Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 28, 1941)
TH E N YSSA G ATE C IT Y JO U R N A L operation for appendicitis. Ll : U In Ca.'dwell— Mr. and Mrr. Charles Paradis were reported to be improving satl.Iac- called to Caldwell on Monday when torily. • her slater underwent an emergency Society TH U R SD AY, AU G U ST 28, 1941 FOR RENT—F IV E ACRES, Close to FOR SALE— A C O M P A R IT IV E L Y New boy’s dark blue suit, suitable! Nyssa has four room house. A W I for freshman. $5.00 Mrs. Dick Howell, Stan Held, Oregon. 28 A 2xp. I Tensen, Phone 23 W. ll II 1 . 111 l.l 1 1 l.lrLi 11 Ml 111 i i i i 11 1 1 i i 1 1 ll IIII ii 11 u it l.i 1 1 1 i l • 1,1 u 1 1 ......... m u m i l ........ m i m m BRIDE T O BE ENTE R TAIN E D <V Miss Amada Wheeler who on Mon day became the bride of Arthur Hansen of Parma, at a wedding at the tabernacle In Salt Lake was guest o f honor at a shower given for her at the home of Mrs. Robert Lee by Mrs. Lee and Mrs. Malcolm Crawford on Saturday evening. G ifts were presented to the bride by a series of alarm clocks sound ing o ff every few minutes which told her the hiding place of a pres ent. Following the display o f the gifts house games were enjoyed by the guests and a late supper was served by the hostess. Out of town guests Included Mrs. ohn Olsen of Hunt ington, Mrs. M. Morgan Hansen and Mrs. Lamont Hansen of Parma. A PICTURE OF HEALTH Children “bum up" a lot of en ergy during summer months. To replace and build energy see that your children get plenty of milk each day from— Shelton's Dairy PHONE 05J2 Phone 108 PR O G R A M THEATRE Double Feature Friday and Saturday, Aug. 29-30 Richard Arlen and Eva Gabor in “FORCED LAND ING ” Tim Holt and Marjorie Reynolds in “CYCLONE ON HORSEBACK” Sat. Mat.. 1:30 p. m.. Aam. 5c-20c; Evening, 10c-33c, Includes tax o f Children “Don’t you ever call me Fatty again you little Sunday and Monday, Aug. 31-Sept., 1 Lew Ayers, Lionel Barrymore, Laraine D ay and Red Skelton in “DR. KILDARE’S W EDDING D A Y ” Musical Comedy and Cartoon Mat. Sun. 2:30, Adm. 10c-28c, Evening Adm. 10c-33c, Includes tax — BARGAIN NIGHT— Tuesday, Sept. 2 Ann Sothem and George Murphy in “RINGSIDE MAISIE” Picture People and Jungle Girl S W A N ’S B REA D Admission: 10c-33c, Including Defense Tax ¿0 Grocery Specials for Friday and Saturday, Tom a t o e J u ic e II J e lly B£ r largor 46 (Jz. Cans 2 foi Meadow Lark 5 Lb. Cans Asst. Flavors I P o rk & B e a n s g ^ s S f - f t C r| ■lOUr Sperry Pancake & W affle 3 Lb. Packages _ _ L* _ C O O K ie S Pride Assorted 1 Lb. Packages Q u a k e r W a x O a t s p . Lck .g„ P a p e rf^ s r u u £ N a p k in s o fs o f t ? P* ck* g“ Q P & G White Naptha w O a p G i a n t Bars 6 for ^ Nubora Granulated 9 0 a p Giant Package F ly 39c 49c S p ray gr& f F r u i t J a r s S . 7 & T E .C 29c 25c 23c 15c 15c 25c 49c 33c 83c See Levi Strauss Miniture Cow Boy Show in front of Wilson Bros, store, Friday Aug. 29 at 1:30 P. M. Free. Open Evenings Until 9 P.M. W ilson G rocery NYSSA A Dependable Food OREGON Store NYSSA Lem Wilson, Jr. Ace Roberts Back To School WITH SMART CLOTHES AND SCHOOL SOPPLIES FROM YOOR GOLDEN ROLE STORE_ _ _ 8 - Several girls who have attended High School together for the past four and five years enjoyed several days outing at Payette Lakes the past week, Mr. and Mrs. R. O. Lar sen and Mr. and Mrs. Barney W il son and M r A. H. Boydell furnished transportation for them. The girls were Helen Boydell, June Marie Wilson, Phyllis Poage, Barbara Browne, Barbara Larsen Lucille Sal lee, Louise Tensen and Ottilia Hof- stetter of Ontario. The Misses Harriett and Isobel Sarazln whose weddings will take place in the near future have been the guests of honor at parties given the past week. On Thursday evening Miss Ottilia Hoffstetter of Ontario entertained In honor of the approaching nup tials at a dessert card party Invit Ing 12 guests. The gifts were placed on two sep- erate card tables on which an ap propriately decorated toy truck des ignated whose presents it held. On Wednesday evening a dessert bridge party was given at the home of Mrs. Gilbert Allsebrook at which Mrs. Allsebrook. Mrs. Lloyd Lewi and Miss Vera Jensen were hostesses. Quests were invited to make up four tables of cards. The gtfts were presented following the evening's play and with each one was a letter to be opened at a later designated date. Clever hand made place and talley cards carried out the wedding theme. SHOP FOR SCHOOL AT THE GOLDEN RULE, AND DON’T FORGET SATURDAY AUGUST 30 AT 10:00 a.m. IS FREE ICE CREAM DAY FOR THE KIDDIES Kiddies School Frocks Tub fast prints for kiddies. Sizes 7 to 14 Neat fall patterns. 59c Panties \5c Women and children Rayon, peach colored RICHLAND | Misses Campus I Socks ] | | I | I | Too Late to Classify FOR SALE SAROHU M O U T F IT —Power roller | large capacity. 5 horse International j gas engine, new pan. priced right. 5 miles N West Wilder. Idaho, \ mile East Arena Valley school house | N. C Kind lick. 28 A lxp FOR SALE GUERNSEY COW. Four year old heavy springer Gives five gallons Enquire of Ida Riley. Apple Valley ► school house, 28 A 2xp FOR SALE MISSCELL H O T PO IN T Electric Range, used only 1 year. $50. Viking Seperator. j $50 Coal Range. $5 Call Journal office or see W S Jones opposite Tile Plant. 28 A 2xp FOR SA LE Trade or lease. 100 acres under Black Canyon, on hlway 30 south of New Plymouth Lies well and all Irrigable A M Hlghsmith., Rt 1, Nyssa. t Saturday Only mi ri in 111 iiiiiiiiniiiii n m i in in i i ni l i m i m i in uni ii:ii:iiiiii tun in in in in in in i inn M M M M N H f HAVE HOUSE P A R T Y M r and Mrs. H. V. Maw and Mr. anda Mrs.Les lie T op liff of Buena Vista looked for peaches Sunday. Mary McGee. Erma Jean Sewell, Vernon Maw all freshman, Aloha Maw and Daniel Powell, sopho mores. and Idaleen Maw. senior were those who registered for High School Monday. M r and Mrs O. E Chekleltn at tended the sale Friday at Nyssa. M r and Mrs. H. H Hartley were Thursday night visitors at the O. E. Cheldelln home. The “ We Can" canning Club held an ice cream social at the home of their leader Mrs Virgil McOee Mr and Mrs Tom Johnson spent the week-end In Baker visiting friends and relatives. __________ A __________ Full Line of Candies and Chocolates Ice Cream and Soft Drinks Hamburgers and Sandwiches Buy One Get One Free! Swan’s Bakery PHONE 20 Saturday, August 30 New Management New Stock! Free Ice Cream Cones ASK FOR IT AT YOUR GROCER’S BRIDES TO BE COM PLIM ENTED I Wednesday and Thursday, Sept.3-4 Ray Milland, William Holden, Brian Donlevy, Constance Moore and Veronica Lake in “I W A N T E D W IN G S” Gabby Cartoon and News I’m goin’ to be as slim as Gloria Garbo herself now that I’m on a diet of milk and On Thursday, Aug. 21, Miss Stella Lillian Dunbrasky, daughter o f Mr. and Mrs. Phil Dunbrasky, of King- man Colony, and M r Charles F. Cannon, son o f Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Gannon of Sunset Valley, were married In Twin Falls, Idaho. Helen and Joe Dorsey of Nyssa accompan ied the young couple to Buhl Idaho, Wed. and were present at the W ed ding. The returned to their home In Sunset Valley Friday. While the newly weds were away Mr. Cannon arranged for a chivarl and dance at the Sunset Hall where many friends of the young couple met them with cheers and tin cans after which every one danced. R e freshments of sandwiches, cake and punch was served at midnight. - (formerly Peggy’s Pantry) Brighi Sayings C AN N O N -D U N B R ASK Y NYSSA Confectionery Store h— shrimp. Announcing the reopening o f the L and A 15c Misses and Children sizes in Campus Socks variety Boys felt HATS $ 1.00 Pinch crown style in shades of brown, blue and green Boys 8-oz. sanforized Overalls 75c Fine quality, blue or striped Denim Oxfords *1.98 to *5.00 Black or brown, flat or college heel. Newest styles. Asstd. sizes. I2c doz. Handkerchiefs Buy them by the dozen, they are good School Handkerchiefs lO c Ribbed top, gay stripes heavy weight, long wearing Mens Skin Shirts 49c Long or short sleeves SCHOOL SOPPLIES Large Pencil Tablets......................................... 4c Mens DRESS SHIRTS $ 1.00 Pre-shrunk, fast color shii-ts. Large variety o f pattern. Sizes 14 to 17 Extra Large Pencil Tablets............................... 8c Large Filler Paper.............................................8c Mens Small Filler Paper.............................................. 4c Oxfords 10c Note Books.................................................... 8c Prang W ater Colors.........................................29c Women Boys Crew SO X 16 Crayolas...................................................... 13c Childrens School O X FO R D S $1.49 $1.98 composition or cord sole, sport oxfords. Black or brown and very durable Leather or Composition soles, brown or black- styles you will like. Sizes 8U, to 3. * $2.98 to $4.95 Large Variety of styles, black or brown colors Sizes 6 to 12. Tennis Shoes Boys or Mens sizes, black or brown and priced from 79c to 12.98 GOLDEN RULE STORE