Absolutely NON ASSESSABLE POLICIES SPECIAL LOW RATES FOR HAY INSUR ANCE—SAVE 48% ON HAY INSURANCE NYSSA REALTY and Insurance Co. Phone 53 NYSSA LIBRARY Grabner-Bedford Rodeo- Daily 2:00 p.m. Open each week day from 2 p. m. to 6 p. m. Saturday, 2 p. m. to 8 p. m. ALL PATRONS WELCOME Librarian___Mrs. S. B. Davis OPTOMETRIST “See McFaU and See Better*' DR. J. A. McFALL EYESIGHT SPECIALIST ONTARIO OREOON WYCKOFF JEWELRY STORE Official Time Inspector for Union Pacific ONTARIO OREOON Levi Straus Midget Circus Miles of Exibits Labor Day Parade—12:30 p.m. Fight C ard-M onday-8:30 p.m. Fire Works—Monday Night (Courtesy Shell Oil Co.) Other Attractions August 30-31-Sept. I Ontario, Oregon W e Are Not Holding THIS MESSAGE FROM Our Used Cars MALHEUR MOTOR CO. WILL INTEREST EVERY USED CAR BUYER IN NYSSA Many dealers are reported to be holding used cars for higher prices, gambling at the Public’s expense. They will undoubtedly get these higher prices because prices have gone up and will go higher. This policy is inflationary and we are against it. Our business is selling new cars, and this community has given us a splendid volume this year. We will not gamble at the expense of the public in the face of such sup port. So — our used cars are priced downward, for immediate clear ance on our lot now— to an even greater extent t h a n in recent months—you will find “buys” SUBSTANTIALLY UNDER the market. We invite you to come in and look them over. To Profit A t The Public's Expense "Wholesale” Subject To Prior SALE For 3 Days Only August 3 0 to Sept. 1st (Inclusive) 1-1936 Ford I 1-2 Ton Panel New Paint—Dandy Motor Better than Average Tire*. Exceptionally Clean Thruout Save *IO O at *193 1-1936 Dodge I 1-2 T Truck H. D. Dual Tire*—Plat form Bed. Good Paint Excellent Mechanical Condition A Real Husky Unit Save »150 at * 4 8 7 NO TRADE-INS AT ABOVE PRICES Yesterday’s Prices To Day at Malheur Motor Company N YSSA