Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (July 10, 1941)
TH E N YSSA G ATE C IT Y JO U R N A L Alberta Valley Five members of the Clover Leaf Dairy Club met at the home of their leader, Mrs Homer Hlght In Nyaea Heights. The Demonstration tein; practiced and several members judg ed a dairy cow Refreshment* were served. Mrs. P. W. Schroder of Cambridge, spent Sunday at the Robert Lee home Mr and Mrs. Frank Matthews and daughters of Boise spent the week end at the O. Z Matthews home. Jim Bums Is reported seriously 111. Mr and Mrs. Melvin Jensts and family and Thruman Hull attended the air show at Boise the Fourth. Les Bogart had a cast put on his leg Sunday and will be out of the hospital Wednesday. Mr and Mrs Ed. Mowerson and son returned from the coast this A NEW GARAGE SOON PAYS FOR ITSELF If you are now keeping your car in a public garage, or are renting a garage from your neighbor, why not build one of your own? The rent money you save will soon pay for It and the value of your prop erty will be enhanced. If you are leaving your car outside, the wear and tear will cost more than a new garage. Also consider building a double garage for Income pur poses. Through our A B C Monthly Pay ment Plan a new garage will cost you only * $5.00 PER MONTH Nyssa Lumber Co. Phone 118 « « o n AVF. & HIGHWAY 201 week end. He Is working for Pete Tensen. P»u l Steiner of 8t. Paul. Minnesota was a Sunday evening dinner guest at the Frank Wlnkels home. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Oroot called at the Georg* Smith home on the Black Canyon project Tuesday evening. Mr and Mrs. Frank Wenkels and Paul Steiner of St Paul. Minnesota and Joe Blackburn attended the an nual picnic In Butler’s Orove Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. L. T. Chambers and Mr. and Mrs Oolden Leavitt spent the Fourth at Baker. M r and Mrs. Ora Friel and family visited at the James Taylor home In Parma and Olenn Weaver home In Wilder Sunday. Melvin Jensen has started binding grain this week and is the first. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Tensen and Nell and Donald Jensen left Tuesday for Summit Prairie. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Oroot and M ar jorie visited at the Jim Kakebleke home In Ontario Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Marchland, Louis and Lee Dell of Baker were visitors at the C. M. Tensen home Satur day aftrnoon. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Buess of Vale were Sunday afternoon visitors at the Ersel Buess home. Mr. and Mrs. Z. Davidson of P ar ma were Sunday visitors at the Oer- rlt Stam home. Mr. and Mrs John "Lackey and Patsy Owynn were Monday dinner guests at the Stanley Little home In Caldwell. Mrs. Floyd Thompson received word that her son, Leland, Is sta tioned at San Francisco and Is on the U. S. S. Minneapolis. Spencer Buess of Vale Is spending a few days with West Buess this week. Mrs. Les Earnest and Ralph Lackey, Mr. and Mrs. John Lackey and Patsy Owynn attended the fun eral of Mrs. Andy Lackey In Ontario Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Thompson and Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Thompson spent the Fourth at Big Bend. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Summers of Ogden, were visitors at the Erael Buess home Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Jensen and family and Miller Jensen attended the air show In Boise the Fourth. Fred Koopman was a dinner guest of Orandma Stam and Klass in Ore. Trail the Fourth Mr and Mrs. J. J. Whalen of Pay ette were dinner guests at the John Lackey home Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. John Rogers of Em mett were Sunday afternoon visitors at the Earl Parr home. Mr. and Mrs Clyde Wakefield of Nyssa spent Sunday at the Earl Farr home. NO THICKS ! Our Companies Pay Their Losses TH URSDAY, JU U LY 10,1941 Sweet home. psoc and daughter of Nampa and Mr and M:s. William Smith visit- Donna attended a family Node: at Mr. and Mrs. Luray Trabert and Miss Flora Prosser, a student at family spent the evening of the | Mrs. Frye Of Eugene Mi *nd M r, ed their daughter, Mrs. Alvin Me- the parental Steelman home in Cald- a business scrool in Boise, sp=nt ths Ginn Is, Sunday. well the Fourth. Wllson of Nyssa were also recent Fourth at Vale. Mr. Vernon Parker, Gerrltt Munt- Mrs. Thomas and son. Carrol of week end visiting her parents, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. George Jensen and. visitors. The Miller Ffctate ranch on which jewerlff. and Mr Walter McPart- Osage, Kansas arrived Friday for a] and Mrs. Elmer Prosser, family attended a family reunion a t 1 Fred D. M iller has Uved for severs land went fishing Sunday, visit with Mr. and Mrs Virl Bishop. o n Sunday her parents entertaln- Dayton, Idaho Tuesday years, has been sold to a famUy near Mr and Mrs. nouse Gayle Martin are The majority of Bend people a t - ! ed M r and Mrs. Maurer and baby Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Little of t Caldwell and Mr and Mrs. John < from the J. H. Correll home was sold M r and Mrs John Hally returned' ^ ^ ^ ^ “ p r l g w a fd e - ° f ™ r Mr “ f MrS , ^ Lackey visited at the Hank McNee , - to one of the Sugar Factory "bosses’ to Bend, Bend. Oregon after a short stay votekd , a races f0I young folks Mr Swigert and chUdren of Arena home In Nyssa the Fourth. recently. He wUl build on the land in 1 Adrian. Hugh Caldwell of Caldwell was the I Valley, and Elinor and PhyUls Ha- Mr. and Mrs. A1 Meecham and A daUy vacation Bible school wUl Mrs. Ellen Sparke and daughter. speaker a and furnished by worth at dinner In her honor. ----- --------- . _ . spea&er n « niusic was ---------- family of Wilder and Mr. and Mrs. be held at the Methodist church on Mildred, and Mr. and Mrs. Eail the Adrian High school band. E. H. Brumbach attended funeral Curtis of Homedale were Sunday July 21st. and continuing for two Sparks visited the Art Sparks in Mr. and Mrs. Earl Sparks and ervlces for the late John Pemberton guests of the Floyd Thompson home. weeks. Mrs. Bernleoe McGill of Star Dixie, Saturday. . », children of Washington and Mrs. of Boise, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. BUI Flndllng and with competent assistants will be in Mr. and Mrs. Jack McKee and Mr Lojj. Em)s Qabiola and children of famUy and Mr. and Mrs. John Stam c h a rg e «! the school. Sessions will be A family picnic was held at the and Mrs. Harold Long called at the ; Portj and were visiting friends and and famUy of Oregon TraU were fiom 9 a. m. untU noon. W. T. Hamilton home July 4th, at EUen Sparks home Friday evening j reiatives over the week end. picnlclng at the Pete VanderOrt which guests from Nampa,. Home- ChUdren from 4 to 14 years may Edna Points was a guest o f the H. Elmer Parker of McCall was the dale. Wilder and Marsing were pres home the Fourth. enroll The teaching will be inter R. Otis famUy while her parents guest of his parents July Fourth. Joyce Chambers returned Sunday denominational. The Bible study and ent. were away on a fishing trip. from a five weeks vacation at Hy- classes in handwork will fill the B. G. Roberts went to Baker Mr. and Mrs Bert LaRue and DaUy Vacation Bible School of rum, Utah. morning. Parents are requested to the Adrian Community church wUl Thursday to visit his son, Wesley children of Vale were July 4th Barbara Jones of Nyssa spent arrange their work programs to en be held at the Kingman Kolony and family. guests of Mr. and Mrs Arch Parker Sunday afternoon with Dorothy able the children to attend Mrs. Claud Eachus and Keith were Mr. and Mrs. Gus Sillonis and school starting July 7. Teachers and Farr. Troy Gooing delivered another | helpers from Adrian are: Mr. Wal- shopping in Caldwell Tuesday. children and Mr. and Mrs. Guy Oc- Fifteen friends helped Donna and hay derrick the past week this one j lace Jamlson Mrs George DeHaven, M r and Mrs. R. L. Haworth were amlca and daughters were Ontario Bobbie Trabert celebrate their ninth going to the Virgil Nelson farm. Mr Arlene Peterson and Emma Points. business visitors in Nampa Tuesday. visitors Saturday. and Fourth birthdays respectively Gooing has sold several In the com- The Girl Scouts of Kingman Miss Melba Fisher of California is Mr. and Mrs. K yle Altizer and two Tuesday. Oames were played and re- | mUnlty this season, Kolony, Newell Heights, Adrian and spending a two weeks vacation visit sons of Nampa were Saturday guests freshments were served at the close. Big Bend are practicing for their ing her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George in the Phelan home. Robert Altizer M r and Mrs. George Jensen and 1 annual play. This year’s play Is, “ A Fisher. is enjoying a nine day furlough from chUdren returned from a week’s va Ready Made F’amlly.” The cast for Mrs. Thcs. Welch visited her son, Army duties at Fort Warren, Wyo. cation in southern Idaho and Utah the play is: Phyllis Haworth, Mary W ill and family in Boise a few days j Mr. Kandler was the first Bend Sunday. Lou Jackson. Betty Eachus, Laura last week. rancher to get his threshing done, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Looney and Jake Fischer attended the Drain Prosser, Dorothy Toomb, ESnma Mr. and Mrs. Miller of Roswell l having his winter wheat threshed Ditch meeting in Nyssa Saturday sons of Idaho Falls, were in the Points, Maxine Smith, Virginia Jar Bend Saturday visiting" Mrs. Loon were Sunday guests in the Will Monday. evening. vis, EmUy Otis, and Arene Peterson. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brooks and ey’s cousin Mervln (Pat) Yeager They plan to present the plav Frd 'y | Mrs. McNichols of Ontario spent Mrs. Looney had just returned night, July 18. Sunday evening at the Rock Shelton from a vacation trip to Washington, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Mace and D. C. and Harrisburg, Penn., where home. family. Mr. and Mrs. Delrner Points she visited her mother and cousin Mrs. Christine Jensen of Parma and son of Nyssa, and Mr. and Mrs. and Mr. and Mrs. Harley Smith of George Yeager and other relatives. Everett Points went on a fishing trip Miss Lily Steiner, was a week end Nyssa were dinner guests at the near Pine. Idaho and visited the El guest of Elasie Russell. Luther Fife home the Fourth. mer Points family from July 3 to Elmer Wilson of Silver City, was Catherlna VanTwisk spent a week July 6. at the Rlkers VanTwisk and Kris Injured Wednesday when a horse Mr. and Mrs. Earl Sparks o f Spo fell on him he was brought to Cald K at homes In Valley View. kane, Washington spent from Thurs well to a hospital before he gained M r and Mrs. Robert Lee and Mr. day morning to Sunday with his and Mrs. Malcomb Crawford spent consiousness. His parents, Mr. and mother, Mrs. Ellen Sparks. the Fourth at Caldwell. They en Mrs. Zeb Wilson wrre called to Cald Roy Perry spent the Fourth at joyed the fireworks at the D. L. well and left hi mdoing satisfactory. home. Riley Scott, spent the Fourth with Anderson home that evening In New Mrs. Dennis Patch entertained his brother, K ie Scott. Returning to ell Heights. Tuesday afternoon for her mother. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Nordby of Greenleaf Saturday a. m. Mrs. James Taylor, of Salem, who is Mr. and Mrs. Miles Teter and Gooding spent the week end at the visiting here. chUdren o f Vale spent the Fourth G. H. Ragsdale home. Mr. and Mrs Ray Thrasher and Mr. and Mrs. George Haycock of at the parental Wm. Teter home. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Corn celebrated Albert Bowen, is binding grain Nyssa and Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm the Fourth in Caldwell. Crawford were In Jordan Valley at Apple Valley, where he has three Mrs. Bruce Pinkston and her weeks work. Sunday. baby spent Sunday afternoon at her Sponsored by the Mr. and Mrs. Dick Wyatt, of Elgin, Mamie Fuller of Nampa spent the brother. Ray Thrasher’s home. Gate City Journal week end at the O. Z. Matthews visited the past week with relatives In Owyhee and Bend Adrian and home. and Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Matthews of Rose well. Electrical Miss Florence Russell, Is on the Payette spent the Fourth at the O. Equipment Sales sick list. Z. Matthews home. Mrs. F. A. Miller attended a party Mr. and Mrs. Martin Hobbs and Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Brown of Association at the D. Patch home in Adrian Oakland. California were overnight daughter. Wilma, are visiting at the given in honor of Mrs. Patch’s guests at the Robert Lee home Sat parental Ray Cartwright home over the Fourth. Returning to Long View, mother, Mrs. Taylor of Salem. urday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Powell and Mr. and Mrs. O. Z. Matthews were Washington on Sunday. two children of Ranier. Oregon are in Cascade on business Thursday guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. and Friday. Thos. Welsh. E. A. Wimp is remodeling his Miss Evelyn Haworth left Wednes home. day for San FYancisco. Lila Fife is spending part of the Watch next week’s The two potato houses in Adrian Mr. and Mrs. Walter Matson of week at the home of Mrs. Chrlstene | opened again Monday. paper for complete Milton and son Albert of Portland Jensen in Parma. Arlene Pete.son, Emily Otis, and were the guests of Bend friends details of this big Henry and Katherina VanTwisk Erma Points from Adrian attended Thursday. are recovering from the mumps. cooking school. | a birthday luncheon for Dorothy Miss Virginia Miller of LaGrande Mr. and Mrs. Ness Hatt of Owyhee Toombs in Kingman Kolony Mon spent the eweek end visiting her called at the Robert Toombs home day. parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Miller. Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Sparke and Miss Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Steelman and ! Ellen Sparks were Sunday dinner ; guests at the Elmer Sparks home in Wade. Barbara Hatch and Donna Peter Folks in this community spent a son were those from Adrian attend very sane holiday: Some family ing a birthday dinner for Maryona gatherings and a gathering at the Lane in Kingman Kolony Sunday. The Howard Hatch fam ily attend school house were enjoyed. The Jerry Sinclairs and Bert Hubbards ed the Air Show in Boise July4. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin McGinnis and went to the Owyhee Dam for the day, Mr. and Mrs. Severt FV>x and Mr. and Mrs. James McGinnis went family went to Mile High above on a fishing trip to Ironside July 4. M r and Mrs Lester Garlinghouse Boise where they met his brother Charles Fox Jr., and family and called at the home of her sister, Mrs. Dennis Patch Saturday. Mrs. James spent the day together. Potato diggers are getting Into the Taylor who has been visiting at the fields at day break and sorting crews Patch home, returned to Swan Falls are working long hours sorting pota with the Qarllnghouses. The George DeHaven family has toes for shipping. This morning the sorting crews coming home from the moved to their place south of town packing house at Parma met the which was formerly owned by Jim Webster. diggers going Into the fields. Walt Ilams lost one of his work horses Sunday, which will make him short a horse for harvesting. F*all planted grain Is cut and spring grain Ls ripening fast. The second crop of alfalfa Is growing fine Old hay Is about gone In this community. A chopping outfit from Nampa has cleaned up most of the reserve stacks, and chopps hay from the fields which saves the cost and work of stacking. Roy Rucker who is stationed at the Boise barracks was home for the Fourth, went back for check and came home again Sunday. Mr and Mrs J S. Stout enter tained Mrs. Stout's sister, Mrs. Ada Morley and husband over the week end Miss Norma Stout was home from Boise, also, to visit her parents and her aunt and uncle. Mr and Mrs. Morley from Bend. Mr and Mrs. J. H Correll left An old baby buggy— early Monday morning for Bremer “ Her curtains always look so lovely, and harness, a fresno— ton. Wn taking their daughter. Mrs. — or perhaps some Cleo Whltton and Joanne there to hang perfectly!’' What housewife doesn’t live. Mr Whltton ts employed there potatoes or onions— delight in hearing such admiring comments. Mrs Levi Stephens and M r and or just some article Mrs Tbm Porterfield and baby spent that you have grown W e take just the same pride in laundering the holidays at Boise visiting in the tired of having home of Mr and Mrs. C. C. Melt- your curtains . . . and adding charm to your vedt around the house . . . Leonard Wood spent the Fourth at windows and room. Curtains washed and the Noah House home and 8unday his folks went to get him and spent stretched by our pinless method. the day at the House home. Quentin Correll left for Califor nia. Monday morning, where he srlU work In the defense program H r planned to go first to the Allen Reeds at Hermoaa Beach, and took some of Reed's furnishings with him. Ouests at the Erick Peterson home Telephone, Ontano 98 Telephone, Ontario 99 the part week were Mr and Mrs Dare Findley and son. Jack of W h it tier. California Mrs Everett Thom- j Lower Bend It’s Coining NEXT W EEK A THRILLING COOKING SCHOOL Big Bend Adrian You ’re Invited To Attend Apple Valley Promptly. Insure the way 85% of America insures. In Sound Capital Stock Insurance. Bernard Eastman INSURANCE Real Estate As Clone As Your Telephone NYSSA Telephone 64 TRY NYSSA MERCHANTS FIRST Lovely Curtains W H A T? No W hite Elephants? fn/oy Cool... Filtered, Fresh Air A ISSICK’S (X C IU S IV I "A LL-M ITA L" PRINCIPLE ,. by actual test, give* you COOLER AIR than many old style cooler* using excelsior pads. In addition, you get FAST COOLING and a FIREPROOF filter unit, with no excelsior to replace. Essick Air Coolers are LOW PRICED, too both m first cost and operating cost. j? u u * e * LOOK FOR THIS I M t l l M FROM COAST TO COAST In H O M I » OFFICI • » T O R I E S S I C K '<2ee-/%e&£ AI R C O O L E R S Come To The Nyssa Journal Cooking School July 18-19 NYSSA IMPLEMENT CO. On Goode Avenue, Vi Block W est Poet O ffice You Can Turn Them All Into Cash By Using The Journal W ANT ADS Ontario Laundry & Cleaners