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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (May 1, 1941)
/ y I THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL The Gate City Journal WINIFRED BROWN THOMAS • - • • Owner FOUIS P THOMAS . . . . Editor and Publisher INDEPENDENT IN POLITICS AND RELIGION. OPTIMISTIC IN DISPOSITION—WITH NO INTERESTS TO SERVE EXCEPT THOSE OP MALHEUR COUNTY SUBSCRIPTION RATES One Year ................ *150 Six Months .................. $100 Single Copies ....................... 05 (Strictly In Advance) ADVERTISING BATES Open rate, per Inch......— $0c National. Per Inch .......... 30c Classifieds. Per word ----- Ole Minimum 25c Published every Thursday at Nyss» Malheur County, Oregon. Entered at the postoffice at Nyssa, Oregon for transmission through the United States Malls, as second class matter, under the act of March 3. 1879. NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL’S PROGRAM ------ + ------ Co-operative Marketing Association for Malheur Fanners A Properly Equipped Trailer Camp A City Park A Comprehensive Street Improvement Plan STATE C A P IT O L N E W S A. L. LINDBECK State Capitol News Bureau SALEM —Oregon has 322 machine, prediction was to call attention to woodworking and sheetmetal shops I the fact that the state has Just got- suitable for conversion into defense ten rid of a legislative session and Industries the Oregon Economic nothing now on the political hori Council told Governor Sprague this zon would appear to point to the week. These .shops now employ 4206 need for another gathering of the men and would need 11.670 skilled lawmakers before January. 1943. workers for capacity production, the report pointed out. A total of 15.845 The action of five Portland hos skilled workers were listed in the pitals In increasing charges for the reixirt as available for defense pro care of Injured workmen whose bills duction jobs in this state. are paid by the industrial accident O. D. Adams, state director for vocational education, has been granted an indefinite leave of ab sence from his state job in Oregon to serve Uncle Sam. Adams, who has been away from Salem for the past six months on a temporary leave, is a lieutenant commander in the naval reserve and is in charge of the education pregram yard. Os- car Paulson, assistant director, is pich hitting for Adams during his absence. commission has revived discussion of a proposed state hospital to handle these cases. The suggestion has been advanced by responsible state offic ials that such an Institution could care for hospitalized persons on the reliel rolls as well as Injured work men who are protected by the work men's compensation act. Although Ule Board of control has awarded the contract tor draft lng pians for the new treatment hos- pital at the state hospital In Salem It is not expected that actual con- The prediction of Speaker Robert stniction work on the new building 8. Farrell, Jr., that the legislature j w “1 *et underway until next Jail will be called Into special session if Dr. John ^ C. Evans, superintendent “* this nation becomes embroiled In of the institution, expects to leave the world war. Is not taken seriously soon lor a tour of mid-west and by state officials generally. Gover eastern states where he will visit nor Sprague's only reaction to the other Institutions of this kind In or der to gather new Ideas to be Incor porated Into the Oregon Institution. i )f, „ , ?Jr;ace The peace that our departed know cannot be felt by (hose here. What we can contribute to the pence of mind of those who are grieved is the assurance of dig nity and good taste, and as reasonable an ex pense as is passible. Please let us help you. NYSSA FUNERAL NOME Ambulance Service Phone 73W Nyssa A total of 413 Oregon motorists were arrested by State Police for drunken driving during 1940 accord ing to tile annual report of Chas. P Pray, superintendent. Violation of the basic rule resulted in 502 arrests and 319 motorists were arrested for reckless driving. Oregon now has approximately 18,700 men in Uncle Sam's armed forces according to records of state selective headquarters. This number Includes 16.493 officers and non-com missioned or enlisted through reg ular army, navy, and marine corps channels, and more than 2,200 who have been Inducted for a year of training under the selective service act. By the end of June, according to Lt. Col. Elmer V. Wooten, state director of selective service, there will be more than 20,000 Oregon men In the armed forces of the na tion. Of the 18.493 Oregon men com missioned or enlisted through reg ular channels 6.004 are in the reg ular army and organized reserve*. 5.715 are In the Oregon national guard now In active service. 3.964 are Evangelistic Meetings Starting Sunday A.M. May 4 The Public Is Cordially Invited Nyssa Church of Christ B. R on Evans. Evangelist J. S. Been». Pastor THURSDAY, MAY 1, 1941 ed the music festival at Vale Friday. Bud Wilscn of Oregon Trail and | C. M. Tensen and son Neil were in Harper on business Monday. Edna Hallock, Norma Jensen, and Marjorie Groot attended the music festival at Emmett Saturday. Mrs. Harry Shelton of Nyssa Heights, Mrs Rock Shelton, and Ministers or others interested in church publicity are invited to use Maxine Nelda Chamberlain, and the columns of the Journal to carry important messages and notices „ th„ r itrl„ In_ to their congregations. Please try to get your copy in by Tuesday ol RaY Salie‘ attended the Little in- each week. ternational Stock Show at the N Y. A. school at Weiser. CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE CHURCH OF CHRIST Marilyn Crawford was ill Saturday. Sixth Near Main Meets in Legion Hall. Mrs. Harvey Shelton of Nyssa Vem Martin, Pastor Minister J. S. Beam, Ontario. Heights and Mrs. Rock Shelton were Sunday school at 10 a. m. Sunday Bible School, 10 a. m. in Caldwell on business Tuesday. Morning worship at 11 a. m. Sunday preaching and commun Woodrow Bogart left Monday for Young peoples meeting at 7:15 ion, 11 a. m. Yakima. p. m. Evangelistic meetings, 7:45 p. m. Fred Koopman was in Ontario on Evangelistic service at 8 p. m. The public is cordially Invited to business Saturday. Prayer meeting on Tuesday and attend our services. Mis. J. C. Smith of Nyssa and Thursday evening. Mrs. A. L. Atkeson and Elizabeth ST. PAUL’S EPISCOPAL MISSION were in Me Call Sunday. The Rev. B. Stanley Moore, Vicar FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST Mr. and Mrs. Gerrit Stam spent Morning prayer and sermon 9:30 Sunday afternoon at the L. Frier- SCIENTIST ermuth home in Parma. 215 North 9th Street, Payette Idaho a. m. Holy Communion and sermon Joyce Chambers participated in A branch ol The Mother Church, The First Church of Christ, Scient- each Fourth Sunday of the month the Music Festival at Vale Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Little of Church school at 10:30 a. m. iest, in Boston. Massachusetts. Lenten Cottage Services, 8 p. m. Caldwell were Friday evening din Sunday School—10:00 a. m. ner guests at the John Lackey home. Reading Room — 710 1st Ave. Friday evenings. North. Open daily from 2 to 4 p. m Vivian Fife attended practice for where the Bible and authorized the Blossom Festival Monday even L. D. S. CHURCH Christian Science Literature may be ing at Payette. read, borrowed or purchased, and is Sunday. 10 a. m.—Sunday School open every day from two to four Ray Salser of Weiser spent the p. m.. except Sundays and holidays. meeting. I week at the Rock Shelton home. Sunday, 11:30 a. m.—Priesthood ; Mrs. Frank Quigley, Mrs. Frank FULL GOSPEL TABERNACLE meeting. Mercer, and Mrs. C. W. Maxwell of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd N. Pounds Sunday, 7:30 p. m Sacrament Wilder spent Sunday afternoon at pastors. I . the Jake Fischer home. meeting. Sunday School at 10:00 a. m. Tuesday, 2 p. m. Relief Society j Joyce chambers was in Caldwell Morning Worship 11 a. m. ! Thursday. Evangelistic services on Sunday, METHODIST COMMUNITY Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Whalen were CHURCH I Sunday dinner guests at the John Phone 131W | Lackey home. They drove over the PARMA LUTHERAN CHURCH Merle W. Burres, Minister. Black Canyon Project in the after* Jubilate Sunday: Church School 10 a. m. j noon. Morning Worship 11 a. m. 10:00 a. m.—Divine service. Harry Francis of Depot Bay and The Palm Sunday meditation will Fred Koopman were Sunday dinner 11:00 a. m.—Sunday School and be. "King of Kings, and Lord of guests of Grandma Stam in Oregon Bible classes for all. Lords,” Trail Thursday. 8:00 p. m.—The Walther League You are invited to worship with Lila Fife was on the sick list this meets at the church. us. week. Epworth League 7:30 p. m. Monday 8 p. m.—Adult member Vernon Jones stopped at the Le- The subject of the Epworth Lea Roy T. Ellibee home on his way to ship class meets at the church. If gue service will be, "Getting Ready Nebraska from Portland Thursday. you have no church home, we invite for Easter.” Oscar Bratton will be Herman Rhode spent the week you to come and worship with us. the leader. with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Hen Visitors are always welcome. ry Rhode, in Homedale. The Church School will give a pro "A Changless Christ for a Chang Mr. and Mrs. Pete Tensen and gram next Sunday morning at the son Dick visited at the M. Hart ing World.” Church School hour. The choir will home in Oregon Trail Sunday even sing an Easter anthem and the min ing. ister will preach on the theme, "Im ASSEMBLY OF GOD mortali ty.” The Church With a Welcome Legal Advertisement South Second between Reece and KINGMAN COMMUNITY SUMMONS King CHURCH IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR Pastor, Ivan West Ernest Tetwiler, Pastor MALHEUR COUNTY Sunday school 10 a. m. Mrs E Sunday school, 10 a. m. Nyssa-Arcadia Drainage District, Osborn, superintendent. A Quasi-Municipal Corporation, Morning worship, 11 a. m. Plaintiff, vs. O. J. Winston; Oliver Morning worship 11 a. m. Evangelistic services, 8 p. m. J. Winston; Herbert A. Winston; Christian Endeavor 7:45 p m Ruth J. Winston; Fred J. Winston; Young Peoples service, 8 p. m. Evening worship 8:30 p m. the unknown heirs or devisees of Oliver J. Winston, Deceased; the un known heirs or devisees of Albertina In the navy and naval reserves and staying at the L. T. Chambers home Winston. Deceased; and also all other persons or person unknown 810 are In the marine corf». previously occupied by Mr. and Mrs. claiming any right, title or Interest Golden Leavitt. in or to the real property described the application on file herein. Tlie cash balance in the state Belvadine Reece of Nyssa was a in Defendants. treasury hit a new all-time high this dinner guest of Joyce Chambers To O. J. Winston. Oliver J. Win week with a total of $19,278,350 to Tuesday. ston. Herbert A. Winston. Ruth J. Winston, Fred J. Winston, the un its credit, it was reported by Leslie Fred Koopman was a business vis known heirs or devisees of Oliver J. M. Scott, state treasurer. Heavy in Winston. Deceased, the unknown itor in Notus Thursday. come tax payments account for the heirs or devisees of Albertina Win Mr. and Mrs. Harley Smith and ston, Deceased, and also all other high total at this time. Christine Able were overnight guests persons or person unknown claim at the Luther Fife home Friday. ing any right, title or interest in or The Board of Control has agreed to the real property described in the Mr. and Mrs. Smith returned from application on file herein. Defend to sell a ten acre tract on the state Oklahoma and plan to make their ants above named: hospital farm southeast of Salem IN THE NAME OF THE .STATE home in Nyssa. to the city for use as a garbage OF OREGON: You and each of you Mrs. LeRoy T. Ellibee and family hereby are notified that the Nyssa- dump. Tlie tract includes a deep ra Arcadia Drainage District is the vine which the city wants for this were Sunday dinner guests at the owner and holder of Certificates Roy Ellibee home on the Black Can purpose. of Delinquency numbered 7511. yon Pdoject. 7510. 7509. 7508, and 7507 issued Mrs. Luther Fife and Lila were In to plaintiff district on the 20th day Gasoline taxes totalling $2. 955.688. Parma Friday and Saturday. Mrs. of January. 194!. and Certificate of 50 for the first three months of 1941 Delinquency numbered 7865 issued to Fife's sister, Mrs. A. D. Crockett of plaintiff district on the 26th dav showed an increase of $404.804 53 Gletmsferry was there also. of June. 1935. by the Tax Collector of over the same period In 1940, ac Mrs. Luther Fife. Mrs. Rock Shel Malheur County. Oregon, for the cording to a report by secretary of amount of Eight Hundred ton. and Nelda Chamberlain attend- total Ninety-two and 32 100 Dollars state. Snell. Gasoline tax collections for each of the three months In the quarter showed an increase over the comparable month a year ago. GRIPS LOW COST SILENTLY SAFE SURELY LONG WEAR LINING Alberta Valley That said petitions will be heard and considered by the Board of Direct ors of the Owyhee Irrigation District at its regular meeting to be held on Tuesday. May 6, 1941, at 8:00 o’clock P. M. at the District office at Nyssa, Oregon, and all persons Interested, or desiring to object thereto, are notified to appear at the office aforesaid, at the time above stated, and show cause In writing, if any they have, why the prayers of said petitions and each of them should not be granted. Dated this 1st day of April, 1941. by order of the Board of Directors. Frank T. Morgan, Secretary Owyhee Irrigation District First publ. April 10, 1941. Last publ. May 1, 1941. NOTICE OF HEARING ON FINAL ACCOUNT IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR MALHEUR COUNTY In the Matter of the Estate of ALBERT HINSCH, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that the final account of Loring Taylor, Ad ministrator of the estate of Albert Hinsch, deceased, has been filed In the County Court of the State of Oregon. Malheur County, and that the 3rd day of May, 1941, at tlie hour of 10:30 A. M., has been duly appointed by such Court for tlie hearing of objections to such final account and settlement thereof, at which time any person interested in said estate may appear and file ob jections thereto in writing and con test the same. Dated this 3rd day of April, 1941. LORING TAYLOR Administrator Max S. Taggart. Ontario, Oregon Attorney for Estate First Published: April 3, 1941. Last Published: May 1, 1941. NOTICE OF HEARING OWYHEE IRRIGATION DISTRICT NOTICE HEREBY IS GIVEN That Petitions for Inclusion of Lands into the Owyhee Irrigation District have been filed with the Board of Directors of said District, and that the owners of said lands and pet itioners are as follows: James W. Grigg: E^NEVi Sec. 3, Tp. 18 S. Rng. 45 E. W. M. Amas C FYiend and Edith Friend: SWVvSW'A Sec. 4, Tp. 18 S. Rng. 45. t i . W. M. Chas. L. Joseph and Dorothy Jos- eph. That pan of N W 7 S W 1, Sec. 5; ^ 76 S Rl« 47 E. W. M. lying North of main canal of Payette, Ore gon Slope Irrig. District all in Mal heur County, State of Oregon That the prayer of each of said petitions and petitioners is that an order be made by the Board of Dir- ectors of the Owyhee Irrigation Dis trict including the lands described in each of such petitions and as hereinabove set forth within tlie boundaries of said District. — and wholesome Healthy Gate City Dairy Milk is a necessary part of a well balanced meal Morning and Evening Deliveries Gate City Dairy PHONE 104W NOW Is The Time- TO MAKE ARRANGEMENTS FOR YOUR Polar Cold Storage Locker In order to store your WINTER SUPPLY of fresh fruits and vegetables. WHY NOT ENJOY THESE ALL WINTER LONG? We have for sale- Beef by Quarter Pork by half or whole For QUICK, SAFE, SMOOTH STOPS The Salem city council Is giving consideration to an ordinance creat ing a restricted building zone around the state capital group. This action Is being taken as the result of a storm of protest aroused by the pro posal to locate another fUlti« sta tion on Capitol street directly across from land being acquired by the state for the purposed new office building. Bud Wilson and C. M. Tensen i were at Freezeout Tuesday. They j started shearing sheep there. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Groot spent j Sunday afternoon with Orandma Stam and Klaas In Oregon Trail. Malcolm Crawford and Mrs. L. T. j — I Chambers attended an L. D. S. I Union meeting m Weiser Sunday. Mr and Mrs Jake Van Twtsk and family were In Parma Sunday Mrs. Vernon Parker and family j h of Adrian were Sunday dinner guests i - at the Robert Toombs home Mr and Mrs. Jess Haney of Cald well spent Monday evening at the Leo Fife home. Mr. and Mrs. James Taylor of Parma and Mr and Mrs Olenn Weaver of Wilder at the Ora Friel home Sund ayevening. O. Z. Matthews left for Portland with a carload of cattle Friday. Lowell Hallock entertained 11 friends on his 15th birthday Sunday j I Refreshments were served. Mr and Mrs. C. M Tensen and , Neil. Mrs. T. M Beranek .and Mar jorie Groot were dinner guest at the Clayton Jensen home Sunday. Mr and Mrs Dick Groot were In Ontario on business Thursday They also visited at the Jim Kaitebeeke ! I home. | Mr and Mrs Jay Roskelly are | | FICHER’S SLAUGHTERHOUSE IS NOW IN OPERATION (1 Mile West of Nyssa on Alberta Ave.) P R U Y N ’S G A R A G E 2nd and Main Street WE BUTCHER EVERY THURSDAY WHY NOT GIVE US A TRIAL? / V OUR RETAIL v MEATS MAY BE INSPECTED «.N T S AND BOUGHT »oat let a *** AT POLAR COLD ,i■ « • # * * * 1 i h l * 9 l Ho a i || r l f O l* • j j ($892.32) the same being the amount then due and delinquent for drain age district assessments for the yeiis 1939, 1938. 1937, 1936, 1935, and 1934 respectively, together with interest and costs thereon accrued and accruing upon real property as sessed to O. J. Winston, who as Oliver J. Winston is the owner of record, situated in Malheur County, Oregon, described as: The West half of Northeast quart er iW 'iN E 1. ) ol Section thirty (30) township nineteen (19) South ot Range lorty-seven (47) E. W. M and that plaintiff has paid $56.78 state and county taxes to protect the liens of said Ceitificates of De linquency. said defendants and each of them hereby are notuied turther that the Nyssa-Arcadia Drainage District will apply to the Circuit Court of the County and State aforesaid for a decree and judgement foreclosing all claims and interest of the above named defendents, and each and every thereof, and also foreclosing the liens against the property above described and mentioned in said Certificates of Delinquency, and quieting the title thereto in the plaintiff against you and each and every one of you. And you and each of you hereby are summoned to ap pear within 60 days after the date of first publication of this summons, exclusive of the day of first publi cation. and defend this action, or pay the amounts due as above shown, together with all interest thereon accruing, and together with a rea sonable sum as attorney fee, and the costs and disbursements of plaintiff incurred, and in case ol your failure so to do, decree will be rendered foreclosing all of youi claim and interest in and to said property, and also foreclosing the lien of said certificates of delin quency, including taxes paid and attorney’s fee and costs incurred against the land and premises des cribed, and quieting title against vou and each of you as to said above described property. This summons is published by or der of the Hon. Robt. M. Duncan. Judge of the above entitled court, made the 23rd day of April, 1941. and supplemental order directing repub- lication of summons, dated the 26th day of April, 1941. Carl H. Coad Attorney for Plaintiff Residence and Address: Nyssa Ore Dated and 1st publ., May 1,’ 1941 Last publ.. May 29, 1941. STORAGE tfc-s,. • Check the proof (it*« that good 93 proof! . . . the «uperior flavor (paly Kentncky-di»tilled bourbon ha» It) . . . the age (4 year« of meb lowing to yoar m ic.j -O L D - S unny B rook KENTUCKY STRAIGHT BOURBON WHISKEY Thi« whiskey i« 4 YEARS OLD • 93 Proof National DUtiller« Product« Corporation, N. Y. Summer Delie acte* on T oar Table All W inter SAVE Throngh Scientific Refrigeration fo Polar Cold Storage PHONE 124 Cr Locker Plant 3 Blocks North of “ Y” I