Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 29, 1940)
THE S'YSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, THURSDAY, AUGUST 29,1940 job once scene time ago aad gave Visitor» of Mr u d U n Bernard COW HOLLOW it up The quality has Improved P ro« œ Monday evening « e n Mr By TW Happy Farmer and Mr Joca» B r o n . «cd Mr and M n Ed L*to of Weiser m t m RO G ERS—SWEANEY A very pretty weddmg s a t m i a - / j a f i m a j evening August 23 at 1 1 cici/xc at the N aaucoe churen in the presence of over a r.mdred retetltes and fnendi Rev Vern Mart..' read foe ceremony dtsnng which M .v Eather Sweaney daugh- ter of Mr and Mrs Staler Sweaney of Ricnland dlstnct and Mr Dalla* Roger too of Mr and Mrs Loren Roger’ of Palco K a n t. pledged their vow*, to each other Prtceohng the ceremony Ilia Bctner and Nadine Currey entered with candle, to igh: the tall pm* and white later» on either vide of the improvised archway and piano Gordon Crane then sari* I Love You Truly accompanied at the piano by Mrs Earl Gray who also played Mendelssohns Wedding March as the bridal party entered The bode attended by Marjory Jan e Crane, was very attractive in a floor length whit* satm gown and a net floor iength veil Dainty rose- buds decorated tne plaited coronet M l h r bouquet was made of roses and baby's breath Many vases of gladaoli phlox and garden flowers made a lovely background on the stage The bridesmaid wore a for- mal gown of blue taffeta The gown was attended by hi* brother. Floyd Rogers The candle bearers. Ila Botner. wore blue net over satin and Nadine Currey was dretsed in pink mar - quisetie The little flower girls Dotares Gray and B em ita Tucker wert also dressed in formal gowns of pink and blue voile respectively. At the close of the ceremony Mr and Mrs A L Crane played on the guitar and sang. He Leads the Way After the many congratulations and best wishes of the audience at the door the bndal par.) posed for pictures then the fdty guests re- tired Vs the lawn at the Earl Gray home where a reception was held. Mr and Mr Rogers left shortly 7 afterward for a week's honeymoon trip in Boos- They will be at home ¡n Nyssa where the groym has em- ptoyment with the Co-op filling C h arm O ar mot) Mr aad Mrs Charts* Newo... and m en children of K--r.gmao Koioty Mr aad Mrs Dale O am tori and Jo Am. of Ore Trail and Mr and Mrs Ray O arr»- or. and ’.wo children of Ja n e s a t Missing from the fam Jy were Mr and Mrs Louis G a m u t) now living .n San Francisco and Mis* Vera G ar: isoo who la employed In Pcrr- land. —f — BIRTHDAY DINNER Complimenting the birthday an- nlreiairy of Mrs. R A T h a p c a arid the visitors. Mrs Are Vaughn arid Misa Helen Golden n o tin g at th* parental J. T. Long home Mr perental J T Long home, Mr and and Mrs R Thctnpson entertained lwent> m em ber* of the family at dlr‘nCT on Sunday Present at the I * « y were four generations of the J T Long family FAREWELL PA RTIES Two farewell parties were given •“ * » « * * !n * * * * * 01 C u ru ' T rM tr ^ Thursday fee Los Ang- eie* 0 11 Sunday evening la « a -up- P " * * * «*VCT‘ to h " " Liy- ' * * ' Pwter home on Wednesday '"’ enln« a watermellon feed was * lven at tk * A. A Brauon home in Valley View -5 - WEDDING ANNOUNCED Mr and Mrs H B Williams of Newell Heights announce the m arr iage of their daughter Pearl to Glen BuUtr « ■ » Francisco on August 17th Mrs Boiler Is a former Nyssa high school student and graduated with the class of 1930. She gradu ated from the Utah State College in 1934 and for the past year has been employed in recreation work in San Francisco Mr Butler is a graduate of Oregon £ u ** * " d u employed with the We' u rr‘ Asbestos Company They wil1 m ik t * * * * * * * * * S " 1 PTari' c>eco SUNDAY SCHOOL PICNIC A au.: iorty Jive membe.s of St ; P a u l, Episcopal ScnocJ and ib ev p t m iu iuecd cd i/ve t rf!Tt* 1 -urair at the Caldwell park oc Su c- | lay «fiernoor. Bellowing a jmefa a n an J , sere enjoyed THURSDAY BRIDGE The Thursday Bridge Club was entertained at dessert and contract by Mrs Prank Hail la « Thursday afternoon M rs J J Sara r e was a guest player for the afternoon as n s Mrs Tom Eldndge High score was made by Mrs Sarann TUESDAY AFTERNOON BRIDG E Mrs C L McCoy was hostess for the Tuesday afternoon Bridge Club at dessert and contract this week Guest player for the afternoon was Mrs Kenneth Cottle High score »ere made by Mrs George J Mit chell and Mrs Bum all Browr. PINOCHLE PARTY Mr and Mrs Carlos Buchner were hosts at a pinochle party at their home on Thursday evening. PoLow ing cards a late supper was served High scores for the evening at cards were made by Mr and Mrs Omer Adkeaon and by Bert B Lu-nksem per ____ - !- B U FFE T SUPPER On Sunday evening Mr and Mrs Bernard Prost entertained at a bur- let supper and pinochle. Guests were invited for four tables cif cards and p:izes for the evening's play went to Mr and Mrs Ronald G Whitaker and to Mr ind Mrs. Her bert H Fisher —8 ~ W H ITM A N -LO REN SEN At high noon on Sunday August 28 a very simple and beautiful cer emony took place at the Commun ity Church in Parma Idaho. »Then Miss Jean Lorensen daughter of Mr and Mrs Kenneth Lorensen be came the bride of Mr Willard W hit man. son of Mr and Mrs H H Whitman of Oregon Trail Rev Hal! officiating. The bride wore a formal gown of white moire taffeta and carried a bouquet of pink and white gladiola and baby breath Mias Naomi Lcrren- sen sister of the bride and brides maid wore a gown of pink crepe and carried a mixed bouquet Mr Junior Whitman, brother of the groom was best man. After the ceremony the young couple with their guests proceeded to the Lorensen home where the wedding dinner was served Miss Lorensen was a member of the Adrian high school last year. Mr Whitman graduated from the Nyssa school with the 1938 class Both young people have a host of friends who wish them much happiness WEDNESDAY EVENING B R ID G E CLUB The Wednesday evening bridge club s s s entertained by Mr» Dee Brown this week and Mrs A C M and M n Loren Rogers and Sallee Mr George Sallee and Mrs Km. Mer> parents and brother of Ed Prost were guest players lor the •he groom also Mr and Mrs Otis evening Prizes for the evening went Rathbum. uncle and aunt of the to Mrs John Stafford and to Mrs groom all of Palco. Kar-v arrived E m -st McClure - t ______ In Nyssa this week to be preterit at MARRIED AT PAYETTE the wedding On Monday morning Miss Joe —I — Burke daughter of Mr and Mrs WEDDING ANNIVERSARY Frank Burke of Jerome and John HONORED J. Smith, son of Mrs. Dwight Smith Mr and Mrs Charlees Garrison of Nyssa were married at a quiet cer were the honor guests at a family emony at Payette. Accompanying dinner given on Sunday at their them to Payette were Joe Rebert- home by three of their children and son and Betty Burke their families living near Nyssa John left on Monday evening for t h e chief table decoration was a P-ndlton where he will enter the — N yssa F a ll F e stiv a l Se p t. C-7— three tl’ red decorated wedding cake 'J S aviation mechanics training made in honor of the occasion. flats! s there M the Nyssa Hospital The ■ present at the dinner were Mrs McDonald who has been at —8— the gussta of honor Mr. and Mrs. IO ATTEND PICNIC the hoepital for several months was Members ol the Idaho Power Co taken to the Doug McDonald home mpany's Payette division will enjoy on Tuesday. a picnic on Thursday evening at Jimmy Savage was admitted to Gala Gardens Those who plan to the hospital on August 27th by Dr attend from Nyssa are Mr and Mrs K F. Kerby for observation and Bernard Prost. Mr and Mrs Perry treatment. Ward. Mr and Mrs R A Lee Mr H P Brown was taken to the hos I and Mrs. L Dirking and Miss Bea pital on Wednesday following a i 1 Johnson. heart attack The peacn car.r.--g seasoc it oc -y - as a tag way Peaches are very paceaful this year and a mighty tine quality too Many outneis are finding them way into Ccw Houcw tc be canned Clarence Niecum left home early Saturday to get peaches but got n o n e away in the eight with another -tar - oac -. ¿ck -story Mrs Niccum spent mot: a t Sun day rarnTT-g Sae got ooe hundred and sateen quarts of can ned peaches out of the deal so she let him off easier M o« every woman in Cow Hollow has a peach story to teE this week They are eosmmng in oc trucks, in traitors and in the back seat of the old car Any way and kxs of them too while they ^ re so plentiful. And oh how they will cr.ear up our tob ies until another peach time Tuesday Jim Trammel was rustl ing up a spud crew He was going to start digging his potatoes Wed nesday morning He started the earlier this year than they did last. fine. Roy Rookstnol had the hay chop That makes ciur market outlook lots better seme with time and the market per at his piace Tuesday. The hay price looks better right now too so —Nysaa Fail Festival Sept. C-7— he hopes to reaiiae something from buyer» are moving the hay lots them after a il W-: keep hearing reports that two more of our Cow Hollow Pioneers are getting discouraged and want to move on. The canal break was a "bad break- for all of us but even at that the one that did leave the Hollow ha* wished many a time that be had of stayed with the old Home stead in Cow Hollow We still hare faith in Cow Hollow •T S WHAT HAPPENS H E R E THAT COUNTS Carl Heaton has been trying to get a clover holler to thresh his dovet Last year we couldn't get a combine into the Hollow This year we get a combine but can't get a thrasher Elza Nice am has beer, trying to get a machine too for tc thresh his barley Jonnie Hamilton is very well pleased with the harvest of his broom corn. Although be hasn't got jit thrashed and bailed yet. he has ! it headed and the pile sure looks 0 tÊ V Making Haying Time Better PAYING Time O liver O liver OFF TO SCHOOL WITH CLOTHES CLEANED BY MAIN’S • School Starts Sept. 9. Send Those - School Clothes To Us NOW — W e’ll Have Them Back in Plenty of Time Looking Like New f Toa can do it with Hay Makers I The famous r-o-M-i-n-g action of the Side Delivery Rake sends the heads oHhe hay into the center of the windrow, leaving the heavy butt ends of the stems out. That's why the butts aad stems dry faster and the heads and leaves more slowly. so that you can take up your hay It's better hay because you get all the feed value, and so it's the work. Raking adjustments are made by simply changing position of the reel and there's practically no wrapping or bunching! You'll want to come in and learn more -about this Side Delivery Rake. Remember that Oliver also makes a re liable SelfDump.HayiRake, and a new "Clip-Cut" Mower thatvpuiisa-fulAlO'to »15%-easier. The w hole windrow dries m ore even ly a n d quicldy sooner. better p a y lor DON’T DELAY — PHONE 56J O L I V E R Main's Cleaners and Dyers Atkeson Bldg. season'd 3rd. and Main sts. NYSSA IMPLEMENT CO. IPHONE 4 NYSSA MALHEUR COUNTY n Professional Cards DR. J. C. BOWMAN Veterinarian Phone 3 9 W NYSSA LIBRARY Open each week day from Smart New Motor Coaches 2 p m to 6 p m Saturday. 2 p m to 8 p m ALL PATRONS WELCOME Librarian Mrs 8 B Davis O P T O M E T R IS T M cFall a rut See B e tte r’' New bring Comfort DR J. A. McFALL EYESIGH T SPECIA LIST ONTARIO OREGON WYCKOFF JEWELRY STORE Official Time Inspector (or Union Pacific ONTARIO OREGON ROBT. D. LYTLE ATTORNEY And COUNSELOR-AT-LAW First National Bank Building Phone «6 VALE OREGON DR. C. A. ABBOTT Chiropractic Physician O ffice: 331 West Main St. Phone tS Mpartall) designed, ematoni built, lt-paaaen ger Crown super (owehe« have been placed In regular service by Boise-Wlnne- muoca Stage« When these modern coaches visited Coast cities, en route to Boise, travel authorities pro claimed them the finest tran s portation units of their site In the W est. P assenger* literally float along aa they lounge la e x tra wide res lining seata; windows »pea a t finger tip pressure: the eye Is pleased with a restful, •oftly decorated Interior; clean air Is constantly circulated and travel Is C O M P L E T E L Y i>OM- FO R T A B L E. To Boit«- N m u * Ontario Ore. siET IiZ QUEEN’S BALL FRIDAY, August 301 Ontario Gymnasium I Sat. Aug. 31 Ontario Day Sun. Sept. I - Vale Day Mon. Sept. 2 - Nyssa Day Win.iemucca Stag«« ★ Now you can travol the Diract Routa to California in u l t r a - modarn motor coach- Direct connection at Caldwell with with Ea»(bound Portland Rose Stage does not leave until train arrives Boise-Winnemucca Stages «atu COUNTY FAIR GROUNDS UMvatl Horse Racing, Rodeo, Poultry, and Livestock Exhibits Carnival, Farm, Crop Exhibits, Gate Prizes, Fair Queen Horse Pulling Contests Final Day Stock Parade G RAN DSTAN D 3 Big Dances The GAYWAY No. 1 — Saturday Night No. 2-Sunday Midnight Frolic No. 3 — Monday Night