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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (July 10, 1941)
me NYSSA GA VOLU ME XXXVL, NO. 27_ LOCAL NEWS GATEW AY TO TH E OW YHEE AND BLACK CANYON IR RIGATION PROJECTS IN THE HEART OF OREGON S SUGAR EMPIRE Fastest Growing City In Oregon NYSSA, OREGON, THURSDAY, JULY 10, 1941 Children To HavejCash an(j [)oor Prizes To Big Part In Be Given At Cooking School Pioneer Day GAME COMMISSIONER TALKS ON WILD GAME LIFE $1.50 PER YEAR Men Defered For Association Asks Thirty Day Period Completion Of Five men who had been selected I-O-N Cut Off by the Malheur County Local Board (Special) Returns From Indiana— State Game Commissioner. Oeorge Mrs. John Lienhard and son, Jun Aiken gave his views on Wild Game The U. S. Highway 95 Association With 100 percent cooperation of given, the first prize an electric life at a recent meeting of the for induction into the servic were Children, of all ages, in Nyssa and ior, who have been In Anderson, In roaster, second prise a waffle Iron given a 30 day deferrmant pending met in Nyssa Tuesday night to bring all the electrical dealers in Nyssa, surrounding communities will have diana for the past two months visit Chalk Butte Grange, with figures before its members for discussion, the free All-electrical Cooking and third prize an electric iron. Any ing at the home of two of Mrs. Uen- a large share In the activities of school and Demonstration, to be of the prizes for the Individuals may that were surprising to his listeners. legislation now before congress the completion of the 53 remaining which would limit the age of selec | “Pioneer Day," slated for Nyssa on Mr Aiken said that Oregon ranks hard's aunts, returned Tuesday to miles of the Oregon portion of U. 8. Thursday, July 24, according to J. held Friday and Saturday. July 18 be exchanged for any other elec first with its supply of deer with a ts s over 28 years of age. Nyssa. Highway 95. otherwise known as B. Geizentanner and Bernard East and 19 In the old theatre building trical appliance of like value. Those defferred were Emilio Rod- large quantity of Elk. In Boise— the Idaho-Oregon-Nevada cutoff. man who are In charge of the cele next to Wilson Brothers store is as Miss Katherine Peterson, well Oregon Is unrivaled In Chinese ilguez. Vale; Ernest V. Comstock. Mr. and Mrs. Max Ooldman visit bration that will mark the founding sured of being one of the outstand known home economist will be in President Frank T. Morgan askad Pheasants, with an average of 2 birds Abilene, Kan.; Fero-.ln G&vica, Mc- the secretary of the association, R. ed with friends in Boise over the of Nvfsa, It's Industries prepress and ing events for homemakers in and charge of the two day demonstra per acre over the entire state which Fourth. improvements, as well as the rich around Nyssa. tion. She will present new dishes, is more than any other state in the Dermltt; Oscar F Homoky, Arnett, W. Rising, Nampe to give a report At Chanute Fle>'d— fertile and well watered lands that Registration cards will be given new receipts, new menus and new Union, although there Is one county Okla.; and William H. Connor, on the present status of the high Mr. and Mrs. Paul Tuttle received surround the city that was once a each lady attending the school, on clever economical ways to prepare Nyssa. way and of the Defense Highway In Idaho and a small area In South word this week that their son is whistle stop for the Oregon Short which she will write her name and and serve, foods. The Board has lssu d a list of the Act of 1941 as it applied to the com Dakota which has as many. now stationed at the Chanute Field line railroad, and new operated by addrrss and these cards will be There wui be no charge for this He also explained how the Ante following named men to replace pletion of the road. Prefacing his Flight school in Illinoise. the Union Pacific. placed in a receptical and cn the j school and demonstration, it is abso lope. a few years ago practically those deferred: Edward Sanders, remarks. Rising pointed out that of Frank Calvert has been trans Children of all ages are eligible evening of Saturday. July 19 the lutely free; and any home-maker extinct, had been built up to a total Nyssa; Delbert V. Thode, Vale; the 65 miles in Idaho, all Is now ferred to the Hospital Corps of the to enter the parade, either singly or names of three lucky ladies will be | is welcome and urged to attend. of approximately 25.000 In the State Francis H. Blake, Vale; Claude Rich oiled, and the same applies to the U. S. N. at San Diego. The old theatre building will be and 9.000 In Malhuer county, by the ards, Bridgeport, Neb.; and David C. 74 miles In Nevada. Of the 121 miles in groups and may have full reign drawn for the prizes to be awarded of the I-O-N Oregon, 68 miles have furnished with seats for those at Game Preservation Law. Mr Aiken New Troop— in working out an idea. A prize will individuals. Henry, Ontario. These men will re been oiled, 40 have been graded and A new troop has been formed in be given for the best depiction of the A prize of $10 in cash will be a- tending, and every dealer is lending says If this animal is shot In the port to the Board at Vale on July graveled and 13 miles remains as a conjunction with Girl Scout activi parade theme, which is Oregon Trail warded to the women's club with the his support to make the affair one neck and properly dressed It Is as 14, at 2 p. m„ from where they will dirt road, this latter stretch lies be ties in Kingman Kolony and Adrian Days, and early life in Nyssa. Entries largest percentage of total member- of r.-al educational value to the good as venison. be sent to the Induction center at tween the Idaho-Oregon line from according to Mrs. Maurlace Judd, may depict both the serious and | ship attending the demonstration community. A full program of the The aim of the State Game Com two day affair will be given In next mission is to preserve game for the Portland, wii.h* 20 other men from Malloy s ranch to a point five miles troop leader. This new group com humorous phases of colonial day for the two days. north of Jordan Valley. posed of twelve girls ten years old life. Every child who expects to en Individual door prizes will to be week's Issue of the Nyssa Journal. future generations, that they will the county. will be under the care of Mrs. Den ter the parade is asked to register Two bills. Rising said, have been not be deprived of the pleasure of nis Patch and Mrs. Walter McPart- with Mrs. Gilbert Allsebrook not Introduced In the Congress, one, the hunting and also the delicious food land for the summer. later than Monday. July 14. senate bill passed on June 17 pro derived from It. viding for federal participation of The parade committee made up Scout Play— Mr. Aiken compared the wild ani 75 per cent. D ie house bill which The Adrian Girl Scouts under the of Bishop Duwayne L. Anderson, mals to crops and advised that they has been reported out by the Roods direction of Mrs Ralph Hayworth chairman, Bernard Frost. Lloyd be harvested as such. committee on June 30. provides for will present their annual play Lewis. Malcom Crawford. Mrs. Ken Some industrious 4-H club mem The Nyssa Lions Club, at an even W. I. Hodge was employed Monday a 75 per cent federal participation "Ready Made Family” at 8:15 p. m. neth Cottle and Mrs. Gilbert Allse ing meeting held in Brownies Cafe, ber will be the proud possessor of night by the city council as project plus a share of the remaining 25 per on the evening of Friday, July 15. brook, announces ethuastic cooper installed new officers for the com Kingman Kolony La Haule King, SEED ASSOCIATION engineer for the laying of the new cent equal to the ratio that the 1941 at the Adrian Higli School Aud ation on the part of the business ing year, and presented Ronald G. whose registration is pending with JOINS LEAGUE water mains on Main street. He will area of unappropriated and unre houses and fraternal and civic or Whitaker, out-going president of the the Jersey Cattle Club of America, itorium. be paid on an actual cost basis, served public and nontaxable Indian The play is a three act comedy ganizations both in Nyssa and sur club with a past presidents pin. at the conclusion of the Malheur The Blue Mountain Seed Associa rather than the usual per cent of lands, bears to the total area of the and according to those fortunate rounding communities. The latest Installed as president was Fred County Fair, to be held in Ontario. tion has Joined the Oregon State the Job. state Rising said that he believed enough to have seen some of the organization to make known their Burgesser: vice-president, Henry H. August 30 to September 1. according Seed League, according to M. W. After canvassing the votes of the that this feature of the House bill rehearsals is a riotous, 3 act comedy intention to enter a float is the Ore- Hartley; secretary, K. K. Lienkaem- to Thaddene Osborn, secretary of Osborne, president. The purpose of election held June 30. the council would be Included In the Senate blU. which gives promise of topping any ogn Trail Grange, which Tuesday per; tail-twister. Bernard Eastman the Fai. Board the league is to encourage the grow performances yet given by the troop. night voted to take part in the cele and Herschel Thompson as director. This announcement was made fol ing of better seed, and to develop adopted a resolution providing for Both bills provide for $250,000,000. Of the sale of the $13,000 bond Issue. this amount, according to the House The cast is made up of ten girls bration. Committee chairmen for the com lowing a meeting at which Beau The bonds will be In demoir.lnations report, Oregon would reoelve $ 1 ,- Others, who have not done so, and ing year were announced by the new mont and Toombs. Jersey breeders, new seeds for field and pastures. from the troop of high school age. Osborne, and Burnall Hugg, sec Special music is also being arrang wish to enter a float in the parade president. Heading the Constitution offered the four month old Jersey retary of the association, at the May of $500 and will be callable after 647,906 ed to add to the entertainment, ac are advised to notify any of the and By-laws committee is Bernard Bull as an award to the first prize meeting of th? League held at Cor five years, according to M. P. Solo Following a general discussion, cording to Mrs. M. L. Judd troop above committee members not later Eastman; Finance, S. E. Smith; winner in the grade heifer division vallis. were elected to the board mon, city recorder. with delegations from Jordan Valley, The police report for June, sub Nyssa, Welser, Payette, Parma, than Monday evening. leader Education. H. H. Hartley; Program one and two for 4-H clubs. To be mitted by Chief of Police Cook Caldwell, Nampa and Boise taking Other features of special interest and Entertainment, R. G. Whitaker; eligible for competition for this an of directors for a one year term. At Mountains— The Blue Mountain Seed Orower's showed that there had been 18 ar Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Allsebrook to youngsters and enjoyment for Publicity. L. P. Thomas; Ways and imal. at least five Jersey's must be Association was oiganized In the rests made, nine of which were for part, it was deemed advisable to have a delegation from Jordan Val spent the week end at Wallowa Lake the older folk’ will be the childrens Means, Dr. K. E. Kerby; Gills and on the farm of the contestants. spring of 1940 as a cooperative con Kingman Kolony La Haule King cern with farmers of Malhuer and drunkeness, the balance for traffic ley and Nyssa contact the Oregon and viewed Hells Canyon from Rim athletic events and the pony races Boys Activities, R. Sawyer; Citizen violations. to be held at the school athletic ship, Bernard Frost: Community was sired by Coronation Catlllon of Highway Commission at it's regular Rock. Wayne Morris, the report stated meeting to be held In Portland, grounds. In the ponv race events the Betterment, Cliff Main: Lions Edu B. F 377043 who is a son of Coro Union Counties, and officers wrre Visiting Daughters— elected as follows: president. M. W. reported the loss of a storage battery Mrs. R. Nankervls of Butte, Mont., ag? limit has been set for children cation. F T. Morgan: Health. Dr. L. nation La Haule King 358518. now Osborne, Nyssa; vice-president, Fred stolen from his car. which was not Thursday, July 17. is a house guest of her daughter. frem 8 to 16 years of age, according A M:i Hiding: Safety. Herschle herd sire at the University of Idaho Paddock. Union; secretary and treas recovered. Don Graham also re Following the recommendation of Mrs. Arthur H. Boydell and is also to Martin Osborne, chairman cf the Thompson; Sunshine. R. Sawyer at Moscow, 'rfe prize young bull's j urer: Burnall Hugg. LaGrande. ported the loss of a lawn mower, the Highway Association the Nyssa dam was Kingman Kolony Maids manage; H. G Avery. LaGrande. visiting with her daughter. Mrs. pony races. All entries must be made and Ellis Stoker Chamber of Commerce on Wednes cn or before Wednesday, June 23 April 1244467. who now Is on test at | and Salesman Alva Watts. Prma, which likewise has not been recover day agreed and President Dr. Kerby William Feinen. ed. a wheelbarrow reported taken Th? athhtlc events will be In 810 (rounds of milk and 38.1 pounds | Idaho. These officers are outstand Visitors At Douglas Home— from tlie new depot was recovered, appointed Frank T. Morgan a* of butterfat on the July 1. Mr and Mrs. Fr.d Maurer an eharge of Dr. K E. Kerby and Dr chairman of a committee to be ing farm citizens and aie proving the report showed. This calf may be seen at any time themselves worthy of their positions, two daughters. Betty M :e and Mary E D Norcctt. selected by himself to represent -------------♦ ------------- at the Toombs and Beaumont ranch Lou of Hood River arrived at the Nyssa at the meeting of the com In the fact that the started with in Kingman Kolony, one of the about $4,000 00 cash and today the F. S. A. BORROWERS TO ELECT mission. Grovpr Douglas home In Owyhee 1 ENNIS COURT TO show places in the country for Jer Company Is worth $20,000.00. Monday, Junp 30, to spend their va BUYER CO-OP DIRECTOR Mayor B. R. Scott, and Marlon F. Nyssa residents and neighboring sey cattle. cation and to visit other friends BE COMPLETED Worten, represented Jordan Valley At a meeting in Iowa last year the ---------* --------- farmers will be given an opportunity They returned to their home on Sun Farmers, who have borrowed at the meeting and will probably be Blue Mountain Co., was given credit The tennis court in the city park to participate in the broad program day. by the Government Inspector, to money from the Farm Security Ad among the delegation from that city of the government to relieve the LOUISE HINTON IS will, within the next week, be com Visits Parents— have the best seed display from ministration. and who live west of to go to Portland. Mr. and Mrs. George J. Mitchell pleted, following a meeting of the monotony of the essential routine FAIR PRINCESS among 46 different seed dealers In Lytle Boulevard, south of Enter in naval bases and army camps, ac prise avenue and north of the Owy Louise Hinton, Adrian, has been the state. enjoyed a visit from their son. Pete Park Board Tuesday night. The of Los Angeles and Miss Muriel Board authorized the president. Cliff cording to George J. Mitchell, gen selected by the Malheur County O. F. TO LIST, The company purchased the Ml- hee River, will meet at the Sunset I. Mills of San Francisco the first of Main to buy a net and the necessary eral chairman of the Nyssa com Fair Board as a princess to the chelea- Leonard Seed Co. warehouse Valley community hall on Monday. HONOR PIONEERS mittee to raise funds for the United materials for a backstop and to em July 14 at 8:30 p. m. for the pur ’ court of Eris Jamison, Fair Queen, the week. Pete who has been sta In Ontario where their present pose of electing a district director tioned with the U. S. Army Air corp ploy the labor necessary to erect Service Organizations. The quc|a according to an announcement made county office does business. Gate City Lodge, 214, Independent set for Nyssa is $225 Frank T. Mor them. Mayor Olsen has agreed to this week by the board. a t Los Angeles has been transfered Prom all indications the Blue to the Malheur County Purchasing Order of Odd Fellows, will sponsor gan, assistant chairman said, and make the center posts for the net. Her appointment will fill the va Mountain Seed Co. Is a fast growing Co-operative. to Lowry Field. Denver. the registration and honoring of the It is expected that It will take a with the help of the Civic Club, cancy left on the resignation of two concern and Is well on Its way to The purchasing co-operative la at communities' oldest citizens in the From New York— whose members will contact the res former princess'. The appointment week or ten days before the Job can present being supervised by the F. Mrs. Clyde Shute and daughter idential part of the city and the of a second princess is yet to be putting Oregon seed to the front S. A. until a full board of director! Pioneer Day celebration parade to where it rightfully belongs, for with Sharon Kay arrived Tuesday from be completed. be held In Nyssa on Thursday, July Chamber of Commerce and Lions made the climate and water available In are elected when It will be turned 24. Hunt, New York to visit her par club who will take care of collecting -------------- g>__________ this state it only needs proper over to the farmers. For this reason ents, Mr. and Mrs Claude Smith of F. H. A. IMPROVEMENT LOAN D ie committee In charge is com from the business district, there NYSSA HOSPITAL management to Improve the many only those fanners who have F. S. posed of R E Moss, chairman, Lee Newell Heights. Mr Shute will join ACT IS EXTENDED shculd be little difficulty in raising A. loans are eligible to vote at the Making up for lost time the different seeds grown here. her later. Miller and Herschel Diompson. this amount before Wednesday, July stork lit fonr times In one twenty- election. ________ _________ On Vacation— Loans for the improvement, alter 16. when the Oregon campaign will The co-operative Is one In which Those wishing to register for the four hour period a t the hospital the Mr. and Mrs. Glea Billings and ation or repairs of existing structur be brought to a close. past week. He was assisted by Dr. KEITH MOSS TO MANAGE a group of farmers, not able to buy parade and to participate in the Oeorge are enjoying a vacation with es under the Federal Housing Act W. W. Dillon, campaign director L. A. Mauldlng. Dr. K. E. Kerby and NEW GARAGE DEPARTMENT implements of brood sires Individu ceremonies are asked to contact any has been extended according to for Idaho and eastern Oregon said Dr. J. J. Sarazin. of the members of the above com relatives and friends in Colorado. Keith Moss, well known auto me ally may band together and make mittee. John Ostrom, of the Nyssa Lumber that the civilian population in Mal In Spokane— To Mr and Mrs. Alvin Payne, a chanic In and around Nyssa, and the purchase. Mr and Mrs. Wayne Romph and company. -------------♦ ------------- heur county should make every et- daughter was bom on July 7, 1941 ------------- ♦------------- formerly an operator of a garage In Under the extension of Improve fort to see that the U. S. O. Is given children of Nampa, accompanied by To Mr. and Mrs. Nolan Collins, a Ontario has been named as shop MRS. CHARLES BRADLEY Mrs. Hazel D. Oildea and son, Ther- ment loans under the A. B. C. (Al the money asked from each com son was bom on July 8, 1941. HELD FOR GRAND JURY foreman at the Malheur Motor Com INJURED on, drove to Spokane on Tuesday. lied Building Credits) which oper munity as the funds will go toward ON PROPERTY DAMAGE To Mr and Mrs. Tracy Mefford The Romphs went on to Sandpoint. ates under' the F. H. A. insurance the maintenance of the cantonments a daughter waa bom on JulyS. 1941 pany. according to Shlrely Manser. Another appointment to the force Idaho, and Mrs. Oildea and son will plan, there is no charge for loans to be built by the government in Don Graham. Nyssa. Is free on I On Monday Mrs. Charles Bradley To Mr and Mra. Frank Bridges up to $2500 There is however, a new which will be afforded entertain a daughter waa bom, July 8. 1941 of the new Nyssa Ford agency is $250 bond, following a preliminary of Kingman was severely Injured remain in Spokane. that of Jlir. Correll, former owner of From Colorado— feature, according to Ostrom. which ment and social advice to the young hearing In Justice of the Peace when she slipped from a stool while To Mr and Mrs Harold Perkins, Mr and Mrs. B F. Zimmerman of covers loans up to $5.000 and exceed men of the nation who are In the Vale, a daughter was bom. July 9. the Texaco station here, as parts Thomas Brown’s court In Ontario working In her kitchen and sustained Vroman, Colorado, visited at the ing $2500. This type of loan will be armed services. “It's up to every 1941 The young lady has been and office man In the service sta Tuesday on a charge filed by Ser a badley wrenched back from the faU. tion is Gordon Correll and Jim Martin V. Osborn home on Sunday. made for conversion of single family citizen to see that our boys in the named Deanna Lee. Sharp, while the sales force is com geant Ted Chambers of the State When found by a friend assist dwellings to multipule type, or cov service are given good clean enter Sister Visit*— Police. The charge accuses O rah am Fred Wilcox and Mrs. Mary Marez When Dr and Mrs F D. Ncrcott ers repairs, alterations or improve tainment and a social enviroment were admitted to the hospital this posed of Fred Sims and Kenneth of damaging private property not ing her, Mrs. Bradley was uncon- clous and the extent of her Injuries returned from their vacation. Mrs. ments of existing multipule dwell that is properly supervised," Dillon week for medical care and Mrs. Will Olles. his own. growing out of shooting at could not be determined. An ambu G. H Kennlston accompanied them. ings. Five years is the limit of time said. The U. S. O. is composed of iam Schwelzer. of Owyhee waa taken the new residence of A. C. Sallee lance from the Nyssa Funeral Home Dr. and Mrs. Kennlston had motor extended under this type of loan. the Y M C. A., Y. W C. A.. Nat to the hospital on July 4, suffering At Boeing— on North Fourth street. was called which took the patient Arthur Vernon Cook, son of Mr. ________ *■ ________ ed to Bums from San Mateo. Calif., Orahair. will face the county to Holy Rosary Hospital at Ontario. ional Catholic Community Service. from a broken leg. and Mrs. A. V. Cook who left on where they were Joined by Dr. and Old Frirnda Expected— Salvation Army. Jewish Welfare H E Beiders also received medical Saturday for the Boeing airplane grand Jury in Auguat. as the charge X ray pictures taken showed no Mrs. Norcott and all enjoyed a fish Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Hunt are look- ’ Board and the National Travelers care at the hospital on Monday and misdemeanor. sign of broken bones and Mrs Brad factory has written that he success is an indictable — g_______ ing trip together. ing forward to a visit from Major Aid Association. Tuesday. ley is reported to be Improving. Her fully passed his examinations and In Twin Falls— Home From Portland— and Mrs. Walter Strange and Mrs Morgan and Mitchell pointed out _______ A daughter, Mrs. William Gordon, of was to report for work today Mr and Mrs. Orant Lewis visited 8trange’s aunt, Mrs. Gertrude C ar- | that two things of many, tend to Parents Visit— Bud O rinm returned home on Vale came to be with her father as Visit From Twin Pall»— in Twin Falls over the week end. non the end of the week. The visit lower the morale (spirit) of the Sunday from Portland where he had Rev. and Mrs. E. P. Lawerence Mr. and Mrs. R. P Roberts, their visited at the Emmanuel hospital soon as she was notified of the ac In Boise— ors are old time residents of Nyssa youth of our country in the services. Caldwell were week end visitors of cident. Mr and Mrs. William E Schire- and many friends are looking for The boys in uniform stand on street their son-in-law and daughter. Mr son and grandson visited with the with his brother. Marlon, who has James and Felton Duncan families man with Dickie and Glen spent the ward to their visit. Major Strange comers wondering what to do no and Mrs. Carlos Buchner. been a patient there for several over the holidays. The visitors were months Bud reports that next week TO ATTEND INSTITUTE Fourth in Boise. is being transfered from the Pres place to go. no good friend to whom On Wednesday next. Rev Milton from Twin Fails and Mrs. Roberts Is Phyllis accompanied Mr and Mrs idio at San Francisco to Philadel they may turn when lonely or In Marlon will be able to return R. Oreenlee and Mrs Oreenlee with a sister of the Duncan brothers. McCollough and their family to Vale phia. home for a stay of perhaps fifteen members of the Nyssa Ep- need of advice The second Is that In Mountains— At Payette Lakes— In Baker— the homesick boy is often an easy two months He will then have to worth League will leave for Coro Mr and Mrs Louis P. Thomas Miss Francis McKenna of Ogden return to the hospital for further for a weeks stay at Institute being Mr and Mrs R. A. Thompson with prey for the vicious elements which . . nice to see Jesse Thompson perk spent the holiday in the mountains Mr and Mrs. Ralph Beutler and promote questionable recreation and ing about again . that good look was a guest of Mr and Mrs Clar treatment. held there Both Rev Oreenlee and above Baker sharon. Ronnie Thompson, and Mr even vice. It is to combat these two ing bronc from Minnesota on parade ence Brewster over the Rnirth and A Son Barn— Mrs Oreenlee will have places on Sunday . . brush fires glowing along Brother Visit»— went with them and Irv Hodges to and Mrs Chas Yergen motored to problems as well as m«ny more that Mr and Mrs. T. T. Elliott re the faculty there. The Nyroa group O. P Fauchier of Indianapolis was Baker and took in the Rodeo there a drive is being made to raise funds the rim at dusk . . . Brownie looking Payette Lakes ceived word recently of the arrival will be Joined at Ontario by another a holiday visitor of his slater. Mrs. | the Fourth for the U. 8 O. Those wishing to for any gal that is a cook and we're At Anthony Lake— of a new grandson William Lawr group of about twelve from that city C A. Abbot and Dr Abbott and his Mr and Mrs. Yergen who had contribute may contact either looking for the guy who threw the Mr and Mrs A. V. Cook with ence Patterson, born to their son- and all will proceed together mother. Mrs. Arrllla Fauchier over ! visited at the Beutler home over Mitchell or Morgan or call the lighted match In the paper filled Jimmy Joined the W K. Davis fair - in-law and daughter. Mr and Mrs W. W Foster also hopes to the Fourth He left to visit another the week end returned to their Journal office and a solicitor will stove this July press day . lly of Baker an the Fourth and all W L Patterson new living in Wash accompany the Nyssa class of young slater at Missoula. Montana i home in Salem on Sunday. call to accept the donation. enjoyed a ptcnle at Anthony Lake ington. people. Lions Install New Officers Jersey Sire Is 4H Fair Award Council Employs Project Engineer Drive For Soldier Funds Under Way o. ■■■■■■■I ’ROUND TOWN lM hdkg.l Mk »ÜT Published at Nyssa, Oregon. JOURNAL